Gifts for Easter: do it yourself. What gifts are given for Easter: ideas

Good afternoon friends! Do you think it’s time to start looking for Easter gifts that you can make yourself? I think it's time. Therefore, I want to give you ideas for Easter creativity. And the child will have something to take to the competition, and something to decorate the house with, and what to give to loved ones on Easter Sunday will not be a problem.

DIY crafts are not just the end result in the form of a certain souvenir. These are joyful smiles, unforgettable communication with family, a festive atmosphere, cheerful noise and din. In a word, it's wonderful!

And what happens? If we communicate with you about this, does it mean we are sharing a good mood? Well, that's wonderful! Thank you for visiting the page. Stay - now you and I will create something.

What attracted me to this craft? Firstly, it is very beautiful. Secondly, you can make and decorate from a wide variety of available means. From paper, from satin ribbons, from anything. Thirdly, it is unusually solemn and symbolic.

The Easter wreath is a symbol of eternal existence, because it has neither beginning nor end. Its round shape resembles the sun, the source of life on our planet.

I suggest you weave a wreath from branches. This magnificent natural material will make you feel the approach of spring. And Easter paraphernalia can include eggs, nests with chicks, rabbits, and so on and so forth. You can improvise endlessly.

What you need to prepare

  • Thin willow or birch twigs
  • Leg-split
  • Decor (bright bows and ribbons, artificial or fresh flowers, burlap, eggs)

How to weave an Easter wreath

  1. Collected or chopped branches should be briefly poured with boiling water. This will make them soft and flexible. Soaking time depends on the thickness of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to test the material for flexibility at certain intervals.
  2. Weave the steamed branches together, gradually forming a circle.
  3. Tie the twine to the wreath.
  4. Use spiral movements to strengthen the wreath.
  5. If necessary, weave in more branches.
  6. Decorate the wreath at your discretion.

Well, isn't it beautiful? Yes, there are simply no words, you must agree. Do you know how to enhance the spring effect? Drip some fresh-smelling essential oils onto the wreath. These can be lemon, mint, and lemon balm oils.

And as an additional bonus for handicraftsmen: DIY Easter gift ideas in the form of photographs of various wreaths.

Easter craft for children's creativity - paper wreath

You know, my friends, I couldn’t pass by this simple, but such a cute little craft. It's like it was made for children. Invite the younger generation to make an Easter wreath out of paper.

Just imagine with what pleasure they will create an Easter miracle and then give it to their beloved teacher, grandmother or grandfather.

List of required materials

  • Cardboard
  • Colored paper, magazine covers
  • Scissors
  • Satin ribbon for hanging.

Step by Step Actions

Both parents and children can be proud of themselves. Some because they made a magnificent craft with their own hands, others because they raised hardworking and skillful children. Well done everyone!

DIY baskets for Easter eggs made of paper

I wouldn’t be opening America if I said that the most popular Easter gift is a painted egg. But you must agree that the souvenir will look much more impressive and respectable in a miniature paper basket.

It's not at all difficult to do. And the schemes that I bring to your attention will help us with this.

  1. Baskets made of colored paper with carved sides. What needs to be done to make it Print out the diagram Cut with scissors Make side bends Glue.

    This is how they turn out bright and beautiful.

  2. Baskets in the form of lanterns for one egg. Look, they are simply incredible! The creation method is the same: printed, cut, bent and glued. The egg was placed inside and tied with a ribbon.

  3. Baskets - bunnies. Not a souvenir, but a treat. Please note that to make it you need 2 parts according to the same pattern. They stick together and form a cozy niche for an Easter egg. And the ears are tied with a colorful ribbon or thin colored lace.

I advise you to take a closer look at these crafts. Simple, but with such taste!

Gift baskets for Easter eggs made from cardboard materials

And now I encourage you to look around. There is probably a cardboard box in the house. Yes, even from under cheese - why not material for a future Easter basket?

Additional material and tools

  • Thin cardboard or white paper
  • Scissors
  • Material for decoration - sisal, decorative birds, colored paper, ribbons, beads, braid.

How to make a basket

I think that cardboard baskets can be made not only round. An excellent option is to use egg trays for these purposes. They will definitely be found in every home. You just need to cut off the required number of cells, glue a handle made of paper or satin ribbon, and that’s it – the decorative basket is ready. And painting it with ordinary paints can embellish it.

Original stands for Easter eggs

An egg stand can be a fun Easter souvenir. You can make it at home from anything, even from toilet paper rolls. Here's a look at how you can make a fun snail-shaped stand.

  1. From the roller we cut a round blank of the desired height.
  2. From the same roll we cut a thin strip and cut it in half. We will make antennae from these segments.
  3. Glue two antennae to the base.
  4. We bend the upper part and draw eyes. The stand is ready! Now let's color the eggs for her.
  5. For the snail stand, paint the eggs accordingly. Draw a spiral on the boiled egg with a wax pencil.
  6. Lower it for 5 - 10 minutes. into a container with diluted dye.
  7. Take it out and give it time to dry. We send it to the stand.

The stand can be covered with colored paper, or painted with ordinary paints. Then she will become even more elegant. Yes, and eggs can be made in several colors. It will turn out very interesting. Children will be happy to give such souvenirs to friends.

A cell from an egg container will also become a ready-made stand for one egg. All that remains is to cut it out and paint it. Invite children to draw animal faces and glue them to Easter eggs. This way you will open a real zoo at home. To make it even more convincing, you can, for example, glue a tail to a stand with a lion.

DIY Easter topiary

Surely housewives will want to decorate a clean apartment for a big holiday. Am I right? Then I propose to make a bright topiary with Easter symbols with your own hands. Both beautiful and solemn. Just like the bright holiday of Easter itself.

Don’t throw away this wonderful idea if you don’t have some of the materials from the list on hand. You can decorate in your own way and taste, taking into account the available means. The main thing is to understand the essence of the craft.

List of required materials

  • Artificial flowers of different sizes - both large and small
  • Styrofoam ball (5 – 7 cm in diameter)
  • Glue. You can use "Dragon"
  • Decorative material - feathers, insects, a sprig of greenery, flowers
  • Flower pot
  • Putty
  • Scissors
  • Artificial bird with chicks
  • Small foam eggs
  • Sisal in two colors, yellow and green
  • A branch up to 40 cm long. It will act as a topiary leg, so it must be level
  • Aerosol paint golden color.

Step-by-step work progress

  1. Paint the twig - trunk. To avoid staining the surface, it is advisable to cover it with unnecessary paper.

  2. Glue large flowers evenly onto the foam ball, not forgetting to leave room for the trunk at the bottom. This will be the top of our topiary.

  3. Decorate the crown with feathers and leaves. You can also put a butterfly on it.

  4. Place the flower ball tightly onto the painted trunk.
  5. Cover the flower pot with a plastic bag.
  6. Pour the putty, dilute it with water until it becomes mushy.

  7. Place the tree in the center of the pot and level it. Hold it with your hands a little so that the putty dries.
  8. Wrap the edges of the bag and cover the putty with them. The mass should harden to a solid state.

  9. Place green sisal on top.
  10. Place the bird near the bird house, and place foam eggs and hatched chicks in the nest itself.

  11. Place a bug, flowers, and a green twig on the green “grass.” In a word, depict movement in nature.
  12. At the end of the process, you need to decorate the base, that is, the flower pot.

What thoughts does this handsome man evoke in you? Yes, it symbolizes the awakening to life, the renewal of nature. A real spring and easter decoration.

Friends, I tried to choose crafts for you that are not complicated. I understand perfectly well that there is always not enough time. If you like them, I will be very glad. Write in the comments what you did. And don't forget to show off your skills to your friends. And also subscribe to our blog. There is always a lot of interesting things here. And you certainly won’t forget to open a home workshop in a timely manner. Enjoy your pre-holiday efforts and see you again!

Currently, the good tradition of giving our family and friends memorable gifts for Easter is returning to our lives. During the Russian Empire, in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, this was a common occurrence. Back then, decorative eggs made of various materials were presented as Easter souvenirs: from wood and papier-mâché to gold and precious stones. Now the range of Easter gifts has expanded many times over. For Easter Sunday, you can purchase holiday cards, souvenir themed figurines made of porcelain or ceramics, painted boxes and even jewelry made in the shape of Easter eggs.

But at all times, the most expensive and warm gifts for Easter are those that were created with your own hands. After all, they contain a piece of your soul and good thoughts that you put into the gift while you were making it. The development of the Internet has given a new impetus to creativity, and now you can find a lot of original diagrams and drawings that will delight both children and adults. We have selected for you several options for DIY Easter gifts with a clear description of how to make them. They will not require large financial and time expenditures.

This cute animal, the most recognizable symbol of Easter Sunday in the Western world, is in no way connected with the tradition of celebrating Easter in the Orthodox Church. But still, from year to year the number of people who use his image to decorate their home for the holiday increases. Children will not remain indifferent to the souvenir in the form of an Easter eared ear. A soft toy rabbit can be an excellent Easter gift for a child. The advantage of this Easter souvenir is that not only kids, but also, say, teenage girls will be happy with it.

All you need to create this versatile Easter gift is:

  • piece of fabric;
  • sewing threads;
  • embroidery threads (wool or floss);
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • decorative buttons;
  • ribbons or lace;
  • stuffing for soft toys.

To create toys for small children, it is recommended to choose natural fabrics such as silk or cotton so that they do not cause allergies in the child. The first thing you have to do is transfer the pattern of the future bunny onto paper. If you wish, you can lengthen the bunny's ears and slightly change the outline of his body. Cut out this template and attach it to a piece of fabric from the wrong side. Then trace the outline of the template with a pencil, stepping back half a centimeter from its edges for allowances.

If you are still unsure of using a needle and thread, then it is also recommended to outline the template along the edge - along this line it will be more convenient for you to sew the elements together later. You need to draw two such fragments of the future toy. After this, carefully cut out both parts of the rabbit, place them together with the right sides facing inward and sew them along the contour, leaving allowances. If you have a lot of experience in needlework and have a sewing machine, the stitching process will speed up significantly. But it won’t take much time to do it manually either.

At the base of the rabbit (between the paws) leave a small unsewn window - through it, turn the resulting rag bunny outward and straighten its ears with a pencil. Use this window to fill it with stuffing for stuffed animals. It can be purchased at any arts and crafts store. It comes in the form of cotton wool or small rolled balls. It doesn’t matter which one you take – they behave the same in the finished product. Using a pencil, tamp the rabbit's ears well with the stuffing so that they stay upright. When you are satisfied with the density of the toy, use small stitches to sew up the window as carefully as possible so that the filling does not come out. In fact, the toy is ready, all that remains is to “give it a soul” and decorate it.

Using embroidery thread, embroider a rabbit's face on the head. If you want, use blush to lightly paint on his cheeks. Decorate your neck with a bow made of decorative ribbon or lace. You can sew beautiful buttons on them. Show your imagination and decorate the souvenir the way you want.

Useful children's gifts for Easter

You can prepare a souvenir for your kids that will help them develop a love of gardening. Creating a small spring onion garden as an Easter present will help you solve two problems at once: putting sprouted onions to work and instilling in your child the concept of caring for plants. The main thing is to make the decorative kindergarten bright and festive in order to attract the child’s attention. To implement this Easter gift idea, you will need the following tools:

  • several sprouted onions;
  • wooden skewers for vegetable skewers;
  • seedling tray;
  • cardboard box for tray;
  • colored cardboard and paper;
  • office glue;
  • silicone glue;
  • scissors and pencil;
  • a ball of twine;
  • green sisal.

This gift is built very quickly, but to create it you need to go to a hardware store and a craft store in advance. At the hardware store you need to buy a plastic tray for seedlings of a small size and about four centimeters deep. You need a model with a tray and round holes for the bulbs. For it, pick up a cardboard box about six centimeters deep.

Stages of work Subtleties
Decorate the box. Cover the outside of the box with twine using silicone glue, giving it a rustic style.
Plant a mini-garden. Insert a seedling tray into the decorated box. Plant an onion in each round hole.
Cover the empty spaces between the bulbs with green sisal. It will camouflage the tray and create the appearance of young grass.
Glue together a small birdhouse from beautiful cardboard and colored paper. If you don’t want to waste time on this, then simply cover a matchbox with colored paper and build a roof for it from colored cardboard.
Place the finished birdhouse on a wooden skewer. Install this composition in your mini-kindergarten. All you have to do is give this Easter gift to your child and teach him how to properly add water to his personal garden.

For a small child, you can make your own crayons from old wax pencils and their fragments as an Easter gift. As a rule, in every house where a child lives, there will always be such pencils. They are quite fragile and break quickly. As a result, the baby abandons them, since drawing with small pencil stubs is inconvenient for him. This problem can be solved by repurposing them as a gift for Easter - convenient crayons for drawing.

The main difficulty is to find a silicone mold in the store for making shaped candies in the form. At worst, any available options that your child might like will do. Distribute them by color and cut into circles with a stationery knife. Place them in the grooves in a silicone mold and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for two minutes to melt the wax.

Carefully remove the pan from the oven and set aside to cool. Once cooled, place it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Remove the finished crayons from the molds and pour them into a beautiful glass jar. The gift is ready.

Bright Easter wreaths

For adults, themed items for interior decoration are given as a gift. In the West, wreaths that decorate front doors are very popular as Easter decorations for the home. This decor option is also rapidly gaining popularity among us, but as a decoration for the kitchen or hallway. Making them is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For example, you can make an Easter wreath as a gift, the main elements of which will be multi-colored eggs. To create it you will need:

  • twigs of a bush or thin branches of a tree;
  • foam egg blanks;
  • silicone glue;
  • twine;
  • glitter glue, paints, sequins, markers - for decorating eggs;
  • artificial flowers, sprigs of greenery.

Cut the tree branches to approximately the same size and use twine to tie them tightly into a large circle. It will be . Buy several foam Easter egg blanks from a craft store. Their number depends entirely on your imagination and the size of the wreath base. If you are tight on finances, and you need a lot of preparations to implement your plans, then you can use a little trick. Just cut each piece lengthwise and glue the halves. It still won’t spoil the overall appearance of the gift.

Show your imagination and decorate the blanks: decorate them with paints, draw ornaments with markers, cover them with sequins or cover them with glitter glue (with sparkles). Glue the decorated eggs to the wreath base using silicone glue. According to your taste, glue artificial flowers and sprigs of greenery, fruits, berries or any other decorative elements to the base.

You can make a more laconic, but no less impressive version of a wreath for Easter from willow branches. For this gift, simply collect a large number of branches with open buds. Form the base of a wreath from branches of any tree and secure it with twine. And then tie willow branches to this base.

Another beautiful gift option for Easter is a decorative floral wreath. To create it you need:

  • foam wreath blank;
  • wide satin ribbon;
  • artificial flowers;
  • silicone glue;
  • scissors or pruning shears.

You can buy a foam wreath blank at the same craft and hobby store. Cover it with satin ribbon. This will help to beautifully decorate the back side of the future Easter floral wreath.

It is not necessary to take this option with tulips. Branches of lilac, daffodils, lilies of the valley or any other spring flowers will look no less impressive. To create a wreath you will need the buds and leaves themselves. After this, glue one branch at a time with silicone glue, forming a sophisticated Easter wreath. Place all the buds in one direction in rows so that they lay beautifully on the surface of the base and cover the stems of the previous row of flowers.

If you bought artificial flowers with long legs, cut off the excess length so that it does not interfere.

Easter topiary as a gift

As a small Easter souvenir, you can make original compositions with your own hands. With their help, the person to whom you give such a gift will be able to decorate the holiday table or place a decoration on the chest of drawers or bedside table. The advantage of this option is that everything you need to create it can easily be found in any craft store. You need to buy:

  • small flower pot;
  • wooden skewers;
  • foam egg blanks;
  • green sisal;
  • glitter glue;
  • decorative thin satin ribbons;
  • alabaster.

Try to buy foam blanks for eggs in two sizes: large and very miniature, like quail ones. Place a large egg on a skewer, decorate its surface with glitter glue and let dry. As soon as the egg is ready, pour dry alabaster into the flower pot, add water to it and stir. When its consistency becomes like thick sour cream, insert a skewer with an egg strung on it in the middle.

Hold it until the alabaster begins to harden so that the structure can stand on its own. After the alabaster has completely hardened, cover it by gluing sisal on top. If you don't have sisal, then cut thin strips of green construction paper and crumple it a little to add texture. Place small eggs, pre-painted in a bright color, on this improvised “grass”. The final element can be a beautiful satin bow tied at the base of a large egg.

Easter topiary is not made so quickly. But a person will remember such a gift for Easter for a long time. For an elegant topiary with paper roses you will need:

  • large foam egg blank;
  • silicone glue;
  • Old book;
  • scissors;
  • candlestick.

Glue the foam egg blank to the candlestick. Cut large circles from old book sheets. Cut out spirals from them.

Roll the resulting paper ribbons into tubes from which to form rose buds. Glue paper circles to their “bottom” so that they do not unfold. Glue the finished roses one by one to the egg blank until the entire surface is covered with them.

If you were unable to purchase a large egg at the store, then buy a large foam ball. It also makes a great Easter gift. In this case you will need:

  • blank ball;
  • tree branch;
  • flower pot;
  • Easter egg preparations;
  • artificial leaves, flowers, ribbons - for decoration;
  • green sisal;
  • silicone glue;
  • alabaster.

Place the blank ball on a branch pointed at one end. Paint the egg blanks in different colors and glue them to the surface of the blank ball. Glue artificial flowers, leaves, berries, etc. into the spaces between them. Secure the topiary with alabaster, as in the previous souvenir. Cover it with sisal, and decorate the topiary “column” with decorative ribbon.

It doesn't matter whether you give your friends miniature Easter favors or large flower wreaths covered in decorated eggs for Easter. After all, the main thing is that these gifts are presented from the heart. Many people look forward to the same New Year or birthday because of gifts, and it is noted that people equally love receiving them and giving them in return.

Gradually, the tradition of delighting each other with gifts for Easter is returning to us, and more and more people are trying to surprise their loved ones with interesting gifts. Of course, it is much easier and faster to purchase a ready-made Easter souvenir in the store. But, on the other hand, by creating your own gifts before Easter, you can discover a new hobby. And if you enlist the help of your household, your family may begin a new annual tradition of jointly creating Easter gifts for friends.

This review article from Krestik is dedicated to everyone who loves Easter and wants to prepare for it in advance. In recent years, we have written and published more than 20 master classes on creating DIY Easter crafts. To make it easier for you to navigate the variety of ideas and choose the crafts you want to make for Easter this year, we offer you a list of all our Easter articles and master classes.

We must start, of course, with the largest and most complete article about, which contains about 64 great ideas! Here you will learn about the history of the holiday, as well as how to make Easter eggs (we analyze in detail all existing preparations for creating decorative eggs) and bunnies, baskets and candles, napkins and cards for Easter. The article includes photo and video master classes, as well as many photographs of finished crafts that will inspire you to get creative.

Perhaps, after looking at the above article, you will already decide on the choice of crafts. But don’t rush, maybe new master classes will inspire you even more!))

Decorating Easter eggs

Let's start with handmade Easter eggs. The easiest way to decorate an egg is decoupage. You can decoupage boiled eggs and bless them in a church; you can use empty eggshells or wooden blanks. The choice depends on whether you want to keep the souvenirs you made or simply decorate the eggs directly for the holiday table. The article Decoupage an Easter egg with your own hands will answer all your questions regarding this technique.

The next way to decorate an egg is also quite simple. You can take any egg-shaped blank as a basis (whether wooden, plastic, or foam), but the author offers his own unique way of creating a blank - from polyurethane foam!

The next master class combines both decoupage and gluing the workpiece with decorative cord, but the result is strikingly different from the previous ones! See for yourself by looking at MK Easter egg decorated with napkins and jute.

One of the most difficult ways is to braid an Easter egg with beads. But he is also one of the most beautiful, your efforts will not be in vain!

And since we’re talking about Easter eggs, it’s worth paying attention to another very interesting idea - an Easter wreath for the door, made from eggshells and natural materials. They can decorate the front door or any other door in the house, or you can simply hang it in the kitchen, for example, next to the holiday table.

Easter bunnies

It has become commonplace that rabbits, along with eggs, are also considered Easter souvenirs. There are also many techniques for making Easter bunnies. In the article Easter bunnies that bring good luck! you will find out where the tradition of making rabbits for Easter came from, and also watch master classes on creating rabbits using different handicraft techniques.

Easter vytynanki and silhouette cutting for Easter

For those who crochet, master class Easter egg case in the shape of a chicken.

We give a second life to the most ordinary things 🙂 here.

Nest with Easter eggs made of polymer clay - this craft will take a little more time, but it's worth it! The magnet will take its rightful place on the refrigerator, it turns out very cute)

And the most original, most unpredictable souvenir you can make for Easter is jelly soap in the shape of an Easter egg. Not everyone will definitely do this, so your souvenir will definitely stand out from the crowd!

Crafts AFTER Easter (crafts made from eggshells)

Yes, yes, I was not mistaken in the title) It is after Easter, when eggshells accumulate in abundance in every house, that you can also get creative! very original (photos and video master classes can be found at the link).

This is how I came up with an Easter guide to Krestik’s articles and master classes. I really hope that you find what you were looking for or something that will inspire you to create. Happy Easter to you!

Easter - all Christians look forward to this day with special trepidation. The brightest and purest holiday of Easter is celebrated on the same day by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Various types of Easter souvenirs will traditionally appear in stores, but why not try to make them yourself? After all, Easter crafts made by yourself are not much inferior to store-bought counterparts.

There are many wonderful Easter ideas, many of which can be done by the whole family, even involving small children in needlework. Making your own crafts for Easter can be accompanied by stories about the history of this holiday.

The symbolism of the holiday is very important. Traditionally, its symbols are something that in one way or another means the renewal of life - these are Easter streams, Light is the Easter fire and Life itself (Easter cakes, eggs and rabbits).

Easter eggs are the most common holiday symbol that marks the victory of life over death. Traditionally, they should be red, but today eggs are decorated in every way. But still, the color red is of great importance. After all, according to legend. when Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to report the miraculous resurrection of Christ and brought him an egg as a gift, he said: “This is impossible, just as it is impossible for this egg to turn red.” And the egg turned red in the hands of Tiberius! Since then, red has meant the victory of life over death, renewal.

For more than a century, this tradition has existed: sending beautiful Easter cards to loved ones. They depict not only the symbols of the holiday, but also all the beauty of spring blossoms. And also cute chickens, bunnies, flowers, Easter cakes.

There are a lot of options for Easter egg decor. They depend on what materials are used: paper, embroidery, just threads or beads. But first you need to prepare it.

Preparation for Easter egg

The egg-shaped blank can be:

  • wooden blank
  • foam blank
  • blank made from natural material
  • non-standard blanks

Wooden egg blank

Perhaps the most convenient would be a foam blank. And all because it holds its shape perfectly without being too hard. You can easily stick pins, etc. into it.

Styrofoam egg blank

But the good thing about making Easter crafts with your own hands is that even the blank can be made from scrap materials!

In the most ordinary raw egg we have to make two small holes: at the top - no more than 2 mm, and at the bottom - about 5 mm in diameter. For this purpose we need an awl or a fairly thick needle. After these procedures, the white and yolk will easily pour out from below. All you have to do is wash the shell and dry it.

A plastic egg from the well-known children's chocolate delicacy can also be used as a blank - it is quite possible to braid it with beads or tie it.

Easter eggs made of beads

Beaded eggs are distinguished by their elegance and always attract attention. This is quite painstaking, delicate work, but the result is always impressive. We need to weave a special pattern, and then carefully transfer it to the egg, onto which we have previously applied a thermal sticker. But if you have not done beadwork before, it will be a little difficult, although such a detailed master class as this will be an excellent help in your first creative experience of this kind.

Easter eggs with embroidery

Why not break away from the 3D egg standard by making a flat pendant with embroidery? It looks very cool, original, and I can’t say that the work is difficult to do. A detailed master class describes how to embroider and assemble such an unusual egg. The only difficulty, perhaps, will be that the embroidery itself will take some time. But the result is worth it!

You can still stay with the traditional idea of ​​a voluminous egg, and in this case, Krestik recommends paying attention to the master class on creating. Only instead of a Christmas ball we will use an egg-shaped blank. Rest assured, the souvenir will be very delicate, everyone will want to take a closer look at it, or even become the owner of such beauty.

Easter eggs made of felt and fleece

If you make such an unusual gift for Easter with your own hands, rest assured that it will be appreciated. It can even act as a talisman, because souvenirs made from these materials always look bright and unusual.

And, by the way, you can definitely involve children in preparing this souvenir. The main requirement is accuracy, but there will be no difficulties in the process of making such an egg, everything is extremely simple. However, judge for yourself by watching the master class “Easter eggs made of felt - a wonderful souvenir on a bright day!”

Garland of eggs made from felt

All you have to do is stock up on these incredibly useful materials for handicrafts, and then the work will go like clockwork.

Knitted Easter eggs

Even if you know little about knitting, you will be able to make beautiful knitted Easter eggs. It is enough to pick up a hook, bright yarn and master the technique of single crochet.

Of course, there are more complicated options. More experienced knitters will probably want to attach a bright flower with a beautiful button in the core to an egg already knitted in a simple way. But you will have to work hard to create it, although this is not so difficult to do.

Easter eggs “dressed” in openwork cobwebs look very cool. This is a gentle, delicate, and not at all difficult job. The master class with the beautiful name “Lace Splendor” describes in detail all the moments of making this handmade souvenir.

This is also a very interesting souvenir option - this handmade Easter gift will appeal to many. In order to make it, we need:

  • foam blank
  • silk or cotton white threads
  • PVA glue
  • pins
  • polyethylene film
  • decor details

First, we cover the foam blank with polyethylene. This is necessary so that our threads do not stick to the foam and can subsequently be removed without difficulty. Then we need to very carefully stick the needles into the workpiece. One row will be along the edge of the future window, and the second row will go along the oval of the Easter egg.

There will no longer be a window in the second half, so we will make a row of needles exclusively along the oval of the egg.

The halves are made separately from each other!

We soak the threads in PVA glue and wrap them around our workpiece. It is better to wrap not randomly, but following a zigzag pattern through the pins of the outer and inner rows.

When the wrapping is finished, the threads can be covered with glue a second time. Next, wait for the workpiece to dry thoroughly. As soon as this happens, we very, very carefully remove the pins, and then remove the half from the workpiece.

We make the second half using a similar principle. Now you need to connect them to each other. You can tie them with a satin ribbon or secure them with a hot gun.

It would be great if you put a fluffy miniature chicken or rabbit inside such a delicate Easter egg. The egg can be tied with a thin ribbon and decorated with a bow on top for beauty. The result is a very beautiful craft: many will be surprised that you did it yourself!

Easter egg using Origami technique

Colored paper and triangular modules - if this tells you anything, it's definitely worth experimenting with a similar Easter souvenir.

How to make a triangular Origami module

First you will have to learn how to make modules from colored paper, later this skill will be useful to you in new origami crafts.

To do this, you line colored paper in a special way. However, there are at least two ways to manufacture modules. Typically, paper is folded several times, cut at a certain stage, and then identical pieces are turned into future modules. You can watch the video to see how to cut paper correctly:

Step-by-step master class on creating an Easter egg using the Origami technique

We will proceed as follows:

  1. We need to prepare 99 green and 112 pink triangular modules.
  2. There will be 8 green modules in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows. They easily fit on each other.
  3. In the 4th row there will be 16 pink modules, which need to be put on with one pocket.
  4. We make the 5th row according to the principle: 2 green modules - 2 pink modules - 2 green, etc.
  5. 6th row: the same principle, but the pattern itself needs to be shifted a little to the side.
  6. Next, we try to give the egg the shape of a bowl and continue to lay out the same pattern, not forgetting to shift it to the side.
  7. You need to make 8 rows with a pattern.
  8. The next row will consist of 16 pink modules.
  9. The work will be completed with a row of green modules, which will be placed on three corners.

The video master class will instruct you in detail on how to create an origami egg:

And the next master class will tell you how to improve your work. But for beginners, the first path would be the best choice, since it is as simple as possible, but the result is just as attractive.

Easter egg using Quilling technique

To perform this technique you will need:

  • egg preparation
  • pins
  • paper pins

First of all, think about what the egg will be like. Elements can be glued to the workpiece itself:

You can then carefully remove the workpiece. This is necessary so that the egg turns out hollow and openwork.

If you chose the second option, then the manufacturing principle will be the same as making an Easter egg from threads. That is, we go the following way:

  1. Cover the egg with polyethylene, and then, starting from the very top of the workpiece, glue the quilling elements. Each element should not only be attached to the previous one, but also secured with two or three pins.
  2. This is how the top half of the egg will be made, after which you need to coat it with varnish and leave it to dry.
  3. Now you can work on the second piece (the lower half), and after drying, glue both parts together.

The quilling elements are twisted the way we need them. It’s better to practice in advance so as not to waste time in the process of making an Easter egg. In order not to get lost, it is better to follow this video master class:

Prosperity and abundance in Easter symbolism is the rabbit. It is believed that it will bring good luck to the one who receives it as a gift. You can plant him next to a basket of Easter eggs, he will be its cute and cute guard.

You can sew a simple rabbit from gray linen, or you can sew colorful adorable little bunnies using all your imagination. You don’t have to put this souvenir away until next Easter, because it can be a good talisman for the year.

Watch our master class “Easter bunnies that bring good luck” and choose the one you like)

Without spending a lot of effort, you can make the cutest Easter basket with your own hands, in which colored eggs will look so cool. And there are many variations:

In addition, craftswomen even make baskets out of paper! Baskets made using the Quilling technique are especially beautiful.

How do you like a basket decorated with crocheted flowers? Isn't it beautiful?!! Easter cake and eggs knitted using the Amigurumi technique will serve as an excellent filling!

Easter candles

Egg-shaped candles are an original souvenir for Easter. Our master class “Easter candles and their protective properties” will not leave any questions on the topic “how to make them.”

By the way, the same egg shells can become the best candlesticks:

Easter napkins

Classics of the genre! However, you can start making them now, because such embroidery requires a lot of time. There are a lot of patterns that you will use to embroider. Assess your skill level and choose.

Easter is a big and important holiday. On this day you should please your loved ones and give them gifts. Unusual ideas for pleasant gifts are listed in this article.

Easter- this is loved by many, bright and happy religious holiday. Humanity is used to celebrate Easter with a magnificent table, heartfelt congratulations with wishes for a happy life and small gifts, as they say, “from the heart.”

What can you give to a loved one for Easter:

  • Holiday Easter cake- a cupcake baked with special love, decorated with sugar icing, sprinkles, nuts and candied fruits.
  • Holiday gingerbread- delicacies baked in unusual holiday-themed shapes: eggs, Easter cakes, chickens, roosters, bunnies, angels. These gingerbread cookies can be painted with colored glaze. This gift will appeal to adults and children.
  • Painted eggs. The chicken egg is a symbol of Easter. You can please your loved ones with an incredibly beautiful colored egg that you paint yourself.
  • Framed embroidery. This picture will decorate your home during the holidays. It can only be hung and displayed on the eve of Easter. You can make embroidery using any technique, but the simplest and most beautiful is cross stitch. In handicraft stores and on the Internet you can find many embroidery patterns with thematic designs: inscriptions, wishes, icons, pictures of Easter cakes, eggs, chickens, bunnies and much more.
  • A painting or photograph. You should choose such a gift based on the theme of the holiday. You can also try to draw it yourself (or photograph it), and then put it in a beautiful frame.
  • Topiary. This is a beautiful decorative element for the home that carries a special meaning. He talks about the welfare and prosperity of the family. You can buy it in a store, but it’s much nicer to make it yourself from various materials: felt, foamiran, coffee beans, coins and much more.
Beautiful gingerbread cookies as a gift for Easter

Why do people give eggs for Easter?

The Orthodox Church has long considered it a good custom give each other boiled chicken eggs of an unusual color. Most popular color - red. Such a gift has ancient historical significance.

The red egg is a symbol of the empty cave tombs, in which it happened Resurrection of Christ. To be more precise, the color red symbolizes color of the Savior's blood, which was used to paint the stone at the entrance to the cave.

There is another version according to which it is customary to decorate and give each other eggs on Easter, with a fairly simple and understandable explanation. Strict fasting prohibits a person from eating animal food, including eggs.

It was very unprofitable for farmers to store eggs for all this long time. That is why they painted eggs in different colors and tried to sell them as quickly as possible by any means. Later, breaking the fast with eggs and giving them to each other simply became a habit.

INTERESTING: An egg painted in a bright color is called “dyed”. An egg painted with paints and patterns is called a “pysanka”.


Easter eggs

Traditions and signs associated with the custom of giving eggs for Easter:

  • It is believed that if you wash your face with the water in which the egg was boiled and dyed, a person will gain health for the whole year.
  • If a person does not sleep the night before Easter, but prepares for the holiday, in particular painting eggs, this will contribute to his happy and rich life in the future.
  • Before the family sits down to the table on Easter holiday, they should salute their deceased ancestors and eat a boiled egg. Krashenka or pysanka is the first food of animal origin after Lent.
  • It is best to break your fast with a boiled egg and a piece of Easter cake, sacred in the church during the service.
  • On Easter, boiled eggs should be distributed to the beggars you meet on this day.
  • During the service, you should leave one boiled egg in the church, brought from home.
  • There is a sign that if you roll a sacred egg along the backbone of livestock on Easter, the animal will not get sick all year.
  • Under no circumstances should you throw the shells of sacred eggs into the trash bin. In the old days, the shells were crushed and added to the seed grain. Now you can throw it in the garden or under the trees (the shell will serve as a good fertilizer).

Easter eggs

What gift to make for Easter with your own hands using crochet?

For those who know how to crochet, there is an opportunity to create beautiful Easter souvenirs in the form of Easter cakes and paints. This activity is very exciting, labor-intensive and takes a lot of time. However, your loved ones will definitely like such a gift and will be able to decorate their home every Easter.

You can knit such beautiful products using the following patterns:

Pattern of knitted chickens for Easter for decorating boiled eggs

Finished product: Easter egg chicken

Openwork crochet Easter eggs for Easter, diagram Easter cake knitting pattern

Decorative crocheted Easter eggs. Scheme

How to crochet an Easter egg? Diagram with description

What gift to make for Easter with your own hands from sweets?

Modern Easter is often distinguished by the fact that friends and relatives give each other gifts. They do this in order to cheer up a loved one, do something nice and leave good memories of the holiday. Along with souvenirs, they have earned enormous popularity sweets.

It is worth noting that modern sweets should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. That is why people began to come up with various ways to create “sweet” baskets, eggs and Easter cakes. Favorite sweets, chocolates and improvised decorative materials are used.

What can you make from sweets to give for Easter?

  • Great Easter candy egg. To do this, you need to have a base, for example, made of foam. The base should follow the shape of the egg, but be many times larger. Thanks to double-sided tape, you can attach any candy you like to the base. The main thing is to try not to disturb the shape of the egg. The finished product can be wrapped in cellophane or organza, decorated with ribbon and presented.
  • Easter basket of candy. As a base, you can use a small decorative basket made of wicker, cardboard or newspaper tubes. She is painted with paints, decorated with ribbons, flowers, bows, flowers. The basket should be filled with sweets and given to a loved one.
  • Bouquet of sweets. This is a popular gift given for any occasion. The bouquet can be ordinary or in a basket. Flowers are made of thick corrugated paper, and a candy is placed inside each flower. There are also ideas for bouquets in which candy can be replaced with marshmallows or any other sweet.
  • Candy chicken. In order to make such a beautiful chicken, you will need a foam base and corrugated paper. The base is painted with paints, and feathers are made from corrugated paper. Several feathers are tied together, and a candy should be placed in the center of each bunch.
  • Candy nest. For this you will need a thin vine. From it you will need to weave a ring that looks like a real nest. The bottom of the nest can be made of cardboard and put a lot of sweets inside.
  • Easter cake made from sweets. This design must also be supported by a base, for example, foam. You can attach candies to it using double-sided tape or invisible needles.

Finished products, gifts for Easter made from sweets:

Easter egg made from candy as a gift

Easter basket with candy as a gift Easter basket with candy flowers as a gift

Candy chicken as a gift for Easter

Nest with sweets as a gift for Easter Easter cake made from candies as a gift

Chocolate gift ideas for Easter

Working with chocolate is very interesting. DIY chocolate gifts will become very popular on the eve of Easter. In order to make such sweets, you will need dark chocolate by weight. It should be heated and frozen in different molds.

What can you make from chocolate as a gift:

The original idea is to make "chocolate lollipops". They are attached to wooden skewers. You can decorate chocolate with various delicious additions: orange zest, sprinkles, candied fruits, white chocolate chips.

Chocolate "lollipops"

If you have the opportunity to buy a lot of identical small chocolates, make a cake out of them.

Cake made from small chocolates as a gift

Easter basket of kinders and chocolates Chocolate leaves and eggs as a gift for Easter

Easter eggs made of chocolate

Orthodox gifts for Easter, what to give?

Orthodox and religious people love Easter very much. However, they do not consider it necessary to give special gifts to their relatives. The exceptions are dishes prepared with your own hands and products sacred in the church. It is customary to give to relatives and friends Easter cake and which turned out to be the most beautiful.

In addition, people give each other painted eggs and bouquets of flowers, symbolizing the onset of spring and warmth. Believers treat the poor, give alms and leave tithes in the church. Many Orthodox needlewomen can also embroider icons with a cross or beads as a gift for home decoration.

Orthodox gifts for Easter:

Easter cake

Easter eggs and paints as a gift

Bouquet for Easter


What to give a man for Easter?

Adults and children, women and men should be delighted at Easter. The latter will be happy delicious food and strong drink, since most Orthodox people observe Lent, excluding meat and alcohol.

You can give a man a bottle of good Cahors. This is a sweet wine that is usually drunk at the Easter table. In addition, if you have culinary skills, bake a piece of boiled pork in the oven.

What to give a woman for Easter?

Giving a woman a present for Easter is much easier than giving a man a present. You can please not only with sweets, but also with symbolic gifts:

  • A set of Easter themed textile napkins. Such a gift will be relevant every year for the holiday. It will “keep” pleasant memories and will be able to “serve as a task” at the table.
  • A set of towels for the bathroom or kitchen. They may have holiday symbols, drawings or embroidery. A kitchen towel comes in handy for an Easter basket.
  • A basket made of wicker. It should definitely be filled with goodies: sausage, Easter cake, boiled eggs. Such a basket can be used on the next holiday during the food glow.
  • Decorative box in the shape of an egg for storing small items and decorations. Such a product will carry the symbolism of the holiday and at the same time can serve as a useful thing.

Decorative boxes - a gift for Easter

What can you give your child for Easter?

Children celebrate Easter together with adults. It’s easy to instill love in the younger generation with the help of nice gifts. Children love sweets, and therefore you can make them happy on Orthodox holidays with the help of delicious gifts:

  • Are extremely popular colorful gingerbread with different tastes and bright designs.
  • Chocolate eggs, bunnies, chickens and kinder surprises will be able to interest children and give them pleasant emotions.
  • Surprise your child soft toy, which will correspond to the symbols of Easter: bunny, egg, flower, chicken and more.

What do parents, mom and dad, get for Easter?

There are several ways to please mom and dad on Easter:

  • Draw a postcard and decorate it with decorative elements: flowers, ribbons, beads.
  • Draw a picture which will show the fun of the Easter celebration, the generous table and the symbolism of the holiday.
  • Make cross stitch. Embroider an icon, colored eggs with Easter cake, congratulations, chickens and much more.
  • Paint a wooden or foam base in the shape of an egg, make a decorative Easter egg out of it.

Gift for parents for Easter

What do you give grandma for Easter?

It's very easy to please your grandmother. She is always happy to receive any gifts from her grandchildren. Most often, children try to bake a delicious Easter cake or make cottage cheese Easter cake. A spring bouquet of flowers, as well as a bouquet of sweets, will help to surprise.

Another fun idea is to make a paper cake. This is a kind of packaging for gifts: sweets and little things, in which a surprise is hidden in every piece. This cake looks like a real confectionery product.

What do godchildren get for Easter?

You need to please your godchildren this Easter with delicious treats. In addition, they will be pleased to receive small gifts:

  • Toys
  • Towels
  • Photo frames (you can place joint photos in them)
  • Kits for creativity, drawing or embroidery
  • A trip to the zoo, circus or movie tickets
  • Set of gingerbread or candies

Promotion: “Give joy for Easter”

Caring people organized an interesting event to celebrate Easter, which is called “Give joy for Easter.” Volunteers have a special website that collects funds to give gifts to low-income people: the poor, the homeless, the sick.

The organization gives simple gifts: a small Easter cake and a chocolate egg. People want to do good deeds and teach others that in difficult situations one should always believe and hope in God.

Video: “Gifts and decor for Easter”