A magical candle ritual to attract money to you. The meaning of wax candles: what colors attract money, love and prosperity

As you know, a person himself can influence the course of his life not only on the physical, but also on the spiritual level. This is why various rites and rituals have been created. In fact, they do not create anything, but they help direct energy in the right direction and attract what you want (luck, money, love, etc.). Perhaps, for complete happiness, everyone always lacks material wealth. Even if money is not the main thing, having it helps save energy, including spiritual energy, to achieve various goals. Everyone can improve their financial situation with the help of rituals. One of the most accessible ways is a green candle to attract money. How it works and how to perform the ritual - more on this.

Green candles for attracting money create exactly the level of vibration that is necessary to attract cash flows to a person

Using a green candle to attract money is a simple and very effective way to quickly improve your financial situation. Here it should be understood that a candle will not solve all problems at once, so a person will still have to make efforts to achieve his goals.

Conspiracies for a green candle are varied, so there will be no problems with carrying out the ritual. This ritual itself is very symbolic and helps create the necessary vibrations to attract cash flows.

In the ritual, a green candle symbolizes prosperity. From time immemorial, the color green has been associated with fertility, health, and well-being. A candle of this color will definitely attract all kinds of benefits into a person’s life.

Despite the fact that the ritual is intended to improve your financial situation, green candles can also be used for other purposes. By slightly adjusting the ritual, you can get rid of health problems. Magicians often recommend using green candles for women who cannot get pregnant without problems with reproductive health.

During the ritual, a green candle creates the necessary vibrations. In fact, this can even be explained from a physics point of view, taking into account the characteristics of light refraction. Moreover, the color green has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, so the ritual attracts money on a subconscious level, programming a person to achieve financial well-being.

Candles are widely used in magic, as they are a conductor between the physical and spiritual world. Here, too, there is a place for symbolism - a burnt-out candle takes into the spiritual world all those thoughts that a person focused on the wax during the ceremony.

Thus, the ritual for money with a green candle works by transmitting desire at a higher energy level. Green color puts you in the right mood, creating positive vibrations to attract money.

How it works?

Any rite, ritual or conspiracy is all a way to accumulate the energy of what you want. For example, a person really wants to achieve something and focuses on this thought. Carrying out a ritual helps to transfer this thought from the category of what is desired to the category of what is done, since the ritual itself is already the first step towards achieving the goal.

As you know, thoughts are material, and a person can really attract into his life what his mind is focused on. Usually the thought of achieving a goal “walks” within the framework of consciousness. Here, some people become fixated on a goal, which often does not lead to success, since the obsession takes too much energy. Carrying out any ritual helps to “translate” desire from conscious to unconscious. On this plane, the subconscious comes into play and a person’s self-programming occurs to achieve the goal. It is interesting that in all rituals the same condition is set: after the ritual, the thought must be released. By ceasing to think about what he wants, a person gives the opportunity to his own subconscious to get ahead. As a result, everything in his life begins to work out in the best possible way. When it comes to money, this manifests itself in suddenly discovered new abilities.

In order for the ritual to attract material wealth to become effective, you need to buy a new candle - you should not use existing ones

As those who performed the ritual say, money comes to them from various sources - it could be a promotion at work after a successful proposal, a reward beyond what was expected for a well-executed project, etc.

The only thing to remember is that the ritual will not help a person who does nothing to achieve his goal. You shouldn’t expect material wealth to literally pour out of nowhere. The Universe does not like lazy people, so only those people who make efforts and do not wait for “manna from heaven” will be rewarded.

How to perform the ritual?

What spells or conspiracy to read on a green candle - it doesn’t matter at all. Of course, it is preferable to use ready-made conspiracies, but only because it significantly saves time. In general, the fact of carrying out the ritual makes sense, and not the specifics of formulating the wish.

Before performing the ritual, the candle must be prepared. To do this, it is cleansed using smoke from incense. Incense with essential oils of thyme, patchouli, and mint will help you attract financial success. You can also set fire to ordinary pine branches and hold the candle over the rising smoke. It is necessary to clean the candle for several minutes, watching how the smoke from the smoking sticks envelops it.

Below are the three most popular types of ritual that help attract financial flows into your life.

Ritual for opening financial flow

This ritual is aimed at opening financial flow on an ongoing basis. It ensures a regular flow of funds from various sources. The amounts are unlikely to be large, but the regularity of the receipt of money definitely deserves such a ceremony.

The ritual is carried out over three days, starting from the first day of the new moon.

All rituals related to improving financial well-being are performed on the day of the new moon. As the moon grows during the lunar month, so will the influx of funds.

To carry out the ceremony you will need 12 candles. They should be placed in a horseshoe on the table opposite the window so that the moon is visible, and as many large bills as possible should be placed in the center. On the first day of the full moon, exactly at midnight, you should light all the candles from left to right, while reading the following money spell for each green candle:

“As the moon grows, so does my wealth grow. I will light twelve candles, and I will receive wealth twice twelve times. Look at the month and remember, and bestow wealth on me. So be it, because my thoughts are pure.”

Then you should look at the candles for 12 minutes, and then put them out. The ritual site must be left uncleaned until the next night. The next night, the candles are lit again and the plot is read again. This is repeated on the first three days of the new moon. Then the unburnt candles must be wrapped in thick cloth and hidden in a secluded place.

Often people are faced with a situation where they need a certain amount of money, but there is nowhere to get it. In this case, you can read a special conspiracy to attract money; a green candle will help you perform the ritual.

One of the most common magical attributes is a candle, and the color of the wax is directly related to the desired result of divination.

This ritual is very simple to perform; it does not require anything other than a candle. On the first day of the new moon, it is necessary to go outside at midnight so that the new moon is visible. Then you should light a green candle and whisper into its flame three times three times (taking a minute pause after every three readings) the following words:

“The month is young and strong, and strives to grow. Let my financial situation grow, imitating you. My thoughts are pure and my efforts are great. Notice this, moon, and help me quickly gain wealth.”

Then you need to extinguish the candle and hide it in a secluded corner. This candle can be reused at the next new moon and so on until the green candle burns out completely.

How to get rid of debts?

Any conspiracies to attract money into your life should be done on the new moon, but getting rid of old debts with the help of a ritual must be done on the full moon. Everything is simple here: the day after the full moon, the moon wanes, decreasing in size, and along with it, a person’s debts gradually decrease.

It is necessary to light a green candle on a full moon so that the light of the night luminary falls on it. Then read the following plot:

“The moon is full, but there is a hole in my pocket. Moon, go down and mend my holes. The moon goes away, debts disappear. The moon rises - money floats. So be it."

You need to read these words three times, and then put out the candle and put it in a secluded place. Exactly after 28 days, the candle must be thrown away with the words: “Go away the moon, take away your debts.” As practice shows, during these 28 days each person begins to gradually get rid of existing debts, as his financial situation suddenly improves.

Where to buy a candle?

The candle can be bought at any esoteric store. You need to choose brightly colored candles. An important condition is that the candle must be green both outside and inside. It would be good if the wick was also painted green. The cost of candles should be found at the place of purchase. As a rule, a small green candle will cost about 100 rubles, a large one – 300.

Green candles for attracting money create exactly the level of vibration that is necessary to attract cash flows to a person who has resorted to the help of candle magic.

The thing is that green color symbolizes prosperity, wealth, fertility and abundance. It is no coincidence that banknotes, which are a means of payment in different countries, are often colored green.

When is the best time to use candle magic?

A ritual to attract money should always be performed during the waxing phase of the Moon, since it is a rite of growth. As soon as the growing crescent moon appears, you can begin money rituals, right up to the full moon.

Green candles for money work most effectively on Fridays.

The most popular rituals using a green candle

First option

To quickly attract money (if you urgently need to make a very expensive purchase or have unplanned expenses), you can use the following ritual. It will require:

  • Cinnamon.
  • Green and yellow candle.
  • Jasmine oil.
  • Crystal of golden opal, alexandrite, aventurine or opal.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Any fiat currency.

Having placed a green candle in front of you, make an inscription on a currency bill with a pencil: “urgent amount” (indicating the required amount of money) and run a crystal over it. A yellow candle is placed on the right side, the flame of which should fall into the field of view when looking at the flame of the green candle.

The crystal is placed in front of both candles. While lighting them, they simultaneously recite the text of the spell: “Money will come to me. They will be here in the required quantity by the time I need. The money will come to me very quickly. I thank the Lord for your help. I need money in the amount of (name the quantity) by (such and such) date.”

This text is spoken for ten minutes. The ritual is performed every day until the candles are completely burned out.

Second option

To return the money, they use another ritual. Several coins and paper bills are placed around the green candle, after which the green money candle is lit. Looking at its flame, one imagines a greenish haze emerging from it.

After some time, the candles are extinguished, and with the help of money charged in this way, they pay for purchases. In order for the money spent to return to the previous owner, from time to time they light the candle used in the ritual, which will play the role of a magnet, attracting both old and new funds.

Third option

To attract additional money and material prosperity, proceed as follows. You need to stock up:

  • Laurel or rose (as incense).
  • Oil of clove, bergamot or orange.
  • Not one candle, but three at once (green, red and orange).

To attract money, a green candle is placed in front of you, and the rest are placed on the sides. All candles are burned on the same day. With candles and incense burning, the following spell is pronounced: “I am worthy of the good that I ask for. May abundance come to my home. May prosperity always be with me. May all my deeds be crowned with success. Everything I dream about will definitely come true.”

While repeating the spell, they imagine everything they want to possess (this is very important). The ritual is repeated over the next three days.

Common tradition

The ritual of attracting money is used in the culture of many peoples of the world. In order to never experience ruin and deprivation, it is customary for them to light three green money candles at once every week (on Wednesdays). For the same purpose, orange (or yellow) candles are burned on Thursdays. It is important to maintain regularity and not miss a single week. In this case, the result will be as strong as possible.

People have been lighting their homes with candles for a long time, but the benefits of a simple candle are not limited to this. With the help of candles you can find mutual love, increase wealth or protect yourself from enemies.

At first glance, it may seem that the color, material and size of the candle are a secondary matter. But that's not true. Practitioners know: different purposes require their own specific type of candle. For example, candles of one color attract money, while candles of another color awaken passion between spouses. The first ones are best lit at the desk, the second ones - in the bedroom.

The best raw material for a ritual candle is wax. It is a natural material associated with living force. In combination with fire, it gives reliable results when fortune telling by candle, and it also serves well during rituals. A wax candle made by yourself will be stronger than a store-bought one.

Yellow. Such a candle works with the energy of the house, attracts well-being to the roof and drives away negativity. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on mood, improving a person’s internal state. It can be lit simultaneously with incense or aromatic oils to enhance their effect. An excellent addition would be properly selected incense sticks that attract love or wealth.

Red. This color is considered both the color of blood and passion. It is used in love spells to ignite attraction, but a red candle can also serve for protection. It will strengthen the body, give strength to fight circumstances, and protect the owner from energy attacks. By walking around the house with a lit red candle, you will protect it from negativity. Psychic Regina Fedorenko spoke in more detail about how such a protection ritual is performed.

Orange. The color of luck. It is good to light such a candle before an important event, be it a public appearance, a date, or a deal that must certainly be in your favor.

Green. D delicate color. By lighting a green candle in your home, you make it clear to the Universe that you would like to improve your financial situation. With a green candle you can protect your wallet so that it is not stolen and the money in it is not transferred. To do this, circle the wallet three times clockwise with a lit candle, as if drawing a circle around it. In addition, green is the color of health. To improve your well-being, stop getting sick, relieve anxiety or extinguish headaches, you can light a green candle in the room where you sleep and leave it for a short period of time.

Blue. The color of intuition. Helps to find out the truth. It attracts the desired changes. You can combine this candle with another. For example, if you want to find your calling and earn more than you currently do, try lighting blue and green candles.

Blue. White with blue. A bluish candle simultaneously allows you to find yourself and calm your inner demons. It is also good to light it up for reconciliation. Blue color relieves anxiety and puts you in a contemplative mood.

Violet. Mystical color. If blue enhances your sixth sense and red strengthens your physical strength, then together they release your inner energy.

Gold(or other glitter candles). Typically, they are made to light up during the holidays and create a festive atmosphere. But such a candle can bring variety to dull everyday life. By lighting these candles, one makes wishes and visualizes dreams. You can try this yourself. Get a golden candle, wait for a quiet time when no one will distract you, light the candle and try to imagine what you want in colors. Imagine how you can get it, what you do for it, what your triumph will be when you get what you want.

Black. Sometimes you can see such rather ominous candles. They are often used to cause damage. They draw energy from their owner, feeding on it. When inducing negativity, it is important to remember that it always comes back, bringing a back blow to the one who intended evil.

Universal ritual with a colored candle

Each candle can be worked differently, but there is a general method that works for any candle. Write what you want on paper and burn it in a candle flame. Select the color of the candle based on your desire: if it is associated with wealth, remember the meaning of a green candle, and if with personal happiness, look for a red or pink one.

Candle color in fortune telling

Many fortune tellings involve candles and water. The combination of opposite elements helps to lift the veil of secrets over the future. In order for fortune telling to go in the right direction, the candle can also be selected according to the desired color. This is exactly how he recommends doing fortune telling using a candle and water.

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Many people know that most magical rituals are usually performed with candles. You can also perform rituals with a candle to attract money. But not with an ordinary one, but using a green candle for this.

Why is a green candle so magical, and how to use it in money magic?

Green is the color of material and monetary magic. Green candles are used in magical rituals to improve well-being, as well as for healing, as they protect health and physical fitness, complementing other candles. Green candles are great for all kinds of new beginnings. An abundance of green candles in the house is a good program for your world; fire and earth in a harmonious relationship contribute to success and wonderful results, both in terms of successful decisions and material gain.

These candles may well be your daily friends, helping to consolidate the results of fulfilled desires or magical rituals. Green is the color of fertility, abundance and wealth. Symbolizes nature and material gain. Promotes well-being, fertility and success. Corresponds to the 4th chakra.

Green candles are best lit on Fridays. When green candles are used in rituals to enhance wealth, they help to gradually increase income or capital.

As the color of fairies, green is also very useful in spells that invoke good fortune or increase magical abilities. Green candles are used to attract the energy of money, prosperity, as well as to improve health and help in new endeavors.

It is also used in spells aimed at positive changes in circumstances, repetition or renewal of desires or intentions and consolidation of the result. Green candles are widely used in money magic rituals. With their help, money and monetary success are attracted, and material benefits are obtained.

It is great to use green candles in rituals aimed at career growth, achieving personal goals or personal material gain. In addition, green candles are used as an additional factor of growth and activity in rituals related to various issues of the material world - such as employment, business development, and the opening of new development prospects.

How to make a money candle

How to choose a green candle for money rituals? The ideal option is if the candle is made of wax, but regular stearic or paraffin is also suitable. The main thing is that it is thick enough and can burn for 2-3 hours.

A purchased green candle will serve as the basis for creating a money one. Now it’s time to start preparing the energy mixture that will accomplish the transformation. To make the mixture you will need a glass bowl, olive oil and aromatic oil, which can now be bought at any gift shop.

We need pine oil, cedar oil, eucalyptus oil - essential oils to attract money, and an ordinary brush for painting. You need to cut off the lower part (about two centimeters) from a previously purchased candle. Just cut carefully so that the candle remains stable later.

Now pour half a tea cup of olive oil into a glass bowl and add three drops for each bottle of aromatic oil. Stir the mixture clockwise and place in a water bath. Place a finely chopped piece from the candle there. Stir with a wooden spoon or spatula until the wax softens. You should get a homogeneous mass.

Then remove the bowl from the water bath and cool, stirring gradually. As it cools, the mass will begin to thicken little by little, but until it has completely frozen, you need to charge it with monetary energy. You need to do it like this. Place the bowl on a wooden table. If you don’t have a wooden table in your house, you can place the dishes on a wooden board (for example, a cutting board).

Look closely at the surface of the mixture and concentrate. Think about the wishes and hopes that you can fulfill with the help of a green money candle. Close your eyes and try to imagine in great detail the moment you get what you want.

After this, all that remains is to turn the purchased candle into a green money candle. And here’s how: take a simple candle in your left hand (vice versa for left-handers), and with your right hand dip the brush into the mixture that you apply to the candle. The direction of hand movement is from top to bottom.

As you apply the mixture, try again to imagine how you will succeed in achieving your goal. When you finish applying the mixture, leave the candle to dry for a day.

After this period, the green money candle will be completely ready and can be used in various ceremonies, spells and rituals. When you make such a candle, you can immediately get down to business.

How to make a ritual with a green candle for money

Well, do you want to raise funds? Then light a green candle at midnight, place it in the middle of the table, first lay a clean tablecloth on the table (it is recommended to take a green or white tablecloth).

Now carefully watch the burning wick of the candle (a few seconds will be enough). You need to catch the moment when the green candle does not smoke, does not smoke heavily, or crackles. Got caught? Then look directly at the fire and say:

“The green flame is flaring up, money is coming to me. Amen!".

Did you say these words? Please note that they must be pronounced three times.

Did the candle smoke or crackle during the ceremony? Then your wish will certainly come true - you will soon have money. If it didn’t work out, and the green candle began to crackle and smoke, then the ritual can be repeated the next day.

How to make a money talisman from a green candle?

This is a simple money ritual with a green candle, as a result of which you will get a small talisman that you need to put where you keep your money or in your wallet, wrapped in a white cotton cloth. It’s better to do it on the waxing Moon, accompanied by colorful visualizations.

For the ritual you will need a clean white sheet of paper, 7 10-kopeck coins, 2 green candles, cinnamon and cloves. Light two green candles and, crossing them together so that the wax flows down more actively, hold them over the coins. The wax gradually fills the coins.

Trying to understand why untold wealth flows to some, while others languish in poverty, you inevitably wonder whether you should try money spells? After all, how can one rationally explain the miraculous luck of individuals if the conclusion about the magical intervention of higher powers suggests itself?

Types of conspiracies to attract money

Money magic rituals, although aimed at attracting wealth, differ in the purpose they pursue. And everyone has their own measure of wealth: one has enough to buy a bun with butter, while another dreams of a mansion on the Cote d'Azur in France.

There are conspiracies designed for quick money, usually small amounts needed to immediately solve material problems.

There are rituals for accumulating wealth, which involve not just the appearance of money, but also the enrichment of the entire material sphere: good studies (job), obtaining housing, career growth, salary increases, strengthening partnerships.

In addition, from time immemorial, reading prayers to saints (Spyridon of Trimifunt, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel) has been considered a powerful way to gain material well-being.

By the way, since your ultimate goal is a constant increase in material wealth, money conspiracies should be read only on a growing, increasing moon (unless another condition is separately prescribed in the ritual).

For the sacrament you will need: a transparent container with spring (purified) water, a banknote. It is desirable that the night sky be clear (cloudless). A ritual is performed when the moon rises high enough and is reflected in the window of your house. Fill the bowl to the top with water. Holding the vessel in your hands in front of you, stand by the window so that the glow of the moon is refracted through the walls of the vessel. Read the spell words three times:

Water, water, fill yourself with moonlight. Be filled with heavenly power, wonderful grace. Sister Moon, spring water, I turn to you with my soul: help, call me for money. How much water there is in the sea, ocean, river, Let there be so much money in my wallet. Sister Moon, illuminate the water with your light, give me wealth. Amen to my deed and word.

Then raise the vessel so that you can see the moon through it and say the following:

Let the cup be full, and for me, the servant of God (my name), to forget all poverty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Now drink all the water from the container and immediately go to bed.

Prepare in advance: a green tablecloth, a candle of the same color; a wallet filled with banknotes of different denominations. Read the text late at night, placing the wallet in front of you, 12 times:

The silver moon is rising in the high sky.
It goes from west to east.
The moon grows larger every day, the barrel is rounded.
Adds light and radiance.
How true it is that at the hour of the night the daring month rises to the sky,
It’s so true that in my house the money is multiplying and being put in reserve.
I say reserve and reserve for growth.
The bars on my deed and word are strong.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Having completed the reading, do not extinguish the candle - let it burn out on its own.

Take a handful of coins in your palm and, pouring them from one hand to the other, say:

This is how coins ring, foreshadowing quick happiness, calling for great wealth. Ring, coins, pour, call to each other tenderly. Call your gossip friends from all over, let them come to my house quickly, and they’ll call you back. Amen.

Looking at the illuminated part of the moon, you can say to a paper bill:

There is so much dirt in the swamp, there are fish in the water, so much wealth for me.
Month, grow and grow, give me, the servant of God (name), wealth.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Hide the money in a secluded corner of your room, and spend it a week later.

A very miraculous ritual for attracting money, which helps to get rich and find success in business endeavors.

Take three multi-colored long candles. Each is a symbol:

  • white – you (the one who performs the ritual);
  • brown – work activity;
  • green – fruits of labor (money).

Set on the surface so that they represent the vertices of an equilateral triangle, as follows: white - in front of you; brown - to the right of the first; green is on the left. Light each one in turn, saying:

“A flame is like a soul; the soul is like a flame” - on white;
“Profit in profit, money in money” - on green;
“Things are in business, ways are in ways, everything is smooth” - on the brown one.

This ritual acts as a kind of fortune telling about the current state of affairs in an exciting area. If they burn continuously, it means business is successful; go out - failure may occur; flicker - something (someone) is constantly creating interference.

With a sharp movement, connect the candles into one to form a solid flame. Place the resulting lamp in the center of the imaginary triangle and say:

In strength is power, in power is strength, I am with strength and with that power.

Make sure that the ritual creation melts completely. Collect the remaining charmed wax and store it as a protective magic talisman, then you will have luck in any profitable business.

For a lasting effect, you will need twenty pieces of ripe apples, picked with your own hands or bought without change.

Distribute 14 fruits to the poor, tomorrow 3 more. On the third day, take the remaining ones and take them to church. Place the apples on the funeral table and say:

Remember my poverty for peace, and let my wealth remain with me. Amen, Amen, Amen.

This plot must be read throughout the week. In return, he promises strong protection against poverty and lack of funds in the family. The main thing is to choose the right period when the moon will be in the waxing phase all week. On Sunday evening with the first stars, take a bill, leave the house and, raising your eyes to heaven, say:

Just as there are countless stars in the sky, so with us (names: yours and your spouse’s) money has never been transferred. Let it be so. Amen.

The next morning, place the charmed banknote on the windowsill, next to three more coins. Do not touch the money for a week, but speak to it every day:

On Monday I’ll get up, on Tuesday I’ll look, on Wednesday I’ll take it, on Thursday I’ll bring it, on Friday I’ll save it up, on Saturday I’ll be happy, and on Sunday – my luck! Let it be so! Amen.