Who wrote winter, the peasant triumphs. Updating of reference knowledge

Hello dears.
Last time we finished with Part IV: perhaps it’s time to move on to the fifth.

Like every chapter, it has its own epigraph.
Oh, don't know these terrible dreams
You, my Svetlana!


This is one of the final verses of Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana” (1812), which in turn is a free adaptation of the plot of Burger’s ballad “Lenora” (1773). “Svetlana” was considered an example of romantic folklorism, which explains the direction of Chapter V and who, in the author’s opinion, will be the main character.

That year the weather was autumn
I stood in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow only fell in January
On the third night. Waking up early
Tatiana saw through the window
In the morning the yard turned white,
Curtains, roofs and fences,
There are light patterns on the glass,
Trees in winter silver,
Forty merry ones in the yard
And softly carpeted mountains
Winter is a brilliant carpet.
Everything is bright, everything is white all around.

About late snow - this was generally a very rare thing in those years. If we translate the actions of the novel into real time, that is, in the autumn of 1820 - winter of 1821, then just that winter the snow fell very early, then melted, and then fell again.
The following passage is one of the most quoted and recognizable. thousands of schoolchildren crammed it for many generations. Why is difficult for me to answer. But the fact remains a fact.

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window...

I just couldn’t understand the expression of trotting. Lynx is average speed horses, if you can call it that, are faster than a walk, but slower than a gallop. Although some horses at a trot could even outrun those galloping. So for me, trotting is a bit of an oxymoron.

IN in this case, a kibitka is a covered road carriage for a coachman. Well, accordingly, the irradiator is a thick wooden clamp that goes around top part such a cart. You probably know what a sheepskin coat is, but a sash is just a belt. Part of, so to speak, the driver's uniform. Well, in the end I will say that the bug is designated with a small letter because it is simply the designation of a mongrel at that time, and not the name of the animal.

But maybe this kind
Pictures will not attract you:
All this is low nature;
There's not much that's elegant here.
Warmed by inspiration from God,
Another poet with a luxurious style
The first snow painted for us
And all the shades of winter negativity
He will captivate you, I'm sure of it
Drawing in fiery verses
Secret sleigh rides;
But I don't intend to fight
Neither with him for now, nor with you,
Young Finnish singer!

P.A. Vyazemsky

Another poet is about Vyazemsky, and his poem “The First Snow”. And the “young Finnish singer” is an allusion to Baratynsky’s “Eda.” Why exactly Finnish women - you and I have already discussed in one of the previous posts.
Further - without comment, because there is another piece known to everyone and taught by many

Tatiana (Russian soul,
Without knowing why)
With her cold beauty
I loved the Russian winter,
The sun is frosty on a frosty day,
And the sleigh and the late dawn
The glow of pink snows,
And the darkness of Epiphany evenings.
In the old days they celebrated
These evenings in their house:
Maids from all over the court
They wondered about their young ladies
And they were promised every year
Military men and the campaign.

Tatyana believed the legends
Of common folk antiquity,
And dreams, and card fortune-telling,
And the predictions of the moon.
She was worried about signs;
All objects are mysterious to her
They proclaimed something
Premonitions pressed in my chest.
A cutesy cat sitting on the stove,
Purring, he washed the stigma with his paw:
That was an undoubted sign to her,
That the guests are coming. Suddenly seeing
The young two-horned face of the moon
In the sky on the left side,

She trembled and turned pale.
When is the shooting star
Flying across the dark sky
And fell apart - then
In confusion, Tanya was in a hurry,
While the star was still rolling,
The desire of the heart to whisper to her.
When did it happen somewhere
She should meet a black monk
Or a quick hare between the fields
Crossed her path
Not knowing what to start with fear,
Full of sorrowful forebodings,
She was expecting misfortune.

Well? The beauty found the secret
And in the most horror she:
This is how nature created us,
I am prone to contradiction.
Christmas time has arrived. What a joy!
Windy youth guesses,
Who doesn't regret anything
Before which life is far
It lies bright and vast;
Old age guesses through glasses
At his grave board,
Having lost everything irrevocably;
And all the same: hope for them
He lies with his baby talk.

To be continued...
Have a nice time of day.

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window...

This small excerpt All Russian people know from "Eugene Onegin". But the further we move away from the era of A.S. Pushkin, the more difficult it is for young children to learn this poem by heart. Why? Because for 14 lines there are at least 8 outdated words, without understanding which the child will not draw in his imagination the picture captured by the poet. He will not feel the joy and freshness of the first frosty day, the delight and unity of nature and man.

Children learn poetry easily when they understand it. Therefore, all unclear words must be explained.

Drovni- this is a sleigh on which they carried firewood. Reins- ruts, furrows, tracks from runners in the snow. Kibitka- covered wagon. What does covered mean? A leather or fabric top, a “hood,” was attached to the sleigh or summer carriage; this is the prototype of the modern convertible.

A man driving horses drawn to a carriage. The coachman drove postal or coachman (analogous to a taxi) carts. He was sitting on the driver's seat - the coachman's seat in front of the cart. A sheepskin coat is a fur coat, cut like a robe, hugging the whole body, as a rule, it was belted with a sash - a belt sewn, as a rule, from a wide braid or cloth, sometimes with velvet at the ends; the sash tied a person around the waist and was used with outerwear. The red sash was a sign of dandy; in addition, its color was easily recognizable from afar. A yard boy is a small servant in a manor's house. The sled is our ordinary, manual sled. And Zhuchka was the name of all black dogs. (What color should the dog be drawn for the fairy tale “Turnip”?)

Why does the wagon fly, the peasant triumphs, and the boy laughs? Because everyone is happy about the snow. Let's read the verses preceding "Winter..." and opening the fifth chapter of the poem:

That year the weather was autumn
I stood in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow only fell in January
On the third night.
Waking up early
Tatiana saw through the window
In the morning the yard turned white,
Curtains, roofs and fences,
There are light patterns on the glass,
Trees in winter silver,
Forty merry ones in the yard
And softly carpeted mountains
Winter is a brilliant carpet.
Everything is bright, everything is white all around.

That's why everyone is happy - the coachman, the peasant, the child, the mother: people were waiting for the snow and missed it.

Now that all unfamiliar words are understood, the child begins to develop images. In the background a fast carriage is rushing by, a fashionable coachman (with a red sash!) is driving the horses with daring. Snowflakes are flying around (like splashes flying in the wake of a boat). A skinny peasant horse is slowly trailing towards the wagon, or maybe behind it, she is taking the peasant into the forest. Why not from the forest? Because peasant horse renews the path, that is, it runs through the first snow, laying grooves, this is also an indication of part of the day. It's definitely early morning. Not everyone has even woken up yet.

The yard boy is not busy and can play. He rejoices at the first snow this winter, he tinkers with a black dog and a sled, and although he is cold, he does not want to part with the sparkles of sunshine on the snow. His mother threatens him through the window, but does not interfere; she herself is glad of the snow - for her snow means a break from field work and good winter crops, a cheerful mood. She probably looks at her son and admires him, she probably smiles...

Having well understood what the poem is about and having drawn a picture in his imagination, the child will gladly remember the peasant, the wagon, and the boy with the dog. The imagination will turn on, the feeling of frost will be remembered and winter sun. By the way, such descriptive poems give unlimited space for drawing lessons.

In connection with this work, older children can read the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Out of spirit" (1884). The main character, police officer Prachkin, hears Pushkin’s lines for the first time in his life and comments on them in accordance with his own life experience And bad mood after a card loss (bailiff - a police position in which a person headed the investigation of police, executive and administrative matters):

"- "Winter... The peasant, triumphant... - the policeman's son, Vanya, crammed monotonously in the next room. “The peasant, triumphant... renews the path...”

- “Triumphing...” - reflects the involuntarily listening bailiff. - “If they slapped him with a dozen hot ones, he wouldn’t be very triumphant. Rather than celebrate, it would be better to pay taxes regularly...

“His horse, sensing the snow... sensing the snow, trudges along at a trot somehow...” Prachkin hears further and cannot resist remarking:

"- If only she could take off at a gallop! What kind of trotter was found, pray tell! A nag is a nag...

- “Here is a yard boy running... a yard boy, putting a bug in a sled...”

- So, he’s full, if he’s running around and playing around... But the parents don’t have it in their heads to put the boy to work. Rather than carry a dog, it would be better to chop wood...

- “He’s both hurt and funny, and his mother is threatening... and his mother is threatening him out the window...”

- Threaten, threaten... Too lazy to go out into the yard and punish him... I would lift up his fur coat and chik-chik! chick-chick! It’s better than wagging a finger... Otherwise, look, he’ll turn out to be a drunkard... Who wrote this?” - in the end Prachkin can’t stand it.

"- Pushkin, dad.

- Pushkin? Hm!.. Must be some kind of eccentric. They write and write, but they don’t understand what they write! Just to write!"

However, here you need to act very delicately. Humor should be based on understanding the situation. It’s better not to rush, you shouldn’t read this story to children - younger schoolchildren until you are sure they understand why Apollo Grigoriev, poet and literary critic 19th century, said: "Pushkin is our everything".

Tatiana Lavrenova

Comment on the article "Winter. The peasant triumphs"

I'm probably explaining it poorly. For example, I spent a long time explaining the meaning of the word train - these are carriages coupled to each other and a steam locomotive. I explained the day when we were traveling on the train (an example was in front of my eyes), but a day later I could not explain the differences between a steam locomotive and a train.


You can (as a fellow colleague in the struggle for a cause and a sufferer) just wish with all my might that everything gets better faster!

I won’t give you any advice on the matter, but mine has some strange problem with memory (abstract?): I remember many things from deep childhood or just little things, and I can still stumble over the multiplication table: (Everyone has their own...

go to a psychoneurologist, ask for a referral to the center for speech pathology and neurorehabilitation, where specialists will tell you in which direction to work.

I don't understand anything. Assignment: explain the meaning of the words and the reason for their appearance in the text. This is the third time in all my studies that a child has asked me a question, and then I sat in a puddle; this is in no way the reason for their appearance. even if we consider the words morally outdated...


I would like to answer in a dissident manner that the reason for their appearance is the inability of people to express thoughts mentally, and not in words
then words appropriate to the meaning of the plot are used
In general, I’m once again convinced that literature in school is evil
should be changed to the development of speech and rhetoric
and which character is positive and which is not and what the author wanted to say - everyone must determine this for themselves, and not according to the teacher’s standard

Simply darkness! Poor kids!!! Contemporary “art is in great debt,” how can one speak about modern education in terms acceptable to society - I don’t even know! I also don’t understand what they want from children! Reasons for the appearance of words! all traditions and legends were presented in accordance with the vocabulary of the corresponding time and historical period! and it’s not in the task there is talk about etymology, as I understand it, but they ask about the reasons for the appearance of words!?! Well, before there were no words depicting and illustrating certain phenomena and objects - so they appeared! Game...

I'll explain why. The child likes to read about what interests him. How interesting could it be if after half an hour of puffing the child finally? It is difficult for a child who is just learning to read to read such a long word as transformers, with three consonants together.


I saw interest in the signs. When I started trying to read them, I realized that my interest was awakened
She taught syllables and types of words. That is, short ones were read in words at once, long ones were read in chunks, but not exactly syllable by syllable, but convenient for reading, as if they were singing the word
I learned to read in a few months, at 5.5. But then there were problems when he had to read syllable by syllable at school, he needed to depict the division on a syllable.
Until the 4th grade I read better than anyone in the class.

Any advice for the future for everyone? DO NOT TEACH YOUR CHILDREN LETTERS until it’s time to pick up Zhukova’s Primer. And you will be happy.

About declinations, how to explain? School. Child from 7 to 10. About declensions, how to explain? We were assigned to learn the rule over the weekend. Why are declensions needed - to know from the word which endings will be in different cases.


thank you very much everyone!

People have noticed that nouns change differently, have different endings with the same question. For example, why if we admire, then we admire the grass, the earth, the horse, the cloud, life? Why is there one question, but the endings of the nouns are so different? They began to observe and noticed that some nouns had such and such endings in different cases (and called these nouns nouns of the 1st type of declension), others had such and such endings, and still others had such and such endings. And what declension we assign a noun to depends only on its gender and ending in the initial form...

And here everything is simple:
if the endings are -а, -я (f. and m. gender) - 1st declension
if zero (m.genus) or -o, -e (n.genus) - 2nd declension
if zero, but genus - third.

Section: Adoption (how to explain to kindergarten parents that they need to wear Czech shoes at the festival). Of course, we don’t go to the garden that often, however, is it really difficult, if the music director knows this, to print out the words of a song for the child so that we can learn it at home?!


Oh, try to organize a children's party yourself... or something like that. You will be surprised how difficult it is to do this.
It is so difficult to assign roles without offending anyone (I remember how once at a matinee we had 4 supermen who performed together. Otherwise it would not have been possible to assign roles, all the boys wanted to be supermen and no one wanted to be a prince :).
Lines with text....I don’t know. Most often, parents lose the text, at best. At worst, they remember that they were kind of given something the evening before the holiday. And they start calling on the phone, urgently, urgently, to find out what they were supposed to learn. Yeah, the night before...all at the same time.

03/06/2012 00:19:28, masha__usa

For me, it’s hard to say your words: “The child has a problem with gender identity, they make him do an exercise in the role of a girl (I swore under my breath)!!!”

Didn't understand?! Who has cockroaches in his head, you or me? Does your child like to act as a girl? Maybe he asked for it himself? What's the problem? Or are you afraid to raise a homo? This is how it is...from birth. You won't improve. Do you want to educate him about his gender identity??!!

03/06/2012 00:01:05, masha__usa

I’ve been watching the Vremya program for a long time now and they show how Stanislav Govorukhin blames President Putin for modern children. An acquaintance of his literature teacher suggested that they explain the meaning of the words from Pushkin's poem Zim. “They don’t know,” the master of cinema blamed. To the president’s credit, he somehow stood up for the kids and said something like, “It’s not that bad”...
But it must be said that the now much-lauded test for knowledge of Russian archaics is, after all, the invention of your humble servant in 2005. It was then that I posted this opus on the Rom Collection website. And my wife, under the nickname Kitty, posted it on the Family website:
...Winter!.. Peasant*, triumphant,
On the firewood** updates the path;
His horse***, smelling the snow****,
Trotting ***** somehow;
Reins****** fluffy exploding*******,
The ******** wagon********* is flying, the daring************;
The coachman*********** sits on the beam************
In a sheepskin coat *************, in a red sash**************.
Here the yard boy *************** is running,
In the sled **************** Bug ******************* planted;
transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty ********* has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window...
(from the novel, Eugene Onegin”)
and a textbook for primary school students.
Compare the four headings: “Winter”, “Winter?”, “Winter!”, and “Winter!”..”.
Read each of them and compare them with the entire content of the poem.
Which title best suits these verses?
Some statistics:
There are 44 words in the verse, 19 of which are incomprehensible to modern children, they are either archaisms or rare, or their meaning has changed over time (ZB-exploding).
Etta / the other day means Tver folk word, not to be confused with this // my daughter came up to me in tears and said that they were given two terrible poems to learn by heart. She was then in the 2nd grade of the gymnasium and she was 7 years old and 8 months old.
This is, of course, not what early development in Rus', when Peter the Great was 5 years old, he was told to teach the psalter to his mind. We all know the result - he learned the psalms of King David by heart and became fierce and evil! Monuments are everywhere. And L. Tolstoy, when asked when the book about Peter would be published (he had been collecting materials for some time), snapped in response:
Drunkard and libertine! and I won’t write...
... I discovered that the child does not understand 50% of the words and 100% of the content of this text, which seems to be written in Russian, and what kind of Russian! language...
I am ready to explain to children what Georgia and the darkness of the night are until they understand!
But I was not ready to explain what kind of fluffy reins the daring carriage explodes and why this box on runners, pulled by a horse, moving at a speed of, at best, 20 km/h, flies...:);
In terms of meaning, it turns out that this is something like an MI-8 helicopter equipped with ATGMs...
This text should, of course, be removed from children's textbooks, it is hopeless due to its archaic nature, but what can be given in return when the entire subsequent poetic civilization has not created anything comparable to A.S. Pushkin about winter in Russian!?
...Olzhas Suleimenov recalls in an interview:
I remember the first evening of Soviet poetry in Paris in 1977. Konstantin Simonov said that he brought out the USSR poetry team.” We collected a big four thousandth! Hall. Typically Parisian poetry evenings involve a few people in small cafes. And here, for the first time, Paris listened to poetry in such halls. And they listened to our Soviet tribune poetry, which attracted large audiences in Moscow...
...we were nine of us (Voznesensky didn’t go - he found out that Yevtushenko would be there :))
- Vysotsky, Okudzhava, Rozhdestvensky...
And who will write modern poems, for all ages, about winter!?
Pushkin again... Alexander Sergeevich?
I don’t know a comparable rating of poems, by God I have nothing to offer children!
Intonationally, in the great and mighty, the meaning of any phrase can be changed to exactly the opposite!
Remember Yeseninsky, I think, a brilliant joke:
The sky is like a bell...
The month is a language...
Mother is my Motherland!!
Am I...a Bolshevik???
AS also loved:
...the naughty guy has frozen his finger... :);
It seemed to me even as a child, and even more so now, that he didn’t mean a finger!
Another, paired, organ goes into rhyme there...
So I finished about winter:
Pushkin, is this our everything?
Pushkin is our everything! /T.Tolstaya, KYS, formerly A.Blok/
Pushkin, is this our everything?
And then it went on and on - everyone rushed to test the children’s knowledge of archaics:
From network publications:
A colleague sent me a heartbreaking horror story about furry reins. After reading it, it became clear that the story with the reins needed to be checked for beardedness. And for sure - I never know how to use the word “accordion”, but this seems to be the same:

One day, modern first-graders were asked to draw a picture based on Pushkin’s quatrain:
Fluffy reins exploding,
A daring carriage flies.
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
The result was... Well, let's start with the fact that of all the words, the most understandable were “sheepskin coat” and “sash”.
In the minds of the children, the wagon turned out to be aircraft. Why? Well, it’s written “the daring carriage is flying.” For some, it also turned out to look like a cube (KUBITKA). The flying daring ki(u)bat is engaged in a very militant business - it explodes. What, or rather, who?
The reins are fluffy. These are the animals (they are fluffy!), a cross between a beaver and a thrush. The fact that according to the rules then there should have been “reins” did not bother the children - and grenades and bombs rained down on the poor fluffy reins from the wagon.
The genocide of the reins is being watched by a certain person in a sheepskin coat and a red sash and with a shovel. This is a coachman.
The wearer of the sheepskin coat and sash, according to the children, has nothing to do with the wagon and the outrages it commits.
One born to dig cannot fly (on a wagon)!
The most difficult word turned out to be an irradiation. Some of the children did not understand at all what it was and what it was eaten with, as a result, the driver with a shovel (why else should he dig holes, he’s a coachman!) found himself sitting on the “fifth point”.
In another version, he was asked to sit on a small hoop (hoop) and, balancing with a shovel, watch the reins explode.
As a result, there is no wagon rushing in a cloud of snow sparkling under the sun with a cheerful bearded guy in a sheepskin coat and a sash on a sawhorse. Instead, a cubic flying crap rushes over the ground, under its deadly blows bloody scraps of unfortunate fluffy reins fly, and all this, balancing on a hoop on the edge of a dug hole, is watched by a lumpen person in a sheepskin coat and a red sash, with a shovel.
http://children.kulichki.net/parents/pushkin.htm (a description of the genocide was found in various corners of the Russian Internet).

However, this is not what confused me at all. I have seen and heard all sorts of mistakes, but I will never believe that first-graders with their native and only Russian language suddenly gave the reins a soul. This couldn't help but confuse them! The reins can be blown up, but they were never alive!
Burning with research fervor, I was not too lazy to give the same task to Russian-speaking students varying degrees Russian-speaking, and then his own fourteen-year-old daughter.
The results blew my mind. Most of people who completed from one to six grades of Russian (!) schools did not understand a single noun in this stanza. The most advanced (so far everything coincides with the results of the mentioned study) were familiar with the words “sheep coat” and “sash”. The wagon, as was announced by Pushkin, flew, exploding, and for many artists it looked like something like an anti-aircraft gun with vertical take-off. Yes, she fired at the fluffy reins, but there were no signs of bloody violence, although some splashes were observed. None of the subjects considered the coachman to be a hole digger. The irradiator seemed to look something like a stump.
The most knowledgeable still guessed what a “kibitka” was (after all, the Armenian radio also figured out what a “boa” was!), and realized that in fact it does not fly, but rushes. It's amazing that the wagon was harnessed to anything other than a horse - from a camel to something like an African elephant! And at the same time, the wagon still blew up the long-suffering reins, so again it was a little anti-aircraft gun and just a little bit of a cart. The message that a wagon is a cart turned exotic animals into horses, but did not affect the development of the theme of reins. This topic has not been discussed with anyone! But the fluffiness of these reins did not make the artists believe in genocide.

After what I experienced in class, I no longer expected anything from my own daughter. And even before that she showed no hope: http://lila-krik.livejournal.com/31353.html. And my daughter did not disappoint again! The only noun that she managed to semantize in context was sheepskin coat. Judging by the picture, the sheepskin coat was warm outerwear. She had to wrap a red sash around the head of a man who looked like a loader. The guy (after all, Pushkin’s genius was blowing up some reins) was bearded! The wagon turned out to be a huge grinning bird (why not, there are jackdaws, jays and canaries, she hardly knew about the bird-three), and the ray that sheltered the man (greetings from Alice) was a little bit like a cloud, a little bit like a barrel. The reins, of course, exploded, and their fluffiness was due to the feathered nature of the bird. Perhaps the wagon was a firebird, and the flying feathers exploded when dropped... I whined and sent her to finish reading the first volume of “War and Peace,” which was assigned for home, since nothing was working with “Onegin.”

But it was quite interesting, after all, what the people’s opinion turned out to be...
If we do not take some specific ones, then the general one is this:
and it doesn’t hurt to memorize more clever words, no matter what they are applied to!
...well, I don’t agree with this formulation at all!... Remember Petrusha the First, from five to seven, when, according to tradition, he memorized the psalter, the sexton taught him excellently, mainly unfamiliar words!!
I still want to remember Montaigne, long-suffering Michel, when his crazy father, first to a poor peasant girl from birth to two years old, gave away his little son - for the people's feeding?! - and then forbade everyone in the area of ​​a hundred miles to speak anything other than Latin...
So, mazes langwich, he had Latin! If God hadn’t brought his parents to his senses, my son would have ended up in a mental hospital, but: he gave in to the tattoo, sent him to a normal French school, where Misha happily forgot his Latin, except in order to graduate from this school with honors and become a deputy of the local council :)))
I'm not a fan of playing with too many unclear words, at an immature age - especially. How is a bilingual raised? - You need at least a second native speaker from birth. And if you are not a native speaker, don’t bother! You will make a mistake in the child’s brain and he will not really know any language.
Harmful Clever words in large quantities without understanding them! And to understand, it was my dad who taught me (and he himself, in the army in 1937):
To understand means to remember and be able to apply...:)))))))))))
But Pushkin really has nothing to do with it...
Winter snow...
It's dark outside, like on the day of creation,
Let the snow fall, let the snow fall,
As he always poured. Without delay
The snowdrifts are growing with their caps up.

Today it's snowing and tomorrow it will be the same.
But the late dawn does not scare me -
My whole essence loves snow so godlessly,
Voiceless, unanswered, maybe in vain

I've been here since morning, covered in snow,
Either the forest is covered in snow, or my soul.
How quiet it is in them, the peace saved,
Let the joy of life sleep in both.

I hope, I'm waiting, we'll go out with you again
In my snow, it is clean and light.
There is no love there, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt,
Unkind predator, evil freezes.

Winter will pass and all the snow will melt,
Green grass will appear again
One day I won't see her, I know
Snow is falling and words are pouring out.

Minor, really... but kids need something in a major in their textbook...

I sometimes sing Eugene Onegin to myself - to the tune of The Golden Mountains. Have you tried it? cures, however, try:
If only I had mountains of gold -
When I seriously fell ill,
He forced himself to respect
I: I couldn’t think of anything better!

Quote from the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by the Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799 - 1837) (chapter 5, stanza 2):

Winter. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window.

This passage is used in school curriculum since the 19th century. So, " Native word"K. Ushinsky, which by 1884 numbered over fifty editions, twice offered students this Pushkin text - first for reading, and then for memorizing and grammar parsing(see “Native word for children younger age. Year one." Comp. K. Ushinsky. St. Petersburg 1864, p. 63, and “Native Word. Year three." Comp. K. Ushinsky. St. Petersburg 1870, pp. 137-144).



"Out of spirit" (1884) - main character I was forced to analyze this passage from the novel “Eugene Onegin”:

"Bailiff Semyon Ilyich Prachkin walked around his room from corner to corner and tried to drown out the unpleasant feeling in himself. Yesterday he stopped by the military commander on business, accidentally sat down to play cards and lost eight rubles. The amount is insignificant, trivial, but without greed and selfishness sat in the ear of the chief and reproached him for wastefulness.

Eight rubles - such importance! - Prachkin drowned out this demon within himself. - People lose more, but that’s okay. And besides, money is a gainful thing. I went once to the factory or to Rylov’s tavern, and here you have all eight, even more!

- « Winter. Peasant triumphant. “- the policeman’s son, Vanya, monotonously crammed in the next room. - “Peasant, triumphant. updates the path. »

Yes, and you can win back. What is this “triumphant” there?

- “The peasant, triumphant, renews the path. updates. »

- “Triumphing.” “Prachkin continued to think. - If I had slapped him with a dozen hot ones, he wouldn’t have been very triumphant. Rather than celebrate, it would be better to pay taxes regularly. Eight rubles - such importance! Not eight thousand, you can always win back.

- “His horse smells the snow. Smelling the snow, he trudges along at a trot. »

She might as well take off at a gallop! What kind of trotter was found, pray tell! A nag is a nag. An unreasonable man is happy to drive a horse while drunk, and then when he lands in an ice hole or a ravine, then mess with him. Just give it to me, and I’ll prescribe you such turpentine that you won’t forget it for five years. And why did I go with the little one? If I had gone with the ace of clubs, I wouldn't have been without two.

- “Exploding the fluffy reins, the daring wagon flies. fluffy reins exploding. »

- “Blowing up. Exploding the reins. the reins. "He'll say something like that! They allow me to write, God forgive me! And, in essence, I did a dozen! The devils brought it at the wrong time!

- “Here is a yard boy running. a yard boy, putting a bug in a sled. having planted »

So, he’s full, if he’s running around and playing around. But the parents don’t have it in their heads to put the boy to work. Rather than carry a dog, it would be better to chop wood or Holy Bible read. And the dogs were also bred. neither pass nor pass! I wish I could not sit down after dinner. I would like to have dinner and leave.

- “He’s both hurt and funny, and his mother is threatening. and his mother threatens him out the window. »

Thunder, threaten. Too lazy to go out into the yard and punish. I would lift up his fur coat and chick-chick! chick-chick! It's better than wagging a finger. And then, lo and behold, he will turn out to be a drunkard. Who wrote this? - Prachkin asked loudly.

Pushkin, dad.

Pushkin? Hm. Must be some kind of weirdo. They write and write, but what they write they themselves do not understand. Just to write!"


But our northern summer,
Caricature of southern winters,
It will flash and not: this is known,
Although we don’t want to admit it.
The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.

The dawn rises in the cold darkness;
In the fields the noise of work fell silent;
With his hungry wolf, a wolf comes out onto the road;
Smelling him, the road horse
Snores - and the traveler is cautious
Rushes up the mountain at full speed;
At dawn the shepherd
He no longer drives the cows out of the barn,
And at midday in a circle
His horn does not call them;
A maiden singing in a hut
Spins, and, friend of winter nights,
A splinter crackles in front of her.

And now the frost is crackling
And they shine silver among the fields...
(The reader is already waiting for the rhyme of the rose;
Here, take it quickly!)
Tidier than fashionable parquet
The river shines, covered in ice.
Boys are a joyful people
Skates cut the ice noisily;
A heavy goose on red legs,
Having decided to sail across the bosom of the waters,
Steps carefully onto the ice,
Slips and falls; funny
The first snow is flickering and curling,
Stars falling on the shore.


It's autumn weather this year
I stood in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting,
Snow only fell in January
On the third night. Waking up early
Tatiana saw through the window
In the morning the yard turned white,
Curtains, roofs and fences,
There are light patterns on the glass,
Trees in winter silver,
Forty merry ones in the yard
And softly carpeted mountains
Winter is a brilliant carpet.
Everything is bright, everything is white all around.

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow,
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window...


Driven by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, the forests seem to turn green with fluff.
A bee for a field tribute flies from a wax cell.
The valleys are dry and colorful;
The herds rustle and the nightingale
Already singing in the silence of the night.

How sad your appearance makes me,
Spring, spring! it's time for love!
What languid excitement
In my soul, in my blood!
With what heavy tenderness
I enjoy the breeze
Spring blowing in my face
In the lap of rural silence!
Or is pleasure alien to me,
And everything that pleases lives,
Everything that rejoices and shines,
Causes boredom and languor
My soul has been dead for a long time,
And everything seems dark to her?

Or, not happy about the return
Dead leaves in autumn,
We remember the bitter loss
Listening to the new noise of the forests;
Or with nature alive
We bring together the confused thought
We are the fading of our years,
Which cannot be reborn?
Perhaps it comes to our minds
In the midst of a poetic dream
Another, old spring
And it makes our hearts tremble
Dream of the far side
About a wonderful night, about the moon...