What you need to know for a chef. What should a cook do? After graduating from university, you receive a diploma as a specialist chef

- a set of strict rules. It is strictly forbidden to violate them, but, strictly speaking, this is not surprising. After all, any mistake by the cook can affect the health of the person who tastes his dish. Therefore, any organization dealing with public catering must have its own job description.

But what exactly should be indicated there? After all, the job responsibilities of a chef are extensive, therefore, it is quite difficult to include them all in one document. Therefore, let's look at all the points of the job description more clearly in order to finally understand them.

A few words about the job description

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the work of any specialist must be regulated by a special document - a job description. First of all, this is necessary in order to outline the entire range of responsibilities and privileges that will fall on the shoulders of the employee when he takes up the position.

Often this document consists of four chapters: general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities. If necessary, some enterprises increase the usual number of items, for example, by adding a “prohibited” section. Now let's look at the job responsibilities of the cook, based on what may be indicated in the instructions.

General provisions

So, the first section reveals basic information about the position. Here the requirements for the cook, the required level of training, as well as the hierarchy system in the enterprise are indicated. Examples could be:

  • Only a specialist with the necessary education can apply for the position of cook.
  • Hiring and dismissal from a position are carried out by the director of the enterprise.
  • In his work, the cook reports to the director or his deputy.
  • The specialist must know and comply with all norms and standards specified in current legislation.
  • Cook's responsibilities

    The most important part is the part that describes the chef's job responsibilities. After all, it contains the instructions according to which a specialist will work in the kitchen. Therefore, its preparation must be approached with all seriousness, otherwise it will clearly not be possible to avoid difficulties in the future.

    Here's an example of what the job responsibilities of a canteen cook might look like. By the way, the specified text is only a template, which means it can be changed and supplemented depending on the needs of a particular organization.

    The cook must:

    1) Always act in the interests of the organization.

    2) Strictly adhere to the work schedule established by the management of the enterprise.

    3) Do the following daily:

    • at the beginning of the shift, inspect the workplace for any malfunctions or gas leaks;
    • turn on devices in accordance with established safety regulations;
    • Maintain cleanliness in the kitchen throughout the entire shift;
    • remove trash from the workplace at the end of the working day;
    • close all gas valves and turn off the power supply before leaving home.

    4) Follow all orders from management, as well as follow the nutrition schedule that they have established.

    5) Monitor the condition of all equipment assigned to the kitchen.

    6) Make a list of all necessary products and submit them to management in advance.

    7) Do not allow strangers into the kitchen without approval from management.

    8) Monitor the sanitary condition of the premises and, if necessary, put it in order.

    9) Keep records of products according to their expiration dates.

    10) In the event of a danger or unforeseen situation, inform management.

    It should also be noted that depending on the type of dining room, the requirements for the cook will vary. For example, the job responsibilities of a restaurant chef will be much more complex and intense than those of his colleague, a simple factory catering worker.

    Rights and responsibilities

    If we talk about the rights of a cook, here, first of all, you need to indicate the following three points. So he has the right:

    • demand from management the timely delivery of all necessary products and ingredients;
    • participate in meetings dedicated to the work process in the kitchen;
    • demand compliance with all standards specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    As for responsibility, everything is quite simple. This part indicates the penalty provided for failure to comply with certain rules or negligence. For example, for violation of labor discipline, an administrative penalty or warning may be applied to the cook.

    Features of working in restaurants

    A public canteen is good, but in no case can it be compared with a restaurant or cafe. Therefore, it is necessary to identify certain points that should be taken into account when drawing up a job description for a chef in a restaurant.

    So, you should understand that the quality of food in restaurants comes first. This means that the cook is obliged to monitor what products he uses, how accurately his subordinates follow his orders, and also personally check each dish to taste.

    An equally important aspect is the cooking time. After all, visitors don’t like to wait, which means the chef must do everything possible to prevent them from getting bored.

    Job responsibilities of a school cook

    Children's cooking is different from ordinary cooking. That is why the job responsibilities of a cook in a kindergarten or school should be drawn up taking into account certain features.

    For example, a stricter attitude towards sanitation and safety is established here, because little fidgets need constant monitoring. Also, do not forget that baby food is a special section of cooking that has its own norms and rules. Therefore, all this should be spelled out in the job description.

    Nowadays, many of those who are reading my article are entering a phase of life where they are required to be able to actually cook food, and not just mix water with this or that powder. Due to lack of practice, most of you are completely unable to cope with this.

    At least I couldn't. However, in the last two years I have devoted myself entirely to cooking - not only because I am an insatiable white devil with absolutely no willpower or self-control, but, for the most part, because cooking is a great way to relieve pent-up stress. Having cooked a huge number of increasingly more appetizing dishes, and heard Gordon Ramsay shout “idiot” at people in white aprons hundreds of times, I have compiled a list of the most common mistakes that I think every new cook makes. Check yourself...

    #5 A bad cook is in too much of a hurry to cut the meat.

    You've spent half an hour preparing the perfect meal and your stomach is already growling impatiently. The smell is such that it is impossible to resist it, and you can no longer wait, because you can control yourself no better than a 4-month-old puppy. So you pull the meat out of the oven and, thank God, it's finally done. You start cutting it, with meat juice flowing everywhere. This is a good sign. The juicy meat is delicious. However, when you take a bite, you realize something is wrong.

    How the hell can meat be so dry when it's just oozing brown juice? That's the problem: all the juice is now on your plate, not in the meat. You didn't wait for the meat to rest before slicing it.

    Why you shouldn't do this

    How, did you think that all the advice about letting food sit for five minutes before eating it is given only so that it cools down and you don’t burn yourself like the last oaf? There is a much more serious reason: when meat is heated during cooking, the juices inside it begin to “boil” from the inside out. In fact, as meat cooks, the muscle cells contract, pushing out the juices. This is why when you put a dry piece of meat in the oven, by the end of cooking, a small puddle of juice will form under it - and this is not rendered fat at all.

    When you remove the meat from the oven, it continues to cook for a few more minutes. The residual heat from the surface of the meat must be balanced by the less hot middle of the piece, so the middle of the piece heats up while the surface cools. This is very important to know, because while the meat is resting, the process of establishing a temperature balance reaches its peak, and only then the entire piece begins to cool down - now the muscle cells begin to relax, turning into a kind of sponge and drawing back the liquid that they gave up earlier. Looks a lot like your bear costume you bought on Craigslist.

    If you start slicing the meat before it has rested and absorbed moisture, you'll strip it of its juices, leaving it drier than if you let it rest for a few minutes. A good rule in this case is to leave the roasted piece of meat for 15-20 minutes on the turned off stove, where it is still warm, but no longer hot. Or cover it with foil so that it does not cool down too quickly. Small cuts of meat - steaks or chicken - require 5 to 10 minutes. If the witch from Hansel and Gretel knew this rule, then most likely she would leave large pieces of meat - that is, children - to rest for half an hour or even an hour.

    #4 A bad cook cooks at too high a temperature.

    What do new chefs usually do?

    The advice to "don't burn your dish" seems like an obvious - bordering on offensive - item on a list of cooking tips, but setting too high a temperature is perhaps the most common mistake made by novice cooks around the world. After all, you're hungry as a wolf and you only have 15 minutes to download a pirated copy of The Karate Dog. So, in anticipation of Chevy Chase clumsily pronouncing words in the voice of a dog who for 99% of the film does not show any karate moves, you throw a huge piece of meat into the frying pan, turn the temperature knob all the way up and start swearing and ruining your dinner. Five minutes is enough for you to cook meat at this temperature, isn’t it?

    In the end, fire is a true friend, it will never, ever betray you.

    Why you shouldn't do this

    The reason many new cooks make this mistake is because high heat is a great way to make food seem cooked. Just a couple of minutes in a hot frying pan - and your chicken will acquire the same golden crust as the chicken on the cover of a glossy restaurant menu. Then you take a bite and realize that the inside is still pink and there are still millions of bacteria living in it.

    In fact, there are only a few dishes that require high temperatures to cook. These are cuts of meat like New York steak and T-bone steak. Zucchini slices. Some types of European burgers. That is, foods that you need to cook on the outside rather than on the inside. Try this with a chicken and you'll end up in the hospital having your stomach pumped out.

    For more delicate foods like eggs, high heat cooks them on the bottom and around the edges, leaving the middle too runny, like deep-fried milk. No, most dishes require medium to medium-high temperatures to cook because the lower the temperature, the more control you have over the process. At lower temperatures, food cooks more evenly because the surface heats at a rate similar to the interior.

    If you've ever washed dishes and had to struggle with a pan that had to be scrubbed and soaked for two hours to get it clean, you were cooking at too high a temperature and with not enough lubrication between the food and the surface of that pan. The same thing happens when you cut into a piece of pork or fried chicken that is burnt on the outside and undercooked on the inside. The best way to make sure you're doing it right is to not just read the recipe, but also find a video that demonstrates the cooking process. And also be Scottish.

    #3 A bad cook doesn't know anything about frying pans

    What do new chefs usually do?

    A frying pan is a frying pan. It is simply a container used to put food in while it is being cooked. We throw a piece in there, turn on the burner, and it cooks.

    Why you shouldn't do this

    I'm not going to tell you what a particular pot or pan is for, but most people don't make a baked cheese sandwich in a kettle - and for good reason. Yes, different pans are designed to cook different dishes, and this is not just the nitpicking of demanding chefs who want to appear elite. They are simply extremely attentive to the quality of their dishes. A chef can't get by with just one pan, any more than a mechanic can do his job with just an adjustable wrench. Different professions require different tools.

    Place your cast iron skillet over the highest heat and you'll be fine. Do the same with a nonstick frying pan and your house will fill with acrid smoke, a la Cheech and Chong without the special effects. Fry the potatoes in a frying pan and you'll get that nice crispy skin you've been looking for. Try doing the same in a large saucepan designed to heat water, and its high sides will trap steam, making the potato pieces mushy and fall apart.

    Besides, size matters too. If you try to cook pasta in a pan that is too small, the pasta will release so much starch in a limited amount that it will end up gummy. You will need a larger pot with enough space and water for the pasta to cook without touching each other too much. The same thing happens when you try to put too many pieces on the pan. There is no free space left, and the meat is actually stewed in the juices that are released, which spoils its texture. To avoid this problem, you should divide the contents into two pans.

    Make no mistake, cooking utensils make a huge difference because it's all about the texture of the final dish. And if you don't think texture is too important, imagine eating your favorite food in jelly form. The taste of the dish is exactly the same as what you are used to, only the consistency of mucus.

    #2 A bad cook overuses seasonings

    What do new chefs usually do?

    “Dude, I've watched enough cooking shows to know that the secret is in the seasoning. I know all the qualities of different spices and how much to add. KFC makes the world's best chicken and their slogan says they use "11 different herbs and spices." It’s all about the chemistry of the complexes - the combination of different tastes.”

    Okay, first of all, you should consult an expert about your KFC cravings. Obviously, you are currently suffering from debilitating depression, and you should not take your condition so lightly. Secondly…

    Why you shouldn't do this

    This is where a college student who only has salt, pepper and a little garlic powder has an advantage over you. When you start cooking seriously, you want to buy every spice you know because you can't wait to take your skill to the next level. However, in most cases you need to restrain yourself.

    Obviously, some dishes require a huge amount of seasoning - no one is going to enjoy a chili that's just meat, beans and hot water. However, when it comes to cooking in general, chefs agree that the main focus should be on the quality of the products. Seasonings are needed only to place the right accents and emphasize the taste of the main product. If I'm paying $15 for a thick New York steak, I want to taste the meat, not the seasonings. If you cook well and buy good meat, you don't necessarily need to overpower its flavor with seasonings.

    When I look at recipes online, I have one rule that has never failed me: if a chef starts talking about marinating an expensive piece of meat, I'm wary. I won't write it off right away because a good marinade can add amazing flavor if used correctly. But if the chef starts talking about five or six different seasonings to rub on the meat, you might want to look elsewhere. Unless it's a well-known, established, respected chef, chances are you'll just ruin a dish whose ingredients cost you hours of work.

    Of course, it's not always about the spices. You can ruin a dish by simply trying to make it too complicated by adding too many unnecessary ingredients. You can take high-quality ingredients, like lobster, for example, and spoil them with sauces or pastes or whatever. Such products do not need this - the combination of five excellent tastes often results in a bland dish. I'll put it this way: take a hot porn star and dress her in a cheerleader outfit and she'll look amazing. Or a tight Catwoman costume. Or any other sexy costume you can think of. But as soon as she puts on all these costumes at once, she will turn into a simple hanger. What I'm saying is that cooking is a lot like porn.

    I'm not very good at analogies. Don't spoil expensive meat with too much seasoning.

    However, the most persistent habit and the most difficult lesson is that...

    #1 You're fiddling with food too much.

    What do new chefs usually do?

    Is it taking too long to cook on one side? Too long, isn't it? I can hear it hissing like crazy - it's probably burnt. Does it need to be turned over? I'll turn it over. No, wait, it can't burn because it's only in the pan for 20 seconds. So it's worth the wait. But how can I wait? Just listen! I'm sure it's already burnt. I need to turn it over now. And so I do it...

    Damn, it's still pink!

    Why you shouldn't do this

    One of the greatest spectacles - even if you're not a baseball fan and don't understand it at all - is the reaction and movement of an outfielder the second after the ball bounces off the bat. Just by the sound of the impact, trajectory and speed, in a split second he can calculate with the accuracy of NASA experts the place where the ball will land. Naturally, he is not a rocket designer or a psychic. He just played so many games that it became an instinct for him.

    This is exactly the habitual reaction you develop as you improve your culinary skills. Over time, you will be able to detect changes in the sound of the fish sizzling in the pan as its texture changes within minutes of frying. You can immediately tell if a piece of chicken is overcooked by seeing how the meat pulls away from the bone. Without a timer or opening the oven door, smell alone will tell you how long your cake needs to bake. But to reach that level - as with a baseball player - you need to learn the basic rules and stick to them - otherwise you'll end up playing for the Houston Astros.

    If you're grilling a steak and the recipe says to sear it over high heat for five minutes on each side, don't lift it to see if it's burnt or not. Every time you do this, you ruin the dish. You release the heat that allows the steak to cook properly, and it has to endure an obstacle race just to earn the crust.

    Have you tried prying chicken with a spatula or tongs while frying it? Did it stick to the bottom of the pan? If you've greased the pan properly, then it's more likely that you tried to turn the chicken piece too early rather than too late. Sounds strange, doesn't it? However, according to chefs, it is quite natural for the breaded piece to come away from the pan on its own and can be easily turned over if it is well cooked.

    Therefore, leave the piece alone. Let it cook. This doesn't mean you need to turn around and go into another room. Stay and listen to the sounds it makes as it cooks. They change every minute, and by memorizing them, you will develop the reaction and timing skills that will make you a good cook. Notice the change in smell. The way he gently forces you to kill your loved ones so he can eat everything himself...

    I... I need to go. I suddenly had a craving for McMuffins...

    InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

    We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a cook (kindergarten, cafe, camp, restaurant, school), sample 2019. A person with primary or secondary vocational education, special training and work experience can be appointed to this position. Don’t forget, each cook’s instructions are handed out against a signature.

    The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a chef should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

    This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

    1. General Provisions

    1. The cook belongs to the category of workers.

    2. A person with secondary vocational education or primary vocational education and special training and work experience of __________ years is accepted for the position of cook.

    3. A cook is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization upon the recommendation of __________.

    4. The cook must know:

    a) special (professional) knowledge for the position:

    — recipes, cooking technology, quality requirements, rules for distribution (assemblies), terms and conditions of storage of dishes;

    - types, properties and culinary purposes of potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, pasta and legumes, cottage cheese, eggs, semi-finished cutlet mass products, dough, canned food, concentrates and other products, signs and organoleptic methods for determining their good quality;

    — rules, techniques and sequence of operations to prepare them for heat treatment;

    — purpose, rules for using technological equipment, production equipment, tools, weighing instruments, utensils and rules for caring for them;

    b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

    — rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection,

    — rules for using personal protective equipment;

    — requirements for the quality of work (services) performed and for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

    — types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

    — production alarm.

    5. In his activities, the cook is guided by:

    - legislation of the Russian Federation,

    - Charter of the organization,

    - orders and instructions of the director of the organization,

    - this job description,

    — Internal labor regulations of the organization,

    — __________________________________________________.

    6. The cook reports directly to a worker with higher qualifications, __________ and the director of the organization.

    7. During the cook’s absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization upon the recommendation of __________ in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

    2. Job responsibilities of the cook

    The chef's responsibilities are:

    a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

    — Preparation of dishes and culinary products requiring simple culinary processing.

    — Cooking potatoes and other vegetables, cereals, legumes, pasta, eggs.

    — Frying potatoes, vegetables, cutlet products (vegetable, fish, meat), pancakes, pancakes, pancakes.

    — Baking vegetables and cereals.

    — Straining, rubbing, kneading, chopping, molding, stuffing, stuffing products.

    — Preparation of sandwiches, semi-finished products, canned food and concentrates.

    — Portioning (packing), distribution of dishes of mass demand.

    b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

    — Compliance with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization,

    — internal rules and standards of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    — Fulfillment, within the framework of the employment contract, of the orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with these instructions.

    — Performing work on acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition;

    — Maintaining established technical documentation

    3. Cook's rights

    The cook has the right:

    1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

    — to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

    — on bringing to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

    2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

    3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

    4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

    5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

    6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

    4. Responsibility of the cook

    The cook is responsible in the following cases:

    1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Job description for a cook (kindergarten, cafe, camp, restaurant, school) - sample 2019. Job responsibilities of a cook, rights of a cook, responsibility of a cook.

    The meaning of a chef's job title usually includes the general term, the level of experience, and any special requirements. The generic term "cook" will optimize a job title to appear in general searches for jobs of the same nature. Experience level will help attract the most qualified candidates by indicating the scope of responsibility and prior knowledge required. And if the position is specialized, you might want to consider including the specialization in the job title.

    When looking for a culinary professional to be first or second in command in the kitchen, the establishment must follow specifications and guidelines. The successful candidate will use their culinary and management skills to play an important role in maintaining and increasing customer satisfaction of the establishment. A great job description starts with a compelling summary of the position and its role in the company. The resume for the search for a chef should contain an overview of the company and expectations regarding the position of the employee. The activities and responsibilities required for the job should be described so that job seekers can determine whether they are qualified.

    Chefs are trained kitchen professionals who oversee the operations of a restaurant or dining facility. They are responsible for the food that comes out of the kitchen, from conception to execution. While many of these professionals acquire the necessary skills through experience as chefs, academic programs in culinary arts are widely available. Some chefs learn through apprenticeships.

    A chef, also sometimes known as a head cook, oversees many different aspects of a restaurant or cafe. He manages and works closely with other chefs, creating menu items and determining inventory needs. It works in a range of food service settings including universities, hospitals, residential care centers and catering establishments. He can also work as a personal chef. Sous Chef, in turn, is one of the most sought after in the culinary industry. This job is second in the hierarchy to the head chef, meaning that a person in this position has complete control over the kitchen and is directly responsible for the quality of food produced there under his supervision. Due to its importance, this work has great recognition among peers and clients, but also carries a high degree of responsibility. While the position of sous chef is the dream job for every junior chef. It is important to fully understand its requirements.

    General provisions

    Examples of required chef skills in most cases:

    • A specific degree in culinary arts is required.
    • 5 years of experience as a chef in a full-service restaurant.
    • More than 2 years of experience in a supervisory role.
    • Excellent communication and organizational skills. Ability to share responsibilities and monitor progress. Leadership skills.
    • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
    • Attention to quality and quality control
    • Knowledge of proper food handling and sanitation standards.
    • Exceptional proven kitchen management ability.
    • Knowledge of modern culinary trends and optimization of kitchen processes.
    • Good understanding of useful computer programs (MS Office, restaurant management software, POS).
    • Authority for health and safety training.

    A chef's tasks and responsibilities are varied and range from preparing food or plating specific dishes to creating menus and working with ingredient suppliers. Therefore, the position requires both culinary and management skills. In addition to this, solid experience in the kitchen is required to land a chef job.

    Cook's responsibilities

    The duties section is the most important part of the job description. Here you need to describe the functions that this position will perform on a regular basis, how the work works in the organization.

    The chef is responsible for the following functions:

    • Manage relationships with distributors and promptly resolve problems with suppliers.
    • Follow the budget set by the restaurant manager.
    • Ensure kitchen safety and sanitation.
    • Manage kitchen staff and delegate tasks related to food preparation, preparation and delivery of food to customers in a timely manner.
    • Maintaining kitchen work schedule.
    • Monitoring food and labor costs.
    • Follow industry trends and create new recipes.

    Restaurateurs are looking for an experienced and qualified chef to organize the kitchen. The chef is the first to create and test the dishes before they reach the customers.

    Required responsibilities for a chef include:

    • Control and management of the food preparation process.
    • Build menus with new or existing culinary ideas to ensure variety and quality portions.
    • Approval of dishes before they reach the customer.
    • Control and direct the cooking process.
    • If necessary, organize repairs.
    • Eliminate any problems or defects in the kitchen.
    • Be fully responsible for the reception, management and training of kitchen staff.
    • Supervise the work of subordinates.
    • Assessment of workload and personnel compensation.
    • Maintain payroll and attendance records.
    • Fostering a climate of collaboration and respect between co-founders.
    • Estimating quantities and costs of needed supplies, such as food.
    • Inspects supplies, equipment and work area to ensure compliance with established standards.
    • Instructing instructors and other employees in preparing food.
    • Monitor sanitation conditions to ensure employee compliance with standards and regulations.
    • Orders or requisitions food and other supplies needed to ensure efficient operations.

    The job of a chef is very demanding and involves performing a wide variety of tasks in both the culinary and management sectors. No day is identical to another in a position as a chef: there are days when the menu must be set up and days on which ingredients must be purchased. The chef is responsible for both activities, as well as supervising his staff during kitchen operations.

    Being a chef requires discipline, an intense workload, a lot of dedication, extensive on-the-job training and an active mind, always ready to learn and be challenged.

    Although not required, chef certification can demonstrate competency and lead to promotion and higher pay.


    Chefs work in high-end restaurants, as well as in restaurants and catering canteens of various institutions. Each of these establishments has different opening hours; therefore, the chef's schedule varies depending on the hours the kitchen is open. In restaurants, chefs work shifts that allow them to prepare the kitchen from early morning (when breakfast is served) until late at night (when the last customers finish dinner). On the other hand, cooks working in cafeterias have regular 9-5 work hours.

    Most cooks and chefs work full-time hours, including early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays. Many chefs work 12-hour days because they oversee food deliveries early in the day and use the hours to prepare special menu items.

    Additional Responsibilities

    The chef is often involved in staffing the kitchen, developing menu offerings, forecasting supply needs, and estimating costs. Chefs are expected to ensure that the restaurant adheres to all regulations, including hygiene and safety guidelines.

    Head Chefs are primarily involved in creating recipes and preparing advanced dishes, while handling the less complex tasks of Head Chefs and Cooks. The main goal is to maintain kitchen efficiency and produce consistent quality food. But responsibilities also extend to operational matters, including accounting and planning.

    Since chefs are responsible for the success and failure of a restaurant, chefs must work long hours to ensure that the restaurant is running properly. As far as personal conduct is concerned, here are the most important and unspoken duties that a chef must observe:

    • Attention to detail. It is important that all kitchen surfaces and stoves are perfect when workers leave the kitchen, and the chef must check the work being done by subordinates. A critical eye will instantly see possible problems and correct them.
    • Initiative. Cooking for others is an art in which one must always innovate. A person with initiative towards this endeavor will certainly have a smoother path to success.
    • Flexibility. Working in a kitchen with a group of people can lead to unexpected situations. The chef must be flexible and easily adapt to new working conditions.
    • Good stress tolerance. In cooking for others, the responsibility is enormous and the stress level is also high. A chef must have great resistance to stress.
    • Leadership. The chef is a leader who works with the team.
    • Work done as a team. Working in a kitchen requires good team spirit, as in most cases a well-organized team has much better results than the same number of people working on their own.

    A professional chef has a wide range of specific responsibilities that he must perform on a daily basis. The first responsibility is to supervise subordinates in their daily work environment. The cook is responsible for supervising all the people who work under them in the kitchen. The Chef will oversee food and ingredient preparation, final plating, sanitation issues, and staff timeliness.

    The chef is also the primary planner for menu items and any dishes the establishment offers. Along with menu planning, the chef is also responsible for creating recipes. Someone in the position of a chef will spend many hours developing their recipes. The cook may also be involved in preparing a few or many menu items each week. This may occur due to a lack of a stocked kitchen.

    Administrative duties are also part of a chef's daily routine. Items such as ensuring the work of employees, processing payroll, calculating purchase order costs, placing purchase orders from traders and handling employee grievances are all duties that fall under the administrative category. In addition, the cook is the first person in charge of the entire kitchen when a customer has a complaint about the preparation or quality of the food.

    The cook is one of the main people responsible for training the kitchen staff. The cook will tell you in detail what the employee's duties are and how they should be performed.

    Finally, whoever takes on the role of cook must ensure that all food handling regulations are followed. The Chef must ensure safety and sanitation standards are met every day.

    Levels and categories of cooks and their responsibilities

    Currently, the market for chefs is stable, so the demand for specialists in this field is growing too much over the years. Until 2020, the number of jobs for chefs will only increase to 5%. This gave rise to a division of responsibilities among the cooking profession. This division has taken several forms in the form of different job levels:

    • Chef. In French, the word "chef" means "chef". This suggests that the chef is the one who is in charge of something. The head chef, also sometimes referred to simply as the "chef de cuisine," is in charge of the entire kitchen. Every part of the food service operation, including menu planning, purchasing, hiring and staffing, is part of the chef's job description. This means that he or she also has overall responsibility for all food that comes out of the kitchen. But the chef doesn't usually cook. The tools of his work are a table, a telephone and a money changer, and not a knife, a whisk or a frying pan.
    • Sous Chef (second chef). The sous chef is responsible for all preparations. In some kitchens, a sous chef's job involves directly supervising all kitchen staff, including cooks, cooks, and dishwashers. The sous chef may also do some actual cooking, such as substituting for one of the cooks if necessary. A sous chef's job description also often includes expediting or relaying orders to line cooks and ensuring the team works together to prepare orders. The sous chef is a professional who assists the head chef and takes his place when the latter is unable to be in the kitchen. The name "sous chef" comes from French and means "under the chef." Therefore, the person holding this position reports directly to the head chef and has all other members of the kitchen staff at his disposal. However, there are also cases where a sous chef aspires to a higher position in a competing kitchen, especially when there is no chance of promotion in the near future. Another promotion prospect is to be upgraded to the position of Kitchen Manager.
    • Senior cook (“chef de partie”)- this is a person whose job is to work on the cooking hotline and regulate the work algorithm of other chefs.
    • Saute-chef. The chef-technologist also performs the functions of co-chef. The soteshef or saucier is responsible for all soy products and sauces. Often the person in charge of preparing fish items is also responsible, although there may be a separate fish cook.
    • Roasting chef may also be a grill cook. Responsible for fried and stewed items. Can also cook fried foods.
    • Vegetable cook. Responsible for soups, starches such as pastas and potatoes, and other vegetable products.
    • Other chef jobs. Some kitchens will have various other chefs on staff. A pastry chef who prepares desserts and other baked goods. Cook responsible for cold foods such as salads, canned foods, sausages, pates. Some operations will also employ a separate cook whose specialty is separating and preparing meat and poultry.

    Typically, a sous chef becomes a manager or executive chef after a period of working in the respective kitchen. The executive chef and head chef can be promoted to management positions, and the positions left empty are usually filled by chef technologists.

    A cook who has experience and good skills can be promoted to a higher position when the possibility arises. Positions available for promotion are Head Chef and Sous Chef.


    The salary of a chef depends on the place of work. The best paying jobs are in high-end restaurants, while government restaurants usually have lower pay levels. Pay calculations may also vary depending on other factors such as: current economic conditions, level of formal education, years of experience, and scope of responsibilities associated with the position. Typically, a chef's salary is RUB 63,333 for a professional with less than 20 years of experience in the culinary industry. Bonuses can significantly increase your salary, especially when working in high-end restaurants. The annual salary of a chef varies depending on the above factors. Benefits include compensation for retirement, social security, disability, healthcare and vacation.

    What is the chef responsible for?

    The chef has both managerial and culinary responsibilities; therefore, he or she must excel in both points to successfully perform all assigned duties. Here are the most basic professional areas under the responsibility of a chef:

    • Skill control. The head chef and sous chef are responsible for all activities from the kitchen; therefore, they must have greater monitoring capabilities while performing their regular duties.
    • Time management. The chef must estimate the required time required for each dish, as well as the time spent by each employee in preparing the different dishes. They need to organize the kitchen perfectly so that every minute is used wisely. Delays or lost time affect the kitchen's reputation and the establishment's income. Additionally, the chef must evaluate the time required for culinary tasks as well as the time that must be devoted to management duties in order to fully handle everything.
    • Financial and resource management. The cook is responsible for creating the ingredient list, wine list and menu, while the chef must properly manage available finances and resources.
    • Good communication links. The cook is in constant communication with the chef and sous chef, as well as with the kitchen staff, ingredient suppliers, technical staff who keep the food preparation machines in order, and even with customers. Therefore, he must know how to customize his discourse according to the target audience.
    • Active listening and learning. Understanding what people are saying, asking questions to understand the problem, and gathering information for a solution are essential when coordinating a team, whether in the kitchen or out.
    • Teaching abilities. The chef must train subordinate cooks and kitchen support staff, so they need a training strategy that conveys information clearly and easily.
    • Analysis and evaluation. An evaluation is conducted after each month to monitor the progress made by staff. Review and evaluation should be carried out individually (for each employee), as well as for the kitchen staff as a whole, to observe how the team interacts and works together.
    • Computer functions. The cook may communicate with suppliers over the Internet or may need to enter information into a computer, so to perform these tasks, the cook is responsible for creating and managing kitchen information on the computer.
    • Technical information. Most restaurant kitchens have special mechanisms that make cooking easy. The chef must ensure that they are all in good condition and will not cause harm to staff if used correctly. When the equipment is broken, he needs to call the experts to fix it.
    Education Requirements

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most chefs begin their careers as cooks or food preparation workers and advance to higher positions with time and experience. On-the-job training is a core component of most kitchens.

    Formal culinary arts training is available through vocational schools, colleges, culinary schools, and university service-industry programs. 11 percent of chefs and cooks have a high school diploma, and 44 percent have a law degree. Many programs include an apprenticeship or internship to accompany coursework.

    Some culinary organizations offer curriculum accreditation throughout the country. They also offer a number of certification programs that allow chefs to demonstrate ability and knowledge in the culinary arts. Certification can help chef managers get promotions and higher salaries.

    The cook needs to indicate the required and preferred skills for the position. This may include education, previous work experience, certifications and technical skills. It can also include other skills and personality traits that are useful for successful hiring. While it may be tempting to include a long list of skills and requirements, including too many may dissuade qualified candidates from applying. The list of qualifications should be concise but provide sufficient detail with relevant keywords and terms.

    Chef jobs do not require any education or formal training as long as the candidate has the necessary skills and the required experience. A high school degree and culinary qualifications are all you need to become a chef. Nevertheless, the completion of specialized courses adds points to the candidate in front of employers. This type of program helps aspiring chefs acquire useful cooking and food safety information that will be used later in their careers. In addition, a bachelor's degree can accelerate your ascent through the professional ladder.

    Culinary institutes, technical schools, and community schools offer culinary arts programs that take 2 to 4 years to complete. By attending these programs, aspiring chefs learn about hygiene and sanitation in the kitchen, learn how to improve their culinary skills and gain insight into food shopping. Some programs also include management courses that help students better manage kitchen staff. Some culinary schools offer their support to aspiring chefs by sponsoring various apprenticeship programs that combine theoretical courses with practical training.

    Experience, however, is of paramount importance when choosing a chef. Typically a chef has been in the kitchen for at least 10 years before joining the chef position. This ensures that the person is well prepared from a culinary point of view and has sufficient maturity to regulate all staff.

    Most cooks and chefs learn their skills through work experience. Others are educated at a community college, technical school, culinary arts school, or 4-year college. Students in culinary programs spend most of their time in kitchens practicing their culinary skills. Programs cover all aspects of kitchen operations, including menu planning, food sanitation procedures, purchasing and inventory techniques. Most training programs also require students to gain experience in a commercial kitchen through an internship or apprenticeship program.


    If up to this point your signature dish has been microwave sandwiches, this absolutely does not mean that you cannot become a real chef. You just need the right approach to business and a little patience, and we will tell you where to start in order to turn from a beginner into a professional in a short time.

    1. Get the right tools for the job.

    Go into the kitchen and look around. One lonely knife, a couple of spoons and a fork with a bent tine? A cool chef must have cool tools! Of course, buying a special knife for cutting capers will not make you a professional overnight, but working with good tools is still easier and more enjoyable.

    2. Improve basic kitchen skills.

    Well, the tools are there, now it’s time to learn how to use them. If you are fluent in the knife and finger trick, then this will undoubtedly come in handy. It’s also a good idea to learn how to quickly chop onions and other vegetables, decide which knife is best to use for what, and study the oven and dishwasher in more detail, they hide many secrets. To help you: YouTube and various cooking shows.

    3. Organize easy search and storage of recipes.

    Even the best chefs in the world start with one basic recipe. Choose one recipe, and then gradually add new ones to your library. You can store the “cookbook” on your smartphone or tablet. And by registering for one of the many culinary services, you will also get quick access to new recipes.

    4. Remember: tasty does not have to be expensive!

    This can be repeated endlessly! Just because you want to cook delicious food doesn't mean you have to spend a ton of money on groceries. Of course, it is desirable that they are fresh. With the help of some tricks you can prepare a delicious dish from simple ingredients. By the way, if when you go to the supermarket you can’t resist and buy a lot of extra food, which then spoils in your refrigerator, then try ordering food delivery to your home. Perhaps it will be more economical this way.

    5. Learn to choose good products.

    You can choose quality products without overpaying. To do this, you need to study the supermarkets and markets of your city, and also learn to determine the freshness of the product. Try to buy seasonal fruits and vegetables. So they will cost less, and it is more likely that they ripened on their own, without chemical treatment.

    6. Use your refrigerator efficiently.

    If you try to put everything you bought at the store into the refrigerator, then most likely it will seem to you that it is a little overcrowded. But not all foods need to be stored in the refrigerator. Something may well sit in a kitchen cabinet and not lose its taste. Get to know your refrigerator and set the right temperature to get the most out of it.

    7. Learn to use a grill.

    Cooking a good steak is a real art. If you have a grill in your yard, take advantage of the good weather to cook something on it. In bad and cold weather, an oven in the kitchen will do. The main thing is to learn how to cook steak!

    8. Experiment!

    Little experiments never hurt anyone, and thanks to them you can turn a delicious dish into a real masterpiece with amazing taste. For example, try using lemon juice instead of salt, applesauce instead of eggs in baked goods, vodka instead of water in pie crusts, and seasoned salt instead of sauces.

    9. Don't believe common myths.

    There are many myths related to cooking. Have you ever heard that wooden boards should never be used for meat, that water boils faster if you salt it... Study and dispel all the myths, because sometimes they greatly interfere with the proper preparation of delicious food.