The most important years of life for different zodiac signs. Important years for fish

Pisces closes the zodiac circle, representing the sign of the water element. These are wise and receptive people, whose responsiveness often leads them to communicate with manipulators. Exposure to other people's influence, the highest among the signs of the zodiac ability to adapt to any environment, resistance to everyday difficulties distinguishes typical Pisces. A well-developed intuition by nature allows Pisces to adapt to any social order, to be at home in any environment, to find the best way out of difficult situations and to establish business relationships with constant benefit for themselves.

The nature of the mark

Talented in everything, Pisces often realize themselves in painting and composing. The best performing musicians are undoubtedly Virgos, but the special subtle sound of the celestial spheres is open to Pisces. A tendency to laziness, acting skills and a desire for risk often make Pisces adventurers, swindlers or thieves. At the same time, Pisces are idealists, they have a Robin Hood complex, a defender of the poor and disadvantaged. Often excellent athletes, they love to help other people, they are ready for selfless service for the sake of their ideals. The love of risk leads Pisces to motor sports, field hospitals, rescue teams, exploration, as well as mystical teachings and the spiritual search for the meaning of life. Pisces are born psychologists and psychics, they perfectly manipulate others. In order for cooperation with them to be fruitful, it is good to have personal relationships and common ideals. Pisces is a very strong sign, representatives of this sign always find a way out of any critical situation, not only for themselves, but also for others. Pisces can be both very wealthy people and beggars from the principle of equality and universal brotherhood.

Strengths and weaknesses of Pisces

Decisiveness and perseverance are not the strengths of this sign. Evasiveness, lack of self-discipline, self-indulgence and other people's weaknesses, a tendency to avoid responsibility for their actions, as well as a lack of moral boundaries, often leads Pisces to deny reality with the help of alcohol or drugs. But if you introduce Pisces to high ideals in time, then such a person will always imperceptibly alleviate the suffering of others, help loved ones with compassion and sympathy. The gift of Neptune, the symbolic ruler of this sign, is the gift of loving unselfishly, truly. But in search of that sublime pure love, Pisces often get lost in the meager euphoria of mass entertainment.

Pisces personal life and compatibility

In love, Pisces are open to complete self-denial, which turns into a painful break at least once in a lifetime. This sign, both men and women, often attracts inferior people - either physically unhealthy, or with bad habits and dishonest hands. They themselves love passionately, skillful lovers, guess the mood, are always responsive, albeit passive. They require a special approach - it's good to give Pisces the opportunity to take care of you, not to rush things, to let true feelings develop. Loyalty, although not a strong quality of this sign, is common, like the love of a pair of two swans. It is the Pisces man who is able to carry the first love through his whole life. If Pisces does not want to continue the relationship, then you can safely put an end to them. Pisces will slip away from any unwanted relationship, deftly covering their tracks, often leaving the partner in debt - of a material or ethical nature. Pisces partners should be mindful of the mood, not giving depression time to take root. Pisces need the opportunity to relax in solitude. So Pisces are cleansed of other people's moods.

Best compatibility with Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus. Conflict relations with Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. Often singles and bachelors prefer independence in their personal lives or look for their ideal for a long time.

Pisces Men

They are always a support in difficult times, but are not capable of daily self-sacrifice to family relationships. Often fall in love, excellent lovers, generous but unfaithful. Their infidelity comes from an excess of susceptibility to the beautiful, the need for a constant influx of new sensations of beauty, new images and impressions. This makes a romance with them unforgettable, but in the household it makes order and budgeting difficult.

Pisces Women

For a woman to be born under this sign means to be happy and loved. It is believed that the Pisces woman has already lived through all the female destinies in past incarnations, using the concepts of Eastern philosophy. The most difficult thing for a Pisces woman is to make a choice. The choice concerns both the profession, and the life partner, and the place of residence. Women of this sign rarely need money. They are pleasant to pamper, sensitivity and responsiveness make the representatives of this sign popular with men. Often they harm themselves by refusing the good in search of the best.

Pisces Child

Should get the opportunity to study music, vocals, painting, play football. His feelings need release, so watching movies, caring for pets, or younger children will provide your child with a psychological foundation of protection and service. Examples of good deeds of parents and honesty in communication will help develop a healthy psyche of the child. Hardening, discipline and daily routine are very useful for the physical health of little Pisces. The vulnerability of the psyche can be compensated by diverse sports or the chance to play on stage. So Pisces live out their deepest fears, playing a role in a play in a theater group.

Pisces Health

The vulnerable immune system of Pisces is sensitive to poisoning and allergies. The cause of all diseases is either supercooled feet, or nervous strain. The medicine is music, contemplation of beauty, forgiveness of yourself and others, and good deeds. Often they do not notice overloads, bring themselves to exhaustion, are prone to depression and self-deception. Pure mineral water is important, hygiene must be observed .

Interesting countries: Malta, Portugal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore

Significant cities: Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon, Preston, Seville, Bukhara, Samarkand, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg

Celebrities born under the sign of Pisces: Rihanna, Kurt Cobain, George Washington, Oleg Yankovsky, Steve Jobs, Victor Hugo, Elizabeth Taylor, Natalia Vodianova, John Turturro, Pavel Artemiev, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Justin Bieber, Mikhail Gorbachev, Daniel Craig, Vyacheslav Malafeev, Antonio Vivaldi, Tatyana Bulanova, Valentina Tereshkova, Andrey Mironov, Noize MC, Chuck Norris, Sharon Stone, Liza Minnelli, Albert Einstein, Pavel Volya, Maria Shalaeva, Evgeny Tsyganov, Nadezhda Babkina, Luc Besson, Alexei Yagudin, Bruce Willis, Valery Leontiev, Kurt Russell

Compatibility horoscope: facts about Pisces zodiac sign female characteristic - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Very interesting and true

The constellations of the Zodiac Pisces endowed their wards with special qualities. These special qualities sometimes make them very mysterious. Even knowing a person for a long time according to the Pisces zodiac, at some points it can be very difficult to understand them. And if you yourself were born under the Pisces Zodiac, then you probably cannot always deal with your own consciousness!

And in order to better understand Pisces, we bring the facts for acquaintance

Fact 1. Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. So, everyone who was born under this sign is an explosive mixture of the characteristics of all 11 previous signs.

This means that it is sometimes really difficult for Pisces to understand themselves and their feelings. That is why they are so indecisive and often make absolutely stupid decisions.

However, the upside of these people is that they are very open. Pisces is a friend who always says yes, even if he later regrets it.

And yet, Pisces are people who are more oriented towards logic rather than feelings. Although they do impulsive acts, they usually think before they do anything.

But at least once they are ready to try everything.

Fact 2: Pisces are always looking for new experiences.

Pisces are constantly on the lookout for new things and experiences. And they are most happy when they find a person who is ready to share their craving for adventure with them.

Usually, Pisces have the most successful relationships with those people who, like them, love chaos and hype.

If Pisces falls into the trap of “stability” and predictability, they will probably take some impulsive action and take the first opportunity for a radical change in life.

Fact 3. They are compassionate.

Pisces are very compassionate people. They often roar over melodramas and constantly donate some money to charity. And they do all this sincerely, and not for show. So if you are looking for an attentive and caring partner for life, take a closer look at Pisces.

Fact 4. It can be difficult for them to distinguish reality from fantasy.

Pisces are the main dreamers on Earth. And all because their heavenly patrons are Jupiter and Neptune.

Pisces are constantly rushing about in search of more and more new goals, they can neither calm down nor bring something to mind. But that's the beauty of them, right?

Fact 5. They empathize.

Pisces are extremely sensitive people. Sometimes other people's emotions overwhelm them so much that they cannot deal with their own. Sometimes their life resembles chaos just because they have no time to deal with their problems: there are so many strangers around!

Actually, this is a plus, not a minus. If only because if you need someone to lend a shoulder, you will definitely call Pisces. After all, no one else has that kind of selflessness.

Fact 6. They can only think normally when they are alone.

If Pisces lock themselves in a room for at least an hour, then they will surely use this time to sort themselves out and draw up some new plan to conquer the world. They have such a feature: if they are in a company, they are always busy with others, and they live their own lives on “autopilot”.

Pisces can only feel productive and collected when they are alone.

Fact 7. And yet: deep down they are introverts.

Basically, this means that they try to surround themselves with new people always and everywhere. However, they almost never know how to turn these acquaintances into real friends.

It is difficult for Pisces to count on full dedication from other people. But they are always ready for it!

This is why Pisces can ask so many questions about your life. They are really curious! And it hurts when you don't open up with them.

Fact 8. They are friends with everyone

Pisces always hope that people will bring out their best side with them. They are the perfect lawyers. At the very least, they always urge "not to judge other people until their guilt has been proven."

Yes, and Pisces parties are always fun, but not for everyone: they are always attended by people from various walks of life.

Fact 9. Pisces are sensitive and emotional.

Be careful when you decide to make another remark to Pisces about the fact that he talks too much. Your friend may be offended - and much more than you think.

Pisces are very sensitive and can get very excited or upset at any moment. Think before you hurt them.

But if you yourself are experiencing stress, then you can not even talk about it to your Pisces friend. He already knows everything.

Fact 10. Pisces love role models

They want to live so much that one life, their own, is not enough for them. Pisces prefer to live several lives in one, and therefore, when they try on different roles, this is normal and natural. Don't accuse them of duplicity.

If Pisces does not clearly know what role he is currently living, then it is usually very difficult for him to make a choice or the next step. It's just that they are people.

Pisces zodiac sign characteristic

Pisces zodiac sign characteristic: zodiac sign Pisces man, zodiac sign Pisces woman; Pisces child; health; druid horoscope; talismans-stones

Pisces (20.02. - 20.03.) - the last sign of the zodiac circle, the most eccentric thanks to its heavenly ruler Neptune - mystical, romantic, sometimes insane, always a little

detached, endowing his wards with anxiety and nervousness.

The colors of Pisces are aqua, purple, steel, blue; talisman - narcissus; metal is tin.

The element of Pisces is flowing, unstable water. These people are melancholic, good-natured, patient, withdrawn, pious. They achieve their goal by detours, affection, and not by pressure, they avoid conflicts and rivalry. Negative qualities: fickle, lazy, insecure, drowsy, do not fulfill the promise, change their point of view a hundred times.

Pisces are protected by daydreaming, considering themselves free. In fact, Pisces are those who go with the flow, avoid dangers.

The water of Pisces is necessarily salty - these are tears streaming down their face in streams, this is the sea - alluring them. In general, the life of Pisces can hardly be called insipid: their incredible imagination more than compensates for the lack of energy.

Pisces often seem helpless, deliberately reinforcing this impression in order to gain support. But in real life they are somewhat lazy, excessively dreamy.

There are weak personalities among Pisces who fall under criminal influence. But there are also strong, purposeful, however, for success they need "the right place and time."

Pisces have a very unusual intelligence - bizarre reasoning, an ambiguous worldview, controversial ideas about reality. This is the sign of poets, sculptors and sometimes mathematicians (physicists). Musicality is an inborn talent. They only need to understand that they are not powerless in their fate, they need to use all their abilities and opportunities. Realizing this, Pisces will develop.

Zodiac sign Pisces man

Pisces are very vulnerable, their spiritual wounds do not heal for a long time. They can love the role of a martyr, you need to beware of the prerequisites for self-pity. Pisces men are shy but nervous. Together, these traits give them the appearance of eternal indecision and puzzlement. Pisces tend to rage over trifles, terribly worried about trifles.

The zodiac sign of Pisces, a man usually does not take decisive action, goes with the flow, and if he achieves a goal, success, then more often due to luck or a combination of circumstances.

Pisces often have little interest in others, have many secret enemies. What they think about reality is often very far from reality.

Pisces woman zodiac sign

The Pisces woman is very sentimental, she draws attention to the vulnerability of her soul, her vulnerability, helplessness, not hiding her dreams of a protector-patron. She is an incurable romantic. However, her temperament is rather turned inward: after all, it is not in vain that the talisman of this sign is a daffodil.

She lives in her own world, creating unrealistic images and illusions. Since childhood, she has been fascinated by fairy tales, what is drawn seems as real as life. Her first love is usually a cute romantic boy who looks like a prince, or, on the contrary, a tomboyish pirate.

The zodiac sign of Pisces, a woman can firmly connect with a man without a particularly violent temperament, live happily ever after with him.

But there are more restless Rybkas who find themselves as confidants or mistresses of politicians, artists - those whose fame and greatness significantly depend on the strength of the influence of consolations and reassurances from Rybka.

The embodiment of the soul of Pisces women in the flowers of mimosa or flowers of plants of the seabed.

Pisces zodiac sign characteristic: child

The angelic baby, who appeared under the sign of Pisces, is in fact not an angel at all: with a charming face, he will achieve his goal with smiles, tricks, circled everyone around his finger.

From birth, Pisces are incredible visionaries-dreamers. Pisces parents are not tormented by routine and boredom, this child will make you believe in miracles. He does not seek to grow up as soon as possible, he is impressed by the care of adults, the lack of responsibility. Without guardianship, he feels insecure, lost.

It is difficult to teach these children to follow the daily routine, eat right, problems arise in the team of peers: Pisces live as it suits them, not recognizing the general rules. Fish need to be taught to take care of themselves, to solve everyday problems when communicating with other children.

For little Pisces, streams of tears over any little thing, and occasional criticism is a real disaster. These children endlessly demand proof of parental love, often very expensive.

The type of Pisces children is very fragile, but they are not particularly painful. The danger lies in the speed of their assimilation of bad habits: dressing out of season is easy, eating poorly, sitting at the computer, etc. It is necessary to prevent this in time.

Success at school is too dependent on the comfort of the environment for the Pisces child. It is often difficult for teachers to accustom Pisces to traditional orders, school routine. Pisces think in their own way: “People have not “grown up” to their Neptunian wisdom!”

Rybok is often accused of cheating. But simply, their imagination is so rich that they themselves believe in their fiction, confusing it with reality. It is necessary to direct this into creativity - poetry, drawing, drama circles. Growing up, they quickly adapt to harsh reality, so parents should surround them with love for a longer time and protect their talents, teach them stamina and courage.

When the influence of strong planets is absent, Pisces is very lethargic, quickly tired. In general, Pisces is characterized by anemia, impaired hematopoiesis in the liver, skin diseases, dropsy, they are also characterized by leg diseases, flat feet, and reduced immunity. They don't want to go to doctors.

Pisces is highly sensitive to the environment, they can “fall apart” due to insufficient light or a poorly furnished room. They themselves do not understand this, therefore they do not take the necessary measures. When someone, guessing, corrects the shortcomings of the situation, Pisces will quickly come to their senses.

Serious danger of alcohol, drugs - it is difficult for Pisces to resist bad habits, to stay within the limits.

Pisces usually do not sin with gluttony, on the contrary, they have a lack of appetite, although a lot depends on the physique. Pisces need to seriously think over the diet. Lack of nutrients, vitamins for their body is detrimental, can have a catastrophic result.

Showing fresh air, physical education, homeopathy, the elements iodine, sulfur. It is useful to live by the sea, to engage in poetry, music.

Druid Horoscope

19.02.-28/29.02. – pine (aesthetic taste; knows how to emphasize one’s merits; high demands on life; planning, subordinating one’s needs to different conditions; perseverance, determination; decisiveness, speed, accuracy of actions; orderliness of thinking; friendliness, but without excessive generosity: one’s own well-being is a priority; the only weakness is love feelings: sensuality, impulsiveness; Pine is the best sign for women);

01.03. – 10.03. – willow (melancholic, with a peculiar beauty, mysterious, thoughts are unclear, desires are unconscious; businesslike, decisive, respects others, no desire to command; somewhat poetic, romantic in feelings, melancholy in autumn is not associated with pessimism; loves sensual pleasures, introducing poetics into them; difficult as a partner because of the rejection of compromises, inability to quickly adapt; meekness is deceptive; often defenselessness is just a tactical move, for the sake of entertainment or profit; artistic, with rich imagination and intuition, psychological insight);

11.03. – 20.03. – Linden (uses her incredible charm; easily adapts - whatever the conditions; mind - practical, prone to technology, resourceful, accurate, observant, realist; calm, silent, serene, but pessimistic; her main enemy is irresistible boredom; sensitive to flattery , contradictory, jealous; but it is pleasant, easy to communicate with her: she knows how to listen patiently, she is respectful, she is not eager to command; everyone always loves her, even if she cannot be relied upon; in marriage, only a soul mate can restore her peace of mind).

Pisces zodiac sign characteristic: stones

emerald (a stone of hope, wisdom, composure; attracts wealth, pacifies lust, brings peace, strengthens memory, drives melancholy and bad dreams; help in scientific research, philosophy; powerful talisman: on trips, from negativity, evil spells, misfortunes; pregnant women - protection, safe delivery; helps with many diseases, heals eyesight, strengthens strength);

aquamarine (stone of courage, friendship, justice; strengthens spirituality, gives prudence; relieves stress, fears; amulet of sailors, naval commanders, protects from deceit, dangers, turns green and cloudy when the owner is in poor condition and bad weather; strengthens strength, excellent biostimulant, stabilizer of soul balance, extinguishes irritation, anger, relieves nervousness, cools a storm of emotions; help from toothache, skin diseases, allergies, good for the lungs, stomach, liver, thyroid gland);

Moonstone (the force of the impact on the full moon increases, absorbs the negative of the full moon, bringing relief to people dependent on the moon; help with nervous exhaustion, a talisman against epilepsy, other seizures; talisman of love - attracts love to the owner, and gives him feelings; awakens tenderness, daydreaming, eliminates anger, relieves tension, calms the mind; in meditation reveals the subconscious, hidden talents; the talisman of all creative personalities: gives creative impulses, inspiration, reveals abilities).

Personalities: Rimsky-Korsakov, Rosa Luxembourg, Albert Einstein, Fryderyk Chopin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Thomas Aquinas, von Behring, Michelangelo, Evgeny Baratynsky, Johann Strauss, Taras Shevchenko, Liza Minnelli, Mikhail Gorbachev, Svyatoslav Richter, Boris Kustodiev, Valery Leontiev, Mikhail Vrubel , Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Zurab Sotkilava, Maurice Ravel, Chris Rea, Sergei Mikhalkov, Antonio Vivaldi, Andrei Mironov, Bruce Willis, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Bon Jovi, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Juliette Binoche, Elena Yakovleva, Sharon Stone, Sergei Yursky, Valentina Tereshkova, Luc Besson, Irina Ponarovskaya, Yuri Gagarin, Irina Alferova, Nadezhda Babkina.

Orthodox names: Theodore, Savva, Gennady, Vsevolod, Demetrius, Alexy, Stefan, Cyril, Isaac, Pavel, Julian, Elijah, Daniel, Leo, Maxim, Eugene, Cornelius, Timothy, Eustathius, George, Athanasius, John, Alexander, Tarasius, Sevastian, Vasily, Nikolai, Anthony, Arseny, David, Konstantin, Adrian, Arkady; Anna, Pavel, Valentina, Zoya, Svetlana, Euphrosyne, Evdokia, Antonina.

These are just general characteristics of Pisces, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

10 Unusual Facts About the Pisces Zodiac Sign

Pisces is the last, 12th sign of the Zodiac and perhaps the most mysterious in the Zodiac circle! These people are endowed with amazing charm and charm, as well as very unusual abilities, which is why so many interesting facts are associated with this zodiac sign, which a very limited number of people know about.

Let's open the veil of secrecy and find out a little more about these personalities?

Many say about Pisces that they are not from our planet. In fact, these people in some situations behave very strangely. For example, they talk strangely all the time. You never know if they are being sarcastic or serious. They become like all other people only when everything is very bad, but even in this case, their sadness will be much more expressive than that of anyone else.

Pisces see the world as an art gallery. They evaluate people as paintings, where not only appearance is important, but also character. Such are they and they cannot be corrected, and this is not bad, because this is their essence. They are drawn to everything unusual, so often good artists, actors, musicians come out of them.

Pisces are full of oddities and secrets that are always interesting to tell and always interesting to know.

Fact one: Pisces are the most unstable people emotionally and energetically. They are very easy to piss off, upset, offend, upset, please or make happy. They may be happy about such trifles as a free bus ride, they may be upset because of cloudy weather. In a word, things that are not fundamental for ordinary people play a huge role for Pisces.

Fact two: Pisces is a zodiac sign addict. They have many vices and weaknesses. Most drug and alcohol addicts, as well as smokers, are among Pisces. They are simply drawn to it for some reason unknown even to them. This brings them a lot of health problems, but they know how to deal with it. There is a small percentage of Pisces, which, on the contrary, does everything to avoid human weaknesses. Sometimes it’s unrealistic to infuriate everyone around, but what can you do ... they are like that.

Fact three: Pisces either constantly put things off for later, or decide to do everything at once and save themselves the torment. They are constantly on the threshold of choice. Of course, you might think that everyone is like this, but the fact is that Pisces are equally lazy and equally afraid of problems. They simply do not need them, so they are constantly in a state of dilemma.

Fact four: Pisces don't help anyone - they just sympathize. Tell them how hard your life is and how terrible the circumstances are, and they will look like that, look ... think, nod and say: “Yes, I sympathize with you, eh.” As always. They can’t even give good advice often, although brilliant thoughts sometimes slip through. This is not selfishness or stupidity. They also solve their problems in this way - they feel sorry for themselves, but sometimes they give out such a solution that everyone around is in shock. Moreover, Pisces is really able to understand you, which cannot be said about Pisces themselves. They are almost incapable of understanding themselves.

Pisces zodiac sign

Consider what features the Pisces zodiac sign has and what its relation to other signs is. Pisces motto: "I cleanse!"

Important facts about the zodiac sign Pisces

12th zodiac sign

4th mutable sign

The ruling planet is Neptune.

The astrological symbol is fish swimming in opposite directions.

Lucky numbers: 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and all numbers divisible by 7.

Favorable days: Monday, Thursday, Friday.

Unfavorable day: Wednesday.

Flowers: cactus, crocus, forget-me-nots.

Typical appearance: average or below average height, plump body with stooped shoulders, pale face, large bulging eyes, full lips, thick brown hair.

They are under the influence of Saturn. Those born during this period are capricious natures, loving loneliness and change.

Important years: 12, 24, 36, 58.

They are under the influence of Jupiter. Those born during this period are sensitive, vain, honest, loving celebrations and holidays.

Important years: 15, 25, 36, 60.

They are under the influence of Mars. Those born during this period are sociable, cutesy, pretentious, helpful, loving collective entertainment.

Important years: 12, 15, 24, 36, 45, 72.

The zodiac sign Pisces has a restless nature with a certain amount of nervousness. They are dreamy, indecisive, lazy and unreliable. The representative of the Pisces sign always has some mystery.

Pisces are very vulnerable. Their spiritual wounds do not heal for a long time, they like to play the role of martyrs. The nature of Pisces is dual: they are modest and shy, but at the same time nervous and full of energy. They tend to worry too much about trifles. Their mood depends solely on the circumstances.

Pisces are very gullible, however, if they realize that their gullibility has been taken advantage of, they can become secretive and suspicious. And then a complete break in relations with the offender is inevitable. They do not accept easy relationships either in business, or in friendship, or in love.

Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs

See the relationship between the signs: Aries - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Taurus - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Gemini - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Cancer - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Leo - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Virgo - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Libra - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Scorpio - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Sagittarius - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Capricorn - Pisces.

See the relationship between the signs: Aquarius - Pisces.

There is rarely a good business relationship between them. The eccentricity of Pisces, multiplied by two, can only bring a number of unfinished business. Their friendship, most likely, will be like a joint discussion of the global problems of mankind and methods of combating injustice.

Facts about the zodiac sign Pisces: general characteristics, compatibility, horoscope

All those born under this constellation are ruled by the planet Neptune. She also forces her “wards” to remain in the grip of illusions for a long time and to be interested in all kinds of hoaxes.

Basic facts about the zodiac sign Pisces

Astrologers depict this zodiac sign as two fish swimming in different directions. They consider it a symbol of limitations, eternity and duality at the same time. This is probably why a person born under the sign of Pisces is destined to suffer under the yoke of conflicting desires. Material well-being is hardly of interest to such people. Moreover, some representatives of this astrological sign have no reason to think about the fullness of their pockets for the reason that they are already rich heirs. Pisces are the most selfless, sincere and devoted to their ideals people. But they trust their feelings much more than the arguments of their own reason and the opinion of a whole staff of authoritative specialists. These are perhaps the most uninteresting facts about the Pisces zodiac sign.

Irresponsible, but incredibly talented

Representatives of this sign rarely find themselves in responsible positions, as they are very fond of changing impressions. From birth, Pisces feel a lack of energy. They are always tired and do not have enough strength necessary to overcome the more or less significant obstacles that life places before them. Good-natured and carefree, Pisces are indifferent to harsh reality. They rarely worry about tomorrow. Despising hard work, most representatives of this sign prefer "solitary swimming" to collective work. But they do not consider it necessary to fight for themselves and stop the machinations of ill-wishers. Therefore, real success and recognition rarely find their way to these infinitely talented people.

It is very difficult to list all the interesting facts about Pisces in one article. The sign of the zodiac, which closes the list of twelve constellations, endows a person with many talents. Among them stands out the ability to foresee events. Pisces often have strange dreams, most of which turn out to be prophetic, and the sudden premonitions that visit them are in most cases not unfounded. If such people advise someone not to fly in airplanes, their words should be heeded. In addition, they have some kind of innate ability to resist a variety of diseases, which they, unfortunately, are prone to. Pisces is an example of good manners and a sense of style. But getting them to show themselves and start acting is extremely difficult. They are lazy, good-natured and indifferent to other people's opinions (as well as to other important things), although, if they get angry, they can be biting and sarcastic.

Pisces Love and Relationships

Some people, being on the verge of a new relationship, make attempts to get as much information as possible about their future partner. For example, find out interesting facts about the sign of the zodiac. Pisces immediately know for sure whether this is a person or not. With representatives of their native element, they have more chances than with people born under the sign of Earth, Fire and Air. Family life will turn out well if, being married to Scorpio, Pisces does not “call the devil” named Jealousy and does not begin to check the fact that their half has possessive instincts (and they do). An alliance with Cancer is tantamount to giving up a leadership position and unconditionally accepting his fateful decisions. They love to lead and appreciate those who indulge them. At the same time, the "air" partner can hurt Pisces with his inconstancy, the "fiery" one will quickly get bored next to them, and the representative of the Earth element runs the risk of seeming too prosaic to the dreamy Pisces.

The only exception can be a partnership, which is based on something more than the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. Pisces man - Pisces woman. This union will only dream of peace and happiness until both learn to do without mutual claims. Then, according to astrologers, they will be able to become a truly happy family and even claim the title of “best couple”. By the way, the main reason for concluding a marriage bond between two Pisces is almost always almost telepathic mutual understanding. Sometimes the compatibility of zodiac signs is almost perfect (Pisces man, Pisces woman). They, like two opposite poles, are able to get as close to each other as possible at the right time. Willingness to help those who need it is their characteristic feature.

Pisces Man

It is difficult for a dreamer born under the constellation Pisces to focus on one thing. He prefers to engage in several activities at once. His marriage partner, in order to keep such a man around her, if she is not the heiress of untold wealth, is forced to work for two and be ready for any surprises. What-what, and surprises, an emotionally unstable spouse will provide her. The life of the Pisces man (and his inner circle), who has found his calling, is completely different. Then universal recognition and success are guaranteed to him. His tolerance for everyone around him (including his mother-in-law and his wife's girlfriends) will make him a coveted object for the opposite sex.

Pisces Woman

Everyone dreams of her. She is beautiful, sensual and feminine. Of course, she has flaws, but they are safely hidden in a cloud of grace. Being impractical, she "floats" in the financial sphere, and the desire to help the suffering attracts people suffering from an inferiority complex to her. A woman born under the constellation Pisces is sure that any man can change the world. And the representatives of the stronger sex, who are nearby, feel this confidence and are drawn to it. After marriage, the Pisces woman becomes demanding, but still gentle. Trying to mislead her is a waste of time. She sees through her partner. The Pisces woman has a unique ability to surround herself with powerful people. And this quality gives her confidence.

General characteristics of Pisces

Listing the most significant facts about the Pisces zodiac sign, it is impossible not to touch upon such a topic as medicine. Almost all representatives of this constellation have a very slow metabolism, so they eat little. However, gastric and intestinal diseases, it would seem, lie in wait for them. Health troubles can also be associated with the liver and lungs.

A distinctive feature of all Pisces is high spirituality, generosity and compassion. Carried away by their dreams, they often forget that in real life events sometimes develop completely differently than they would like. Having a tendency to view the world around them through rose-colored glasses, many representatives of this zodiac symbol, trying to balance the desired and the real, go headlong into art. And in this field, they almost always succeed.

They are romantic but influenced, kind, sociable and tend to idealize their lovers, but are overly modest. Being in a fictional world and less likely to “emerge” - many Pisces lead such a life. The sign numbers are 6 and 7, as well as all multiples of 7. The most significant periods of life include the age of 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 70, 72, 84 years.

Influence: Venus/Jupiter.
Symbol: two Pisces swimming in different directions, a shell, a wave.
Colors: magenta, violet, sea green, blue, lilac, sea green, steel.
Stone: pearl, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, lunar.
Flowers: narcissus, crocus, jasmine, violets, forget-me-nots.
Metal: zinc.
Anatomical emphasis: feet, fingers, nervous system (heart).
Talisman: knot (monogram), narcissus.
Lucky day: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
Bad day: Wednesday.
Favorable numbers: 6, 7 (all numbers divisible by 7), 11; full magic - 3, 7, 9, 12.
Countries: countries of Asia Minor, Italy (east of the country), Russia.
Born from February 21 to March 1 - under the influence of Saturn - capricious natures with unfulfilled dreams, loving women, loneliness and change.
Important years: 12, 24, 36, 58, 60, 72.
Those born from March 2 to 11 - under the influence of Jupiter - love greatness and glory, are sensitive and conceited, honest and solemn.
Important years: 25, 36, 52, 60, 72, 75.
Born from March 12 to 20 - under the influence of Mars - cutesy, pretentious nature, sociable, sensual, helpful, loving collective entertainment.
Important years: 12, 15, 24, 30, 36, 45, 48, 60, 72.

Characteristics of Pisces

Health of those born under the sign of Pisces

Usually Pisces take care of their health. Like Virgos, they begin to accept. precautions and look for symptoms of the disease. At the first news of the flu, they like to read all kinds of medical journals and manuals, sometimes not the most reliable ones. Pisces often mislead themselves.

Pisces are tender and subject to all kinds of diseases that can strike unexpectedly and seriously. Pisces are often picky eaters and love delicacies. There are many vegetarians among Pisces.

Weaknesses of Pisces: feet, heels, limbs, they are often subject to edema, especially in the ankles, varicose veins, rheumatism, abscesses, tumors, polyps, colds. More than other zodiac signs, Pisces are predisposed to schizophrenia.

Measures: warm, dry climate, avoid damp areas. Physical exercise, frequent rest, holidays on a temperate sea coast, in open mountainous areas. Keep feet dry and warm. Regular foot bath and nasal hygiene with sea salts.

Temperament and character of those born under the sign of Pisces

This is the last of the signs of the Zodiac. Pisces usually understand everyone and everyone except themselves. All his life he can search for his own "I", moving to the touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive this "I".

Pisces is led and controlled by the hidden side of life. Pisces are difficult to connect with anything, every moment has its own truth for them, they are like a leaking gas. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, for the daily efforts to overcome petty worries. Their life is like a house without window panes, any wind blows through this house.

Any pain, heat, cold - everything affects them and immediately affects, making the poor inhabitant of this house even more poor and tired. Others, on the contrary, have a nervous energy nature that can keep them awake for days, weeks, during which most of them wear themselves out, starting many unfinished business, projects, plans, putting them off until tomorrow, etc. Passionate, strong the type of Pisces who govern themselves, but more by persuasion than by force.

Pisces are citizens of the universe, not belonging to themselves, they are nowhere and everywhere. They rarely feel welcome, they have to be told at least twice that you want to see them or treat them before they think that you might really want to see them.

Pisces are interested in everything and everyone, but in a very specific way, for them there is nothing really worthwhile, but there is no potentially more internally rich person than developed Pisces. But these are rare, since concentration, effort, willpower are needed to work on oneself. Pisces is somewhere halfway between zero and infinity. Pisces fluctuate between bad and. majestic, between a monastery and a prison, from innocent conciliation to masochistic destruction, from compassion for human misfortune to wallowing in self-pity.

Pisces are victims of themselves and others. Pisces are sinless children who can remain calm in the face of real danger and panic over nonsense.

Perhaps these are the most devoted and affectionate people of all the signs of the zodiac. You want to take them with you, ease their pain, help them find themselves, take their hand, lead them out of the fog, but they rarely let you do that. Pisces cling to their suffering, which is mistaken for reality. Usually their "reality" wins and drags the helper into the desolate land of despair. That is why there are many fatal women among Pisces. Mysticism and fantasy prevail in them when choosing clothes, they care little about the requirements of fashion, they can even be careless in clothes.

It is easier for a woman to be Pisces than a man, as society considers a languid, dreamy, indecisive woman to be charming and does not approve of these traits in a man.

Occupations of those born under the sign of Pisces

The attitude to work is more intuitive than rational, they need to work at their own pace. Pisces respond well to these circumstances, do not impose their power, do not "press" and deviate from pressure from above. They are devoted to important and personal work to the point of self-sacrifice.

Pisces are extremely talented - they are writers, artists, actors, musicians, i.e. people of art.

Areas of activity are suitable for Pisces: medicine, pedagogy, research work, clergy, shipbuilding, shoemaking, fishing, stock exchange business, and cheaters, swindlers, rogues are also frequent among them.

Many of the Pisces are interested in everything unusual: yoga, astrology, palmistry, the theory of rebirth and other occult sciences. Pisces make good mediums.

Many Pisces succeed where others fail and fail where others easily succeed. Attitudes towards money change depending on the outlook on life.

Love of those born under the sign of Pisces

As many variations as there are fish in the sea. A man ranges from Don Juan, eager to give himself to all women (a shark in the ocean of love) - to a silently suffering victim of love.

Women from a romantic, mystical, fatal woman, to a soft, devoted, although not very submissive wife, who belongs to one man entirely and forever, who seems too good to believe in it.

There is also one who adores his "deity" at a distance and does not reveal his feelings to anyone, especially to the object of passion. Love takes pride of place, Pisces can love at the highest exalted level, or not love at all - bring love down to the lowest level - it can be heaven or hell.

There is no more complex heart than the heart of Pisces - it is wide, mysterious, incomprehensible like the sea. It is inhabited by diverse impulses. Love comes to Pisces secretly and grows imperceptibly. They themselves rarely know where it began and where it ended. Seeming indifference is explained by internal constraint or fear of tying oneself up for a long time. They can maintain a platonic relationship for a long time and experience their passion alone, without a clear need for reciprocity, although some Pisces easily succumb to passion, their sensuality is strong and contagious.

Pisces are not conquerors, but prefer to be chosen, but it should be clear that you prefer them, and no one else. They do not fight with an opponent, they would rather get out of the way, wish you happiness with another person. They prefer to make a difficult sacrifice than to arrange a scene of jealousy. The main difficulty of Pisces is that he doesn’t know how to start, to start a relationship with a person, but he doesn’t know how to break them either.

Hesitant - leave, leave or return. Silent gloom, many fall in love with flawed people, moral and physical cripples, whom they are trying to save with their love, since love for many Pisces means help, they should feel welcome, understanding, be happy without a doubt. If so, then there is no more devoted, accommodating, forgiving partner.

Each person in his life goes through certain decisive periods on which his future depends. This may be entering a university, choosing a life partner, having a child, and other joyful or tragic events. During these periods, you should be extremely careful and careful, which is why it is so important to know in advance the fateful years of your life. It is for this purpose that this horoscope was created.


On the path of life, Aries expects more victories than defeats. The years of special significance for this zodiac sign are 15, 19, 30, 35, 40, 45, 57, 60, 66 and 76. Particular attention should be paid to the fateful years after 40. Oddly enough, it is in adulthood that Aries will face many cardinal change.


In youth, the life of Taurus is in full swing, but this does not bring them happiness. People born under this zodiac sign become the most fulfilled and satisfied with life after 30 years. The decisive years in their lives are 16, 21, 24, 30, 33, 39, 51, 60 and 64.


Throughout their lives, Gemini is protected from various troubles by some invisible force, whether it be luck or a Guardian Angel. Important years of life for them are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 64, 70 and 80. During these life periods, Gemini will get everything by itself, and luck will contribute to the realization of their goals.


Until the age of 30, the decisive events in the life of Cancers mainly relate to personal life and romantic relationships. But after 30, events for which they were completely unprepared often fall to the lot of these people. After this milestone, they often fall into despondency and disappointment. In order not to completely lose interest in life, Cancers should be especially attentive to the events that occur in their lives at 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60 and 75 years old.

a lion

On their life path, Leos face both joyful and sad events, but thanks to their ability to take everything in life for granted, they easily get used to all the changes. Important years in their lives are 19, 36, 40, 57, 60, 76.


These people are more concerned about career, personal growth and financial prospects than personal life, so most of the changes and life-changing events will also be associated with these areas. Important years for Virgo are 16, 21, 24, 32, 41, 50.


Fateful years give Libra a chance to become more successful. During these periods of life, you need to be especially attentive and decisive in order not to miss your chance and catch luck by the tail. Such decisive years in the life of Libra are 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.


Scorpios struggle with themselves all their lives. But the reward for strictness and exactingness to oneself will be the gifts of fate that life will reward Scorpions at 15, 25, 30, 45, 50, 60, 74.


Each fateful year will give Sagittarius a huge life lesson. And although they will not always be pleasant and can hurt, in the end, it is these experiences that will help you succeed and comprehend true happiness. Important years in the life of Sagittarius are 15, 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.


Capricorns are those people who need to plan everything in advance. So that fate does not take you by surprise, remember these years: 16, 21, 30, 31, 33, 41, 50, 57.


In fateful periods, everything in the life of Aquarius changes dramatically, but they will be able to see the true scale of such life changes only years later. Particular attention should be given to these years - 12, 22, 24, 32, 42, 48, 50, 64, 72.


Important years in the life of Pisces are 12, 24, 30, 36, 45, 48, 52, 60. But fateful events will affect their lives for a very long time.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Complete general summary horoscope Pisces

Strong planets: Neptune, Jupiter, Venus

Weak planets: Proserpine, Mercury

Symbol: two fish striving in different directions

Color: magenta, violet, celadon, lilac, steel

Metal: silver, tin

Landscape: sea

Favorable numbers: 9, 5, 6, 18

Unfavorable Numbers: 11, 4

Happy Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday

Characteristics of Pisces

Pisces born in different decades, differ from each other.

Born in the first decade - from February 19 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn. These Pisces are modest, reserved, prone to loneliness.

Important years: 12, 24, 36, 58, 60, 72.

Born in the second decade - from 2 to 11 March are under the influence of Jupiter. These Pisces are respectable, imposing and fair. Capable of doing big business. Interesting conversationalists and good companions.

Important years: 25, 36, 52, 60, 72, 75

Born in the third decade - from 12 to 20 March are under the influence of Mars. They are active, enterprising, ready for self-sacrifice. Talented businessmen.

Important years: 12, 15, 24, 30, 36, 45, 48, 60, 72.

Neptune makes Pisces dreamy, sentimentality, romanticism, a penchant for self-sacrifice, subtle intuition.

Through the influence of Neptune Pisces often create their own inner fantasy world of dreams, permeated with music, poetry, colors and smells. All people of this sign have a figurative-mystical, abstract way of knowing the surrounding reality.

All Pisces subtly feel the spiritual vibrations of the people living next to them, they are able to intuitively identify their own and others. They are good psychoanalysts.

Jupiter gives Pisces desire for material security, comfort, convenience. Thanks to this planet, Pisces are sociable, generous, generous people with a developed sense of humor and pronounced ambition. They are fair and friendly.

Venus empowers Pisces striving for inner harmony, balance, peacefulness. Sensuality, laziness, passion for pleasures, pleasures, many desires and lack of will are also from her.

Conventionally, Pisces can be divided into two types: active And passive. It is no coincidence that this zodiac sign is called "Pisces" and not "Fish". True, these Pisces swim in different directions.

Appearance Pisces

Pisces have a wet, magnetic, sometimes surprised, inward gaze. Their eyes are non-contact. The eyes are slightly aloof, covered with a veil.

Appearance is usually representative, respectable. The skin is thin and sensitive. The arms are large, the legs are small, the shape of the body is rounded.

Undesirable sign for Pisces- Curly or wavy hair, dimpled chin, big nose, freckles.

Sexual horoscope

Pisces - emotional, sensitive, sentimental, capable of deep feelings. They have a lot of casual relationships and secret romances throughout their lives.

Man born under the sign of Pisces

He is endowed with great sensuality. His rich inner world is full of experiences and contrasts, erotic motifs are not the last place in it. His sensuality excites women and gives them a lot of pleasure. Attempts by women to penetrate his soul, he gently but surely rejects. When such attempts become persistent, he leaves, making it clear that he is a cat that walks on its own. He understands well that a woman loves with her ears, and is able to bewitch with words. Even the best friends do not know about his intimate relationships. He knows how to hide his sexual victories. At heart, he is a collector, but a collector who knows how to appreciate his acquisitions. He enters into marriage quite consciously, although he does not feel the need for either a wife or children. His married life is quite stable, but his wife will miss his sincerity.

Woman born under the sign of Pisces

Her world is the world of Bohemia. She lives in a fictional realm of dreams and hopes. Her eroticism is realized in adoration, love dramaturgy, play, but not in physical intimacy. And although she tries in her rich imagination to turn her partner into a prince, her low temperament does not bring her complete satisfaction from intimacy. Her life passes in anticipation of a miracle, in the hope of meeting the ideal. As a rule, men do not return to her, because they do not really like romantic tears at the time of intimate caresses. Misunderstanding that in sex it is necessary not only to take, but also to give, does not make her a good lover. By nature, she is kind, compassionate, many young men get their first experience in her arms. In marriage, she is capable of betrayal, because all her life she strives to find the ideal prince.


The sensitive area of ​​FISH is the feet.

Horoscope of fidelity and betrayal of Pisces

Pisces are sensitive, live by feelings, cherish the feelings of a partner. If they are carried away by someone else, then they try not to hurt anyone, to spare pride. Infidelity is never admitted.

Signs of betrayal: become more mysterious, closed, mysterious, dreamy. They get annoyed at too persistent questions, ask to be left alone, to be left alone.

Pisces marriage horoscope

Pisces are born for love and marriage. Sensual, emotional, they know a lot about love. They have high demands. A careless word of a partner can extinguish the fire of passion.

Pisces Men- good caring, attentive, but not always faithful husbands. They are passive and indecisive because of the fear of being rejected. Prone to dreams and fantasies.

Pisces Women beautiful, feminine, conquer men's hearts with the ability to understand, sympathize and love. They often marry early.

The best partners for Pisces- Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn.

failed marriage- Virgo, Gemini.

Pisces health horoscope

From nature most Pisces are in poor health. Knowing this, they care about themselves no less than Virgin. They read literature on the relevant topic, visit doctors, drink vitamins and medicines.

If for some reason they deviate from their fate, then the patron planet becomes flawed, which entails weakening of the feet (feet, heels), flat feet, swelling of the limbs, varicose veins, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, the endocrine system becomes vulnerable, metabolic and biochemical processes are disturbed, the hematopoietic function of the liver is disturbed, and blood and lymph circulation changes. Possible skin diseases, psoriasis, jumps in blood pressure. The genitourinary sphere also becomes weak (impotence, female diseases). Many Pisces have a predisposition to schizophrenia.

Usually, diseases in Pisces are difficult to diagnose, sluggish.

Fish need a warm climate, they benefit from exposure to the sun and fresh air. Holidays are best spent in the mountains or at sea: develop the lungs, swim as much as possible, breathe iodine (to strengthen the throat chakra).

Feet should be kept dry and warm. Having wet their feet or supercooled them, Pisces quickly catch a cold.

It is harmful for fish to overwork their eyesight.

All Pisces are highly sensitive to drugs.. Therefore, it is preferable to use homeopathy.

The health and mood of Pisces depends on the lunar phases(as in crayfish). On the new moon they feel tired and apathetic, on the full moon they are full of energy.

Professions for Pisces

Suitable professions for Pisces: artist, writer, actor, musician, designer, priest, doctor, teacher, researcher, shipbuilder, sea navigator, fisherman, speculator, director, occultist, psychologist, florist.

Western Compatibility Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces - Aries. An ambiguous relationship full of emotions and passions. Periods of relative calm alternate with emotional outbursts. Having children strains relationships. With age, weakening of feelings and indifference to each other is possible.

Pisces - Taurus. Great union, strong relationship, good compatibility. There is a difference in temperaments, Pisces are coldish. But at a more mature age, the difference in temperaments is no longer so obvious.

Pisces - Gemini. Different views, different temperaments, different sensitivities. Nothing in common. In marriage, mutual reproaches, quarrels, betrayals.
Pisces - Cancer. This is a harmonious union. Reason and feelings are present in it equally. The relationship of these congenial people is filled with romance and emotions. Two family men.

Pisces - Leo. Difficult marriage. Dreamy Pisces and energetic Leo. Leo will be the leader. It depends on him how the relationship will develop. A fish under the cap.

Pisces - Virgo. Good marriage. Pisces are good family men, and Virgos are homebodies. Virgo will try to surround her partner with care and comfort. There is both romance and realism in marriage. Marriage is good for children. With such parents, they will develop harmoniously.

Pisces - Libra. An unlikely union of two people with different personalities. They rarely manage to get close and start a family. Complete incompatibility and pressure of Libra leads to divorce.

Pisces - Scorpio. Good compatibility of two representatives of the water element. They have a lot in common. The marriage of Pisces and Scorpio is not afraid of worldly storms, they are ready to solve problems together.

Pisces - Sagittarius. Incompatibility of two different elements. It is difficult for Pisces and Sagittarius to understand each other. Their temperament and goals in life are different. Both are impractical, so the house will always be a mess.

Pisces - Capricorn. The incompatibility of the practical materialist Capricorn and the dreamy Pisces. Mutual disappointment in each other. Over time, shortcomings are revealed more and more clearly, it is more and more difficult to put up with them. The house is in chaos and constant tension.

Pisces - Aquarius. Relationships are hopeless. Marriage is difficult. Aquarius in such a union is most annoyed by the inertia of Pisces and the inability to make decisions. And Pisces is annoyed by the activity of Aquarius.

Pisces - Pisces. Two Pisces will be bored under one roof. They are too clear to each other. Each of them needs a strong leader who is able to lead, give an idea and a goal. Without such support, Pisces are inert and weak-willed. As a result, mutual boredom awaits partners, they will cease to be interested in each other, home life will be annoying. And it is unlikely that they will be able to get out of this swamp. They don't have the courage to break up. They will find the joy of life in betrayal.

Born under the sign of Pisces: N. Berdyaev, Michelangelo, Alexander C, F. Chopin, G. Handel, Einstein, A. Schopenhauer, Renoir, V. Hugo, M. Ravel, I. Strauss (father), D. Washington, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, G. Ibsen, E. Caruso, D. Rossini, Elizabeth Taylor, Steinbeck.

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Complete general summary horoscope Pisces


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