Find a good feng shui job. How Feng Shui can help you find a job

How to find a job using Feng Shui

It turns out that with the help of ancient Eastern teachings you can not only improve the quality of your personal life, but also find a job that meets your personal needs.

Moreover, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on this. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations written for those who want to find a good job in all respects.

Removing space from junk

Didn't you know that positively charged Qi energy fills the home space only if it is freed from any type of garbage: no longer used objects and things, classic dirt and ordinary household dust? Therefore, if the space around you can hardly be called clean, then before you start looking for work, turn your “den” into a sparkling clean house by cleaning according to a certain pattern.

Trash in the form of old things, papers and “ancient” magazines that have lost their value needs to be declared war. After all, they not only clutter up physical space, but also block the normal flow of energies at the mental level. Particular attention should be paid to things related to unpleasant events in life.

Wet cleaning is not only a way to soften the air in the house and the best remedy for dust and dirt, but also an opportunity to qualitatively clean the energy of the home. To do this, add a pinch of salt to a container of water to wet the rags.

Cleaning the house with sound. Using this technique, we help the qi energy to begin to move more actively, after which the space of the house is quickly freed from evil spirits. The procedure is performed according to one of the scenarios: using singing bowls, your own palms - clapping them, or a metal bell.

Cleansing your home with scents. To do this, you need a lighted incense stick, which should be carried once along the inner perimeter of the house, moving clockwise.

Each of the listed methods is as effective as the other two, so you can use either one. The main thing is to move while clearing the doorway in the same direction, clockwise. The procedure should be carried out three times.

Strengthening the energies of the northern sector

The northern part of your home directly affects the situation in professional affairs. By placing certain types of talismans here, you can influence career growth or the search for a promising place.

A ship with raised sails is an ancient symbol of good luck in business. His appearance in the house seems to indicate that prosperity and abundance have arrived under your roof. When choosing a ship model, make sure that it is not a copy of a ship with a sad history, that the sails are “full” of a fair wind, and do not hang like rags.

To enhance the influence of this amulet, fill the hold of the ship with coins of any denomination. Make sure the bow of the boat is pointing inside the house. After all, when directed towards a window or door, the model will provoke a leak of well-being.

The ship does not have to be a three-dimensional figure. The sailboat you drew can work no less effectively. But if there are no artistic abilities, then you can use a purchased picture.

A stone or metal turtle is “responsible” for the appearance of the necessary connections and money in your life. You should not try to enhance its capabilities by displaying a chain of identical or not very similar figures on the shelf. One thing sitting in a metal bowl is just that, because the number “commanding the parade” of this sector is one.

A fountain, a spherical metal vase, a glass goldfish, a small aquarium with cheerfully swimming guppy-type fish can also be used as a sign for fate, from which you expect improved career affairs and increased well-being.

Indoor plants have proven themselves to be quite good at stabilizing the quarry area. Just don’t involve holly-leaved species of house flowers in this matter. Good results can be expected from Crassula and other succulents.

Let's return to inanimate objects. Equipment: equipment for listening to music, television, landline telephone - also have a good effect on the career affairs of their owner.

What should not be placed in the northern zone, which is ruled by the element of Water, are candles and other symbols of Fire (red objects, triangular-shaped things).

We attract the element of Water and its symbols to activate the positive energy of the sector

The northern sector is ruled by Water, the influence of which can be strengthened by using objects symbolizing the element. For example, a glass filled with liquid, in which at the bottom there are eight white coins and one yellow coin, heads up. When immersing them in water, you should only keep thoughts about future work in your head. Do you want to get a position with a high salary? So, put coins of the highest denomination into the glass. Naturally, following the logic and rules written at the beginning of the article, the water in the glass should be changed periodically, and the coins should be subjected to a cleaning procedure.

Circle of Creation

If you wish, you can build a magic circle of creation in the northern sector of the house. To do this, you will first need to mentally compose a phrase that does not contain the particle “not”. Tentatively, it may sound like this: “I will very quickly find a new, well-paid job.” The main thing is that the sentence is written in the present tense. After determining the content of the phrase, proceed to design the circle of creation, using a piece of wood - a symbol of the element of Fire, a container with water - a gift from the element of Water, a candle - an element of the element of Fire, a metal thing - a symbol of Metal, a ceramic product - an element of the element of Earth. Five elements, five objects to form a magic circle with creative energy. The objects should be arranged according to the following formula: water symbol, piece of wood, Fire symbol, Earth element, metal product.

After creating a circle using the listed items, sit down next to the resulting figure, light a candle and mentally repeat the phrase meaning your wish has come true. After working in this way for about 10 minutes, put out the candle. Do not destroy the figure made of objects for a week. During it, repeat the ritual every day and do not forget to change the water in the container every day.

Monochrome painting

In the sector of the home being studied, you can place a monochrome picture, framed in a silver or black frame. Black because black symbolizes Water. The best option is a metal frame.

The main subject of the painting should be captured while moving from left to right. For example, it could be a bird looking to the right, holding a money symbol in its beak, or an animal of your favorite breed, or someone else - do not hold back your imagination and listen to the advice of your inner voice.

Force Angle

There is a corner symbolizing a place of power in every room. You can determine the desired wall joint as follows: enter the room and stop next to the door. If it is to your right, then the magic angle is to your left, and vice versa. Having decided on a place of power, leave a drawn or photographed symbol of your desire here. This could be a photograph of the building in which the institution where you want to work is located, or a collage of pictures demonstrating the types of career achievements in the field that interests you.

In order for things to go well at work, according to Feng Shui, the workplace should be in the zone of career and success. Read the details in our article!

It often happens that you are a responsible worker and work as hard as you can, but there is no recognition in the team. But your colleague is an outright slacker in good standing with the boss! One of the reasons for this state of affairs may be an unsuccessful workplace and office environment from a Feng Shui point of view.

So let's try to neutralize the unfavorable energetic effects of people, objects or interiors, and also enhance the influence of positive flows of qi energy. After all, when everything around is harmonious, work goes much better!

Feng Shui workplace

The workplace should be located in the north, in the zone of career and success. It's even better to sit, looking in this direction, with your back to the wall.

Having a window behind you has an unfavorable effect on your career: in this case, all your energy “flies” into the sky. An even more unfortunate position is to have your back to the door. In Feng Shui it is called a “knife in the back” (an employee can be set up, betrayed, or withdraw from the team; he gradually begins to lose energy and confidence in his abilities).

It is better not to sit with your back to an open cabinet or shelves: horizontal surfaces also symbolize “knives” that invade your energy field and worsen your health.

Is your workspace in the corner? According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the table diagonally: in this case, you neutralize the negative impact of both windows and doors.

In Russian offices, they like to arrange desks so that employees are opposite each other, which leads to subconscious confrontation between colleagues. This is also an unfavorable factor according to Feng Shui that should be avoided.

If you are sitting with your back to the window, you can use this technique: curtain the window with thick curtains and place clear cut crystals on the table to give space to your thoughts).

Feng Shui: table and chair in the office

The dimensions of the table and office chair also matter, subconsciously signaling to others about your status and promising opportunities. Do you want to climb the corporate ladder? Use a table for work that is at least one and a half meters long and a meter wide, and a chair with a back so long that it is slightly higher than your head when sitting.

Feng Shui desk

Now let's talk about what should be on the table and what items should be avoided.

The table is intended only for work, and therefore only what may be needed in the process should be placed on it. Ruthlessly part with unnecessary papers and other things. It’s better to put unnecessary items in closets and bedside tables, putting them in folders of bright, rich colors.

In the right corner it is better to place a green indoor plant, which will take on all the negative energy emanating from other parts of the room. And in the far left corner - a table lamp or a shiny metal object - to attract financial success.

In the working sector, a small fountain will also serve a good purpose - at least in the form of a screensaver on the PC desktop (water dissipates negative energy). In this case, the size of the accessories does not matter. A tiny flower and an impressive fountain will work equally well. And don’t forget to put photos of your favorite people on your desktop - they will inspire you to even greater career success.

Feng Shui office equipment

A computer is a necessary attribute in any business, which absorbs electricity from the outlet and then generates it into the energy of creation and creativity. To direct this activity in the right direction, keep objects of bright colors on the table - blue, red, orange or a small globe - a symbol of knowledge (this will ensure an influx of creative ideas).

The phone should also have its own specific place. For right-handers - on the right, for left-handers - on the left (so that you do not have to reach for the tube with your right hand to the left, with your left - to the right, because crossing the body, the hand blocks positive energy).

According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money. Therefore, it is very important to remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and baseboards.

There should be free space in front of and behind the desk, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. If you have difficulty squeezing your way to your workplace, difficulties will await you on the path to success.

It happens that the workplace is located in a cubicle (sometimes even without windows!) or there is a partition directly in front of you. You can expand your perspective with a painting of a lake or a beautiful natural landscape.

What to remove from the office?

No scattered documents, as they block the positive flow of energy! Get rid of unnecessary papers right away. Never leave leftover food or liquid on the table.

The clock must be removed from the office. They count the period of power negatively.

Shelves, handles, locks - all this must be in order. Broken parts are thrown away immediately if they cannot be repaired.

Various wires, we repeat, are hidden from view or disguised. According to Feng Shui theory, finances and energy flow through them.

Above the desktop it is worth placing a picture depicting money. You can decorate your computer with Chinese coins or hide them securely under your phone.

On the right side, in the assistant’s area, you should place a statue of Ganesha.

Remember, in addition to the fact that work brings money, it should also bring pleasure, and not vice versa. You must go to work in a good mood, with elation, and not under pressure, otherwise it will destroy your health and block your access to financial success. Do you believe in Feng Shui? Write to us!

How to find a job? Today, perhaps, not everyone can boast of a lightning-fast solution to this problem. Recruitment agencies, the labor exchange, countless job advertisements, interviews - this tedious rigmarole can destroy any, even the most positive, mood. But, alas, there is no way without work. If you are faced with similar difficulties, do not rush to paint yourself into a corner, it is better to use recognized Feng Shui tips!

The following Feng Shui methods will help not only remove all obstacles, but also find a job in the shortest possible time. We will tell you about the most effective ones, which have been tested by time and many people. You can use everything at once or stop at just one. However, everyone, without exception, must take the first step!

Clearing space

You know very well that both compliance with the Bagua rules and regular cleaning are responsible for the active flow of favorable Qi energy in our space. Dirt, dust, old unnecessary things can block the circulation of energy. Therefore, before you start attracting work to you, be sure to put things in order, and it is best to do it according to the recommendations of Feng Shui!
After you get rid of the rubble, you can begin. By the way, many argue that the following actions are best carried out on the waxing Moon.

Black and white picture

Determine where north is in your kitchen and hang a black and white picture there. The image must be placed in a black frame (the color of Water - nourishes Metal) or silver, because the element of Metal rules in this zone. If you don't have a suitable frame, you can draw one yourself, for example, using a black marker.

Pay attention to the picture! The direction of the object depicted on it should go from left to right! Feng Shui masters call this phenomenon “the path from the past to the future.”

Experts say that it is best to hang one that points to the right. But, you can hang something else (trust your gut instinct).

Activation with water

Place a container of water in the career sector (North) of your apartment or separate room. It could just be a small fountain. The best way to activate this sector is in the following way: take a glass of water and put 8 white and 1 yellow coins in it. Coins must be placed with the yang side, that is, with the eagle facing up. By the way, you don’t have to put them in water at all; you can carefully place them under a glass.

Circle of creation and angle of power

Create a powerful wish fulfillment tool in the north of your home -. It is able to attract a huge flow of necessary energy into your life.

Determine in your room and put there a symbol of your desire. This could be a picture from the desired place of work or an associative object.

Looking for a job in Feng Shui: magical Gua

And find out the best direction. , and take a sheet of paper that will nourish it according to the Circle of Creation:

If you are a Tree, then you feed the element Fire - therefore, you need a red leaf.

In the table below you can see what specific paper color you need:

Write on a piece of paper of the desired color about your dream job in the present tense and place it in your best direction.

For example: you are Water, your Gua number is 7. We place a brown or green leaf in the northwest.

Those who have ever used the above methods confirm their remarkable effects, so they can be very useful to you too.

Would you like to get a desired and well-paid job? Well, who doesn’t want this, you say and you’ll be right. But it often happens that we go to interviews, but nothing brings the desired result. It’s as if good work deliberately eludes us, going to others. What to do then? In such cases, it would be wise to turn to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, which for thousands of years has been helping people achieve harmony in their souls and get everything they need for a happy life. How to use Feng Shui to attract work?

Start at home

No matter how trivial it may sound, you need to start from the place where you live. In this case, it is often the case that if you are suffering from lack of work, the cause may be a mess in your home. So, carefully examine your home, look closely at the career area and put it in order. Yes, yes, there is such a zone, and if you want to use Feng Shui to attract work, you should know about it. So here's what to do. Find a career sector in your home. It is located either in the northern part of the apartment, or right near the entrance. And this zone can be activated. Want to know how it's done?

First of all, this sector must be clean. In addition, perform a special ritual: fill a glass with purified water and put seven coins of various denominations there. And when you put coins there, wish mentally to find yourself a good job that would bring you profit and joy from fulfillment. Think about what kind of work you see and what kind of income you would like to earn. Your task is to turn on your imagination to the fullest. Don't be afraid to fantasize - sooner or later all this will begin to be projected into the real world, and you will notice when this happens. And don’t even doubt that this will happen - it all depends only on the strength of your intention.

In order for Feng Shui to attract work to bear fruit, you need to take into account some points that you will definitely need. You need to bring prosperity to your home, and then you can safely count on a good job. So:
- illuminate individual sectors of the house or the entire house as best as possible. Pay special attention to the hallway and southeast area;
- make sure that the windows in the house are clean, because through dirty windows favorable energy does not pass into the room. Well, if the window breaks, replace the glass immediately;
- do not use fluorescent lamps at home, because their flickering will negatively affect the circulation of favorable energy;
- use only those Feng Shui symbols that bring material wealth and well-being to your home. This could be an image of a waterfall, a turtle or a mill;
- carefully maintain order in your home. Do wet cleaning there regularly;
- Be sure to restructure things every six months. If you haven't worn an item of clothing for more than a year, don't hesitate to throw it in a landfill. Better yet, give such things to those in need.

I would like to say one more thing. One famous esotericist and Feng Shui expert Lam Chuen said that when you see a mess or something else in the house, but you cannot influence in any way to correct the situation, it is better to remove this moment from your memory and never go back to it come back. And the practice of Feng Shui shows that this statement is true. If you truly believe that you will attract work into your life, you will. Besides feng shui, you also need to recharge yourself with positive energy and believe that thoughts matter. And only then will you discover amazing horizons for yourself, and work will appear by itself.

Feng Shui is a teaching of ancient China, according to which a person’s well-being and prosperity depend largely on how the surrounding space is organized. The basic concepts of the teaching are based on experience, psychology, and knowledge of human nature.

So, when applied at work, you can significantly improve not only the atmosphere in the team, but also help advance your career.

Work takes up a significant part of most people's lives. Therefore, how a person feels in his workplace, whether he feels comfortable there, affects his mood, state of health, and prosperity. Everyone strives to be successful in their work, receive a decent salary, develop and move forward. Knowing simple Feng Shui techniques for work is of great importance, as it allows you to harmonize the space in the office, helps you become more stable, develop your weaknesses, and improve relationships with colleagues.

How to position the table

A favorable location of the table is considered to be such that there is a solid wall behind the worker. This gives a feeling of confidence and stability. You can compare this to a mountain that protects you from distractions and negative influences. This allows you to better concentrate on the work process and be more attentive. The decisions made will be more balanced and thoughtful.

Energy actively circulates between the window and the door. Sitting in such a place is considered inauspicious. The employee will be distracted and burdened with small tasks. The result is a decrease in efficiency, attention, and an increase in the number of errors.

If the angle of a wall or furniture is directed towards a person, this is also considered unfavorable. If it is not possible to place the table in another place, you should disguise the corner with a plant with leaves pointing down. This will smooth out the negativity.

A large office may have several desks. It is important that their arrangement does not form straight lines. According to Feng Shui, energy should circulate smoothly throughout the room. An open-plan office can be located on an entire floor of a building and include 20-30 desks for work. In this case, partitions and screens should be used to create passages and separate “office” areas. In each such zone, the table should be in the most advantageous position.

Work place interior

A black desk slows down reactions and reduces attention, while a light-colored desk promotes a feeling of security. The size of the desk should be comfortable: not too small so that the employee does not feel cramped, but not too large so that there is no need to reach for papers. The shape should be square or rectangular. A semicircular or round table is suitable for those whose work involves creativity.

Mirrors located close to the table or reflective surfaces are unfavorable from a Feng Shui perspective. They seem to “double” the amount of work that needs to be done. When using a telephone, you need to make sure that the cord does not pass through the work area and that you can sit upright while talking.

A light source located above your head should be avoided, as should any objects hanging above your work area. If the light source cannot be moved, you can rotate or move the table slightly. Shelves above the table have a similar negative impact. It is better to place them behind your back or to the side.

Various items can be used in the office to stimulate positive energy. So, in case of tense relations between employees, you should pay attention to the southwestern zone of the office. The fortified northwest zone develops team thinking and leadership qualities. The missing creative abilities can be filled by intensifying the Western direction. Those seeking recognition and fame should look to the southern zone.

Traditionally, in Feng Shui, interior elements and protective equipment are used to stimulate various directions. These include mirrors, plants, crystals, pendants, bamboo flutes, animal figurines, paintings.

Stimulation of the zone of material well-being

Special attention should be paid to the southeastern sector of the office. This direction is considered responsible for material wealth, and therefore always needs special attention, no matter what type of activity you engage in. Money symbols and talismans should be placed here. If there is a closet in this sector, you can place the talismans on top or on the shelves. There should be no glass or doors.

As for the talismans themselves, it is better to give preference to water. This could be a small fountain or an aquarium with fish. You can replace natural symbols with their image. Plants in pots, especially those with oval leaves, help attract wealth. Special coins with a hole in the middle are often placed under the flower pot. Such coins are tied with a red ribbon. This symbolizes prosperity and stability.

Another money symbol is the three-legged toad. She is depicted sitting on coins. It would be nice to put such a figurine on your desktop.

There is a hieroglyph for “Wealth”. He is depicted on various objects. Maybe it’s on the napkin on which the toad is placed. This symbol attracts not only money, but also spiritual values. This sign is often depicted on rings.

Images or figures of swallows can also help advance your career and material well-being. These little birds are a talisman of abundance and great success.

The talisman representing longevity and wealth is the deer. If you have a figurine or image of him in the southeastern part of your office, this will help you make the right and profitable decisions to increase your wealth.

Need to get things in order

None of the talismans will help in increasing wealth if chaos reigns in the workplace. Therefore, first you need to put things in order: throw away all the garbage, remove all unnecessary items that are not related to the work process. The table must be perfectly clean. The work area should be ventilated as often as possible. Fresh air is necessary to feel good and work productively.

You also need to keep your wallet in order. To attract money, you should purchase a good quality wallet with several compartments. What is not related to money is better removed from it. The bills should be arranged so that they are in descending order. When opening your wallet, let the largest bill catch your eye. If you wish, you can also place coins with a hole here, tied with a red ribbon.

There should be order in the head. Let other people's successes become an incentive to move forward, but not a source of envy. The prosperity of friends and acquaintances and their achievements should be perceived with joy. Then luck will not pass you by either.