Former presenters of the program on Channel One. The most famous presenters of the "time" program

“Time” - under this name an information program appeared in 1968 on Central Television, where it aired until 1991. In 1991, it also aired on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company, from 1994 to 1995 on Ostankino, and since 1995 on Channel One.

Presenters of the "Time" program Yuri Kovelenov

They worked on the production of the program from 1968 to 1991. The Main Information Editorial Office of Central Television, in 1991 - Studio information programs under the All-Union Television and Radio Company, in 1994-1995 - Information Television Agency, and since 1995 - Directorate of Information Programs of Channel One.

Hosts of the "Time" program Nonna Bodrova

The program was assigned a permanent airtime starting in 1972, which was scheduled for 21:00 with a running time of 30 minutes. Until December 31, 1989, a repeat of the program was also broadcast at 12:30.

Presenters of the "Time" program. Igor Kirrillov

In 1968, on January 1, the “Time” program was broadcast for the first time. Before this, “Television News” was aired, characterized by a short airtime, and a weekly review called “News Relay”. The founder of the program is an outstanding journalist Soviet era Yuri Letunov. Since 1986, sign language translation has been introduced into the Vremya program.

Hosts of the “Time” program Nonna Bodrova, Viktor Balashov

In the period from 1967 to 1980, the program was broadcast from a television center located in Moscow on the street. Shabolovka, then from ASC-1 "Ostankino", starting in 1990, it came out from ASB -21 to ASC-3 "Ostankino", and already in March 2008, the program began to be released from the news complex of Channel One, which was opened as a result refurbishment concert hall"Ostankino".

The program formed its concept of the sequence of news presentation already in the first years of its existence. This concept continues to this day: first there is a protocol on the top officials of the state, then news from the periphery, followed by economic, cultural and sports news in the same sequence, and finally, the weather forecast.

The first color edition of the program was released in 1974. The holiday editions of the program, aired on May 1 and November 7, contained broadcasts of demonstrations and military parades taking place on Red Square and were broadcast on live, starting at 9:45.

Presenters of the program "Time" Shatilova Anna Nikolaevna

During the period of stagnation, the television program “Time” was the main informational program, and was distinguished by its rather biased coverage of events that took place in the USSR and other countries. The news program's correspondent bureaus were located in more than 40 countries. The program returned its name “Time” to the screensaver on December 16, 1994. Starting from 04/01/1995, the program began broadcasting on Public Russian Television, and production began on 03/11/1996. From May 26, 1996, the program began airing on Sundays, but already at 20:00. Since September 1999, weekday and Saturday editions of the program received a new name “Time. Information channel”, as well as “Time. Analytical program". The “Here and Now” program also appeared, closed in April 2001, which was released as part of the “Information Channel” program. Yours original title The program received “Time” in June 2001, and in the fall the “Night Time” program appeared, which aired only on weekdays (Monday-Thursday).

In 1968, the first episode of the famous program “Time” was released on Soviet Central Television, without which it is impossible to imagine domestic television today. It was founded by the talented radio journalist Yuri Letunov. It provides information about latest news V political life country and world, attention is paid to events in Russian regions, economics, culture and sports, and the program ends with a weather forecast.

Behind long years Since the existence of Vremya, many presenters have changed in the program. We will tell you about those whom viewers now see on their TV screens, namely about Ekaterina Andreeva, Kirill Kleimenov, Vitaly Eliseev and Mikhail Leontyev.

Ekaterina Andreeva (since 1997)

The most famous TV news presenter in Russia today was born on November 27, 1961 in Moscow in the family of the deputy chairman of the State Committee for Logistics. Andreeva spent her childhood with her sister Svetlana. At school, Ekaterina was one of the best basketball players. She was even sent to the Olympic Reserve School.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, she entered the law school as a correspondence student. At the same time, Andreeva got a job at General Prosecutor's Office for the position of assistant.

In 1990, Ekaterina received a diploma from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute with a degree in history and immediately became a student of advanced training courses for radio and TV employees, where the legendary speaker became her teacher Soviet TV presenter Igor Kirillov.

A year later, Andreeva was hired to work on TV. In 1999, viewers named Ekaterina the most beautiful presenter Russian television. In 2006, Andreeva was awarded the Order of Friendship.

From her first husband, classmate Andrei Nazarov, Ekaterina gave birth to a daughter, Natalya, who now works as a lawyer. With her second husband, Montenegrin Dusan Perovic, the famous Russian TV presenter met in 1989. The man is engaged in business and conducts a law practice.

Andreeva’s hobbies include Pilates and yoga.

Kirill Kleimenov (1998-2004, since 2018)

Kirill Kleimenov was born on September 20, 1972 in Moscow. In 1990, he got a job in the foreign broadcasting of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company as a production editor. A year later he was accepted into the Finnish State University, where he spent 8 months on an internship. In 1994, Kirill received a diploma from Moscow State University, where he studied in the Romano-Germanic department.

While studying at school, the young man played hockey and often visited the pool. As a student, he became interested in sambo. Now the TV presenter gives preference aquatic species sports Kleimenov was awarded the Order of Friendship, Honor and “For Services to the Fatherland”, 4th degree.

The TV presenter married his classmate Maya for the first time in 1994, six years later life together the couple divorced. Kleimenov’s second wife was the girl Masha, who gave birth to a daughter, Alexandra.

Vitaly Eliseev (since 2007)

Vitaly Eliseev was born on September 30, 1970 in the Soviet capital into a family of engineers, the so-called “mailbox” of the military-industrial complex. IN school years he was considered diligent student. The boy especially liked the exact sciences - geography, physics and algebra. In addition, young Eliseev was interested in history. After graduating from school, he studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Vitaly got on TV in 1992. At first he was involved in dubbing video stories with voice-over, headed the correspondent department and worked as an engineer in the broadcast coordination department. Later, Eliseev was invited to host television programs.

Vitaly has a wife and daughter Elizaveta.

Mikhail Leontiev (since 1999, presenter of the “However” column)

Famous Russian TV presenter is a native Muscovite. He was born on October 12, 1958. After graduating from school, Mikhail entered the Moscow Institute of National Economy at the Faculty of Economics. After receiving his diploma, Leontyev got a job at the Institute economic problems. In 1985, Mikhail became a cabinetmaker after graduating from the 86th vocational school.

Four years later, the future TV presenter began his journalistic activity in the Kommersant newspaper, on whose pages his articles on political topics were published. In 1990, he went to work at " Nezavisimaya newspaper", where he later headed the economics department. In 1999, Leontiev was invited to host his own television program on ORT. From that time on, the “However” program began airing. In 2014, Mikhail became vice president of public relations at Rosneft. He was awarded the Order of Friendship and “For Services to the Fatherland”, 2nd degree.

The TV presenter's first wife was philologist and poetess Natalya Azarova, who gave birth to a daughter, Elena, and a son, Dmitry. Now Mikhail’s wife is Maria Kozlovskaya, with whom he has a daughter, Daria.

All the hosts of the Vremya program are extraordinary personalities who not only inform viewers about the latest news in the country and the world, but also know how to analyze events and present information in an accessible form. It is no longer possible to imagine domestic television without the famous news program, which has survived several generations of Soviet and Russian viewers.

Unfortunately for those who believed that Ekaterina Andreeva was leaving Channel One, this information was only partially confirmed. The TV presenter will still host the “Time” program, but will appear on screen much less frequently.

Ekaterina Andreeva has been working as the host of the Vremya information program for more than 20 years. Many viewers are already starting to get tired of the TV presenter flashing on the screen. According to some reports, Channel One is receiving many messages demanding that 56-year-old Andreeva be removed from the air.

Recently there was a message that Catherine will stop appearing in news releases published in the European part of the country. Most Internet users were happy about this news: “Thank God, human face and the speech will now be on the screen”, “When Andreeva is on the air, Rosenthal and Ozhegov are spinning in their graves like dynamos”, “Well, finally, on the First, they were smart enough to remove this Shapoklyak from the TV”, “Only Fadeev can be worse than Andreeva on Sundays".

The TV presenter's place will be taken by Kirill Kleimanov, who previously held the position of head of the Directorate of Information Programs of Channel One. According to the channel's press service, Ekaterina Andreeva and Vitaly Eliseev will become the hosts of the Saturday editions of the program, and will also try to broadcast news in other time zones.

Ekaterina Andreeva has already commented on her reduction in the broadcast network: “My “Time” cannot end - from the Volga to the Yenisei - I broadcast “Time” to the whole country,” the TV presenter responded to the message about her departure. - And Moscow, as you know, is not all of Russia. All of Russia is much larger than Moscow,” the Anews portal quotes the TV presenter.

“Vremya” is the main information program on the still leading federal channel, therefore, a person who daily tells the whole country about important news must have a number of certain qualities. Judging by the gossip that is circulating on the Internet, the presenter’s candidacy is being approved for top level. Despite numerous demands to remove Andreeva from the air, she still remains at work. Apparently, the TV presenter has influential patrons “at the top.”

According to the BBC, they decided to lay off Andreeva because of her difficult relationship with the channel’s general director, Konstantin Ernst. “In 2009, the media reported that he had already decided to fire Andreeva. When the information reached Vladimir Putin, he canceled these decisions and everything was returned to normal. Andreeva is his favorite presenter,” says the Russian press service of the foreign TV channel.

Despite political storms and changing eras, “Time” still remains the main information program in our country. Currently, it has more than 20 correspondent offices in the CIS countries and Russia and almost the same number in non-CIS countries.

With the advent of Vremya, the whole country learned about latest events that happened in the USSR and the world. The TV program immediately became a “table” program Soviet people. Announcers Igor Kirillov, Aza Likhitchenko, Nonna Bodrova, Anna Shatilova, Viktor Balashov, Alla Danko, Svetlana Zhiltsova, Vladimir Maslachenko, Evgeniy Suslov were loved and considered one of their own in every home.

Later, “Time” became a real school of professional excellence for many of today’s television stars. Days.Ru remember the brightest of them.

Igor Kirillov

One of the most famous announcers Central Television, popularly beloved TV presenter, National artist USSR Igor Kirillov began his career on television back in July 1957. At first, the young man was an assistant director in music edition Shabolovsky television center, and two and a half months later appeared on television for the first time as an announcer.

Igor Kirillov was the permanent host of the Vremya program for more than 30 years. IN last time he hosted this program on December 30, 1989. Later, Kirillov worked as a commentator, reporter, presenter of various entertainment programs on Central Television of the USSR.

Despite the fact that Igor Kirillov was the idol of millions Soviet women, it was rumored that he should have been awarded an order for fidelity to wives - if such a thing existed. According to the TV presenter himself, over 50 years family life he never cheated on his wife.

Meanwhile, after the death of his wife in 2004, Igor Leonidovich had a hard time enduring his loneliness. “I wasn’t very healthy then,” recalls the TV star. Three years later, fate sent him a meeting with Tatyana Alexandrovna. “She’s my friend for life,” admits 84-year-old Kirillov.

Ekaterina Andreeva

From 1998 to today Ekaterina Andreeva is the permanent and most beloved presenter of the “Time” program on Channel One. According to the results of an Internet survey in 1999, she was recognized as the most beautiful television presenter in Russia. Since then, with enviable regularity, Andreeva has appeared at the top of rating lists of the sexiest and most beautiful media personalities.

Meanwhile, Ekaterina Andreeva came to television by accident. During her school years, the girl dreamed of becoming a historian, lawyer or actress. In 1990, she graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, then studied at the evening department of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute. Ekaterina was working as an assistant at the Prosecutor General's Office when she learned that in Moscow recruitment is underway for courses for radio and television workers, and decided to take a risk.

As Ekaterina herself recalls, at first during her studies she was not too confident in her abilities - the teachers believed that Katya looked “too cold” on the screen. Nevertheless, Andreeva still began to study with Igor Kirillov, who at that time was already a famous announcer.

Ekaterina Andreeva first appeared on television in 1991. As the TV star recalls, before the first broadcast her heart was beating wildly, she could barely breathe, but from last bit of strength I tried to maintain my mental balance.

At first, Andreeva was an announcer for Central Television and the Ostankino television company; later she lifted the spirits of Russians in the television program " Good morning". Since 1995, she became the presenter of “News” and editor of information programs. In 1998, Andreeva began hosting the “Time” program, and is still doing so.

In 2006, for her great contribution to the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful work, Ekaterina Andreeva was awarded the Order of Friendship. At the end of 2010, she entered the top ten popular TV presenters in Russia according to TNS Russia. In August 2014, Ukraine was included in the sanctions list for civil position on the war in Eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

The nationwide popularity of Ekaterina Andreeva is also evidenced by the fact that she often becomes the heroine of popular television shows and the object of numerous parodies. In addition, her character graced the episodes of the television program “Cartoon Personality”.

Maxim Sharafutdinov

While studying at Kazan State Technical University (KAI), the future TV presenter often hosted student events. In 2002, he took part in the television competition “Become a Star”, reached the finals of the project and entered the top twenty.

Later, Maxim worked on television in the Republic of Tatarstan, presenting crime news and the “City” program. In the fall of 2006, the young man was planning to move from television to the banking sector, but an offer from Channel One radically changed his life.

Since January 2007, Maxim Sharafutdinov has been working as a news anchor on Channel One. Since 2014, he has been hosting the “Time” program on air on Far East and Siberia, as well as near and far abroad.

During the 2014 Winter Olympics, Maxim presented Novosti releases from Sochi as part of the Channel One Olympic team. It also included Dmitry Borisov, Anna Pavlova, Andrei Malakhov, Ivan Urgant, Irada Zeynalova and other famous media personalities. For work during the Winter Olympic Games In 2014, as part of the team of Channel One employees, Maxim Sharafutdinov was awarded a medal for the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Let us recall that in 2014 Sharafutdinov became a participant in the project " glacial period". But after the injury he was forced to leave the show. "Alas! Apparently the #iceage is over for me. There is a small round muscle in the shoulder that tore after an unsuccessful fall... The ice is slippery),” Maxim wrote on his Instagram page.

Sergey Dorenko

The famous television journalist was not only the host of the “Time” program, but also the chief producer of the directorate of information programs. In addition, he hosted his own weekly information and political show “Sergei Dorenko’s Program”, and also served as deputy general director Channel One.

Corporate style, a kind of " business card"Sergei Dorenko was sharply criticized on television dignitaries and disclosure of incriminating evidence on them. Thus, in 1999, Dorenko demonstrated on air real estate owned by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, revealing the size of it Money and showed compromising photos of Luzhkov. After this program, Sergei Dorenko received the nickname “telekiller”. The objects of Dorenko's criticism different time such political figures as Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Putin became.

Currently, Dorenko is a famous blogger. Since April 2012, he has been running a video blog on YouTube hosting, and since February 2014 he has been working at the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

The TV journalist is interested in cars, archery, and diving. He loves to travel with his family. According to him, he especially loves African and Latin American countries, has a weakness for oriental culture and Chinese religious teachings, in particular Taoism.

Irada Zeynalova

Despite the absence special education, Irada Zeynalova is known to millions of viewers as one of the leading television journalists of our time. As a reporter, she had to cover not only high-profile political events, but also natural disasters, terrorist attacks, fighting, sporting events. It was Zeynalova who conducted television reports during the days of explosions in the Moscow metro in 2004 and 2010, as well as during the terrorist attack in Beslan in September 2004. In 2014, television journalist Irada Zeynalova was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree.

The TV star was also remembered by viewers as the bright TV presenter of the Sunday edition of the Vremya program. In this capacity, she worked on air from September 9, 2012 to July 10, 2016.

It is noteworthy that younger sister Irada, Svetlana Zeynalova also became famous TV presenter. Despite their blood relationship, the sisters are very different in character. According to relatives, from childhood Irada was distinguished by a rare sense of purpose and remarkable endurance. But Svetlana, on the contrary, grew up softer and more compliant

Recently, information appeared in the media about upcoming changes in personal life popular TV journalist. According to rumors, she is marrying her colleague, the war correspondent of Channel One, Alexander Evstigneev. As they wrote, Alexander himself did not deny these rumors, but preferred “to leave the information without comment for now.”

Let us remind you that it was previously reported that Irada Zeynalova left Channel One and moved to NTV. While the interested public is wondering what project the presenter will be involved in, it has become known that we're talking about about the new information program. Despite the fact that Irada Zeynalova’s transfer from Channel One to NTV became known today, November 2, two weeks ago she was spotted at the information directorate meeting.

The oldest information program in the history of domestic TV, “Time,” appeared on domestic television half a century ago. The first issue was released on January 1, 1968 - to the music of Georgy Sviridov for the film “Time, Forward!” rotated on the screen Earth. Gazeta.Ru recalls how it all began and who stood at the origins of the country’s information journalism.


“January 1, 1968... The closer it gets to 9 pm Moscow time, the faster everything heats up, my head is spinning. In the release department there is a continuous ringing. Georgy Kuznetsov is preparing a live broadcast from GUM. Irana Kazakova is already on Pushkin Square - she needs to talk to the people (darkness has gathered!) and headlong to Shabolovka... - recalled TV journalist Alla Melik-Pashayeva, who worked in the program from 1967 to 1973. --

But the broadcast is in doubt: in last moment Thousands of technical problems are discovered!

Press service of Channel One Work process, installation of light in ASB-1, 1979

But in some incomprehensible way, everything, like in a fairy tale, will end well! Irana will make it to the studio, Gera will conduct her report and the first issue will roll like clockwork, and we, its participants, will hug each other as we leave the studio, like people in whose lives something very significant has happened...”

At first, the program was broadcast only 3 times a week and without presenters - work in the studio was replaced by live broadcasts of journalists from the scene. The familiar format appeared only in the early 70s, when the editorial office was headed by the legendary journalist, creator of Mayak radio, Yuri Letunov. The studio moved to Ostankino, and the program itself became color. Since 1972, the timing of “Time” has been 30 minutes.

“It’s hard to imagine now, in the Internet era, at what cost efficiency was achieved.

If we were talking about an important political event that did not take place in Moscow, the film had to be delivered by plane to Vnukovo, from there urgently brought to Ostankino, developed, dried and only after that we could see what exactly was filmed, whether there was a defect, whether editing could begin. Every two minutes, Letunov or the release duty officer called the washing room: “Well, is the film ready? Is it still drying? Why are you messing around there! The air is burning!” he said Chief Editor"Time" from 1977 to 1983. Victor Lyubovtsev.

Screensaver of the program “Time” 1985-1990

Name and Policy

The program owes its name to the main director Alexei Petrochenko.
“At the end of 1967, four conspirators gathered in one of the editorial rooms on Shabolovka: Iran columnist Kazakova, senior editor Levan Dzaridze, main director editors Petrovich (Alexey Petrochenko) and the author of these lines.
…Where did the name that became the brand come from? The debate among the conspiratorial group was short-lived.

Dozens of options, one worse than the other, flashed by like shots, when suddenly Petrovich blurted out: “Time!”

And it seemed to everyone that this particular option was on the tip of their tongues!” recalled the first production editor, Leonid Zolotarevsky.

In the post-perestroika 90s, the name of the program was changed along with the political course. The main information program of the country began to be called “TV Inform”, since 1992 - “Ostankino News”, then - “ITA News”.

“And then they gave us the name back. Do you know how happy we were? It was just... it was an event! After the broadcast we went on a spree!

We were all very happy that our “Time” was returned to us!” said Alexander Onosovsky, who worked at different years columnist, senior editor, special correspondent and commentator for Vremya.

Time and numbers

For the first 10 years, the program was broadcast once a day in the evenings. The program gathered almost the entire adult population of the country in front of the screens - the broadcast at 21.00 became national tradition and a window into the world of propaganda.

Since then, the time of the final release has not changed for 50 years.

The schedule was violated only in some years on May 9 - then the program was put on an hour later, after festive fireworks in honor of Victory Day. Several times the airtime was shifted due to live sports broadcasts.

Since 1978, in addition to evening ones, morning news broadcasts appeared. In the mid-80s, “Time” began to be shown 10 times a day, and famous firsts teleconferences and regular columns, including sports news and weather forecasts. The latter was read by a female announcer against the backdrop of landscapes and city views, and only on Fridays, as an exception, by a researcher at the USSR Hydrometeorological Center.

The program had correspondent bureaus in more than 40 countries. Currently, reports for Vremya are produced by almost 70 correspondents in 22 news offices in Russia and 12 news offices abroad. The Directorate of Information Programs of Channel One employs more than a thousand people.

Channel One TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva in the studio of the “Time” program, 2017

Announcers and presenters

At first, “Vremya” was presented in pairs by announcers - Igor Kirillov and Nonna Bodrova, Anna Shatilova and Evgeny Suslov. The program also included Victor Balashov, Aza Likhitchenko, Vera Shebeko, Svetlana Zhiltsova, Vladimir Biryukov, Yuri Fokin, Leonid Zolotarevsky, Yuri Galperin. In the 90s, the program began to air with one presenter, and the announcer's department was closed.

Dozens of journalists went through the Vremya school: Tatyana Mitkova, Arina Sharapova, Irina Zaitseva, Oleg Dobrodeev, Vladimir Molchanov, Alexander Gurnov, Mikhail Osokin, Zhanna Agalakova and many others.

Since 1997, the permanent presenter and face of the program is Ekaterina Andreeva.

Before becoming the presenter of Vremya, Andreeva worked at Novosti. According to her, the first broadcast in the new capacity turned out to be dramatic.

“When the terrorist attack occurred in Budenovsk in June 1995, two issues of Novosti were supposed to be broadcast simultaneously in different orbits. But the second presenter has not yet arrived at Ostankino. Then someone remembered that I used to work in the voice-over department.

And I was thrown into the water like a puppy on this most complex ether. I still remember how my pulse beat near my throat so that it seemed like I would die of horror.

The managers also watched the broadcast, and they liked how I worked in a force majeure situation; the next day they put me on the air. But I didn’t come to it, I said, I’ll remain an editor. Because I understood that being a TV presenter, especially the Vremya program, is very difficult. I am demanding of myself. Only after some time I was lured to this position. And in 1998, I said “yes”, first of all, to myself. Over the years, I worked in shifts with Kirill Kleimenov, Andrei Baturin, Pyotr Marchenko, Zhanna Agalakova, Olga Kokorekina and now with Vitaly Eliseev,” Andreeva said.

Awards and anniversary

In 1977, the “Time” program was awarded the USSR State Prize. Three times the program was awarded “TEFI” in the category “Best Information Program”.

To mark the anniversary, Channel One launched a special project “50 years on air” on its website, dedicated to the history of the program. Any viewer can see famous studio using an interactive panorama and travel back in time.