Notes of nodes for children of senior preschool age "welcome to the land of musical sounds." Summary of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (music) using ICT "Merry Orchestra"

Integrated play activity with children 4-5 years old “Fun Journey”

Let me present you with a summary of the educational activity “Happy Journey” in middle group with elements of logorhythmics and the use didactic games. In class at game form musical and sensory abilities develop.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Happy Journey”

Target: formation of motor skills and abilities, development of musical and sensory abilities of children.


1. Developmental:

Develop auditory attention, memory, visual-spatial orientation, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm;

Develop a sense of color, the ability to name and recognize primary colors;

Develop tactile sensations.

2. Educational:

Enrich children with musical impressions, develop their sensory musical abilities: timbre, modal-pitch, dynamic, rhythmic hearing;

Strengthen children's ability to change movements in accordance with the form of a piece of music.

3. Educational:

Cultivate friendly relationships in the children's team.

Game material: a house, toys Hare and Cockerel, a cube on the sides of which various animals are depicted, a cube with images of musical instruments, musical instruments(tambourine, pipe, drum, rattle, bell, metallophone), a basin of water, nesting dolls in different sundresses (patchwork dolls worn on the hand), a plane tree, Aunt Matryoshka’s house.

GCD move:

Children enter the hall to a recording of E. Grieg’s play “Morning” (classical music for children “Music about Nature”)

Musical director:

Children, what do you say when you come to visit? (children's answer)

I also say hello everywhere - at home and on the street,

I even say “Hello” to a familiar chicken.

Let's say hello with me.

Pronounce the text while performing the movements:

Hello, golden sun - raised arms crossed, fingers spread

Hello, the sky is blue - arms raised, palms open up

Hello, free breeze, - swinging arms above

Hello, little oak - hands on the right, one higher, the other lower, palms open upward

We live in our native land - spread your arms to the sides

I greet you all! - wave your arms above your head

Musical director:

Guys, do you like to visit?

Children: Yes, we love it!

Musical director:

Today we will go to visit Aunt Matryosha!

The path will not be close, so it doesn’t matter!

We have fun with music, it’s always good!

Music will help us run, ride and walk together.

And for auntie we’ll collect a gift, we’ll take a down shawl in a bag,

So that her scarf will warm her on a winter evening!

(Takes a bag with a shawl and hangs it over his shoulder)

Well, are you ready to hit the road? Let's walk together in step,

A cheerful march will help us and a cheerful one...

Children: Drum!

Sounds like "March" wooden soldiers P.I. Tchaikovsky. The music director taps the rhythm of the music on the drum. Children walk in a circle. In the middle part of the march, they tap the rhythm with their fingers, then imitate playing the trumpet.

Musical director:

The path breaks down here, we'll ride a little.

Everyone stand behind me, turn behind each other!

I am your new locomotive, it doesn’t matter that there are no wheels!

Let's go in clomping steps, there's a carriage behind the trailer.

To the music “We are going, going, going” by M. Starokadomsky, children move with a stomping step behind the leader, imitating the movements of the wheels with their hands. For the chorus, they will perform the following movements: three claps on the right, three claps on the left, clench and unclench their fists - 4 times, show a “tail” with their hands from behind, show a “dog” stance, show “wings” - 4 times, wave their palms in front of them - 4 times, bend forward with arms out to the sides - 2 times.

Musical director:

Here is the stop - the village of Sosnovka.

What's happened? What kind of miracle? Where did the house come from here?

How many of you guys know who lives in that house?

(children express their guesses)

Well, we won’t guess, we can just go ahead and knock.

(knocks on the door, shows Bunny)

This house is on the edge of the forest, the house of the Long Bunny.

The bunny looks out the window: is anyone coming to visit?

Various little animals come to visit the bunny's hut!

Do you want to know who is in a hurry to visit the bunny?

Children: Yes!

Musical director:

I have a funny cube, it will help us find out who is in a hurry to visit the bunny.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, to the cheerful music “Oh, you canopy,” they pass the cube to each other with the words:

You run, funny cube, across your palms, through your arms.

Whoever has a funny cube will show us...

The child who has the cube throws it on the floor in the center of the circle. The teacher asks who is depicted on the top edge of the cube. The children answer. Then the children must depict the image and habits of the depicted animal.

Musical director:

The bunny was glad that so many guests came to him, and danced in the clearing. Let's play with the bunny too.

Game “Hares and the Breeze”, I. Bodrachenko, “ Music games in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old"

Musical director:

We played with the bunny, but it’s time for us to hit the road again.

Children: On horses!

Musical director:

That's right, on horses, like brave riders!

The play "Bold Rider" is played. Children gallop straight in a circle. In the middle part they stop and hit with their “hoof” on the spot.

Musical director:

We galloped to magic meadow! (turn on a recording of the murmur of a brook, put a basin of water)

And here a cheerful stream gurgles.

We'll sit down on the bank and let our legs rest.

Here clear water, look everything here!

Splashes fly to the sides, everyone is happy to splash!

Let's splash our hands in the water! (children splashing in the water)

Musical director:

What kind of water? (children name the properties of water (wet, warm, pouring, murmuring)

All we have to do is run a little along the path.

Part 1 of “Italian Polka” by S. Rachmaninoff is playing. Children perform light running on their toes.

Musical director:

And here is my aunt’s yard.

Finger game "House"

There is a house on the edge of the house - put your palms over your head.

There is a lock on the door - close your palms.

There is a table behind the doors - set it right palm left hand fist.

There is a picket fence around the house - spread your fingers in front of you.

Knock-knock-knock open the door - knock on your palms with your fists.

Come in - I'm not evil - open your arms to the sides, inviting everyone to visit. (Aunt Matryosha, a teacher in a Russian sundress, comes out)

Synopsis of NOD “Merry Orchestra”

Target: Expanding ideas about musical instruments.

Integration of areas:

Artistically – aesthetic development

1. To cultivate musical and artistic taste, to stimulate creative manifestations.

2. Develop musical memory.

3. Continue teaching children to listen to musical fragments carefully from beginning to end.

4. Teach children to hear the beauty in the sound of this or that instrument, to remember the name and sound of this instrument.

Cognitive development

Reinforce with children the concept of "orchestra", types of orchestras, groups of instruments.

Speech development

Expand your horizons and lexicon children.

Social and communicative development

Develop musical memory

Preliminary work:

    Introduction to types of orchestras

    Learning the song "Fashionista", dance "Shorty"

    Looking at illustrations of early and late autumn

    Memorizing and reading poetry


    screen, projector, laptop

    music Center

    Musical instrument illustrations


    Visual - multimedia presentation, musical instrument violin.

    Practical - listening, singing, dancing

    Verbal - conversation, use of literary words.

Logics educational activities

Children enter the hall to the music. Get up in big circle.

Musical greeting

Musical director: I am cheerful Do-mi-sol-ka, I am in a very good, joyful mood. I want you not to be bored either. I will share my mood with you. Let's pass it around.

He blows it from his palm and passes it next to him. standing child, he passes on.

Well, now we are all joyful and cheerful, we will smile at each other.

Guys, do you like to travel? I suggest you go to amazing trip- to the city of musical instruments. Want to? This city is not easy to get to. We'll go there on a cloud. Do you agree? Make yourself comfortable.

We're flying on a cloud

We look at the earth from a cloud.
We see the mountains Slide 2.

These are simply miracles!
To a magical world, to a beautiful world
IN music world let's go in
We will learn a lot there
And we'll bring it with us.

So you and I have arrived in the city of musical instruments.

Tell me please, what instruments do you know?

Children's answers

What groups are musical instruments divided into?

Children's answers

Guys, what is an orchestra?

Children's answers

That's right, that's large group musicians, controlled by a conductor.

What types of orchestras do you know?

Children's answers

Today I will tell you which tools make up the main part symphony orchestra. Slide 5.

Let's see what groups of instruments

are members of the symphony orchestra. Slide 6.

    Stringed - bowed

    Brass winds,


In the city of musical instruments there is Orchestra Square. This is where you and I are. And here the string family lives - bowed instruments. Slide 7.

We will go and visit them.

Children sit on chairs near the screen.

Stringed - bow group special
I'll tell you a secret:
Instruments won't sound right
If there is no bow nearby.

Guys, the violin is called the queen of the symphony orchestra.

Guys, would you like to meet a violin?

And here she is, the queen of the symphony orchestra.

Looking at a violin (real)

Look at her neck - neck, body - soundboard and very thin waist. A violin has 4 strings, each string has its own name.

The violin can't violin at all
The violin can sing whimsically
The violinist carefully takes the violin
Lightly, gently puts her on her shoulder
With his right hand he raises the bow
And at this moment everything seems to freeze
Sighing, he lowers the bow onto the strings:
Listen to the violin: Quiet! Silence!

Listening to the sounds of a violin (audio recording)

The violin sounds beautiful, doesn't it, guys? The small violin contains a voice of amazing purity and power. She can be happy, cry, angry. Look how much space violins take up in a symphony orchestra.

Let us imagine that we are young violinists and try to play the violins.

Children imitate playing the violin.

Well done, you did well.

You know, the violin has an older brother. Slide 10.

His name is Alt. By appearance it is very similar to a violin, but a little larger in size and its sound is velvety, rich. Let's hear how it sounds.

Listening to the sound of a viola

J. S. Bach "St. Matthew Passion" (introduction, fragment)

The violin is played by a violinist, and the viola is played by a violist.

In a symphony orchestra, violas occupy this part. Slide 11.

I wonder who else is in the family of stringed instruments?

She's bigger than a violin and a viola
Very similar to them
Mrs. Cello
It is also played with a bow.

The cello can be called the mother of the violin and viola.

It is larger in size and is played while sitting. Slide 13.

She has a special stick on which the instrument rests while playing. Her voice is lower, softer. They say about the cello that it cries. Let's hear how it sounds.

Listening to the sound of a cello.

C. Saint-Saens "Swan"

A musician - cellist - plays the cello.

And in a symphony orchestra they are to the right of the conductor. Slide 14.

And here is this dad musical family big beautiful double bass.

Look how huge it is. The sound of the double bass is very low; a double bass player plays it while standing.

Now we will listen to you musical composition, and you think and tell me who the composer portrayed.

Listening to the sound of the double bass

C. Saint-Saens "Elephant"

In a symphony orchestra, the double bass occupies the rearmost position of the string instruments. Slide 16.

So we got acquainted with the family of stringed instruments.

What musical instruments live in this family?

Children's answers

Everyone has a sonorous name

Try to remember or read!

Violin - daughter, Slide 17.

her brother is viola. Slide 18.

Mom is a cello. Slide 19.

And the biggest one is the double bass, buzzing like a gentle bumblebee. Slide 20.

Well done guys, you coped with everything.

And you know, in the city of musical instruments there is a park. It's called "Seasons". And now I suggest you go there. Want to? Then let's go.

Physical education minute

We'll go right first, 1 - 2 - 3
And then let's go left, 1 - 2 - 3
And then we'll all get together 1 - 2 - 3
And then we’ll all go our separate ways 1 - 2 - 3
And then we will all sit down 1 - 2 - 3
And then we will stand together 1 - 2 - 3

Here we are in the park. Sit down on the benches. This park is magical and musical. Look, here are the bird notes.

let's fly, let's take a look with our eyes,

where did they go

Gymnastics for the eyes "BIRD"

The bird flew up,
The bird flew down,
The bird flew to the right,
The bird flew to the left,
And she sat on the palm!
The bird flew up,
The bird flew down,
The bird flew to the right,
The bird flew to the left,
And she flew away!

What time of year is it in the park now?

Children's answers

That's right, autumn. There are two autumns. One is joyful, lushly decorated, rich in harvest and very, very beautiful. What kind of autumn is this? That's right, gold. Let's sing the song "Fashionista" about her

Song "Fashionista" Sl. and music O.P. Grigorieva "Bell" No. 43 p. 7

This is golden autumn. Slide 22.

Came to us again
Such a beauty
Why can't you take your eyes off
Looks like it's from a magazine
Where do fashionistas stand?
I chose with taste
Your autumn outfit

Fashionista, fashionista is in a hurry to hurry to us

Here in a red sundress.

Stands with rowan trees. Slide 24.

But in a red scarf,
Sits with mushrooms. Slide 25.

Among the wheat fields, Slide 26.

Dressed in gold
And in a cute hat
Walking in the rain.

The fashionista, the fashionista is in a hurry to hurry to us,
We are happy to look at her outfits

Well done boys. The second autumn is invisible, sad with the quiet cry of light rain and morning frosts. It's called: late fall. Now we will hear what a symphony orchestra sounds like. We will listen to "Autumn Song" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Tell me, what is the difference between golden and late autumn?

Children's answers

What is the name of the piece of music that we listened to?

I think you're sad? Probably remembered the sunny summer days, Yes? Don't be sad, look, this park even has a dance floor.

Let's go and dance.

Dance "Shorties"

Development of movements by A.V. Glotova

Well done! You have again good mood. Slide 29.

Our journey is coming to an end. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Here comes the cloud, let's say goodbye to the city of musical instruments and hit the road. Make yourself comfortable. Slide 30.

What family of instruments have we met?

What orchestra does it consist of? string instruments?

Which instrument of this family is the largest?

So we arrived at the kindergarten. Slide 30.

Children stand in a circle. Did you enjoy the trip?

Who was interested in visiting the city of musical instruments, take treble clef, and if you didn’t like something or weren’t interested, take a break.

Thank you, it was a pleasure to travel with you.

Musical farewell. Slide 31.

Children leave the hall to the music.


musical direct educational activities using electronic educational resources

"On a visit to music"


Introduce children to musical pieces from “Children's Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky



Introduce children to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Enrich children's musical experiences

Reinforce the concept of genre. Be able to identify genres by ear: march, polka, waltz

To consolidate knowledge about the instruments of a symphony orchestra.


Develop emotional, figurative and associative perception of music

Develop musical and Creative skills children

Develop sensory perception of music: distinguish the sound of musical instruments

Strengthen musical and rhythmic skills and skills in playing children's musical instruments.


Instill love for classical music

Foster a culture of listening to music

Develop musical taste.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, laptop, stereo, electronic material in the form of a presentation “Visiting Music”, audio material.

Attributes: soldiers' shakos, horses, scarves, tambourines, maracas, bells, metallophone, triangle, wooden sticks.

Progress of direct educational activities

To the music of “March” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, children enter the hall.

(Slide 1)

Music director: Hello guys! Do you all know that an artist paints pictures, a writer writes books, and who composes music? Children's answers.

Right! And today we will get acquainted with the work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(Slide 2)

P.I. Tchaikovsky lived a very long time ago - more than 100 years ago. He wrote so many musical works that even today he is remembered and appreciated throughout the world.

P.I. Tchaikovsky composed many operas, ballets, symphonies, and he also wrote a lot of music for children.

From his childhood memories he creates “ Children's album», ( slide 3)

in which he depicted with the help of sounds everything he loved to do as a child.

Where can you listen to music? Children's answers.

Today we will go to the concert hall to listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Look at what concert halls there are. (Slide 4)

This is what they look like from the outside. This is the building of our Krasnodar Philharmonic.

And this is how it is inside. (Slide 5)

Now let's go into the concert hall and take our seats.

To the music of “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, children sit on chairs.

Who are we now? concert hall? Children's answers.

Listeners! And in the old days they said - the most respectable public! What does it mean?

Sit so that they can say about you “Most respectable audience!”

I will be the entertainer and storyteller at this concert. And so - let's begin! (Slide 3)

"Bom, bom, bom -

The album opens.

Not simple, but musical,

Now cheerful, now sad,

Written for the guys

Many, many years ago."

Sounds like "Sweet Dream"(slide 6)

Tell me, what was the music? Calm, bright, gentle, quiet.

What is a dream? Dreams, memories.

How nice it is to dream about something while looking out the window on a cold winter day.

P.I. Tchaikovsky, when he was little, loved listening to the stories of his beloved grandmother, dreaming and, of course, loved his toys and playing with them.

Look, there are so many of them! (Slide 7)

I think you will be able to recognize the toy depicted in the music yourself.

Sounds like "Horse Game"

What is this music about? Children's answers.

What does it sound like? Fast, swift, abrupt, loud.

What is the music like?

What toy is depicted in the music? Children's answers. (Slide 8)

The play is called "The Game of Horses."

Now let’s listen to the next piece from the “Children’s Album” and find out what other toy P.I. Tchaikovsky depicted in music.

Sounds like "March of the Wooden Soldiers" (slide 7)

Learned? Who was featured in the music? Children's answers.

What was the music like? Loud, rhythmic, clear, cheerful.

Guess the genre. (Slide 9)

Right! This is a march. (Slide 10)

P.I. Tchaikovsky called this play “March of the Wooden Soldiers”

"We are wooden soldiers,

We march left and right.

We are the guardians of the fairy gates,

We protect them all year round.

We march clearly, bravo,

We are not afraid of obstacles,

We protect the town where music lives!”

Now I propose to play. Some boys will march like soldiers (put on shakos) and the other part of the boys - ride horses (are heard horses). Whose music starts to sound is the one who completes the task.

Game "Soldiers and Riders"

sit down.

We continue to listen to pieces from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album”

Sounds like "Waltz"

What music? Light, light, beautiful . (Slide 9)

What genre is it? Children's answers.

That's right - a dance genre.

Which one then dance genre? The children answer. (Slide 11)

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky we can not only dream, march and play with toys, but also dance. Girls, grab your scarves and let's dance a waltz.

"Waltz" sounds, girls dance with scarves

sit down.

Music supervisor:“Bom, bom, bom - we are leafing through our album!”

I invite you to listen to another piece from the “Children's Album”.

Sounds like "Polka"(Slide 12)

What is the nature of the music? Light, cheerful.

What dance genre? Children's answers.

That's right - polka .

What musical instruments did you hear? (Slide 13)

- That's right - violin. (Slide 14)

Which group of symphony orchestra instruments does it belong to? Answers.

(Slide 15)

What other musical instruments belong to this group? Children's answers.

What other groups of symphony orchestra instruments do you know? (Slide 16)

Now we will listen to the same polka, only performed by an orchestra percussion instruments.

Sounds like “Polka” from “Children’s Album” in Spanish. ensemble "Vivat"

Has the music changed?

The character of the music remains the same cheerful, light, but the image has changed.

What percussion instruments did you hear? (Slide 17)

And now I suggest you play in the orchestra. Let's take musical instruments and play "Polka" by P.I. Tchaikovsky

Playing in the Polka Orchestra

Dear friends, our meeting with music is coming to an end. The curtain in the concert hall comes down (slide 18), Thank you for your attention, dear audience!

Guys, today we visited the concert hall and got acquainted with the work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, the history of the creation of the collection “Children's Album” and some plays from this album. I hope that you enjoyed listening to music, dancing, and playing in the orchestra. I really enjoyed being a participant in this concert, and you? Children's answers.

To the music of "Waltz" from P.I. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker" children come out of hall

List of used literature and musical material:

    I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva “Ladushki”: Program for musical education preschool children. – SPb./2010

    I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva “Holiday every day” 3CD senior group

    N. A. Metlov “Music for children”: A manual for educators and musicians. Head of Det. garden / Comp. S. I. Chesheva, A. P. Nikolaicheva. – M.: Education, 1985.

    T. N. Devyatova “Sound is a magician” / Materials educational program on musical education of children of senior preschool age.-M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2006.

    Thematic days and weeks at the preschool educational institution. Music. /Author-comp. N. B. Ulashenko – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”

GCD Music

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow"

middle group

musical director Olga Vladimirovna Zholnerchuk

Topic: “Musical Guessing Lawn”

Purpose: to teach to demonstrate the musical and creative abilities of children through musical and didactic games.


  • learn to listen and name musical works by ear; consolidate the ability to perform previously learned songs; intensify musical dictionary children (names of musical instruments - maracas, bells, tambourine, spoons, drum, triangle, names of musical works and songs).
  • develop the ability to perform songs and move to music, develop auditory memory, observation, and sense of rhythm.
  • to cultivate children’s listening and performing culture and to communicate their mood.

Material and equipment:toy hare, piano, music center, projector,CD with music, musical instruments: maracas, triangle, drum, bells, tambourine, spoons, screen, prop house, flowers for decoration, flags

Preliminary work:

  • listening to musical works: “March of the Wooden Soldiers” by E. Yutskevich, “Lullaby” by W. Mozart, “Polechka” by D. Kabalevsky, “Hedgehog” by D. Kabalevsky, and looking at illustrations for these works;
  • learning songs " New house» music by R. Boyko, “Spring Polka” music by E. Telicheyeva, “Three Tits” Russian folk song, “Bunny” music by M. Starokadomsky;
  • acquaintance with musical instruments: maracas, spoons, bells, tambourine, drum, triangle;
  • learning dance movements: “spring”, “putting your foot on the heel”, “flashlights”, “claps”, “circling around yourself” and the dance “Like this” Belarusian folk melody.


Children under cheerful music pass in music hall, to the musical lawn where the bunny lives. The bunny meets the children. Children greet the bunny “Hello, bunny!” in a cheerful voice.

Look how wonderful the bunny’s lawn is, it’s not simple, but musical. It seems to me that the bunny has prepared surprises for us... Oh, look, children, what bright beautiful flags the bunny has prepared for us.

Flags can also greet you (I tap the rhythm with flag sticks " Good morning» ), and now you answer the flags with your palms (children try, if the rhythm does not work out clearly, I prompt the greeting: “Good morning!”, pronounce it and clap).


Guys, why did the bunny prepare flags for us?(Children's answers)


Go to the chairs, take two flags and return to the circle. Now let’s try to say hello with flags (tapping the rhythm with sticks from the flags).


Exercise with checkboxes.Music by V. Kozyreva.

1st part - children walk around the hall, 2nd part - stop and wave flags above their heads. With the music repeating: 1st part - marching, 2nd part - knocking with a stick on a stick.

The flags are put back in place and they pass and sit on the chairs.

The bunny on his musical lawn has prepared tasks and games for us - Guessing games, do you want to play? Then be careful the first game.



A slide with pictures is projected on the screen: marching soldiers, children dancing a polka, a hedgehog in the grass, a mother rocking a child.

We need to guess the music, if we correctly guess all the melodies, then the pictures will disappear and we will complete the bunny’s task (the piece of music sounds and the children name it)

  • "March";
  • Lullaby;
  • "Hedgehog" - a musical play;
  • "Polka".

As you guess, the pictures disappear from the screen.


Musical and didactic game"GUESS THE SONG"

The melodies of familiar songs are played:

  • "Three tits"
  • "Spring Polka"
  • "New house",
  • "Bunny."

As they guess, children perform a verse with a chorus.

4. Musical and didactic game"GUESS THE TOOL"

Hidden behind the screen are musical instruments: a tambourine, maracas, bells, a triangle, spoons, a drum. The instruments are played behind a screen one by one, and the children guess by the sound which instrument was played.

Do you think the Bunny liked how you completed his task, but he still wants to see what dance moves you and I know. Shall we show?


Panteleeva Elena Anatolevna,

music director

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2"

KHMAO-Yugra, Yugorsk


To form children's knowledge about the types of sounds, musical literacy. Develop musical abilities through singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments. Cultivate a love of music.

Progress of the lesson.

Musical director:

Guys, today we will start our lesson with fun exercises.

We guys are friendly, together

We run in place.

If there is no peace in the heart,

They stomped their feet loudly!

And another!

And now my good ones

Clap your hands loudly!

And sit down!

Musical director:

Guys, what were we doing now?

Children. They stomped, clapped, made noise.

Musical director:

How can you call such sounds?

Children. Noises.

Musical director:

Let's be silent for a moment and listen to the sounds around us. Do you think this world is silent or not? (answer). The world around us is sounding. There are many sounds around us.

Tell me, what sounds can you hear on the street? What kind of houses? (answer)

That's right, it's all noise. Let's play. I will make riddles for noises, and you will guess.

Game “Guess the Noises” (there are noises behind the screen)

Noises are non-musical sounds, including the voices of nature, what are you hearing now?

What are you hearing now? ( plays the metallophone). These are also sounds, but what kind? Noise?

(answer) Sounds performed on musical instruments are called musical. Human singing also belongs to musical sounds. Let's repeat: what sounds are there?

Musical director: Now let’s do a little quiz.

Let's divide into two teams and take cards, I will name the sounds, and you will classify them as musical or non-musical.

(a boy singing, doors creaking, the sound of a women's choir, the sound of the sea, the sound of a ball, playing the violin, the sound of an orchestra, the noise of a car, playing the piano)

And by what sounds can you recognize a person without even seeing him?

Musical director: Guys, I invite you to take a trip to the Land of Musical Sounds, but first you need to answer the questions.

Who is the composer?

Who is a musician?

For whom does the musician perform his works? (for listeners)

I see you are ready to travel. Well done!

And an unusual ship will take us to the land of musical sounds.

Logorhythmic composition “On an Airship” (author of poems and movements E.E. Sokolov)

So we flew to the land of musical sounds, to the town of “Ding-Ding”. What are the names of the inhabitants of this town? Guess the riddle.

Fun hooks

They sit on the rulers

They sit on the rulers

Are they telling you to sing songs? (notes)

I have a magic key, without which you cannot open the door to the house where the notes live. What is the name of this key? ( treble clef or G clef)

Now it's time to get acquainted with our notes.

Children talk about notes, and place them on stave

Note "C"

"Do" runs home along the path,

"Do" reached the gate

It goes up the stairs.

Note "D"

The note hid in a hole,

Under the first line

Note "mi"

The first one on the line is “mi”!

Musicians know this!

Now you understand:

I don’t have any other sheet music with me!

Note "F"

“Fa” - an owl screams in the forest!

Note "salt"

On the second line is me,

The note "salt" is my name.

Note "A"

“La” - the whole earth sang!

Note "B"

Note "B"! I am the thinnest of all

So I climbed up.

I live above "mi" and "sol"

The third line is my address!

On five lines

Fun and friendly

The notes are all alive.

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si - that's what they are called!

Children sing scales

Now all the notes are assembled,

So, we will be able to sing soon!

Along the ladder - wonderful.

It's so easy to walk up and down

Notes need to be studied

To sing us a song!

Song "Let's start a round dance" (Sat. " Winter fantasy"I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva)

Musical director:

Guys, Notes are very playful, they love to run, jump, dance and know how to make friends.

Show how cheerful and friendly you are.

Game "Search" (Sat. “Holiday every day” by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltsev)

Now the notes invite you to a music shop where musical instruments are sold. This store is extraordinary; to make a purchase you need to tap the rhythm correctly.

Game "Musical Lotto"
Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"
children voice a fairy tale by T.E. Tyutyunnikova

Musical director.

So you and I have visited the country where notes live. The notes love theirs very much hometown, in which they live, and in what city do you live? (answer). Do you love your city?

Let's sing a song about the Motherland, oh native land, where were you born.

Song “What we call Motherland” (magazine "Bell" No. 25 2002)

Musical director: Guys, our journey has come to an end, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. I want to wish you, love music, be friends with it. Let music be your friend. Good luck with music! Let a little bell ring in your soul, the sound of which gives you warmth and joy to those around you!

The children leave the hall to the music.

Used Books.

ON THE. Moreva " Music classes and entertainment in preschool"

Magazine “Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka” No. 3 2002.

Magazine "Musical Palette" No. 4 2005

Magazine "Bell" No. 25 2002

“Certificate of Publication” Series A No. 0000899, date of dispatch February 21, 2013, receipt No. 62502658075633

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
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