What do you call a rock band? Original options. How the names of the most famous rock bands came about

The expression “whatever you call the boat, so it will float” has long become popular. Fans and fans don't always know which interesting stories hidden behind the names of your favorite bands. For example, how do we understand “BI-2” or “DDT”? Turns out, creative personalities are guided by different motives when choosing a name.

We offer a peculiar devil's dozen of stories that will reveal the secret of the appearance of successful names in the world of rock music.

Under this non-trivial name, the musicians released a dozen studio albums. Solo guitarist Shura (aka Alexander Uman), lead vocalist Leva (aka Igor Bortnik) appeared in the lineup in 1988.

The original name “Brothers in Arms” was quickly replaced with “Coast of Truth”. Ten years later, while in Australia, Alexander and Igor decided to create their own rock band. So in 1998, BI-2 appeared, which stands for “Coast of Truth 2.”


Another legendary rock band with interesting name. Musicians from Sverdlovsk are fans not only of rock, but also of very strong tea. What ordinary people call tea leaves and use to color boiling water is actually called chifir and is great invigorating in its pure form.

Chifir was an integral attribute of the rehearsals of young musicians. The phrase “go to the rehearsal” quickly transformed into the friendly “go to the chifir”. The name “Chaif” unites the tea loved by all participants and the buzz from it.

The name of the group “DDT” is actually consonant and of the same name with the dust DDT. No matter how many fans come up with alternative decodings, dust remains dust. When choosing a name for a nameless rock band from Ufa in 1980, Yuri Shevchuk insisted that the name should emphasize and strengthen the ultimatum lyrics of the songs. Therefore, the insecticide turned out to be the most suitable in all plans.

Agatha Christie

“Agatha Christie” replaced the previous name “RTF UPI” in 1988 due to replenishment. Gleb Samoilov joined the rock band. While choosing a new name, the team experienced a real crisis of ideas. Vadim Samoilov suggested “Jacques Cousteau”. Alexander Kozlov - "Agatha Christie". For unknown reasons, the second option won, although the group members are impartial to creativity British writer detectives. The title does not contain any context.

Nautilus Pompilius

Nautilus Pompilius was formerly called Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. The name, which was too long, turned out to be unsuccessful and they decided to replace it in 1983. "Nautilus" version by Andrey Makarov. The name has nothing to do with famous captain Nemo and his submarine. This is the name of a deep-sea mollusk. Ilya Kormiltsev suggested adding the second word “Pompilius” to the name in order to make the group different from other Nautilos.


The legendary group burst onto the Olympus of the domestic charts in the late 80s. But its participants knew each other even before their joint work. In 1981, while vacationing in Crimea, rock musicians decided to create their own group. “Garin and the Hyperboloids” became that unfortunate pancake that was lumpy. And a year later, Viktor Tsoi decided to rename the group. Required a short word with a broad meaning. Kind of like a Doctor Who police box, which is bigger on the inside than on the outside. The word “cinema” turned out to be just right.


The well-known girl from Through the Looking Glass has found a worthy place in rock music. Initially, the rock band was called “Magic”. The ideological inspirer and musician of the group, Svyatoslav Zaderiy, drew attention to the fact that there are two heroes in the group famous work Lewis Carroll. They had “White Rabbit” Andrey Khristichenko. Svyatoslav himself bore the nickname “Alice”.

All participants agreed with the decision to change the name of the group. It remained to overcome the resistance of Nikolai Mikhailov, who was the president of the Leningrad rock club in 1984. He was indignant, perplexed, and asked him to change his mind. The musicians managed to defend the new name. That same year, a new vocalist, Konstantin Kinchev, joined the group. In 1987 the line-up changed again. The reason for this was the disagreement between Svyatoslav Zaderiy and Nikolai Mikhailov. The musician left the concert with an ultimatum, believing that without him everyone would disperse. But “Alice” successfully played the concert, and Zderiy never returned.

civil defense

Andrey Babenko, Konstantin Ryabinov and Egor Letov decided to create a real group with appropriate name in 1984. Among the many options, the winner was a poster on the topic of civil protection, which hung on the wall in Yegor Letov’s room. It would seem not at all musical title it took root perfectly. The musicians decided that the phrase perfectly expresses the content of their work.


It is unknown who came up with the idea to call the group “Zero”. However, all participants interpreted it in the same way. Zero is always first, it comes before one and better than others indicates leadership. The group of Fyodor Chistyakov stood out from others in that the solo parts belonged to the button accordion, and not to the electric guitar or drums. The Leningrad rock band appeared in 1987 and, with a five-year break, existed until 2017. The name “Zero” can be interpreted as “better than the first.”

Ocean Elsa

The group arose in October 1994 on the basis of the Clan of Silence collective. The name changed with the appearance of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. He sought to give the new team a name that could not be distorted when translated into other languages. His passion for the famous “Odyssey of the Cousteau Team” had an impact. This is where the first component of the name ocean came from. The second part was chosen female name, which is not distorted by translation.

Dancing minus

This version is the result of a transformation of the rustic original title "Dancing". Vyacheslav Petkun understood perfectly well how futile it was to play rock with such a name. The group was renamed in 1995. The negative prefix unexpectedly turned out to be a big “plus” and the name stuck. Origins unusual name lie in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky himself. In discussion different options The version of bassist Alexander Pipa, who was engrossed in Dostoevsky, won. Fyodor Mikhailovich in the story about the village of Stepanchikovo called the poems of the footman Grigory Vodoplyasov “The Screams of Vodoplyasov”. This is such an unexpected turn.

Night snipers

And here is the history of the name of the female rock band, which was created by Diana Arbenina and Svetlana Surganova. Their acquaintance in St. Petersburg had far-reaching creative consequences. Svetlana Surganova moved to Diana Arbenina in Magadan. The girls created and performed without a name. Their stage was institutions and casinos, apartments and offices. One day a taxi driver joked that girls hide weapons in cases and that they themselves are night snipers. The girls liked the clever humor, which was especially relevant for the nightlife of Magadan in the 90s. Since 1993, their team began to bear the name “Night Snipers”.

At the start of a long path to fame, money and fans, aspiring musicians are faced with the need to come up with name for your group. Feeling like the parents of a newborn baby, they gather together, scratch their heads, and come up with a variety of options. names musical groups , one of which may be destined to later appear on album covers, T-shirts, fences and different parts bodies of devoted fans. In this article we will try to make it easier to solve the problem of finding a suitable and original name of the rock band.

How to come up with a name for a rock band? Where to begin?

First, you should realize that name for the group must meet certain requirements, and more specifically: have some meaning, albeit veiled, but which will be understandable not only to you. In this regard, you should not name the band after the vocalist’s favorite dog. Rock band name, should also be relevant to the style in which you want to try yourself. If you play brutal death metal, a name like “Perky Tits” or “Donkey Litter” is unlikely to be appropriate. At the same time, names of this kind may be suitable for punk rock, which is not devoid of healthy humor. Don't go too far.

A group name that is too pretentious is more likely to cause a smile, and, besides, I don’t remember the world-famous group: “Geniuses of Metal Chaos” or “Rock Stars”. In addition, there is no need to name your rock band with some long, difficult to remember phrase, because group name is a brand that must be short and succinct. You are going to, remember this. One, maximum two words per group name, no more.

A few simple ways to choose a name for a group.

Having summarized the experience of successful rock bands of our time, the team has selected simple search options the name of your rock band. So, method one: not giving a damn about everything that is written above, open any dictionary, preferably not a narrow one, and choose the first, second, third... word you come across. The undeniable advantage of this method is that in the search process you will learn a lot new information. This is how, “from the ceiling”, they completely acquired their name. famous bands: "Incubus" and "Evanescence".

Method two. Group name It could be the first and last name of a character in one of the books you have read. This is the road the groups went " Uriah Heep" and "Duran Duran".

Method three. Write down your favorite words on a piece of paper, and choose one or two of them. This is how the famous ones today were born group names Korn and Limp Bizkit.

Also, you can use geographical names nearby objects. Supporters of this option were Soundgarden, Linkin Park, Alter Bridge.

Look around, pay attention to a variety of inscriptions and names. For example, to describe the power supply of a sewing machine, as the musicians of the AC/DC group did.

Don't forget about acronyms ( a word created from the first letters of a sentence or phrase - author.). Often, being an abbreviation, they can have their own meaning. Bright to that example - title KISS bands(Knights In Satan's Service). Similar variations can be easily found in Russian.

Take your choice seriously group names. Do not forget that changing the name of an already more or less famous musical group - bad idea, which, at a minimum, will lead to existing fans not recognizing you on posters.

Don't overdo it titles popular rock bands . You won't see tens of thousands of fans at your concert just by calling yourself "Scorpions" or "System Of A Down". This statement can be partially challenged only if your group is a tribute project. In this case you can partially use group name-original. An example of this approach is Beatallica, which, in its music, combines the work of Metallica and The Beatles.

It became a popular trend English names groups. The choice here is yours. If the lyrics of your songs are written, for example, in Russian, I personally don’t see the point in an English title. If you speak English completely, then the above recommendations regarding the choice group names are still applicable. By the way, words and phrases in the language of the Romans - Latin - sound quite mysterious and original, why not try this option. Of course, in order to avoid embarrassment, you need to know how group name translated into Russian.

If the style of the music allows, use group name humor. Such titles are easier to remember and spread faster among listeners than, for example, the frankly gloomy “Knights of the Ashes.” Humor should not be confused with vulgarity. Remember, your brainchild, that is, the group, has to live with this name.

Finally, I note that, despite all the importance and responsibility of the name, it is not the name that makes a person beautiful, and not just the name itself, but the music and lyrics of the songs you wrote and played will bring you well-deserved recognition. , rehearse, and perform for the glory of rock and roll!

The question of what to call a rock band is not an easy one, and any beginning music group is bound to face it.

The name is very short description which shows meaning, purpose, negative or positive mood groups, all this should fit in just a few words! The name should be clear, bright and original, because very often a successful name alone can ensure the success of a group and its musical work.

That is why many groups cannot find and settle on any one name for several weeks, or even years, and constantly argue about what best characterizes their music and all creativity in general. If you stop thinking about how to stand out with a name, you can conclude that sometimes a particular style of music itself dictates the rules for choosing the right name.

World standards in rock band names

I would like to tell you a little about those standard associations with rock music that have helped so many groups come up with their original name and gain popularity around the world. You can find these groups on the Internet.

And many other genres very often touch upon the theme in their works eternal evil and lasting dark things, and, of course, the first thing that might come to mind is the use of laconic and rather famous words, such as “satanic”, “devil”, “evil”.

The name can already say a lot about the group, but you still need to approach everything creatively, since in our time there are already many groups with similar “clichéd” names, and you should select some original phrases that are easy for listeners to remember.

Many fans appreciate the mystery and darkness that often flashes in many of the artists' songs, which is why such titles can attract fans. Examples of successful names of popular groups: Devil Driver, Satanic Warmaster, Dream Evil, Evilfeast.

  • 2. Death, murder, wound, blood.

As we already know, those groups who prefer to play music in the style Heavy Metal, often dedicate their songs to something very dark, sometimes cruel and scary. Therefore, many performers could not do without the theme of death or blood.

Particularly often, groups that play in the genres of Gore, Death Metal turn to similar topics. All this influences the fact that dark images and names appear in the titles, and accordingly, the name of the group influences the lyrics of those songs that the group prefers to perform. Examples of successful names of popular bands: Cannibal Corpse, Death, My Dying Bride, Septicflesh.

You may notice that names that are in some way connected with the surrounding nature are becoming especially popular. And this is not surprising, because often such groups sing about history, the Middle Ages or the beauty of their native places. Such songs are most often quite melodic, although in combination with rough bass parts it sounds quite original and peculiar. Examples of successful names of popular bands: Pantheist, Manilla Road, Forest of Fog, Finsterforst.

  • 4. Fantasy.

All those who listen to rock often get carried away science fiction and fantasy. It’s difficult to say why everything turned out this way, but rock music very often uses fairy-tale, bright, medieval or fantastic images.

This can be seen especially often in genres such as Black metal or. Therefore, when choosing a name for a group, you can use those words that are associated specifically with fantasy. Examples of successful names of popular groups: The Ring, Burzum, Demons and Wizards, Trollskogen.

Naturally, this list is far from complete and can be continued indefinitely. You shouldn’t think that when choosing a name everything depends on these four main groups, not at all! All emphasis should be placed only on your imagination, because if you prefer to perform music in the style of Black metal, this does not at all mean that both the name of the group and its lyrics should be on the theme of pain, blood and death.

You can give many examples of groups that perform music in this particular genre, but their songs are filled with lyrics, although this sounds a little unusual and unusual for a typical rock music lover.

I hope that the answer to the question: “What to call a rock band?” Now it’s very clear to you, of course, you can support a specific theme and try to come up with a name that can surprise someone, or you can immerse yourself in your fantasies and come up with something that will rightfully be appreciated by many fans.

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The music business is a special industry. Some people made millions from a single song, while others released several CDs but didn't earn a penny. And it's not always a matter of luck. Talent and skillful communication with fans make an important contribution to success. Choosing a band name also plays a role important role, because everyone knows that “what do you call the boat...” Let’s see where the names of groups that have long and deservedly won the love of millions of fans come from.

Rolling Stones

The British blues rock band has repeatedly been criticized internationally. Founded in 1962, it still continues to delight its fans, although three of its four members are already in their eighties.

The name for the group appeared completely spontaneously. While talking on the phone, original guitarist Brian Jones saw a Muddy Waters CD on the floor and the title of the song, “Rollin’ Stone,” caught his eye. The name stuck, but later changed a little, taking on the form that is now known to us all.

Motley Crue

Members of this American group in the glam metal style, they have had disagreements with the law more than once. Repeated arrests, problems with drugs, numerous love affairs - the list of their “merits” is very wide. Despite this, the band has kept the spirit of glam metal alive since 1981, and is one of the best-selling in the world.

As the members tried to come up with a band name that reflected their hedonistic style, guitarist Mick Mars recalled an incident that occurred during his time with White Horse. One of the group members called them "a motley looking crew." The musicians liked the idea and settled on the name Mottley Cru, adding umlauts in honor German beer Lowenbrau, which they preferred at the time.

System of a Down

Founded in 1994 by four Americans Armenian origin, System of a Down made major contributions to alternative metal and progressive rock music. The group gained worldwide fame thanks to the extraordinary vocalist Serj Tankian and his unique performance in live performances.

The band took their name from the poem "Victims of a Down" written by guitarist Daron Malakian, but on the advice of bassist Shavo Odadjian, the word "victims" was replaced with the softer "system" to appeal to more wide audience and to be on store shelves closer to their musical idol, the thrash metal band “Slayer.”


Winning a Grammy Award and two MTV Video Music Awards is not unusual for this nu-rock band. Associated with chilling videos and vulgar lyrics, she still knows how to surprise her fans.

The word "corn" was floated as a possible name for the new band, but was met with little enthusiasm. However, James Shaffer liked it and wrote it the way he would have written it Small child: replacing the “C” with a “K” and putting the capital R backwards. The name remained in this form, and Jonathan Davis drew the logo. Drummer David Silveria once said, “Music makes a name. Our name is simple, but once we gained popularity, it became cool.”

Green Day

Punk rock band " Green Day"was not always as popular as it is now, although in 1994 their album "Dookie" was a stunning success. It's amazing that vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong and bassist Mike Dirnt have been playing in the band continuously since 1986. After stabilizing with the emergence of Tre Cool in 1990, the group fought its way to stardom. And today they have become one of the most beloved musical performers in the world.

At first, the group was called “Sweet Children” and performed irregularly in front of a small audience. While recording a disc in Lookout! Records" the group was forced to change its name in order to avoid confusion with the local group "Sweet Baby". When coming up with a new name, Armstrong remembered the first time he tried drugs and wrote the song "Green Day" (slang for marijuana), and decided to give the band that name.

Pink Floyd

Already in the year of creation it became clear that the group “ Pink Floyd" great glory awaited, and they confirmed this for the next 29 years before their collapse. Their fifteen albums made a legendary contribution to progressive rock music.
The band was originally called Tea Set, but they decided they needed a new name when they found themselves on a poster next to another band with the same name. Vocalist and songwriter Syd Barrett proposed "The Pink Floyd Sound" in honor of blues musicians Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. The word "sound" soon fell away, and the group began to cover itself with fame under the name "The Pink Floyd" - and sometimes just "Pink Floyd".


Formed in 1973 by the Young brothers, the band has undoubtedly become one of the most recognizable and significant bands in hard rock history. More than forty years later, the brothers continue to play rock, having sold more than 200 million albums during this time.

When their sister Margaret Young saw the "AC/DC" symbols on a sewing machine, representing alternating and direct current, the brothers decided it was the perfect name for the band, as it perfectly reflected their energetic performance. The name was left, only replacing the slash with a lightning bolt on the official logo.


There was a time in America when thrash metal was not very popular. Everything changed when Dave Mustaine and David Ellefson, replacing several lead guitarists and drummers, created the band Megadeth.

After breaking up with Metallica, Mustaine rode the bus home and wrote lyrics on back side leaflets that read “The arsenal of megadeath can’t be rid of no matter what the peace treaties come to.” Mustaine gave the name “Megadeath” to his own group, but soon removed one letter “a” from it when he learned that Pink Floyd had already tried to perform under that name.

Limp Bizkit

The American nu metal band Limp Bizkit is one of the most controversial representatives music industry. Despite intense criticism, they have sold over 40 million albums worldwide. However, their current level of success is only a shadow of their former greatness.

When it came to choosing a name for the band, Fred Durst came up with the idea for a crazy name: “To turn people off. A lot of people will pick up the CD and think, “Limp Bizkit must be some kind of crap.” These are the people who shouldn't listen to us." Durst took this idea very seriously, and proposed others of the same kind. ridiculous names: "Split Dickslit", "Gimp Disco", "Bitch Piglet".


Having only existed for six years and released three albums, Nirvana nevertheless became the greatest grunge rock group. Many critics thought the band was doomed with its warping guitars, thunderous drums and grunting vocals, but they proved otherwise, selling 75 million albums and even being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in its first year.

Initial candidates for the name included "Ted Ed Fred" and "Pen Cap Chew". So it could have turned out differently, but lead guitarist and vocalist Kurt Cobain settled on the name Nirvana because he “wanted a name that was sweet and gentle, as opposed to a rough farm punk name like Angry Samoans.”


This is perhaps one of the most unique rock bands in all of history. Each participant is a significant person in himself, which greatly contributed to attracting the audience. Their fiery theatrical performances became one of the important components of the group's success.

When the yet-to-be-named band was just another band about to become famous, guitarist Paul Stanley remembered that he used to play in the band LIPS () and said, “How about Kiss? (kiss)". I liked the name because it sounded both sexy and dangerous. The name is often written in capital letters, which is why there are sometimes hints that it stands for “Knights in Satan’s Service” (knights in the service of Satan), but members of the group have always denied this.


Nickelback's importance can be demonstrated by the fact that they are the second most popular foreign act in the US in the 2000s, second only to the Beatles.

The brother of lead vocalist and guitarist Chad Kroeger worked at a Starbucks that sold coffee for 1.95. Being regular customer Kruger often bought coffee there, giving $2, and getting 5 cents (a coin called a nickel) in change each time. This stuck in his memory so much that he gave the group the name “Nickelback”.

Linkin Park

The group, created in 1996, has not missed a single step on the path to perfection. British magazine Kerrang! called them "The Biggest Rock Band in the World Right Now." The group released 6 albums and took first place in the charts many times.

When lead vocalist Chester Bennington drove past Lincoln Park after rehearsal, he decided it was a fitting name for the band. But the copyright to the lincolnpark.com domain was very expensive. After much deliberation, the group changed the spelling of "Lincoln" to "Linkin" and the name remained.

Guns N' Roses

Drugs, alcohol, and irrepressible romantic adventures were part of the musicians' lives and influenced their style. Despite the reputation of “the most dangerous band in the world,” the albums sold successfully, and the performance surpassed all of their contemporaries.

When Hollywood Rose members Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin decided to team up with members of L.A. Guns" by Tracy Guns, Ole Beich and Rob Gardner, the name "Guns N' Roses" came from adding the names of two groups. However, members of L.A. Guns" left the group after furious arguments and were replaced by other performers.

Led Zeppelin

If there is one group that defines the very essence of the art of rock and roll, it is undoubtedly " Led Zeppelin" Thanks to the revolution they made in the genre of blues rock and hard rock, the group retains its status as one of the best even 30 years after the breakup.

At a time when Jimmy Page and his friend guitarist Jeff Beck were thinking about starting their own band, members of the team “ The Who"Keith Moon and John Entwistle joked that the newly formed group would "take off like lead balloon(lead balloon)". When Page did create new group, he remembered this joke, but replaced "balloon" with "zeppelin", and changed the spelling of the word "lead" to avoid dual pronunciation.

So, you learned to play an instrument or mastered vocal technique, put together a band and wrote a few songs. But what to do next? In order to become truly popular, you need to identify yourself on the rock stage, you need to come up with a name for the group. What is an original name for a rock band? In this article we will tell you some simple and useful tips, helping to come up with the right name for initial stage formation of the group.


Rock music originated in America in the late 60s; before that, blues and jazz music were mainly popular in the world. Moreover, solo performances were more common; in fact, at that time, few people could play electric guitars at all, and those who could, gave the impression of virtuosos. But closer to the 80s, the situation changed dramatically: the sound became denser and more varied due to the abundance of musicians on stage: guitarists, drummers and vocalists working in unison made a greater impression than solo instrumentalists.

When you perform alone, the question of a group name is removed, because you can perform under your own name or come up with a pseudonym. Vivid examples from history could be Steve Vai - virtuoso musicians, the greatest monsters of the rock scene of that time. But with the appearance of quartets or even larger groups, musicians began to have questions: what to call the group? What name should I perform under?

Let's consider this issue from the point of view of relevance and design.

Where to begin?

1) The name of the rock band should reflect the essence of the project and be applicable to the style of the future group. It’s impossible to call a rock band like other musicians, because each band is unique in its sound and creativity.

2) It is necessary to develop a logo. A bright and stylish logo with the name of the group always gives many advantages. Most future fans, oddly enough, start listening after looking at the album cover with the logo. You won't taste candy if it's in an ugly wrapper, no matter how tasty it turns out to be. This rule also applies here.


What do you call a rock band? It's simple: determine the style and final genre you are going to play. If you are a rock and roll band or a four-piece blues band, then a simple name will do, but if you play heavier music or metal, then a bright, catchy and at the same time tough name will do. You can even try to name the group with the first word that comes to mind. This really works sometimes, because listeners will always try to find the hidden meaning of your idea.

In this article we will not analyze how to name a rock band in Russian, because the mechanism is similar, the only difference is that if you still decide to call yourself in a language other than Russian English language, be prepared to limit yourself because it won't always be easy for foreigners to read your name. We also do not recommend taking the name of an already existing group. In the age of the Internet, anyone can detect plagiarism, and the real group has the right to even condemn you for using its rights. There are exceptions when 2 groups have the same name and coexist with each other, but this happens extremely rarely. But you have the right to come up with a name for the group, like Western performers, without copying their original name. The characteristic softening preposition "The" is often used in surf rock bands, just as the violent word "Death" is used in metal bands. But the more incredible the name of the group, the better, naturally.


If everything is quite simple with the name, then coming up with a logo will be much more difficult; basically, there are several approaches to the right choice and logo development. Let's look at each of them.

Just a font logo

The first and easiest solution in developing a group logo is to write the name in the logo in a simple font. After you have found out what you can name a rock band and have decided, choose an interesting font, write the future name and arrange it so that it looks interesting. The most advantageous option will also be that the readability of such a logo is the most accessible. And you don’t have to select colors, because you can use the classic black and white combination.

Stylized logo

The logo you see above is a stylized emblem for the thrash metal band Napalm Death. It differs from the previous one in that it is drawn using an original font with a non-standard composition. Of course, this is much more difficult than using a ready-made font, but your own style will also affect the audience. How more original group, the more likely it is that it will be very favorably received by listeners. Naming your rock band as uniquely as possible, creating several hits and designing your own logo is your secret to success!

Complex, unreadable logo

What do you see in the picture? Something illegible, isn't it? This interesting solution was used by the Darkthrone team and more than a thousand other metal bands. Yes, sometimes a completely illegible and completely unreadable logo can make an impression. Similar logos give the group special charm and a special atmosphere. This technique was widely used among black and death metal bands of the early 90s and remains popular to this day. But do not forget that unreadability cannot hide an ugly or unoriginal name.


Naming a rock band is not the easiest process; sometimes the name comes by itself, even before the release of the first song, but after they start using it, the musicians realize that they have come up with an uninteresting and irrelevant name for themselves, and re-elect their name. To prevent this from happening, first of all think about the name of the group several times before promoting your creativity to the masses.