Psychological portraits of fairy-tale heroes. Fevronia

Essay on the topic: “What is the beauty of Fevronia”

Fevronia is the heroine of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”. Fevronia was one of those girls who, despite the fact that they are from a low family, still have a sense of self-esteem. Fevronia was a confident girl. She did not allow anyone, not even Prince Peter, to use her. The girl believed that she deserved more. Fevronia was very smart and wise. She answered all the questions and requests of the prince and boyars with wisdom. Fevronia, despite everything, achieved her goal and married Prince Peter. This speaks of her extraordinary willpower.

The girl was also kind. She was very gentle, sensitive and loving heart. Having fallen in love with the prince, Fevronia treated him very sensitively and tenderly. The girl knew how to achieve her goal. It was thanks to this character trait that she achieved the love of the prince. Fevronia was an honest girl. She did not allow herself to be deceived. This is evidenced by her action when she healed the prince for the first time. Fevronia was a believer. When the prince was dying, she decided to fill the air with the faces of saints.

In Russian folk tales there are also girls similar to Fevronia. They are just as wise, honest, and loving in heart. And almost all of them are children from poor families.

I will continue the description fairy-tale heroines. I will describe 4 more female characters from fairy tales. The fact is that in our classes we analyzed the main features of many fairy-tale heroines and my girls chose for themselves those heroines with whom they have similar features. The task was to look at your negative traits. And in fairy tales, as we know, everything is exaggerated. So, Baba Yaga is on stage.

Baba Yaga - hidden beneath Baba Yaga’s scary and sloppy appearance is intelligence, intuition, and strong maternal feelings. Such women, if they meet the understanding Koshchei the Immortal, who can understand where the artificial slander is and where the hidden real is, will receive a beautiful wife who can cure a sick person, understand a tired husband, cook “magic” food and... at the right moment they are able to radically transform . The main thing you need to learn is to be yourself, and therefore more confident in yourself. It’s not for nothing that Baba Yaga is also called the Goddess Mother Yagina; here the name speaks for itself.

The image is reduced. Click to see original.

Kikimora is not constant in her desires, she is frightened by a monotonous life, she wants to be irresistible, she is a little envious. The Kikimora woman is both strong and weak. The main thing is that she knows when it is time to be weak and when it is time to show strength of spirit. Due to her natural duality, such a woman can break down and get into trouble if there is not a strong and sensitive man next to her.

The image is reduced. Click to see original.

Lesovka is a forest maiden. She is beautiful, envious, cruel. It will be bad for anyone who offends Lesovka, be it a man or a woman. Lesovka is constantly looking for a girlfriend (boyfriend). However, becoming a friend (friend) of this capricious maiden is very difficult. If Lesovka is opened true peace beauty, show her a sense of tact, and maybe show “who’s boss”, then Lesovka can begin to “learn” to become different. She needs a powerful man who can direct Lesovka’s desires and skills in the right direction.

The image is reduced. Click to see original.

Maryana is the daughter of the sea, Princess of the Ocean. Maryana is fair, kind and loves her “relatives”. Maryana is devoted to her friends. All of her positive traits They work only until Maryana is offended. If you offend Maryana, then beware, the sea will rebel, the waves will cover you completely. Next to Maryana there must be a strong and calm person, a man who loves her enough to understand that the boiling sea in the soul of the sea maiden is her nature. Remember! after a storm there is always calm.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin - creator of a special literary genre - satirical tale. IN small stories The Russian writer denounced bureaucracy, autocracy, and liberalism. This article examines such works by Saltykov-Shchedrin as “ Wild landowner", "Eagle Patron", " The wise minnow", "Crucian idealist."

Features of Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales

In the fairy tales of this writer one can find allegory, grotesque, and hyperbole. There are features characteristic of an Aesopian narrative. The communication between the characters reflects the relationships that prevailed in society XIX century. Which satirical devices did the writer use? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to briefly talk about the life of the author, who so mercilessly exposed the inert world of landowners.

about the author

Saltykov-Shchedrin combined literary activity With public service. Was born future writer in the Tver province, but after graduating from the lyceum he left for St. Petersburg, where he received a position in the War Ministry. Already in the first years of work in the capital, the young official began to languish with the bureaucracy, lies, and boredom that reigned in the institutions. With great pleasure Saltykov-Shchedrin visited various literary evenings, in which anti-serfdom sentiments prevailed. He informed St. Petersburg residents about his views in the stories “A Confused Affair” and “Contradiction.” For which he was exiled to Vyatka.

Life in the provinces gave the writer the opportunity to observe in detail bureaucratic world, the life of landowners and the peasants oppressed by them. This experience became the material for writing later works, as well as the formation of special satirical techniques. One of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin’s contemporaries once said about him: “He knows Russia like no one else.”

Satirical techniques of Saltykov-Shchedrin

His work is quite diverse. But perhaps the most popular among Saltykov-Shchedrin’s works are fairy tales. We can highlight several special satirical techniques with the help of which the writer tried to convey to readers the inertia and deceit of the landowner world. And above all, in a veiled form, the author reveals deep political and social problems, expresses own point vision.

Another technique is the use of fantastic motifs. For example, in “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals” they serve as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the landowners. And finally, when naming Shchedrin’s satirical techniques, one cannot fail to mention symbolism. After all, fairy tale heroes often point to one of the social phenomena XIX century. Thus, the main character of the work “Horse” reflects all the pain of the Russian people, oppressed for centuries. Below is the analysis individual works Saltykov-Shchedrin. What satirical techniques are used in them?

"Crucian idealist"

In this tale, the views of representatives of the intelligentsia are expressed by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Satirical techniques that can be found in the work “Crucian carp the idealist” are symbolism, the use folk sayings and proverbs. Each of the heroes - collective image representatives of one or another social class.

The plot of the tale centers on a discussion between Karas and Ruff. The first, as is already clear from the title of the work, gravitates towards an idealistic worldview, belief in the best. Ruff, on the contrary, is a skeptic who mocks the theories of his opponent. There is also a third character in the tale - Pike. This unsafe fish symbolizes in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin powerful of the world this. Pike are known to feed on crucian carp. The latter, driven by the best feelings, goes to the predator. Karas does not believe in the cruel law of nature (or the established hierarchy in society for centuries). He hopes to bring Pike to his senses with stories about possible equality, universal happiness, and virtue. And that’s why he dies. Pike, as the author notes, is not familiar with the word “virtue”.

Satirical techniques are used here not only to expose the rigidity of representatives of certain sections of society. With the help of them, the author tries to convey the futility of moralistic debates that were common among the intelligentsia of the 19th century.

"Wild Landowner"

The theme of serfdom is given a lot of space in the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin. He had something to say to readers about this. However, writing a journalistic article about the relationship of landowners to peasants or publishing a work of art in the genre of realism on this topic was fraught for the writer unpleasant consequences. Therefore, we had to resort to allegories, easy humorous stories. In “The Wild Landowner” we are talking about a typical Russian usurper, not distinguished by education and worldly wisdom.

He hates “men” and dreams of killing them. At the same time, the stupid landowner does not understand that without the peasants he will die. After all, he doesn’t want to do anything, and he doesn’t know how. One might think that the prototype of the fairy tale hero is a certain landowner whom the writer perhaps met in real life. But no. It's about not about any particular gentleman. And about the social stratum as a whole.

Saltykov-Shchedrin fully explored this theme, without allegories, in “The Golovlev Gentlemen.” The heroes of the novel - representatives of a provincial landowner family - die one after another. The reason for their death is stupidity, ignorance, laziness. The character in the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” faces the same fate. After all, he got rid of the peasants, which he was glad about at first, but he was not ready for life without them.

"Eagle Patron"

The heroes of this tale are eagles and crows. The first symbolize the landowners. The second are peasants. The writer again resorts to the technique of allegory, with the help of which he ridicules the vices of the powerful. The tale also includes the Nightingale, Magpie, Owl and Woodpecker. Each of the birds is an allegory for a type of people or social class. The characters in "The Eagle the Patron" are more humanized than, for example, the heroes of the fairy tale "Crucian the Idealist." Thus, the Woodpecker, who has the habit of reasoning, at the end of the bird's story does not become a victim of a predator, but ends up behind bars.

"The Wise Minnow"

As in the works described above, in this tale the author raises questions relevant to that time. And here this becomes clear from the very first lines. But Saltykov-Shchedrin’s satirical techniques are the use artistic means For critical image vices not only social, but also universal. The author narrates the story in “The Wise Minnow” in a typical fairy-tale style: “Once upon a time...”. The author characterizes his hero in this way: “enlightened, moderately liberal.”

Cowardice and passivity are ridiculed in this tale Great master satires. After all, these were precisely the vices that were characteristic of most representatives of the intelligentsia in the eighties years XIX century. The gudgeon never leaves its shelter. He lives long life, avoiding encounters with dangerous inhabitants water world. But only before his death does he realize how much he missed during his long and worthless life.

Lesson summary on fine arts in 3rd grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard (using reproductive reading techniques) Educational Complex "Planet of Knowledge"

Subject:"Portraits fairy-tale heroes»
Compiled by: Stepanova Tatyana Sergeevna, teacher visual arts, Debesskaya secondary school, Debesy village, Udmurt Republic.
Lesson type: lesson on the integrated use of knowledge
Lesson objectives:
- in terms of content: know about the decorative fictional portrait, as a type of portrait; about the peculiarities of his drawing;
- according to the method of work: master the techniques of depicting a portrait of a fairy-tale hero using the “spot” drawing technique.
Lesson objectives:
- bring up careful attitude to fairy tales and fairy-tale characters;
- cultivate a love of reading;
- continue to develop knowledge about the portrait, its types and methods of conveying mood through colors and facial expressions;
- develop the ability to compare and make choices, give an aesthetic assessment of the works of illustrators;
- develop fantasy and imagination, independent creative thinking skills;
- develop the ability to work with text, evaluate, and analyze the information received.


- realize the need for a respectful attitude towards the book and the fairy-tale hero; develop logical and abstract thinking, creative imagination, concentration;
- develop the ability to create artistic image, aesthetic assessment of the works of Russian illustrators;
- develop motivation and love for reading books.
Regulatory: apply established rules in solving a problem.
Cognitive: search and select the necessary information.
Metasubject: developing the ability to work with text, evaluate and apply the information received;
Subject: master the basic techniques of conveying the mood in a portrait of a fairy-tale hero, as well as drawing using the “spot” technique.
Visual and didactic materials: images of fairy-tale characters, presentation, handout cards for performing semantic reading exercises.
Literary series: Yuri Entin's poem "There are many fairy tales in the world...", poem "", poems about fairy-tale characters.
Equipment For the teacher: samples of portraits of fairy-tale characters, computer, projector, board, presentation, gouache, brushes, A-3 format, handout cards. For students: gouache, brushes, album.
Reproductive reading methods and techniques used:
- “Associative bush”;
- “Thin” and “thick” questions;
- Cinquain.

For reference:
"Associative bush"- one of the main methods of working with information. The teacher gives a keyword or title of the text, students write down all possible associations around it, indicating with arrows semantic connections between them. This allows you to update existing knowledge, activate the cognitive ability of students and motivate them to further work.

“Thin” and “thick” questions– one of the main techniques for working with information after reading, allowing you to systematize and consolidate the knowledge gained. “Thick” questions require ambiguous answers “Give an explanation why...?”; “Why do you think...?”; “Find differences and similarities...”; “Guess what will happen if...?” “Subtle” questions require a simple answer, “Who?”; "What?"; "When?"; "Do you agree?".

Sinkwine- one of the main creative techniques working with information after reading, allowing you to systematize and consolidate the knowledge gained. A cinquain is a short, unrhymed poem of five lines.

The first line is the theme of the syncwine, one word, noun or pronoun;
second line – two adjectives or participles that describe the properties of the topic;
third line - three verbs or gerunds telling about the actions of the topic;
the fourth line is a four-word sentence expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic;
fifth line – one word (any part of speech) expressing the essence of the topic; a kind of resume.

Portrait of a fairy-tale hero
Bright, decorative
Drawing, fantasizing, imagining
The portrait conveys the mood of the hero

During the classes:

Organizing time.
- Hello guys! Sit down nicely, straight backs, straighten up! Well done!
Explanation of a new topic.
- I would like to start today’s lesson with a poem by Yuri Entin. Please listen carefully (the poem appears on slide 1):

- Guys, what are these lines about?
- Right! They are about fairy-tale characters! Let's post this concept on the chalkboard (a sign “Fairytale hero” appears on the board)
- Guys, what kind of fairy-tale heroes are they? Can we somehow characterize them? Let's remember again the lines from the poem we read. All associations with fairy-tale characters we will write on the board, around the sign (a discussion arises in the class, we write down associations around the sign, for example, evil and good, magical, unusual images, etc.)
- That's right! Fairy-tale heroes can be evil and good, with their own character, just like people - they are all different. But we have now written general associations about all fairy-tale characters! Now, I would like you each to try to select and write down associations for a specific hero of a fairy tale. On each of your desks there is a piece of paper with tasks, where you see a diagram with a specific fairy-tale hero and a poem about him. First, read the poem, and then write down all the associations that you have around the fairy-tale hero in this diagram. Independent work 2-3 minutes.

- Well done! I see you completed the task! Now look at the screen (slide 2, poem about the portrait of A. Kushner). Let's read a poem by Alexander Kushner:

- Guys, what is this poem about?
- Right! It's about a portrait (the teacher attaches a sign with the concept “Portrait” to the board).
- And now, based on these two concepts “Fairy-tale hero” and “Portrait”, formulate the topic of today’s lesson!
- Right! The topic of our lesson today is “Portraits of fairy-tale characters”! The teacher attaches a sign to the board with the inscription “Portraits of fairy-tale heroes” and opens closed portraits of fairy-tale heroes on the chalkboard ( visual material teachers, drawn on A4 formats)
- Guys, look carefully at these portraits! What fairy tale characters do you see? Each character in the fairy tale has its own character and it is reflected in these images using color range, lines, facial features.

- Let's see how fairy-tale characters were portrayed by illustrators. Here are illustrations by artist Irina Petelina (slide 3). Guys, to analyze the artists’ illustrations, we will answer some questions.

- Now let’s look at the illustrations of the artist Ivan Bilibin (slide 4).
Working with illustration analysis

- Let’s also consider Viktor Vasnetsov’s illustration for the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf", which depicts the princess and Koschey the Immortal (slide 5).
Working with illustration analysis

- You can portray a fairy-tale hero realistically and decoratively, but the portrait in any case will be fictitious (slide 6). Let's consider this using the example of illustrations for the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” (slide 6).

- Now I will show you how to draw a fairy-tale hero using the “spot” technique.
The teacher draws a pedagogical drawing (fairy-tale king):
1. We write the face of a fairy-tale hero “from the spot.” Mix white, a drop of red and a drop of yellow.
2. While the gouache on the face is drying, eyes and other facial features cannot be drawn, so we first paint the clothes, hair, crown, and beard of the fairy-tale king “from the stain.”

3. Drawing the face and others small parts, for example, patterns on clothes.
4. Background – this can be a plain background or depict the environment in which the hero is at that moment, for example, a city, inside a hut, a clearing, etc.

Integrated lesson: literature and MHC. The lesson is devoted to the analysis of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", and also discusses the creation of icons dedicated to these saints. Integrated lesson: literature and MHC. Analysis of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Peter and Fevronia in icon painting.



6th grade


Integrated lesson: Literature, MHC

Lesson type: information project– collection and processing of information on significant issue for the purpose of presenting it to a wide audience.

Topic: Peter and Fevronia of Murom in ancient Russian literature and painting.

Target : disclosure of the idea of ​​the omnipotence of love and its embodiment in the “Tale...”, determination of the moral character of a person Ancient Rus'.
1. Educational:

  1. determine the versatility of displaying the character of the heroes;
  2. to uncover author's attitude to the heroes;
  3. improve skills in writing characteristics of heroes;
  4. developing the ability to compare and draw your own conclusions.

2. Educational:

  1. cultivate moral qualities: kindness, devotion, loyalty in friendship and love, the ability to forgive;
  2. foster respect for culture home country and native language.

3. Developmental:

  1. develop logical thinking, oral speech, communication skills (work in groups);
  2. develop research skills.

Lesson type: lesson - project defense (using interactive techniques); the nature of the project is intraclass; Duration: mini-project (1 lesson)
Equipment: , multimedia projector, computer, student drawings, student presentations.

Project participants:


Purpose: to introduce the Old Russian text,explain words, translate text passages into Russian.

Agrik (Agrikov's sword), from Peter's shoulder, ceramides, span, child-loving, from time immemorial, crafty deceiver, told, slyness, wonderful sight, marveled, wise virgin, slander, blessed, pure souls, monastic robes, repose, cover (air with the faces of saints), chasuble, synclit,righteous, pious, faithful, shrine with relics.

Translate the passage:Sow in the Russian lands a city called Mur...

... Hearing that there were many doctors within the boundaries of the Ryazan land, he commanded himself to tell stories there, for he himself could not sit on a horse from a great illness. He was quickly brought to the borders of the Ryazan land and the ambassador sent his entire search for doctors.

Only the young man shied away from those approaching him in a manner that was described as Affectionate. And I came to a certain house by the gate and saw no one. And he went into the house, and no one could see him. And I entered the temple and in vain the vision was wonderful: sitting alone was a maiden, woven red, and in front of her was a hare galloping.

Literary scholars:

1. Who is Ermolai Erasmus? What genre does “The Tale of Peter and...” belong to? When was it created? Can we classify this work as a pure hagiography? What do researchers say about this? + reader on DRL p. 568 (red), + reader on DRL (black) pp. 189, 191.

2. Task: to determine which folk legends can be traced in the plot of “The Tale..”

3. Task: to determine the versatility of displaying the character of the “wonderful” Fevronia.

4. Task: to determine how Fevronia is related to the heroines of Russian folk tales.

5. Task: to determine the originality of revealing the character of the “glorious” Peter.

Image of Peter.

The meaning of fighting a snake. (sheets from the magazine pp. 14, 15)

6. Task: to reveal the features of the composition of the story (four short stories, united by the idea of ​​all-conquering love)

7. Objective: to reveal the glorification of an ideal married life and wise management of the principality. Determine the author's attitude towards the characters.

8. Task: compare “The Tale...” with the novel about Tristan and Isolde. (sheets from the magazine. Page 15), identify similarities and differences.


Task: dramatization of an excerpt from the young man’s arrival to Fevronia and their dialogue (Messenger at Fevronia)

Art critics: icons dedicated to the image of Peter and Fevronia.

Vocabulary (on the board)

Ancestor – a very distant, legendary, impersonal ancestor.

Charter and semi-charter -types of handwriting of ancient Slavic manuscripts

Hagiography - (Latin Agiographia from the Greek hagios - “saint” and grapho - “writing”) - church hagiographic literature, biographies of saints of the Christian Church)

During the classes:

1. introduction teachers.


Guys, why do you think we, living in the 21st century, need to know works of ancient Russian literature?

Student answers: Know your history, literature, moral and spiritual behests of your ancestors, which are not outdated to this day. Only a person who knows all this can consider himself a patriot of his country, his Motherland.

What is the Motherland?

This is what Alexei Tolstoy wrote in his article “Motherland” (1941):

“... The Motherland is the movement of the people along their land from the depths of centuries towards the desired future, in which they believe and create with their own hands for themselves and their generations. This is an ever-dying and ever-born stream of people carrying their own language, their own spiritual and material culture...

The Russian people created a huge oral literature: wise proverbs and cunning riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics about the glorious exploits of heroes, heroic, magical, everyday tales.

Literature was the dignity and intelligence of the people. She established and strengthened him moral character, was his historical memory and filled his entire measured life with deep content...

... It was not for nothing that the ancestor weaved a magical web of the Russian language, it was not for nothing that his generations composed songs, it was not for nothing that Moscow people sat in the evenings wax candle over books and reflected on human truth and wrote down their thoughts in a charter and half-charter.”

The entire broad, creative, passionate soul of the Russian people is reflected in literature and art.

Today we turn to hagiographic literature (see chalkboard entry), namely, the Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, and we will also talk about icons and icon-painted portraits depicting these saints.

Tell me, who was canonized?

(Those who were most famous for their feats of self-sacrifice and faith were canonized by the church as saints. Contemporaries and descendants spoke about them in works called Lives, which served as the main form of reading in the Middle Ages. The Lives wonderfully intertwined descriptions of the facts of reality with legends and fantasies).

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

2. Literature. (slide 5)


The poetic heritage of Ancient Rus' includes more than one work. However, in terms of the depth of artistic thought, in terms of subtlety psychological analysis and in terms of perfection of form, “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” rightfully ranks special place and among the ancient Russian literary monuments, and in world literature.

As you understand modern meaning wordsstory? (Tale - literary narrative work with a plot less complex than in the novel.

Modern and Old Russian meaning wordsthe stories are different from each other. In Ancient Rus' this is not genre definition works, and “story” means “narration.”

Let's remember who wrote this work?

Slide 5.

I. Ermolai-Erasmus (Ermolai the Sinful - Russian writer And publicist16th century, author of a story aboutPeter and Fevronia Muromsky.

Literary creativity it dates back to the 40-60s of the 16th century, its heyday falls in the middle of the century. Biographical information information about him is scant and known mainly from his own writings.

Ermolai-Erasmus was not only a publicist and church writer. He owns two works - The Tale of Peter and Fevronia and the Tale of Ryazan bishop Vasily, which can be characterized as works of artistic prose.

Ermolai-Erasmus achieved perfection in plot development in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia. This story differs sharply from the lives written at this time.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia tells a love story between a prince and a peasant woman.

What language is it written in? this work? (in Old Russian).

A word to linguists-translators.

Literary scholars:

This story has a hagiographic basis:

Firstly, the heroes of the story - historical figures, they reigned in Murom in the 13th century. In 1547 the church canonized them as saints, so a life was written.The work was written after the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow church cathedral V1547.

Features of life.

Life (translated from Church Slavonic as “life”) is a description of the lives of saints and their deeds.

The lives had a certain structure. Introduction - an appeal to God (praise and prayer for help) The life itself - the birth of a saint, righteous life, death and miracles. Conclusion – praise to the saint

The story is written in the form of a life, but there is no traditional hagiographic genre construction of the work (the beginning does not correspond to the beginning of life, the trials that Peter and Fevronia go through are not sent to them by the devil, but are created by the envy of people; only the ending is a classic example of life). But still, the story contains features of life.

Secondly, g heroes live according to the commandments of God, in Hard time turn to God.

Thirdly, they perform miracles during life and after death (they prophetically predicted their death, died on the same day and hour, did not separate after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious illnesses.

II. This is a story about the power and beauty of love, overcoming all the hardships of life and conquering death.

Features of the story.

Tale - prose genre gravitating towards newsreel story, reproducing the natural course of life.

Despite the hagiographic form of presentation, a narrative technique is used to convince readers that everything written is true, that this is exactly what happened.

The authenticity of the “Tale...” is given by the names of specific places of action (the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo).

Heroes of the story - real people. (Peter and Fevronya reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, died in 1228).

At the center of the work is the image of a simple peasant girl who has to go through serious real trials.

The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of boyars striving for power who killed each other in civil strife.

1. Folk legends in the plot of Ermolai-Erasmus. Poetic fiction, dating back to the traditions of oral folk art.

However, in the story only the names are historical, around which a number of folk legends have developed that form the basis of the plot.

(plot - series of events taking place in work of art and built for the reader).

Yermolai-Erasmus was greatly influenced by the folk legend “About the peasant woman Fevronia from the village of Laskovo”, the legend about the Murom prince and his wife, that he, a well-educated church writer, who was given the goal of giving a biography of the saints, created a work that was essentially far from hagiographic genre. The story of Peter and Fevronia differs sharply from the lives written at this time. Poetic fiction also goes back to the traditions of oral folk art, namely the fairy tale.

Fairy tale - a work of oral folk art about fictional events, with the participation of magical, fantastic forces.

In the story we meet the following features of the tale:

Fairytale beginning: “There is in Russian land city... it was ruled by a prince named Paul”;

Not indicated exact time, it is counted from last event: “in a year”, “in a day”, “the next morning”;

The first part of the "Tale..." is similar to fairy tale about the tempting snake, the second - about the fairy tale about the wise maiden;

There are magical things: Agricov's sword;

Good conquers evil (Peter defeated the serpent);


2. Features of the story's composition.

The composition of the story is interesting, where 4 short stories are combined, connected by the idea of ​​all-conquering love: 1. About the fiery serpent; 2. About the wise maiden;

3. healing of Peter; 4. The reign of Peter and Fevronia.

According to other scientists, the story combines two folk-poetic plots: a fairy tale about a fiery serpent and a fairy tale about a wise maiden. Other scientists say that the story does not have an artificial nature, but features of a slightly revised historical legend. Feature the story is a reflection in it of the details of peasant and princely life - this was new in ancient literature.

Can we say that this work belongs only to hagiographic literature?



The Tale of Peter and Fevronia(full original name « The Tale of the Lives of the New Saints, Wonderworker of Murom, the Blessed and Reverend and Praised Prince Peter, named in the monastic rank of David, and his wife, the Blessed and Reverend and Praised Princess Fevronia, named in the monastic rank of Euphrosyne") - a monument to ancient Russianhagiographical literature 16th century, abandoned Ermolai-Erasmusbased oral legend, and therefore is not a typical examplehagiographic literature.

Most likely, this is a hagiographic story with elements of a folk-fairy tale nature.

3. Fevronia's relationship with the heroines of Russian folk tales about the wise maiden.

With oral-poetic folk tradition connected image central heroine- Fevronia. This is especially evident when Fevronia answers Peter’s messenger in the form of riddles. Her answers have parallels in oralfolk art, namely in riddles: The groom came to the bride and began to ask:

Where is father? – My father left to exchange 100 rubles for a nickel (hound hunting). _Where is mother? - She left to cry. I would like to pack you, groom, for lunch, but lunch is under the chicken’s tail (an egg).

And Fevronia’s answers about a chick and a bunch of flax are very similar to folk tale about a smart granddaughter.

4. The versatility of displaying the character of the “wonderful Fevronia”.

Slide (plan)

The character of Fevronia in the story is presented in many ways. The daughter of a Ryazan peasant is full of self-esteem, female pride, extraordinary strength of mind and will.

Linguists read the text in Old Russian (slide), are translated.

The actors perform a reenactment - a messenger from Fevronia)

(see The Beginning of All Beginnings p. 146)

5. The originality of revealing the character of “glorious Peter”

6. Singing of an ideal married life and wise management of the principality (“they ruled their city with truth and meekness, and not with rage”)

In the eyes of those around her, Fevronia is a “seer”, has the gift of foresight, and reveals moral and mental superiority over the prince. For the author, she is the ideal of moral wealth and spiritual beauty. Ermolai Erasmus writes about her with deep sympathy, glorifying wisdom, fidelity in love, holiness of feelings, and the high moral qualities of a peasant girl. In all manifestations of her feelings, actions, actions peace of mind and peace. Even at the moment when she decides to die at the same time as her loved one, without fuss, without exclamations or lamentations, Fevronia interrupts her work by wrapping a thread around a needle and sticking it into the air, which she was embroidering for the church. To some extent, this detail is perceived as a symbol of the end of earthly life and the beginning of the afterlife.

8. Similarities and differences in the “Tale..” with the novel about Tristan and Isolde.


III. Conclusion

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” is an original highly artistic work that had a significant influence on the development of secular literature in Ancient Rus'. The story is a hymn to the Russian woman, her intelligence, selfless and active love.


Peter and Fevronia in painting.

Monuments and Holiday dedicated to Peter and Fevronia (presentation)

D\Z according to literature. Answer the questions: “What attracts us to Peter and Fevronia today and what do the heroes of the ancient Russian “Life” teach us?


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Slide captions:

Project Peter and Fevronia of Murom in Old Russian literature and painting.

The original text of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia"

Project advocates: Linguists-translators Literary critics Artists Art critics

Literature Ideological and artistic originality of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”

Ermolai-Erasmus (Ermolai the Pregreshny) - Russian writer and publicist of the 16th century, author of the story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom. His literary work dates back to the 40-60s of the 16th century, with its heyday falling in the middle of the century. Biographical information about him is scanty and is known mainly from his own writings.

linguists-translator and Agric (Agrik's sword), from Peter's shoulder, ceramides, span, child-loving, from time immemorial, crafty deceiver, told, slyness, wonderful sight, marveled, wise virgin, slander, blessed, pure souls, monastic robes, repose, cover (air with the faces of saints), robe, synclit, righteous, pious, faithful, shrine with relics.

Features of life. Life (translated from Church Slavonic as “life”) is a description of the lives of saints and their deeds. The lives had a certain structure. Introduction - an appeal to God (praise and prayer for help) The life itself - the birth of a saint, righteous life, death and miracles. Conclusion - praise to the saint The story is written in the form of a hagiography, but there is no structure of the work traditional for the hagiographical genre (the beginning does not correspond to the hagiographic beginning, the trials that Peter and Fevronia go through are not sent to them by the devil, but are created by the envy of people; only the ending is a classic example of hagiography ). But still, the story contains features of life. First, the author glorifies the saints by creating ideal images. Secondly, the heroes live according to “the commandments of God, and in difficult times they turn to God. Thirdly, they perform miracles during life and after death (they prophetically predicted their death, died on the same day and hour, did not separate after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious illnesses.

Features of the story. The story is a prose genre that gravitates towards a chronicle plot, reproducing the natural course of life. Despite the hagiographic form of presentation, a narrative technique is used to convince readers that everything written is true, that this is exactly what happened. The authenticity of the “Tale...” is given by the names of specific places of action (the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo). The heroes of the story are real people. (Peter and Fevronya reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, died in 1228). At the center of the work is the image of a simple peasant girl who has to go through serious real trials. The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of boyars striving for power who killed each other in civil strife.

Folk legends in the plot of Ermolai-Erasmus. Poetic fiction, going back to the traditions of oral folk art. However, in the story only the names are historical, around which a number of folk legends have developed that form the basis of the plot. (plot is a series of events occurring in a work of fiction and structured for the reader). Poetic fiction also goes back to the traditions of oral folk art, namely fairy tales. A fairy tale is a work of oral folk art about fictional events involving magical, fantastic forces. In the story we meet the following features fairy tales: - fairytale beginning: “There is a city in the Russian land... a prince named Pavel ruled in it”; - the exact time is not indicated, it is counted from the last event: “in a year”, “in a day”, “the next morning”; - the first part of the “Tale...” is similar to a fairy tale about a tempting snake, the second is like a fairy tale about a wise maiden; - there are magical things: Agricov’s sword; - good conquers evil (Peter defeated the serpent); - puzzles.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia (full original title: “The Tale of the Lives of the New Wonderworker Saints of Murom, the Blessed and Reverend and Worshipful Prince Peter, named in the monastic rank of David, and his wife the Blessed and Reverend and Praised Princess Fevronia, named in the monastic rank of Euphrosyne ") - a monument to ancient Russian hagiographic literature XVI century, compiled by Ermolai-Erasmus on the basis of oral legend, and therefore is not a typical example hagiographic literature. Most likely, this is a hagiographic story with elements of a folk-fairy tale nature.

Old Russian language I heard that there were many doctors within the Ryazan land and commanded myself there to tell the story of the power of sitting on a horse from a great illness. He was quickly brought to the aisles of the Ryazan land and the ambassador synclit in his entire search for doctors.

Translation of the passage I heard that there were many healers in the Ryazan land and ordered myself to be taken there, since I myself could not sit on a horse due to illness. They brought him to the Ryazan land, and he sent messengers to look for a healer.

Linguists-translators: Translate the excerpt: Sow in the Russian lands a city called Mur…. ... Hearing that there were many doctors within the boundaries of the Ryazan land, he commanded himself to tell stories there, for he himself could not sit on a horse from a great illness. He was quickly brought to the borders of the Ryazan land and the ambassador sent his entire search for doctors. Only the young man shied away from those approaching him in a manner that was described as Affectionate. And I came to a certain house by the gate and saw no one. And he went into the house, and no one could see him. And I entered the temple and in vain the vision was wonderful: sitting alone was a maiden, woven red, and in front of her was a hare galloping.

The versatility of displaying the character of “wonderful Fevronia”: a) self-esteem; b) extraordinary strength of mind and will (“in a woman’s head you had the wisdom of holy men”); c) a tender, sensitive, loving heart; d) the ability to fight for your love; e) nobility of actions, Christian virtues.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" is an original highly artistic work that had a significant influence on the development of secular literature in Ancient Rus'. The story is a hymn to the Russian woman, her intelligence, selfless and active love.

MHC Images of Peter and Fevronia of Murom on icons and iconographic portraits

Monuments to Peter and Fevronia in Arkhangelsk in Ulyanovsk in Sochi in Yaroslavl in Abakan in Yeisk in Murom

D\Z on literature. Answer the questions: “What attracts us to Peter and Fevronia today and what do the heroes of the ancient Russian “Life” teach us?