Different characters of Zhilin and Kostylin. Essay on the topic “Zhilin and Kostylin: different destinies”

The famous Russian writer described in his story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” an interesting and exciting story about how two officers of the Russian army, Zhiln and Kostylin, were captured by the Tatars during hostilities.
According to the story, two men were forced to travel along a dangerous and possibly seized road. And on the way they were attacked by the Tatars. Zhilin was the first to come under attack, and another officer, Kostylin, did not go to the rescue at that time, but immediately decided to save his life, even thinking that the second officer, his comrade, might die.

It is worth noting that Zhilin was taken prisoner, in which he did not lose heart, but only gathered his strength and thought about how to escape from the hands of the enemy and quickly find himself in his native part. Kostylin was unable to escape and was also captured, but being an indecisive and cowardly person by nature, he only sat quietly and waited for the ransom to be paid for him, not realizing that even after that he might not be allowed to go home.

From the first minutes of reading this story, we can safely note that these heroes are two absolute opposites, this is shown throughout the entire story. One is brave, strong and decisive, who at all costs decides to save himself from trouble on his own, and the second is a perfect antipode, a cowardly, boring, soft-bodied person who does not believe in his own strength and is only waiting for condescension from above, and his liberation by someone something else.

At the conclusion of the story, the reader can notice that Kostylin was very lucky, because he might not have been ransomed, and such a person simply would not have been able to live in captivity for a long time, and the fault for this would not even be his opponents, but himself.
While writing the story, the author wanted to convey to the reader one very important thing: that you should never give up and hope for someone’s help, you need to fight to the end, believing in your own strength.

Short essay Zhilin and Kostylin Different destinies grade 5

I really like to read books by my favorite writer L.N. Tolstoy in my free time. His works and stories are so fascinating and intriguing that I read them quickly and can’t put them down. Before I start reading, I sit down at the table and start reading, mentally transporting myself into the story of the story. My essay today will be based on a story that was written in 1872 and the title is “Caucasian Tribesman”; we will talk about the heroes of different people, with opposite destinies.

The work describes the story of two officers who are completely opposite in any action. And their fates are completely different. The first hero in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is brave, kind, determined, hardworking, and his name is Zhilin. Also, as already mentioned, there is an opposite character who is cowardly, weak-willed, and his name is Kostylin.

The story is about how two officers were captured in the Caucasus, finding themselves in a difficult situation, the heroes act and reason completely differently. It is clear from the first lines that Zhilin will always come to the aid of a friend, while Kostylin thinks only of himself and saves his life first, counts on the help of a friend and waits for a miracle, is afraid to make decisions himself. When the heroes fall into Tatar captivity, they are asked to each write a letter home with a ransom, and in this situation their actions diverge.

Zilina – I consider him a noble and good person. After all, he felt sorry for his mother, he knew she didn’t have the money that the Tatars demanded, and he writes a letter indicating the minimum amount and giving a different address, and relies on his own strength and plans to escape from captivity. What can be said about Kostylen in his letter indicates the amount of five thousand rubles, sits and waits for a miracle when his relatives collect the required amount of money and send a ransom and he will be released.

In my opinion, Zhilin is a great guy; while in captivity, he helped everyone make toys, repair broken things, people came to him for advice and made friends with a girl. And Kostylin was idle all the time, toiling around with nonsense and thinking that they would send a ransom as soon as possible. The contrast between their characters was evident in the situation when they finally decided to escape. Zhilin acts like a real hero, using all his strength, he endures the pain, how painful it is to run in the stocks, and Kostylin whines all the time, the thought of returning came to him, he cannot withstand such severe torment. And the brave and strong Zhilin carries a lazy and wailing friend on his shoulders, and because of him they will not be able to escape from captivity.

After returning to captivity, the brave and decisive hero is haunted by the idea of ​​escaping again, since he treated people well, helped in all problems, the girl Dina, with whom they struck up a friendship, comes to his aid, and he escapes from captivity. When he finds himself free, it is not given to him in an easy way; he collects money for a ransom and saves Kostylin.

If Kostylin had not been redeemed from captivity, he would have soon died in captivity. The writer chose the right heroes: brave and cowardly, hardworking and lazy, it was interesting to know what the heroes would do in a difficult situation, and until the very end I thought that Kostylin would change after all. I liked the story and did not leave me indifferent.

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Zhilin and Kostylin different destinies essay grade 5


1. Briefly about the work.

2.1. Life in captivity.

2.2. The escape.

3. My favorite hero.

He wrote his story Prisoner of the Caucasus in 1872 and dedicated it to the events of the Caucasian War. In the work, using the example of two people, he described the difficult life in Tatar captivity and the military valor of a Russian prisoner.

Zhilin and Kostylin are different characters both in character and in their way of thinking. But one day they found themselves on the same road. During his captivity, Zhilin behaved like a hero, fought back and tried to escape. But Kostylin, on the contrary, chickened out and, having a loaded gun and a war horse, not only did he not protect his comrade, he even failed to escape himself!

It is remarkable how both of these officers, being in the same circumstances, behaved differently. Zhilin invariably relied only on himself, constantly looked for opportunities to escape, and always behaved correctly. For example, he did a good job - he made dolls from clay and distributed them to local children, repaired things and treated the sick. In this way he won the respect and sympathy of the Tatars.

Kostylin, on the contrary, behaved passively and cowardly. He, complaining about his fate, constantly lay in the barn, relaxing physically and mentally. He did not strive for anything, did not want to fight, was afraid of everything and was lazy. Both comrades reacted differently to the possibility of ransom. Zhilin did not want his elderly mother to pay an exorbitant fee for him, so he bargained up to five hundred rubles for his freedom, and even then he deliberately sent the letter to the wrong address. Kostylin, on the contrary, was glad that he could shift the responsibility for his release onto someone else and inactively began to wait for the ransom from the house.

During his first escape, Zhilin showed himself to be a persistent and courageous man. Overcoming the pain in his legs from the hard pads, he patiently endured all obstacles, purposefully walked forward, hoping for the best. His comrade in misfortune, on the contrary, whined all the way, complained and wanted to go back into captivity, and subsequently he became so weak that Zhilin was forced to drag his comrade on himself. This act showed all the most beautiful traits of a man - kindness, self-sacrifice, readiness to help.

After returning to the Tatars, Zhilin did not stop losing hope of escape. Despite the terrible conditions in which the captives found themselves, Ivan continued to act, take initiative, and fight. His optimistic spirit and cheerful attitude, his unquenchable energy and determination greatly influenced the result. Zhilin's warmth and pleasant manners prompted the owner's daughter Dina to help him escape. Taking risks, the girl helped the prisoner escape and even escorted him outside the village.

Zhilin happily reached his own, and Kostylin, refusing to escape again, spent another month in captivity. He, half dead and weak, was released as soon as the ransom arrived. Of course, I am delighted with the main character Zhilin. He is a fearless and courageous person, confident in himself and his abilities, positive and cheerful. He was able to change his circumstances, he was able to cope with a seemingly incredibly difficult problem, he was able to get out of a difficult situation with dignity. You can learn a lot from this man, for example, how to be an optimist in difficult circumstances, how to become a good friend, how to behave correctly in an unusual environment.

Two destinies, two heroes, but how different they are. Two Russian officers serve in the Caucasus, fulfilling their duty to the Fatherland. Having been captured by the Tatars, one strives for freedom, and the second humbly awaits his fate. So why are the fates of the two nobles so different? -officers.
Zhilin Ivan is a Russian officer, from a poor noble family. He is short in stature, but a handsome and daring young gentleman. He serves in the Caucasus, helping his old mother with money. He is not married, his mother found him a suitable bride and is waiting at home. Going to visit his mother, Zhilin takes a vacation, but on the way home he is captured. Here his moral qualities are revealed: rebellious, with a strong character, he does not lose hope, he is an optimist and believes in himself.
He is careful, but persistent in his aspirations, tries to act in any circumstances. Strong and courageous, he cannot come to terms with the position of a prisoner. There is no one to expect help from, relying only on himself, Zhilin is ready to carry a comrade on himself, without leaving him to be torn to pieces by enemies Smart and straightforward, Zhilin knows how to get along with people, he is respected even by his enemies, for his character, “golden hands” and his sense of dignity, which he does not lose even in captivity. Thanks to his ingenuity, dexterity, he managed to escape, and courage, bravery and a thirst for life, help him successfully reach “his people.”
Kostylin is from a wealthy noble family, a Russian officer and serves in the Caucasus. Tall, a clumsy “sissy”, fat and weak. A pessimist by nature, Kostylin does not try to change anything, having been captured. He is waiting for his ransom to be paid for him family, sleeps and complains about life. A weak-willed gentleman, cowardly and unable to do anything. His health is weak, and his spirit is even weaker. He can easily abandon a comrade in trouble, which is what he did with Zhilin.
Remaining in captivity, Kostylin received his freedom, he was ransomed a month later, but barely alive.
A craving for freedom and a thirst for life save Zhilin from death, there is no one to pay a ransom for him and death awaits him. He sees the good in life, helps people, and for this even his enemies respect him, and in the little girl Dina he finds a friend who helps him to escape. Honor and dignity helped Zhilin to remain an officer in any situation, even in captivity. Zhilin’s fate is the fate of the defender of the Motherland, for him honor and conscience are not empty words, which cannot be said about Kostylin. Having abandoned a comrade in trouble, becoming a coward in front of the enemy, he chooses the fate of a prisoner, weak-willed and devastated. A prisoner of his conscience, Kostylin will never be able to speak with pride about defending the Motherland.
Sissies have no place among officers; money only saves his life, not honor and dignity. Such different fates for two comrades who served together in the Caucasus.

In literature lessons we got acquainted with the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus". The main character of this work is the Russian officer Zhilin, who was accidentally captured by the Tatars.

There is another hero in the story, also an officer of the Russian army, Kostylin. Tolstoy talks about the captivity of these people in his work. Zhilin and Kostylin are completely different in character. Their destinies are different. They also differ in appearance. Kostylin is overweight and fat. He was sweating as the convoy moved towards the fortress. And I imagine Zhilin as slender, very active.

From the very first events, Tolstoy shows how different his heroes are from each other. When they drove ahead of the convoy, Kostylin had a loaded gun. But as soon as he saw the Tatars, he immediately forgot about him. He rushed to his heels and did not think at all that Zhilin was in great danger and that he and the gun could help him in any way. Zhilin, on the contrary, when he realized that he could not escape the pursuit, decided to kill at least one Tatar with a saber.

Heroes behave differently even in captivity. Kostylin immediately writes a letter home asking for a ransom to be sent. Zhilin is bargaining. He thinks about his mother, who will not be able to find not only three thousand, but also five hundred rubles. That's why he writes the address on the letter incorrectly. He relies only on himself. Zhilin immediately decided to escape from captivity.

He is very active. Always making something or walking around the village. But for a reason. Zhilin is looking for a way to escape. He makes a hole in the barn. At the same time, Kostylit only sleeps or “sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives.” He does not try to do anything on his own to save himself. He just hopes for others.

During his escape, Kostylin let down both himself and his comrade. He didn't think about being careful. When his legs began to hurt, Kostylin screamed, although he knew that a Tatar had recently passed by them, and with his scream he could attract his attention. And so it happened. And Zhilin again thinks not only about himself but also about his comrade. He does not escape from captivity alone, but calls Kostylin with him. When Kostylin can no longer walk from the pain in his legs, Zhilin carries him on himself, because “it’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

Despite any difficulties, Zhilin still escapes from captivity. He knows that he has no one to rely on. Therefore, he must save himself. He is a strong character person. He succeeds in everything. And Kostylin is weak-willed. He relies on others. Therefore, he almost dies in captivity. They ransomed him alive. This is how different characters influence the fate of each of the heroes.

/ / / Why do Zhilin and Kostylin have different destinies? (based on Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)

In the story, L. Tolstoy depicts the fate of two Russian soldiers - Zhilin and Kostylin. These heroes are the complete opposite of each other. Zhilin is small in stature, but a dexterous man, and Kostylin is corpulent and clumsy. Appearance is the first thing that catches the reader's eye. Further, the author gradually reveals the characters of Russian soldiers.

During the war with the Tatars, Russians moved long distances under the protection of soldiers, otherwise they could be captured by the enemy. During one of the moves, Zhilin was not on duty: he asked for leave and was returning home. The convoy constantly stopped, and the man got tired of “tragging along.” He decided to get home quickly, continuing his journey alone. Kostylin made the same decision and offered to go together. On the way they were attacked by the Tatars. First they chased after Zhilin. When Kostylin saw that his comrade was in trouble, he rushed not to help him, but to save his own skin. This episode demonstrates the cowardice of the soldier. As a result, both were captured.

If Zhilin managed to free himself, thanks to Dina, Kostylin barely waited for the ransom money. He was lucky that the money was sent before his death. Why did the fate of the soldiers turn out differently? Why didn’t Kostylin run away with his comrade? I think it's about the characters' personalities.

He had fierce fortitude. He did not bend either to people or to circumstances. The first clear demonstration of this quality is the episode in which a soldier was forced to write a ransom letter. The Tatar demanded 3,000 rubles, but the prisoner agreed only to 500. He knew that his mother had no money. Even under the threat of death, the soldier insisted on his own.

Zhilin never despaired. He believed that higher powers would help him escape, so he carefully prepared for his escape: he found out the way, dug a passage in the barn. The fate of the officer was also decided by his kindness. He helped the Tatars and thanks to this he found a savior.

Finally, the hero was helped by his endurance. He stubbornly walked towards his goal, not paying attention to wounds or hunger. Zhilin did not spare himself, so he was able to free himself.

I couldn't boast of such a strong character. He relied on others. The soldier sent a letter home, and then passively waited until he was ransomed. While waiting for release, the hero only ate and slept. He did not immediately agree to escape with Zhilin, as he succumbed to fear. His comrade managed to persuade him, but they did not go far.

Kostylin felt very sorry for himself. While escaping, he complained about worn-out boots and body aches. He refused to walk because of the wounds on his legs. Selfishness and weakness blocked the path to salvation not only for him, but also for Zhilin. After the corpulent officer tested his strength in escaping, he abandoned the attempt again and doomed himself to suffering for another month. But at the same time, he made sure that his friend would no longer put himself in danger because of him.

Thus, the destinies of the heroes turned out differently, due to the fact that they had different attitudes towards difficulties and themselves. The fate of Zhilin, who knew how to pull himself together and look for a way out of the situation, was more successful. The image of Kostylin proves that manifestations of physical and internal weakness can play a cruel joke on a person.