How to pass OGE literature well. Preparing for the OGE: how to pass the literature exam with the highest score

OGE in literature is one of the optional final exams at the end of the 9th grade. In 2018, it took place on May 31, a day after the Russian language exam.

Many of the test takers said that they spend a lot of time preparing were not allocated, referring to the fact that the exam itself does not require precise theoretical knowledge. Most students did not hide the fact that their preparation consisted only of familiarity with exam structure And visits to school literature lessons.

Although I decided on the elective exams at the beginning of the year, I really started preparing only in the spring. There were no tutors: I just bought everything reference materials to understand what is required, what should be repeated, etc. In literature, I decided on only five or six options, i.e. I wrote essays once a week. And even then, I admit that it’s not always fair...

There are exceptions. Some ninth-graders approached the task responsibly, so already in October they began active preparation with tutors, we started analyzing works of art, studying biographies of authors, etc.

I want to be a journalist. Accordingly, I had no problems with choosing exams: it is obvious that I will have to take literature. Already in September, I declared my desire and began the path to the highest score. There were no tutors, but I attended all the consultations of my teacher on literature. Gradually I solved all the options, which were then checked by the teacher. There were no samples: the school decided that this exam did not require such increased attention...

A student who passed the OGE in literature

On June 10, students received their results. Many were dissatisfied with their assessment, but they themselves admit that with better preparation the result would have been higher. We decided to find out first-hand what is needed to successfully pass the literature exam in 9th grade.

How to properly prepare for the OGE in literature

My result for the exam (the highest 33 points - author's note) is an assessment not only of my literary abilities, but also of fortune, which was favorable to me that day. I came across an option with my favorite works, so answering questions and comparing fragments was a joy. When I left the exam point, I was very worried, because it would be a shame to get low scores for my essays. But, as you can see, I was lucky.

A student who passed the OGE in literature

Study the OGE assessment criteria

Preparing for an exam is an individual matter, since even students who study in the same class varying degrees readiness and understanding of the subject. But most students agree that necessary know the exam evaluation criteria. Perhaps this is the basis for preparing for any exam. In literature, knowledge and understanding of the requirements is especially important.

Don't miss literature lessons

Most of the codifier consists of works from grades 8-9. Accordingly, it is best that students attended all literature classes and carefully studied the material.

Read in original

The Unified State Exam in Literature is good training before taking the Unified State Exam in Literature.

The most difficult thing in the OGE in literature is not even the essays, but specific questions that require a direct answer. This is difficult for ninth graders, because they are used to writing “beautifully” and about nothing. For example, in the OGE in literature there is a question about why Bazarov is called a “reflective nihilist.” And schoolchildren write in response that Turgenev is great writer, and Fathers and Sons is a wonderful novel. All this is “water” that has no place in the exam.

The texts on the OGE in literature are difficult. For example, " dog's heart"Bulgakov, " Matrenin Dvor"Solzhenitsyn, Chekhov's stories.
They can provide a translated text - for example, a fragment from Byron, to compare with Lermontov's text.

Let us immediately warn those who are taking the OGE in literature. This is not an easy exam, and it is not taken to “pass something.” You will have to work a lot when preparing for the OGE in literature!

Usually, preparation for the OGE in literature takes place in schools as standard. Teachers literally force ninth-graders to read the classics, saying that this material is necessary for writing the final essay. And schoolchildren prefer brief retelling works or collections finished essays. At the same time, serious preparation for the OGE in literature,
that is, no one is engaged in text analysis.

And at the OGE in literature you will receive, for example, a fragment from the ballad “Svetlana” by Zhukovsky, and for comparison, a piece from “Eugene Onegin”. It is necessary to compare these texts and answer the questions: what are the similarities, what are the differences? And after that write short essay approximately 200 words.

Does your school prepare for the exam in this format? Are you taught to write essays strictly on the topic? If yes, then preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature will be excellent training before a more serious exam - the Unified State Exam.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, 9th grade graduates in all regions of the Russian Federation will be examined in 5 subjects, of which two will be compulsory (Russian language and mathematics), and the choice of the remaining three will be given to the students themselves and their parents.

In 2018, literature was on last place among the optional subjects of the OGE, because only 3% of ninth-graders decided to take this subject. Today, as the moment of choosing subjects for graduates of 2019 approaches, many children and parents have a question: is it worth taking the OGE in literature in 9th grade and, if so, is it difficult to prepare for it? Let's try to understand the intricacies of the subject, the features of CMMs and the secrets of preparing for this exam.

the date of the

Students who will graduate from 9th grade in 2019 will take the OGE at the end school year. But, as in previous seasons, students will be given the opportunity to take the test early, or try again if they fail to pass the minimum threshold the first time.

The following days are reserved for the literature exam in 9th grade:

Early period

Main day

Reserve day

Main period

Main day

Reserve days

28.06.19 / 02.07.19 / 03.07.19

Autumn retake

1 retake

2 retake

19.09.19 / 21.09.19

Format and features of the literature exam

Literature will be chosen as one of the 2019 OGE exams by students who want to continue their studies in philological classes, because to successfully pass the test it is necessary:

  • know the biographies of writers and poets;
  • thoroughly study the works included in the school curriculum;
  • be able to analyze and compare texts, draw up portraits of heroes, evaluate their actions;
  • express your own opinion beautifully, concisely and competently.

The main feature of the OGE in literature from other exams taken by ninth-graders in 2019 is the fact that the ticket contains no tests with answers. The 2019 exam paper will consist of 2 parts:

Ninth-graders undergo final certification at their school.

Examinees are given 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes) to complete the work.

Part 1 (text analysis)

Before you begin completing the tasks of Part 1, you need to familiarize yourself with the two proposed options and choose for analysis only one, the closest and most understandable.

Important! You cannot do both options at once.

The length of the detailed answer should be approximately:

Do not use overly complex speech structures. Let the text be concise, but at the same time readable and filled with deep meaning.

Part 2 (essay)

Most of all, graduates, who are accustomed to simply answering tests during test periods in various subjects, are afraid of essays, which are integral part OGE 2019 in literature.

In fact, the majority of graduates completing 9th grade pass the second part of the OGE in literature without any problems, and in 2019, examinees also have nothing to fear. It is also worth knowing that:

  • in the process of writing an essay you are allowed to use full text a work of art;
  • The length of the essay must be 200 words (works of less than 150 words are not assessed);
  • your judgments must be argued using fragments from the text;
  • When analyzing a work, it is important not to distort the author’s position.

Work evaluation

The OGE 2019 works on literature do not contain a test part, and therefore are fully assessed by independent experts. To determine the final score, each work will be checked by two teachers. As a result, the following scenarios are possible:

  • The assessments agreed - everything was excellent, the score was determined and it was entered into the documentation.
  • In the assessments of two experts there is a difference not exceeding 2 points - the arithmetic average is given.
  • Expert assessments differ by more than 2 points - a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

The grade received by a ninth-grader on the OGE in literature in 2019 will affect the certificate score. When converting test scores for a given subject into grades, a special correspondence table is used:

Thus, if the preparation for the OGE in literature in 2019 was weak, and the graduate’s goal was to overcome the minimum passing threshold, then it will be enough for him to get only 7 test points. If the subject was chosen for the purpose of entering a specialized class or college, you will need to score at least 15 test points, which already corresponds to a grade of “4”.

Since the OGE in literature has its own special specifics, graduates of 2019 need to start preparing for the exam as early as possible, because they will need to read a fairly large amount of literature (the list of works is given below) and work on the main topics of the essays.

Where to begin?

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with the requirements for exam paper, having familiarized yourself with the codifier and specifications.

Step 2. We read the works given in the list. Naturally, it is better to read the full text in the original, but if there is no time for this, then it is worth reading the abridged version and criticism, which can be found in special collections or on the Internet.

We present to your attention full list literature for the 2019 OGE in literature with questions that need to be answered while reading the work.

Step 3. Taking notes. Don't rely on possibilities human memory, they, unfortunately, are not unlimited. While reading, take the time to write down in your notebook the basic information you will need to answer questions and write essays.

Step 4. Let's practice completing the tasks of the first part. The demo version of the OGE in literature 2019 will help with this, as well as the tickets that were offered at the exams to graduates of the 2018-2018 academic year.

Step 5. We practice writing an essay, observing the basic requirements for the text.

It wouldn't hurt to listen to advice experienced teachers, read the analysis of the demo version and recommendations for writing an essay. We invite you to watch one of these video tutorials right now:

Daria Ulyanova:


I started preparing for the exam six months in advance. The main thing you need to know is terms, for example, what a story, fairy tale, novel is. If you are not preparing at all, then remember that the OGE in literature is mainly for eighth and ninth grades.

If you want to get the maximum score, you need to start preparing at least a year in advance. I was very worried that I would write poorly because I took it at another school, but when I sat down, I was surprised how easy it was. I finished it in 40-50 minutes and left.

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The most important thing is to know the writers and what they were talking about. The exam consists of three parts: compare two poems, find epithets in it, personification and other means of expressive speech, and an essay.
In my opinion, it is necessary to correctly express your thoughts in an essay - this is a big plus. In schools they always scare us about exams, they say that everything is very difficult, but this is not so.

Alena Grossman:


I began preparing for the exam by reading the entire list of recommended literature and analysis of these works, and familiarized myself with the biography of poets and writers. I learned all the terms. Afterwards I looked at the kims themselves. I took all the assignments from the FIPI website.

I started preparing in September. At first I studied with a tutor to understand what and how to write, and after that I did everything myself. It is very important to be able to see the problems of a work and analyze it. With such a volume of information, it is difficult to remember something and not confuse anything.

For me the exam went smoothly. You need to concentrate and not panic if you don’t know something. You should start with the task that seems easier than the others. There is no need to “pour water” in your essay. Speak strictly to the point and use literary terminology. Of course, literacy is important.

Enough time is given to write, check and transfer everything onto the answer form.

Ekaterina Shuklina:


I started preparing in November. First, I decided which version I would write from the first part. I had a choice between lyrics and prose. I chose the first one because it is closer to me. A literature teacher helped me, we looked at all the possible options from the first part, and I wrote the essay myself at home, after which the teacher checked it.

I learned all the literary terms, read the biographies of writers. Before the exam, I read a summary of the works we studied at school and watched retellings on YouTube.

I was very nervous during the exam, which made it difficult to pay attention. I even answered the question incorrectly because I didn’t read something in the assignment.

While writing the essay, I liked the fact that you could ask the viewer for any work.

Most main advice- Be careful and don’t worry. This will not lead to good things.

Answer from TheQuestion partner

  1. No matter how trivial it sounds, it is necessary read a lot. And you don't need to read at all summary. On the FIPI website you can find all the necessary bibliography. Each work from there should be studied, do not leave any that you are not familiar with, otherwise it will be the one that will be caught on day X (the law of meanness). It is better to analyze novels, stories and stories using experienced teacher, who himself took the Unified State Exam and knows everything about its format and pitfalls. Personally, I got 100 points for the exam, you can believe that this is exactly how I prepared.
  2. But that's not all, we have to learn poems by heart. Yes, yes, study them, because in the exam you will need to quote from them. So “if the stars are shining, does that mean someone needs it?” and so on, now download to your phone/print/rewrite and read every time you have a free minute: on public transport, at lunch, during a boring school lesson (just kidding).
  3. Necessarily remember the terms. Get a dictionary where you will write them down, maybe in a notebook/phone - whichever is more convenient. Litotes, metonymy, etc. are your friends for a while until you pass the Unified State Exam in Literature. A list of all necessary terms is also available on the FIPI website (in general, go there often, this is the most reliable source of information on the Unified State Exam).
  4. Next point: biographies of authors and literary movements . Try this too: create cards. On the one hand there is an image of the author, on the other - facts about him. If it’s difficult to do everything on your own, team up with guys who are also preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature. Make cards for your group and change, we always do this at MAXIMUM courses with my students.
  5. Practice your spelling. Avoid spelling, punctuation and speech errors, you will lose points, even if you wrote an essay that is brilliant in content. Do not do it this way!
  6. And finally, thoroughly study the criteria for assessing essays(and you will have to write as many as 5 detailed answers). And when you study - write and write again, send it for review to an experienced teacher who has already seen a lot of work Unified State Exam format, for example, someone like me! :)

If you want to learn secrets and life hacks for passing the Unified State Exam with the maximum number of points, you can sign up for a free individual .

Move as many grandmothers across the road as possible. Correct your karma, light a candle in the temple. Do you think I'm joking? No matter how it is. I passed Unified State Examination literature to 71 and I can answer, unlike the commentator above, that this is the most biased exam. It is not the level of preparation that decides, it is the mood of the examiner that decides. It’s not skill that decides - it decides “did he have lunch before checking my work or not?” Literature is the most subjective exam! Read the criteria for it, they are damn vague. It will seem to one that my score is four points, to another that it is three and that’s it, but statistics need to be done. As a result, with the same level of work, some receive 71 points and others 96.

I honestly can’t imagine what a person should be like to pass at least 80 or higher? They told me about a girl who didn’t prepare at all - she just studied notes written down in class - but passed with an 82.

Definitely a must read most works that are given in the codifier. Definitely a must read" Quiet Don" and "War and Peace" - the examiners love them. Divide all the poems from the codifier into several topics and learn three verses from each. And write tseshki to train your hand. Moscow State University had good benefit, but any will do ala "30 Options. Unified State Exam 2017" Use more terminology, as the examiner evaluates your knowledge.

Good luck, and if I were you, I’d also buy a rabbit’s foot.

This year I passed literature with 96 points. Without tutors, school and parental support. Let me immediately note that no one needs your opinion in the written part, you just need to follow the structure and master literary terms, Your position on a particular work must coincide with the generally accepted point of view, in this case you can get the maximum score. But I think the most important aspect when preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature is reading works from the codifier - this is the basis. You must know the plot, issues and characters of each work; in fact, this is very important. Simply solve the test part endlessly, in any free minute, because... This should be brought to automaticity in order to spend a maximum of 10 minutes on it during the exam. Regarding the written part, I can advise you to analyze essays from open bank works from the Dunno site: - this is incredible useful thing. I also advise you to solve tests of increased complexity (N.A. Senina’s tests were very useful to me) and write a lot of written answers and essays, if possible, give them to the teacher for checking (although my teacher disowned all this).

Don't worry about the exam, the tests will actually be easier than you think) at least that's how it was for me and my friends. Good luck!

In preparation for the OGE, I highlight three most important points:

1. Read all the works that are listed in the codifier’s list, paying attention to the features of composition and techniques used by the author. Reread large works, according to which most of the tasks are compiled ("Eugene Onegin", "Hero of Our Time", "Dead Souls") before the exam. If you have time and interest, check out famous stories Chekhov and Bunin, missing from the list, since the tasks for them will be easier to complete if you know the full text.

2. Learn theory. I used the reference book by E. A. Titarenko to prepare for the Unified State Exam. In addition to terminology, it is useful to know the biographies of authors and the history of the creation of works. Flip through the famous "Shuriki" and listen to lectures by Arzamas (

3. Decide your options. Any you can find.
First, answer the question briefly. This is what you should write down into 8 sentences.
Think for yourself. AND Sometimes you can look in a reference book or the Internet, but try to remember the answers you find.
Never go off topic, especially in the tasks of the first part.
It is also better to refer to the author’s biography or history only in task 2.
By the way, even the answer to the first two tasks should have an introduction and a conclusion.

And the most important thing in the exam is to watch the time, otherwise you risk getting 18/23.

I passed with a 94. In the first half of the year, I studied poems on topics (love, nature, betrayal, the theme of prayer), etc. In the second, every day (almost..) I analyzed the work, writing out the full analysis, characters, issues, etc. Before the exams themselves, I finished learning all the poems by topic in a week. There were about 50 of them (some of them taught only some stanzas). I also learned quotes from prose for task 16. This is all theory. And I consolidated my practice by solving an option every day for 40 days before the exam, briefly writing out all the essays.