If anyone got in on me, then he was also a Tatar... (c). Isn't this population genetics? - So they only have a common name

“Scratch a Frenchman, an Italian, and you will find a Jew.” Is there no such saying yet?

“Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar”...

And I started digging. I discovered a lot of interesting things. The quote is more than popular; as usual, everyone is named as the author famous personalities ranging from Homer to Panikovsky. But most often those who quote, without further ado, simply declare it a proverb. For example, Putin, almost our everything, put it this way: “We, you know, say: “If you rub every Russian properly, a Tatar will appear there.” In general, it seemed that there was no way to find the end - they blurted out the quote and used it. But there are no barriers to an inquisitive mind, especially if this mind does not want to shake a rattle in front of the heiresses, justifying itself by preparing for a radio appearance.

I’ll go straight to the main thing - I finally dug up the original source.

The great Russian writer N.S. It was not for nothing that Leskov said that if you scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar.
http://www.musakov.ru/cgi-bin/ubb/ultim ... 2;t=000007

And when Dostoevsky wrote: “scratch any Russian and you will see a Tatar”

A.S. himself Pushkin said - Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar
http://forum.intrance.ru/index.php?s=a7 ... 10276&st=0

As Klyuchevsky used to say, scratch a Russian and you will see a Tatar
http://info.rambler.ru:8101/db/news/msg ... =260004288

Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar (as in Shestov).
http://www.medbrat.ru/cgi-bin/ikonboard ... postno=183

Ivan Bunin's remark - if you scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar

Scratch any Russian - you will scrape off a Tatar, Gogol said

It’s, as Kuprin said, scratch any Russian, you’ll get a Tatar

paraphrasing the statement of V.V. Rozanov (“Scratch any Russian, and you will find a Tatar”),
http://www.postindustrial.net/content1/ ... sian&id=58

“Scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar,” President Vladimir Putin said not so long ago.
http://www.materik.ru/print.php?section ... 047f3a6f6a

This is an arctic fox. Complete and comprehensive. Soon there will not be a single Russian classic who will not be credited with the authorship of this nasty and bad phrase. For - Hryun Morzhov himself, no bullshit!

Here is an enlightened European opinion about the Tatars:

“The Tatars surpass us not only in abstinence and prudence, but also in love for their neighbors. For among themselves they maintain friendly and good relations. The slaves they have only from foreign countries they treat fairly. And although they were either captured in battle or [acquired] for money, they are not kept [in captivity] for more than seven years. It is so destined in Holy Scripture, Exodus, 21. But we hold in eternal slavery not those obtained in battle or for money, not strangers, but of our kind and faith, orphans, the poor, married to slaves.

And we abuse our power over them, for we torture, maim, execute them without a legal trial, on any suspicion. On the contrary, among the Tatars and Muscovites, not a single official can execute a person, even if convicted of a crime, except for the capital’s judges; and then - in the capital. And in all our villages and cities, people are sentenced.

Until now, we take taxes for the protection of the state from only the poor townspeople and poorest farmers subject to us, bypassing the land owners, while they receive a lot from their latifundia, arable land, meadows, pastures, gardens, vegetable gardens, fruit plants, forests, groves, apiaries, fisheries, taverns, workshops, trades, customs, maritime taxes, piers, lakes, rivers, ponds, fisheries, mills, herds, labor of slaves. And it would be much better for military affairs to proceed and to collect the taxes we need, which would be collected from each person, if the begun measurement of all lands and arable land [belonging] to both the nobility and the common people came to an end. For the one who has more land would contribute more."

(c) enlightened European

The Koran begins with the words “There is no God.” "Would big mistake think..." V.I. Lenin

The end of the maydauns’ favorite myth about the “horde”. A word for geneticists

Russians are one of the most purebred peoples in Eurasia.
Recent joint research by Russian, British and Estonian genetic scientists has put a big, bold end to the common Russophobic myth that has been instilled into people’s minds for decades - they say, “scratch a Russian and you will definitely find a Tatar.”

The results of a large-scale experiment published in scientific journal“The American Journal of Human Genetics” states quite unequivocally that “despite popular opinions about the strong Tatar and Mongol admixture in the blood of Russians, which their ancestors inherited during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the haplogroup Turkic peoples and other Asian ethnic groups left virtually no trace on the population of the modern northwestern, central and southern regions.”

Like this. We can safely put an end to this long-standing dispute and consider further discussions on this issue simply inappropriate.

We are not Tatars. We are not Tatars. The so-called “Mongol-Tatar yoke” - which in reality did not exist (see video) - did not have any influence on Russian genes. We Russians did not have and do not have any admixture of Turkic “Horde blood”.

Moreover, genetic scientists, summing up their research, declare that the genotypes of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are almost completely identical, thereby proving that we were and remain one people: “genetic variations of the Y chromosome of residents of the central and southern regions Ancient Rus' turned out to be almost identical to those of Ukrainians and Belarusians.”

One of the project leaders Russian geneticist Oleg Balanovsky admitted in an interview with Gazeta.ru that Russians are an almost monolithic people from a genetic point of view, destroying another myth: “everyone has mixed up, there are no longer pure Russians.” Quite the opposite - there were Russians and there are Russians. United people one nation, a monolithic nationality with a clearly defined special genotype.

Further, examining the materials of the remains from the most ancient burials, scientists found that “ Slavic tribes mastered these lands (Central and Southern Russia) long before the mass resettlement of the main part of the ancient Russians to them in the 7th-9th centuries.” That is, the lands of Central and Southern Russia were inhabited by Russians (Rusichs) already, at least in the first centuries AD. If not before.

This allows us to debunk another Russophobic myth - that Moscow and the surrounding areas were supposedly inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes from ancient times and that Russians there are “aliens.” We, as geneticists have proven, are not aliens, but completely autochthonous inhabitants of Central Russia, where Russians have lived since time immemorial. “Despite the fact that these lands were inhabited even before the last glaciation of our planet about 20 thousand years ago, there is no evidence directly indicating the presence of any “original” peoples living in this territory,” the report states. That is, there is no evidence that any other tribes lived on our lands before us, whom we supposedly displaced or assimilated. If I can put it this way, we have been living here since the creation of the world.

Scientists have also determined the far boundaries of the habitat of our ancestors: “analysis of bone remains indicates that the main zone of contact between Caucasians and people of the Mongoloid type was in the territory Western Siberia" And if you consider that the archaeologists who excavated ancient burials 1st millennium BC on the territory of Altai, they found the remains of distinctly Caucasoid people there (not to mention the world-famous Arkaim) - the conclusion is obvious. Our ancestors (ancient Russians, proto-Slavs) - originally lived throughout the territory modern Russia, including Siberia, and quite possibly Far East. So the campaign of Ermak Timofeevich and his comrades beyond the Urals, from this point of view, was a completely legitimate return of previously lost territories.

That's it, friends. Modern science destroys Russophobic stereotypes and myths, cutting the ground from under the feet of our liberal “friends”. Their further speculations on these topics are completely beyond the bounds of common sense, being of interest exclusively to psychiatrists who study the mechanisms of obsessive delusions...

Did the neighborhood with the Turks and Finno-Ugrians influence the gene pool of the Russian nation, where humanity came from? Is there a danger in the formation of a genetic database?

The Russian Planet correspondent talked with Konstantin Perfilyev, general director DNA-Heritage company and Kharis Mustafin, director of scientific work this company. The core activity of “DNA-Heritage” is determining the historical origin of a person using genetic research, which is carried out in the Laboratory of Historical Genetics, Radiocarbon Analysis and Applied Physics, created on the basis of the MIPT Genome Center. At the same time, the company’s employees are engaged in purely scientific work, studying the DNA of ancient and medieval people.

Russian Planet (RP): Please tell us about the scientific work carried out by the laboratory staff.

DNA Heritage: Historical genetics, firstly, examines the modern human genome, which allows us to look into the past and determine how people settled and migrated throughout different periods of history, and secondly, it deals with archaeological artifacts, DNA isolation and genome research ancient man in order to obtain information about the origin of people living in certain regions.

If we take central Russia, which is primarily within the zone of our scientific interests, then it should be said that experts believe that middle lane Russia is an extremely difficult climate zone for preserving DNA in archaeological artifacts. Under conditions of changes in humidity and temperature, deep degradation of DNA occurs, which makes it very difficult to isolate archaeological DNA and then obtain reliable data on the human genome.

We were actually the first in the country to develop a technology for isolating DNA from people of the Russian Middle Ages and are fully implementing methods for deciphering it. We obtain reliable, reproducible results. The main element of this technology is the anti-contamination system, i.e. the entry into the ancient, studied material of particles released by contemporaries. Due to this, the unambiguity and reliability of the research results is achieved.

RP: What do such studies give to contemporary people?

DNA Heritage: Understanding what it was like real story. Now we are working with archaeological artifacts of ancient Yaroslavl, which early XIII century was destroyed, and the rich population of the city was killed. The chronicles do not contain any mention of this event. As a result of archaeological excavations in Yaroslavl, places of mass graves of people were discovered. We have the ability to install family ties between them, we analyze haplogroups and haplotypes, which in turn allows us to determine the origin of the people whose remains were genotyped.

The research has just begun and the results are not enough to make unambiguous conclusions, but so far we see that among the townspeople there are no representatives of the local population, the Ugric tribes Meri and Chud. In the future, we will study suburban burial mounds of the early Christian period and see what the results of genotyping there will be. If we determine that the local population is significantly different from the one who lived in the city, the mechanism of the birth of cities will be more clear, it will become clear that squads came along the rivers, set up a fortress, after which farmers and cultivators were sent to the outpost, a settlement was created that interacted Trade routes arose with the local population and other cities. This will allow us to clarify some details of the emergence of cities, principalities and the Old Russian state as a whole. We are already interacting with historians, who are very grateful to us for the results presented.

RP: Could this help in determining how not even the Slavic, but the Russian ethnic group was formed? There is an opinion that Russians are not pure Slavs, but a mixture with Finno-Ugrians. What do genetic studies say about the “composition” of Slavs and Russians?

DNA Heritage: Who is a Slav from the point of view of the gene pool - this is very difficult question. For example, the Slavic haplogroup R1a is very common among Tajiks and Turks, who are not Slavs. How should we feel about this? The fact is that the concept of a haplogroup determines whether those who are part of it have a common ancestor in the distant past. Nationalities were formed much later and therefore in any national group includes representatives of different haplogroups. When they talk about the “Slavic” haplogroup, they usually single out the haplogroup that prevails among representatives who consider themselves to be a Slavic ethnic group. However, it is important to emphasize that without genetic testing specific person It is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the connection between his haplogroup and his nationality; we can only talk about statistical data. Indeed, Russians include representatives of a number of haplogroups, among them most of all belong to the R1a haplogroup, which is very often found among the Slavs, in second place in number are representatives of the N1a haplogroup (according to modern classification), among which the majority of Finno-Ugric peoples language group(but not only).

RP: These concepts have not yet been formed?

DNA-Heritage: Now there is a process of developing statistical information, and it must be understood that the concept of a haplogroup is used primarily for population studies that reveal how groups of people with a common ancestor settle while changing in numbers.

RP: That is. DNA and blood are not the main criteria for determining nationality?

DNA Heritage: Blood is an indicator of the history of a group of people who have common ancestors. The history of migrations around the planet, lifestyle, indicates the landscape of residence, food and economic systems.

RP: Even on the management system?

DNA Heritage: Of course, for example, in Crimea, from time immemorial, fishermen and cattle breeders lived side by side, but analysis of the gene pool of Crimeans shows large differences between very close neighbors. Population living in coastal zone, has a different haplotype than the nomads who live nearby in the steppe. They have gastronomic preferences; the former ate mainly seafood, the latter – meat. They have different image life. Mixing between them occurred, but the features were still preserved.

RP: That is. Is it impossible to say with 100% accuracy what nationality a person is?

DNA Heritage: When will genetic research become more widespread, when will genetiping be done? larger number people, and new subclades (subgroups) will be discovered, then it will be possible to drill down, get closer to the characteristics, and say that some subclade is characteristic of such and such a people. At this stage, the determination of nationality is made approximately. Tajiks also have haplogroup R1a, but the subclade is different. Those. Russians and Tajiks had in common ancient ancestor, but then a division occurred.

Science does not stand still, new subclades are being discovered and clarification is taking place. It is known that haplogroup R1a has an Asian, Indian and European subclade.

R1a is a macrohaplogroup that includes Indians, Tajiks, and Russians, but if you “turn on the microscope”, we will see the subclade M458, characteristic of the Russian plain, for the Slavs. The more contemporaries are genetyped and new subclades are discovered, the more Great chance, that a sub-branch will be opened that will characterize, say, Ukrainians, Belarusians or Poles. Gradually we will come to this detail.

RP: But to some extent modern research do they already allow us to delineate the boundaries of nations?

DNA Heritage: If we talk about the Russian people, they are Russian precisely because nationality. Its composition from the point of view of the gene pool is as follows - in 1st place are representatives of haplogroup R1a, in 2nd place N1a, in 3rd place I, then R1b. This speaks of the rich history of the land where such a large number of representatives with different ancestors live. When people have different origins, live in the same territory, they interact and enrich each other.

If according to the zone of residence R1a is steppe and forest-steppe, then N1a is forests, taiga, and border forest-steppe. There was a connection between peoples who had lived nearby for a long time. This happened 3 thousand years ago. Later, on their basis, the Russian people were formed.

RP: Returning to the question of the origin of Russians. There is a fairly common misconception that the Mongol-Tatar yoke quite strongly influenced the gene pool of the Russian nation. And since the time of the historian Karamzin, the proverb “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar” has been in use. How true is this statement?

DNA Heritage: Three aspects can be distinguished here, the first is the gene pool. Research was conducted to look for the presence of Mongolian genes in Russians. In the Asian part of Russia, from the shores Pacific Ocean to the Urals, the Russian population has 3% of such genes. From the Urals to the Volga - 0.5%. From the Volga to the West - absent.

Now let's look from the other side. Among the Mongols, no traces of Slavic blood, which could have appeared as a result of the captivity of the Russians, were also found. Not observed in any form. This suggests that Mr. Karamzin, being an excellent writer, wrote a story that has little correlation with the written sources that came before him and with the results of course scientific research our days.

Read the continuation of the interview with representatives of the DNA-Heritage company in the near future.

“Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar”

And I started digging. I discovered a lot of interesting things. The quote is more than popular; as usual, all famous personalities ranging from Homer to Panikovsky are named as authors. But most often those who quote, without further ado, simply declare it a proverb. For example, Putin, almost our everything, put it this way: “We, you know, they say: “If you rub every Russian properly, a Tatar will appear there.”

In general, it seemed that there was no way to find the end - they blurted out the quote and used it. But there are no barriers to an inquisitive mind, especially if this mind does not want to shake a rattle in front of the heiresses, justifying itself by preparing for a radio appearance.

I’ll go straight to the main thing - I finally dug up the original source.

You know, I'm becoming more and more convinced that exact quotes There is practically no left in mass use. At all. All idioms or shamelessly distorted, or cut off to the point of distorting the meaning, or originally had a completely different meaning.

“Russian with Tatar,” as it turned out, belong precisely to the third category. To make it clear what this category is, let me remind you of the famous: “Religion is the opium of the people.” Formally, the quotation from Marx is practically not distorted (he said “Religion is the opium of the people”), but de facto the meaning has been considerably changed. In the original, the bearded mind spoke not about the intoxicating, but about the analgesic properties of opium (Religion is the sigh of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world...), which, you see, considerably shifts the emphasis.

So, about the Tatars. As a result of the research, it turned out that Putin was wrong. This is not what we say at all.

The expression “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar” came to us from French, and in the original it sounds like this: “Grattez le Russe, et vous verrez un Tartare.” This saying is also very popular there, so much so that the authorship has still not been accurately established. catchphrase this was attributed to various historical figures: Joseph de Maistre, Napoleon I, Prince de Ligne, etc.

But the meaning put into this saying by the French is very specific and completely different.

In essence, the phrase about the Russian and the Tatar is simply short version famous quote from the famous composition "La Russie en 1839". The same one that was given to the world by the famous marquis, freemason and pederast Astolphe de Custine. For those who haven’t read it, let me remind you that the book “Russia in 1839” still retains the title of “the bible of Russophobes.” Well, Custine speaks, naturally, about his own, about his obsession. This is how his thesis sounds in expanded form:

“After all, a little more than a hundred years ago they were real Tatars. And under the outer veneer of European elegance, most of these upstart civilizations retained the bearskin - they just put the fur on it inside. But just scratch them a little and you will see how the wool comes out and bristles.”
It is as a kind of quintessence, a kind of distillation of Russophobia, that our European educated classics loved to quote the phrase “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar.” In particular, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky often sinned with this, exposing the machinations of evil Europeans - both in the “Diary of a Writer” and in “The Teenager”... It was from their writings that this aphorism went to the people.

Well, our people, as usual, have distorted everything. As a result, the dubious maxim “Under the thin shell of feigned culture, Russians still hide cannibalistic savages” turned into a peaceful and generally true thesis “A Russian and a Tatar are brothers forever.”

The original is "Opium des Volkes", not "Opium für das Volk". The translation of the original is completely unambiguous: “opium of the people”, “opium, belonging to the people", "people's opium" in the sense of " folk remedy".

From my discussion with the famous network banderlog, who attributed the phrase about the Tatar to Turgenev:

This is a very common technique in theoretical Russophobia. Brought to complete perfection by the shitty Shtepa. The name of some great Russian is taken, and then a suitable quote is inserted into him. “As the Russian classic Turgenev said (Tolstoy, Gorbachev, Khryun Morzhov...) all Russian goats (fuckers, freaks, microcephalics).” End of quote. What, you don’t agree to admit that you are a piece of dung? What a shame, because the great Hryun Morzhov himself said this! Fall on your face, you insignificant ones! After all, Hryun Morzhov himself! etc. and so on.

Not without pleasure, I conducted an online investigation on the topic “who said “meow”, in the sense of which classic the phrase about scratching a Russian belongs to. Turgenev found himself in good company:

“Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar” (Karamzin)

It was not for nothing that the great Russian writer N.S. Leskov said that if you scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar.

And when Dostoevsky wrote: “scratch any Russian and you will see a Tatar”

A.S. himself Pushkin said - Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar

As Klyuchevsky used to say, scratch a Russian and you will see a Tatar

Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar (as in Shestov).

Ivan Bunin's remark - if you scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar

Scratch any Russian - you will scrape off a Tatar, Gogol said

It’s, as Kuprin said, scratch any Russian, you’ll get a Tatar

paraphrasing the statement of V.V. Rozanov (“Scratch any Russian, and you will find a Tatar”),

“Scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar,” President Vladimir Putin said not so long ago.

This is an arctic fox. Complete and comprehensive. Soon there will not be a single Russian classic who will not be credited with the authorship of this nasty and bad phrase. For - Hryun Morzhov himself, no big deal!

“Dig for a Russian and you will find a Tatar!” - Napoleon I Bonaparte(about Denis Davydov and Mikhail Kutuzov).

Famous poet and hero Patriotic War 1812 led his family
from the Tatar Murza Minchak, who left for Rus' at the beginning of the 15th century.

I went to feat of arms- and the Tatar beat me,
He returned to capital Kyiv - and his wife was lured by a Khazarian,
I wanted to gallop away, but the Mongol stole the horse...
Perhaps I was wrong to go after the Tatar at first?

For us Tatars, it's like vodka or a machine gun - as long as it knocks us off our feet!
We Tatars don’t care what to love, what to fight, just to lie on top!
We Tatars don’t care whether we love to drag anyone or drag anyone away!
We Tatars don’t care whether it’s a sanatorium or a crematorium - as long as it’s warm!
We, the Tatars, have one thing...: no matter the war, no matter Sabantuy, it’s still a fight!
We Tatars don’t care whether we drink tea or kick the samovar, just to get sweaty!

A Varangian guest is worse than a Tatar.
One in the field is worse than a Tatar.
An unexpected nail is worse than a Tatar.
An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.
Especially in Tatarstan. From there you need to drive away the uninvited guests in three necks.
An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar, but better than a snotty Russian.

Friendship of peoples is when Little crest, Russian And Tatar get together and go get wet Jew.

Litigated Tatar With Jew, Prosecutor They gave me 10 years of strict regime.

Ermak Timofeevich. Portrait early XVIII century.

In 2000 Kazan passed celebrations on the occasion of the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy sciences).

Second day, morning, Anniversary Scientific Session. Several excerpts from local speeches academicians:

President of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, academician of the Academy of Sciences M.Kh. Khasanov:
- Let me congratulate you on the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan!
- It seems to me, and I already think, that this event is important not only for Russia, but for the whole of Tatarstan!

Academician of the Academy of Sciences M.Z. Zakiev, Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences:
- learned ancestors of modern Tatars...
- in the 13th century, scientists and thinkers developed..
- Only the Bulgarian military arts were completely defeated at the foot of the Zhiguli Mountains, and the hordes of Genghis Khan were defeated.
- Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences were actively involved in humanitarian and general problems...
- We have already begun to publish works jointly with relevant scientists.
- According to history, after the decree of 1944, our origins did not dare to go beyond the borders of Tatarstan.
- wanted to create more architectural art, but.. I understand.
- coordination of the work of scientists with this science
- It is necessary to complete the history of the Tatar people!

Sergey Efoshkin. "For Holy Rus'!"


A Tatar was born - a Jew began to cry.
A Tatar is the same Jew, but with a mark of quality.
If you want to have a shepherd, get a Tatar wife.


The Tatar master is sharpening his teeth and wants to eat us!


There was a shipwreck in late autumn. Only two Tatars survived. But they ended up on two neighboring islands. They live slowly, get used to it, shout at each other.
But soon there was another shipwreck. And a woman swam out to one of the Tatars. A few days later, he decided to share his joy with his fellow sufferer:
- Hey, Mustafa, swim here! There's something here that you probably dream about every night.
Mustafa threw himself into the icy water shouting:
- My jumpers!!!

Ilya-Muromets comes to Social Security.
- Have you heard, noblewoman, benefits are granted to us, participants in the Battle of Kulikovo?
- Definitely! Bring a certificate that the participant will fix everything right now: rent, electricity, telephone...
- Where can I get it, a certificate?! Looks like everyone died in such a time!
- N-n-n-n-u-u! Don't know! The Tatars are found somewhere!

We left somehow Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich And Alesha Popovich in an open field. We looked around - no one. Suddenly two frail Tatars appeared from behind a hillock.
Dobrynya Nikitich says - it’s time to get out, brothers!
Why? - asks Ilya Muromets.
There are two of them, and we are ONE, answered Dobrynya.

10 Tatars and 1 Russian are walking through the desert. The Russian always tells jokes about the Tatars. They get tired of it and they warn him that if he tells another joke about the Tatars, they will kill him. He thought and said:
- New joke. Walking through the desert 3 blacks: Shamil, Farid and Rafael.

The teacher reads an excerpt from an essay to the class Vovochki:

- “I imagine him as a narrow-eyed, yellow-faced horseman, galloping with squeals and hooting on his lathered horse. He usually lives in a yurt, in Asia. Before the revolution he was completely illiterate, and after the revolution the Russians taught him to read and write, build houses and to wear jeans..."
Vova, the essay was written without errors, but the topic of the essay was “How do I imagine Gagarin", not "How I imagine Tatar".

At the lesson Tatar language teacher says:
- Vovochka, tell us in Tatar about the death Chapaeva.
Vovochka says passionately:
- Machine gunner: “Tra-ta-ta-ta!”, Chapaev: “Ulyam!”

Walking through the village for Easter pop. And towards him Tatar, so sad, looking at the ground. Pop says:
- Hey, Tatar, listen, Christ resurrected
The Tatar raises his head and slowly breaks into a smile:
- Ay, Well done!

We argued Tatar With Jewish about something. When all the arguments were over, they turned to personalities, as usual.
Jew and says:
- You in general us They were kept under the yoke for two hundred years.
The Tatar answers him:
- And you, and you... Why do you our Christ crucified?!

Tatarstan appealed to the Russian parliament with a complaint about the proverb “Uninvited guest worse Tatar".
Parliament considered the complaint and decided:
- From now on say: "Uninvited guest" better Tatar".

Father Tsar, the Tatars have arrived. They ask for bribes.
- Bribe?! - Write my decree:
Give to the Tatars bribes!

When the Tatars attacked Great Rus', they said:
- Russians, give up, we are the Horde!!
And the Russians answered them:
- And we are the army!!!

Ilya-Muromets in an open field peers into the distance, placing his palm to his forehead and squinting in the sun.
A Tatar passing by became interested:
-Where are you looking, Ilyushenka?
- Yes, I’m looking for a good place.
- Eh, don’t you know, it’s good where we are not.
- Well, I’ll look where you Tatars are not there.

The performance is in Tatar:
Nadezhda Konstantinovna:
- Kaya barasyn, Vladimir Ilyich?
- Saunarkumga, Nadezhda Konstantinovna, saunarkumga!


1. When you appear, everyone lies face down and without tricks.
2. Your gift is stupidly, but carefully examined.
3. The bottle of vodka that you brought is drunk while you take off your coat.
4. The owners hang your coat and hat on the bell button.
5. The owner’s good-natured bull terrier hangs on your hip all evening.
6. The owner has been looking at you strangely through the peephole all evening.
7. As soon as you entered, everyone starts beating you, and one of them screams heart-rendingly: “It’s not him, it’s not him!”
8. They ask you: “I hope there was no tail behind you?”
9. After your knock, you can hear from behind the door: “Oh, Lord! Pogrom again!”
10. You... Tatar.

How to determine what nationality you are?

1. If you are on a tourist trip to any eastern country feel a sense of superiority, and during a trip to western country are experiencing an inferiority complex, then you - Russian.
2. If you have a small jar with cut-off eggs of a captured soldier stored in your basement, then you - Chechen.
3. If every mention of lard infuriates you, then you - Ukrainian.
4. If as a child, after a school history lesson about the Mongol invasion of Rus', you returned home with a black eye, then you - Tatar.
5. If your native language is broken Tatar, but you do not consider yourself a Tatar, then you are - Bashkir.
6. If you regularly listen to Armenian radio programs, but they Not make you laugh, then you - Armenian.
7. If you regularly listen to Echo of Moscow radio programs, and they they'll make you laugh, then you - Jew!