Yakovlev right to life. Educational and methodological material on reading (grade 4) on the topic: Lesson - socialization on literary reading “Right to life” Yu. Yakovlev


  • textbook: L.A. Efrosinina, M.I. Omorokova “Literary reading” 4th grade, part 2 “Ventana-Count” 2005;
  • cards with the names of essay authors and titles;
  • cards with a picture of a child;
  • poster with a picture of a child;
  • exhibition of regulatory documents;
  • lists of literary reading lesson objectives;
  • assignments for group work;
  • portrait of Yu.Ya.Yakovlev.

I. Mobilizing stage.

Guys, imagine that you have a wonderful crystal ball in your hands. From the light falling from the windows, it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow (students “turn” the imaginary crystal ball in their hands).

Let your knowledge and skills also brightly illuminate your work in the classroom!

Are there anyone who wants to take the “Protective Sheet” today? (for guys who, for good reasons, cannot actively work)

II. Updating previously acquired knowledge.

1. Speech warm-up.

Text on the board:

Well done if you're reading.

a lot of different books!

Read this phrase: as you exhale; while inhaling (choral reading).

Compose the intended score, i.e. indicate pauses, main words, lowering or raising the voice (1 student works at the board with an explanation).

A buzzing choral reading from a composed score.

Demonstrative reading from the score (2-3 students listen).

Let's evaluate the guys' reading.

2. Determining the topic of the lesson.

If you guess what the numbers under the words in this text mean, you will be able to determine the topic of the lesson (by correlating the numbers and the serial numbers of the letters in the words, the word “essay” is obtained).

Yes, today we will work on an essay by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev (a portrait of the author and the word “essay” opens).

3. - Guys, what is an “essay”? (statements from 1-2 students are heard)

Let's check! Where was the trap? (V. Kataev "Son of the Regiment")

Why? (this is a story)

Let's check the guys at the board! (students’ work at the board is checked and evaluated)

III. Working on new material.

1. - Choose a word so that it can complete all three of these sentences!

On the desk:

Everyone has _______.

I have _________________!

Do you know your ____________?

That's right, that word is "rights."

Today we will get acquainted with Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” and expand the concept of “right” for ourselves.

2. Definition of lesson objectives.

Look at p. 128 of the textbook and think about what goals will be achieved in the lesson? Use goal-setting sheets (list of possible goals for a literary reading lesson:

Listen to the "music of words"

Explore the world through books

Develop your speech

Create something new;

3-4 students are listened to).

3.- Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev is a Russian writer, beloved by more than one generation of children and youth. "There are houses in the world to which people come without an invitation. They come, as they say, for a glimpse, when they are sad and lonely. The work of a writer is such a home. My home is my books, and my heroes are the people for whom the reader crosses the threshold of my Houses". That's what Yuri Yakovlev said.

4. - I suggest you listen to Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” (reading of the text by the teacher).

Checking primary perception:

Did you like the essay?

Who is this essay about? (after the students answer “About children!” a poster with a picture of a child is hung)

Try to name the topic of the essay (3-4 answer options are heard, the correct answer is: children's rights).

Determine the text type? (reasoning)

5. - Read the essay yourself, and then I suggest you complete the tasks in groups (each group is given its own card:

  • 1 group: Find in the text the name of the official document on the rights of the child. Prove that this text is an essay.
  • Group 2: What rights of the child does the author name in the text?
  • Group 3: Find historical facts that are currently a violation of children's rights.
  • Group 4: Choose the words the author uses to call the child).

Let's check the work in groups! (representatives of each group defend their answer; after the answer of representatives of group 1, the words “Convention on the Rights of the Child” are hung near the poster with the image of a boy in the form of a framing ring).

6.- Now focus your gaze on the reading field and answer the questions (frontal conversation):

What does it mean - “a person is happy”?

Try to give examples of when a person needs protection?

Why is it easier for an adult to stand up for himself than for a child?

Find the difference between the words “child” and “foolish baby”?

Explain the expression: "centered in the mother."

Can you name the idea for this essay? (3-4 students are listened to)

That's right, every child has the right to life!

7.- Find the significant word in paragraph 1 (rights)

Find the meaningful word in paragraph 2 (defense)

Read the text again to yourself, and after reading, please put any sign you want between these two words and justify your choice (on the board the words “rights” and “protection” are written with a gap).

What sign will you put between these words? (sign "=")

I agree with you, this is an equal sign!

Physical education minute

Let `s have some rest.

Imagine that you are puppets, i.e. dolls on strings. Follow my commands! Hands up, bend over, crouch down. Again.

I don’t want you to be such dolls in life - puppets and you can be manipulated.

8. - What is the main document that protects you, children? ("Convention on the Rights of the Child"; brochure on display)

Let's look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary:

A convention is an international agreement on any issue.

And these documents also protect you: “Declaration of Human Rights”, “Family Code”, “Constitution of the Russian Federation” (brochures are on display).

The Convention is a complex document, let's look at why it has such power.

The Convention is based on 4 essential principles.

Look at this photo (photo of children of different nationalities; with different skin colors). Do you think these children have the same need for protection? (1-2 answers are heard)

Of course it's the same. This is the first principle of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: “States parties to the Convention respect and ensure all rights of every child, regardless of race, color, language, religion or nationality.”

The second principle of the Convention is: “The best provision for the child”.

“States Parties undertake to provide the child with such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being.”

Third principle: “Right to life, survival and development.”

The fourth principle of the Convention is: “Respect for the views of children.”

“The child has the right to freely express his views on all matters affecting him.”

9. - Here you are - children (attention is drawn to the poster with the image of a child).

I use arrows to depict problems that can harm you.

What is the Convention for you? (2-3 answers from students are listened to; the correct answer is emphasized - “Defense!”)

How do you propose to portray it?

(circle around the child)

This symbol of protecting children's rights helped us compile Yu. Yakovlev's essay and the Convention document itself.

10.- And at school your rights are protected by a social teacher.

(watching a video message from a school social educator to students, containing an introduction, a list of functional responsibilities and an indication of location).

IV. Result:

1.- You have cardboard men. They do not have their own opinions, feelings, they do not know what they want to be (all students have cards with a picture of a child).

Let's bring them to life! Do you think that if all people followed the Convention, these documents, the world would be calmer?

What qualities must a person have in order to comply with all laws? (answers from 3-4 students are listened to)

Select the qualities you think you need and mark them with a plus (the card lists: kindness, hard work, honesty, justice, tolerance, courage, perseverance, resourcefulness, diligence, curiosity).

Who's going to the podium? (those who wish to submit their answer with an explanation at the board)

These qualities determine such an important personality quality as philanthropy! (a card with the word “philanthropy” is hung under the symbol of child protection)

Right; - clarity; - expressiveness; - conveying meaning; - conveying feelings; - response logic; - creation).

3.- Why did Yu. Yakovlev share this essay with us? (several answer options are heard)

Now let's stand in a circle! I want to tell you a wonderful poem!

Only you were born,
Your first right:
get it to be proud of
personal name.

It's very difficult on your own
live alone in the world!
The right to live with mom and dad
Always use it guys.

There is also such a right -
remember, think and create
and others your thoughts
donate if you want.

If you have a fever, your whole body aches
And there’s no time for playing at all,
Then call a doctor for help
also the right of children.

To make friends with science,
With a book in a small hand
Use your right to study
In your native language.

When I grew up, I took books
And I went to first grade.
All the kids go to school -
We have this right.

Whether you are weak or strong
White, black - it doesn't matter.
You were born to be happy
This right is given to everyone!

That's all.

It happened.

Sooner or later this had to happen, but Yakovlev did not think it would happen so early.

However, is it too early? Six years ago, Stalin announced to him that he, Alexander Yakovlev, was appointed Deputy People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry, and his heart then sang with joy that by the age of 33 he had achieved such a rise. He, a young, one might say, aspiring aircraft designer, found himself involved in a circle of people close to Comrade Stalin!

...The car shook on the potholes of the Moscow pavements that had not yet been put in order after the war, but Alexander Sergeevich did not feel these tremors. The blow of fate was so strong, its consequences could be unpredictable, and anxiety was increasingly pressing in my chest.

Finally, the car stopped near the People's Commissar's house, Yakovlev released the driver with a silent nod and began to slowly climb up to his third floor.

Was it really only six years ago that Stalin shook his hand, bidding him farewell to long and fruitful work? However, it seemed to him that it would last for a long time. Near Stalin, Yakovlev knew this well, people did not stay long, but he believed in himself, in his star and believed (devoutly believed!) that the leader would appreciate his boundless love and his talent as a designer and leader.

The wife opened the door and gasped:

- Sasha, what’s wrong with you? You have no face!

Alexander Sergeevich silently dismissed his wife and went to his office.

On the desk stood a strictly framed card that he, Yakovlev, loved so much. This photograph was taken before the war at the Tushino airfield. Then Stalin mingled with the crowd of athletes and, before the photographer pressed the shutter, he saw Yakovlev and waved his hand invitingly. Yakovlev immediately found himself next to the leader, and he put his hand on his shoulder, thereby distinguishing him from hundreds of other participants in the air parade. Alexander Sergeevich felt this hand on his shoulder all these years. And today he did not feel her weight on his shoulder.

The wife, breaking the routine for years, entered her husband’s office and, wrapped in a warm robe (four o’clock in the morning!), asked:

- So what happened, Sasha? Don't hide, tell me.

And Yakovlev, also breaking the order of never talking about what happened in the Kremlin, said:

– Stalin accepted my resignation.

Ekaterina Matveevna groaned quietly:

- What will happen now? How did this happen?

Yakovlev waved his hand in annoyance, making it clear that he had already said a lot and he needed to be left alone.

He sat in a darkened office and looked at the “trump” phone - the one that only called from the Kremlin. Will he call now? And there was a case when Joseph Vissarionovich even called him on a landline phone. Then, during the conversation, the leader asked him some questions, which he, Yakovlev, refused to answer. Stalin was surprised then and asked why the author of the plane hesitated with the answers. I had to say that the data Comrade Stalin was asking about was secret, and he had no right to talk about it over an open telephone line. It was then, or rather, the next day, that the Kremlin “turntable” was installed for him.

Where did he go wrong?

Maybe it all started with the arrest of Minister Alexei Ivanovich Shakhurin? Absurd, unexpected, literally stunning everyone. Moreover, his arrest occurred almost immediately after the victory (1946!), to which the aircraft industry made a very worthy contribution. And Shakhurin, by all accounts, a protégé of the Boss (as the leader was respectfully called in the Kremlin corridors), led the People's Commissariat throughout the war - from the forties.

Yakovlev believed that he knew Alexei Ivanovich well. After all, he and Shakhurin were appointed by one order to lead the People's Commissariat - Shakhurin as People's Commissar, and he, Yakovlev, as Deputy People's Commissar. January 11, 1940. Six years side by side - under Stalin’s watchful eye. The entire war. And then, like thunder...

However, Yakovlev could not say to himself that the thunder that thundered over his boss’s head was completely unexpected. Over the course of six years of work in the highest levels of power, he became an experienced apparatchik, a “courtier,” as he himself said, and by some smallest signs, by the way the Boss greeted his entourage, how often he invited (or, conversely, did not invite) someone to dinner at his dacha, as someone’s name often flashed in award decrees, he learned to guess the change in the leader’s attitude towards his subordinates.

But why was only one people’s commissar, or rather minister, “taken” from the aviation industry in a new way? Why didn’t the “domino principle” work when deputies, executives, and plant directors followed the boss? This was surprising: after all, no one else in the People’s Commissariat fell under the punishing sword of the Organs? And since Shakhurin was accused of supplying supposedly low-quality aircraft to the front, it was logical to assume that his first deputy, Pyotr Vasilyevich Dementyev, who was precisely responsible for mass production, would follow him. But he, to the surprise of many, sat. True, he fell out of favor, but survived. Bye. And, at least, he could not count on becoming a minister. I wish I could survive, not end up in the Lubyanka basements, and not think about the ministerial chair. Little was hiding (that’s what Stalin called Dementyev).

And Yakovlev? Has he thought about career growth? Who can say that now? In his book “The Purpose of Life,” Alexander Sergeevich claims that no. Moreover, Yakovlev writes that when discussing the candidacy of a new minister with Stalin, he himself proposed to Comrade Stalin the candidacy of a “third-party” person - Mikhail Vasilyevich Khrunichev, who once worked as Deputy People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry and was responsible for supplying the industry.

We have no reason not to believe Yakovlev, although, knowing his determination, ambition and managerial talents, we can fully assume that in his soul he could cherish the dream of reaching the brightest peaks in his career. Although, how to calculate: what is higher in the Soviet table of ranks - to be a successful creator of aircraft or a high-ranking official, which, in essence, is a minister? The answer seems to be on the surface - an aircraft designer works for eternity, and ministers come and go. But, we emphasize, we cannot discount our hero’s ambition and fanatical devotion to Comrade Stalin. Today it is difficult for us to imagine how powerful an influence this extraordinary politician, a man of indomitable will, who also possessed unlimited power, had on his subordinates. His colleagues considered working on the same team with this man, attending his after-hours feasts at his dacha in Volynskoe, and carrying out his instructions as the highest honor, and Yakovlev was no exception.

All these years, working next to Stalin, he felt his support, and it inspired him. The fact that he is still in the leader’s field of vision was indicated by the fact that quite recently, on January 15, 1945, he was appointed first deputy people’s commissar of the aviation industry. This obliged me a lot and said a lot: the prospects were exciting.

The arrest of Minister Shakhurin accelerated events, and it was then that Yakovlev made the very move whose consequences he was thinking about while looking at the “trump” phone. He wrote a letter to Stalin.

Alexander Sergeevich thought for a long time about its content. In it, he wrote that combining the creative work of an aircraft designer with the administrative position of deputy minister is extremely difficult and he would like to focus on one thing, meaning the management of the design bureau he created, thus leaving it up to the leader to decide what to focus on. .

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev (real name Khovkin) (buried at the Danilovsky cemetery) - Soviet writer and screenwriter, author of books for teenagers and youth, father of the famous Israeli writer Ezra Khovkin.


Called up for military service in November 1940. Journalist. Participated in the defense of Moscow, wounded. Lost my mother in besieged Leningrad.

Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. M. Gorky (1952). Journalist. Yakovlev is the writer’s pseudonym, taken from his patronymic; his real name is Khovkin.

“I collaborated with newspapers and magazines and traveled around the country. He was at the construction of the Volga-Don Canal and the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station, on the collective farms of the Vinnitsa region and with the oil workers of Baku, participated in the exercises of the Carpathian Military District and walked on a torpedo boat along the path of Caesar Kunikov’s daring landing; I worked the night shift in the workshops of Uralmash and walked along the Danube with fishermen, returned to the ruins of the Brest Fortress and studied the life of teachers in the Ryazan region, met the Slava flotilla at sea and visited the border posts of Belarus” (from his autobiography).

Yuri Yakovlev - author of “Mystery. Passion for four girls" (Tanya Savicheva, Anne Frank, Samantha Smith, Sasaki Sadako - characters of the official Soviet cult of the "struggle for peace"), published in the last lifetime collection "Selected" (1992).

Lesson - socialization
textbook: L.A. Efrosinina, M.I. Omorokova “Literary reading” grade 4, part 2 “Ventana-Count”
Cards with the names of the authors of essays and their titles

1. Speech warm-up
Text on the board:
Well done if you're reading.
2 0 1
a lot of different books!
3 0 1 1
-Read this phrase: as you exhale; while inhaling (choral reading).

2.-If you guess what the numbers under the words in this text mean, you will be able to determine the topic of the Knowledge lesson (by correlating the numbers and the serial numbers of the letters in the words, the word “essay” is obtained).

Yes, today we will work on an essay by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev (a portrait of the author and the word “essay” opens).

3. -Guys, what is an “essay”? (statements from 1-2 students are heard)
Very good

Promoting the topic.

1. -Choose a word so that it can complete all three of these sentences!
On the desk:
Everyone has _______.
I have _________________!
Do you know your ___________?
-That's right, this word is “rights”.
-Today we will get acquainted with Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” and expand the concept of “right” for ourselves.

3.-Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev is a Russian writer, beloved by more than one generation of children and youth. “There are houses in the world where people come without an invitation. They come, as they say, for the light, when they are sad and lonely. A writer’s work is such a home. My home is my books, and my heroes are the people for whom the reader crosses the threshold of my house.” That's what Yuri Yakovlev said.

4. -I suggest you listen to Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” (reading by the teacher).

Did you like the essay?

Who is this essay about? (after the students answer “About children!” a poster with a picture of a child is hung)

Try to name the topic of the essay (3-4 student options are listened to, the correct answer is: children's rights).

What document protects you?

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" in the form of a framing ring).

6.(-Now focus your gaze on the field
reading i)
answer the questions (frontal conversation):

What does “a person is happy” mean?

Try to give examples of when a person needs protection?

Why is it easier for an adult to stand up for himself than for a child?

Find the difference between the words “child” and “foolish baby”?

Explain the expression: “centered in the mother.”

Can you name the idea for this essay? (3-4 students are listened to)

That's right, every child has the right to life!

7.-Find the meaningful word in paragraph 1 (rights)
-Find a meaningful word in paragraph 2 (defense)
-Read the text again to yourself, and after reading, please put any sign you want between these two words and justify your choice (on the board the words “rights” and “protection” are written with a gap).

What sign do you propose to put between these words?

I agree with you, this is an equal sign!

Physical education minute.
-Stand up please. Let `s have some rest.
Imagine that you are puppets, i.e. dolls on strings. Follow my commands! Hands up, bend over, crouch down. Again.
- I don’t want you to be such dolls in life - puppets and you could be manipulated.

6. -What is the main document that protects you, children? (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”; brochure on display)

In the explanatory dictionary I found the meaning of this word

A convention is an international agreement on any issue.

And these documents also protect you: “Declaration of Human Rights”, “Family Code”, “Constitution of the Russian Federation” (brochures are on display).
-The Convention is a complex document, let’s figure out why it has such power.
The Convention is based on 4 essential principles.

Look at this photo (photo of children of different nationalities; with different skin colors). Do you think these children have the same need for protection? (1-2 answers are heard)
- Of course, the same. This is the first principle of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: “States parties to the Convention respect and ensure all rights of every child, regardless of race, color, language, religion, nationality.”

The second principle of the Convention is: “The best provision for the child.”
“States Parties undertake to provide the child with such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being.”

Third principle: “Right to life, survival and development.”
-The fourth principle of the Convention: “Respect for the views of children.”
“The child has the right to freely express his views on all matters affecting him.”

7. - Here you are - children (attention is drawn to the poster with the image of a child).
- I use arrows to depict problems that can harm you.
- What is the convention for you? (2-3 student answers are listened to; the correct one is emphasized - “Defense!”)

How do you propose to portray it?
-This symbol of protecting children's rights helped us compile Yu. Yakovlev's essay and the Convention document itself.
8.- And at school your rights are protected by a social teacher.


Only you were born,
Your first right:
get it to be proud of
personal name.

It's very difficult on your own
live alone in the world!
The right to live with mom and dad
Always use it guys.

There is also such a right -
remember, think and create
and others your thoughts
donate if you want.

If you have a fever, your whole body aches
And there’s no time for playing at all,
Then call a doctor for help
also the right of children.

To make friends with science,
With a book in a small hand
Use your right to study
In your native language.

When I grew up, I took books
And I went to first grade.
All the kids go to school -
We have this right.

Whether you are weak or strong
White, black - it doesn't matter.
You were born to be happy
This is given to everyone.


Attached files

Solution of exercises. Pages 122-129: Essay on a meeting with V. M. Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden”


With. 122. “Fedina’s task” (N. Nosov)

“Helen with a bouquet” (A. Barto)


With. 123. Motherland (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


- This is a word full of deep meaning. These are productive fields, warm winds, deep rivers, green forests, high mountains, crowded cities and people.

– forests and steppes;

- cities.

With. 124. Beloved mother - fatherland (M. Sholokhov)

M. Sholokhov describes the expanses of our Motherland in winter. The author describes nature in the south, north, east and west of our country.

The main idea of ​​the essay is Our Motherland

beautiful at any time of the year, even when nature in winter “gathers life-giving forces for new achievements.”

With. 127. Pictures-fairy tales (N. Sher)

In the House-Museum of V. M. Vasnetsov we meet in the paintings of three heroes, the sleeping beauty, Baba Yaga, the Frog Princess, Princess Nesmeyana, Kashchei the Immortal, Sivka-Burka, Ivan the Tsarevich, and the Firebird.

V. M. Vasnetsov said that “every person has been on a magic carpet at least once.” The artist had a dream - “to fly into the sky.” In the film “Magic Carpet” he expressed his dream.

*Creative task

Essay on a meeting with the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”

In V. M. Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” we see a dark winter forest at night. It was at this time that this girl in a beautiful pearl-silver outfit found herself in the forest. The Snow Maiden found herself in the forest by accident, wandered into the wilderness and now does not know how to find her way in the darkness of the forest. It’s as if we hear the careful crunch of snow under the Snow Maiden’s feet. And even though she’s wearing a fur-trimmed hat and warm mittens, we understand how cold and scary it is for the girl here. A thin birch tree standing in the distance emphasizes the Snow Maiden’s loneliness. Only the shining bluish light of the moon illuminating the clearing, and the fluffy fir trees seem to help you find your way from here. We see animal tracks in the snow, and in the distance the lights of a village. This means that very soon the Snow Maiden will get out of this dark forest

I liked this picture. She made me think about the inner world of a lonely person: how bad he feels, what he thinks about, what he worries about, what he hopes for.

With. 129. Right to life (Yu. Yakovlev)

From Yu. Yakovlev’s essay, I learned that every person (and child!) has rights (to life, to walk the earth, to study, to make friends, etc.).


– essay about Vasnetsov’s painting

– essay by Yu Ya Yakovlev Right to life

– an essay about a meeting with Vasnetsov’s paintings

– essay about Vasnetsov’s carpet plane painting

- Yakovlev right to life

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