List of negative character traits. A complete list of negative moral qualities of a person with a description

Character- this is an internal set of personal qualities, a person’s temperament, influencing the development of his inner consciousness, individuality, and emotionality. A person, living in a social environment, is constantly in interaction with other people. Thus, we must listen to each other, learn to show our human nature. To understand what character traits can be, it is necessary to understand how a person relates to himself (internal introspection), to the surrounding society, to work. That's right, by understanding your character traits, you can learn to solve any unpleasant situation.

A person’s character is formed in the maternity hospital, and over time, distinctive features and traits are revealed. Character traits most often manifest themselves very differently depending on the types of temperament. Discipline and organization come faster to phlegmatic people, while melancholic people are kinder, more sympathetic, sanguine people and choleric people are excellent organizers. But you shouldn’t cover up your own character flaws with your “innate” temperament. In fact, a person, regardless of his temperament, can develop absolutely any character trait.

In the modern world, there are more than a hundred definitions of various character traits. A person may have several of them, and different, opposite ones. Traits can be both positive and negative, it all depends on what direction they have. Therefore, it is impossible to give a 100% assessment that this is a terrible character trait and this is a wonderful one. Despite the subjectivity of this classification, it is still possible to divide traits into positive and negative, based on social and moral values.

The main negative aspects of character

Anger. An emotion such as anger contains a destructive attitude towards the public, towards work, towards one’s personality. If such a reaction is not an instant impulse, but has a pattern, then we can conclude that its origins can go far into the past, into childhood grievances and fears.

Excessive arrogance. In a religious environment this is a serious sin. A person with this quality cannot adequately assess what is happening, and therefore can be dangerous both for himself and for others.

Selfishness. Selfishness can become the progenitor of many other negative human traits.

Jealousy has a close connection with arrogance and selfishness, because it has a sense of ownership, has a destructive effect on both the person and those around him, it is very dangerous and gives rise to rash actions.

Greed or greed, can manifest itself both in material values ​​(food, money, things) and emotional ones (fame, pleasure).

Envy eats a person from the inside, constantly gnawing him like a worm. Destroys good ties in society.

Cruelty brings nothing but pain, suffering, tears. Many scientists argue that this trait is characteristic of insecure, fearful people.

Main positive features

The following character traits are the exact opposite of the previous ones.

Kindness completely opposed to anger. Beneath kindness lie selfless actions that only adorn any person; people will be drawn to him.

Humility. Some people consider this quality to be slavish, but still it is not. This trait is very peaceful and helps to get out of any negative situations.

Altruism- the complete opposite of selfishness. An altruist helps others, but not for his own benefit, but absolutely disinterestedly, because he is overwhelmed by a feeling of love, responsiveness, and mutual assistance. But nowadays, this trait is becoming less and less common.

Confidence, that's what the jealous people lack. A remarkable trait that carries wisdom and rationalism.

Generosity makes a person unique if it permeates his essence in all directions. Only it must come from the soul, the heart, and not from greedy motives.

Goodwill often confused with kindness. But the difference between benevolence is that it is more aimed at relating to people, and is the complete antipode of envy. Kindness is a sincere trait; it should not be pompous or feigned.

Mercy is the best character trait. Thanks to mercy, a person grows spiritually, learns, and loves the world in all its manifestations.

There are many other character traits that can be emotional, strong-willed or intellectual. They are developed already during adulthood and are based on life experience. With age comes independence, determination, thoughtfulness, and curiosity. A person's character can take on both positive and negative sides. Different combinations of character traits lead to certain actions. For example, anger and assertiveness will lead to destructive events, but interacting with kindness can save more than one life.

In Altai there is a saying: “A man without character is like bread without salt.” The word “character” itself, translated from Greek, means “seal”, “imprint”, but if we take the figurative meaning, then we are talking about the typicality and peculiarity of a person’s behavioral qualities. What is the origin of the concept, and what character traits exist?

The science of psychology best describes the concept of character. It fully reveals all the nuances and defines it as a set of personality traits and properties that not only give a person individuality, but also explain his actions in a given situation.

The main characteristic features are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • emotions;
  • will;
  • intelligence.

Emotional traits - aggressiveness, good nature, melancholy, artistry, etc. begin to form from early childhood, when the child’s mental qualities undergo a gradual development. And this happens under the influence of various factors.

A person acquires strong-willed character traits (pedantry, masculinity, devotion, etc.) throughout his life. Qualities associated with intelligence - intelligence, independence, prudence, etc. - depend on innate predisposition, which is influenced by heredity and temperament.

An important factor in the development of a person’s character is his environment. It can lead to the acquisition of both positive and negative character traits by the child. The process continues throughout life, and the list of acquired personal characteristics is constantly increasing. If initially this happens unconsciously at the level of reflexes, then as people grow older they begin to choose those characteristics that are closer to them.

Experts have found that the basic character traits of a child are laid down from infancy; the child’s strong-willed traits begin to appear already in the second year of life, and at three or four he already has business qualities.

Communication signs are most noticeable at 4-5 years old, when children are interested in and actively participate in role-playing games with peers. If we take these data into account, we can say for sure that a five-year-old child has his own, unique character.

What underlies personal qualities?

If we structure knowledge about personal qualities, we can distinguish 4 character traits, or rather a block of characteristics:

  • express their attitude towards other people (compassion, sociability, caring, etc.);
  • traits that show how a person treats himself (selfishness, modesty, self-criticism, narcissism, etc.);
  • attitude towards work (laziness, responsibility, etc.);
  • traits indicating a person’s attitude towards objects (thrift, accuracy, greed, etc.).

Today there are hundreds of definitions of personal qualities, but science still identifies the main character traits.

In the business sphere this is:

In the field of communications, these are emotional qualities:

  • aggression or benevolence;
  • irritability;
  • modesty;
  • rancor.

Volitional qualities are associated with a person’s integrity; they are formed against the background of a struggle of motives and the assimilation of moral norms. In this case, the positive character traits are confidence, perseverance, and determination. They contribute to a person's personal growth. Negative personality traits include lack of will, lack of consistency, and compliance.

How does nationality affect personal characteristics?

There are many stereotypes associated with nationality, for example, if you are slow, then you must be an Estonian, tight-fisted - a Jew, temperamental - a Georgian, reserved - an Englishman...

Scientists have quite accurately proven that there really are national character traits. And they are associated with various factors - culture, religion, upbringing and even climate. Of course, we are talking about those qualities that have been identified in the majority of representatives of the nation to one degree or another.

And what features of the Russian character can be identified? Many philosophers and psychologists have tried to evaluate the Russian people in terms of their characteristic qualities.

Professor of Russian philosophy Lossky identified six main features:

Doctor of Psychological Sciences Lebedeva N.M., based on Lossky’s research, identified two, at first glance, opposite groups of properties of a Russian person:

  1. Spiritual and emotional qualities of Russian people- include exceptionally good characteristics - humility with one's own lot, dedication and self-sacrifice, deep faith, calm acceptance of the thought of impending death, a cool attitude towards wealth, the ability to empathize and share essentials, contentment with existing benefits.
  2. Passivity, inaction– historically it has happened that ordinary people have been kept away from political and social life for centuries; and although modern people show interest in this area, more often we are talking about a verbal expression of will, not supported by action. This leads to the following negative character traits of the Russian person - some alienation from the affairs taking place in the country, the expectation of a “miracle”, the desire for anarchism, rebellion, denial of discipline, various kinds of temptations.

Physique and character

There is a rather interesting theory by the German psychologist Ernst Kretschmer that personal qualities directly depend on a person’s constitution. Moreover, most of the theoretical aspects have received practical confirmation. According to Kretschmer's idea, there are three characteristic types:

  1. Asthenic people (“weak”) are thin, with elongated parts of the body - limbs, face, flat chest and poorly developed muscles. They correspond to the personality traits of “schizotomy” - isolation, seriousness, stubbornness; people do not adapt well to new conditions. In case of mental disorders, we can talk about schizophrenia.
  2. Athletics (athletics translated as “athletic, skillful”) are people of impressive height, broad chests, strong bones and powerful muscles. This is usually how heroic personalities from epics are described, however, the character traits of the “hero” are not so clear. They were called iskotimiks - having a calm character, lack of special impressionability, a tendency towards practicality and restraint in facial expressions and gestures, they also have 3 character traits that are far from heroism - authority, a negative attitude towards change and poor adaptability to new conditions. With nervous disorders there is a risk of developing epilepsy.
  3. Picnics - (dense, fat) representatives of this group are short, plump or have a tendency to gain excess weight, have a large head on a short neck, a wide face, and small facial features. These are cyclothymics - the main character trait of a person in this case is sociability, he makes good contact, reacts emotionally to any event, and quickly gets used to new conditions. Such people have a tendency to develop manic-depressive psychoses in mental disorders.

No matter how many characteristics of human traits and qualities there are, there is no identical personality. Of course, there is generalized data, and some points may even coincide with existing temperamental characteristics. However, each person is a unique creation, a tangle of innate and acquired properties, characteristics, charisma and contradictions. It is only important to remember that everyone forges their own qualities and it is important not to forget about personal growth.

“As many people as there are so many characters,” you can often hear. And this is actually true, there are no two absolutely identical people on earth. People have different worldview systems, principles, hobbies and values, and react differently to certain external stimuli and events. determines his personal actions, from which his whole life is composed.

Scientists and psychologists call a person’s character an individual combination of certain personality traits that determine his attitude towards the entire environment and are manifested in his actions.

Character(Greek χαρακτηρ - sign, distinctive feature, omen) is a structure of persistent, relatively permanent mental properties that determine the characteristics of a person’s behavior and relationships.

In the scientific literature on psychology, there are several criteria that determine a person’s character types. We will only consider the main ones.

The most popular character typology proposed by the famous German psychologist E. Kretschmer, therefore person's character depends on his physique. Kretschmer described the main three types of human physique and the corresponding character types:

Jung's character classification

Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung developed his own, which is based on dominant mental functions (sensations, intuition, feeling and thinking). He classified all people according to the predominance of the internal or external world (introverted and extroverted types).

  1. An introvert is a closed, internally focused thinker, turned inward, a person fenced off from the entire world around him, carefully analyzing all events, while suspecting everyone of contradictory actions. He has very few friends, because it is very difficult for him to make new contacts, he is closer to loneliness, and he does not change his own habits. An introvert is a very suspicious person with a high degree of anxiety; he listens to his feelings and values ​​his health.
  2. An extrovert is a direct, open person, extremely sociable, active and understandable to everyone, he has many acquaintances and friends, he cannot stand loneliness, has little interest in his own health, loves to travel, and tries to get the most out of life. He becomes the life of the party, initiates various meetings and parties, loves to tell jokes, and in everyday life is guided not by subjective opinion, but by circumstances.

The connection between human character and temperament

Peculiarities of different temperaments can help a person understand character traits if they are pronounced, however, people with pronounced certain temperaments are quite rare; most often, mixed temperament is found in varying degrees of severity. But the predominance of any type of temperament can help determine person's character type.

There is a huge amount classifications of character types a person, it’s even better to say, attempts to systematize all the knowledge and psychology of his behavior, but none of them can be so deep and so effective. Because every person, going through periods of developing certain characters in his life, collects them all in himself in order to live as an individual for the rest of his life.

If you find it difficult to determine your character type, then various ones that are designed just for this can help you.

Hello. It would seem that we know all the positive qualities of a person, but we cannot always say what this or that characteristic means. In addition, there are so many of them that it is possible to compile a large list. See our list of good human qualities and add to it in the comments!

What positive human qualities are valued when hiring?

It is very important for every person to find a good job, but this is becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore, let’s look at the most important good character traits that need to be highlighted when applying for a job. Of course, you need to name only your positive traits. There is a whole list of positive qualities, but let’s name the more significant ones.

How best to describe yourself for work? What does the employer value more?

First of all, he values:

  • Accuracy- This is not only the desire for order and cleanliness. Accuracy is manifested in external neatness, caring attitude towards things, accuracy and thoroughness in business.
  • Good manners- these are good manners and the ability to behave in society. A well-mannered person is polite to others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and compliance with the rules of behavior in society, respect for other people's property, nature, and society. There is never any shame in being a well-mannered person.
  • Discipline- This is the ability to follow rules and routines. A disciplined person not only strictly follows the established rules, but also knows how to manage his own time so that there is enough for all important matters.
  • Responsibility- this is a person’s ability to be responsible for what is entrusted to him, the ability to make complex decisions and evaluate their consequences. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for something shows himself as an independent and mature person.
  • Punctuality is compliance with rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the absence of delays, the ability to complete assignments on time, and comply with agreements. Particularly valued in industries where “time is money.” But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.
  • Communication skills is the ability to establish contacts. A person who has no communication barriers easily joins a team and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any area of ​​life.
  • Hard work is the ability to have a positive attitude towards one’s own work. Hard work is not only the willingness to devote one’s strength and personal time to the labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person who systematically shirks work and is unable to perceive his work with interest is a burden for the entire team.
  • Perseverance- this is the ability to go towards the goal. This quality is characteristic of strong people who do not give in to difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and steadfastness of spirit. Persistent individuals achieve heights on their own.

The personal qualities of the employee are no less important. They manifest themselves in everything, even in the manner of dressing, therefore, when going to get a job, you need to dress nicely, but not pretentiously.

But it turns out that all personal qualities are not as important for an employer as business ones. True, each job requires its own advantages.

We have already identified the common features, but how to praise yourself so as not to seem like an upstart, but to give yourself a worthy description.

Rules for writing a resume

For your resume, you need to choose especially noticeable advantages, because the employer will read it without seeing you. What to hook him with? First of all, we need to highlight:

  • stress resistance;
  • no conflict;
  • tolerance;
  • ability to get along with people;
  • work in a team.

For the characterization, you will need to write only 5-7 sentences, therefore, you must try to highlight the best traits of your character, give such arguments that out of a dozen applicants, only you will want to hire you.

When you come to an interview, be prepared for the fact that the recruiter may stop you at one of the points and then ask you to give examples from your life. When preparing your resume, carefully consider this important point.

If you specified initiative, then be sure to tell us how, for example, you implemented a new sales strategy.

Try to answer the questions for yourself:

  • How am I better than others?
  • Why should I get this position?
  • What can I do better than others and how do I differ from my colleagues?
  • What significant thing have I done in my career?
  • What are the achievements in my life?

Now answer these questions to move away from the standard characteristics. Emphasize personal achievements and your strengths.

Don’t focus on your education; the employer may not even read this, he is interested in your achievements. Please indicate your place of work, starting with your most recent one. Be sure to include your accomplishments in this job. If you speak languages, then this is a plus for your characteristics.

How to overcome negative traits

Every person has both negative and positive traits. But every person can consider their negative qualities as an incentive to overcome them and begin to develop good character traits.

How to do it? Let's give an example of how to show the best human qualities in relation to impolite, that is, bad people.

You were insulted, what should you do? Don't answer, switch to another object. In this case, the example of a landfill is illustrative. Walking past a landfill, you smell an unpleasant odor. You won’t stand at the landfill and smell its unpleasant aromas, but simply turn around and leave as quickly as possible. Soon you will forget about this smell, so here, why respond with an insult to the attacks of an unhealthy person?!

What qualities are especially valued in men and women?

If you ask a man and a woman what qualities they consider the best, the answers will be different. Men value spiritual manifestations in a woman:

Women value moral qualities in men.

  • Loyalty. A faithful companion is a rarity, but every woman dreams of meeting just such a person. This is an important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman, because it is associated with such a negative trait as jealousy. Loyalty speaks of the reliability and constancy of a person possessing this quality.
  • Caring, honesty- this is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality speaks of decency, morality and strong character.
  • Generosity- this is a willingness to share with one’s neighbor, absolutely not wanting to receive anything in return. Even the most selfless people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.
  • Appreciate good character. Kindness is hard for any girl to resist.
  • Confidence. Women are crazy about confident men.
  • Intelligence, ambition. A man who strives for self-improvement is very attractive to girls.
  • Self-sufficiency and communication skills. Girls like guys who will always find a common language with other people.
  • Sense of humor. Girls love to laugh.
  • Appearance. Girls always pay attention to their boyfriend's clothes.

To the characteristics of men and women we can add all the qualities of a good person that attract them to each other.

Good character traits for all time

At all times, such quality as nobility. Over time, this quality began to be remembered less often, but noble people always stood out from the crowd with their unusual features.

A noble person feels the need to serve good. Only a noble person knows such concepts as honor, valor, mutual assistance. In a difficult situation, he will come to the rescue without thinking about himself, about any benefit or gratitude.

Moral, is also appreciated at all times. This concept refers to the internal rules that guide a person. Internal rules are laid down under the influence of many factors: family, upbringing within the walls of school, on the street, in society.

We believe that a moral person should be good-natured, honest, and courageous. It is moral qualities that make it possible to do good, to lend one’s shoulder when required. Moral people respect their elders, they are tactful, decent, modest, faithful in life and love.

When speaking about such a concept as “human character,” most of us mean a person’s reactions to certain events in his life, as well as the people around him. In fact, this concept is much more complex. Today you will learn about the characteristics of human character, its main types and traits.

Concept, manifestation of character

The concept of “character” in psychological terminology implies (translated from Greek as “seal”) a set of personal characteristics of a person that are formed in the process of growing up and clearly manifest themselves in a person’s life (both personal and social). As a result, stable and uniform behavior is formed in certain situations.

In fact, not all psychological characteristics of a person can be considered permanent character traits. A simple and striking example: a person in a fairly stressful situation showed himself to be rude and unrestrained. Does this mean that such behavior is characteristic of him due to his character? Not at all. Only the regular manifestation of such behavior can indicate a character trait.

The basis of human character is formed by his nervous activity, or rather its type; the dynamics of its manifestation is the environment.

There are many deep definitions and decodings of the set of concepts included in the word “character”. In simple terms, human character is most often understood as:

  • a system of stable behavior that forms a personality type;
  • the line between the inner world of a person and the external world in which he lives or the way an individual adapts to the environment;
  • a clearly defined system of human behavioral reactions to certain stimuli.

It is worth noting that character cannot be called fully formed until a person lives, grows and develops. The formation of a person’s character directly depends on the characteristics of his lifestyle, which include not only the physical, but also the spiritual: thoughts, feelings, motivations, etc.

The content of a person’s character is a complex relationship between social influence and the orientation of the individual, consisting of spiritual/material needs, beliefs, interests, etc.

Character traits

It is worth noting that the direct formation of character occurs under the influence of certain social subgroups to which a person belongs (for example, family, friends, work team, etc.). Depending on which group is dominant for a person, such character traits will develop in him. In addition, a significant role in this process will be played by the position of the individual in the group and the degree of his interaction with it.

In general, several groups of character traits can be distinguished depending on a person’s relationship with the outside world:

  1. A person's attitude towards other individuals. This implies the individual’s perception of his own family, colleagues, friends, and simply strangers. Here there is a person’s desire for active communication and, accordingly, character traits accompanying this desire, such as respect for others, collectivism, sensitivity, and kindness towards others. The opposite manifestation is also possible - the desire for limited communication and, accordingly, the traits associated with it - callousness, restraint, contempt for others, etc.
  2. A person’s attitude towards his own work and achievements. As in the previous case, it is common for a person to show radically different emotions in relation to his own work. Everything depends on his characteristic traits: hard work, creativity, organization, responsibility - with a positive attitude towards one’s own work, and laziness, dishonesty, sloppiness, etc. - with a negative/indifferent attitude towards work.
  3. A person's attitude towards himself. An important component in character is a person’s own “I”. This refers to character traits such as self-esteem, pride (a healthy feeling), modesty, or the opposite character traits: conceit, arrogance, resentment, selfishness.
  4. A person's attitude towards things. Everything is simple here: a person either cares about the condition of his (and not only) things (neatness, careful handling), or not (sloppiness, negligence, etc.).

The relationship between character and temperament

Many people mistakenly believe that a person’s temperament is initially akin to character and therefore equate these two concepts. The scientific community has officially accepted 4 main views on the interaction of character and temperament:

  • Identification (character and temperament are considered equal concepts).
  • Contrasting concepts, emphasizing the fundamental difference between them.
  • Recognition of temperament as part of character, sometimes even its core.
  • Recognizing temperament as the actual foundation for character development.

Despite the radically different scientific views on the concept of character and temperament, it is possible to highlight their general dependence on the physiological characteristics of a person, namely the characteristics of his nervous system. It is also worth noting that temperament is more firmly connected with the individual’s nervous system, and therefore is actually the basis for character. Temperament has a decisive influence on the formation of such traits as balance, adequate perception of a given situation, calmness of reaction, etc.

Nevertheless, temperament is not yet a predetermining factor in the formation of character. Thus, the formation of radically different characters with the same temperament is considered a fairly common occurrence.

Basic character types

There are many different theories according to which human character can be divided into several types. Here are some of the most common ones in the scientific community.

Character types according to Kretschmer

According to the famous German psychologist Kretschmer, all individuals living on Earth belong to one of three main groups/character types (the main role in determining a person into one type or another is his physiological data):

  • Asthenics. People are of thin build with thin, long arms and legs, and a weak chest. Most often, people from this group have poorly developed muscles. Psychologically, this type corresponds to the schizothymic type of character: people with this type of character are characterized by isolation, stubbornness, and poor adaptation to changes in the environment.
  • Athletics. People are quite strong, with well-developed muscles. This type corresponds to the ixothymic type of character: people with this type of character are characterized by calmness, practicality, restraint, authority, etc.
  • Picnics. People are quite dense or even overweight, have a large head, a short neck, and a face with small features. The appropriate type of character is sociability, emotionality, quick adaptation to new conditions.

Classification of characters according to Carl Gustav Jung

The famous psychiatrist and psychologist from Switzerland created a simple at first glance, but quite deep classification of characters, since we are talking about the interaction of the conscious with the unconscious. So, K.G. Jung identified three main character types: extrovert, introvert, ambovert.

Thus, the reactions and activities of an extrovert depend to a greater extent on external impressions of events, people, etc. For an introvert, the opposite is true: he is more guided by his own experiences, sensations, etc.

Extroverts are sociable people, pleasant conversationalists, open, cheerful, and have a large number of friends. They always try to take everything from life, they care little about their own health

Introverts are a special type of person who is quite difficult to understand. He is always closed, uncommunicative, strives to analyze everything, is rather suspicious, and has few friends.

Well, and finally, an ambivert is a person who, so to speak, has learned the best from the first two types. This person is an excellent analyst with a subtle soul, prone to periodic “attacks” of loneliness and at the same time capable of “stirring up” a large company with his wit, humor and charisma.

Types of characters according to Hippocrates

Hippocrates is considered the founder of one of the key theories of human essence. True, in distant ancient times, the typology of temperament he created was understood, rather, to be the physical component of a person. And only a couple of centuries ago, the concept of four temperaments that he developed began to be studied from a psychological point of view.

So, there are 4 main types of character/temperament:

  • Choleric; a rather passionate, quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive person who finds it quite difficult to control his emotional state and reactions to irritating external factors. A choleric person is characterized by frequent outbursts of anger, mood swings and other sudden changes in behavior. Quickly consumes energy, depleting your reserve of strength.
  • Sanguine. A very active and cheerful person, who, like a choleric person, is characterized by sudden mood swings, but at the same time a quick and stable reaction to external factors. A sanguine person is a productive and purposeful person.
  • Phlegmatic person. The person is very reserved and shows virtually no emotions. He is unhurried, has a balanced psyche, is persistent and persistent in his work.
  • Melancholic. A very impressionable and easily vulnerable person, acutely experiencing his own failures. It reacts quite sharply to external stimuli.

This is, perhaps, all you need to know about a person’s character, his main types, characteristics and manifestations in the world around him. From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: each person is very individual, his personality is complex, multifaceted and unusual.