Presentation on the topic "my family, my name, my surname." “My first name, my last name, my family” How do you remember the names of family ties

Lesson on extracurricular activities within

creative project on the Russian language in grade 6 “A”

"My first name, my last name, my family"

Didactic goals of the project:
- formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity;
- improving research skills;
- acquiring skills of independent work with different sources of information;

Formation of teamwork skills.

Problems of independent research:
- Where did my first and last name come from?
- What does my family tree look like?

How do I see my family's coat of arms?

Research results:
Presentation by students of grade 6a “Anthroponymy”, creative work on the topic: “Family legends and stories. Relics of our family”, “The meaning of the name”, drawings on the topic: “The coat of arms of my family”, an exhibition of photographs from the family album “The History of My Family”

Stages of work:

Formation of research topics;
- conducting research;
- creative work on the task;
- preparation of presentation;
- project protection;
- collective discussion, assessment results.

Research results:
Reports “The Origin of Russian Surnames”, “The Origin of Russian Names”, creative works “The Meaning of My Name”, “The Origin of My Surname”, drawings “The Coat of Arms of My Family”, an exhibition of photographs from a family album, family heirlooms.

Methods and forms of training:

Project method;

collective interaction;

ICT technologies;

explanatory and illustrative.

Planned educational results:


    They will learn to talk about the origin of their surname and first name;

    will receive opportunity to learn select photographs of family members from the family archive;

    learn to interview family members;

    evaluate the importance of family albums for strengthening family relationships;

    create an exhibition display.


    master the ability to understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

    generalize your own idea;

    gain experience in public speaking.

    develop a willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue,

    evaluate your achievements while working on a task;

    relate learned concepts to real-life examples.


    formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world;

    formation of moral values ​​of the family and preservation of lifestyle, motivation for creative work, work for results, careful attitude to material and spiritual values;

    development of motives for educational activities and personal meaning of learning;

    mastery of the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express one’s opinion and argue for one’s point of view and assessment of events.

Universal educational activities, UUD:

Cognitive: general education – independently identify and formulate cognitive goals ; brain teaser carry out a search for the necessary information (from textbook materials, etymological, spelling dictionaries, the teacher’s story, by reproduction in memory), compare and contrast.

Regulatory: orientation in textbooks, dictionaries, and other sources of information; accept and maintain the learning task; evaluate the results of their actions; predict the results of the level of mastery of the studied material.

Personal: awareness of one’s capabilities in learning; the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one’s success or failure in learning, connecting successes with efforts; creative expression of your vision.

Communicative: learn to exchange opinions, listen to another student - communication partner and teacher; coordinate your actions with your partner; enter into collective educational cooperation, accepting its rules and conditions; construct speech statements orally and in writing.

Form of the lesson: oral journal.

Form of organization: participants are seated in groups.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, exhibition of creative works of students “The Meaning of My Name”, “The Origin of My Last Name”, drawings “Coat of Arms of My Family”, exhibition of photographs from a family album, family heirlooms.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizational stage.


- Good afternoon, dear guests and guys! We welcome you to the presentation of our oral journal of the Russian language lovers club “My name, my surname, my family.” The issue is dedicated to an important topic that concerns each of us. Interest in this topic arose from the study of proper names, which gradually led to the study of one’s own last name and first name. During the research, you were also discovered a family album, where portraits of your parents, grandparents, and ancestors of your family name were preserved. Your stories about family photographs and family heirlooms, creative works will complement the understanding of the world of names and surnames, the connection between times and generations.

    Presentation of works.

1.So, let’s open the first page of the magazine “What’s in your name...”.

Teacher: A child is born, and the parents give him a name. How did this happen in Rus'?

(Report by student D. Retukova on the topic “The Origin of Russian Names”)


That a name is a sound dropped by chance,
In which there is no meaning or significance,
Of course not.
And there is a secret in names,
And the sacrament is a name.

(Students’ speeches about the meaning of their names).

Teacher: In our class there are bearers of rare names - Lyubov, Dana, Eva. What do they know about their names? (girls' performances).

2. Game “Where the names came from.”

Teacher: Now we will play the game by teams. The tasks are given on cards, you need to answer the questions and fill out the table.

Team presentation. Ending the game.

Teacher: We open the second page of the magazine “Where We Come From.” The tradition in Rus' is to give names in honor of ancestors.

Who was your great-grandfather in Rus'?

Ask for your last name.

They sound like music, like poetry

Surnames are simple.

Look closely and you will see in them

History of Russia.

(G. Graubin)

Your parents gave you your first name, your middle name is based on your father’s name. How did the surname come about? It came to your father from his father. But who was the first and how did the surname come about?

3.Speech by student L. Guseva with the presentation “Where the surnames came from.”

Teacher: Every person in our country has a surname. It is written on the birth certificate, in the passport, and accompanies us all our lives. Scientists have counted several ways of forming Russian surnames:

Firstly, from Old Russian and Slavic names (Egorov, Petrov, Zhdanov, Lyubomirov, etc.).

Secondly, the surname arose from ancient nicknames (Boytsov, Belov)

Thirdly, from the profession of our ancestors. This is how the Goncharovs, Kuznetsovs, Rybakovs and others appeared.

Also, surnames were formed from the names of the village, city, locality (Novgorodtsev, Moskvichev, Muromov).

Do you know what your last name means? Tell us about your findings.

4.Students presenting their own coat of arms. (stories by Popova A., Kortsov S., Leontyeva L., Kochina L.)

Teacher: Third page of the magazine “My Family Tree”. You can pay tribute to your ancestors by creating your own family tree. Parents and you are the top part of the tree, in the future it will grow upward, and your children and grandchildren will be proud of you. There are guys in our class who have learned to make their own family tree.

5.Performances by students with creative works.

6. Musical dynamic pause.

One - get up, pull yourself up
Two - bend over, straighten up
Three - three claps of the hands, three nods of the head.
Four - wider legs.
Five - wave your arms
Six - sit down quietly at the table.

Teacher: Every family has things that keep stories associated with our ancestors. By carefully preserving them and passing them on from generation to generation, we can feel the connection of times and events.

7. The fourth page of our magazine “Family Legends and Stories. Heirlooms from our family."

Speech by Torokhin A. with a story about a family heirloom - Christmas tree toys from the past.

Teacher: And now the story will be about a man whose hobby became the meaning of life and grew into a profession. Popova Agata will talk about her great-grandmother Antonina Vasilievna Ageenkova and her hobby, the memory of which she preserved in an album with photographs and newspaper clippings about club activities in the village.

Teacher: How we all want warmth and kindness in our difficult times. And what could be better than a family hearth, the fire of which warms us. Take a closer look at family photographs over the years.

Family photos in a shabby album.
Well-worn sheets bound.
Family photos from the last century
We collected them with love into an album forever.

8. Photos from a family album.

Tell us about your findings.

Agatha Popova's story about ancient photography from the 20-30s of the twentieth century

Photos from the Great Patriotic War are special. They are carefully kept by their descendants in their families. (Stories about photos from the front of Lieberman Eva and Domnitskaya Ira).

Happy faces, both young and old in the photo. Who is this? (Story by Viti Kononov).


Teacher: Guys, today in class you talked about your family, about the coat of arms of your family, on which you depicted the characteristic features of your last name, we heard stories about memorable photographs. We will tell each other about our assessments at the next stage, summing up the results of the project. Thank you for your work, for your interesting finds, and for your respect for your family! The last page of the magazine is a parting word for you.

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land.

Annex 1

Questions and tasks for the team:

1. Remember the plants whose names contain a female or male name.

2. Form names from combinations of words:

Own everything

Love the world

Holy praise

3. Distribute ancient Russian names according to their “characteristics”

Malek, Kudryash, Dobrynya, Villager, Tretyak, Umnik, Molchan, Zhdan.


Place in the family



The parents of our heroes know firsthand what to call a person so that he always stands out from the crowd. They found names for their children in books, films and their own dreams. “Amurlenta” learned about the ways of survival of children with unusual names in ordinary reality.

Aina Tsiritis, 25 years old

When I was born, my father took me in his arms (he was present at the birth) and immediately said that I was Aina! He is Latvian and named me after my grandmother, and my mother is Russian. As a child, I did not yet understand that my name was not like everyone else’s. And at the age of 12, I got tired of people constantly asking me what my name was, changing the accent, distorting it. I even wanted to change my name, and I constantly asked my parents why they called me that. It was hard, but it didn't last long. I grew up, began to relate more simply to what others said and fell in love with my name - I felt some kind of riddle, secret, tenderness in it.

When you meet someone, in 90 percent of cases people are surprised, ask questions, and make stupid jokes (which I don’t like). From the first seconds I adore those who calmly say: “Beautiful name!” - and continues communication without focusing on its exclusivity!

The name seems short enough, but those close to him came up with many derivatives for it - Aichka, Ainulya, Aya, Aika-Zayka. On social networks I am Ainochka - for me this is the closest and most tender sound.

Damir Sergeev, 14 years old

My mother named me Damir. I know that she took this issue very seriously when she was waiting for me. I studied books with names. Another option was to call me Ratimir. It's good that they didn't name it! I like my name much better. Mom also settled on it, because it is characterized as a self-confident, persistent, loving parent, leader. The Pope also approved of it. I like that it's loud and doesn't lean at all. Only my grandmother can still call me Damirka, and everyone else can only call me Damir, both at home and at school.

People always pay attention to my name and often ask why Russian parents call their children this way. Mom believes that the letter D in the name is of great importance and gives a strong character. If I have a sister, she will be called Diana.

I like the fact that there are only a few people like me, and they won’t be confused with anyone else. That's a plus. In our class we also have Joseph, everyone else has ordinary names.

Lyutsina Balbukova, 23 years old

One day my mother was watching a movie on TV, and in the credits she liked the unusual name - Lucina. That was the name of either the director or the cameraman. She immediately decided that she would name her daughter them. For as long as I can remember, I loved my name very much and could not imagine that they could call me anything else!

Although at one time I even thought about taking a simple pseudonym. When I came to work as a primary school teacher at school, I was afraid that the children would not pronounce my name. But the kids were smart, some called me simply teacher, others Uchita Vitalievna. For still others, I was Lyudmila Vitalievna!

People around me have different reactions to my name, some immediately remember my name, while others may ask again for months. And they will still call you Lucita or Lucita! Some people associate my name with a butterfly, others with a flower. Some jokingly tried to make a connection with Lucifer!

Andrian Avram, 36 years old

In general, Andrian is Andrey, only in Moldavian. When I was 3 years old, my parents moved from Moldova to the Amur region. But the homeland, of course, remained in their hearts, so they named their children with national names. My younger brother and sister's names are Ruslan and Yuliana.

My name is not that unusual; as a child, everyone called me Andryushka. Although Adriano Celentano also had a nickname. When he grew up, he became just Andrian to everyone. And I was never confused with anyone, I was alone. As long as I have lived, I have never met Andrianov anywhere else.

My first name and last name are often confused with my last name - this really infuriates me! At school, the physical education teacher until the 11th grade wrote me in the magazine Andrianov Avram, until I accidentally saw me! Well, now, when you introduce yourself, people often mistake your last name for your first name. Soon our family will have a son, Plato. The wife specifically chose the name so that it would go well with the surname and patronymic. But he is unlikely to avoid confusion between first and last name!

Venera Slastina, 47 years old

My grandmother, who was a Dude, called me that. This name was popular in Tatarstan, but not in the Amur region, where my family and I moved when I was 2 years old.

In my youth, I was very modest and embarrassed by my unusual name. When I called him when meeting him, guys often answered, “Can I be your Jupiter or Saturn?!” I didn’t like these jokes, I was embarrassed. And then she just started introducing herself as Vera! But the deception was revealed if I did not respond to a fictitious name on the street.

When I entered the pedagogical institute, the guys from the physical education department lived next to us, they always took a seat for my friend and me in the dining room. And then one day they decided to play a joke on me. “Venus, give me some salt,” said one of them. And we immediately grabbed the salt shaker with the guy opposite. It turned out that in their company there was a young man named Venus! There was such a cackle, I was ready to fall through the ground.

Many years passed before I came to terms with what my real name was. And then sometimes someone will turn to me, Venera Petrovna, and it hurts my ears. But my niece’s little daughter rearranged the letters as it suits her and calls me Nevera! Sounds funny.

Eli Galios, 5 years old

(mother Eva tells)

When I was not yet pregnant and did not even plan to become a mother, I had a dream in which my son was and his name was Lime. A couple of months later I found out that I was expecting a child. I immediately said that the dream was not without reason - let’s call it Lime! But no one supported me. We started thinking about another name. We were specifically looking for something unusual, because Sash and Dim already have a lot. We decided it would be Leonard. But then they also changed their minds. And closer to the birth, the name Eli appeared. And this has nothing to do with the film (“The Book of Eli” - editor’s note)! The second child was also named in an original way - Leon. Then one day my husband and I noticed that our children’s names were similar to lemon and lime. Now we sometimes call them that as a joke. Eli himself has been able to pronounce his name perfectly since he was two years old, and so can his friends. And in general, we don’t stand out against the background of Paramonov, Saveliev and Mironov in the sandbox. I’m not worried that my child will be teased in the yard; if Anton isn’t teased, then Eli certainly won’t be!

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I Organization for the lesson:


I I Pedigree

We are all branches and leaves

Huge and intertwined

of the universal human tree."

(sequence 2) - solve the crossword puzzle

4.Husband's sister. (sister-in-law)

8.Husband's mother. (mother-in-law)

9.Wife's brother. (brother-in-law)

10.Wife's mother. (mother-in-law)

What about the genealogical root? (Yes).

(root on leaf)

Four men.

Grandfather lives in the apartment,

And dad and great-grandfather,

And Mikha, father's son,

The beauty still lives

Inseparable from family.

One of them is calling her

My beloved granddaughter,

Dear daughter

Someone else is calling her,

And the third - dear Masha

And our mistress,

And he calls me mom

The man is the youngest.

III. My name.

Greek origin:

Alexander is a protector of people.

Anton - entering the battle.

Evgeniy is noble.

Irina – peace, tranquility.

Oksana is a foreigner.

Peter is a rock, a stone.

Vladislav is nice.

Elijah - God's help.

Roman origin:

Maxim is the greatest.

Rimma is Roman.

Julia is curly.

The grandfather tried for his grandson,

Picked it up from different places

A number of names that sound loud:

Tobius... Mucius...Aries... Orestes...

The son-in-law decided during the debate

Turn the question around:

Let's call it more modern -

Helium... Atom... Cosmodrome...

Daughter caught up in controversy

Noisily getting into trouble

With a whole imported set:

Grandma knows infidels

She doesn’t want to, and she herself

Dog... Sysoy... Kuzma... Foma...

Wise writing

There were four of us doing it.

We spent the night arguing, and in the morning

The boy was named PETER.

III Surnames

IV Lesson summary

Wife's brother (brother-in-law).

Husband's brother (brother-in-law).

Wife's sister (sister-in-law).

Husband's sister (sister-in-law).

Wife's mother (mother-in-law).

Husband's mother (mother-in-law).

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

So that things are good,


introduce students to the concept of “pedigree”, teach how to compile a pedigree, provide a brief encyclopedic reference of the names of students and relatives, consolidate and test students’ knowledge about the state symbols of the Krasnodar region;

to develop initial research skills among junior schoolchildren;

develop interest in the past and present of your family, family traditions;

cultivate a feeling of love for your family and pride in it, a sense of respect for your parents, pride and love for your native land.

I Organization for the lesson:


-checking the organization of the workplace: textbook, notebook, sheets for individual work, pen,

- message about the topic of the lesson, goals (sl. 1)

I I Pedigree

“None of us fell from the moon.

We are all branches and leaves

Huge and intertwined

of the universal human tree."

Today I invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of family life with its way of life, traditions, and holidays. Lesson name: “My ancestry. My name. My last name". We are all united by one word that will be heard in this program - the word “family”. This word is clear to everyone, like the words “bread” and “water”. Family is with each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, it’s dad and mom, it’s grandfather and grandmother...

(sequence 2) - solve the crossword puzzle

1.What is the name of an ancient predecessor in the family? (ancestor)

2. A number of generations descending from one ancestor. (genus)

3. Brother of father or mother. (uncle)

4.Husband's sister. (sister-in-law)

5. Mothers of the wife and husband. (matchmakers)

6. Daughter of a brother or sister. (niece)

7. Husbands of two sisters. (brothers-in-law)

8.Husband's mother. (mother-in-law)

9.Wife's brother. (brother-in-law)

10.Wife's mother. (mother-in-law)

11. A group of relatives living together. (family)

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the concept of “pedigree” and learn how to compile a pedigree.

What is pedigree? This is a list of generations of one kind.

A clan is a series of generations descending from one ancestor.

An ancestor is an ancient predecessor in the family.

In the Middle Ages, every knight who wanted to join a knightly union had to prove his noble origin. The proof was the knight's family tree. (sl. 3)

At the bottom of the trunk is the coat of arms of the knight, then the trunk is divided into two conditional branches: on the right is the coat of arms of the father, and on the left is the coat of arms of the mother. Each of these branches, in turn, was also divided into two smaller branches, on which the coats of arms of the grandfather and grandmother were placed on the paternal and maternal sides. And in order to create such a family tree, you had to know your ancestors well.

(v.4) A glorious thing is a family tree. But if you look closely at it, you will notice one inconsistency. The child grows into a mother and father, and out of them, grandfathers and grandmothers. It's a strange picture. How can I fix this oddity?... It’s very simple. Let's turn the drawing upside down. Then the tree will turn into a root, into a large branched root, from which this man grew.

And it’s not without reason that when they want to praise a person, they say: “He has strong roots.” This means that such a person was born into a friendly, good family, and the family raised him.

So it is more correct to talk about a genealogical root when we are talking about ancestors, and if we are talking about the descendants of a person, then this is really a family tree. Here we draw as many branches as this person has children, and each branch branches into smaller branches: these will be grandchildren, and then great-grandchildren.

Can you draw a family tree for any person? (No).

What about the genealogical root? (Yes).

By the way, an interesting thing turns out. Each person has two parents - a mother and a father, but there are twice as many grandparents - 4, twice as many great-grandparents - 8. And so on. That's how many ancestors a person has. By the way, many peoples of the world respect the person who knows his ancestors to the seventh generation. We will complete three parts in class, and you can continue this work at home.

Now we will begin researching our ancestral roots.

(root on leaf)

You must answer the question that will be asked before reading the poem.

Who lives in a large apartment?

Four men.

Grandfather lives in the apartment,

And dad and great-grandfather,

And Mikha, father's son,

The beauty still lives

Inseparable from family.

One of them is calling her

My beloved granddaughter,

Dear daughter

Someone else is calling her,

And the third - dear Masha

And our mistress,

And he calls me mom

The man is the youngest.

How many people live in this apartment? (5). Name them.

(students call: husband's father, wife's grandfather, Misha - husband's son, husband and wife)

III. My name.

A name is a personal name given to a person during his lifetime. every name has its own story.

The word "surname" is of Latin origin. Among the Romans, it initially did not apply to spouses and children, but only to slaves. Familia - a collection of slaves belonging to one person. But throughout Europe this word spread precisely in the meaning of “family”, “spouses”. And in Russia, the word surname was initially used to mean family. In the 17th-18th centuries, the word “nickname” was still in use: in those days it meant, called a surname. And only in the 19th century the word surname acquired its own second meaning, which became prevalent: “hereditary family name added to a personal name.”

Our ancestors gave the following names:

- in appearance: small, white, oblique, pockmarked, cute, ugly;

-according to character traits: kind, brave, silent, smart, stupid, stupid;

-by place in the family: first, youngest, eldest, other.

It's hard to believe now. After the baptism of Rus', many names came from other languages:

Personal names are the names given to people at birth and by which they are known in society. Did you know that people of 120 nationalities live in Kuban? Most of them are Russians, many are Ukrainians, Circassians, Armenians, Greeks, which is why the surnames and names of our ancestors - fellow countrymen - are so diverse.

Some have names of Russian origin: Svetlana, Yaroslav; others have Greek and Roman: Andrey, Marina; someone came from Ukraine: Ostap. There are names of Turkish origin: Asker; Persian: Rustam; Arabic: Yunus, Farida; Adyghe: Pago, Shumaf.

Guys, are you interested in knowing what your names mean and where they come from? Then listen:

Greek origin:

Alexander is a protector of people.

Alexey is an intercessor, reflecting, preventing.

Anton - entering the battle.

Evgeniy is noble.

Irina – peace, tranquility.

Nicholas is a winner, conqueror of nations.

Oksana is a foreigner.

Peter is a rock, a stone.

Catherine – purity, decency.

Old Slavic origin:

Vladislav is nice.

Hebrew origin:

Elijah - God's help.

Roman origin:

Maxim is the greatest.

Rimma is Roman.

Julia is curly.

The grandfather tried for his grandson,

Picked it up from different places

A number of names that sound loud:

Tobius... Mucius...Aries... Orestes...

The son-in-law decided during the debate

Turn the question around:

Let's call it more modern -

Helium... Atom... Cosmodrome...

Daughter caught up in controversy

Noisily getting into trouble

With a whole imported set:

Edwin... Melvin... Selvin... John...

Grandma knows infidels

She doesn’t want to, and she herself

Contributes by looking at the calendar:

Dog... Sysoy... Kuzma... Foma...

Wise writing

There were four of us doing it.

We spent the night arguing, and in the morning

The boy was named PETER.

-You learned a new stream of names. Why do you think they chose not one of the names mentioned?

There is a saying about this: “Where you were born, you come in handy.” The parents acted wisely: they chose a name that would not be too extravagant, the child would not be teased, and it would definitely be useful in this world.

And every person named by an Orthodox name has an angel day - the day of the saint whose name you bear and is considered your guardian angel.

III Surnames

Under Peter the Great, by Senate Decree of June 18, 1719, in connection with the introduction of the poll tax and conscription, the earliest police registration documents were officially introduced - travel documents (passports). The passport contained information: name, surname (or nickname), where he came from, where he was going, place of residence, characteristics of his type of activity, information about family members who were traveling with him, sometimes information about his father and parents.

Instructive stories about the past deeds of their ancestors were told at night to the young successors of the family. Many of the worldly ones were proper names (Gorazd, Zhdan, Lyubim), others arose as nicknames, but then became names (Nekras, Dur, Chertan, Zloba, Neustroy). It should be noted here that in the ancient Russian naming system it was also customary to call babies with protective names, amulets - names with negative content - for protection, scaring away evil forces or for the reverse effect of the name. This is how it is still customary to scold those taking an exam, or to wish a hunter “no feather, no feather.” It was believed that Dur would grow up smart, Nekras would grow up handsome, and Hunger would always be well-fed. Protective names then became familiar nicknames, and then surnames.

The first census of 1897 showed that up to 75% of the population did not have a surname (however, this applied more to residents of the national outskirts than of indigenous Russia). Finally, surnames appeared for the entire population of the USSR only in the 30s of the 20th century during the era of universal passportization.

IV Lesson summary

How do you remember the names of family ties:

Wife's brother (brother-in-law).

Husband's brother (brother-in-law).

Wife's sister (sister-in-law).

Husband's sister (sister-in-law).

Wife's mother (mother-in-law).

Husband's mother (mother-in-law).

Daughter of a brother or sister (niece).

Father's or mother's sister (aunt).

Where did Kuban surnames come from?

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

So that things are good,

So that trouble does not knock on the house,

So that you never have to be sad.


My name is Masha Bryleva. I am a cheerful, open, sociable and inquisitive girl. Lately I have been very interested in questions related to my birth. I love my family very much. And I was interested in the question, why was I named Masha and where did my last name come from?

I decided to understand these issues, and for this I set myself goals and objectives.

Goal: find out where first and last names came from and what they are needed for.


1) Find out about the origin of names in general and, of course, about your name.

2) Find out everything about surnames, study the meaning of my surname.

Hypothesis: if I find out the secret of the origin of my first and last name, then I will reveal this secret to other children.

Project type: research

Type: mid-term

Main part

Why did they give me the name Maria?

I guess a name has a very important meaning in a person's life. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb: a child without a name is an imp.

The first document in which the first name, last name and patronymic are recorded is the birth certificate! And all the guys have this document.

It turns out that a name can tell us a lot. For example, by name we can determine the gender of a person - he is a man or a woman. By the name we can determine whether it is a small child or an adult.

In Ancient Rus', names were initially used as characteristics of people.

By name one could determine the most important feature of a person. There were also names given from the names of animals.

After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', new Christian names began to be established, which were given according to the church calendar.

The ancient Slavs believed that names determine the fate of people. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people. This tradition existed as protection from unkind spirits and unkind people.

Mom told me that she named me, and dad wanted to call me Anya, like that. And my mother named me that way because I was supposed to be born at the end of September, around the same time the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, was born.

Of course, my mother first of all wanted this name to be protection and support for me in difficult times. And yet, Marusya was the name of my great-great-grandmother and my great-grandmother’s niece, so I’m not the only Masha in our family.

And although I know for sure that we don’t choose our own names, adults do it for us, but I like my name!

It turns out that the name Maria is one of the most common names in the world. It is of Hebrew origin.

According to one version, it means bitter, according to another, beloved, and according to a third, stubborn.

Also, I like that many fairy-tale characters have names like me.

Look how many fairy tales with Masha I know:

And yet, my name can sound different, here’s a flower from my name:

The children in our group have different names...

The male names I like are: Nikita, Yura, Vanya.

And for women: Dasha, Rufina, Gulina, Katya, Nastya.

Conclusion: it turns out that the name Maria is one of the most common names in the world. It is of Hebrew origin.

Origin of the surname

With the name, a lot is now clear to me, now I can move on to the surname.

The surname comes from the Latin familia and means family.

The surname is present always and everywhere in our lives. There is even a whole science that studies surnames - anthroponymy.

At first in Rus' there were only first names and nicknames were used instead of surnames. Most often, surnames were given on behalf of the father or grandfather (Ivanov, Stepanov, etc.). Surnames have always been passed down through the male line. Among the Slavic peoples it was obligatory to know and honor their ancestry.

Last names were also given according to place of residence (Penkov), according to occupation (Rybnikov, Kuznetsov).

And also surnames were given according to some qualities of a person (Bald, Beard).

Let's remember the names of the three epic heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Muromets is not a surname, but a nickname, reminiscent of the fact that the brave “Ilya son Ivanovich” was from the city of Murom.

Dobrynya Nikitich is the son of Nikita.

Popovich may seem like a surname to us, but in ancient times Popovich was a nickname based on the father’s occupation.

I know that I got my last name from my dad: Alexey Glebovich Brylev.

The surname Brylev is derived from the nickname Bryl. In a number of dialects lips were called brylya.

Consequently, the nickname Bryl was given to the man with thick lips.

It is possible that the surname also goes back to the Polish word bryl, i.e. "a cap". Then, the ancestor of the owner of this surname was from Polish lands and was engaged in the manufacture of hats, for which he received a similar nickname.

However, in Russian the word “bryl” was used in a similar meaning - “a circle, edges of the edge and a hat with a wide brim.”

Therefore, in one case, the surname could indicate the place of residence of an ancestor who settled on the edge of the forest, in another - his habit of wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

Bryl, eventually received the surname Brylev.

Conclusion: I got my last name from my dad and it can mean either big lips, or a person who wore or made hats, and perhaps lived on the edge of the forest.


My hypothesis was confirmed.

  • First and last names are very important in a person’s life; they are written down in all a person’s documents.
  • A first and last name can tell a lot about a person: his gender, age, origin, and even influence his character!
  • I found out that my mother gave me the name in honor of the Virgin Mary, my name has several meanings, but most of all I liked the meaning of “beloved.” And I got my last name from my dad and it can mean either big lips, or a person who wore or made hats, and perhaps lived on the edge of the forest.
  • Names are given to us by our parents, and surnames are inherited and characterize our belonging to the family. Last name is a family name!
  • The names and surnames of three epic heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich can tell a lot about the origin of surnames in Rus'.


1. Nikonov V.A. Dictionary of Russian surnames. M.: School-press, 1993. Page 23

2. Superanskaya A.V., Suslova A.V. Modern Russian surnames. M.: Nauka, 1981, page 321

3. - Backgrounds for presentations. – Website for mothers and babies (poems)
