Drawing fruit in a vase senior group. Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Synopsis of direct educational activities for the implementation of the educational field “Artistic Creativity” Drawing “Base with Fruits”

Objectives of the drawing lesson:

  • introduce the concept of “still life”, the works of master artists, identify the difference between still life and simple image items;
  • learn to create a beautiful and harmonious composition, arranging objects evenly throughout the sheet;
  • depict three-dimensional objects, making fruits and vegetables juicy and “alive”;
  • add your own touches to show the individuality of the mood in the drawing.

Tools and materials: drawing paper, paints, gouache, thick and thin brushes, a recording of the cartoon “Plasticine Crow”, reproductions of still life paintings, images of vegetables and fruits prepared in advance.

Progress of the lesson:

IN. Today we have an unusual activity, because we will start it with a trip to the cinema. So, everyone took their places, remember that you cannot make noise or disturb each other in the hall. Attention! The lights go out and the cartoon begins (“About Paintings” based on poems by A. Kushner from the series “Plasticine Crow”).

  • What new word did you learn from the cartoon? What objects were depicted in the still lifes in the cartoon, and where were they located?
  • The word “still life” consists of two words: “nature” - nature and “mort” - inanimate. Who can guess why the paintings depict inanimate nature? (Children look at reproductions of paintings - still lifes by different artists.)
  • Vegetables, fruits and flowers that used to grow are now plucked, so they are not alive. Remember, in a still life all objects must be on some surface (table, plate, stand). Choose a “still life” from these drawings (I show different images vegetables and fruits).

In addition, in a still life, objects should be arranged beautifully. Let's imagine ourselves as artists and draw a still life. And to find out what fruits we will draw, guess the riddles:

  • A red, juicy orange has come to us from hot Africa.
  • The purple diva grew on a branch (plum).
  • A pot-bellied, clumsy whore,
  • All yellow, lying in a plate (pear).
  • Everyone grows in their garden
  • Green-yellow-red fruit (apple).

Remember what shape an apple is. Draw a circle in the air. We will draw it in the center of the sheet. At first it was yellow, but while the apple was growing, the sun warmed its side, and it became bright red (on one side we put a few strokes of red on the yellow paint), and the other side was covered with a leaf, the sun did not paint it over and it remained green (we put green strokes on the other edge). If desired, you can add a tail and a leaf.

What shape and color is an orange? It is round, like an apple (draw a circle in the air), but orange color, and on his side there was a mark from a twig. The orange is so full of juice that folds are visible on the peel near the tail (on orange circle Apply by dipping green dot and from it strokes-folds).

Is it possible to determine the shape of a pear? It seems to consist of two parts - a circle and an oval (we draw these figures in the air), like a grown cone, and the color resembles an apple. (Children draw a yellow circle, a yellow oval on top of it, apply a green and red side, tail and leaf as desired with strokes).

How is plum different from fruit? It is smaller in size, oval in shape and its color is blue-violet. You can draw two or three plums to fill the empty space (first draw a few ovals in the air). Find places in your drawing where plums could be located. We draw a blue oval, and the sun adds a red side to it, so we get a purple color.

Now you can add more vegetables and fruits, the same or others, if you wish. Choose a place for them in the picture, determine the shape and color yourself.

Is it possible to call our painting a still life? No, for now these are just scattered objects. You need to collect them on a table or plate (children trace the drawing with a circle or square, decorate the edges of the plate or napkin with a pattern of strokes, dots, wavy line and other details at your discretion).


IN. Your still lifes are ready. Try to evaluate your work yourself, what you did best. Now let’s add the cartoon with our works. (The drawings are fastened into a long ribbon. The screen is made of four slats, through which the ribbon is pulled, changing frames-drawings; accompanied by a song from the cartoon).

This is where children learn to distinguish fruits from vegetables and berries. Sometimes even an adult cannot do this. For example, did you know that a banana is a berry? And children should know. The topic is, of course, difficult, but that’s what makes it interesting. Today we will tell you how to conduct a lesson on drawing fruits in middle group kindergarten.

Drawing with watercolors

To interest children, you need to present them with drawing not as an activity, but as an exciting game. Then the child will approach the process creatively. Drawing fruits begins with an introductory lecture. The teacher asks the children what their favorite plant-based sweets are. The guys actively take part in the discussion. You can hear options: apples, pears, bananas, strawberries. The teacher shows the pictures and explains which of the above are fruits and which are not. After the theoretical part there should be a practical one. Children are given watercolors, and the teacher tells them how to draw, for example, an apple. It needs to be explained with an example. The teacher draws a fruit and the children copy it. First you need to draw an outline with a pencil. The teacher controls this stage of work. And then the outline should be painted over. The teacher's task is to prevent children from going beyond the drawn boundaries.

Drawing with gouache

All creativity with paints is somewhat similar. So, drawing fruits in the middle group with gouache is not much different from creativity with watercolors. But it is necessary to change techniques at least so that children can see the difference in paint consistency. Gouache drawings turn out much brighter and more positive. In order not to repeat techniques, the teacher can invite his students to draw a fruit, for example a pear, without a preliminary pencil sketch. This way the child will develop his eye and will not be afraid to create. After all, parents often discourage the desire to draw because they want to get the perfect result. The child enjoys the process itself.

Draw with your hands

Many people think that painting without a brush is the lot of two-year-olds. Adult children need to create with a brush. But that's not true. A child remains a child, and pampering gives him pleasure. Therefore, the teacher may well put fruits in the program with the help of fingers and palms." It is worth understanding that many children have little imagination, and before waking it up, you need to show an example of how to create. Therefore, having rolled up her sleeves, the teacher should be the first to dip palm with paint and draw, for example, an orange. Children must repeat this action. And then you can give an imagination task. For example, draw your favorite fruits and berries. Sometimes you can only be surprised how limitless a child’s imagination can be.

Drawing using the grattage technique

But you shouldn’t give your child watercolors and gouache at every lesson. You can use other, no less interesting techniques. One of these is grattage. Students in the middle group will definitely like the technique. Drawing vegetables and fruits will be more fun if you have to “extract” them from the ground. For this activity, the teacher will need to prepare creativity sheets. By the way, children can also help at this stage. Preparation technology:

  1. Use colored pencils or crayons to paint over the entire surface of the sheet.
  2. Lubricate the paper with a thick layer of wax or paraffin.
  3. Paint the entire sheet with black gouache and let it dry. To prevent the paint from remaining on the pupils’ hands, it is necessary to dilute it with PVA glue before applying it to the paper.

When the preparation is complete, you need to start drawing. You can draw with a pen or a blunt pencil. The object should be sharp enough to scrape off the paint, but not sharp enough to scratch the child. We draw fruits, vegetables or entire still lifes on a sheet of paper. The topic will depend only on the imagination of the teacher and the patience of her charges.

Draw with a pencil

The most hassle-free option is to conduct the lesson without paints. And you won’t have to wash the children, and neither will the tables. You can draw using colored pencils. This is a rather trivial activity, but it is simply necessary for the development of children's motor skills. When a child paints with paints, he does not have to make an effort so that the brush leaves a mark. But when drawing with a pencil, you need to use not only the muscles of your hand, but also patience. Drawing fruits and berries in the middle group of kindergarten is a fun activity. the main task teacher - without reproaching the child, convey to him that it is impossible to crawl beyond the contours of the drawing. And if he really wants to, he must first draw the fruit with a pencil and only then give it clear boundaries.

Drawing with cellophane

One of interesting techniques for the image of fruits - this is drawing using a package. Children are curious to see how regular material can be used for unusual purposes. So, let's get creative. We take the bag and start drawing our favorite fruits. The average kindergarten group may not understand why they were given cellophane instead of regular paper. Here the teacher must say that not all creative works are done on paper. Artists paint on canvas, fiberboard, etc. When the fruit is ready, wet it blank sheets paper in water and cover the cellophane masterpieces with them. The print can be detailed. For example, draw a twig and a leaf on an apple.

Plasticine drawing

Children have already realized that they can create not only with paints. So it’s time to conduct a lesson on drawing fruits in the middle group using plasticine. It is necessary to explain to children that plasticine is used not only by sculptors, but also by artists. It is most convenient to use a white disposable plate as a canvas. Using a pencil, the teacher or the children themselves draw the outline of the fruit. And then it remains a matter of little things. You need to fill the outline with small pieces of plasticine. You need to try to imitate a stroke. Children are unlikely to succeed the first time, but don’t despair. After 2 such lessons, children will be able to skillfully smear plasticine on a plate.

Mixed media

We have already mastered drawing fruits on a plate in the middle group, but now we can experiment. From time to time it is worth conducting free-form classes. We need to give children a little freedom so that they can show their true selves. creative potential. During one of the lessons, the teacher can invite the kids to draw using any technique they like. It can be watercolor, gouache or a creation using a bag. Or you can go further and invite your child to combine two techniques in one drawing. For example, draw a pear in watercolor and trace its outline with a marker. Let children take the initiative, they rarely succeed.

Drawing lesson for senior group
Topic: “Self-assembled tablecloth”
Target: give an idea of ​​a still life; learn to draw different vegetables and fruits visual materials (wax crayons, pastels, felt-tip pens, markers); create a joyful mood; cultivate cognitive activity; teach to see the beauty of color and various color combinations.
Methods and techniques: verbal and visual method; gaming techniques: asking riddles, imaginary situations.
Equipment: reproduction of M. Saryan’s painting “Vegetables and Fruits”; paper blue color A 1, wax crayons, pastels, felt-tip pens.
Preliminary work: viewing, examining and comparing vegetables and fruits that will be used in the lesson.
Progress of the lesson:
Introductory conversation by the teacher.
- What do you like to eat more: vegetables or fruits?
- What vegetables do you know?
- What fruits do you know?
- Do you know how to solve riddles? Let's try.
Green berries
And praised by everyone.
Grow with bones
Hanging with tassels. (Grape)

In the long green house
Lots of chubby guys.
They know each other
And everyone is sitting next to each other (Pea pod)

This delicious yellow fruit
It's sailing towards us from Africa.
Monkeys at the zoo
Provides food all year round. (Banana)

I'm sweet, grew up in the south,
Like the sun in the leaves,
Orange and round
The kids like me. (Orange)
(The teacher puts these fruits and vegetables on the table)
- How beautiful they are! I just want to draw them! Quite a few artists have done this. They painted a lot of canvases depicting these wonderful vegetables and fruits.
If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know that this is a still life.
- Such paintings are called still life. Let's look at one of them. (Demonstration of reproduction and discussion on issues)
- How do natural fruits differ from those depicted in the picture?
- What color is the fruit in the artist’s painting?
- What shape are they?
- What do you see as the beauty of this combination of color and shape?
- Who liked which combination better? Why?
- The shape of which fruit attracted your attention? Why?
- Some fairy tales, if you remember, talk about self-assembled tablecloths.
This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone until they are full,
That she is herself
Full of delicious food.
- This is a magic tablecloth on which all sorts of dishes and delicacies miraculously appear. Let us imagine that your blue sheets are a self-assembled tablecloth, and fruits and vegetables, ripe and tasty, will “appear” on it. And we will help her with this - we will draw her. But first let’s create a composition, i.e. let's arrange our fruits and vegetables so that they are friends and do not interfere with each other... And now let's get to work.
(Children draw on their sheets). After finishing the work, the teacher asks the children questions:
- What vegetables and fruits did you draw?
- Which fruits and vegetables turned out to be the brightest and juiciest?
- Guys, look how beautifully yellow bananas and blue plums combine; Green grapes and orange peach!
- You did a good job and your self-assembled tablecloths are full of various treats. While you were drawing, my self-assembled tablecloth also prepared a treat for you (the teacher treats the children with pieces of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, carrots, and plays the game “Guess by taste!”)

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Lesson summary “Fruits. Drawing on the theme “Favorite fruits”

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group

Subject: Fruits. Drawing on a theme« Favorite fruits»


Introduce names fruit, learn to describe fruits, compare them, develop logical thinking, to form skills draw with cotton swabs

Materials: Pictures showing fruit, vegetables, bowl, plate, individual sheets of paper with outlines fruit, cotton buds

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have class not only very interesting, but also delicious.

I'll tell you a riddle, and you guess:

Ripe, juicy, colorful,

Visible to everyone on the shelves!

We are useful products,

And they are simply called... (fruits)

Which fruits you know? What vegetables do you know? Where do they grow?

I will show a picture with an image fruit, and you can tell whether it is soft or hard. Which fruits are shaped like a circle? (Apple, pomegranate, orange, tangerine.) Which fruits look like a triangle (Pear) Which fruits are oval shaped(Apricot, kiwi, plum, banana, lemon.)

A game “Where should I put what?”(I suggest the children divide the vegetables and fruits: vegetables in a bowl, fruits on a plate)

A game "Big small"

You know there are soft and hard fruits. And then there are big ones and small ones. How small fruits you know? How big fruits you know? Look at the picture and name small and large fruits.

A game “What’s extra?”

Children look at the pictures in each row, name the extra object and explain why it is extra.

Guess which ones I wished for fruit:

Green, yellow, red, some sour and some sweet. (Apples)

They grow on trees, dry dried apricots are called. (Apricots)

When she ripens on the branches, she turns blue in the sun. (Plum)

It also grows on trees and looks like a light bulb. (Pear)

With a red side and shaggy, it is very juicy and sweet. (Peach)

Physical education minute: We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruits,

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear,

Let's put the drain on the sand,

We cook, we cook compote,

Let's treat honest people

What can be prepared from fruit?

From fruit make drinks. Juice, compote, lemonade.

From fruit make filling for cakes, pies, pastries.

In summer, children and adults enjoy eating popsicles.

You can also cook fruit salad, fruit yogurt, fruit jelly.

In stores you can buy sweets with fruit filling, fruit marmalade.

Your grandmothers and mothers probably know how to make jam from fruit. What is the name of jam made from different fruit, we'll find out now.

Didactic exercise "Jam from fruit»

Apples are made into... what kind of jam? Apple.

Plums are used to make... what kind of jam? Plum.

Pears are used to make... what kind of jam? Pear.

Peaches are used to make... what kind of jam? Peach.

Apricots are made into... what kind of jam? Apricot.

Didactic game "Taste it"

Children are invited to taste the pieces with their eyes closed. fruit and determine the names of these fruit


I'm handing out some leaves for you to color. fruits


Tasting fruit juice and marmalade. And now I invite you to enjoy fruit marmalade and fruit juice.

Publications on the topic:

Program content. Clarify and consolidate the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”; explain their benefits of use; continue to introduce children to.

Summary of a lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech in the middle group of compensatory orientation for.

Abstract of the educational activity "Fruits" (non-traditional drawing - semolina) in the senior group Goal: to introduce children to unconventional technology drawing with semolina. Tasks: - continue to teach children how to work with paints.

Lesson notes about fruits in younger group Topic: “Fruits” The goal is to consolidate knowledge about fruits, about methods of their preparation; teach to manifest.

Abstract open class on speech development in the senior group. Theme: "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products." Goal: development of coherent speech in children.

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of the formation of numbers 4 and 5 and counting skills within 5; learn to coordinate numerals with nouns.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group on the topic “Fruits.” Program content: Introduce children to the techniques of sculpting oval objects.

Abstract of GCD in the senior group on the topic "Introduction to still life" using ICT

Bezukhova Svetlana Nikolaevna
Description of work: intended for educators preschool institutions, teachers additional education working with preschool children
Target: introduce children to the genre of still life painting
1. Develop active interest and understanding of the content of the paintings, vision aesthetic beauty in still life, develop a sense of composition.
2. Teach to distinguish genre visual arts still life from other genres, correlate the proportions of objects.
3. Educate emotional response on works of art, the desire to carefully examine paintings, aesthetic feelings.
Dictionary enrichment: dividing line, table plane, foreground, background, proportions, horizontal plane, vertical plane;
Activating the dictionary: still life, landscape, composition, obstruction, dummy.
Materials and equipment: interactive board; interactive games: “Guess the riddle”, “Make a still life”, “Genre of the painting”, “What does a still life consist of”; presentation “Still Lifes”; items for composing the composition: vase, fruit models, vegetable models, table, fabrics, easels, simple pencils, A4 sheets of paper.
Preliminary work: Examination of reproductions with the genres of “landscape” and “portrait”, guessing and making riddles for children, D/I: “Complete a symmetrical object”, “Horizon line”

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part
Teacher: Please look at the board, in front of you is B. Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits”, what do you see? (Slide No. 2, presentation).
Children: Grapes, table, flowers, peonies, glass of water, decanter, peaches...
Teacher: Tell me, please, can this painting be called a portrait? And why?
Children: No. Because a portrait is an image of a person.
Teacher: Well, then, maybe this is a landscape?
Children: No, this is not a landscape. Landscape is an image of living nature, sea, forest, field, sky.
Teacher: But what can we call what is depicted in these paintings? What do they have in common? (Shows various still lifes in the presentation, slides No. 3,4,5,6). Try to find a word.
Children: Things. Various items, dishes, food, furniture.
Teacher: Well done guys, exactly the items. Not living objects. All of these paintings depict still life.

Interactive game “Guess the riddle!”.(№3)
If you see in the picture
Miracle vase on the table,
It contains a bouquet of beautiful
Snow-white chrysanthemums;
There are a lot of dishes,
And glass and, and simple.
Maybe a cup or saucer
With gilded border.
And yet, and it happens,
Game is drawn there.
In conclusion, let's put

Ripe peaches and plums.
And also in the picture maybe
Drawn to be a cake.
And so the picture
It's called still life!

So, the expression nature morte came into Russian, of course, from French. As you can see, it is divided into two parts - “nature” and “morte”, which are translated respectively as “nature, nature, life” and “dead, quiet, motionless”. Now we put the two parts together and we get the familiar word “still life”. Still life translated from French means “dead nature,” but this name does not define the entire essence and diversity of this genre.
Teacher: We were the first to turn to the image of the world of objects Dutch artists Peter Claes “Still Life with Lobster.” (Slide No. 7). Looking at still lifes, we can observe richness natural world and the world of things surrounding a person. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty and uniqueness. In still lifes, things speak about themselves, invite us to admire the beauty of their shape, texture, color, and make us feel the aroma and freshness of nature’s gifts. “What a strange painting this is - still life: it makes you admire a copy of those things whose originals you cannot admire.” Pascal, French philosopher(1623-1662)
When an artist composes a still life, he tries to place the main objects so that the rest decorate and complement them. But the artist talks not only about objects, but also about the people who created, decorated, and grew them. Plucked flowers wither, people eat fruits and berries, but those painted by the artist will live forever, delighting us.

Exercise for the eyes
“The eyes need a rest.” (The guys close their eyes)
“You need to take a deep breath.” (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
“The eyes will run in a circle.” (Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
“They will blink many, many times” (Frequent blinking of the eyes)
“The eyes feel good.” (Light touch with fingertips closed eyes)
“Everyone will see my eyes!” (Eyes are wide open. There is a wide smile on the face)
2. Main part.
Didactic game using interactive whiteboard“Help send still lifes to the artist”.(№7).

Teacher: I offer you the game “Help send still lifes to the artist.”
D/i “Help send still lifes to the artist” (using an interactive whiteboard)
Didactic game using an interactive board “Make a still life” (No. 6).
Teacher: Guys, let's remember where all the objects stand?
Children: On the table, on the floor, on the tablecloth.
Teacher: That's right, objects don't fly in the air, because... there is gravity of the earth. They all stand on a horizontal plane and in a certain order, usually called the “foreground,” and behind the objects there is a vertical plane, the background, the “background.” A plane has a beginning and an end. Any painting has a compositional center; the artist places all the most important things in the center of the sheet. The most important and big item the artist places it in the center, but not in front, but in the middle of the plane of the table. For an artist, it is important that all objects lie beautifully. Objects should not completely block each other and should not lie on the same line. All objects are grouped into a single semantic center.
Teacher: I suggest you practice on our board and create a still life based on the model.

Didactic game using the interactive board “Make a still life”.(№6).

Physical education minute.
The wind blows in our faces (wave our hands on our faces)
The tree swayed (sway from side to side)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. (sit down, wave your arms up and down)
The tree is getting higher and higher. (reach up)

3.Part. Practical part.
Teacher: And now, guys, we will assemble our real still life from
the items that are here. These are dummies - exact copies of vegetables and fruits. Here is the plane of the table, covered with a tablecloth. I need an assistant. A child comes out and helps arrange the still life objects.
Teacher: Let's make our own still life from the objects that I prepared. We will place a vase with flowers in the center; it will be the most important in our picture. To the right and left are other objects. It is impossible to place all objects on the same line, so we will place the dummy pear a little in front on the left, and the pepper on the right, even closer to us, the cherries, close to the front edge of the horizontal plane, in front. We will hang a beautiful fabric with folds on a vertical plane. Ready! Thank you! Let's draw this still life from life. What does from nature mean? We will look at a real still life and draw.
The teacher shows how to arrange a still life composition on the interactive board and comments on his actions.
Teacher: Always look at the still life. First, we use lines to determine the width of the table plane, select the front and back edges of the table. We find the center and draw the largest and most important object, for us it is a vase of flowers. We determine its size by eye, how much space it will take up on the sheet. In the drawing it is necessary to convey not only correct proportions(sizes) of objects, but also correct location them relative to each other, and also: What are these objects? What are they? Form? Size? Which one is bigger? Which one is smaller? Which object is closest to you? Which one is next? What object is to your right? Which one is on the left? Mentally imagine a complex-looking object and what geometric shapes it consists of. The vase has a round base and a neck that widens towards the top. So, a circle and a trapezoid. The handle is in an arc, located on the vase on the right. And so we find the location and shape of each object.

Finger gymnastics “For girls and boys.”
For girls and boys
There are five fingers on the hand:
Thumb - a guy with a soul,
Index finger - Mr. Influential,
The middle finger is also not the last.
The ring finger walks arrogantly with a ring,
The fifth - little finger, brought you a gift.

Now start drawing from life. Take a piece of paper and draw with simple pencils the composition of our still life, and in the next lesson we will talk about the color of our still life.
The teacher monitors the completion of the task and provides individual assistance to children who have difficulty.

4.Part. Final.
Teacher: Guys, please answer the questions:
- In what genre of fine art did we draw today?
- So what is a still life? (address to the board)
- What did you find most difficult about your work?
- What mistakes do you see in your work? What worked especially well?
Children: We really enjoyed the lesson, very much interesting topic. We can now compose our own still lifes and draw from life. I especially liked the games on the interactive board.
Teacher: and at the end of our lesson I want to offer you one more game.

Didactic game using an interactive board “What does a still life consist of?”