Notes on drawing fruits in the senior group. "self-assembled tablecloth" drawing in the older group

« Artistic creativity»

Drawing “Fruit bowl”

Compiled by:

Kucherova Tatyana Petrovna

Target: introduce children to still life, teach children to draw from life

picking up various fruits required colors, improve skills in working with gouache paints, develop independence and artistic Creative skills. Continue to develop the ability to depict oval and round shapes. Differentiate the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”. Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger exercises and physical exercises.



Abstract directly educational activities on implementation educational field

"Artistic creativity"

(in the senior group of compensatory orientation)

Drawing “Fruit bowl”

Compiled by:

Kucherova Tatyana Petrovna

Target: introduce children to still life, teach children to draw from life

various fruits, choosing the right colors, improve skills in working with gouache paints, develop independence and artistic and creative abilities.Continue to develop the ability to depict oval and round shapes.Differentiate the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”.Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger exercises and physical exercises.



  • continue to teach children to draw various fruits from life;
  • learn to select the right colors to depict fruits
  • learn to place an image on a sheet of paper.
  • consolidate children's knowledge about fruits
  • consolidate and expand vocabulary on the topic “Fruits”
  • to develop children’s ability to use relative adjectives in speech
  • strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences.
  • develop memory.Integrative qualities of children: to develop curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, mastery dialogical speech, the ability to control one’s behavior.


  • develop a sense of rhythm, aesthetic perception;
  • develop life drawing skills;
  • paint round objects with rounded lines.
  • Draw petioles and leaves yourself.
  • Develop imagination and artistic taste.
  • develop a sense of composition.
  • Develop fine motor skills hands


  • develop skills teamwork;
  • cultivate interest in visual arts, the desire to complete the work started.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “How vegetables and fruits end up on store shelves”;

Reading the fairy tale “Apple” by V. G. Suteev;

S/r game “Shop “Vegetables and Fruits””;

Teacher's story about vegetables and fruits;

Stencil drawing and shading of vegetables and fruits.

GCD equipment:

Reproductions of paintings by I. Repin “Apples”, Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”,

A4 drawing paper, with a dotted vase, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, brush stands, a simple pencil, dummies of vegetables and fruits, vases different shapes, jugs, plates, tray.

Methods and techniques

Surprise moment, asking riddles, looking at a picture,educational game “Analogies”,didactic game for attention , mini-conversation about fruits, display and analysis of a sample, exhibition, reading of a poem.

Health-saving technologies: finger gymnastics, physical minute.

Progress of joint activities:

Org. moment. Surprise moment.

Children approach a separate table and see a basket covered inside.

Educator: - What's in this basket? I suggest you solve the riddles. (for each guessed riddle, a picture or a replica of a fruit is displayed)

Same with a fist, a red barrel,

Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.


What kind of fruit has ripened in the garden?

Bone inside, freckled cheeks.

A swarm of wasps flew to him -

Sweet soft...


Warmed by the hot sun,

Dressed in skin like armor.

Will surprise us


(A pineapple)

You can barely hug this fruit, if it’s weak, you won’t be able to lift it,

Cut it into pieces and eat the red pulp.


Children know this fruit

Monkeys love to eat it.

He comes from hot countries

Grows in the tropics...


On a string - stem

Pile of sweet berries

On a large platter.


What kind of fruit is this - a box with a secret!

The seeds are delicious looking

All transparent, all pink,

You'll shake it, how strange it is, it doesn't ring.


Yellow ball, slightly bitter.

In summer it will quench your thirst.


This fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb.


Round-sided, yellow-faced,

Can be compared to the sun.

And how fragrant

The pulp is so sweet!

We are fans from now on

Queens of the field...


Yellow citrus fruit

It grows in sunny countries.

But it tastes sour,

And his name is...


Orange's little brother

Because it's small.


This fruit is sweet

Both round and smooth.

It's fragrant inside

Fluffy on the outside.


Blue uniform, white lining,

It's sweet in the middle.


You guessed it! - well done! Now let's take a closer look at what they are like in shape, color and size. (the teacher and the children take dummies of fruits out of the basket, examine them with their hands and repeat their names.) How can you call an apple, a pear, a banana in one word?... (Fruit) Where do you think this basket is on the table? (children's guesses) Where can you pick fruit? (In the garden) What do fruits grow on? (on trees and bushes) Where can I collect vegetables? (In the garden) What vegetables do you know? (children's answer)

Educational game “Analogies”(development of mental operations by analogy). The teacher invites the children to continue the sentences:

  • The apricot is small (yellow) and the eggplant is...
  • The cucumber is oval, (green), and the tomato is...
  • Lemon is sour (yellow) and peach is...
  • The zucchini is big, and the onions are...
  • The beets are burgundy (round), and the pear is...
  • Carrot is soup (juice), and apple is...

A game of attention.Get your hands ready, let's play. I will speak different words, and clap your hands when you hear the names of the fruits. (desk, grapes, radish, turnip, orange, pen, cucumber, pineapple, tomato, hat, etc.)

Well done! It works out very well.

Physical exercise "Apple"

I get up on my toes, get up on my toes
I take out the apple, hands up
I run home with an apple, running in place
My gift to mom! Hand clapping

The rest of the lesson takes place standing near the easel.

IN - Guys, come to the easel. I brought reproductions of paintings to our lesson today different artists. Do you remember what genre of painting they belong to? That's right, these are still lifes. That is, paintings that depict fruits: fruits, vegetables, berries, and other food products. Dishes, books, clothes, etc. can be drawn.

Let's take a closer look at the still lifes. Imagine yourself there, inside this picture. Tell everything you see and feel.

Educator: Notice what background the fruits are depicted against? Against this background, all the fruits are clearly visible. Why do you think the artist placed the canvas horizontally? Probably to show what an abundance of fruits is on the table. He seemed to expand the scope of the picture to accommodate all the fruits.

Educator: I suggest you play the game: “Make a still life.” (Part of the lesson takes place near a separate table) I prepared for him various fruits, dishes, a beautiful jug, and a vase.

(Children, if desired, make several still lifes.)

Now I suggest you relax and prepare our fingers for further work.

Finger gymnastics:" Fruits".
We will cook compote. March in place.
You need a lot of fruit. Here. Show with your hands - “a lot”.
Let's chop apples
We will chop the pear,
Squeeze the lemon juice
We'll put in some drainage and sand. Imitate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, lay, pour sand.
We cook, we cook compote, Turn around yourself.
Let's treat honest people. Clap.

(Children sit at tables)

Sample analysis:

Educator: - Look, I drew apples, pears and grapes in a vase.(Sample showing).

Partial display. Explanation.

1. Demonstration of the layout of the sheet. (Horizontal or vertical.)

2. Draw with light pencil pressure (demonstration of the technique).

3. Demonstration of the technique of painting by shape and explanation of it: apple

round and paint it with semicircular lines on one side and the other. And the pear is oval, we paint it with rounded lines.

Working with paints.

Remind the painting technique depending on the shape of the fruit.

Choose a paint color for the fruit. Remind that the paint does not go beyond the outline.

Watch your posture. Verbalize your actions.

Educator: - Now let's start drawing. First you must decide how to arrange a sheet of paper so that the entire composition is placed on it and how to draw objects.

The teacher helps the children with advice during the drawing process.


The drawings are displayed on the stand. The teacher reads a poem:

A tall vase stands on the table.
Rays play in blue crystal.
We will put a fragrant banana in a vase
A gift from distant tropical countries.
Add lemon, orange, tangerine.
And after lunch we will eat fruit!
Shorygina T.

The teacher marks those drawings where the children independently added green leaves to the fruit.

What did we do today, what did we play? (Played with vegetables and fruits, drew)

Did you like our lesson today?? (answer)

What didn't you like? (answer);

Did you have any difficulties completing today's task? (answer);

What's your mood now? (answer);

You guys are great today! Everyone tried!

Cleaning the workplace.

Drawing lesson for senior group
Topic: “Self-assembled tablecloth”
Target: give an idea of ​​a still life; learn to draw different vegetables and fruits visual materials (wax crayons, pastels, felt-tip pens, markers); create a joyful mood; cultivate cognitive activity; teach to see the beauty of color and various color combinations.
Methods and techniques: verbal and visual method; gaming techniques: asking riddles, imaginary situations.
Equipment: reproduction of M. Saryan’s painting “Vegetables and Fruits”; paper blue color A 1, wax crayons, pastels, felt-tip pens.
Preliminary work: viewing, examining and comparing vegetables and fruits that will be used in the lesson.
Progress of the lesson:
Introductory conversation by the teacher.
- What do you like to eat more: vegetables or fruits?
- What vegetables do you know?
- What fruits do you know?
- Do you know how to solve riddles? Let's try.
Green berries
And praised by everyone.
Grow with bones
Hanging with tassels. (Grape)

In the long green house
Lots of chubby guys.
They know each other
And everyone is sitting next to each other (Pea pod)

This delicious yellow fruit
It's sailing towards us from Africa.
Monkeys at the zoo
Provides food all year round. (Banana)

I'm sweet, grew up in the south,
Like the sun in the leaves,
Orange and round
The kids like me. (Orange)
(The teacher puts these fruits and vegetables on the table)
- How beautiful they are! I just want to draw them! Quite a few artists have done this. They painted a lot of canvases depicting these wonderful vegetables and fruits.
If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know that this is a still life.
- Such paintings are called still life. Let's look at one of them. (Demonstration of reproduction and discussion on issues)
- How do natural fruits differ from those depicted in the picture?
- What color is the fruit in the artist’s painting?
- What shape are they?
- What do you see as the beauty of this combination of color and shape?
- Who liked which combination better? Why?
- The shape of which fruit attracted your attention? Why?
- Some fairy tales, if you remember, talk about self-assembled tablecloths.
This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone until they are full,
That she is herself
Full of delicious food.
- This is a magic tablecloth on which all sorts of dishes and delicacies miraculously appear. Let us imagine that your blue sheets are a self-assembled tablecloth, and fruits and vegetables, ripe and tasty, will “appear” on it. And we will help her with this - we will draw her. But first let’s create a composition, i.e. let's arrange our fruits and vegetables so that they are friends and do not interfere with each other... And now let's get to work.
(Children draw on their sheets). After finishing the work, the teacher asks the children questions:
- What vegetables and fruits did you draw?
- Which fruits and vegetables turned out to be the brightest and juiciest?
- Guys, look how beautifully yellow bananas and blue plums combine; Green grapes and orange peach!
- You did a good job and your self-assembled tablecloths are full of various treats. While you were drawing, my self-assembled tablecloth also prepared a treat for you (the teacher treats the children with pieces of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, carrots, and plays the game “Guess by taste!”)

Objectives of the drawing lesson:

  • introduce the concept of “still life”, the works of master artists, identify the difference between still life and simple image objects;
  • learn to create a beautiful and harmonious composition, arranging objects evenly throughout the sheet;
  • depict three-dimensional objects, making fruits and vegetables juicy and “alive”;
  • add your own touches to show the individuality of the mood in the drawing.

Tools and materials: drawing paper, paints, gouache, thick and thin brushes, a recording of the cartoon “Plasticine Crow”, reproductions of still life paintings, images of vegetables and fruits prepared in advance.

Progress of the lesson:

IN. Today we have an unusual activity, because we will start it with a trip to the cinema. So, everyone took their places, remember that you cannot make noise or disturb each other in the hall. Attention! The lights go out and the cartoon begins (“About Paintings” based on poems by A. Kushner from the series “Plasticine Crow”).

  • What new word did you learn from the cartoon? What objects were depicted in the still lifes in the cartoon, and where were they located?
  • The word “still life” consists of two words: “nature” - nature and “mort” - inanimate. Who can guess why the paintings depict inanimate nature? (Children look at reproductions of paintings - still lifes by different artists.)
  • Vegetables, fruits and flowers that used to grow are now plucked, so they are not alive. Remember, in a still life all objects must be on some surface (table, plate, stand). Choose a “still life” from these drawings (I show different images vegetables and fruits).

In addition, in a still life, objects should be arranged beautifully. Let's imagine ourselves as artists and draw a still life. And to find out what fruits we will draw, guess the riddles:

  • A red, juicy orange has come to us from hot Africa.
  • The purple diva grew on a branch (plum).
  • A pot-bellied, clumsy whore,
  • All yellow, lying in a plate (pear).
  • Everyone grows in their garden
  • Green-yellow-red fruit (apple).

Remember what shape an apple is. Draw a circle in the air. We will draw it in the center of the sheet. At first it was yellow, but while the apple was growing, the sun warmed its side, and it became bright red (on one side we put a few strokes of red on the yellow paint), and the other side was covered with a leaf, the sun did not paint it over and it remained green (we put green strokes on the other edge). If desired, you can add a tail and a leaf.

What shape and color is an orange? It is round, like an apple (draw a circle in the air), but orange color, and on his side there was a mark from a twig. The orange is so full of juice that folds are visible on the peel near the tail (on orange circle Apply by dipping green dot and from it strokes-folds).

Is it possible to determine the shape of a pear? It seems to consist of two parts - a circle and an oval (we draw these figures in the air), like a grown cone, and the color resembles an apple. (Children draw a yellow circle, a yellow oval on top of it, apply a green and red side, tail and leaf as desired with strokes).

How is plum different from fruit? It is smaller in size, oval in shape and its color is blue-violet. You can draw two or three plums to fill the empty space (first draw a few ovals in the air). Find places in your drawing where plums could be located. We draw a blue oval, and the sun adds a red side to it, so we get a purple color.

Now you can add more vegetables and fruits, the same or others, if you wish. Choose a place for them in the picture, determine the shape and color yourself.

Is it possible to call our painting a still life? No, for now these are just scattered objects. You need to collect them on a table or plate (children trace the drawing with a circle or square, decorate the edges of the plate or napkin with a pattern of strokes, dots, wavy line and other details at your discretion).


IN. Your still lifes are ready. Try to evaluate your work yourself, what you did best. Now let’s add the cartoon with our works. (The drawings are fastened into a long ribbon. The screen is made of four slats, through which the ribbon is pulled, changing frames-drawings; accompanied by a song from the cartoon).

Yulia Babich

GCD Drawing« Orchard»

The idea was taken from the Internet. Thank you girls.

Software tasks; Learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic shape and color of friends fruit growing in our gardens.

Continue to develop compositional skills (distribution of objects evenly along the paper)

Develop the ability to develop a plan (in advance, before starting work, mentally imagine the content of your drawing).

Continue to develop your painting skills pencil: in one direction with continuous movements without skipping, without going beyond uniform moderate pressure.


Sheets of paper, pencils, wax crayons, illustrations with images fruit; monkey and pig toys; illustrations with drawn outlines of fruits.

Progress of the lesson;

IN: Look guys, a monkey and her friend a pig came to visit us. They brought us the game, but they can’t handle it themselves. Let us help them. DI "Loto vegetables fruits» or "Twins"

Guys, we were great at helping our guests. Let's play a game with you "Hugs"

They love Petya and Natasha (children hold hands)

They love to give hugs (Holding hands, swing hands left to right)

Hugs, hugs (children hug)

Show off your shirts (arms spread to the sides)

Well done guys, take a seat. (I’m telling you (Calm, quiet music sounds, we played the first classics that came across)

“Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year; in the fall the leaves fall from the trees, while beautifully swirling in the air and rustling underfoot. They rustle underfoot different leaves and beautiful oak, and large maple and small birch and chestnut leaves. And the gardens are already ripe fruits. Juicy, tasty, and so different in shape, color and size. They are pink, and yellow, and green, and red, and striped, and speckled, and with a ruddy side. Fruits Not only tasty but also very healthy, they contain a lot of vitamins. Vitamins are very useful; they benefit the body. Fruits loved not only by children but also by adults. And also from fruit compote, jam, jam, juice, and you can also dry it. And also from fruit your mothers and grandmothers cook delicious pies.

Guys, just name those fruits that grow in our gardens.

Children's answers.

What other ones do you know? fruits.

Children's answers; banana, lemon, orange, pineapple, kiwi.

Of course, guys, these fruits grow only in the south, for these fruits need a lot of sun, heat. Guys, tell me which ones monkey loves fruit, and what kind of pig?

(Children lay out and explain why)

Tell me guys, what time of year is rich here? fruits?

Children; Autumn.

Right. Your mothers and grandmothers have already made blanks from fruit for the winter. But our guests are not with you yet. Let us help them and draw juicy and ripe fruits. But before we start let's draw, let's prepare our fingers. (finger gymnastics)

This finger is an orange

He is, of course, not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot.

Grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

Asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This pineapple finger

Fruit for you and for us.

Let's sit down at the tables, open the album, and begin paint. What would make it easier for you? paint I have prepared riddles for you, whoever guesses the riddle will be draw this fruit. Listen carefully to my riddles.

This the fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb (pear)

They know this one fruit kids

They love and eat his monkeys

He comes from hot countries

Grows in the tropics (banana)

Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.

It contains a useful vitamin -

It's ripe.

Answer (Orange)

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch;

Adults and little children love me.

Answer (Apple)

It's almost like an orange

Thick skinned, juicy,

There is only one drawback -

Very, very sour.

Lemon –

Balls hang on the branches,

Turned blue from the heat.

Well done, you guessed all the riddles, now let's paint.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: make your own attributes for role-playing game"Shop" Objectives: 1. Continue to learn how to correlate the color of paper with the color of real things.

A week has passed on the topic of fruits. We discussed with the children where they grow up and what they look like. We tasted some fruits. Guessed riddles: Pear,...

Lotto game "Fruits" Lotto game "Fruits". Goal: To develop children’s knowledge about fruits. Enrich children's vocabulary. Individual work with kids. Develop perception.

Topic of the week: Fruits and vegetables Age: 4 years Goal: to develop the child’s ability to paint a picture according to a sample, to be able to use paints carefully.

Unconventional drawing with experimentation “Drawing on ice with watercolors” in the preparatory group Goals and objectives: To introduce a new way of drawing on ice. Consolidate knowledge about healthy way life, to develop the ability to fantasize.

GCD. Artistic creativity. Drawing in a preparatory school group. Topic: “The Scarlet Flower.” Drawing with palms Objectives: introduce children to new technology palm painting. Strengthen the structure of the flower. Reinforce rules of behavior in public.

Olga Karelina

Subject: fruits and vegetables.

Software tasks:

Learn to paint the background first;

Learn to convey the characteristic round shape and color of apples and pears;

Learn to mix colors to get the desired shade;

Learn to beautifully arrange the composition of a drawing;

Strengthening skills in working with gouache and brush.


Illustrations with still lifes of fruits;

Illustrations with drawn outlines of fruits;

Thick paper for watercolors;

Brushes No. 6 for painting the background and No. 3 for painting the fruit;

Napkins for blotting brushes;

Cans of water;

Fruit replicas;

Progress of the lesson:

The doll Katya comes to our group and asks us to help her prepare for the arrival of guests. We need to help her decide which fruits are vegetables and which are fruits.

D/i "Vegetables and fruits".

Riddles about fruits.

Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

She was little green

Then I became scarlet,

I turned black in the sun,

And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)

Himself scarlet, sugar,

The caftan is green, velvet. (watermelon)

It's orange and juicy

Loves New Year.

Look under the tree - exactly

He's waiting in gifts!

This red-haired gentleman -

Delicious sweet. (Mandarin)

Blue uniform

Yellow lining,

And it's sweet in the middle. (Plum)

After the children list the fruits they know, Doll Katya asks to lay a beautiful tablecloth on the table and put the fruits, because guests will come to her soon!

I offer this example.

Look, guys, what is shown here? - Apple and pear. How else can we call them in one word? - These are fruits. Such paintings, which depict fruits, vegetables, dishes, books and other inanimate objects, are called still life. Repeat: - Still life. Can we call our painting a still life? - We can, because it shows fruit.

We look at the sample and determine what colors were used for the background? Grey, blue and blue. What do we do first? - First we draw the background. Our background is divided into 2 parts: the wall and the table on which the tablecloth lies. First, with a wide brush, paint a gray wall up to about half of the sheet, then a light blue tablecloth. Then we go to rinse the wide brush, and in the meantime our work will dry.

Then we paint blue stripes on the tablecloth with a thin brush.

Physical education lesson “Mouse and Clock”.

We need to draw an apple and a pear. What color are they? - Green with yellow and red with yellow. Right! Look at our fruits (dummies! Are they the same color? - No, one side is lighter, the other is more red, on an apple one side is yellow. It turns out that there are no fruits that are strictly the same color, there are always color transitions. We will try to convey this in the drawing. First we draw a red pear. It is round in shape, elongated on one side. We wash the brush and take yellow paint. It’s okay, if the paint blurs a little, it’s okay, it will look more natural. Then we draw green apple and also paint one side in yellow.

These are some wonderful drawings we made! How else can we call them? - Still life!

Today you are all great! Helped the doll Katya prepare for the arrival of guests. Do you think they'll like it? - I'll like it!

Thank you for your attention! Good luck to everyone!

Publications on the topic:

"Canning fruit." Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group Drawing with paints “Canning fruits”. Goal: Continue to develop children’s ideas about preparing food for the winter. Task: Exercise.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior speech therapy group “Fruits” Summary of a lesson on speech development in high school speech therapy group. Topic: Fruits. Objectives of the lesson: Correctional and educational: - teach children.

Synopsis of frontal speech therapy session on the topic: “Fruits and vegetables” in the senior group. Goals: Educational: consolidate knowledge.

Program content. Clarify and consolidate the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”; explain their benefits of use; continue to introduce children to.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group "Sun", on the topic "Fruits and vegetables." Goals: continue to shape.