Review: Mega chance lottery reviews from real people. Mega Millions lottery

The well-known American lottery

Grade: 5

I've been playing Megamillions for about a year. For me, this is one of the most famous and cheapest American lotteries. The site is designed entirely for the convenience of players. No extra hassles.
I purchase the cheapest tickets through an intermediary. He sends me a scan of the purchased ticket, and then it’s up to me. It’s very convenient, don’t skimp on this service, because it’s hard to buy a ticket without an intermediary.
I've won about $400 in the last month. I went into the minus once, when I first registered and didn’t know what was what.
The chances of winning are quite high. According to my analytical data, they are about 60%. Therefore, in principle, it is quite possible to recoup even the price of the ticket.
A lottery with a good reputation (I was convinced of this from my own experience). We have never failed with a transfer of funds (be it a small amount or a large one). Money arrives within a maximum of two working days, but more often you have to wait about 10 hours. I transfer to an electronic wallet, this method is easier for me. But there are others.
The game results come by email, but can also be tracked in personal account.
The game is addictive, especially if high degree excitement. In this case, the main thing is to stop in time.

Cheap, simple, interesting

Grade: 5

As for me, there is no comparison with our “state” lotteries. With much large amounts winning even with weak combinations, the ticket price is only 1 dollar. The only negative is that the specific draw is tied to the state. Some may be held back because the player is not a US citizen. And no, to immediately warn about this - they will let you win back, and then they will break you off. But now I already know the list of states where it’s better not to meddle.

The game itself is interesting, in general it is a rather atmospheric lottery, there is immediately a sense of orientation towards the American population, European lotteries noticeably different from them. Although the rules are basically the same, the only differences are in the combinations. In fact, when guessing 2 balls there is already a plus, but to guess them - well, it depends on your luck, I don’t know the guessing strategies. Unless you bet more so that the chances increase.

I always withdraw money to the card, the lottery organizer himself is too serious to cheat, so all transactions are safe. The only thing is that I couldn’t withdraw about 300 bucks won in a number of states due to my citizenship. But I don’t care about them, now every month I win much more on those where there are no problems with withdrawals.

A simple and interesting American lottery

Grade: 5

I've been playing this lottery for about a year. I have already completely figured it out and understood all the nuances. The ticket price is quite small, I think everyone can buy a ticket and try their luck.
The probability of my winnings is approximately 60%. I play through an intermediary, I like it, it’s easier.
It’s very convenient when it comes to withdrawing money. Winning funds come to the card, even though this lottery is American. This is a big plus for me and I haven’t noticed any delays.
Last time I won $97. I have already determined for myself a strategy by which you can win a small amount in any case. Hasn't let me down yet. But for this you need to gain experience and understand it well.
If you are a beginner, then first it is better to analyze which states it is better not to play in, since they simply may not send you money, since you do not live in the USA.
I was in the red several times, but recovered. Today I'm in the black by about 300 bucks.
The excitement is addictive, so it’s better to stop in time if you start losing. You need to wait this time out and then start again.
I would like to note that Western lotteries are significantly different from ours. That's why I chose American lottery.

It's addicting in a big way

Grade: 5

If I have an extra $2, I can indulge myself in Megamillions. In my opinion, this is the cheapest American lottery of all existing ones. I’m playing through a trusted lottery operator; I won’t be able to buy a ticket from Russia on my own. There is always a chance to win, and I don’t despair. Moreover, the ticket price is for children. But this is also a minus - as soon as I lose, I immediately want to win back. In general, I was drawn in, mom, don’t worry, even though I never considered myself a gambling person. If you count the plus and minus, I'm still in the plus. I spent about a hundred bucks and won a total of 140:D

Into the Americans' oven

Grade: 4

I definitely don't like the lottery. But my assessment will not be objective, I only had 4 draws, but all of them went into the red (except for one, at least I paid for the ticket, that’s okay). I fell for the cheapness of the tickets - still 1 dollar, not so much. But I didn’t analyze the chances of winning, and considering the size of the ball pool, they are not very huge. I don’t know how to withdraw money, I transferred it through EPS (webmoney), and the ticket that I paid off was spent on 1 more. In general, with the Americans, my fortune turned away from me. I’m glad that at least the rules were simple, and the purchase was not difficult.

Cheapest tickets

Grade: 5

It’s worth playing if only because a ticket costs only $1. You should only buy tickets on their official website, then there will be no overpayments (intermediaries constantly overcharge). Unfortunately, the chances are small, there is a total pool of balls of 75 units, and the bonus ball is 15-digit, so it’s difficult to win. But the defeat is not so offensive, because the ticket is really cheap.
On currently in 2 months of playing I only gained $15 in profit, so I won’t recommend this lottery as a source of income. But as a source of entertainment, you are always welcome. Emotions, excitement, interest - this is just the tip of the iceberg of sensations from this lottery.

I'm sorry it took so long

Grade: 4

Over the last month I lost about 40 dollars here, and in the previous months there was, although not constant success, but I did not go into the red. I have no idea what this is connected with, either simple bad luck, or some kind of fraud on the part of the lottery organizers. By the way, even though the lottery is American, I received winnings without any problems. I received money on my card. Moreover, the transfers were made literally the next day after the withdrawal request. Payments are made in dollar currency, which means they will also have to undergo conversion when credited to the card, for which I will also charge a commission. You lose the pennies you win literally every step of the way. It's easy to play - you just need to guess the numbers that will appear on the white balls (the range is from 1 to 75) and on the red ball (from 1 to 15). Moreover, the winning amount will depend on the combination of guessed numbers on white and red balls. Tickets cost only $1. So the game of self-indulgence is addictive, because it seems to be inexpensive, and there are still chances for at least a little success. By the way, I was amused by the conditions for receiving the jackpot for those lucky ones who manage to hit it: you can either get half of it right away, or spread out the payments over 20 years. The organizers will come up with whatever they can to keep the money in circulation for a few more years.

There is almost always something to win.

Grade: 5

What I like about Mega Millions is the high probability of covering your ticket purchase costs. Even if I guess one number, I can return a dollar or two. My maximum win in this lottery is $146, I guessed 3 main numbers and the mega ball. You will immediately receive an email notification that you have won a lottery ticket. Well, here the efficiency of my intermediary is greater, because... I didn’t even try to play directly and, in my opinion, it’s impossible. With the withdrawal of money everything was also ok, there were no delays. The lottery is proven and mostly winning, so you can try it once or twice.

Many conditions

Grade: 4

Megamillions simple lottery, similar to our sports lotto. There are just a lot of conditions to play it. It is considered a state game in the USA, so you need to play it depending on the state you are in. Online is also possible, even directly from Russia, but only through a lottery agent, whom I personally do not trust. Therefore, I buy real lottery tickets myself, because... I often go on business trips to America.
I didn’t succeed on my first try, but the tickets were cheap, so there was nothing to worry about. I decided to completely turn off my brain when guessing these 5+1 numbers and rely only on luck. I recently won 98 bucks, guessed 3 numbers out of 75 and one megaball. And so, on average, I won a maximum of 2-5 dollars, which purely covered the cost of tickets. You can find out about your winnings directly on the website or through a special application on your smartphone.
The money comes to the account quickly, I don’t worry about payments, there is no fraud and cannot be.

I got lucky with Megamillions

Mega Million - famous lottery, held in the USA, its start date is considered to be 2002. Over the years of its existence, it has gained a lot of followers, it is copied, but only in Mega Millions the Jackpots are amazing. More than a hundred thousand people play in each draw.

Initially Mega Million claims minimum jackpot at the level of $40,000,000, but the probability of hitting the jackpot, as in any game, is quite low. In the absence of a lucky winner, it increases sharply and eventually acquires huge values ​​(each time the main prize increases by at least $5,000,000). This was facilitated by a relatively recent change in the format from 5/75 and 1/15 to 5/70 and 1/25. The winning size was a record one $1600 million, played in October 2018.

Purchasing tickets

If you are interested in where you can buy a Mega Millions ticket, then you can rest assured, because the lottery is relevant in almost all states. It is very easy for people from other countries to play online. Participation is possible in Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Montana, Ohio, New York, Washington, South Carolina and many others. The ticket price in any US store is $2. For citizens of foreign countries, the cost is higher due to the services of an intermediary and will be about 5 dollars.

How to buy a Mega Million ticket from Russia

Players from Russia have several options for participating in the game:

  • Purchasing Mega Million tickets through intermediaries. In this case, you pay an order of magnitude more for the ticket, since the amount includes the agent’s commission. The intermediary, in turn, purchases a ticket for you directly from the distributor with the numbers you selected.

Now you happy owner Mega Millions ticket, all you have to do is wait for the drawing and get winnings.

  • The second option for participating in the Mega Million game is to bet on winning the lottery. There are Internet services that completely copy the game - the rules, the mechanics of the drawings and the amount of payments to the winners.

The bet amount on such sites is close to the price real ticket Mega Million. Such companies operate under a license, it is quite expensive, so they value their reputation. This guarantees the safety of your money and timely payment of winnings.

Buy Mega Millions tickets using any of the following methods and win a guaranteed prize.

- Satisfied American faces, nothing more, but is this really so?

Advantages: big winner.

Disadvantages: Taxes for non-residents. The probability of winning is minimal.

Many gambling people, and sometimes just curious people, are always in search of an interesting and unexpected victory, this may be due to the fact that they were previously lucky in lotteries and competitions, and it may also be due to the fact that the excitement goes beyond all limits. And one of these games is the Mega Chance lottery. I think it’s worth talking about it a little and understanding its meaning.

The mega chance came to us from America, where they often show lucky people and owners of many million-dollar victories, but in reality they were victories or a scam, of course big question. Many people see and think, what if I am destined to become just as lucky.

In the lottery rules you need to guess, just like in other lotteries, the meaning is this: you need to guess 5 out of 75 plus 1 out of 15 balls. The participating countries are mainly American, but people from any other place on the planet can try to play.

Tickets can be purchased online and also in New Jersey, where lottery winnings are subject to local tax in three tax categories and methods. Category number 1: winnings up to $600 are tax-free; category number 2: amounts from $600.01 to $5,000 are taxed at 28%; and category number 3: amounts over $5,000 are taxed at 25%, but for non-residents at 30 percent, so all gift winnings are very high there, for which you need to pay a lot of taxes.

It is worth noting that prizes over $10,000 are subject to an additional tax of 3%. Before playing, you can check the tax legislation of the country, including the Russian residence, for taxation of income from lottery winnings. I think that in our country there will be those who are not averse to taking risks and trying their chances of success.

It is possible to increase the odds several times when playing in a mega chance, but these are all fairy tales, of course, about how you can actually win and become a mega and ultra millionaire for a moment.

The probability of winning is so small that many people do not understand this when purchasing a ticket and try more and more to try and have hopes, and even if there is a small win, it will encourage them to enter the mega chance lottery with even greater strength and desire.

Of course, my personal opinion is that this is a stupid activity and a waste of time, it’s better not to get carried away with these games, especially those of an American nature, since all the subtleties and nuances are also special for the Russian consumer, including those possibly living in America and that continent, and have their own the background and subtleties of some knowledge in terms of taxation.

Definitely a lottery Nice picture and a beautiful advertisement with eternally happy presenters, happy people who won, but in reality they exist, for me this is a real duck for fools and stupid comrades who believe in manna from heaven.

If you want to be wealthy and rich, go and work, but if you don’t want to, don’t waste your last on a stupid and pointless activity in the form of the American lottery, in which case you will also have to pay tax if you win more than 30 percent of the amount, this is a real failure and a scam for fools.

Of course, believe in winning
even the smallest jackpot that is possible in this game is 12 million dollars - this is not a joke, but still it is a complete scam and deception, as in fact in our country, only in a mega chance it will all be in dollar markup and equivalent .

They are lotteries in any country, but with even greater problems and nuances that need to be known and taken into account by all those who like to try them and experience them for themselves.

No, I think this is all a scam and a stupid and pointless waste of time and money.

Video review


Rada new meeting with you, dear friends. In this article we will talk about the Mega Millions lottery.

Maybe you've already heard about this one?

Not only Americans like to bet on this American lottery, but also some players from Russia and the CIS who have found a way to buy tickets with a minimum markup. And, best of all, our players receive cash prizes in case of a successful bet. Exactly - they get it. Small and not-so-small money won in Mega Millions can be received by lucky winners in their country ( we're talking about about non-residents of the USA).

American citizens are seriously offended when prizes of any category (even not the largest ones) go to foreign players. The mentality of the residents of the States, who are proud of everything American, including lotteries, does not allow them to be generous and magnanimous and calmly share their (in the American sense) with foreigners.

Some Mega Millions fans seriously complained to the authorities about foreigners “occupying” their lottery territory and demanded an official ban on non-US residents participating in the lottery. The authorities have not yet introduced a ban.

Therefore, let's play, Russians!

True, placing a bet directly is problematic - you need to look for reliable intermediaries with the ability to receive maximum information about the Mega Millions in Russian and make “transparent” bets. Well, or buy tickets directly in the States - this option is only suitable for those visiting the USA on business or as a tourist.

In any case, you often won’t be able to find tickets; there’s no hope of going to the official Mega Millions website - because it doesn’t exist at all, which means you can only use the services of intermediary services.

How does an intermediary resource work?

The ticket can only be bought in America, and the lottery does not have an official website. Therefore, we will have to resort to the help of special intermediary services. We’ll talk about them and how to work with them now.

First of all, you should pay attention to the “honesty” of the intermediary - this must be done, since in Lately There are many scam sites out there. To avoid falling into their hands, we advise you to pay attention to reviews about the agent and some points that prove honesty (we will indicate them below). So, for example, we can recommend you one trusted intermediary: Agenlotto.

How to play on Agenlotto?

To purchase a ticket here you need to follow this scheme:

  1. Register on the site
  2. Select a lottery to participate in
  3. Select a combination of numbers
  4. Top up balance and pay

When placing bets through an intermediary, the player must be prepared to overpay for a ticket. This is not a scam or a dirty trick - this is fair and necessary earnings for the services provided.

After purchasing a ticket, you are in your personal account and on Mailbox get a scanned copy of the ticket - this is precisely one of the properties that proves the honesty of the intermediary.

Then, if you win, you can withdraw money. If this is a small amount, then they can be transferred to your bank account, card or other payment systems convenient for you.

If the winnings are large, you can go to the country yourself to collect the prize, or make a power of attorney and your prize will be collected by employees, after which it will also be transferred to your account.

Rules of the game

As with most lotteries, the odds of winning Mega Millions are determined by the number of numbers matched.

The algorithm is simple: the player must guess numbers in two categories: main (5 out of 75) and additional (1 out of 15). And, what is important for every person who expects to win to know is the chance of winning to a greater extent depends on the matched additional number.

But it’s not just the Jackpot that Mega Millions players dream of – the lottery organizers made sure that each of the participants vying for more modest prizes gets a real chance to increase their winnings several times. True, not for free - plus another dollar for the “MegaPlier” function, and all your winnings (if they are not Jackpot) can increase by 2-5 times.

More specifically, the rules can be studied on the website, which allows you to play the Mega Million lottery in Russia .

When are the draws?

The lottery is a serious game and Americans treat it as such. The airtime allocated for broadcasting Megamillions cannot be changed: twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, regardless of holidays.

What's the Jackpot?

The lottery's minimum jackpot never falls below $15 million and increases by $5 million after each draw that survives.

How is the fund distributed?

If you are interested in how much money goes to the players (including you), I can provide information from a reliable source, according to what principles and how the organizers distribute the proceeds from the purchase of tickets.

The Mega Million lottery in the USA is one of the most popular projects; citizens of the country know that even if their bet is not successful, the money paid for it will still be useful - it will be spent on the improvement of some city.

  • The organizers give 35% of the total amount to the governments of state participants in the lottery, and they use it at their own discretion, but for the benefit of society, not personal gain.
  • 50% are prizes of all categories for lottery winners.
  • 15% - salary for ticket distributors.

If any gain long time remains unclaimed, it also goes to governments. We are not talking about small amounts now, but about the main prizes. Apparently, this is why the authorities treat the organizers with such respect and support the distribution of Megamillions tickets in the country.

Mega Millions Lottery Reviews

I dug a little into the reviews and found for you reviews about Mega Millions from real players from Russia, who have been participating in draws for a year or more, and therefore have experience that you can trust.

By the way, they found this lottery and intermediaries to buy tickets on their own; many fell into fraudulent networks, but quickly recognized the deception. Now they play through trusted sites and claim that playing the American lottery is more interesting and profitable than domestic ones.

We have summarized the reviews and divided them into the advantages and disadvantages of the Mega Millions lottery.


  1. Affordable ticket price (even with payment for intermediary services).
  2. Withdrawal of winnings to an electronic wallet within 2 days (we are talking about small amounts, none of us have ever won the jackpot in the American lottery).
  3. The draws are interesting and there is a special atmosphere.
  4. Results come to email, you can also track it in your personal account on the intermediary website.
  5. The lottery is reputable and fair.


  1. Because of the affordable price, you can get so involved in the game that there is a risk of becoming addicted.
  2. The game is aimed at American audiences.
  3. Some states do not pay winnings to foreigners, even through intermediaries; before placing a bet, you need to clarify which states it is better not to play from.
  4. Not very high chances of winning.

Is it possible to win the American lottery?

You can mentally collect diamond dust all your life, like the heroes of Ilf and Petrov, or you can set a goal, arm yourself with faith and hit the Jackpot in dollars.

Esotericists claim that faith is the main key to big win, mathematicians say that logic and sober calculation are more important, and the organizers of the Mega Million lottery advise simply purchasing tickets for the drawings.

If these tips are not enough for you, then keep one more: carefully study statistics, practice a balanced approach to the game process (don’t become addicted to the lottery) and at least superficially study the theory of probability. And - yes - do not turn off your confidence in victory under any circumstances.

Everyone has a chance to win the American lottery, as well as a chance to win any other lottery. Just get used to the idea of ​​big money, don’t be afraid of millions, start feeling like a rich person here and now. These are proven methods, they are sure to give positive results. Mega Millions is conquered only by the confident and stubborn (in in a good way words).


Mega Millions, like any other lottery, can be liked or disliked. Its rules are simple, but this does not mean that winning a million is easy.

Our job is to familiarize you with this lottery, and the decision to “play or not to play” is yours. To win you can use different ways: develop your own strategy and regularly receive small pleasant rewards, or arm yourself with unshakable faith and hit the big jackpot. Any method works.

However, do not ignore such banal and boring ones as meticulous study and analysis of information about the lottery. Find a reliable intermediary, read reviews, talk to experienced players on the forums.