Creative professions. Professions related to creativity, modern types and features of Work related to art

If desired, creativity can be found in every profession, but, unfortunately, not every profession is defined as creative. What creative professions exist and are they for sure? Let's find out!

In order not to be mistaken in defining a profession as creative, let’s first understand what creativity is.

Creativity is the creation of unique, exclusive spiritual or material values, something new and unique, something that is not created in production, not on the stream. No one can repeat what was created by the master during the creative process. Only the creator himself can do this, but even his creation will not be completely identical to the previous one. So, what professions are considered creative?

What creative professions exist?

Let's find out what creative professions are and list them. Professions in the field of art can undoubtedly be called the most creative.

Artist, artist, writer, poet, singer, theater and film director, dancer, choreographer, musician - masters of these professions create spiritual values, give emotions and impressions.

Undoubtedly, what is being created or will be created by these people cannot be repeated by anyone. This list can be expanded with such professions as cameraman, video director, sound engineer, editor, costume designer, prop maker, special effects master, lighting designer, set designer, screenwriter, and animator.

The alluring world of fashion. Creativity is closely woven into any profession related to this magical and beautiful world. What creative professions exist there? Fashion designer or clothing designer, clothing designer, image maker, stylist and, of course, the most attractive profession for young people - a model on the catwalk.

Rapidly developing computer technologies have given rise to new specialties and professions that are also creative - graphic designer, animator, computer special effects master, web designer, copywriter

What other creative professions are there?

Are there other professions that are considered creative? There are many of them. Hairdresser, makeup artist, manicurist and pedicurist, make-up artist, tailor - all these professions involve creativity, imagination and artistic taste are required to help the client make a choice, help him emphasize his natural beauty, and hide flaws.

Architect, interior designer, landscape designer are some of the most popular creative professions today.

A culinary chef or pastry chef creates masterpieces from ordinary products, creating a magical and delicious fairy tale. The bartender puts on real art shows and performances behind the bar, creating and inventing different types of drinks. The sommelier will tell you which wine to choose, which wine goes best with the dish the client has chosen, which wine will best highlight the taste of this dish. He studies wines, their qualities, selects wines, and all this also requires creativity and good taste.

A barista is a coffee specialist, he always knows what kind of coffee to offer a client, and he can make not just coffee, but a coffee cocktail to please the client with an unusual but surprisingly tasty combination of coffee and various ingredients. The master of the tea ceremony is the creator of an oriental fairy tale. It is not for nothing that this profession originated in the East, in Japan and China, where it is still highly respected. Sommelier, barista, tea ceremony master are rare creative professions, but very interesting.

Such a profession as a mass entertainer, which is now called a beautiful word - animator, carries a considerable amount of creativity. You have to be a screenwriter, a director, and an actor in order to organize people’s leisure time, entertain them and help them take a break from everyday life.

Photographer and photo artist are prestigious and interesting professions. They can notice and capture the beautiful moments of life, amazing small details, sometimes very unnoticeable, they visually preserve for people the memory of their life.

A florist works with flowers; only he can arrange the most inconspicuous flowers into a beautiful bouquet, highlighting and emphasizing their beauty. Advertising specialist - no business can do without representatives of these professions, they are in demand and their work is well paid.

Interest in handicrafts is growing more and more. What creative professions are there in this segment? A master of folk crafts creates beauty with his own hands without the use of any machines or devices. Painted dishes from Gzhel and Khokhloma, trays from Zhostovo, handmade scarves from Orenburg and Pavlov-Posad, felt boots, folk toys from Dulevo, lace from Vologda, jewelry and boxes from Palekh - every year they gain popularity and value, and therefore this the profession is becoming more and more popular.

A master glassblower is a wizard whose hands produce unique, fragile masterpieces. People will always use utensils or decorate their homes with glassware, which means this profession will always exist.

Jewelry is certainly a creative profession. By creating masterpieces from precious metals and stones, a jeweler gives joy and a sense of beauty to many people. A master cabinetmaker creates unusual and ecological handmade things from pieces of wood, which are used in everyday life, in the construction and design of houses, and decorate our homes.

A blacksmith can forge a simple fence from pieces of iron, or he can create a work of art that will last for centuries. Handicrafts - various embroidery, sewing, knitting, felting, making handmade dolls and toys - all this is becoming more and more popular and can also relate to creative professions. But, even if needlework does not become your profession, this type of creativity can bring you additional income.

Which creative profession should I choose?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. There are no criteria for which creative profession is better and more interesting. It is impossible to give a clear and unambiguous answer that this particular creative profession will allow you to earn a lot of money or help you climb the career ladder.

Everything is individual and depends on the person’s talents, inclinations and desires. And also, importantly, from his ambitions. The most important thing is to choose exactly where your soul lies, what is closest to you and understand what you are interested in doing. Once you understand your desires, the question “Which creative profession should I choose?” will not arise.

And there is also a big plus in favor of choosing a creative profession - most creative professions combine well, intertwining with each other, growing into each other. You can choose several specialties related to creative professions and successfully engage in all of them. For example, you can start with a career as a model and then become a fashion designer.

A master of folk crafts can simultaneously work as a jeweler. An artist can be a writer and a singer, and a director can write wonderful scripts for his films or plays for his performances.

An architect, in parallel with designing houses, can master the profession of a cabinetmaker and create wooden parts of the interior of the houses that he designs. A photographer can simultaneously work as a graphic designer and use his photographs in his work. And in this way you can combine all existing creative professions.

Every second person dreams of being creative. Still would! Taking portraits of beautiful women or incredible natural landscapes is much more enjoyable than counting numbers or writing some financial reports. Moreover, now, when parents enroll their children in all sorts of creative studios from childhood, almost everyone in our country has one or another talent that begs for urgent implementation. So, what are the most popular and promising creative professions today?

1. Designer

In this area, the choice of specializations is so wide that almost anyone can discover their design abilities. Some are actively involved in decorating houses and creating luxurious interiors, others focus on the landscape of the garden, others create advertising brochures, draw websites, others sew fashionable clothes and participate in fashion shows, and there are also those who work on the design of airplanes or cars. .

2. Organizer of festive events

Today, almost no wedding or birthday is complete without an entertainment program. And in order to turn an ordinary holiday into a real unforgettable show, you need to try so hard. And undoubtedly have a great imagination. This is why today the demand for talented organizers is so great! Preparing scripts, thinking through competitions, working with animators, attracting artists, unlimited scope for imagination, and most importantly - no office routine.

3. Photographer

Well, where are we today without photographers? You look at your news feed on a social network and see that almost all of your friends are masters of photography and Photoshop wizards. Every creative person can find work in this field. The main thing is to create an impressive portfolio, choose your subjects (weddings, holidays, children’s portraits, costume photography, landscapes, travel photography, etc.) and be able to competently present and advertise yourself, the rest will follow. Professional photography has become so firmly established in our lives that photo sessions have become available not only to stars, but also to ordinary housewives. If we love being photographed so much, then why don’t we stand on the other side of the frame.

4. Bartender

You ask, what is creative in this profession? Have you ever seen how real bartenders work? Not those dull and silent beer pourers in small bars, but real professionals in their field who put on a whole show, turning their work into true art. The bartender is a kind of magician - he can not only prepare a divine cocktail, but can also amaze you with a theatrical performance. There are three styles of bartending: classic, freestyle and speed mixing. The first is conservatism and rigor. But the second one is already art. Freestyle is expressed in the bartender’s ability to create tricks, including single or synchronized (with another bartender) juggling with different objects (shakers, bottles, glasses, pieces of ice, etc.) and pyrotechnic effects. Speedmixing means high-speed mixing. Masters of this style place the main emphasis on quickly preparing cocktails while strictly observing generally accepted standards and proportions. Therefore, many popular bars place special emphasis on a bartender who has the talent of a juggler or speed mixer.

5. Creative Director

Of course, a company that sells plumbing fixtures hardly requires a creative director. Although sometimes it wouldn’t hurt to get creative on how to make the company a leader in the sale of toilets. Therefore, in advertising agencies, mass media and entertainment industry organizations, good creatives are always at a premium. In this profession, you need to be not only an experienced entertainer and generator of creative ideas, but also an excellent leader. A striking example - David Ogilvy- “the father of advertising,” as he is called, a talented copywriter and creative director who created his own agency. Today, advertisers, copywriters and marketers all over the world study from his books.

6. Florist

Creating unique bouquet arrangements is also an art. You can’t just wrap tulips in newspaper or cellophane; this is a serious profession that certainly requires a certain talent and artistic taste. The Russian National Guild of Florists annually holds various competitions where the most talented artists are identified. So, a florist is not only a sought-after profession, but also a very prestigious one, which will allow you to achieve success in a creative environment and amuse your own vanity with achievements.

7. Stylist-makeup artist

It would seem like a common thing to apply makeup. However, it is no coincidence that some talented makeup artists are called “face artists.” Try to “draw” a hundred faces for one person! And a talented makeup artist can do it. That's why they are in great demand. In the West there is still the profession of looker (from the English look - look, view). This is a person who literally creates the client’s appearance: knowing his profession, lifestyle and budget. Looker puts together several sets for a variety of occasions - work, travel, official receptions, family celebrations, etc. He advises how to remake or add to old things so that they become relevant again.

8. Jeweler

You definitely can’t do without talent and creativity in this profession. The work is complex, painstaking, in a word – jewellery. And, by the way, it is not at all necessary to find gold mines and get pearls to create masterpiece jewelry. You can make do with simpler materials, creating enchanting fashion jewelry. You can skillfully combine economical and creative principles for the profession.

9. The Illusionist

Modern magicians are the creators of “delicious” shows and massive miracle deceptions. People always want to believe in miracles, so the hype around such shows will never die down. Remember the legendary David Copperfield, everyone was glued to the screen by his incredible illusions. Russian Safronov brothers is also at the peak of popularity today. Therefore, if your talents are best demonstrated in the ability to surprise, then you can try yourself in the role of a modern wizard. Bold, but original.

1 0. Writer

For some, writing is a real alphabetic hard labor, but there are also those who easily put letters into multi-page texts. If you have imagination and fantasy, and you are also good with words that form wonderful phrases, then who knows - maybe in a short time your books will sell millions of copies, your plays will be staged on the best theater stages, and your short stories will they will make brilliant films... By the way, writing good articles is also not the easiest work, but what a creative and interesting one.

However, this entire list does not negate the fact that you can add your own bit of creative interest to absolutely any profession. Even accounting can be creative. A professional, creative accountant can turn unattractive financial statements into attractive ones and thereby reduce the company’s tax burden. Although, of course, modern legislation hinders the development of this creative potential... Or maybe we all don’t necessarily need to be a creative unit. In most cases, behind all the romance of successful talent lies hard and persistent work!

However, creative people can easily change their occupation. Use the experience of the stars:

Art is an important part of every person's life. We all consume art as spectators and listeners. But to become an actress or musician, artist or go into design, you need special preparation, freedom of creativity and special courage to create and create new things all the time. After all, spectators need to be surprised - cinema, theater, circus, opera and ballet - people come here for special pleasure and they, the spectators, are discerning connoisseurs of art. Art professions require constant tension and development, passion and the will to win from a person. Theatre, music and painting are the most ancient forms of art. Representatives of the following professions work here: actor, composer, musician, sound engineer, sound engineer, director, artist, video artist, costume designer, choreographer, producer, lighting designer. With the advent of the Internet, new professions have appeared: website designer, website producer, website developer. Question: is this art? Yes, art, because book publishing is also an art, no lower than cinema, theater, circus, ballet and opera. Read here about the professions of people involved in the arts: orchestra musician, sound engineer, play director, artist, theater and film actress, circus actor, interior designer, packaging designer, landscape architect, web designer, photographer, video artist... Choosing a profession in the field of art impossible without a clear understanding of the pitfalls of creative professions. These stones are completely invisible to an outsider, but because of them you can fly past success. Read about creative professions.


There are thousands of professions in the world. The full list is published in directories. It’s good when the profession meets your own interests and is well paid. In this regard, men and women who have creative professions that are popular are more fortunate.

Creative profession - what is it?

It is impossible to find an exact definition of this term in dictionaries. But, in order to reveal it, it should be noted that creative professions are more often classified as. Some of them are truly creative. Others, to varying degrees, come into contact with technical areas. For example, the profession of a musician, writer, and artist are truly creative.

Designers of different directions, architects have creative thinking and know how to express their own individuality. These professions are also associated with construction, which gives a technical flavor to creation. Representatives of different professions have a non-standard approach. but in creative people it is more pronounced.

The most creative specialties

It is difficult to answer which profession is the most creative. After all, in every area, in order to surprise, you need to create something new. At the same time, you should express your own view of the world in such a way that others understand the message.

To clarify, the media create ratings of the most creative and creative specialties. According to the RBC news agency, the top of such ratings was occupied by the specialty of a web designer. The following points were shared by animators, florists, artists, makeup artists, etc.

The compilers say that there are 630 creative professions, each of which is capable of taking first position in the ranking. It is worth noting that rated does not mean highly paid.

Anyone who chooses a creative specialty is based on. They appear from early childhood and the main thing is to see them in time and direct them in the right direction. While developing creative potential, a person does not think about the rationality of his own decision. The only advisor is the soul.

How are creative people trained?

Almost all creative individuals are characterized by egocentrism, unconventional thinking and creativity. This interferes with learning and the problems lie in several causes.

Character traits. The desire to be first and selfishness make it difficult to communicate and join the team. These characteristics are necessary for creative professions, but you should remember that there are people around you too and you are not the Center of the Universe.
Features of training. In Russia it is customary to teach using associative methods. That is, they teach and instill the skills that are required in a particular specialization. At the same time, the associative scheme does not provide for the development of creativity, creative skills, or a non-standard approach to solving standard problems.
Lack of culture of applicants. There is an opinion that makeup artists, florists, and artists must know the intricacies of their own craft. The rest is not necessary for them. Therefore, applicants have to be forced to read literature on other specialties and visit museums and theaters.

It is easier for an educated person to move up the career ladder in the creative field.

Peculiarities of male and female thinking

Just 1-2 decades ago there were clear concepts of what male and female creative professions were. Among producers, architects, and photographers there were more often men. Among the makeup artists, models, and animators are women. In the modern understanding, the boundaries and conventions between them no longer exist. Guys feel great as hairdressers and chefs, while women thrive as web designers and architects. There are no gender requirements, but there are special requirements for creative qualities:

possessing a subtle sense of taste and style;
presence of imaginative thinking;
high sensuality of sophistication and aesthetics;
developed imagination with a non-standard approach.

List of popular professions

In the modern world, people work, with the only exception being the rich people and sybarites. The rest have to work hard for 8-12 hours. Men and women work, and it is impossible to say that this specialty is only for men, and this one is only for women.

Here is a list of popular creative professions where there is no gender differentiation.

Actor - performs roles in theater and cinema. A person easily gets used to another image, taking on a new identity along with it. It is based on the principle of masterful transformation, which is achieved in two ways:

internal - getting used to the role, reincarnation and acceptance of all habits and character traits;
external - transformation occurs with the use of makeup, clothing and masks. The gait and speech pattern also change.

The designer is complex and... The designer designs and creates a world that is user-friendly. A professional is able to transform into a consumer and decide what is suitable for him and what is not. This is a specialist who has artistic taste, erudition, original thinking and quick reaction. Visual experience, drawing and design skills are a prerequisite for this specialty.

An interior designer creates coziness in a room by arranging furniture, selecting wallpaper, curtains and decorative elements.
Landscape designer - creating a unique outdoor area. It is divided into three areas: biological, historical and engineering.

Makeup artist - creating an image using makeup. There are several directions depending on the responsibilities.

A stylist creates a new image for a person, which becomes permanent for the person.

Makeup master - applying cosmetics to hide imperfections and highlight facial features. The services of a makeup artist/makeup artist are used for various celebrations.

A specialist cosmetologist selects an image and teaches the basics of skin care.

This is a creative and creative profession that requires constant development of creative abilities. Since fashion is constantly changing and new techniques appear, rapid career development in the field is possible.

A gallerist is an expert who has complete information about existing styles and authors. The gallery owner has organizational skills. He selects premises, finds sponsors and advertises exhibitions of any format and level.

Fashion designer is a popular creative profession in the field of clothing creation. Involves design development, creation of patterns, selection of suitable fabrics, decorative elements and tailoring. Since these processes require a careful approach, there are three areas that better reveal the specialty:

Fashion designer - creating new images that should be transferred to paper. A specialist in this creative profession creates a new collection, shaping fashion trends.
Designer - brings the artist's plans to life. He creates patterns, selects decor and textiles with which he can create extravagant images.
A fur designer must know the nuances of manufacturing. He comes up with and embodies original designs for vests, fur coats, handbags, hats and other fur products.

Animator or animalist requires an original perception of the world, since to create cartoon images it is necessary to subtly perceive fairy-tale images and plot.

Creative specialties for girls without higher education

You can get a creative profession that will bring you a stable profit without a higher education. The most common of them require a special perception of the surrounding world and creative potential.

Photographer. If you are able to create excellent photographs even on a point-and-shoot camera, feel free to develop your own talents in this direction. This is not easy work. But if you are interested in the surrounding nature, designs, buildings, and you are sensitive to details, develop in this direction. Find where master courses are held. Be interested in the work of other masters and develop your own style.

Nail and eyelash extensions are a specialty that allows you to achieve results without extra training costs. The owner of a sense of taste and perseverance is able to earn money for his own car and travel. To master the basics, you will have to complete special courses. The rest is up to you and your creativity.

Hairdresser - creates masterpieces from hair. Study fashion trends and hair care features. You can master the basics by attending hairdressing schools from the Loreal or Wella brands or by graduating from a college that specializes in graduating representatives of this profession.

Creative professions for men

The profession of a chef is gaining popularity. Everyone is capable of expressing their own creative fantasies. The ability to prepare familiar dishes and give them original forms. To master the basics perfectly, take training at a culinary college or technical school.

Stylist is an image maker. Creates an image by choosing makeup, haircut, and clothes. Remember that in large cities.

Regardless of the chosen profession, creative fields require the daily invention of new artistic images. If you are ready for this, feel free to take your chosen path.

29 March 2014, 18:15

Artist is a creative profession that dates back centuries. In a professional context, an artist is a person who practices fine art and makes money in this field. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

And in a more sublime, creative sense, this is a person who makes the world even more beautiful. He not only reflects the beauty of the world in his works, but puts into them his idea of ​​it, his feelings and thoughts, thereby refracting reality. Thanks to this, people perceive familiar things with different eyes and comprehend the inner essence of phenomena more deeply.

Not every person is given such talent. Anyone can learn to draw, comprehend the laws of composition and plasticity, master the technique of mixing paints, study the rules of applying a color palette, and be able to choose the right brushes, paints and paper. But the main condition for creating great paintings, before which thousands of people of different generations will freeze in admiration, is still TALENT.

The name of the profession comes from the word “khudog”, which translated from Old Church Slavonic means “skillful”. Even primitive man of the Paleolithic period painted the ceilings and walls of caves with natural paints that he had at hand - soot, ocher. The entire ancient history of the world is known to us thanks to primitive artists from their drawings depicting animals and people.

In the modern world, artists use, in addition to traditional paints and canvases, other technical means.

Artists use paints, but they write with feelings.

Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin

Features of the profession

An artist can work in different directions:

  • artistic and creative;
  • restoration;
  • scientific research;
  • pedagogical;
  • artistic and educational.

In the artistic and creative sphere, the artist is directly involved in creativity, expressing his impressions, feelings and emotions through artistic images. This is possible in any field of fine art (painting, monumental, easel, theatrical and set design, television and cinema).

In the restoration field, the artist is engaged in the restoration of historical works of art that have unique value. As a rule, such work is carried out on the instructions of the restoration council, so in such work the artist has to follow established rules.

In the pedagogical sphere, the artist acts as a teacher-mentor, teaching fine arts in educational institutions of various levels - primary, secondary, higher, as well as in advanced training courses.

The artist’s research activity consists of scientific research and development on special topics or individual tasks in the field of his profession, presented in the form of scientific articles, reports, etc.

In the artistic and educational sphere, the artist carries out educational work, forming aesthetic taste in society, the correct perception of works of art, etc.

In the modern world, the scope of activity of artists has expanded significantly. For example, tattooing, which is wildly popular these days, is skillfully applied by artists.

The most important thing for an artist is to reflect the spiritual essence of the era.

Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Interesting creative work
  • The ability to work on a flexible schedule - according to inspiration, not according to a schedule


  • Low demand
  • Unstable income
  • During periods of crisis in the country, there may even be a lack of work
  • An artist’s income depends not on his talent, but on his ability to sell his paintings

Place of work

Artists, depending on their specialization, can work in a personal studio, private studios, art workshops, museums, publishing houses of books, magazines and newspapers, in the advertising business, fashion salons and exhibition halls, in art schools and educational institutions.

Artists do not need to erect monuments, because they have already been created by their labors...

Antonio Gaudi

Important personal qualities

  • artistic talent that cannot be taught - you either have it or you don’t; but if available, it can be sanded;
  • rich imagination and fantasy;
  • observation - the ability to notice small details;
  • selectivity of attention - the ability to isolate from the surrounding reality what is necessary for a specific plan;
  • deep intuition, allowing one to penetrate into the very essence of phenomena;
  • visual-figurative thinking and spatial imagination, which allow you to creatively transform the surrounding reality and be able to see the unusual in the ordinary;
  • color perception and color discrimination - the ability to distinguish a wide range of different colors and shades;
  • artistic taste;
  • feeling of harmony;
  • patience;
  • physical endurance.

Where to study to be an artist

An inclination towards this profession can manifest itself quite early - even in childhood. Attentive parents, noticing these abilities, can enroll their child in an art club or a special school. Subsequently, with certain successes, the aspiring artist will be able to improve his professional level in art colleges, institutes and art academies, which are available in any major city in the country.

You will develop a sense of harmony and style, learn to combine textures, shapes and colors. Master 4 classic painting techniques: pencil, ink, watercolor and oil. The course is 20% theory and 80% practical. , the missed lesson can be attended with another group. Groups of 5-7 people. Based on the results of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.

Russia has adopted a three-level system of art education: school, college, and university.

  • Moscow State Academic Art Lyceum named after N. Tomsky
  • St. Petersburg State Academic Art Lyceum named after B. Ioganson
  • Taganrog Children's Art School
  • Krasnoyarsk Art College named after. IN AND. Surikov.
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after. V.I. Surikova
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
  • Moscow Art and Industrial Institute named after. S.G. Stroganova
  • St. Petersburg State Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin.
  • St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz
  • FSBEI HPE Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute,
  • Gzhel State Art and Industrial Institute.


An artist’s income depends on his place of work, specialization, demand and fame. Freelance artists have an irregular income: they can earn nothing for years, but in a matter of weeks receive a huge fee. Artists working on a permanent basis, for example, in a publishing house, printing or design company, can expect a salary of 20 to 70 thousand rubles per month, depending on the size of the company and the volume of work performed.

Salary as of 05/08/2019

Russia 15000—80000 ₽

Moscow 30000—120000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

A free artist has no choice for a successful career but to become a genius and recognized during his lifetime. As they say, the first part of a person’s life is working for a name, and the second part is a name for a person. Outstanding paintings are valued very highly and with the appearance of a NAME, the cost of paintings increases many times over. Some successful artists have a waiting list of customers for years.

One way to have a successful career is to open your own art salon or professional studio. A scientific and teaching career in this profession is also possible.

A qualified painter is required to know:

  • theories of fine arts;
  • techniques, styles, types and various genres of fine art;
  • laws of drawing, painting, composition, graphics;
  • history of Russian and foreign art;
  • theory and art history;
  • color science and lighting design;
  • principles of human perception of a work of art;
  • historical and modern technical and technological processes when creating paintings;
  • expert and restoration work in various forms of art.

Professional qualities and skills in the field of artistic and creative activities:

  • mastery of various techniques and technologies of fine art;
  • the ability to create works of art at a high professional level;
  • the ability to professionally use artistic tools and materials, techniques and technologies;
  • knowledge of the characteristics of various historical styles and movements in architecture and art: Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Rococo, Gothic;
  • knowledge of the most important principles of lighting design for a performance;
  • knowledge of the main monuments of church painting and architecture (world and ancient Russian);
  • knowledge of iconography and biblical history, as well as the origin of ornaments and fonts;
  • the ability to use archival materials to study and reproduce famous paintings;
  • mastery of various types and techniques of monumental art (mosaic, fresco, sgraffito, stained glass);
  • the ability to formulate orally, in writing and using the means of fine art one’s creative concept, the process of its creation and the idea of ​​an author’s work;
  • knowledge of safety precautions when working with artistic tools and materials, on scaffolding, on the theater stage and in filming pavilions.