Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Ural branch RAZHV) Ural Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

To the 25th anniversary of the founding of an art university in Perm

The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (UFRAZhViZ) was established in 1991 on the initiative of People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov. This happened just four years after the founding of the “head” academy, which is located within the “sacred walls” of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where such luminaries of Russian art as V. G. Perov, A. K. Savrasov, I. studied. I. Shishkin, I. I. Levitan, M. V. Nesterov and many others. In general, the Ilya Glazunov Academy continued the traditions of the European and Russian school of high realism, which at one time was preached by the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. As I. S. Glazunov himself says, “without school there is no artist. Schools are the wings of an artist."

The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov in Perm is the largest art university outside of both capitals. The first director of the branch was the architect S.I. Tarasov. Since 2003, UFRAZhViZ has been headed by a graduate of the academy, a talented painter Maxim Vladislavovich Kaetkin. The main departments are headed by T. T. Necheukhina (painting), V. P. Shchipalkin (architecture), I. I. Storozhev (sculpture), V. I. Mineev (decorative and applied arts), A. A. Zhukovsky (design) . The department of drawing is headed by academy graduate A. A. Murgin, the department of history of art and humanities is headed by art critic A. D. Zhdanova. The university employs about a hundred teachers of various disciplines, almost half of them are doctors and candidates of science, many have honorary titles. The main departments include: People's Artist of Russia A.P. Zyryanov, Honored Artists of Russia L.I. Perevalov and A.T. Amirkhanov, laureates of All-Russian and international competitions.

To date, more than 200 artists of various profiles have graduated from the five branches of the branch - painters, sculptors, architects, designers, masters of decorative and applied arts. Many began independent creative activities, became members of the Union of Artists of Russia, laureates of competitions, participants in art projects at the all-Russian and international level. The main thing is that the works of graduates occupy an increasingly important place in the modern artistic space not only in Perm, but also in other regions of the Urals, Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals. This primarily concerns architects. The Department of Architecture was founded through the efforts of the candidate of architecture A. S. Terekhin. And now graduates of this department are directly involved in the formation of the urban environment, which is becoming increasingly complex and polyphonic.

It is known that Perm is a city located on the border of Europe and Asia, but a city of European type. This is how it appeared on the Kama almost three hundred years ago and continues to develop in the same direction. The present time is marked by rapid growth in construction. After the initial grid layout of Peter the Great’s time, now it seems that the first major metamorphosis is taking place - a new qualitative leap in the development of urban space. And the leading role in this is played by Perm architects, who have a keen sense of the peculiarities of the urban landscape. The hilly terrain of the city, cut by rivers and ravines, sets wave-like rhythms and gives rise to a feeling of curvature and diversity of the urban space. The “spheroidal” space of Perm inspires architects to the most daring ideas, especially for young architects just starting their creative path.

Architecture is learned in all its specifics and – necessarily – in the context of history. The Academy fosters synchronicity and diachronicity of thinking, based on the postulate: the formation of the image of modern architecture is impossible without knowledge of its history. However, the embodiment of one’s architectural concept in a current space and, at the same time, a historical space is the most difficult task of “entering” the profession. The Department of Architecture has considerable merit in this. The reproduction of architectural professionalism is considered the first task of teaching. The “ideal” graduate of the academy is a new architect for a new city, who goes from apprenticeship to practical activity, and then to individual creativity.

The training of architects includes a fairly broad practice. The curriculum provides both continuity in teaching and a logical sequence of architectural design. Projects of temples, chapels, park pavilions, public and residential buildings demonstrate multi-beam orientation, multi-style and variety of artistic solutions. In individual projects, especially those tied to a specific location, there is a desire to think “in the environment.” Synthetic “environmental” thinking, of course, does not arise immediately and not for everyone. All the more important are its still rare manifestations. Young architects learn to understand that successful work on a local architectural task is unthinkable without awareness of the whole. The diploma works of S. Zabelin, D. Kolesnikov, A. Leibchik are interesting in this regard. This sense of the whole is present in the projects of the Museum of Modern Art by S. Novikova and R. Murtazin, in the project of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross by E. Speshilova, in the project of the city administration building by M. Fedotov and in the projects of private country houses by E. Godovalova and D. Yelembaev.

The Department of Sculpture works in particularly difficult conditions. The complexity of sculpture lies not only in the fact that it uses very specific materials, not only in their physically complex processing to complete the artistic image, but also in the fact that since ancient times sculpture has had a high social purpose, it has been the expression and embodiment of not only social, but also global humanistic ideals. And, of course, one should appreciate the focus of future masters of this art form on creating truly monumental sculptural works. Monumental not even in the physical dimension, but in their artistic and aesthetic embodiment. The leading place in the academy's volumetric sculpture is given to sculptural images of heroes of Russian history and culture or our contemporaries who have gained public recognition and express the values ​​of modern life. Many sculptures are small in size, but filled with emotion, spirituality, and original artistic solutions. A special place in the students’ creativity is occupied by sculptural images, traditionally associated with the art of the Perm animal style. However, artists do not copy ancient rarities created by the ancestors of the Komi-Permyaks. The images of the animal style are resolved at the level of unique symbols, giving these works true monumentality.

In general, many graduates of the sculpture department - A. Matveev, E. Simanova, V. Rakisheva, V. Dobrovolsky, T. Koneva, E. Trubina and others - in their individual creativity create images of high realism, high social significance and professional skill.

Trends in a holistic approach to a particular artistic solution are observed in the departments of architectural design and decorative and applied arts. Graduates of these departments successfully integrate into the creative elite of Perm. Among them are applied workers E. Zobacheva, R. Ismagilov, T. Nelyubina, M. Vaseva, E. Subbotin, S. Rybina, as well as the first graduates of the design department T. Vorontsova, T. Kargapolova, E. Algina, E. Rudakova, M Kholkina, A. Shcherbakova (graduated in 2008). In the best youth projects there is a feeling of interconnectedness and interdependence of parts, clear constructive dominants appear, and a special dramaturgy of the “environment” arises. The technical and aesthetic do not interfere with each other; historicism and high-tech coexist in a complex interweaving. The active play of small and large, high and low, open and closed - such a contrast creates the necessary artistic tension in almost every new project. And yet, the ancient traditions of Ural crafts are at the forefront. The Department of Painting is one of the main “graduating” departments; it has existed since the beginning of the formation of the Ural branch. The selection of students for the painting department is especially strict, since this art requires from a professional, in addition to rich creative talent, a subtle sense of color, which is not given to everyone. The professionalization of painters is based on a coherent academic program that provides for logical consistency and firmness in mastering the craft. Thanks to many years of academic studies, the artist comprehends the mastery of composition, form and color. An important role in the development of an artist is played by familiarity with the world heritage of painting in theoretical and practical terms, when copying works of famous Russian artists from the collection of the Perm State Art Gallery.

Working with nature is the main condition for educating a true painter. These include subject productions, sketches of sitters, and the inevitable plein air landscape. A mandatory stage of training is the creation of a portrait that is academically succinct, comprehensively and deeply illuminating the essential features of a person. There are quite a lot of such portraits in the academy’s “museum” gallery. The task of creating a large “compositional” portrait, sometimes combined with landscape and still life, seems especially difficult.

Young artists are trained in all genres of painting, but, according to academic tradition, their interests are headed by the revival of historical painting, designed to reflect both the glorious past of Russian history and the drama of modern events that form a historical outline.

Students' academic and diploma works cover a wide range of historical events. At one time, historical topics were successfully explored by M. Kaetkin, A. Murgin, A. Fomichev, L. Malysheva, A. Nesterenko, A. Shvetsov, A. Grekov, A. Koshcheev, S. Putilov, A. Usatov. Many topics are related to Ural history. Such paintings as “Ermak. Battle of Abalak” by A. Murgin, “Ermak” by R. Gimadieva, “Arrival of Alexander I to Perm in 1826” by K. Suslov, “Seeing off for the First World War in the Ural Verkhoturye” by S. Podrez, “Portrait of N. A. Demidov » N. Khionina. Many graduation works are connected with the activities of S. P. Diaghilev, with his famous “Russian Seasons” (M. Nurulin, V. Kovalenko, A. Demidenko). As you can see, the range of references to history is quite wide. This speaks of the tireless search for young masters, of their constant interest in their native history and its outstanding figures.

All painters actively explore the landscape. They constantly work in the open air, traveling to the brightest and most picturesque corners of the Perm region - after all, the Ural nature is extraordinarily beautiful. Severe, powerful, magnificent, it provides inexhaustible material for the formation of the future artist, for the search for his creative self. The wonderful Russian writer Viktor Astafiev, living in Perm, dreamed of a time when “young talented artists will be found and will pay tribute to the beauty of the gray Urals.” Thanks to the presence of the academy, this becomes quite achievable.

The Department of Drawing and Graphics was founded in 1997. And its creation is far from accidental - after all, drawing is the basis of every type of fine art. Drawing is taught to students of all departments from the first to the fifth year. Training is conducted according to an academic program, which provides for the gradual mastery of the skill of a draftsman - from drawing plaster to creating compositional portraits and sketches for a historical painting. At this department, young artists acquire a deep knowledge of anatomy (there is a special subject “anatomical drawing”). Working with nature plays an important educational role: artists draw a “living head” already from the second semester, and further full-scale studies are required. But, in principle, young artists draw and do many other things, trying to achieve maximum freedom in using a pencil. Teachers always strive for a meaningful drawing, and not a mechanical copying of some objects of reality. Students come to the academy with different degrees of preparation, with different drawing styles. One of the main difficulties of the first courses is to teach them how to draw correctly, how to construct a form correctly, using light and shadow effects, and master the art of composition. By the third or fourth year, as a rule, the formation of an artist-draftsman occurs, who gradually becomes a professional, sometimes choosing graphics as the main type of his artistic creativity. This is always a responsible step, because graphics in Perm is extremely popular and developed. Several dozen brilliant draftsmen, etchers, and linographers work here. Since the 1960s, there has been an original “school” of watercolorists... But graduates of other departments, according to established academic traditions, are simply obliged to master, and even better, to shine, with their correct and accurate drawing. Each department develops its own specificity of drawing: for painters, tonal-spatial drawing predominates, for sculptors and applied artists - decorative-plastic, for architects and designers - structural-linear. In any case, the best graduates of the academy achieve a high level of drawing skill, which is the main merit of the teachers of the department of academic drawing.

To cultivate a serious attitude towards nature and man, towards the history of the native Fatherland is one of the important tasks of the entire team of teachers. To teach the laws of spiritual art, the laws of truth and beauty - this is the main focus of working with young artists who will create in the 21st century. These aspirations are based on a very reliable foundation - realism, proven over the centuries. It is realism that is the direction that artist-teachers and artist-students develop and assimilate. Director of the Ural branch, painter M. V. Kaetkin does not hide his passion for Russian realism. He believes that the Russian tradition is far from exhausted. On the contrary, in the current whirlpool of trends, directions and all sorts of “isms”, Russian realism turns out to be not so much a stronghold of nostalgic experiences, but rather the leading direction in the work of many contemporary artists. It is realism, according to M. V. Kaetkin, that is able to convey to the viewer the author’s ideological position, his love and pain for the Fatherland, for the inescapable beauty and will of the Urals...

The leadership and teachers of the academy created the most favorable atmosphere at the university for the growth of artists. By following academic programs, they do not suppress the student, who always has the right to express his “I” and realize his creative impulse. At the same time, the teaching staff of the academy believes that the higher art school of the Kama region should develop systematically and step by step, that is, the ties between educational institutions at all levels should be strengthened: school - college - academy. Teachers of these educational institutions must synthesize the best achievements of vocational schools and colleges in Perm, Kungur, Nizhny Tagil, and other Ural centers of art education. This focus will contribute to the development of general artistic culture, taste, creative thinking, sense of material and other qualities necessary for the future creator.

About the university

Created on the initiative of the people. artist of the USSR, rector of Acad. arts, prof. I. S. Glazunova. By order of the Russian Ministry of Culture, the opening took place on November 15, 1991.
The main task of the branch is to develop the traditions of the Russian art school, to create a unified cultural space in the educational process of the capital and the province. The educational process in the branch is carried out under the direct supervision of the administration of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Moscow, Myasnitskaya St., 21). Students are admitted to the following departments: “Painting”, “Sculpture”, “Architecture”, “Design of the Architectural Environment”, “Decorative and Applied Arts”. A special feature of the branch was the opening of a department that produces artists of decorative and applied arts. As a rule, the Academy of Arts at all times assumed the presence of basic specialties corresponding to the old definition of a higher art educational institution as a school of “the three most noble arts” - painting, sculpture, architecture. The appearance of a department of decorative and applied arts in the branch is a regional feature, reflecting artistic interest in the rich material culture of the Urals. As a consequence of the specific development of modern architecture and culture in general, in 2003 a new specialty “Design of the Architectural Environment” was opened, including landscape architecture, architecture of small forms, interiors and equipment of buildings.
Until 2002, the enrollment of students for all specialties was 20 people. Currently (2006 data), the annual enrollment has increased to 31 students, the number of students in all departments is 174, of which 143 are on a budgetary basis. The course of study is six years in all specialties.
The branch employs 94 teachers, almost half are doctors and candidates. Sci. 91 of them have higher professional education. The branch employs well-known artists in the Kama region: people. artist of Russia A.P. Zyryanov, honored. Russian artists T. E. Kovalenko, S. R. Kovalev, A. V. Ovchinnikov, L. I. Perevalov, honored. cultural workers V. A. Velitarsky, O. M. Vlasova, N. V. Kazarinova, N. V. Skomorovskaya, G. P. Khomenko, laureate of the State Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, architect N. N. Kukin, multiple laureate of competitions in restoration of architecture N. B. Belov, laureate of the All-Russian reviews and competitions of architectural projects V. P. Shchipalkin, young teachers who became laureates of the regional prize named after. I. S. Borisov, painters T. T. Necheukhina and A. A. Murgin, graduates of the branch.
Educational activities are carried out on the basis of state educational standards. An essential part of the educational process is the creative work of teachers and students of the branch: participation in regional, regional, city art exhibitions, competitions, shows, festivals. Students of the branch take part in the International competitions of diploma projects “Architecture and Design”, in the festival of creative works abroad “Young Russian Culture in Italy”, “Days of Perm in Louisville”. The branch's teachers, together with their students, make a great contribution to the development of the artistic culture of the Kama region and national culture in general through personal exhibitions and architectural projects. Perm annually hosts reporting exhibitions of students’ diploma works, revealing promising areas of activity for the young creative intelligentsia of the Kama region.

Created on the initiative of the people. artist of the USSR, rector of Acad. arts, prof. I. S. Glazunova. By order of the Russian Ministry of Culture, the opening took place on November 15, 1991.
The main task of the branch is to develop the traditions of the Russian art school, to create a unified cultural space in the educational process of the capital and the province. The educational process in the branch is carried out under the direct supervision of the administration of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Moscow, Myasnitskaya St., 21). Students are admitted to the following departments: “Painting”, “Sculpture”, “Architecture”, “Design of the Architectural Environment”, “Decorative and Applied Arts”. A special feature of the branch was the opening of a department that produces artists of decorative and applied arts. As a rule, the Academy of Arts at all times assumed the presence of basic specialties corresponding to the old definition of a higher art educational institution as a school of “the three most noble arts” - painting, sculpture, architecture. The appearance of a department of decorative and applied arts in the branch is a regional feature, reflecting artistic interest in the rich material culture of the Urals. As a consequence of the specific development of modern architecture and culture in general, in 2003 a new specialty “Design of the Architectural Environment” was opened, including landscape architecture, architecture of small forms, interiors and equipment of buildings.
Until 2002, the enrollment of students for all specialties was 20 people. Currently (2006 data), the annual enrollment has increased to 31 students, the number of students in all departments is 174, of which 143 are on a budgetary basis. The course of study is six years in all specialties.
The branch employs 94 teachers, almost half are doctors and candidates. Sci. 91 of them have higher professional education. The branch employs well-known artists in the Kama region: people. artist of Russia A.P. Zyryanov, honored. Russian artists T. E. Kovalenko, S. R. Kovalev, A. V. Ovchinnikov, L. I. Perevalov, honored. cultural workers V. A. Velitarsky, O. M. Vlasova, N. V. Kazarinova, N. V. Skomorovskaya, G. P. Khomenko, laureate of the State Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, architect N. N. Kukin, multiple laureate of competitions in restoration of architecture N. B. Belov, laureate of the All-Russian reviews and competitions of architectural projects V. P. Shchipalkin, young teachers who became laureates of the regional prize named after. I. S. Borisov, painters T. T. Necheukhina and A. A. Murgin, graduates of the branch.
Educational activities are carried out on the basis of state educational standards. An essential part of the educational process is the creative work of teachers and students of the branch: participation in regional, regional, city art exhibitions, competitions, shows, festivals. Students of the branch take part in the International competitions of diploma projects “Architecture and Design”, in the festival of creative works abroad “Young Russian Culture in Italy”, “Days of Perm in Louisville”. The branch's teachers, together with their students, make a great contribution to the development of the artistic culture of the Kama region and national culture in general through personal exhibitions and architectural projects. Perm annually hosts reporting exhibitions of students’ diploma works, revealing promising areas of activity for the young creative intelligentsia of the Kama region.

Lit.: Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Ural branch. 1992-2000: information. catalog. Perm: Lazur, 2000. 126 pp.;
S. T. [Tarasov S. I.] Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture // Architects and architectural monuments of the Perm Kama region: brief. encycl. dictionary. Perm: Book World, 2003. pp. 132-133.

The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov, founded in the homeland of S.P. Diaghilev in Perm.

The history of the emergence and formation of the Ural branch is very remarkable as an example of creative activity at a time of what seemed then to be a hopeless collapse in the country - social, economic, and most importantly - spiritual. Nowadays the work of the branch is of considerable interest to cultural life in the Russian provinces.

Today, the Ural branch of the Academy is the only full-fledged academic university in the Urals, influencing the formation of artistic life in the entire region. The initially laid down principles of its activities are evidenced by the words spoken at one time by the first director of the branch, the remarkable Perm architect S.I. Tarasov: “There is a battle for Russia, not for geographical space, but for the space of the Russian soul.”

The branch employs about a hundred teachers to educate young art masters, almost half of whom are doctors and candidates of science, twelve have honorary titles. Among them are famous masters of fine art not only in the Kama region, but also in the country: People's Artist of Russia A.P. Zyryanov, Honored Artists of Russia T.E. Kovalenko, S.R. Kovalev, A.M. Ovchinnikov, L.I. Perevalov, A.T. Amirkhanov, laureate of all-Russian architectural design competitions V.P. Shchipalkin, multiple laureate of architectural restoration competitions N.B. Belov. Among the teachers are young graduates of the branch, talented painters, participants in many exhibitions T.T. Nechukhina, A.A. Murgin and others.

About 200 students from Perm, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Kirov, Izhevsk, Glazov and other cities study in the five departments of the branch - painting, sculpture and architecture, decorative and applied arts and design of the architectural environment. The educational process is combined with the very successful participation of teachers and students in exhibitions, competitions, shows, festivals - from regional to international.

The branch staff is involved in all cultural programs of the city. Graduates are in great demand and the demand for them is increasing every day. They work in all regions of the Urals, and not only in the field of fine arts. For example, Vsevolod Averkin became the main artist of the regional drama theater. Another student working at the Opera and Ballet Theater followed this path. Young artists influence the formation of the artistic sphere of the Kama region. Sculptor T. Koneva and designer M. Kholkina became the winners of the competition to design a memorial monument to the famous Perm choreographer E. Panfilov. A graduate of the sculpture department, A. Igoshev, is the author of the reconstruction of the monument to Alexander II in Yugo-Kamsk. Students and teachers actively participate in the preservation of historical and cultural monuments of the Perm region. Over the past ten years, projects have been drawn up for the restoration of architectural monuments of the late 18th – early 20th centuries, including buildings designed by the famous Perm architect I.I. Sviyazev: the House of the Noble Assembly, the Church of All Saints, the house of N.N. Krylov and others. The names of many graduates are increasingly appearing in various projects at the national and international level.