A variety of games (Selection for various holidays). Quiz on Russian folk tales "Guess the fairy tale"

Anastasia Evstigneeva
KVN in the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale”

KVN for children of the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale”


Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about fairy tales.

Develop speech, attention, logical thinking, coordination of speech with movements.

Increase children's interest in fairy tales using entertaining questions and games.

Develop the ability to communicate and work in a team.

Integration of educational areas:

“Fiction”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Physical Education”.

Material and equipment:

team emblems, illustrations for fairy tales: The Three Little Pigs, The Fox and the Crane, The Man and the Bear, The Fox and the Hare, Geese and Swans, The Fox and the Wolf, items: a bag of flour, a rolling pin, a cup and saucer, a phonendoscope, a feather, a jug, sheets of paper size A3, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Today we will talk about fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? Of course, there are so many different miracles in them! Previously, people traveled very slowly and came up with such miracles. And now? What replaces a flying carpet for us? That's right, planes and helicopters. What about walking boots? Yes, we have cars and trains, as well as other transport. Do you remember the apple that rolled around on a plate and showed various miracles? Now it is being replaced by a TV. People have created more miracles than fairy-tale heroes. But why do we still love fairy tales so much? Why are they still being written? The fact is that all adults were once children, and children are always told fairy tales. A fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person lives, a fairy tale lives. Today we are holding KVN “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” We have two teams “Kolobok” and “Turnip”. Teams, greet each other!

Team motto "Kolobo" To":

We are the Kolobok team

And victory awaits us on time!

Find out everything in the world.

Team motto "Repk" A":

We are Team "Turnip"!

We are all close friends.

We know fairy tales better than anyone

Success awaits us in the competition!

Warm up.

Remember Russian folk tales, in which there is such a character as a fox (bear). The teams are named one by one.

1 Competition "Answer quickly and correctly."

Ask questions to both teams in turn.

Baba Yaga's home? (hut)

The name of the boy who was carried away by the Swan Geese? (Ivanushka)

Who helped the bunny free his house? (rooster)

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince's wife? (frog)

The device in which Baba Yaga makes her flights? (mortar)

What did Cinderella lose? (glass slipper)

Who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)

Whom did the old man pull out of the sea with a net? (goldfish)

The name of the main character of the fairy tale “At the Command of the Pike” (Emelya)

Who has death at the end of the needle? (at Koshchei's)

How many goals does Gorynych have? (three)

2. Competition "Guess the fairy tale from the illustration"

Three piglets

Fox and crane.

Man and bear.

The Fox and the Hare.

Swan geese.

Fox and wolf.

3. Competition “Guess the fairy tale from the description”

In which fairy tale did the old man throw a net into the blue sea? ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

In what fairy tale can we find a flower, a nutshell, a rose petal in the shape of a boat? ("Thumbelina")

In which fairy tale is there a squirrel that gnaws nuts with golden shells? ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan:")

In which fairy tale did the girl lose her shoe? ("Cinderella")

In which fairy tale is the girl carrying a pie and a pot of butter?

("Little Red Riding Hood")

In which fairy tale did the heroes build three houses? ("Three piglets")

In which fairy tale is there a house where many animals live? ("Teremok")

In what fairy tale did they divide a wheel of cheese, but it didn’t work out equally?

("Two Greedy Little Bears")

Physical education minute "Fairy tales"

The mouse ran quickly (running in place,

The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement,

Oh, I dropped the egg (bend over, “pick up the egg”,

Look, I broke it (show the “testicle” with outstretched arms...

So we planted a turnip (bend over,

And they poured water on her (imitation of movement,

The turnip grew nice and strong (spread your arms to the sides,

Now let’s pull it (imitation of movement)

And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitation food).

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show “strength”!

We are a nice family of little goats

We love to jump and gallop (bouncing in place)

We love to run and play

We like to butt heads with horns (they stand in pairs and show “horns” with the index fingers of both hands)

4. Competition "Find out a fairy tale from an excerpt"

The passages are read to both teams in turn.

The wolves ate each other out of fear.

The poor crocodile swallowed a toad

And the elephant was trembling and sat on the hedgehog. ("Cockroach")

Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried mushrooms. ("Confusion")

I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

He ran away like from fire... (“Moidodyr”)

... But they didn’t listen to the ghazals

And they were still making noise:

Really, really

Are all the swings on fire?

What stupid gazelles. ("Telephone")

I kissed you for a long, long time

And she caressed them,

Watered, washed,

She rinsed them. (“Fedorino’s grief”)

And she took a nap next to her

toothy shark,

toothy shark

Lying in the sun. ("Aibolit")

But the worm beetles

We got scared

In the corners, in the cracks

They fled:


Under the sofas

And the boogers

Under the benches

And the bugs under the bed -

They don't want to fight! ("Fly Tsokotukha")

"Small children!

No way

don't go to Africa

Go for a walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa

Gorillas in Africa

There are big angry crocodiles in Africa" ​​(Barmaley)

5. Competition “What kind of object.”

Guess which fairy tale the objects are from: flour (“Kolobok”, jug (“The Fox and the Crane”), phonendoscope (“Aibolit”, cup and saucer (“Fedorino’s Mountain”), feather (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, rolling pin (“ Fox with a rolling pin).

6. Competition “Draw a fairy tale.”

Drawing in teams a fairy tale of the children's choosing. Agree on who will draw which character.

Quiz on Russian folk tales

(Middle preschool age)

Target: expanding children's knowledge about Russian folk tales and creating a positive emotional state in children during educational activities.



Learn to say the name correctly Russian folk tales and their heroes; continue to introduce children to the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture - fairy tales.

Develop safe behavior when handling unfamiliar objects.


Develop the ability to build a dialogue during communication and answer questions in complete sentences; activate the mental activity of children.


Cultivate a love for oral folk art and a desire to read them.

Preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk tales;

Looking at illustrations for fairy tales ;

Design of a book exhibition Russian folk tales with the participation of parents.

Equipment: “Chest of fairy tales”, books with fairy tales, letters, cut-out pictures for fairy tales, cards with elements of fairy tales, presentation.

Progress of the lesson.


The teacher invites the children to say hello to the guests, and then invites them into the circle.


Hello right hand (stretch forward),

Hello left hand (stretch forward)

Hello, my friend on the right (extends his hand to his neighbor to the right),

Hello, my friend on the left (extends his hand to his neighbor to the left),

Hello, hello friendly circle (swing hands back and forth)

Surprise moment - game situation"Chest of Fairy Tales".

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a trip to the country fairy tales, where we will meet the heroes of fairy tales and play with them.

There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny.

And we can’t live in the world without them,

IN in a fairy tale, anything can happen -

Our fairy tale is ahead

A fairy tale is knocking on our door

Let's tell the guest: "Come in"

(The teacher draws attention to the chest covered with a scarf, opens it, and in it is a book of fairy tales and a letter.)

Educator:- Guys, look, what is this?

Children: - Chest.

Educator: Well done, this is a chest. I think this chest is magical and won’t just open.

So it is necessary... (Children's answers)

Educator: - Before opening the chest, I would like to remind you guys that when you find unfamiliar toys and objects, you cannot touch them without adults. Therefore, I will open the chest today . (Tries to open)

It won't open, it seems like it needs to be disenchanted. Let us blow on it (Children blow on the chest).

It doesn't open, maybe we... clap (Children clap).

Something doesn’t open, I suggest... stomping (Children stomp).

Guys, the chest is very strongly enchanted, let's all blow, stamp and clap together at the same time (children blow, clap and stomp at the same time).


Look, the chest has opened, I suggest you sit down so that everyone can see and feel comfortable. (Takes a large book with blank pages).

This is a book of fairy tales, we will read it now. Oh, look, the book... is empty. Where are the fairy tales? (Children's guesses)

Maybe, fairy tales are offended, that no one reads them.

Oh, there's some kind of letter here. (Is reading)

- « A fairy tale is a miracle and a magical land.

IN fairy tales have many adventures, a lot of fabulous achievements.

But so that find fairy tales for you, There is a lot to go through: difficult tasks, funny dates.

Hey guys, hurry up in fairy tales you won't get lost!

And the signature: Your fairy tales."

Educator: - Guys, are you ready to pass the test and return fairy tales to the book? (Children's answers)


And so the first task "Guess fairy tale."

I will tell you riddles, and you will try to guess the name of the fairy tale. .

There was a painted house,

Oh, how handsome he is!

Animals lived in it -

They lived and did not grieve.

But the bear came

and let's roar.

The bear has destroyed the house,

Almost crushed my friends.

What fairy tale is this? ( "Teremok")

Who came to the tower first? (Little Mouse)

Educator:-Who's the last one? (Bear)

Educator:-Why couldn’t the bear enter the tower? (The bear is big, but the tower is small).

Educator:- Well done, now listen to the next riddle.

In a dark forest at the edge, everyone lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother; the wolf was not allowed into the house.

This fairy tale is for the guys...) The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats).

How many kids did the mother goat have? (Seven kids.)

Educator:- What fairy tale is this from?

A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her.

He, without knowing it, carries her home. …( "Masha and the Bear")

What did Masha say when the bear wanted to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie? (I see, I see, don’t sit on a tree stump...)


I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

Did the fox still get in his teeth? ( "Kolobok")

Who did the bun meet in the forest? Hare, bear, wolf, fox.)

Who remembers what song the bun sang? (I left my grandmother and left my grandfather.)

Educator: - Well done. Let's guess the following fairy tale:

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

The good blue river helped,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to our mother and father.

Who took my brother away? Name the fairy tale? (Swan geese)

Educator: - Well done. Let's guess the following fairy tale: one day everyone was pulling a root crop - it was pouring sweat. The mouse is small, but it still helped to pull out the vegetable. (Russian folk tale “Turnip”).

Educator: - Well done. Let's guess the following fairy tale:

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They made a daughter out of a snowball,

But the fire is hot

Turned the girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden.)

Educator : Fine. Everyone did it. Ourthe quiz continues.

I know you all enjoy doing puzzles. Therefore, now I propose to collect puzzles for fairy tales and name, guess the name of the fairy tale.

Second task “Collect and name a fairy tale.”

(Children take envelopes with cut-out pictures. Collect them in groups of 3-4 people. While children collect puzzles it sounds fabulous music .)

Educator : - Well done, everyone did a great job. I suggest you stretch.


Four steps forward

Back four steps.

Spun in a round dance

They stomped their feet,

They moved their shoulders

And they jumped around a little.

Educator : - Have you warmed up a little? Well done.

Educator: Let's continue our test, I suggest you guess fairy tale by subject.

Third task “Name the fairy tale based on its objects.”

(The envelopes contain pictures of objects, and the children must namefairy tale, according to the proposed set of items.)

1 set: Bowl, bed, house in the forest - "Three Bears"

2 set: Rooster, hut, snow and ice - "Zayushkina's hut"

3 set: Hut on chicken legs, stove, river - "Swan geese"

4 set: House, frog, wolf – "Teremok"

5 set: Fish, ice hole, dough – "Fox - sister and gray wolf"

6 set: Hoof-shaped puddle, Sister Alyonushka – "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka."

Educator: - Well done. In fairy tales, very often another word is added to the character’s name to characterize him. For example, Ivan... (Tsarevich). I will name the character’s name, and you will choose a characterizing, fairy-tale word for it.

The fourth task is “Choose a word for the hero.”

Princess... (frog)

Geese... (swans)

Grey… (wolf)

Bear… (clubfooted)

Bunny … (go for a run)

Red... (Cap)

Baba... (Yaga)

Koschey... (Immortal)

Cockerel... (Golden comb)

Educator: Well done, guessed all the characters.

Guys, we completely forgot about the chest. Let's take a look at it again.

(The teacher with the children approaches the chest and looks into it. He picks up a book withfairy tales. )

Look, it’s in the book fairy tales appeared!!!

Educator: - Well done guys, you coped well with the tasks of our quiz. Now I see you know fairy tales very well .

Now we will put the book with fairy tales back in the chest and send it to fairyland. First, we will all say the magic words together: Focus, mocus, pocus, and then I invite everyone to blow, stomp and clap together at the same time so that the magic happens!

(Children stand around the chest, repeat the magic words, clap, stomp and blow. And the teacher hides the book in the chest under the lining, and then shows that there is no book in the chest.)

Shall we take a look at the chest? It turned out that the book was sent to a fairyland.

Well done! We did it all!

Petrakova N.A.
Guess the fairy tale
(game for students of 56 classes)
 In a fun way to develop students’ sustainable
interest and love of reading.
 Development of oral coherent speech skills, enrichment of vocabulary.
 Development of creative activity.
This game is played in the form of the TV show “Guess the Melody” in
several stages. The participant with the least number of points or stars
is eliminated from the game.
I round Qualifying: “Russian folk tales”
(Everyone is asked questions. For each correct answer
a star is awarded. Those with three or more stars will enter the main game.
There should be no more than 5 people.) Excerpts from fairy tales are read, the title
which serve as the answer.
1. The old man sighed and cried; however, I put my daughter on the sleigh, I wanted
cover it with a blanket - and even then I was afraid; took the homeless woman to an open field,
dumped him on a snowdrift, crossed himself, and quickly went home, so that his eyes wouldn’t
saw a daughter's death. (Morozko)
2. The girl came, and lo and behold, her brother was gone! She gasped and rushed here and there -
There is not! She called out, burst into tears, wailed that it would be bad from her father and
Mother, my brother didn’t respond! She ran out into an open field; rushed
swan geese in the distance, and disappeared behind the dark forest. (Gusilebedi)
3. The archer was not timid, grabbed the gun, fired and hit her in the left wing;
instead of the dog, another Semyon rushed, grabbed a swan from the sea and brought

to the ship. The swan turned into a princess again, only her left hand
was shot. They have their own doctor, and he immediately cured the princess’s hand.
(7 Simeonov)
4. The king felt sorry for the little goat, but there was nothing to do - she was so pestering, so
begs that the king finally agreed and allowed him to be slaughtered.
The little goat sees: they have already begun to sharpen damask knives for him, and he begins to cry.
he ran to the king and asked:
King! Let me go to the sea, drink some water, guts
rinse. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
5. Ivantsarevich went to choose a horse for himself, on which he would lay his hand,
he falls; I couldn’t choose a horse for myself, he walks through the city, hanged him
head. The old woman came out of nowhere and asked: “What, Ivantsarevich,
hang your head? “Go away, old woman! I'll put it on your hand, the other one
I’ll slap you and it’ll be wet.” (Koschei the Deathless)
6. Another year has passed; Ivantsarevich says to his younger sister:
“Let’s go for a walk in the green garden!” We walked a little, and again
a cloud arises with a whirlwind, with lightning. “Let's go home, sister!”
We returned home, before we could sit down, thunder struck and split into two
ceiling, and a raven flew in; hit the floor and became good
Well done. “Well, Ivantsarevich, before I was a guest, but now I’ve come
matchmaker: give Annutsarevna for me!” (Marya Morevna)
7. The brothers came to the king and brought towels. Nice towel
the eldest son, the middle one is even better, and Ivantsarevich gave
towel - and it’s impossible to describe: the most beautiful of all and the best of all. The king asks
Another task is to bring everything on the tablecloth the next day. Senior
the brother went to order for his wife, the middle brother went to order for his, and Ivantsarevich
bursts into tears again and goes to the river. (Frog Princess)
8. The prince hit the floor and became a feather; she put down
feather into the box and opened the door. The sisters look here and there

They look in - there is no one! As soon as they left, the red maiden opened
window, took out a feather and said: “Fly, my feather, in a clean
field, take a walk for the time being!” (Finist’s Feather – Falcon’s Light)
9. He walked all day and was incredibly tired, and just wanted to sit down
to rest, suddenly a gray wolf caught up with him and said to him: “I feel sorry for you,
Ivantsarevich, that you are exhausted, I’m sorry that I ate your
horse... Sit on me and tell me where to take you and why?” (Ivan
Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf)
10. He climbed into the left ear - got drunk, ate, and into the right - dressed up. And he became
such a fine fellow - you can’t think of it, you can’t guess it, you can’t describe it with a pen! Let's go;
overtakes all the people, rolls - the whole earth trembles! Caught up with the brothers -
lashed with a whip. (Sivka – burka)
11. The master went to look, and there was really a boy in the horse’s ear,
golden cap The master liked the golden cap, and he said:
“Boy, give me a golden cap - to get married,” - “Give it to you, you won’t
you will give it back." - “No, I’ll give it to you, I’ll bring it in two days!” The boy gave it
the cap, the master took it, sat down and left. (Boy Thumb)
II round Epic
1. Whether from the city of Murom,
From that village from Karacharovo
A remote, portly, kind fellow was leaving.
He stood at Matins in Murom,
He wanted to be in time for mass in the capital Kievgrad.
(Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber)
2. Alyosha Popovich Young will speak;
Hey, brother Yakim Ivanovich,
A learned man in literacy,
Let's look at the signature stones,
What is signed on kaneni.

(Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich)
3. And in that city in Korgun
There was no king, no prince,
But there was neither a king nor a prince
As if there was no prince and no prince:
Marinka, Kaidalov’s daughter, lived here
(Gleb Volodyevich)
4. He drives up to the river near Smorodinka
Yes, he goes to the dirt, he goes to the Black one,
Yes, to that birch tree, to the cursed one,
To that glorious cross to Leonidov,
The Nightingale whistled, and according to Solovey,
The villainous robber screamed like an animal.
(Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber)
5. He walks like a fish in the deep seas with a pike,
Like a bird, like a falcon, he can fly under the clouds,
Like a gray wolf, prowl through the open fields.
(Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich)
6. Threw a thin one into Ilmen - lake,
We caught fish - golden feathers;
They threw another thin one into Lake Ilmen,
We got another fish - golden feathers;
7. -Oh, you, Vladimir Stolnokievsky!
And now what’s on your mind now;
You pass off a girl as a woman yourself,
For me, Vasilista for Mikulichna?
(Stavr Godinovich)

8. – Apparently, the king of the sea demands
A living head in the blue sea,
Make, brothers, draw lots for Volzhan,
I'll do it myself on red on gold,
...Draw lots on the Sinemore:
Whose lot will go down?
For such a person to go into the blue sea.
The second round has ended. Unfortunately, those who scored
fewer stars (those who are eliminated are called so that 2 remain
person). But there is no winner if there is no loser.
III round Final: Tales of A.S. Pushkin
(Participants trade starting from 7 lines after the hint.)
1. A tale of miracles on land and glorious deeds on the water.
(The tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince
Guidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess)
Everyone now goes to the wards:
The armor shines at the gate,
And stand in the eyes of the king
33 heroes,
All the handsome men are young,
Daring giants
Everyone is equal, as if by selection.
2. A fairy tale that greed does not lead to good.
(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)
“The old woman scolded me,
The old man does not give me peace;
She needs a new trough;
The nasheto has completely split.”

The goldfish answers:
“Don’t be sad, go with God,
There will be a new trough for you."
3. A tale about a businessman.
(The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda)
Time passes, and the deadline is approaching.
The priest neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead is cracking in advance.
Here he confesses to the priest:
“So and so: what can we do?”
The woman has a quick-witted mind,
Capable of all sorts of tricks.
4. The Tale of the Talking Weathervane.
(The Tale of the Golden Cockerel)
A year or two passes peacefully,
The cockerel sits still.
One day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
“You are our king! Father of the people!
The governor proclaims -
Sovereign! Wake up! Trouble!
5. The tale of a miraculous resurrection.
(The Tale of the Dead Princess and the 7 Heroes)
“You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter."
And the queen laughs
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes,

And click your fingers.
So our winner has been determined. He became (the name of the winner is called).
Now, if you agree, super game.
IV round Supergame: Tales of Bazhov
In 3 minutes you have to guess 7 tales.
1. -This matter is in our hands. Tomorrow we'll sound the pipe first at the site of the fire, and
Then we'll try it under a pine tree. Then we'll see, your talk is trivial
or really what is beneficial. With this we went to bed. Fedyunka too
curled up into a ball, and he thought: “What was that owl laughing at?”
(Ognevushka - jumping)
2. As it began to get dark, I became afraid. Just looks - Murenka is lying
calm down. Darenka became happier. She sat down by the window, looking out
side of the mowing spoons and sees some kind of lump rolling through the forest.
As I rolled closer, I saw that it was a goat running. The legs are thin,
the head is light, and there are five branches on the horns. (Silver hoof)
3. Ilyukha turned in that direction. He sees a girl coming up. Simple
a girl of ordinary human height. About eighteen years ago.
She is wearing a blue dress, a blue scarf on her head, and bare shoes on her feet.
blue. And this girl is pretty - I can’t say enough. (Sinyushkin well)
4. – Yours took it, Katerina! Take your master. For daring and toughness
here's your gift. Let Danila remember everything that is mine.
Just let him forget this! - and a clearing with strange
the flowers are extinguished. “Now go in that direction,” the Mistress indicated.
(Mining Master)
5. Work is progressing well. The bottom of the stone was finished. How to eat, I hear, a datura bush.
The leaves are wide in a bunch, teeth, veins - everything could not have been better.
Prokopich even says that it’s a living flower, you can even touch it with your hand. Na, ah
As soon as I reached the top, it got cold. The stem was carved, the side leaves
thinly - how to hold on? (Stone Flower)

6. And so we went. She is in front, Stepan is behind her. Where she goes, everything is open to her.
How large the rooms became underground, but their walls were different. That's all
green, then yellow with specks. Which again have copper flowers. Blue
There are also azure ones. In a word, they are decorated, which cannot be said. AND
the dress on her - on the Hostess - changes. (Copper Mountain Mistress)
7. After Nastasya left, Tanyushka ran around a lot - little with housework and
climbed into the hut to play with her father’s pebbles. I put on a headband,
I hung the earrings. At this time, this hitnik puffed into the hut. Tanya
I looked around - there was an unfamiliar man on the threshold, with an axe. I got scared
Tanya sits frozen, and the man groans, drops the ax, eyes
captured how it burned them. (Malachite box)
Awarding the winner.
1. Bazhov P.P. Danilomaster: Selected tales // Treasures of Russian fairy tales. –
M.: GIF “Ros. Book COLLECTION", 1993
2. Epics. Russian folk tales. Old Russian stories. – M.: “Children’s
literature", 1979
3. Fairy tales of Russian writers. M.: "Children's Literature", 1980
4. Folklore of the peoples of Russia. In 2 volumes - M.: Bustard, Veche, 2002

Along the roads of fairy tales

Target: identify the level of knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, patience and endurance.

Foster a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.

Instill a love of fairy tales

You guys probably all love fairy tales, reading and listening. Today we will visit the mysterious, mysterious and unique land of fairy tales.

Since ancient times, fairy tales have been carefully kept in human memory. Fairy tales were passed from grandparents to grandchildren, and from them to their grandchildren, and so from generation to generation. And even when you grow up and become quite adults, and you also have children, you will also tell them your favorite fairy tales, those you have known since childhood.

A fairy tale is the greatest miracle - it is our treasure. And so we are transported to the world of fairy tales and adventures.

1. Competition "Replica"

-Guess which fairy tale the line is from?

2. Competition “Guess the fairy-tale hero.”

-Guess by the description of the hero of the fairy tale.

3. “Telegram” competition

-Guess the recipient who sent the telegram .

4. Competition “Magic Objects” »

-Who owns these items?

5. Competition “Name of a Fairy Tale”

-Guess the name of the fairy tale based on the key words .

6. Competition “Find a Pair”

-Connect the words to get the title of the fairy tale

7. Blitz tournament.

-Who can answer 5 questions faster?

8.What became reality?

1 . Find out which fairy tale the replica is from .

1) I left my grandmother. I left my grandfather (kolobok)

2) My light, mirror, tell me. Tell me the whole truth (the tale of the dead Princess)

3) The sons bowed to their father, took an arrow, went out into an open field, pulled the arrows and

shot (The Frog Princess)

4) Once upon a time there was a woman, she really wanted to have a child, but where could she get one?


5) A soldier walked along the road: one-two, one-two. Satchel behind your back, saber on your side (Flint)

6) They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull (Turnip)

7) At the behest of the pike, at my will

Take the sleigh home yourself. (by magic)

8) Who was sitting on my chair? (three Bears)

9) You are a fool, simpleton. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

10) Sleep, little peephole, sleep another (Khavroshechka)

11) The fox went home, slurping unsalted.

This is where their friendship ended. (Fox and crane)

12) I was assured that you can transform into different animals (

Puss in Boots)

2 Guess the fairy-tale hero

1 . The old man went out into the garden

He sees a miracle growing there

Round, not a ball

Yellow, not the sun

With a tail, not a mouse (Turnip)

2. Not in a sleigh, not on a horse,

A woman rushes on a broom,

Cunning and evil. Who is she?

Who outwitted her, who freed her brother? (sister of Baba Yaga)

3. In this book there are name days, there were many guests there.

And at these name days a villain suddenly appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner, he almost killed her.

But someone cut off the head of the insidious villain (fly, mosquito, spider)

4. He will give a new trough, and a new house, and servants in addition.

But if she is angry, luck (goldfish) will swim away with her

5. A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her.

Without knowing it, he carries her home. (Masha, the bear)

6. He always lives above everyone else, he has a house on the roof

If you go to bed quickly, you can chat with him (Carlson)

7. He rolled out of the house along an unfamiliar road.

This is the most disobedient, talkative, simple-minded.

Did you recognize him, my friend? He is ruddy………(bun)

8. He will quickly clean all the dirty ones, and wash all the slobs clean.

Umyvalnikov is the boss and washcloth is the commander (Moidodyr)

9. Heals all animals in a row, treats adults and children.

The good doctor comes to you when it hurts (Aibolit)

10. He goes to visit with Piglet, loves honey, asks for jam.

Who is this, say it out loud! Little Bear...(Winnie the Pooh)

11. This only happens in a fairy tale.

The pumpkin carriage turns out big!

In a wonderful outfit, light as a feather,

Meets the fairy-tale prince….(Cinderella)

3 Telegram

I left my grandmother. I left my grandfather.

I'll pick you up soon.


Emelya, come for water. I stayed in the hole for a long time.


A simple egg has already been laid.


Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf

4 Who owns these items? ?

1) Golden Key (Pinocchio)

2) Shoe (to Cinderella)

3) Needle (death of Kashchei)

4) Pea (to the queen)

5) Paper boat (to the steadfast tin soldier)

6) Walnut shell (Thumbelina)

7) Thermometer (to Dr. Aibolit)

8) mirror (for the queen)

9) egg (hen Ryaba)

10) soap (Moidodyru)

11) Balloon (Winnie to Pooh)

5 Name the fairy tale based on its reference words

Old woman soldier axe.

Brother sister Baba Yaga.

Rooster hen blacksmith.

Grandma mouse grandpa

Old man trough

Mirror apple queen

Fairy ball slipper

King cat boots


What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother? (pie and pot of butter)

Why did the stepdaughter go into the winter forest in the fairy tale 12 months? (behind the snowdrops)

What did Carlson call himself? (a man in full strength)

What does Winnie the Pooh like? (honey)

What did Winnie bring - fluff as a gift to Donkey? (ball)

Who was the first to live in the little house? (mouse)

A fabulous trick. (fox)

Who was the granddaughter holding on to? (for grandma)

What did the fairy make Cinderella's carriage from? (from pumpkin)

Who likes to make noisemakers, grumblers, and nozzles? (Winnie the Pooh)

A fabulous mess. (Cinderella)

Girlfriend of the 7 Dwarves. (Snow White)

Who is Elisha? (prince's son)

What was the name of the little pig who loved to work? (Naf naf)

where is the death of Kashchei? (at the end of the needle)

Fairy-tale creatures living in the forest. (elves)

How old is Tortilla the turtle? (300)

This character was engaged in the trade of leeches. (Duremar)

Melted granddaughter. (Snow Maiden)

The boy is an onion. (Cippolino)

Cheburashka's friend. (Crocodile Gena)

Who did Brother Ivanushka turn into? (into a little goat)

Baba Yaga's home. (hut) How much chocolate did the elephant ask for? (6-7 pounds)

What kind of hut did the bunny have? (bast)

What did the Little Mermaid sacrifice to see the prince (voice)

What always wins in fairy tales? (good)

8 What became reality?

Horse – Little Humpbacked Rocket

Golden Cockerel Radar

Miracle mirror TV

Firebird Feather Spotlight

Sleighs that are driven by Aerosleighs themselves

Ball of thread Compass

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

There are many ways to make the learning process in kindergarten more interesting and exciting. For older preschoolers, a fairy tale quiz would be an excellent option. With the help of a quiz based on the fairy tales you have read, you can consolidate the material you have covered and develop your ability to dramatize. The competitive aspect of quizzes stimulates children's cognitive interest, and the awareness that a quiz awaits them after some time increases their motivation to remember and learn.

In order to generalize and clarify the knowledge of senior preschool children about Russian folk tales, I created the literary game “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” I used this game in the "Visiting a Fairy Tale" quiz.

Target: consolidating children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Practical significance:

  • will help consolidate knowledge about Russian folk tales;
  • will increase interest in oral folk art among children of senior preschool age;
  • will create motivation for independence;
  • will bring joy and emotional balance.

The target audience:I propose to use the presentation in organized educational activities, leisure activities, subgroup and individual work.

Program content:

  1. To clarify and enrich children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.
  2. Learn to recognize a fairy tale by assignment.
  3. Develop the ability to act in concert.
  4. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.
  5. Cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art.

Methods:Game, verbal-logical, partially search, problem-based, ICT, independent.

Techniques:Viewing the quiz, literary words (proverbs, riddles, poems), explanations, encouragement, finger gymnastics, physical exercises.

Vocabulary work: Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.

Material: disk with Russian folk tales, costume of a storyteller for a teacher.

Equipment: An audio recording with melodies, a stand with books of Russian fairy tales, a laptop, a CD with a quiz on Russian fairy tales, chairs

Progress of the event

Quiet music is playing.

Educator. Hello children. My name is Skaza Rasskazovna. I am very glad that you came to visit me. Do you like to read fairy tales?

Children. Yes. We love you. Like very much.

Educator. How can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.


Everything that is created by the mind
Everything the soul strives for
Like amber at the bottom of the sea,
Carefully stored in books.

Remember the proverbs about the book.


  • A house without a book is a day without sun.
  • He who reads a lot knows a lot.
  • A book teaches you how to live, a book should be treasured.
  • A book is a small window, through which you can see the whole world.
  • If you read books, you will know a lot.
  • A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.
  • The book is small and inspiring.
  • The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

Educator. From time immemorial, a book has raised a person. A good book shines brighter than a star.

Finger gymnastics"Favorite Tales" ( Children take turns bending their fingers. At the last line they clap their hands.)

Let's count fingers
Let's call fairy tales
Mitten, Teremok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,
Three bears, wolf - fox.
Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,
Our prophetic kaurka.
We know the fairy tale about the firebird,
We don't forget the turnip
We know the Wolf and the kids.
Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

Educator. Why are they called folk?

Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

Educator. Right. Do you know many fairy tales? Now we will find out. I invite you to take part in the fairy tale quiz. There are certain quiz rules that must be followed:

  1. Your task is to complete all tasks; for each correct answer, the participant receives a token.
  2. At the end of the quiz, the winner with the most tokens is revealed.


Let's go, friends,
Into a miracle fairy tale - you and me!
To the theater of puppets and animals,
For girls and boys!
There is a magic screen here,
There are countless fairy tales here!

(Quiz on the computer “Russian folk tales”).


Around us here and there
Different fairy tales live on.
There are riddles in the clearing,
Guess without a hint
Call it, dare
These fabulous friends!

(He makes riddles, and the children guess them.)

1. The beautiful maiden is sad,
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden).

2. A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth,
Scary, evil, who is she? ( Baba Yaga).

3. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin.
Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty? (Princess Frog).

4. Her grandfather planted her in the field,
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large. ( R epka).

5. It was mixed with sour cream
Baked in a Russian oven.
Met animals in the forest
And he left them quickly. (Kolobok).

6. Once upon a time there were seven guys
Little white goats.
The gray one tricked his way into the house.
The goat then found him,
I was able to outsmart him.
And she saved all her children. (Goats).

7. The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood).

Educator. All the riddles were solved and all the heroes were named.

Koschey was visiting yesterday
What have you done, just - Ah!
He mixed up all the fairy tales:
Can you guess them?

(The teacher asks reversal fairy tales, and the children correct mistakes).

  • "Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf";
  • “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka”;
  • “Daryushka’s hut”;
  • "Floating Ship";
  • "Axe noodles."

Well done guys, you guessed all the shifters.

Educator. Stand in a circle together We need to play fairy tales!

Physical education minute “Fairy tales”

The mouse ran quickly (running in place)
The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement)
Oh, I dropped the egg (bend over, “pick up the egg”)
Look, I broke it (show “testicle” with outstretched arms)
Here we planted her (bend over)
And they poured water on her (imitation of movement)
The turnip grew nice and strong (spread your arms to the sides)
Now let’s pull it (imitation of movement)
And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitation food)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show “strength”)
We are a nice family of little goats,
We love to jump and gallop (bouncing in place)
We love to run and play,
We love to butt heads.

(Children stand in pairs and show “horns” with the index fingers of both hands).

Educator: We rested a little, and now the next task.

Educator: And you can collect all the pictures for me and call it a Russian fairy tale!The picture will open if you guess the riddle correctly.

(Children guess the riddles one line at a time, a picture opens on the screen).

1. How many animals did Kolobok meet along the way?

2. I said a word - the stove rolled.
Straight from the village to the king and princess.
And I don’t know why, lucky lazy person.

3. The cheerful and dexterous hero of this work set off on a dangerous journey, but, having become accustomed to constant victories and successes, he lost his vigilance and was immediately eaten by an enemy who turned out to be more cunning than him.


Well done! We managed to put it together!
Koshchei's tricks have been overcome!
And here's another problem,
I'm all confused.
Help me friends.
"Guess the melody."

Your task is to guess which fairy-tale character sings the song and earn a chip. You are ready? Listen carefully ( music plays and the children guess).

Managed to cope quickly
And they sat quietly on the chairs.


With skillful hands,
For intelligence and ingenuity
I want to say thank you!
To those who worked
To those who tried
I’ll show everyone my gift now.

(The winning children are given coloring books based on fairy tales, and everyone else is given a book with fairy tales).

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.
And to those who believe
A fairy tale is a must
He will open all the doors.

(Children say goodbye and go to the group).