Tests to test the “residual” knowledge of students in the course “Russian oral folk art. Literary quiz “Through the pages of folklore”

Description of work. This event can be carried out by teachers primary school as a lesson extracurricular reading or dedicated to the study of the section “Oral folk art».

Goals: instill an interest in reading, teach expressive and attentive reading, enrich lexicon students, develop interest and attention to the world around them, to the people's word And folk customs, introduce children to folk culture; develop attention, memory, Creative skills, cultivate a love for books, cultivate artistic taste, learn to work in a team, get children interested in studying this material.

Equipment: handouts, exhibition of books, drawings by students, samples of Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya toys; image musical instruments, pictures depicting Russian folk costumes, Russian folk costumes for dancing, musical accompaniment, sticker awards for teams, puzzles, audio recording of Russians folk songs, nicknames, etc.

Game conditions: dividing the class into teams, choosing team captains. The team that collects the most reward stickers wins.

Preliminary work: drawing competition, reading and telling fairy tales, listening to audio recordings, watching cartoons, rehearsing Russian folk dance.

Preparation of certificates and prizes for teams.

Teams answer in turns.

Progress of the quiz game:

Host: Hello, guys. Today we have gathered with you for a quiz: “Folklore - folk art" Let's remember what folklore is. Translated from in English the word "folklore" means folk wisdom, folk knowledge. Folklore combines the following elements: verbal, musical, theatrical. It is closely related to folk life and rituals. Russian dance, Russian song, Russian music are a part of the life of every Russian person. Since infancy, you have already listened to small genres of folklore - these are your first lullabies ("Bayu, bai", "At the cat-coo", "Drema"), pestushki, teasers, nursery rhymes. What genres of folklore can you list (children's answers). Well done. Now let's split into two teams. Let's come up with a name for the teams and choose a captain. So, let's start the game.

1 task. We start our game by listening to Russian folk songs. (Turn on audio recordings). The song is the soul of the Russian people, they were sung and still sung, as they say, “in sorrow and in joy.” Now name which Russians folk songs you also know and even perform in music lessons. The team that names the most songs wins. (“You are my beloved land”, “Be healthy”, “Kalina”, “Harmonist Timoshka”, “Like on thin ice”, “Felt boots”, “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, “By the valley, by the meadow”,” Geese-swans", "Curl, birch").

Task 2. Find types of oral folk art. Cross out the excess (handouts on cards).

Tongue twisters, stories, counting rhymes, jokes, fables, chants, fairy tales, literary tales, proverbs, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, poems, stories, boring tales, riddles, teasers, songs, fables.

3 task. Collect proverbs about work and goodness. Children are given cards with the following content.

Finished the job -

And work makes you healthier.

Kind soon

What a spring day.

Walk boldly.

It will do the job

What makes a person sick from laziness?

And the animals remember.

Sweet Nothing-

Reaches to the heart

And man's work.

He doesn't eat.

So he can't sit idle.

Labor, labor, labor-

Here are three eternal treasures.

Don't sit idly by.

Kind words.

The sun paints the earth.

Who doesn't work?

Who is used to working

This way there will be no boredom.

4 task. Collect the picture and say which Russian folk tale is depicted /puzzles/. After collecting the pictures, talk about fairy tales.

Name the fairy tale and the main characters

What is the story about? ( brief retelling by content)

What does this work teach?

Viewing an exhibition of drawings based on fairy tales.

5 task. Guess the hero of the fairy tale.

Which fairy tale hero lay on the stove all the time? (Emelya)

Who did the apple tree, the stove and the river help? (Mashenka)

To whom are these words addressed: “... prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before the grass?” (Sivka-burka)

There are frequent stars on the azure dress, on the head there is a clear moon, such a beauty - you can’t even think of, guess, or describe with a pen. (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

Task 6. Come up with riddles. The Russian people are famous for their wit, ingenuity, and mystery, therefore great place in Russian folklore it is given to riddles. Now you are practicing writing riddles.

Task 7. Folk dance (folklore dance) is a manifestation of feelings, mood, emotions, performed first of all for oneself, and then for the viewer. Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers also led round dances, organized funny folk festivals. Now we will hold a competition for the best Russian folk dance(by command; pre-prepared children dance in Russian folk costumes with musical accompaniment).

Task 8. Folk art is always understandable and loved. These can be toys made of wood, clay, dishes, carpets, lace. Each product carries joy, kindness, warmth, and fantasy. The folk toy is figurative, colorful, and original. Remember what types folk toys you know, and what you can tell about them (the most informative material is taken into account) Examples: Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol, Bogorodsk toys.

Task 9. What musical instruments did your great-grandparents play? Who knows? In the old days, people playing musical instruments had a place of honor. Who can name more musical instruments (Ratchet - makes a lot of noise, used in wedding ceremonies supposedly this protects the young couple from evil spirits; bells, balalaika, whistle, button accordion, tambourine (used by buffoons), domra, zhaleika, gusli, kalyuka (pipe), spoons, ocarina (a type of whistle-like vessel-shaped flute), horn, flute).

10 task. Questions for teams (4 questions each).

The hero of lullabies, a magical creature (Drema).

The hero of lullabies, who puts children to sleep with his purring (cat).

A ritual that was performed on children after birth (baptism).

Folklore. Folk wisdom (folklore).

A crib in which babies were put to sleep. Ancient word(cradle).

The birth of a child. An ancient word (motherland).

What did the word “bayat” mean in the old days (to speak).

Host: Our game has come to an end. Today you have shown yourself to be real experts in Russian folklore. I think that folk art and folk wisdom will always be in your hearts.

Summing up and rewarding teams.

Test on the topic "Folklore"

1. Folklore is:

A) special kind creativity, which has retained connections with ancient thinking and understanding of words;

b) art created by the people and existing in wide areas the masses;

c) oral folk art;

d) a set of works on various topics.

2. From what language was the word “folklore” borrowed?

a) Greek; c) English; b) Latin; d) Russian.

3. In what century was the concept of “folklore” introduced into Russian literature?

A) in the 14th century b) in the 19th century c) in the 18th century d) in the 16th century

a) poet; b) chronicler; c) singer-storyteller; d) people.

5. Which of the listed genres belong to folklore?

a) a riddle; b) song; c) proverb; d) story; e) poem; f) story; g) fairy tale; h) legend; i) proverb.

6. What is a proverb?

a) a figurative combination of words; b) part of a judgment that gives an accurate assessment of an event or person;

c) a complete statement of edifying content.

7. Choose proverbs that are close in meaning.

a) If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. 1) A word is not an arrow, and it hits worse than an arrow.

b) The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. 2) You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

c) Even if you live in a forest hut, you can still be with your loved one. 3) Whoever you hang out with, that’s who you’re like

d) Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain. 4) With a sweetheart, heaven and in a hut.

8. Which of these statements is a proverb?

a) Friends are known in trouble. B) You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

B) Miracles in a sieve. D) Live forever and learn.

9. What is a folk tale?

a) an action-packed story with fantastic content; b) historical story;

c) genre of oral folk art; d) legend.

10. What types of fairy tales are divided into?

a) adventure; b) biographical; c) magical; d) historical; e) household; e) about animals.

11. What is the name of this part of the fairy tale:“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king”?

A) beginning b) ending c) saying d) nickname

12.V fairy tales Each character plays a specific role. The main character of the fairy tale has helpers and pests. Select them from the list of heroes.

a) Horse; b) Hare; c) Zmey Gorynych; d) Geese-swans; d) Pike; f) Baba Yaga; g) Fox; h) Koschey the Immortal; i) Gray Wolf.

13. Match the types of fairy tales and their corresponding characteristics.

a) magical; 1) The purpose of the fairy tale is to tell in a fun and instructive way about the antics of animals, to show vices and virtues.

b) household; 2) The purpose of the fairy tale is to test the hero who has entered into a fight with magical powers.

c) about animals. 3) The purpose of a fairy tale is to tell about an unusual incident; the action takes place in a normal setting.

a) a special type of creativity that has retained connections with ancient thinking and understanding of words;

b) art created by the people and existing among the broad masses;

c) oral folk art;

d) a set of works on various topics.

2. From what language was the word “folklore” borrowed?

a) Greek; b) Latin; c) English; d) Russian.

a) poet; b) chronicler; c) singer-storyteller; d) people.

4. Which of the listed genres belong to folklore?:

a) a riddle; b) song; c) proverb; d) story; e) poem; f) fairy tale; g) legend; h) saying.

5. What is a proverb:

a) a figurative combination of words;

b) part of a judgment that gives an accurate assessment of an event or person;

c) a complete statement of edifying content.

6. What is the difference between proverbs and sayings:

a) in the accuracy and imagery of the statement;

b) a proverb is a complete judgment, a saying is a part of a judgment.

7. Fairy tale (genre definition )- This….

a) a legend about heroes.

b) a short saying, the content of the rules of worldly wisdom.

c) a short story of a fantastic nature.

8. Types of folk tales :

a) magical, everyday, about animals, flora and inanimate nature;

b) magical, realistic, sentimental;

c) magical, everyday, about animals.

9. The composition of a folk tale consists of:

a) saying, beginning, main part, ending.

b) beginning, main events, saying, ending.

c) beginning, saying, ending

10. Features of fairy tales about animals:

a) magical powers that help the heroes.

b) the main characters look like people (they talk, dress like people)

c) the characters behave naturally, as in nature.

11. Match the types of fairy tales and their corresponding characteristics:

a) magical; 1) the purpose of the fairy tale is to tell about the antics of animals in a fun and instructive way,

show vices and virtues;

b) household; 2) the task of a fairy tale is to test the hero who has entered into a fight with magical forces;

c) about animals. 3) the purpose of the fairy tale is to tell about an unusual incident; action takes place

in a normal setting.

12. Indicate a permanent epithet:

a) a beautiful maiden; b) green grass; c) gray sky.

13. What is the name of this compositional part of the fairy tale?

a) They began to live and be - for the glory of all people;

b) In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king; the king had three sons.

14. Name the fairy tale and determine which group it belongs to:

She immediately picked up Ivan Tsarevich and went; she danced and danced, spun and spun - everyone was amazed! Waved right hand- the forests and waters became, she waved her left - different birds began to fly. Everyone was amazed. I danced and nothing happened.

15. Continue the series of constant epithets found in fairy tales about animals:

bear - clumsy; fox - ...... hare - ...... wolf -......

16. Name the small one folk genre:

A). Juice is walking around the bench, d) Stretch, stretch!

And the naps in the hut, the talkative Rotok,

Searching and searching for my baby, Grasping hands

Where he finds it. Then he puts the walker legs to sleep.

b) Lenka-foam e) Forty mice walked

Bare knee They carried forty pennies,

I went across the bridge. Two worse ones.

I lost my tail and carried two pennies each.

c) And in our yard e) It warms in winter,

The piglet was rummaging, the spring is smoldering,

And accidentally dies with his tail in the summer,

Clings to the sky. Comes to life in winter

17. Name the small folklore genre according to this definition:

a) A genre of folklore in which the answer must be found based on the image contained in the question.

b) A wise saying that contains the experience of the entire people.

c) Songs to rock a baby to sleep.

d) Rhythmic phrases or poems in which the same sounds are repeated.

f) Playful rhymes that parents use to accompany their child’s first games.

g) Figurative expressions that accurately describe any situation or property of a person

character without completeness.

18. List magical objects found in Russian folk tales:



19. What evil forces do the heroes of fairy tales fight against?



20. Insert the missing words into the text:

IN __________ kingdom, in ________________ lived in the state – ________ rich merchant,

eminent person. That merchant had _______ daughters, everything ________ _____________ written.

Here that merchant is going on his trade affairs overseas, for___________ lands, in _________

kingdom, in ___________________ state.

She marveled at such a miracle ____________ , diva ____________ , she rejoiced at her cherished scarlet flower and went back to her palace chambers.

And a lot of time has passed: soon ____________ will take its toll, but not soon ________ is being done.

And they congratulated the groom and the bride, and all the faithful servants, the great boyars and the military cavaliers, and began

live yes _____________. And there I _______ , ___________ drank. This is the _______________ end.

14. Connect with arrows proverbs that are similar in meaning.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. The word is not an arrow, and

it hits worse than arrows

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. With darling and heaven in

At least live in a forest hut, You can't catch it without difficulty

A With to be loved. fish from the pond

15. In fairy tales, each character plays a certain role. The main character has helpers and pests. Distribute

them in two columns.

Horse, Serpent Gorynych, Pike, Geese-swans, Stove, Baba Yaga, Koschey

Immortal, Frog Princess




F.I. ______________________________________________

Option I

    Folklore is:

a) literature of ancient times;

b) folk art, most often oral; artistic collective creative activity people, reflecting their life, views, ideals, principles;

d) artistic literature XIV century;

    What genre not applicable to folklore?

a) tongue twister;

b) riddle;

c) proverb;

d) story;

    Is this a calculator?

a) variety children's folklore;

b) the beginning of the poem;

c) the name of a Russian folk tale;

d) an insertion element in the epic.

4. K folk tales relate?

a) philosophical;

b) satirical;

c) magical;

d) New Year's.

5. Small genre of folklore, in which objects and phenomena are reproduced in the form of a question for guessing:

a) epics;

b) sayings;

c) riddles;

d) fairy tales.

6. What is a folk tale?

a) an action-packed story about space heroes;

b) genre of oral folk art;

c) historical story;

c) storyteller;

8. Determine the genre of folklore:

They sat on the golden porch

Tsar, prince,

King, prince,

Shoemaker, tailor,

Who will you be?

Speak quickly

Don't delay honest and good people!

a) a riddle;

b) poem;

c) counting rhyme;

d) tongue twister.

9. Mikula Selyaninovich is a hero:

a) fairy tales;

b) legends;

V) lyrical song;

d) epics.

a) historical;

b) love, family-domestic, coachman, soldier, daring;

c) magical, fantastic;

d) adventure.

11. What is the symbol of the sun on Maslenitsa?

a) fire;

d) birch.

12.What did you do on the holiday of Ivan Kupala?

a) jumped over the fire;

b) braided a birch tree;

c) guessed;

d) baked pancakes.

13. Guess the Russian folk tale and indicate its type.

Title of the tale and type:__________________________________________________________

15. Explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings:

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter

You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty


The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it -



F.I. .______________________________________

Final test on the topic "Folklore" 5th grade.

Option II

b) chronicler;

    Which of the following genres applies to folklore?

a) story;

b) fairy tale;

c) story;

    What is a proverb?

a) a figurative combination of words;

b) musical and poetic art form;

c) a phrase in which one word depends on another;

d) a complete statement of an instructive nature.

    What types of folk tales are divided into?

a) magical, social and everyday, about animals;

b) adventure, biographical, historical;

c) historical, space, artistic;

    What is the difference between proverbs and sayings?

a) proverbs are based on fairy tales, and sayings are based on myths

b) a proverb is a complete judgment, a saying is part of a judgment;

c) the proverb must be guessed, and the saying must be pronounced quickly;

d) foreign language constructions.

6. Small genres of folklore include (several answer options):

a) proverbs;

b) fairy tales;

c) sayings;

d) riddles;

d) epics.

    Musical and poetic form of folk art

b) fairy tale;

c) counting rhyme;

d) saying.

    Define the genre of folklore:

Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats,

whoever undresses him sheds tears.

a) saying;

b) counting rhyme;

c) riddle;

d) tongue twister.

    What events were sung about in historical songs?

a) about love experiences;

b) about family and everyday problems;

c) about acts of robbery;

d) about specific historical event Russian people.

10. Epics are...

a) epic songs-tales about heroes and general historical events in Ancient Rus';

b) a story about animals;

V) fairy tale;

d) songs about love.

    What are the names of Christmas songs?

a) carols;

b) stoneflies;

c) ditties;

d) lullabies.

12. What did the girls do on Christmas time?

a) jumped over the fire;

b) drew;

c) guessed;

d) baked pancakes.

13. Guess the Russian folk tale. Indicate its type.

Fairy tale title and type: _________________________________

14. Use arrows to connect the types of fairy tales with their definitions.:

Magical The purpose of a fairy tale is to tell a fun and instructive story

antics of animals.

Household The purpose of the fairy tale is to test the hero who has entered

in the fight against magical forces.

About animals The purpose of a fairy tale is to tell about the unusual

incident; the action takes place in

in a normal setting.