Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Examination in literature? And what books are worth re-reading from the school curriculum? Some exam takers do not need knowledge of literature. Creative component of the Unified State Exam

When entering a university, an applicant must take the Unified State Exam, which usually consists of 4 or 3 subjects. At the same time, the Russian language exam is taken in all universities and for all specialties. Also one exam relevant to the specialty subject. In some universities this is literature.

Difficulties of passing the Unified State Exam in literature

The difficulty of this subject is the heavy emphasis on creative tasks and the possession of a large amount of information. To successfully pass the literature exam, you need to study a fairly large number of works. IN Unified State Examination codifier 150 poems, 11 novels, 6 plays, 4 stories, 10 poems, about 20 stories are listed. All these works must be read and analyzed. Since the Unified State Exam questions will contain a minimum of basic-level tasks and most of creative tasks. When analyzing a work, it is imperative to tie it to historical events and the time in which the poet wrote. These facts will definitely be present in the exam questions. Use several sources of information, not only books and textbooks, but also video lessons. This will help you relax if you are tired from reading, remember better by activating your auditory memory.

Proven secrets for better memorization

Remembering the names of all the characters and all the events seems to be not an easy task. Several techniques will help with this for better memorization:

- Visualization technique. Present everything in pictures, most bright colors, you can even add your own little things that will make the information received more emotional and interesting for you. Information that is accompanied by some kind of emotion is etched into the memory much more than a boring text that does not hook you in any way.
- Another technique that helps add color to the text - sketch, in this case you will fully use your visual memory.
- Association reception. Associate yourself and people you care about with the heroes of the works. While reading, imagine yourself and your loved ones in the place of the characters. Thus, what you read will acquire a vivid emotional coloring in your memory, and if you succeed in this technique, you will remember everything as if it happened to you.

Unified State Exam in Literature will be presented in three parts. The first part contains questions that require a short answer of one or two words. The second part of the questions will require a detailed answer. The third part is creative and will require writing an essay. The essay must be at least 200 words. Completed tasks in the third block will be assessed according to several criteria, which include:

  • Depth of understanding of the work and independence of opinion.
  • Level of theoretical literary knowledge.
  • The structure of the text, the logic and consistency of what is presented.
  • Compliance with the norms of literary speech.
  • Content and completeness of the answer.

Don't put off preparing until last days, start preparing as early as possible, use the recommendations you like, and you will succeed.

Answer from TheQuestion partner

What is difficult for one is feasible for another, because all students are different. The difficulty depends on your level of preparation and time before the exam.

If you have 10th and 11th grade ahead, follow these steps.

1. Work through the prose.

Re-read the prose that is presented in the codifier. In a separate notebook, jot down the full title, author, main events, and key quotes of each work. When reading, highlight the system of images, compositional features, portrait and speech characteristics, artistic details. Learn the theme of the work and important quotes by heart.

2. Learn poetry.

Memorize poems and passages of poetry from the codifier. Write it down in your notebook brief information about the works: title, author, feelings, experiences, thoughts of the lyrical hero, eloquent quote.

3. Study the periods.

Design a visual literary “timeline” - the historical line of creativity of writers and poets.

  • XVIII century and the first half of the XIX century: Griboyedov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol.
  • Second half of the 19th century: Goncharov, Turgenev, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Tyutchev, Fet, Nekrasov.
  • XX century:
  • Bunin, Kuprin,
  • poets of the Silver Age,
  • Bulgakov, Platonov, Zoshchenko, Zamyatin, Sholokhov,
  • prose and poetry of the Great Patriotic War and about the war (Belov, Astafiev, Rasputin, Shukshin, Solzhenitsyn, Vampilov)
  • Modern prose and poetry.

Use stickers, portraits of writers, notes with quotes. Take notes

textbooks V.I. Korovin and S.A. Zinina, critical articles. Write out quotes from Belinsky’s works and learn them by heart. Use timelines about Russian literature and literary ones. Read and retell theoretical material out loud.

4. Practice theoretical tasks 1-7 and 10-14.

5. Learn to write detailed answers to tasks 8, 9, 15, 16.

6. Practice completing tasks 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4

If at the beginning of the 11th grade you decided to take the Unified State Exam in literature, then the algorithm will be different.

  1. Repeat the historical and literary course: folklore, ancient Russian literature, 18th and 19th centuries. Use V.I. textbooks Korovin, reference books by E.A. Titarenko and L.A. Skubachevskaya.
  2. Read works of art XX century from the codifier, take notes.
  3. Study theoretical material to complete tasks 1-7, 10-14.
  4. Write detailed answers to tasks 8, 9, 15 and 16.
  5. Analyze template essays to formulate statements in tasks 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4.

For those who have decided to take literature 3 months before the Unified State Exam, I advise you to set your priorities differently.

  1. Practice tasks 1-7, 10-14.
  2. Learn to analyze the episode in detail in task B8-, determine the functions of a portrait or dialogue, or landscape, or artistic detail. Connect the completion of tasks B8-9 with terms A1-7.
  3. Practice analyzing the poem in task B15-16. Learn to identify the functions of artistic and expressive means, figurative system, composition, identify the theme and idea of ​​the work. Connect the completion of tasks B15-16 with terms A10-14.
  4. Analyze template essays and get better at own statements in tasks 17.1, 17.2, 17.3.
  5. Use reference material of a “cheat sheet” nature.

If you want to prepare as effectively as possible for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and Olympiads in the remaining time,

I didn’t take it, but I prepared for the exam and for several years I was on the Unified State Exam testing committee.

Why is it difficult?

1. The questions, on the one hand, are typical and terribly boring. On the other hand, every word in the question is important and you must answer the question posed strictly. If you ask what the role of Stolz’s image is, and you describe what kind of person he is and how he differs from Oblomov, this is wrong. We must answer what the ROLE OF IMAGE is.

2. There are tricky questions. This is especially true for questions about a fragment of text. You are offered a fragment where Bazarov and Kirsanov talk about art. The question is how the views of fathers and children are compared and what this is connected with. You begin to describe that Bazarov is a nihilist and denies art, and therefore the Kirsanovs love. It is not right. Compared is not opposed. Bazarov is simply not interested in art, he doesn’t understand it, doesn’t know it and doesn’t want to know it. But the Kirsanovs, rather, defend art because it is necessary. Art! At the same time, Pavel Petrovich himself reads little and does not understand art.

3. Questions can be stupid and illiterate. What are the feelings of the lyrical hero in the poem “You are my fallen maple...”? ( Lyrical hero drunk Come on, kids, write about it). Why can "The Minor" be called a tragicomedy? (You can't call him that!)

4. Main principle work of the commission - do not give too many or too few points. Otherwise, there will be discrepancies in the assessment between the two inspectors, and then the authorities will doubt the competence of the commission. And everyone will be driven away. Therefore, people who read the textbook and summaries and people who like to read and think interestingly get about the same number of points.

5. There are poems there. IN last years increasingly offered poetic texts, which were not in the codifier. Complex and incomprehensible. That is, the premise about the “ugly peasant singer” will not work. People cry and write nonsense. Poetry in general is a complex thing.

I took it in 2014. In general, yes, it is not easy, but, in my opinion, if you are interested in the topic and love to write essays, it is easier than, say, history (from the humanities). The base is needed significant, the whole program is not up to par summary, but at the problem level. And if in the parts where prose is analyzed it was still normal, then in the poetic questions it was really difficult, say, a work is given and you need to give examples with the same problem. Even with preparation, everything can simply fly out of my head, but maybe it’s just my dislike for poetry in general.

Practice makes a difference. The more training essays you write, the better, at some point you already create your own templates and groups of works (about this problem - like this, about that - others), you can even sort them out somehow for yourself, because the list of topics and questions are quite limited and have a lot of overlap in exam options and parts. There are also basic works, but it’s better not to think ahead and be prepared for anything :) I don’t know about a tutor, it will never be superfluous, but if the school has in-depth literature classes, it’s worth going there, solving Yandex.ege (a good thing) and reading - read-read.

I took the literature exam 3.5 years ago and I may not know some completely new things, keep this in mind.
Firstly, it is difficult, since the exam involves writing 5(!) essays on different questions, in addition to answering the questions in Part B.
Secondly, this is even more difficult, since the list of references is quite large (here it is). Not only does this list need to be reread and known in its entirety, you need to be able to answer typical questions about works and cycles of works (for example, about “Woe from Wit”: “Can it be said that Chatsky is doomed to loneliness?”, “What role?” plays the image of Molchalin?”, “What’s the problem with Sophia?”, etc.), and there can be at least five such questions based on the work alone, and these questions must be answered with the correct theses, correctly disclose the theses, supported by logical ones arguments, while satisfying all evaluation criteria (there are 5 of them, it seems). Speaking of them:
Thirdly, an additional difficulty is that the assessments on these criteria can very easily vary depending on the “wants” of the inspectors; your work can be considered either brilliant or mediocre if you deviate even one step from given typical theses and answers.
And fourthly, you need a lot of practice. Essays need to be written, written and written, for each work or cycle of works, several pieces per different topics(in total there can be up to 200 essays, 1-2 per day). Without practice and experience, the minimum score is guaranteed.
And, if anything, it’s best to hire a tutor.
Good luck, but if you have the opportunity not to get involved in this adventure, don’t get involved.

The editors of Vygradnik spoke with Maria Alexandrovna Alekseeva, candidate of philological sciences, head. Department of Philology, SUSC UrFU, Deputy Director of SUSC UrFU for educational work and expert of the subject subcommittee Sverdlovsk region.

About changes, innovations and “surprises”

M.A.: In 2014, global changes affected only the technical organization of the exam, everything related to cameras, metal detectors and other “happiness”. There were cameras in both the classrooms where they wrote and in the classrooms where experts worked. Calls were prohibited cell phones, exchanging remarks, moving around the audience.

The structure of the exam did not change compared to last year, but during the audit it was revealed that some options included material that was not specifically indicated in the codifier. For example, poetry of the second half of the twentieth century is represented in the codifier by a number of names. It is indicated that tasks for this section are formulated only in the third part of the examination paper. What was unexpected was the appearance in one of the versions of I. Brodsky’s poem “I entered instead wild beast in a cage..." in the second part of the work. For those who read or studied this text, and there are very few of them, there was no shock, but some, I suspect, still experienced some excitement when they saw works that were not exactly named in the codifier, but with which they had to work in the exam . The appearance of such texts in the second part of the exam is most likely due to the increasing complexity of the literature exam as a profile-level exam.

On the other hand, what was new this year was that FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) created open bank data. Tasks and Unified State Exam questions laid out in open access, starting in February. It was assumed that the questions included there would then appear on the exam. From my point of view, such an open data bank is more harmful than useful. When a person sees that he has 854 questions and needs to “solve” them all, he distributes his time so as to write answers to all 854 questions, instead of understanding the structure of the answer and paying attention to identifying patterns and deeper elaboration of the material.

There were slight changes in the criteria when testing the matching tasks (C2, C4). The positions of the choice of context and the aspect of comparison of artistic texts were spelled out more clearly and in more detail than before, so it was possible to more accurately distinguish good work and excellent. Two years ago, for example, this was quite difficult to do. The volume of answers to these questions has increased, which is also natural.

I cannot say that there were some materials for which no one prepared, because in all versions of the exam they were stated program works. Another thing is that during the check, works are revealed whose authors believe that Eugene Onegin killed not Lensky, but another hero, but that is another question. As it was said in one of the options, Evgeniy was poorly raised in childhood, despite the fact that “the nanny hand-fed him,” and then he grew up, his value system changed, and he killed the old pawnbroker. But these are all costs of rapid preparation and ignorance of the exam material.

Unified State Exam for experts

M.A.: Experts could pass the Unified State Exam with a high score. I’m not talking about one hundred points absolutely, because one hundred points partly implies an element of randomness: in essence, everyone - both participants and inspectors - are hostages of the computer system. If the difference in the assessment of experts can be one point (roughly speaking, I give three points for some task, the second expert gives two points), then the computer evaluates to the maximum in favor of the applicant. As a result, it turns out that work that was formally completed with ninety-six points (in the literature this is one mistake, there is a big step there) is assessed with a hundred. And a piece of work that could be worth a hundred points may be worth ninety-six. A computer system that is not yet completely perfect sometimes produces work that is not perfect to the level of one hundred points. However, many works assessed by the regional commission to the maximum are sent for rechecking to Moscow, and, as practice shows, graduates of the Sverdlovsk region deservedly receive high scores for their work, despite technical tricks.

Experts can and should write an exam worth at least ninety-two points. They clearly know the structure and criteria by which work is checked, unlike some applicants, which becomes clear during the appeal. In addition, employees of the Department of Philology of the Institute of Regional Education and specialists from UrFU are very active in teaching experts, gathering them for seminars several times throughout the year, talking about new requirements, rules, and nuances. There is a very powerful practical part of preparing the work of the commission, where experts create texts, evaluate them, and carry them out test tasks, therefore, any expert in the field, if he took the exam, would receive the maximum or very high score.

Real knowledge. What does the Unified State Exam test? Loser-student: is it possible?

M.A.: The Unified State Exam system most likely does not allow for such extremes. A poor student won't get a hundred points, and an excellent student won't get a very low score either. If we are talking about knowledge, then the Unified State Exam will test not so much knowledge as the ability to perform work according to certain rules. This is the Unified State Exam, and here, since the assessment system is criterion-based, a certain aspect of the work comes first: the ability to understand the question, understand and structure the text, select arguments, use from the entire body of knowledge only that knowledge that is necessary to answer the question. this question, that is, the ability to select information. The Unified State Exam tests a comprehensive set of what are now called competencies, but were previously called “knowledge, abilities, skills.” Knowledge of the material, understanding of the material, ability to select material, ability to work with material, ability to organize material, ability to present material competently... The depth of the judgments made, the persuasiveness of the arguments, and the accuracy of conveying the author’s position are assessed. When assessing a “large” essay C5, the criteria include the absence factual errors, level of proficiency in theoretical and literary concepts, validity of using text. compositional integrity and consistency of presentation, adherence to speech norms. The Unified State Exam, in particular in literature, is a very complex work.

An excellent student can write for any score, starting from sixty, because a score above sixty points in the Unified State Exam indicates a fairly high level of work performance.

Not only knowledge or ignorance of the material can play a role in the exam. This year the Unified State Exam in Literature was the first, so excitement played a huge role. First exam under the new rules. Then, leaving the exam, some said: “Oh, I should have done it differently...”. The inability to distribute the time for completing parts of the examination work can also let you down. This is a very strictly limited activity: the exam lasts three hours and fifty-five minutes. If you write everything great, but create it redundantly large text, if you don’t have time to rewrite from a draft to a clean copy, you’re already losing. Therefore, knowledge is only one component here.

General erudition on the Unified State Exam - help?

M.A.: In the Unified State Examination in Literature - yes. In questions comparative nature(most complex issues, in my opinion), when we need to consider a work in a historical and literary context, knowledge of extracurricular works of Russian literature will help. If the student knows modern literature, the literature that was not studied in class, but exactly fits the context, issues, system of images, motive, to the text that is given, then he calmly selects two contexts. The greater the amount of knowledge and understanding of the interrelations of the elements of the aesthetic system, the more advantageous the graduate’s work looks.

Independent preparation for the Unified State Exam without tutors

M.A.: Now there are a lot of such opportunities. Firstly, the Internet: Unified State Exam online and everything connected with it (it’s just better to choose options that provide feedback). UrFU conducts preparation programs for the Unified State Exam and attracts experts who give recommendations on how to complete part “C” (it is not checked by a computer). If I know the material very well, the structure of the work, and train in the ability to structure a text, then I can easily prepare on my own.

What do we mean by self-training? With the help of books reference materials and school lessons, it is possible to prepare, but only in the case when we assume that at school lessons there are teachers who answer questions asked. Teachers tell you what to pay attention to, build common storylines in the history of Russian literature. In general, the program is designed in such a way that it allows you to do this.

Student on appeal: rights and rules. Can a score be lowered?

M.A.: The rules for conducting appeals, as well as the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in general, are determined by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. A person who has passed the exam does have the right to appeal if they disagree with the scores awarded. A conflict commission is created, considers the submitted applications, makes a decision to reject the appeal and maintain the assigned points, or to satisfy the appeal and assign other points. Parts A and B are not usually the subject of an appeal, only Part C. True, this year the conflict commission reviewed the work, where in part “B” computer program incorrectly “read” the letter “P” instead of “L” (“Psychologism” as “psychopopism”). We found out that the letter “L” was clearly written, indicating an error when processing the work. the score was revised upward. According to the rules, all work is reviewed, and the grade can be either increased or decreased.

As a rule, they appeal in two situations: disagreement is expressed about one specific task, that is, “I do not agree with the assessment of task C1, C2 or C4.” In this case, we have the opportunity to first look at this task and read it carefully . Or the second option - “I do not agree with the assessment of all work.” In such cases, the statements for appeal also contain the following formulation: “I generally doubt the objectivity of your experts.” These cases worry me a little. They usually indicate ignorance of the criteria for evaluating work.

If a person knows exactly the evaluation criteria and finds in his own work meeting these criteria, the appeal is allowed. You can improve your score by one or two points. In cases where it is necessary to lower the score, the commission is extremely careful and attentive. When I worked on the conflict commission this year, the assessment was usually left unchanged, because there were no reasons to lower or increase the scores. This. By the way, it testifies to the high-quality work of the commission. It’s another matter when applicants come to appeal and during the conversation it turns out that they are seeing the criteria for the first time in their lives: “What, were there still rules by which to write?” These are, of course, very difficult to work with. When graduates do not know the rules of the game by which they performed their work, it is very difficult to explain that there were rules after all and that the work was assessed in strict accordance with them.

“Habit” to the Unified State Examination. Evolution of graduates

M.A.: Each year, graduates differ in their level of knowledge, self-confidence and talents. It is very difficult to compare graduates of 2014 with graduates of 2010 and 2012. The tasks are a little different in nature, the criteria are a little different, the tone is different, the selection of arguments is completely different. Although I can say for sure that this form of exam is mastered by teachers and graduates quite well. If in the first year of the Unified State Examination in literature there were “zero” works, where the graduate simply did not begin to complete complex tasks C2, C4, C5, now there are practically no such works. In all works there are attempts to cope with the given rules of the game, at least at a minimum level. Another thing is that there continue to be cases when work on literature is carried out in the genre of work on the Russian language, but this is already a matter of preparation.

The Unified State Exam becomes more difficult every year

M.A.: The Unified State Examination is becoming more difficult, the nature of the questions is changing. More theoretical material is included even in tasks C1, C2, although the theory question is not directly asked there. For example, a question from last year’s version: “What features of elegy are present in Pushkin’s poem “On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night...”?” Agree, in order to answer it, it is necessary to explain from the point of view of theory what an elegy is and what features of this genre are present in the text. Questions are becoming more and more focused on theory, this is the first thing. Secondly, to answer the question it is not enough to simply document the similarity of the texts. “Yesenin writes a letter to his mother, just as Pushkin writes a letter to his nanny, and the similarity is that both are addressing their relatives and to a loved one" Once upon a time to receive high score this was quite enough, but now it is not, it is necessary to convincingly justify the choice of text, compare it in a given direction of analysis and avoid making factual errors or distorting the author’s position. A deeper understanding of the texts is required. More confident knowledge of: a) theories, b) the laws of the historical and literary process. This is no longer a basic, but an in-depth level of studying the subject. This is natural for an elective exam.

What to remove from the Unified State Exam: unnecessary questions. Universal "War and Peace"

M.A.: During review, I am faced with a very limited number of tasks. It is difficult to say how much they represent the overall design. This can be revealed later, based on work with teaching materials, which are issued by FIPI, based on communication at conferences, where it becomes clear what issues were in other areas and regions. This year I learned that in one of the regions there was a question about the love affair in Blok’s poem “The Twelve.” The commission itself thought about it before answering this question, because most readers perceive this work as a poem about revolution. When it comes to the fore love affair, then there is additional reason for reflection.

Sometimes the questions are written in such a way that in C2 and C4, which require two contexts, one is found quite confidently and easily, but you have to puzzle over the second context. But it should be noted that in recent years such questions suggest very ample opportunities choice: “Which works of Russian writers depict heroes experiencing spiritual crisis..." Agree, in almost all works of Russian classics, the characters were looking for the truth, experiencing a spiritual crisis, were in a state of moral search, and came to one conclusion or another. The difficulty is that you need to select the exact context, name the episode and the hero.

“War and Peace” is one of the universal novels that can become the context of many works and be used in a lot of ways, but each time you need to choose a new episode. In most cases, graduates recall the textbook episode about Natasha Rostova, who gives carts to the wounded, and often turn to him regardless of what the question was asked. Apparently, in the minds of teachers and children there are such clichéd formulas that in Russian classical literature everyone helps everyone that she is very humane and takes care of the little person.

I won't be able to answer any unnecessary questions. In the corpus of options that I checked, there were no such questions.

Popularity of the Unified State Exam in Literature

M.A.: According to the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region, the number of graduates of this year who chose literature is approximately comparable to the number of last year (1381 people in 2913. 1124 people in the first wave of 2014). The figure fluctuates from year to year, but it does not become five thousand and does not decrease to seven hundred people. The choice is determined primarily by universities that offer a set of exams for admission to certain specialties. In addition to philological faculties and faculties of journalism, these are architectural institutes, conservatories, theater institutes... Apparently that's it more people going to creative professions. On the other hand, literature is sometimes passed by those (this is not such a common case) who are not very confident, for example, in their knowledge of biology and other natural and exact sciences. Such graduates think that if they have a text in front of them, then they will answer questions about this text one way or another and receive a minimum of points.

About where they will prepare better. School statistics

M.A.: These statistics are available in the RCPI (Information Processing Center of the Sverdlovsk Region). Marina Leonidovna Zhigulina makes presentations based on these statistics at board meetings at the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region. The data becomes known in the fall, usually in September-October, since the information is open, representatives of all schools have the opportunity to see where they are in this ranking.

In addition to the UrFU Scientific Research Center, one can name gymnasiums well-known in Yekaterinburg, whose graduates very successfully pass the Unified State Exam. These are gymnasium No. 2, gymnasium No. 9, gymnasium No. 13. Graduates of Nizhny Tagil and Kamensk-Uralsky pass the literature exam well. As a rule, students who give high results on the Unified State Exam are also successful on All-Russian Olympiads in literature and Russian language. I think this is natural.

Creative component of the Unified State Exam. A new way to open up

M.A.: Since this is the Unified State Exam, the creative component there goes from the foreground to the fourth or fifth plan. In the first place is knowledge of the material, logic, structure, and the ability to answer questions asked. The creative component is manifested in the search for contexts, in essay C5, which involves answering a given problematic issue. If you are answering the question about the meaning of the ending of Blok’s poem “The Twelve,” then please show your creativity and offer different interpretations and comparisons. You demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and the ability to use terminology, create metaphors, etc.

Apparently, it’s not just us who are missing the creative component, because in the final exam system from 2014 – 2015 school year a new (old) genre will appear - composition. This December, everyone will do written work, which will serve as admission to the Unified State Examination and will be assessed on a pass-fail system. The graduate himself will determine whether he needs to submit this essay as part of his portfolio to the university where he will enroll. The university will be able to evaluate the essay with a maximum of ten points and add them to the exam points.

This is an innovation for the next academic year. Under the leadership of Natalya Solzhenitsyna, a group has been created that is developing topics. (The composition of the commission can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). The working materials are currently being discussed. I liked most the topics such as “Lermontov’s Anniversary”, “Artist and Power”. The exact wording of the topic will be proposed to graduates during the exam in December. Just like the good old days. Anyone who receives a “fail” will be able to rewrite in February. Full information about the essay, topics, organization of work, evaluation criteria should appear by the beginning of the school year.

This is an innovation that is designed to introduce a creative component into the final certification process. Since everyone will write the essay, and not just those who take the literature test, the creative component should manifest itself to the maximum. Such an essay requires several different skills and abilities compared to what has already become traditional system Unified State Exam. Another challenge for graduates, teachers, and society... Curious, from my point of view.

What needs to be changed in the verification criteria. Co vet inspectors

M.A.: Every year, after the examination of examination papers is completed, the chairman of the regional subject subcommittee collects comments, recommendations, and questions from experts; this material is summarized, systematized and sent to Moscow so that next year adjustments can be made to the structure and content of examination materials.

Now it is difficult to propose any serious changes, because the exam system has been worked out, everything is not bad. The only thing is that I would still (maybe this would be too strict) check literacy in essays on literature. We are now considering only speech errors, not paying attention to grammatical ones, but the unity of the form and content of the text is also created by grammatical means. A grammatical error is an illiterately constructed sentence or phrase. Such constructions are also found in those works that can receive the maximum score - it turns out illogical, I would introduce another criterion for evaluating works on literature, which could be called “literacy”. Perhaps it is worth paying attention to spelling and punctuation in works on literature.

There is also an interesting nuance. In tasks C1 and C3, text-based tasks, the evaluation criterion is “following speech norms,” that is, you can high quality speeches get extra credit. (3+1 =4). In more complex tasks - C2, C4, the quality of speech is no longer assessed. I don’t know why this is happening, I have a feeling that there are already 12 criteria, and there are simply not enough cells on the work check form. It turns out a little illogical: simpler questions require quality of speech, more complex ones do not.

M.A.: First of all, read. The most basic advice: read and try to understand what you read. Understand and appropriate. The most important thing is to understand what you are reading and make the text you read part of your own experience: life, spiritual, moral. Then you will be able to calmly operate with the text and its meanings in exam and not only exam situations.

Passing the Unified State Exam is not at all the ultimate goal of teaching literature (this is also true for other subjects). Passing the Unified State Exam is one step on the path to creative self-realization. The most important thing is not to think about how to pass the Unified State Exam as best as possible, but to think about how the ability to work with text, understand text, read text, compare texts will later be useful in a future creative (and not only) profession. Forming internal motivation for reading is the most the main task. And if you need an Unified State Exam or an essay as external motivation, so be it.

We tried to change it several times, but the tasks themselves didn’t change much. Therefore, I hope my advice will help graduates prepare for the exam and pass it with the maximum score. I myself received 91 points - the highest in our Stavropol Territory.

I advise you to start preparing in advance, in September. I’ll admit right away that I studied with a tutor. I was very lucky with him, or rather with her. Initially, I thought that studying with other students was bad for my grades, but I quickly realized how wrong I was. We prepared as a group of three people - me and two girls from my school.

First of all, we were told about the codifier - a list of everything that might come across in the exam. These are works of Russian literature, ranging from "Tales about Igor's Campaign" and ending "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" But the main problem the fact that there are texts that are not taught in school.

We were strictly warned that in written replies 9 And 16 (earlier C2 And C4), where it is necessary to compare prose and poetic works with others from a literary context, you can use examples only from Russian literature. And any appeal to foreign classics will force examiners to mark zeros.

List required literature turned out to be quite impressive. But there was no, for example, “The Enchanted Wanderer”, Turgenev’s "Asi”, which we studied in literature lessons at our school. And here satirical tales they entered there. In addition, some works, for example “The History of a City” by the same Mikhail Evgrafovich, were “for review study“, and the tutor said that they almost certainly won’t get caught in the exam (or they might most likely get caught where we have the right to choose, that is, as a topic for a large essay).

Poems were no less complex than epic and dramatic works. Firstly, there were a lot of them. Secondly, they had to be learned by heart, since the quotes in the assignment 16 (earlier C4) is a very useful thing. Thirdly, they need to be understood and be able to analyze.

But I don’t regret learning them at all. It happened somehow naturally during training tasks. Anyone could do it. Some poems gave me goosebumps with admiration. This was not the case in literature classes at school.

Russian poetry and everything after it were not included in the Unified State Examination. There was neither, nor, nor, nor, nor - although the experience of the last two years shows the opposite: the poems of these poets began to be actively included in exam tasks.

One of the main myths about the Unified State Exam goes something like this: if you don’t read something, it will be bad. Tested from my own experience - this is not so. Personally, I couldn’t master Oblomov either. But I re-read other works: , and further down the list. As you understand, I didn’t come across either Sholokhov’s or Goncharov’s creations. And one more important point: knowledge of the content of a work and the ability to understand and analyze it are completely different things.

Now about the exam tasks themselves. Part B is very easy, you just need to know the terms. For example, the definition of epic and drama, short story and novel, antithesis and oxymoron, romanticism and sentimentalism, plot and pathos. In general, you understand what I mean. There is no need to explain what this is. They give you a definition, and you just write the word on the answer sheet. I don't remember how many points were given for this part, but I know that it was very few.

Another thing - C-part. Where you had to write 5 mini-essays. Then they were called C1-C4(now tasks 8 , 9 And 15,16 ) and one big one - S-5(exercise 17.1-17.3 ). For me, the most difficult part of the Unified State Exam in Literature was the lack of time and pain in my fingers from intensive writing. And, of course, constant concentration and analytical thinking. I was also very afraid that no expert would understand my handwriting. Memorizing quotes is nothing compared to this. Moreover, it was possible 8 And 15 tasks (then C1 And C3) “quote” something that may not be a quote.

C1 And C3(Now - 8 And 15 ) were similar in that they asked questions about prosaic and poetic works, respectively, that had to be answered in detail. In these tasks, points were reduced for retelling the text instead of analyzing it (and if you don’t understand well what it’s about, it’s almost impossible to avoid retelling), for attempting reasoning that is not related to the topic, and, worst of all, for factual errors.

For example, if you called Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” a tragedy, a point will be deducted. But there were no problems with the use of quotes - the texts necessary for the analysis were printed before the questions.

IN C2 And C4(Now - 9 And 16 ) the question is asked: “Where else in Russian literature is a problem (or motive, or artistic technique) indicated in this prose passage or poetic work? In my opinion, these tasks are even more difficult than C5.

Imagine, in order not to lose points, you need to remember a bunch of works, choose at least two from them that can be compared in some way, find positions for comparison, compare, and it is advisable to provide quotes to confirm your thoughts. And in C4 quotations are often quite large parts of a poem or even several verses. This is why they need to be taught.

Comparisons and arguments must be strong. The problem is that it is impossible to objectively evaluate this task: one evaluator will find the arguments convincing, but another will not.

Method of working with section tasks C2 the next one - in the introduction you list all the works that you want to compare. In the first paragraph of the main part you find similarities and differences between the work from the assignment and the first one you named, in the second paragraph you do the same, but with the second proposed work. Finally, in the conclusion you compare everything again, and it is important not to repeat yourself. At first I thought it was almost impossible, but by the time of the exam everything becomes possible.

Finally, C5(today is a task 17.1-17.3 ) - most valuable. For this, if my memory serves me correctly, they gave about half the points. Yes, yes, you read that right. And writing it under conditions of lack of time is more than “nervous”.

C5- a large essay to choose from. You choose one of three topics and expand on it. And you reveal it as fully as possible. There are many things that are assessed here, but the main thing is the content aspect. If the problem is not solved, the expert will not look at anything else. And for the Unified State Exam you will get the maximum 50 points, provided that everything else is done perfectly. The second criterion is the terms, the same ones that were in B-parts. In 2014, they had to be consumed at least 10 (the figure, of course, is arbitrary, but it fits into the formulation of the criterion “ high level mastery of terminology"). Today, by the way, the criterion has been changed and it has been prescribed that at least in one place the term must be used for analysis. Third - quoting brief retelling episode, description - in a word, everything that proves knowledge of the text. In this case, a brief retelling was not forbidden. Fourth - logic and coherence of the text, everything is clear here.

Finally, something that is always paid attention to, but is reduced only in C5,- speech errors (today speech is already assessed in 8 out of 15 tasks). By the way, the beauty of the literature exam is that they don’t pay attention to grammar. It's very-very good. Because in a hurry, sometimes you write who knows what. In literature school, because of the strict assessment of grammatical errors, I was sometimes even given a “2”.

Good luck to everyone who will take the Unified State Exam in Literature this academic year!

Currently Unified State Exam time in literature was not included in the list of mandatory tests at the end of school. However, the results of this state exam are necessary in order to enter various specialties of Russian higher education institutions. educational institutions. This could be philology or journalism, television, as well as vocal and acting arts. Our article will tell you in detail what you need to know to pass the literature exam (Unified State Exam).

Exam Features

In 2017, there were active rumors that the structure of the final test in literature would be significantly transformed. But in September of the same year it became known that this testing had undergone a minimal number of changes. Nevertheless, in one of her interviews, Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva said that next year another, more promising model of the state exam, developed by leading specialists from the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, will come into force. Thus, test tasks were excluded from the CIMs. Now about literature? Let's figure it out together.

Why were the tests removed?

In the opinion of the developers, multiple-choice tasks for students do not pose any difficulty. They are just an extra element for assessment. In such tasks there is a huge probability of guessing the correct answer, and experts at the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements fundamentally disagree with this.

In addition, it became known that in the literature exam, graduates will no longer see open-ended questions and tasks where they must give an answer in the form of one word or a sequence of numbers. Thus, graduates lose the opportunity to score points for knowledge of literary terms. Therefore, C grade students will not be able to get away with “little loss” by passing one part of the exam. In 2018, graduates are expected to demonstrate the ability to express their own thoughts beautifully and clearly.

Test requirements. Essays

It is known that during the literature exam you need to write several essays. The developers of test materials have increased the minimum volume of the “main” essay. IN previous years this volume was at least 200 words, but already in 2018 the graduate will be required to compose a text 50 words more than in previous years.

Institute specialists have specified the requirements for mini-essays for next year. They must be at least 50 words long. Since 2018, this requirement applies not only to the issue of text analysis, but also to comparative tasks. A natural question arises for future graduates: “What is needed to pass the literature (Unified State Exam)?” Therefore, we will smoothly move on to recommendations.

How to pass the Unified State Exam in literature?

In order to get the most out of testing, firstly, you need to read all the literature that is required to pass the exam. Please note that reading will require a lot of time and effort. We will tell you what literature you need to read to pass the Unified State Exam a little later.

Secondly, bookstores sell great amount benefits that guarantee passing the Unified State Exam without much knowledge and effort. You can purchase all these collections, but you shouldn’t expect real success. However, if you solve the problems in these books, it will be much easier for you to answer the questions in the exam.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that an interested and competent teacher is able to teach his student everything necessary to pass the exam. Having asked themselves in advance how to pass the Unified State Exam in literature, students hire tutors.

Fourthly, among schoolchildren and students there are a huge number of rituals and signs that supposedly help them pass exams. In fact, nothing to do with real world These rituals do not exist. But by doing them, perhaps you will feel more confident in the exam.

Alumni Experience

We present to your attention the experience of students of the Faculty of Philology, who give recommendations and explain how to pass the Unified State Exam in Literature. As a rule, on September 1, eleventh graders go to book Shop and buy a huge number of collections on this subject. Current students are advised to buy collections from previous years, since the structure of test materials does not actually change, and their price is much lower. Many perform tasks as often as some solve crossword puzzles. There are schoolchildren who lack the theoretical basis necessary to write essays. But they make plans where they write out theses. Over time, this becomes a habit that a person uses today while studying at the institute.

Note that in many universities it is often recruitment is underway for preparation courses for the Unified State Exam various subjects. Many people recommend attending these classes. As a rule, you need to attend lectures once a week, which last about two hours. There is a lot of work before the exam: you need to constantly write and read in order to come to class already prepared. In addition, they often come to the rescue school teachers on literature. Teachers share with graduates theoretical materials, as well as the experience of specialists who check exam papers. Thus, many students pass the exam with a hundred marks.

A few words about the list of fiction

As mentioned above, the list of literature to pass the Unified State Exam in literature is quite large. There is no point in publishing this list, since it is in every exam book. In any case, you need to know ancient Russian literature, as well as texts written in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Need to know and understand school works Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Fet, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tyutchev, Chekhov, Bunin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Gorky, Yesenin, Pasternak, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, Blok, Sholokhov, Bulgakov, Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn and other writers , whose texts are included in the list fiction, studied in lessons from grades 5 to 11.


At the beginning of this article there was a question about the difficulty of passing the exam. It is not easy to answer, since the concept of complexity is relative. For some children it is difficult to write essays, for others it is difficult to analyze artistic text. In any case, an exam is a test for which you need to prepare conscientiously in order to get the desired result.

Thanks to our article, you now know how to pass the Unified State Exam in literature and what you need to do to get good result. Remember that teachers checking essays expect from graduates conscious understanding problems and a clear vision of the author’s position. Also, the certified person must be familiar with genres and literary terms. We wish you success!