State University of Theater Arts. What artistic specialties are there?

The teaching staff of the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" includes highly qualified specialists, including professors, associate professors, literary and artistic figures, awarded state awards for their professional work on television, having academic degrees and honorary titles.
Most of them are well known in the country for their work on radio and television.

Russian Academy theatrical arts- GITIS (RATI-GITIS) is the largest theater university in Europe and one of the largest in the world. Students of almost all specialties related to the performing arts study at GITIS: directors of drama, musical theatre, pop, circus, actors of the same directions, theater experts and choreographers, set designers and producers.

School-studio at Moskovsky Art Theater is state-owned educational institution. Full name: “Studio School (University) named after. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov." It has existed since 1943. Three faculties have been opened: acting (training - 4 years), production (training - 5 years) and producing (training - 5 years). The form of training is full-time.

Higher Theater School (Institute) named after M.S. Shchepkina at the State Academic Maly Theater is the oldest higher theater educational institution in Russia.

Higher Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin, since 2002 - Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after Evgeniy Vakhtangov - higher theater educational institution Russian Federation. The Institute trains specialists in the following areas: “Actor drama theater and cinema" and "Theatre director".

Yekaterinburg State Theatre Institute(EGTI) is one of the leading theater universities in Russia along with universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is the only higher theater educational institution in the Ural region.

The Institute of Russian Theater is a non-state educational institution formed with the support of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The task of the institute is to preserve and develop the traditions of the Russian theater school, laid down by K. Stanislavsky, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, E. Vakhtangov, A. Tairov, V. Meyerhold. The Institute has its own educational theater, ballet classes, modern auditoriums, equipped with all the necessary audio, video and multimedia technology and equipment.

The state educational institution of the city of Moscow “Education Center “MONOTON”” (GOU CE “MONOTON”) is a non-standard educational institution for children, adolescents and young people who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in the field of theater and performing arts.

According to their development. This course can be a kind of introduction to the basics for anyone interested. But for the theatrical tradition that has developed over centuries, this is just a drop in the ocean of learning the art of acting. Therefore, in support of the training, our website publishes a list of several of the most famous theater universities in Russia with brief information about them, which will undoubtedly be useful to those who have decided to devote themselves to theater or cinema and want to get an education in this field.

Let us immediately note that the purpose of the article is not to compile a rating or give recommendations on which theater university is better. IN narrow circles this question has long become eternal, but our task is different - to create convenient material for orientation in the topic.

Higher Theater School (Institute) named after. M. S. Shchepkina at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia

VTU named after. M. S. Shchepkina is a theater school with a long and glorious history not only by the standards of Russia, but also of Europe. It began its existence in 1809, when, by decree of Alexander I, the theater school at the orphanage was reorganized into the Moscow Imperial Theater School. Over time, the institution became part of the Maly Theater. Since 1832, Mikhail Semyonovich Shchepkin, a famous Russian actor and teacher, worked at the school, and since 1838 it received his name. The status of a university was assigned to “Shchepka” (as the school is called for short) in 1943.

Today the school named after. M. S. Shchepkina is recruiting for 2 specialties: “acting art” and “theater art”, upon completion of which distribution is provided. All courses and studios are organized by experienced professionals. You can study in one of nine workshops. It is also obvious that an educational institution with more than 200 years of history can boast not only of its teaching staff, but also of its great graduates. And there were a lot of them. Here are just the famous names to modern man: D. Kharatyan, M. Basharov, A. Domogarov, A. Chadov and others.

Find contact information and admission information on the official website of the school..

Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin

One of the best theater universities was at first an amateur studio, which appeared in 1914 thanks to the efforts of a student, E.V. Vakhtangov. Modern name the school received only in 2002. Before that, there were several others that characterized the stages of formation of this educational institution: Moscow Drama Studio of E. B. Vakhtangov (1917), III Studio of the Moscow Art Theater (1920), Theater named after. Evgenia Vakhtangov (1926) with her own theater school. In 1939, the theater became a school, named after the great actor, Vakhtangov’s student, Boris Shchukin.

The institute is recruiting for the specialties “theater and film actor” and “director”. Interesting fact and at the same time, the peculiarity of “Pike” (as in the previous case - this is the slang name for the school) is that only former graduates teach there. True, with such a history, the university should not have problems with the selection of qualified teachers. Among those who graduated from the institute: A. Gordon, A. Mironov, A. Vertinskaya, K. Raikin and many others.

Detailed information about admission rules and other data is on the website.

School-studio named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov

Both the studio school and the Moscow Art Academic Theater itself owe a lot to Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko. It was his views that served as the starting point for creating his own school at the theater. It was established in 1943, the day after his death, as an act of perpetuating the memory of the great teacher and director and, subsequently, became a source of personnel for the Soviet, and later Russian, theater and cinema.

Nowadays, training is carried out by three faculties: acting, producing, scenography and theater technology. The school-studio has its own educational theater (as, indeed, at the VTU named after M. S. Shchepkin, and at the Theater Institute named after B. Shchukin). IN different years graduated from the university famous actors, like L. Durov, V. Gaft, O. Basilashvili, O. Tabakov, and not only an actor, but also the “voice of a generation” - V. Vysotsky.

All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov

VGIK is named after the outstanding Soviet film director, screenwriter and actor Sergei Appolinarievich Gerasimov. This university, which, unlike all of the above, is focused on training actors for cinema, traces its history back to 1919. Then, for the first time in the world, a State Film School was created in the Soviet Union. Her name is subsequently associated not only with the origin of training in the art of film acting, but also with the formation of Soviet cinema as a whole. The first Soviet full-length film was filmed on the basis of the State Film School. Feature Film- "Hammer and sickle".

And after the collapse of the USSR, and today, VGIK remains the main center for training personnel of all specialties for cinema and television. The university has several branches: in Sergiev Posad, Rostov-on-Don, Sovetsk (Kaliningrad region), Irkutsk. In addition, VGIK is the only state university that has a complete technical base for creating full-fledged media products (primarily films). And completes the formation of the image of one of the best in the industry educational institutions list of famous graduates, including S. Parajanov, K. Muratova, N. Mikhalkov, F. Bondarchuk and others.

Admission conditions and specialties can be found at.

Russian University of Theater Arts

Despite the fact that today the abbreviation of this educational institution is RUTI, the usual name of one of the largest (the admission plan for “Acting” is over 200 people) theatrical universities remains GITIS ( State Institute theatrical art). What can be traced here is not so much a tradition (the university has seen many different names), but rather the memory of the period when it was headed. The history of this institution begins with the Music and Drama School, which was opened by P. A. Shostakovsky in 1878.

The list of specialists trained by GITIS is much larger than in other universities. In addition to actors and directors, the university produces personnel for musical theater, variety, theater experts, choreographers, and producers. This in turn makes the list of famous alumni diverse. Thus, GITIS graduated from actors E. Leonov, A. Papanov, R. Khait, singer A. Pugacheva, choreographer B. Akimov, sports commentator N. Ozerov.

Read more about the admission campaign at different faculties on the website.

St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts

SPbGATI is the oldest and one of the largest educational centers teaching theater specialties. At the end of May 2014, the academy celebrated its 235th anniversary. This theater university was founded back in 1779, when Dance school was expanded and reorganized into Theater school different specialties. Since then, the institution has often changed its name, but has preserved the history and traditions of the oldest institution of this profile.

Today SPbGATI is a leading university in training highly qualified specialists in the field of theater and related specialties. The Academy is recruiting for six faculties: the Faculty of Acting and Directing, the Faculty of Puppet Theater, the Faculty of Scenography and Theater Technology, the Faculty of Producing, the Faculty of Theater Studies, and the Faculty of Stage Performance. In the past, M. Boyarsky, M. Porechenkov, I. Urgant, N. Fomenko, K. Khabensky and many others studied there.

All statements necessary for applicants are collected on the official website of the academy on the Internet.

Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute

EGTI is the only theater university in the Urals. It arose during the Second World War through the efforts of teachers and actors evacuated to Sverdlovsk. On this basis, after the end of the war, a theater school was created, which received the status of an institute in 1985.

EGTI trains specialists in several areas: drama theater and film actors, actors puppet theater, directors, accompanists, art critics, literary workers. At one time, V. Motyl (director of the film “ White sun deserts"), V. Loginov ( main character series “Happy Together”, which takes place in Yekaterinburg), National artist Russia V. Ilyin et al.

All information about the university is collected on the website.

Yaroslavl State Theater Institute

The theater technical school existed in Yaroslavl back in the 1930s, but only in 1962 in collaboration with Academic theater A drama school named after F. G. Volkov was created. Thanks to hard work, and it was carried out constantly - in less than 20 years from the moment it received the status of a school, the institution graduated many sought-after specialists, and in 1980 it was awarded the status of a university.

Today, YAGTI, through its activities, continues, albeit short, but full of bright pages, the history of one of the strongest regional centers for training personnel for the theater field. Among the graduates of the university are the names familiar to the Russian audience: A. Samokhina, A. Boltnev, V. Gvozditsky, Yu. Tsurilo.

Information about the institute

Every year they attract thousands of applicants from all over Russia. It's not easy to get into one of them. This is evidenced by stories from life outstanding actors and directors who once managed to become students at prestigious theater universities only on the second or third attempt. And how many more are there, unrecognized talents who never managed to get a pass into the world of art?

The topic of today's article is theater institutes in Moscow. We will provide a list of the most prestigious metropolitan universities that produce actors and directors. We'll talk about how to enroll in Moscow and what difficulties usually arise on the path of applicants.

There is a list of universities that every student who dreams of acting career. exists in many cities, but when it comes to professions related to cinema and theater, one remembers GITIS, the school named after. Shchepkina. After all, these are the best theater institutes in Moscow.

List of universities

Among the educational institutions about which we're talking about in this article, there are academies, schools, and institutes. Some of them are called theatrical, as if their graduates can work exclusively in the temple of Melpomene. The title of one of them contains the word “cinematography”, as if those who received a diploma from this university will spend their whole lives studying film set. In reality, there is no particular difference between them. They can be classified into one category - theater institutes of Moscow.

It is worth saying that there is no guarantee that a student at one of these educational institutions will become a famous, sought-after actor. Just as there is no certainty that fame can make a person happy. But let's not get distracted by philosophical topics, and let’s name the best theater institutes in Moscow:

  • GITIS;
  • school named after Shchepkina;
  • school named after Shchukin;
  • Moscow Art Theater School-Studio;
  • VGIK.

Russian University of Theater Arts

This is the largest theater university in Europe. Girls and boys who dream of the stage strive to get here first. The history of GITIS begins at the end of the nineteenth century. Teaching is conducted in all specialties that exist in stage world. GITIS produces drama, pop and circus directors. Training is also provided in the specialties of choreographer, theater expert, and set designer.

GITIS has eight faculties: acting, directing, theater studies, choreography, and production. There are also faculties here pop art, musical theater, scenography.

There are many outstanding actors and directors among GITIS teachers. Perhaps this is the best theater institute in Moscow.

GITIS: what to do

This institute experiences the largest influx of applicants every year. Graduates can apply to the acting department secondary school up to twenty-five years of age. presupposes life experience. Therefore, here the age limit has been increased to thirty-five years.

Since most applicants dream of becoming a director, let us consider the conditions for admission to the faculties that train these specialists. In both the first and second cases, potential students undergo a creative selection process. At the acting department, it takes place in three stages. On the director's stage - at four.

Future actor at the first stage qualifying round reads in front of members admissions committee a poem, a fable and a piece of prose. The reason for the failure of applicants is often the wrong choice of work. The passage should be selected so that it matches internal state, appearance. Taras Bulba’s monologue from the lips of a slender young man would not sound at all harmonious. And an applicant with a rare comic gift should not act as Romeo. It should also be taken into account that members of the selection committee may give a difficult task. You'll have to improvise by connecting your life experience, observation, ability to react quickly.

A case from one's life

Yuri Nikulin is a great clown - several years of theater institutes, including GITIS. None of the universities listed above accepted him. But in his book of memories he talked about one thing interesting case, which he witnessed during the entrance exams.

One of the applicants was asked to play a thief. The girl reacted very strangely. She began to be indignant, ran up to the table at which the members of the selection committee were sitting, and shouted: “How can you? After all, I’m a Komsomol member!” - ran out the door in tears. And only a minute later one of the teachers noticed his watch was missing. At that moment, the “offended” applicant returned and returned the watch with the words: “Did I complete your task?”

The final stage

Those who successfully passed the first stage will have to demonstrate stage speech and confirm their knowledge of the history of theatrical art. And only after this test in Russian language and literature.

Future directors also take an oral examination on the theory of directing. Regardless of what specialty the applicant chooses, he does not have enough talent to enter. Theoretical knowledge is also needed. And in order to obtain them, you should read a lot of literature on theater and directing.

Higher Theater School named after. Shchepkina

Admission to the acting department of this institute takes place in four stages. The first is a screening consultation. As in other theater universities, applicants prepare several excerpts from both poetry and prose works. Upon successful completion, applicants are admitted to the second stage. Here they will also have to demonstrate artistic skills through reading literary works. But the selection in the second round is tougher. The applicant’s abilities and the breadth of his artistic range are taken into account. The third stage is an oral examination on the theory of theatrical art.

Other universities

Admission to the school named after. Shchukin and the Moscow Art Theater School follow the same pattern: assessment of acting skills, colloquium. That is why many applicants apply to several universities and read the same works at GITIS as, for example, at the school. Shchepkina.

This is the admission process to Moscow theater institutes. After 9th grade you can enroll in the following educational institutions:

  • State School of Musical and Variety Arts;
  • State Theater College named after. Filatova;
  • Moscow Regional College of Arts.

Moscow theater universities are a cherished goal for thousands of applicants from all over the country, and even MGIMO and Moscow State University can envy the competitions for these educational institutions. Let's try to understand which Moscow theater institute is best to apply to.


GITIS, founded in 1878, is the largest theater university not only in Russia, but also in Europe as a whole. Actors (for drama, musical and variety theatres), directors, theater experts, choreographers, producers and set designers are trained here. Actors are trained by four faculties of GITIS: acting, directing, pop and musical theater. Moreover, only in this theater university in Moscow joint training of directors and actors takes place on an ongoing basis. And it is the famous acting and directing workshops that make GITIS attractive to many applicants. However, some students complain that the university teaches directing superbly, but does little to develop their acting skills.

It is important to note that GITIS, unlike other theater universities in Moscow, is not “assigned” to any theater. There is not and cannot be a single acting school in this educational institution. Boundaries, sometimes fundamental, lie between the faculties and workshops that lead artistic directors and directors of major Moscow theaters.


The Moscow Art Theater School is the youngest (founded in 1943) and open to new trends classical theater university in Moscow. Students here talk confidently about the future and feel needed. Unlike other theater workshops, students here are 100% loaded: classes on acting They take place every morning and evening, sometimes you have to prepare two etudes at once. The teachers of the Studio School believe that an actor must have something in his soul. Something that he can give to his viewer. Therefore, here they devote a lot of time to communication, formation civic position and talking about the meaning of things.

It is often recommended to include in a listening program modern authors, for example, Viktor Pelevin, Evgeny Grishkovets or Lyudmila Ulitskaya. However, the radical innovations of the Studio School still have limits, which can be understood by reading the announcement hanging on the walls cherished for future actors: “Entrance in beach shoes and shorts to the Moscow Art Theater School is strictly prohibited.”

There are three faculties at the Studio School: acting, producing and the faculty of scenography and theater technology.

For non-standard:

On Pike, as the theater institute is popularly called. Shchukin, founded in 1914, is worth paying attention to applicants with a typical acting appearance - tall, dark-haired beauties and handsome men. However, the rector of this Moscow theater institute, Evgeny Knyazev, assures that they often receive applicants who could not get into other universities: vertically challenged and with a non-standard voice, since in Pike they can find individuality in such people. The institute has two faculties: acting and directing.


Shchepka is the oldest theater university in Moscow, whose history dates back to the theater school established in 1809. And, as befits the oldest, the Shchepkinsky School is a zealous guardian classical traditions. The plays here are staged as written, discarding any possible vulgarity. When recruiting students, university teachers also adhere to a certain type: preference is given to stately Russian heroes and well-bred girls with long braids and in a high voice.

During their studies, a Shchepki student, unlike universities where teachers set up their own workshops, learn from all teachers. Training is carried out only in the field of “Acting”.


VGIK, founded in 1919, is a Mecca for applicants who dream of basking in the glory. After all, these days only cinema and television can make you truly famous. It is these two areas that VGIK specializes in.

It is worth noting that, in contrast to purely theatrical universities in Moscow, where only very young students are recruited, the Institute of Cinematography can enroll even at the age of 25. In addition, VGIK is the only film school in the country with its own film studio, in which it is possible to film educational films all existing genres.

For people with disabilities:

GSII, founded in 1991, is today the only university in the world that provides students with disabilities with the opportunity to obtain higher theater and musical education. In 4 years at the acting department you can receive a diploma in the specialty “Acting”.

University Faculty Number of budget places Number of “contract” places Sum of Unified State Examination points of the weakest enrolled student
Russian University of Theater Arts Acting 58
(of which 4 are for targeted reception)
288 63 233 198 900
-//- Director's 514 476 198 900
-//- Musical theater 357 247 198 900
-//- Bandstands 316 213 198 900
All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov Acting 17 276 8 209 161 779
School-studio (institute) named after. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater named after. A.P. Chekhov Acting 23 no data - no data 235 000
Theater Institute named after. Boris Shchukin at the GAT named after. Evgenia Vakhtangova Acting 30 no data - no data 210 000
Higher Theater School named after. M.S. Shchepkina (institute) at GAMTR Acting 25 374 - 271 160 000
State Specialized Institute of Arts Theatrical 8 114 - - -

In addition, you can become an actor after graduating from a non-state theater university. There are 9 such educational institutions in Moscow. But before applying to such universities, think about how many actors you know who graduated from a commercial theater university.

University Faculty Number of seats Sum of Unified State Exam scores for the weakest student Tuition fee (RUB per year)
Institute of Humanitarian Education and information technologies Theater arts not limited 200 125 000
Institute of Russian Theater - not limited 68 (2 items) 130 000
Institute contemporary art Acting 30 131 138,710 (135,850 if paid before July 1)
Institute of Theater Arts named after. P.M. Ershova - not limited - 134 700
International Slavic Institute Acting 40 - 142 400
Institute of Contemporary Management, Film and Television Creative professions and performing arts not limited 68 (2 items) 120 000
Moscow Humanitarian University Philosophy, culture and art 20 128 118 000
Moscow Academy of Education Natalia Nesterova Film and television not limited 168 90 000
International Humanitarian and Linguistic Institute Theater and cinema not limited 150 (3 items) 85 000

The final decision always remains with the applicant. However, students of Moscow theater universities give their future colleagues one good advice: “Be yourself! Don’t adjust and don’t try to please - you still won’t guess who likes what.”

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Showing entries 1-13 from 13

Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova
ARB named after A. Ya. Vaganova

All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov

VTU named after. M.S. Shchepkina


Institute of Contemporary Art


Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts
Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS
Sergiev Posad branch of the All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
Sergiev Posad branch of VGIK

TI them. B. Shchukina

Moscow Art Theater School

Theater universities: institutes and universities

The theater is not a reflecting mirror, but a magnifying glass.

Mayakovsky V.

The great and magical art of theater elevates the life of the human spirit on and off the stage. As Romain Rolland said: “Theater should enlighten the mind. It should fill our brain with light...” This definition is fully consistent with the Russian theater, which is famous throughout the world not only for its productions, but also for its famous school of acting training. Many theater schools and institutes exist at famous theaters.

The theater has a great future, like everything that has a great past.

Karel Capek

Theater universities sacredly honor the traditions of acting schools XIX centuries and continue learning on the same high level. University teachers who have worked in the theater as actors and directors selflessly pass on their experience to students.

Theater universities train not only actors. There are other areas of training besides acting:

  • directing;
  • dramaturgy;
  • scenography;
  • musical and theatrical art.

Besides special education, theater universities provide thorough knowledge of literature, world art, and the history of theater - Russian and world. Upon graduation, graduates can take place in any creative work: in the theater, cinema, as teachers of theater studios.

If that state of the artist’s soul, which is called inspiration, continued uninterruptedly, it would be impossible to live even one day.

Tchaikovsky P.I.

The TOP 5 most famous theater universities in Russia are as follows:

Traditionally, the best theater universities are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But in other cities of Russia, theater institutes are famous for their educational schools - Kazan, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Smolensk, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl and other cities of Russia.

The theater lives not by the brilliance of lights, the luxury of scenery and costumes, or spectacular mise-en-scenes, but by the ideas of the playwright. The flaw in the idea of ​​the play cannot be covered by anything. No amount of theatrical tinsel will help.

Stanislavsky K.S.

Admission to a theater institute differs from admission to other universities in that, in addition to Unified State Exam results must be endured creative competition- audition in 3-4 rounds, write an essay. At the audition stages, you are required to read poetry, fables, prose by heart, and demonstrate dance, musical, and improvisational abilities. Getting the commission interested and successfully passing the audition is the main test for admission. Everything else is secondary. Studying at any Russian theater university provides a high-quality theater and humanities education.

An actor or theater director is not only a profession, but also a calling, dedication, and inspiration. In addition to talent and hard work, real courage is required to keep the attention and interest of the audience for a long time.