Growth windows - a new generation of windows! The whole truth about the “growth window” company from the first person. interview with the company's general director Dmitry Razroev

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Complaints and reviews about Windows of Growth

The loggia was closed, finishing was done, and lighting was installed. It’s good that all this can be ordered in one place; we didn’t run around and buy materials either, but immediately chose them from the company. Of course it didn’t happen quickly, 3 days active work on the balcony. but the result was worth it. The children especially liked to play there, so a week later we also ordered children's locks and installed them.

Since spring they have been installing the loggia windows and balcony doors and have not finished them yet! Everything was done poorly: measurements, installation, correction of defects, which became more and more numerous over time. Non-obligatory fulfillment of promises, etc. We had to wait months for the masters! If you want trouble for a long time, contact this company (Windows of Rosta, Moscow)

I liked the company's office on Baltiyskaya. Convenient access. The office itself is bright and unusual. Managers show all windows “live”. The children liked it, so they didn’t bother talking to the manager :) According to the contract: window manufacturing takes about 10 days, delivery the day before installation. They said they would try to complete the installation in 2 days (3 days) room apartment). There is a guarantee. The windows arrived today and have not been installed yet. Looks good. We'll see how they install it, I'll post if anything goes wrong. Although for some reason I am sure that everything will go perfectly.

I’ll write a few words about Windows of Growth. We can say they have regular customers. We have already ordered windows several times (for ourselves, for our daughter, for the dacha). Only once did I have to apply for a marriage correction. At the dacha, one window was poorly installed; there was a draft coming from under the window sill. But they redid their work quite quickly after our call. Advice to everyone who plans to apply: check the work well before signing the act and do not lose the contract.

Good afternoon everyone! Dmitrov residents, who are thinking of ordering from Windows of Growth or not having windows for themselves, I will say yes, order. The plant was moved, but our office is from the plant, so these are not resellers, therefore the prices are normal and they guarantee quality. We arrived at the central office on Birlovo Pole. There is so much to see and so much to choose from! All products are presented, many new products and interesting know-how. We ordered not only a balcony block, but also roller blinds for the window. It’s convenient that you can choose everything in one place and order it at a discount.

We read reviews about window installation by different companies to know what problems we might encounter. To be honest, it became scary: they bring in crooked and scratched windows, then they fix the defects over the years and much, much more. Order at your own risk from Windows of Growth. And there were no problems or hassles. Everything was strictly in accordance with the contract, deadlines and technologies were met (my husband supervised the installation process)

We share our experience and good impressions about buying a growth window! Their name is positive, as it turned out, and the employees were good. We made an application through the website, the measurer came and even put on the shoe covers. By the way, you can sign an agreement with him; you don’t have to go to the office. Personally, I don’t really like going to offices when everything can be done via the Internet. We paid by card through Sberbank online. And then we had an installer. Also neat and sociable. At the same time it's good...

I don't know why this company is even on this site! We ordered wooden windows from them for our dacha. Everything was met: both deadlines and technologies. The windows are very neat and beautiful. All joints are smooth, the wood is without snags, everything is varnished very neatly, without streaks. The windows open and close easily. They come with mosquito nets (an irreplaceable thing in a dacha). Now we have the comfort of home, there are no mosquitoes, the house is easily ventilated.

In September 2017, I completed 90 percent of my house. All that remains is to install plastic windows, life support systems and other little things. I paid special attention to the issue of window selection. I immediately dismissed all possible reviews on the Internet, fortunately there is an opportunity to study the issue from the other side. Due to my work (holiday workshop), I communicate a lot with people and visit many people’s homes. At the same time I close attention I paid attention to the windows in the houses and apartments I visited. I talked to the owners, asked...

I met the Okna Rosta company 5 years ago, and now I needed to contact them again. My parents moved to the Moscow region, they left me and my wife three rubles, and we are slowly making repairs. We immediately decided to insulate the loggia and organize workplace. We didn’t go to the office, but I read the reviews just in case. You never know, maybe something could have changed during this period. But everything seems to be fine. The procedure is standard - measurements, conclusion of a contract, two weeks for production and installation. They offered several options...

I am a busy person and have a very busy schedule, so I prefer to save my time as much as possible and use the Internet constantly. I found the Window of Growth company through a search engine. I was interested in the site, it has prices and there are no pop-up windows that are very annoying. But what finally put me in her favor was her experience of more than 20 years. My glazing was not quite standard; it was necessary to embed the windows into the roof slope, so it was very dangerous to trust a young company with this matter...

My husband and I had a fairly global order from Windows of Growth this year. It was necessary to glaze the entire Vacation home. My sister is a designer and similar worthy companies are on her account. We didn’t specifically look for reviews about Windows of Growth, because she gave specific contact to manager Victoria Abramova and we had already worked with her on our order. We first looked at the options on Sokol in the show room; there are many more of them than on the website. In May they sent us all the information for calculation. Received 21 windows + window sills, cornices for...

We do not advise anyone to order windows from the Okna Rosta company. In the summer we ordered 5 windows and balcony glazing (Agreement 4844/2000 dated 07/05/2017). Everything seems to be fine, the windows were delivered and glazed. But as soon as the cold weather began (October), it began to blow incredibly from all the windows. Moreover, it siphons so much that the curtains sway. As a result: it’s cold at home (and it’s not winter yet), a one-year-old child and his mother are constantly covered in snot. At the beginning of October, we contacted the company with a request to eliminate the blowing. As a result, we came five times...

I bought an apartment for my son, not new, but in very good condition. Only the balcony wasn't very good. It itself is plastic, but apparently it was installed poorly, and I found large gaps, which is why cold was drawn into the room. I made an order from the company "Windows of Growth". Since our house is in a draft, I decided to play it safe and chose cold glazing. It seems to provide better protection from rain and wind. The installation process itself looks very simple: measuring, manufacturing, installation. Me, as a busy person...

The growth windows were installed very well for me. Before that, there were simple wooden ones, from the time the house was built. Since my ceilings are 3 meters, accordingly, the windows were not of standard size. Some companies inflated prices, as if I had ceilings that were 10 meters high, only the tall windows had the most reasonable price, and they also gave me a discount. There are no complaints about the timing of production and installation, as well as the quality of work. Now there is such beauty in the house, so much light and comfort, and it has become much warmer, even...

One of the constants in the capital’s window market is the invariability of the position “The company with the most high level knowledge from the end consumer,” which the OKNA ROSTA company confirms year after year. It is hardly possible to explain such success with just a successful name. How does one of the most experienced and influential companies in Central Russia feel today? How is she coping with such a difficult time for the market?

The company "WINDOWS OF ROSTA" has been operating on the market for the 21st year. Young people at this age already bear full responsibility for their words and actions, they have a sufficient amount of basic knowledge behind them, and ahead are unknown, but very broad and tempting prospects, a lot of ideas and energy.

For “WINDOWS OF GROWTH” the past years have been different, and, entering the time of full adulthood, it makes sense to take stock of some results, dispel rumors and learn about plans for the future. And from the first person.

Meet Dmitry Razroev, General Director of the WINDOWS OF ROSTA company. Ambitious, strict, demanding, not without a sense of humor, promises to tell the truth and only the truth.

Dmitry, before talking about prospects, I would like to hear your short report on the past 2015.

– The main achievement of our team for last year I believe that despite all the economic difficulties, constant fluctuations in exchange rates and a significant drop in the purchasing power of the population, we were able to resist. Unfortunately, unable to withstand the shocks and drop in demand, dozens of window companies left the market, and this trend continues. We had to radically reconsider our attitude to production and sales in light of the new economic reality. For some colleagues, these measures may have seemed excessive and unpopular, but as practice has shown, they were justified.

At the end of last year 2015, the company received an award for best service in the field of customer consulting, entering the top twenty strongest, according to the authoritative independent industry center “O.K.N.A. Marketing". According to his research, in 2015 “GROWTH WINDOWS” are the most recognizable brand among window companies in Moscow and the Moscow region. I would like to especially note that the share of fame continues to grow.

Another important confirmation of our stability is the receipt of a Certificate from the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region stating that our company is included in the Register Russian enterprises, financial and economic situation which testifies to their reliability as partners for business activities in the Russian Federation and abroad.

At the international exhibition in Nuremberg, the Tilmann Winkhaus group of companies awarded us a certificate of honor for many years of fruitful and dedicated cooperation over 20 years. This is exactly the same amount of time that Winkhaus has been present on the Russian market.

Now I would like to talk about you, Dmitry. How did you get into the window business? You've never worked in the window industry, and your age, frankly speaking, is not quite typical for a general director? Have you ever heard phrases like “where did someone so young and smart come from” behind your back?

– Of course, I have heard this phrase, and even much more offensive and less printed ones. I take no offence. And I understand perfectly well that people who have worked at an enterprise for a dozen or even more years are not entirely pleased to see “young and early” who comes out of nowhere and begins to teach them about life and radically change the principles of work that have been established for years.

The stereotype of the “young boss” is difficult to break. Perfectionism, excessive demands, explosive character, desire to change everything even now are quite controversial qualities for many, having both positive and negative properties. However, it is indisputable that young specialists are better versed in new technologies and understand their prospects, have a modern and often better and more relevant education (especially in the field of economics, marketing and production management). They quickly navigate and adapt to new market conditions. Indeed, I have never been directly involved in the window industry, but for several years I ran a company that sells roofing and finishing materials, so I perfectly understand the needs and aspirations of homeowners. I was tasked with crisis management, optimization of business processes and a complete overhaul of customer service.

I forgot to say that the WINDOWS OF ROSTA company has been close to me since childhood, I have followed its development since youth and I know thoroughly all the stages of its development.

What was the first thing you did when you received this assignment?

– First of all, I had to conduct in-depth monitoring of leading companies to identify their advantages compared to us, study a large amount of information collected by our hotline, quality service and claims department, personally talk with dozens of new and existing WINDOWS OF GROWTH clients. Based on the information received, it was decided to completely reform the marketing department, rebuild our dealer department, and also make a major revision of the assortment and sales policy.

And you abandoned the production of wooden windows?

- Yes. During the period of superimposed crises: the global economic crisis and the market saturation crisis, it was necessary to concentrate on the main thing for “WINDOWS OF GROWTH”. The main direction, as 20 years ago, was chosen to be the direction of translucent PVC structures.

But I must say that we have not completely abandoned the production of wooden windows. This would go against our customer-centric strategy. "WINDOWS OF ROSTA" chose the most acceptable format now - joint production of wooden windows with partners. So customers who are accustomed to the quality of WINDOWS OF ROSTA and would like to place an order for wooden structures will be able to do this now.

Since last year, information has been circulating on the market about a serious reduction in the company's staff. There are many dissatisfied with this step, some talk about non-payment of wages, severance pay, etc. We have agreed with you on honest and frank answers, answer.

– The labor market in the production of translucent structures is quite narrow. Therefore, every event, good or bad, does not go unnoticed by colleagues. It would be foolish to deny the obvious. Indeed, optimization and automation of business processes involves working with a team. And often this work leads to parting with some team members and hiring new ones.

In general, there is a rule - up to 10% of employees should be renewed annually. In addition, the arrival of a new management team always involves differences in views with some long-serving employees about the future of the company.

Our new development strategy implied optimization production processes, withdrawal of some areas of activity, reduction staffing table by abandoning certain positions or transferring employees to other positions. These are necessary steps, albeit unpopular ones. Especially from the point of view of those who fall under such changes. We tried to carry out optimization as gently as possible, carefully studying everyone’s life situation and, if possible, offering alternative options in our other divisions and friendly companies.

Of course, I read on the Internet a number of dissatisfied remarks from former employees, for which no new places were found after optimization. However, having analyzed the cases of these people and even having met with some of them again, I can responsibly say that today there is not a single ex-employee left who has not received strong arguments in favor of our steps and has not heard feedback from everyone. In addition, absolutely all obligations related to compliance Labor Legislation Russia, we have fulfilled this in front of our colleagues.

It’s more or less clear from the former employees. What about the existing ones? Are there wage delays in production?

- Well, if we agreed with you on honesty, then I will say - yes, like in any manufacturing company subject to seasonal demand, delays in the payment of wages also occurred with us.

Unfortunately, the construction industry is the first to be affected by the crisis, so some corporate clients were unable to pay us, and some of them even declared bankruptcy. It is also no secret that banks are reluctant to issue loans for business development. It is more profitable for them to make money on exchange rate differences.

Today, due to great competition, not only the volume of sales inevitably decreases, but also the marginal component falls. Restoring these indicators is one of the priorities of our work, but it takes time. Therefore, I cannot give guarantees that wage delays will not happen again. However, we will make every effort to do so. We have an open dialogue with our employees, we are aware of their marital status, the availability of loans and mortgages and we do everything possible not to let them down. The employees understand this and meet us halfway. One of them said: “In a crisis, it is better to have delayed wages than to have no work at all.” Of course, this is not a dogma, but the statement is largely true.

Dmitry, and a couple more not very pleasant questions. While preparing for this interview, we found quite a lot negative reviews about the company in the Internet space. How can you comment on their presence and appearance?

– The ancient Greek sage Euripides said: “A person who does a lot makes mistakes in many things.” The presence of negative reviews is an indicator of the activity of our clients and one of the most important parameters that is subject to close study and analysis. We have been doing serious work for a long time to respond to any feedback and wishes, so we have collected fairly accurate statistics.

So, 4% of reviews currently available for indexing search engines, belongs to the pen of our former employees, with whom we parted for one reason or another. As I said above, we contacted each of them and re-clarified the reasons for our steps. Another 8% are clients who, for one reason or another, did not receive adequate feedback or the expected service from our employees. Each such case is analyzed in detail and taken into account by the quality service in motivating the managers responsible for the order. We use a modern telephone system that allows us to listen to the manager’s dialogue with the client and identify mistakes made by specialists. All justified claims are quickly identified and neutralized.

12% of reviews on the Internet (negative, of course) are left by representatives of competitors. Or more precisely, their full-time and freelance services involved in reputation management. In other words, hired freelancers, whose task is to create a mass of negative reviews that affect the overall perception of the company’s image. As I already said, not a single negative review goes without our attention and response. Unfortunately, when trying to contact such “affected clients,” we are faced with either complete silence in response or evasive answers to specific questions about the contract number or the name of the service manager. In most cases, such “clients” cannot even say which windows they purchased from us.

Another 3% of reviews belong to people who, in principle, are always dissatisfied with everyone. These reviews are also verified, but fall into the category of statistical error.

And the remaining 70% is constructive feedback, suggestions and criticism on construction forums and review sites.

For absolutely everything – both negative and positive reviews– we are eternally grateful to our clients. They are the ones who help us become better and prove to ourselves every day that there are no customers who are indifferent to our products and services.

On our website, at the bottom home page, there is a button to contact me directly. Any dissatisfied customer can contact me directly with their question or problem. Within two days after reading, I undertake to resolve them.

In addition, if you have already become our client, we will be grateful for the few minutes you take when the girls from our quality service contact you. We look forward to your constructive comments and suggestions for improvements in our work.

And another unpleasant question based on persistent rumors. It's no secret that there are many relatives in your company; in fact, this is the business of several families, and strangers are not welcome in your company.

– Most well-known and successful global companies are, to one degree or another, family business. In many ways, family and continuity of generations are the key to success. And this is not surprising. The younger generation sees how their fathers build a business, experiences successes and downfalls with them, and understands the inner workings of the enterprise from childhood. Indeed, many relatives and classmates work in our company. Many have known each other for decades - from school or college.

At the same time, we are proud that WINDOWS OF GROWTH has become a place where people who are in no way connected with the founders met and created families, but they new family becomes part of our larger family business tree. Having deeper than a record in work book roots, employees, related family ties, more responsible and hardworking, and that’s a fact. Children of employees who came after their parents to work at WINDOWS OF ROSTA, in any case, work their way up from the very bottom. There is not a single young specialist “from among us” who immediately received a position without “sniffing gunpowder.” In addition, a mandatory condition for joining the WINDOWS OF GROWTH team is specialized education. And here neither dads nor old friendship with the founders will help.

There is no division into “friends and foes” in the company. There is an assessment of the degree of usefulness of each specific employee for the common cause. And the number of those who came to the company according to the dynasty principle is actually counted in a few.

How would you comment on the rumors circulating in the industry that your company is leaving the market?

– I have to upset the authors of these rumors and fantasies. “WINDOWS OF GROWTH” did not cross its 20-year mark in order to leave the window business. It would be unfair and dishonest to those who created the history of the company to sell or close it during a difficult but very important period.

This year a lot awaits our clients, partners and competitors interesting news about Us. We will try to surprise, give reasons for pride and envy, open new horizons for ourselves and others. Believe me, we have the resources, desire and strength for this. Now I will share with your resource exclusive information that we have not yet released to a wide audience.

Since April of this year, together with the largest manufacturer of facade and roofing materials, the Deke Extrusion company, we have launched a unique project of finished windows. "ROSTA WINDOWS" is a manufacturer of translucent structures, and more than 900 Deke retail outlets throughout the country are potential sellers of ready-made windows that are so necessary for any homeowner.

Now there is no need to waste time ordering and waiting - absolutely everything that is needed for the construction or finishing of a new house, including windows or balcony blocks, can be purchased in one place and received immediately or the next day. We are grateful to the Döcke Extrusion company, known for its high European standards and true German product quality, for the trust placed in us and we will try to justify it together with our partners - the German companies VEKA, Winkhaus and the Belgian glass manufacturer AGS Glass.

AND last question. The company "WINDOWS OF ROSTA" celebrated its anniversary - 20 years on the market. What are your plans for the next 20 years?

– Our main plan is not to stop developing. The industry is facing major changes over the next few years. Will remain on the market 10 times fewer companies, since no developed country in the world has such a number of window manufacturers.

We will remain among the market leaders and will further strengthen our position, making our clients and partners happy. And in mine personal plans is to meet with you again in 20 years and together state the fact that our company is still interesting and criticized, that we are as successful and promising as 20 or 40 years ago.

Sergei Navalny, 16.05.2016 18:07:52

Oh Zeus! Why did you give people sure signs to distinguish real gold from fake, while a person does not have a single sign on his body by which one could recognize the scoundrel?

Alexey Pronin, 17.05.2016 23:45:10

Well, very optimistic. This style is only used by young professionals.

Old, 18.05.2016 22:07:40

When your dad gave you a thriving company with a bunch of branches, and you collapsed it to the level of 1 (one) office......! What are we talking about? About development?

Dmitry Razroev, 19.05.2016 12:53:28

Good afternoon, dear readers!
Thank you for your activity.
I’m responding to a message from reader “Old”:
1. My dad didn’t give me anything like what YOU are writing about, he works in a different field.
2. Today the WINDOWS OF GROWTH company has more than one sales office, you can see this on our website in the “contacts” section.
3. Today, everyone is experiencing a crisis, and in Japanese this word means “destruction and creation” and I completely agree, in order to build a new one, it is necessary to destroy the old.
About development: today we launched a new, unparalleled product “ThermoUP” - a double-glazed window with a heat-raising function! Hurry up to purchase, offer is limited!

Sergey Elnikov, 19.05.2016 15:44:47

Respect to Dmitry for interesting interview and the courage to personally respond to difficult questions. This is worth a lot, and this is a very important human, truly leadership quality.

Valera Sergeev, 05.10.2016 18:25:43

The whole truth about the WINDOWS OF GROWTH company.
Well, at the moment, the production of Window of Growth Dmitrov no longer exists. Mr. Dima brought the enterprise to the brink of bankruptcy in his 2 years. And "Windows of Rosta Dmitrov" was sold.
All workers are forced to resign by agreement of the parties with compensation, and now attention, 16 thousand rubles, SIXTEEN THOUSAND RUBLES - that’s all the compensation. You heard right. Moreover, Mr. Dima has already resigned from his position - he is now being replaced by a figurehead. Well, apparently they don’t want to spoil the boy’s work. Dima, a big ardent greeting to you from all the workers who were already, however, the once glorious enterprise "Windows of ROST".

And the fact that Dmitry points to branches on the site are simple free dealers operating under the company’s flag and having practically nothing to do with the parent company.
And the fact that they cheated ordinary installers with two months’ salary. Fortunately, one of the dealers, also a relative of the founder, paid wages They, too, probably have Japanese wisdom...

These are the pies with kittens, however...

We are pleased to welcome you to the Internet representation of the OKNA ROSTA Company, where we will be pleased to present you with products from all the main areas of our activity. Having first established ourselves in the market of translucent structures in 1996, today we are one of the leading companies producing plastic windows and doors in Russia.

The WINDOWS OF GROWTH company is a large, well-oiled mechanism, which includes its own production complex for the manufacture of products from PVC and wood. Representative offices of the WINDOWS OF ROSTA Company are located in Moscow, the Moscow region, as well as in other cities and regions of Russia. The staff consists of more than 1000 highly qualified personnel.

Every year we actively increase production rates and expand the range of products, while simultaneously improving the quality of the goods and services provided. The specialists of the WINDOWS OF GROWTH Company are always aware of all the latest trends and innovations in the market of translucent structures. In the manufacture of products, we use the most modern equipment, new technologies and the highest quality materials. VEKA profile system - excellent to that confirmation. This profile system incorporates exclusively the highest levels of noise and heat insulation. How on initial stage development of the company, and now, the highest priority for us is the interests of our Client.

Today the WINDOWS OF GROWTH Company is ready to offer the following range of products and services:

  • Production and installation of high-quality and durable windows and doors from PVC profile system VEKA;
  • Manufacturing and installation of window and door systems from wood and wood-aluminum profiles of any degree of complexity;
  • Central dust removal systems (built-in vacuum cleaners) VACUFLO, ENKE, CYCLOVAC
  • Sale and installation of modern air conditioners and heating equipment from well-known manufacturers;
  • Production and sale of vinyl siding - facade cladding made of durable PVC-based panels.


Our production is located in the Moscow region, with. Buzhaninovo and occupies an area of ​​more than 15,000 sq.m.
Production address: 141326, Russia, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, village. Buzhaninovo, st. Polevaya 35
The production is equipped with the most modern equipment today from generally recognized world leaders in this field - German and Swiss companies URBAN, Lenhardt, Bystronic, Elumatec, Graule, KWF. Many of these machines are the only ones in Russia.

Warranty periods for products from the WINDOWS OF GROWTH Company:

  • from the VEKA profile system - 5 years;
  • wooden windows - 3 years;
  • All our products have hygiene certificates, certificates fire safety and certificates of compliance with state standards and building codes;
  • Top managers and leading specialists of our company undergo training and internships in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and also attend international and Russian specialized exhibitions. This allows us to keep abreast of new window technologies and provide our clients with all the world's best achievements in the field of translucent structures.

We provide our clients with comprehensive work: from design to manufacturing, transportation, installation and repair and restoration finishing.

Representative offices of the WINDOWS OF GROWTH Company:

Over 20 years of successful work, we have created a large branch network. We are located throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. Our representative offices are equipped with all the necessary samples of products and accessories. Employees participate in various regular training activities at the company's own Training Center. Our branch network is located as conveniently as possible for each client. You can always choose the closest sales office for yourself. You can get qualified advice from a specialist either by phone or by visiting our representative office.

Most Our clients are buyers who come to us repeatedly or on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances. This clearly indicates that, having used the services of the OKNA ROSTA Company once and convinced of the impeccable quality of the products offered and excellent service, you will contact us next time.

Our official representatives:

In many cities of the Moscow region, as well as in other regions and cities of Russia, our official representatives - dealers of the WINDOWS OF ROSTA Company have been successfully operating for many years. However, we do not rest on our laurels and are always open to new cooperation. Flexible system of discounts, a wide range of products, technical and information support for projects make cooperation with us comfortable and mutually beneficial.

We hope that the information presented on our website will help you easily navigate the range of our products and make right choice- long-term and successful cooperation with the WINDOWS OF GROWTH Company!

ROSTA windows (“Windows of ROSTA”)

more precisely - “Windows of satire ROSTA”, posters created in 1919-21 Soviet artists and poets who worked in the system of the Russian Telegraph Agency (See Russian Telegraph Agency) (ROSTA). "ABOUT. R." - an original type of mass propaganda art that arose during the Civil War and military intervention of 1918-20. Sharp, intelligible satirical posters with short, easy-to-remember poetic texts exposed the enemies of the young Soviet republic, covered topical events, illustrated telegrams transmitted by the agency to newspapers. The posters, with the exception of the first ones, drawn by hand, were made and reproduced using a stencil up to 150 or more copies, then exhibited in shop windows in Moscow and other cities. In "O. R." the traditions of lubok and rayoshnik, etc. were widely used. Drawings “O. R." (in series up to 12 on one sheet) were distinguished by emphasized simplicity and laconism visual arts(expressiveness of silhouettes, coloring in 2-3 colors). The first "Oh" R." performed in October 1919 by M. M. Cheremnykh. Then he was joined by V.V. Mayakovsky, who created bright, accurate drawings and signatures, as well as I.A. Malyutin, D.S. Moor and others. Similar “windows” were also produced in Petrograd (L.G. Brodaty, V. V. Lebedev, A. A. Radakov and others), in Ukraine (B. E. Efimov and others), in Baku, Saratov and other cities. "ABOUT. R." played significant role in the development of Soviet fine art.

Lit.: Polonsky V., Russian revolutionary poster, [M.], 1925; Lebedev P.I., Soviet art during the period of foreign military intervention and civil war, M.-L., 1949; Butnik-Siversky B., Soviet poster Civil War era. 1918-1921, M., 1960.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “ROSTA Windows” are in other dictionaries:

    - “Windows of satire ROSTA” series of posters created in 1919 1921 Soviet poets and artists who worked in the system of the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA). "Windows ROSTA" specific form mass propaganda art that arose during the period ... Wikipedia

    Windows of satire ROSTA, posters created in 1919 by 21 Soviet artists and poets working in the system of the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA). Sharp, intelligible satirical posters with short poetic text exposed... ... Art encyclopedia

    - (Windows of satire ROSTA) posters reproduced using a stencil; were created by artists and poets (M. M. Cheremnykh, D. S. Moor, V. V. Mayakovsky) in the ROSTA system in 1919 21. Sharply satirical posters of ROSTA windows, dedicated to topical issues... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - “WINDOWS OF ROSTA” (“Windows of satire ROSTA”), posters reproduced using a stencil; were created by artists and poets (M. M. Cheremnykh (see CHEREMNYKH Mikhail Mikhailovich), D. S. Moor (see MOOR Dmitry Stakhievich), V. V. Mayakovsky (see MAYAKOVSKY ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ROSTA windows. M. M. Cheremnykh. We must be prepared (text by V.V. Mayakovsky). 1920. “Windows of ROSTA”, “Windows of Satire ROSTA”, posters created in 191921 by Soviet artists and poets working in the Russian telegraph system... ... Art encyclopedia

    - (“Windows of satire ROSTA”), posters reproduced using a stencil; were created by artists and poets (M. M. Cheremnykh, D. S. Moor, V. V. Mayakovsky) in the ROSTA system in 1919 21. Sharply satirical posters “Windows of ROSTA”, dedicated to topical issues... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    "Windows of growth"- WINDOWS OF ROSTA, Windows of satire ROSTA posters created by artists and poets (1919 21) in the Ros system. telegraph agency. Satiric. posters with short poems. were dedicated topical events of our time (events of the civil war, the fight against... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary

    - “Windows of satire ROSTA”, propaganda posters, published by a group of Moscow artists and poets in 191922 under the leadership of the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA), then Glavpolitprosvet under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR. Originally exhibited... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - “Windows of satire ROSTA” a series of posters created in 1919 1921 by Soviet poets and artists working in the system of the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA). “Windows of GROWTH” is a specific form of mass propaganda art that arose during the period ... Wikipedia


  • `Windows` of Growth, V. Mayakovsky. Vladimir Mayakovsky. Complete collection works in thirteen volumes., Volume three. `Windows` GROWTH 1919-1922, Preparation of text and notes by V.D. Duvakin, GIHL, M., 1957, OCR BychkovM. N.…