Days of Angel Veronica. When to celebrate name day? Martyr Veronica life Is there Saint Veronica in Orthodoxy

Freedom-loving and romantic, good-natured and sociable, sincere and sensitive - this is how the owner of the name Veronica can be described. What is the origin of the name, how can it be translated, what character traits distinguish girls with this name, when is Veronica’s name day - read on!


This name is ancient Greek, derived from the name Ferenice (Berenice). The name is associated with the goddess of victory Nike, and therefore its translation into our language may sound like “victorious” or “bringer of victory.” Berenice, by the way, is mentioned in the Bible: a woman with that name met Jesus Christ during his journey to Golgotha. The meaning of this name is “pure image”. It is thanks to this woman that Veronica’s name day is usually celebrated on July 25 according to the Orthodox calendar.

Little Nika

The girl Veronica is simply a joy for her parents. She easily makes contact with both other children and adults. She always has friends around her. Nika is bright, positive, and the little girl knows how to be the center of everyone's attention. Veronica does well at school, but most often this is the result not of diligence, but of natural charm. In addition, even in elementary school, a girl can catch star fever, and therefore parents should pay special attention to Nika if they want her to receive a good education.

Veronica's health

The weakest point is the stomach. Problems with it begin after the first non-compliance with the diet. For this reason, it is worth teaching Veronica to eat properly. Among the most common diseases are rhinitis, neuroses, and colds. It is worth protecting yourself from drafts. As a child, Veronica does not eat well, but you should not force-feed the girl - this can lead to serious illnesses.

Owners of this name benefit from playing sports. The best is figure skating and swimming. You also need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

Characteristics of the name

It's difficult to describe Veronica in one word. She is at the same time cheerful and wise, capricious and easy to talk to. Nika loves art, dancing and music, and often performs on stage. Already at school age, the girl writes her first poems and is good at drawing. In addition, she is witty and is often the life of the party.

Veronica is a real dreamer, she often has her head in the clouds. But the owners of this name almost never manage to realize their dreams of a beautiful life.

This name is very revered in the Catholic Church, but Veronica’s name day is celebrated on a different day according to the Catholic church calendar.

Veronica and work

Being in the spotlight is Veronica's favorite job. The most suitable professions are those where you need to communicate a lot and impress others. For example, the profession of a journalist, presenter or actress. Pleasant appearance will allow a girl with this name to be a model or model.

home and family

Home and family have not interested Veronica at all for many years. There is simply no room left for this in her world. Therefore, Nika gets married later than many of her peers. Initially, it is difficult for her to build a relationship with a man, because the girl does not know how to adapt and negotiate. However, if a man has enough patience, family life will be long and strong.

Veronica's Secrets

Girls with this name also have dark sides. For example, prudence. Veronica knows how to use people. And he does it so masterfully that it is simply impossible to guess. Therefore, when communicating with her, you need to be careful. Another secret is lack of professionalism. The girl is not inclined to study and is often lazy. Therefore, you should not give her painstaking work.

Saint Veronica

Veronica's name day is usually celebrated on the day of remembrance of Saint Veronica the Righteous. Her actions, by the way, led to the fact that today she is the patroness of all photographers and photography in general. The legend says: when Jesus Christ made his painful journey to Calvary, already condemned to death, Veronica followed in the crowd accompanying the procession. When Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, Veronica, who took pity on him, gave the Savior water and wiped the sweat from His face. Later, when Veronica returned home, she saw that the holy face remained on the fabric. The miraculous image was transported to Rome, and all Christians began to venerate Saint Veronica.

Veronica's name day according to the church calendar

You already know that St. Veronica’s Memorial Day is usually celebrated on July 25th. But there are other Veronicas in the calendar who are also revered. These are the martyr Veronica, venerated on July 30, and the martyr Virinea (Veronica) of Edessa, who is remembered on October 17.

It is worth noting that you can only celebrate once a year. This also applies to those with the name Veronica. According to the Orthodox month, name days should be chosen as close as possible to the date of birth. The celebration of this day is different from the usual birthday. It is best to invite relatives and close friends on this day. Lighted candles and traditional foods will help set the mood for a modest and spiritual family celebration.

Veronica's birthday - what to give?

Veronica is a cheerful and bright girl. Gifts for her should be unusual. As a present, you can give her a puppy or kitten. A portrait made by yourself is also suitable. Veronica will appreciate the book with the lives of the saints.

Girls who like to do needlework should be presented with an embroidery kit - with beads, satin stitch, and ribbons. And to make the gift suitable for a name day, you can choose icons for embroidery. Another wonderful gift for Veronica’s name day is a stylishly designed etymology and history of the name.

The Lord, covered with many wounds, carried a cross on Himself. Under the weight of the cross He bowed almost to the ground. The entire road was covered with large and frequent drops of blood.

Our article is about Saint Veronica, who wiped the face of Christ with a handkerchief.

Saint Veronica is a Christian saint. In the Orthodox Church, Memorial Day is July 25, and in the Catholic Church, July 12. Veronica the Righteous is not listed in the month book of the Russian Orthodox Church, but is venerated in the Orthodox Church of Constantinople.

Saint Veronica lived during the earthly life of Jesus Christ

We can learn very little from the life of Saint Veronica. The righteous woman lived during the earthly life of Jesus Christ. For about twelve years she suffered from a very serious illness, female bleeding. It greatly debilitated her condition, and none of the doctors she contacted could help her.

During the years of her serious illness, she exhausted all her property and fell into an even more terrible and deplorable state. On top of everything else, she was an outcast among her people - according to the law, Jews cannot touch a woman in uncleanness.

Veronica was already completely desperate and had lost all hope for the meaning of her existence, realizing that she would never be able to recover from this terrible disease.

One day she was walking through the city and saw the Lord passing by. Her heart flared violently. At that time, she had only heard a little about Jesus Christ, and there was a lot of controversy about him. But she firmly believed that he was the same Messiah, Christ.

A certain thought arose in her head, and she began to weigh the pros and cons. And in the end I decided to take a desperate but daring step. After all, for this she could have been stoned by her own people.

Veronica had one intention: to carefully touch the hem of the Savior’s robe.

She wanted this to be healed and decided to let it be.

But she believed in her heart that if she touched His clothes, she would definitely receive healing from her illness. She walked forward. Squeezing through the huge crowd that surrounded the Savior, Veronica came up from behind and touched the hem of his robe.

“And immediately her source of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her illness. At the same time, Jesus, feeling within Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned among the people and said: Who touched My garment? The disciples said to Him: You see that the people are crowding You, and you say: Who touched Me? But He looked around to see the one who did it..."

(Mark 5:29-31)

From that moment on, Veronica became completely healthy. After which she became a Christian. She always tried to be where the Lord passed.

In honor of her healing, Veronica decided to order a statue, but it has not survived to this day. What exactly this statue was, no one knows, it was never found. Perhaps we can assume that it was a statue of our Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Veronica came to Jerusalem when she learned that the high priests had condemned Christ and demanded His crucifixion

Soon Veronica was in Jerusalem on the occasion of the celebration of Easter. On this day, many Jews tried to attend the holiday. There were so many people that there was nowhere to stand.

It was Friday and Veronica knew that the high priests had condemned Christ and demanded that Pontius Pilate crucify Him.

A huge wave of people was moving through the streets. Veronica got into the very thick of it. She tried to crawl into its very center, to the Lord. When she reached it, she saw a terrible picture.

The Lord, covered with many wounds, carried a cross on Himself.

Under the weight of the cross He bowed almost to the ground. The entire road was covered with large and frequent drops of blood.

Veronica saw that the Lord had fallen under the weight of the cross and immediately rushed to him. She gave him water to drink and wiped his face with a cloth. The guards, seeing this, began to drag the woman away. They swore at her and threatened her with the death penalty.

But Veronica didn't hear them. She screamed that everything they were doing was crazy, that they shouldn’t do it. But at one point she realized that she could not scream, as if her body was completely paralyzed.

Yes, what could a weak woman do against a huge number of guards.

After everything that happened, Veronica came home. She fell to the floor from complete powerlessness. She cried bitterly and for a long time. When I calmed down a little, I took out the cloth with which I wiped the Face of the Savior. Unwrapping it, she got scared. The Most Pure Face of the Lord was displayed on the board.

This board is also known to many as one of the miraculous images of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Currently, the Image Not Made by Hands is located in Rome, in the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

feast day of Saint Veronica

Veronica became a zealous Christian. Further details of her life are unknown to anyone.

What is known is that Saint Veronica accepted the life of martyrdom.

Many artists in their paintings tried to depict Saint Veronica with the Image Not Made by Hands in her hands

Many artists tried to depict Saint Veronica with the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands in her hands.

The canonical Gospels make no reference to the story of this woman, only that there was a woman who suffered from a female disease, who was then completely healed after touching the hem of the robe of the Savior himself.

No one has a description of what Veronica looked like.

The image in the picture is collective. Each artist tried to depict a woman with a dress in his own way.

For example, Hieronymus Bosch's painting of the righteous Veronica is depicted standing among a terrible crowd. Around her are depicted terrible and even terrible faces. Only two faces in the picture look calm - these are the Face of the Savior and Veronica.

But in the painting by the Irish artist Robert Campin, Veronica looks quite mature, even an elderly woman.

Also, the painting by the Italian painter Guido Reni depicts Veronica holding a board with a depiction of Jesus Christ.

There is an icon of Saint Veronica that can be purchased

But still there is an icon of St. Veronica. It also depicts a woman holding in her hands a plateau with the image of the Savior.

All those who send sincere prayers to Saint Veronica receive salvation from many troubles, and the icon of Saint Veronica also helps in finding happiness.

What else does the icon of St. Veronica help with:

  • helps you find yourself;
  • helps to be true to yourself and your beliefs;
  • helps in strengthening the Orthodox faith;
  • helps in various life situations;
  • helps women with women's diseases.

In addition to all this, Saint Veronica is considered the patroness of photography and all photographers.

Anyone can buy an icon of St. Veronica in any church shop. Large selection in the online store "Orthodox Icons", only after receipt, the icon will need to be consecrated in the temple.

Many people prefer to order icons and masters. This is also welcome, but it is only necessary to consecrate the icon afterwards.

There are 3 dates a year when you can baptize a child with the name “Veronica”

It should also be noted that many prefer to use the name Veronica for the baptism of a child. But you should know that there are two options for the origin of the name Veronica.

According to the first version, the name has Greek roots. Nika was the name of one goddess who brought victory to the warriors in every battle.

But when translated from Latin, the name has a completely different meaning. It means "true image."

Veronica is a woman with a beautiful and unusual name, but at the same time a stubborn character.

A woman with such an unusual but beautiful name is considered to have a stubborn character. She has a very strongly developed maternal instinct. She will be a good mother and sister. However, this is not a Christian interpretation.

Veronica's Angel Days are celebrated three times a year. Therefore, if a child is born on one of these dates: July 25, July 30, October 17, then he can be given the beautiful name Veronica.

There are 2 prayers written for women that need to be read in front of the icon of St. Veronica

Many believers read prayers to Saint Veronica in front of the icon. The kontakion and troparion for the holiday were also written.


Showing fiery faith. You received healing. Wipe your clean face with a cloth. You have found an image not made by hands. At the throne of God is coming.

Pray for healing. Our souls and bodies. Hail Lamb of Christ Veraniko.

Pray to the Lord, the Giver of good things.

About increasing faith in us.

You yourself are filled with it.

So that we too may be inflamed with faith.

Both wise and active.

Followed Christ to the end.

Yes, and we will be honored with the sweetest voice:

“Your faith will save you.” Amen.

Second prayer:

Oh, holy, all-praised martyr of Christ Veraniko.

Called the woman of bleeding.

I have been ill with female bleeding for twelve years.

You weigh this measure of suffering.

Having acquired fiery faith, you received healing from this illness.

For this reason, I ran boldly to the Lord and begged him for the sick.

Like Imashi herself is feminine nature.

Do not despise me, a sinner who prays to you.

For through my sin I accept this illness.

Beg for the forgiveness of my sins, the Humane God.

And about the granting of healing to my flesh.

Ineffable for the mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Religious reading: Martyr Veronica prayer to help our readers.

(1st century. The church celebrates her memory on July 25/12th century.)

During the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. There lived a woman in Judea, her name was Veronica. For 12 years she suffered from a serious illness, female bleeding, which exhausted her entire condition, and none of the doctors she contacted could cure her. She exhausted all her property during the long years of her illness, but she came to an even worse state. Her illness was also serious because, according to Deuteronomy, a Jew cannot touch a woman while unclean. That is, on top of everything else, she was also an outcast among her people. Veronica was already desperate and had lost all hope of being cured of her illness. You can imagine how she lived for those 12 years.

One day, while walking through the city, she saw the Lord passing by. Her heart flared up. She had heard a lot about Jesus and knew about the controversy about him. But she firmly believed that he was the Messiah, Christ. Many thoughts rushed through her heart like a whirlwind, and after weighing all the pros and cons, she firmly decided to take a desperate and daring step. So that for her intention, she could be stoned. And her intention was to approach quietly from behind and touch at least the hem of His garment, and come what may. She firmly believed that if she touched even the hem of His garment, she would be healed. And without hesitating for a moment, she moved forward. Squeezing through the crowd that pressed the Lord, Veronica came up from behind and touched the hem of His robe “29 And immediately her source of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her illness. 30 At the same time Jesus, perceiving within Himself that power had gone out from Him, turned among the people and said, Who touched My garment? 31 The disciples said to Him: You see that the people are crowding You, and you say: Who touched Me? 32 But He looked around to see the one who did this. 33 The woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth. 34 He said to her: daughter! your faith has saved you; Go in peace and be well from your illness. (Ev. from mark chapter 5).” From that hour, Veronica became healthy, and moreover, she became a Christian. And she always tried to be where the Lord passed.

And in honor of her miraculous healing, Veronica ordered a statue from the sculptor, but unfortunately it has not survived to this day, although perhaps it has yet to be found. Unfortunately, we don’t even know what kind of statue it was; most likely we should assume that it was a statue of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Some time later, Veronica was in Jerusalem on the occasion of Easter. All Jews always tried to get to Jerusalem on Easter, and accordingly, on these days the city turned into a boiling anthill. It was Friday, Veronica already knew that the high priests had condemned the Lord and demanded His crucifixion from the procurator Pontius Pilate.

A large crowd was moving along the street, everything was buzzing. Veronica was in the thick of it, she again squeezed forward, again to the Lord. And then a terrifying picture appeared before her eyes. She saw the Lord covered with many wounds, almost His entire pure body was covered with bleeding wounds. He carried a cross on himself, a cross on which he would soon be crucified. Under its weight He almost bowed to the ground. The entire road traveled was covered with large and frequent drops of blood, His most pure blood. Exhausted along this path, the Lord fell under the weight of the cross. Veronica, seeing the fallen Lord, immediately rushed to Him, her heart sank into a ball of pain. Running up, she fell to the ground to the Lord, gave Him clean water to drink, and wiped His most pure face with a cloth. The guards, not immediately realizing what had happened, and hesitating a little, nevertheless rushed to pull Veronica away. Pulling her aside, they swore angrily and threatened her, but Veronica did not hear them. Her gaze was fixed on the Lord, she wanted to scream that this was madness, that this should not be done. But she couldn’t scream, it was as if she was paralyzed. And what could this weak woman do?

Later, after all the well-known events, coming home, Veronica fell to the floor from powerlessness and sobbed bitterly for a long time. When she calmed down a little and came to her senses, she took out a cloth with which she wiped her pure face. Unfolding it, she involuntarily became frightened. The board displayed the most pure face of our Lord Jesus Christ. This board is known to us as one of two miraculous images. Now it is located in Rome, in the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

Veronica became a zealous Christian; the details of her future life are unknown. What is known is that Saint Veronica suffered a martyr’s death. The church celebrates her memory on July 25/12.

Holy Martyr of Christ Veronica, pray to God for us.

Showing fiery faith. You received healing. Wipe your clean face with a cloth. You have found an image not made by hands. At the throne of God is coming. Pray for healing. Our souls and bodies. Hail Lamb of Christ Veraniko.

Not afraid of earthly suffering. You endured to the end. Walking after Christ. You have soared into the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice, dove of Christ Veraniko.

We magnify you. Martyr of Christ Veraniko. You showed fiery faith. And we honor your honest suffering. You have suffered even for Christ.

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Veraniko. Showing fiery faith. She had boldness before God. Having touched the Savior's clothes. Hearing the voice of the Sweetest Jesus: “Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith will save you.” Make it easy for you to receive healing. Pray to the Most Merciful Savior. About the gift of healing, our souls and bodies. Now I stand before the throne of God. Pray to the Lord, the Giver of good things. About increasing faith in us. You yourself are filled with it. So that we too may be inflamed with faith. Both wise and active. Followed Christ to the end. Yes, and we will be honored with the sweetest voice: “Your faith will save you.” Amen.

Prayer 2 (for women)

Oh, holy, all-praised martyr of Christ Veraniko. Called the woman of bleeding. I have been ill with female bleeding for twelve years. You weigh this measure of suffering. Having acquired fiery faith, you received healing from this illness. For this reason, I ran boldly to the Lord and begged him for the sick. Like Imashi herself is feminine nature. Do not despise me, a sinner who prays to you. For through my sin I accept this illness. Beg for the forgiveness of my sins, the Humane God. And about the granting of healing to my flesh. Ineffable for the mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Angel Veronica Day according to the church calendar

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Do you know that Veronica's Angel Day is a very interesting and fun event. And the main reason for this is that the hostess of the holiday on this day is cheerful, cheerful and charming. She creates an incredible atmosphere of happiness and joy around herself.

Character of the birthday girl

The history of the name Veronica goes back to ancient times. Translated from Latin, the name means “she who brings victory.” During the earthly life of the Lord, this girl wiped the sweat from the forehead of Jesus when he was led to Golgotha.

From a very young age, Nika grows up calm and even shy. The girl spends a lot of time with her mother, so she often inherits her character. As Nika grows up, her character becomes tougher. She displays willfulness and stubbornness.

Veronica's young girls are always surrounded by male attention, they are unsurpassed flirts, so they like to communicate with male representatives.

If you are choosing a gift for this girl’s name day, then you should approach the choice with special attention. It is better to choose something original or unusual. For example, Niki will appreciate an extreme adventure.

Veronica's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

According to holy records, girls with this name celebrate their name day twice a year:

  • July 25 - in honor of the righteous Veronica;
  • October 17 - in honor of the martyr Virinea of ​​Edessa.

According to the rules of church customs, you can celebrate Angel Veronica’s Day according to the church calendar once a year. To do this, you need to choose one of these days that is closest to your birthday.

Before congratulating Nika, prepare for this event. It is not necessary to buy the most expensive gift, but beautiful words of congratulations will be very helpful. This gesture will give the birthday girl a lot of emotions.

Martyr Veronica prayer

Prayer for courage and determination in business to the holy martyr Veronica (Virine) of Edessa

Troparion: Your Lamb, Jesus, Virinea calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, so that I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, with love I will sacrifice myself to You, through your prayers, as you are merciful, save our souls.

Magnification: We magnify you, the passion-bearer of Christ Virine, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Prayer: Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Virine, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.

Days of Angel Veronica. When to celebrate name day?

There are two possible origins for the name Veronica. According to the first version, the name has Greek roots. Nika was the name of the goddess who brought victory to the warriors in every battle. But when translated from Latin, the name has a completely different meaning. It means “true image”, and is believed to come from two words – vera icon. The incomplete coincidence with the name itself is explained by incorrect pronunciation.

Days of Angel Veronica: dates for congratulations

A woman with such an unusual and beautifully pronounced name is the owner of a stubborn character. She has a very strongly developed maternal instinct, she is gentle and feminine. Veronica's Angel Days are celebrated three times a year. They fall on the following dates: July 25, July 30 and October 17.

Veronica's Angel's Day (what date her name day will be celebrated) will be found out by the girl's parents at baptism. For an adult woman with this name, the guardian angel is determined by the date closest to her birthday. The patroness of Veronica, born on July 25, will be Veronica the Righteous, on July 30 - the martyr Veronica, on October 17 - the martyr Virinea (Veronica) of Edessa.

Veronica the Righteous, July 25

The first mentions of the name Veronica are found in the Gospel. The book tells that back in the time of Jesus Christ, a woman lived in the ancient city of Paneas. She suffered from painful bleeding for twelve years. During this time, the woman exhausted all her resources on the doctors, but was never cured.

She heard about the miraculous healings of people touched by Jesus Christ. When the Savior carried his cross to Calvary, the woman began to walk behind him, joining the crowd. When Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, Veronica leaned over to him, gave him water and wiped the blood from his face. At the same moment when she touched the Savior, the woman felt that her illness had gone away. With one touch of Jesus Christ, Veronica was healed after twelve years of suffering.

But this was not the only miracle that happened at that moment. When the woman came home, she saw that his image appeared on the cloth with which she wiped the face of Christ. A fragment of this canvas depicting the Savior is still considered a miraculous icon to this day.

After her healing, the woman placed a copper statue of the Savior near her house. The grass that grew at its foot was miraculous. She healed other bleeding women from illness. The copper statue was destroyed only under Emperor Julian the Apostate.

On the day of the Angel Veronica, which falls on July 25, the church remembers the Righteous Saint and celebrates the miraculous appearance of the miraculous icon of Christ. By the way, some sources indicate that the woman had a different name. She took the name Veronica after the healing, and it was formed from the Latin words vera icon (“true image”).

Veronica's name day July 30

Another Angel Day for women named Veronica falls on July 30th. On this date, the church remembers the martyr Veronica. However, information about who this woman was and how she was tortured for her faith in Jesus Christ has not been preserved.

The days of Veronica's Angel, which fall in July, are located very close to each other. That is why the parents of a girl with that name have the right to choose the patron saint for their child.

Martyr Virinea (Veronica). Orthodox Angel Day – October 17

In 304 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, Christian persecution was not only not prohibited, but was even welcomed. Because of this, believers were simply doomed to death. Christian Veronica, together with her mother and sister, was forced to flee from Antioch at the same time. They stopped in the neighboring city of Edessa. Hence the word Edessa was added to the name Veronica.

The girl, her mother and sister did not remain free for long. Their pursuers soon captured them and took them under escort back to Antioch. But true Christian women waited until the soldiers sat down to dinner, put on their best clothes, turned to the Lord in prayer and rushed into the seething water. Veronica, her mother and sister suffered martyrdom, but did not fall into the hands of the persecutors.

The days of the Angel Veronica are celebrated not only on July 25 and 30, but also on October 17. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers a martyr named Virinea (Veronica), who suffered for her faith in the Lord.


It is difficult to describe in a nutshell what contribution the Saint Veronica icon made to the glorification of the Lord, which became a symbol of female perseverance and steadfastness. One day Jesus healed her from a blood issue when she touched the hem of his robe. From that very moment, the girl loved the Lord with all her heart and soul and devoted her whole life to him. St. Veronica was so grateful to the Savior that she tempered a special bronze figurine of Jesus holding out his hands to the girl. For many years this figurine stood in her house and helped heal all those who were suffering and in need of help. The saint became a symbol of fidelity and devotion to God, as she walked with him side by side to execution, wiping his sweat with her handkerchief.

To everyone who honors the name of the holy righteous Veronica, the icon gives faith in themselves and endows them with determination and perseverance, and also gives strength not to deviate from the intended path. In addition, you can ask the icon for healing from various ailments, especially when it comes to bleeding.

The meaning of the icon of Saint Veronica

To everyone who sends sincere prayers to St. For Veronica, the icon grants salvation from various troubles and helps in finding happiness. The holy great martyr helps all namesakes to find themselves, to be true to themselves and their convictions. You can also ask the holy righteous woman to strengthen your faith. She will help in any, even the most insignificant, life difficulties and in any matter. For all sincere believers, the icon will become a symbol of hope and support, and the holy righteous woman will become the patroness of its owner. Among other things, she is considered the champion of photography and photographers.

Where to buy an icon of the Holy Martyr Veronica?

Anyone can buy an icon of St. Veronica at the nearest church shop. The widest selection can be presented in Orthodox online stores. But true lovers of quality should order it from an icon-painting workshop. The amber image of Saint Veronica looks the most successful - the icon emits light and is considered a symbol of health, a talisman and a storehouse of health.

Icon of Saint Veronica

Saint Veronica

A personalized icon is a valuable and desired gift for every Christian. You can always turn to the namesake saint in difficult times with a request for help or with words of sincere gratitude. And if you are thinking about what to give to a loved one named Veronica, visit our icon store and make the right choice in favor of an icon Saint Veronica. The image painted by a talented icon painter will delight the birthday girl’s eyes for a long time, protecting her from illnesses and misfortunes.

Icon of Saint Veronica associated with the memory of Saint Veronica, who was in Jerusalem when the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. Saint Veronica, along with a crowd of Jews, followed the Savior as he walked with His cross to Calvary. Seeing that He could not resist under the weight of the cross and fell, she ran out from the crowd and gave Him water, and then, taking pity, wiped the bloody face of Jesus Christ with her towel. Already at home, Saint Veronica noticed that His face remained imprinted on the fabric - this is the story of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Saint Veronica

Academic style *+*+*+*+* Old Russian style

* Life of Saint Veronica *

` The miraculous image of the suffering Savior is associated with the memory of Saint Veronica.

` Veronica was in Jerusalem during the condemnation of the Lord Jesus Christ to suffer on the cross.

` When the Savior carried His cross to Calvary, Saint Veronica merged with the crowd of Jews and followed Him.

` Seeing Jesus falling under the weight of the cross, she took pity on Him and ran up and gave him water to drink. Having done this, she wiped the Savior’s bloody face with a towel.

` Arriving home, Saint Veronica discovered that His face was imprinted on the towel.

` This towel eventually came to Rome and became known here under the name of the Icon Not Made by Hands. In this image, a crown of thorns is depicted on the Savior’s forehead.

* A short prayer to Saint Veronica for every day *

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Veronica, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.

Saint Veronica - an example of Christian piety

According to Dimitri Rostovsky, Saint Veronica suffered with her sister and mother during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. This happened in 304. After this, Constantine signed an edict stating that everyone could convert to Christianity at their own discretion.

But the number of executions, despite the new law, still did not change, and Christians continued to be persecuted by the pagans. However, during Veronica’s life, persecution was still allowed, and she and her family had to flee from Syrian Antioch to the city of Edes. Therefore, now the holy martyr is called Edessa.

But Saint Veronica was captured by soldiers and sent back to her homeland. However, on the way, Veronica, her sister and mother, having prayed to God, accepted the crown of martyrdom by jumping into the river. Thus, they deprived the cruel pagans of the pleasure of watching them be tortured.

Veronica's Memorial Day in Orthodoxy is celebrated on July 15. In the biography of this saint there is an indication of the acquisition of the Miraculous Image of the Savior. Despite the fact that the day of memory of Veronica is mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, it is not indicated in the official calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Tradition says that Saint Veronica once touched the hem of the Savior’s robe and received healing. The Gospel of Matthew tells about this incident. From the biography of the saint it is known that when Christ was led to Golgotha, she wiped His blood-stained face with a handkerchief, and the image of the Savior remained on the cloth.

There is a version that she was one of Christ’s disciples and, not being able to constantly accompany Him, commissioned the artist to create an image of Jesus, and this image began to have the gift of healing. With his help, Emperor Tiberius received healing.

According to Christian legend Saint Veronica considered a pious Jew. There is speculation that her name comes from the Latin "vera icon", which means "genuine image". The saint's lifestyle became an example of high piety and deep faith for Christians. She is revered as the patroness of photographers - this was due to the imprint of the face of Jesus Christ on her scarf.

Veronica holding a handkerchief is depicted in icons and paintings among the crowd of evil people who surrounded Christ before His martyrdom on the cross. The appearance of the pious maiden among the tormentors is distinguished by the subtlety and nobility of her facial features.

The life of the holy martyrs and martyrs who suffered for Christ was and remains an example of piety for believers. The Church honors the memory of such people, calling us to be like them, to strive with all our hearts for God, to have such faith that will help us in the future to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Since Angel Day is a special holiday for all those who believe in the Almighty, Veronica’s name day is no exception.

According to church regulations, Veronica's name day occurs several times a year, but there can only be one Angel Day - the one closest to her date of birth.

In any case, this euphonious female name has an interesting interpretation, history and patrons, which will be of interest to all Veronicas and those who would like the name to accompany their daughter all her life.

Veronica: the meaning of the name according to the church calendar

The name Veronica is known to us from biblical stories. It was given to a woman from Jerusalem who carefully helped Jesus as he carried the cross: she shared with him a headscarf.

Therefore, for religion, both Orthodox and Catholic, this name is given a special meaning.

The roots of the name Veronica go back to the times of ancient Greece, and the meaning can be divided into two parts. The first in translation is “bring”, and the second is “victory”; it turns out that Veronica is the bringer of victory. It was the goddess Nike who was worshiped and revered by the warriors, whom she blessed for success in battle.

Many historians are inclined to think that the name Veronica goes back to the name of Pherenik, the wife of the ruler of Egypt from the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Veronica angel day orthodox

The name Veronica has various variants: abbreviated ones - Vera, Nika, Vika, endearing ones - Nikulya, Verunchik, Ronyushka, and that’s not all. But even with such “personalized” wealth, there is only one church choice, and the girl will be given only the name Veronica at baptism.

According to the month, the day of the Angel is chosen as close as possible to the date of birth. As for the holiday organization, it will be somewhat different than on a birthday.

On this day, only the closest ones are invited, who are set up for a calm celebration with family with lighted candles and traditional cuisine.

What is Veronica's name day?

Saint Veronica is revered in Orthodoxy and Catholicism. But with the same interpretation of the events of the biblical plot, the dates of the name day differ.

In accordance with the church plan of the Catholic world, the day on which the woman who experienced severe torment under the name Veronica is remembered is July 12. She is the patron of photographers, since the head covering has acquired the image of a holy face.

According to Orthodox canons, Veronica’s special day takes place three times: July 20 is in honor of the martyr Veronica, the 25th of the same month is the righteous Veronica, October 17 is the day of remembrance of the martyr Veronica of Edessa.

Holy Martyr Veronica

Regarding the martyr Veronica, accurate information about the exact origin of the woman and the specifics of her torment has not reached us. Nevertheless, Orthodoxy honors her memory on July 30th for her strong faith in Jesus on July 30th.

It turns out that the memorial days of these two Veronicas are not far from each other in calendar terms. Therefore, parents have a choice of name day if their daughter's birthday falls between these dates.

Veronica of Edessa

And the other Veronica martyr is also known under the name Virinea. During the reign of Diocletian, the woman, as well as her mother and sister, had to flee from their hometown to Edessa. Torture and mockery of believers, their execution was the norm of that time, hence the Christian heroine was called Edessa.

However, the existence of these representatives of the fairer sex quickly lost their freedom. Those who were pursuing the women overtook them and transported them to where they had fled. Veronica's family could not tolerate such a turn of fate. The women waited until the enemies were distracted and turned to Christ, throwing themselves into the river.

Their suffering was not small, but freedom was preserved. And on October 17, the church honors the memory of Virinea, who paid with her life for her unshakable faith in God.

Patron of the name Veronica for girls

The guardian angel for the girl with the described name is Veronica the Righteous, which comes to us, as already mentioned, from the biblical pages. In the time of Christ, a woman was known who suffered for many years from loss of blood. For more than ten years, she spared neither effort nor money on healers, but there was no proper result.

And now the woman learns about possible magical healing, thanks to the touch of Christ. Then, while Jesus was moving to the place of his execution, she decided to follow him in the crowd.

When Christ falls due to the weight of the cross, the woman gives him water from a jug and wipes his sweat with a handkerchief. And a miracle happens: the disease began to recede upon touching the Saint. All the years of suffering disappeared in an instant. And upon returning home, the woman notices the presence of the silhouette of Jesus on the scarf with which the Saint’s face was wiped. And since then, such a fragment has been classified as an icon not made by hands.

After her amazing recovery, our heroine installs the figure of Christ near her place of residence, and the growing grass near the statue becomes a magical medicine for other representatives of the female race.

Today, on the day of the Angel of Veronica the Righteous, July 25, the church also remembers the emergence of a miraculous masterpiece. They also say that the heroine of the story had a different name before the healing, and then became Veronica.

[Verenika, Verenika; Greek Βερονίκη; lat. Veronica] (I century), St. (Greek memorial July 12, Western memorial February 4). Christ is identified. The legend of the bleeding wife, unnamed in the Gospels, who received healing by touching the Savior’s clothes (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48), and the pious resident of Jerusalem, who wiped the Savior’s face with a handkerchief in time of the Way of the Cross to Calvary. The bleeding wife, according to Origen (1st quarter of the 3rd century), in the teachings of the Gnostic-Valentinians acted as one of the personifications of Wisdom (Προυνικὸν σοφίαν - Orig. Contra Cels. VI 35). For the first time, the name V. appears in the “Acts of Pilate” (III-IV centuries), included later. as a component in the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus (IV-V centuries): during the trial of Christ, V. testified that she suffered from bleeding for 12 years and was healed by one touch to the hem of the Savior’s robe (Chapter 7). Eusebius of Caesarea reports that the bleeding wife healed by the Savior came from Caesarea Philippi (Paneada) in the north of Palestine (Euseb. Hist. eccl. VII 18) and next to her house there was a bronze sculptural composition depicting Jesus and the bleeding woman, made from a stone pedestal. healing herbs grew that cured various ailments. This sculpture was destroyed during the reign of the Emperor. Julian the Apostate. (Sozom. Hist. eccl. V 21). Eusebius's story is repeated and varied many times. Eastern Christian and Western Christians. by the authors. V.'s name and the story about the Paneadic statue are combined in the middle. VI century in the text of the Chronicle of John Malal (Ioan. Malal. Chron. P. 237).

In the Pseudo-Clementine homilies, the daughter of a Canaanite woman bears the name V. (Clem. Rom. Hom. 3.73), the healing of the Savior is spoken of in the Gospel (Matt. 15.22-28).

Dr. the cycle of apocrypha about V.'s payment arose under the influence of legends about the Edessa king Abgar, his correspondence with Jesus Christ and the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Tales about V. as the owner of the image of the Savior became widespread exclusively in Western Christianity. area; there is no doubt that these legends about V. are secondary in relation to the Avgar cycle. In later versions of this legend it is said that the image of the Savior was sent to Edessa and given to the daughter of King Abgar named V. It is believed that the name Veronica itself comes from the Latin. the name of the image of Christ is vera icon (genuine image).

According to Lat. apocrypha “The Death of Pilate” (Mors Pilati) (Ch. 2-3), a follower of Christ V. decided to order His portrait from an artist, but the Savior, having learned her desire, applied the canvas to His Face and imprinted His Image on it. Some time after the Crucifixion, until the seriously ill imp. Tiberius heard rumors about a famous healer who performed miracles in Palestine. Not knowing about the execution of Jesus, he sent his servant Volusian after him. V. convinced the emperor’s envoy that for healing it was enough to look with reverence at the Icon Not Made by Hands. Volusian and V. deliver the image of the Savior to Rome, and Tiberius, who paid honor to Him, recovered. The apocrypha “Punishment of the Savior” (Vindicta Salvatoris) tells that Volusian took by force the image of the Savior from V. and sent it to the emperor for worship. Tiberius, who was healed of leprosy. Before her death, V. handed over a card with the image of the Savior to the schmch. Clement, Pope of Rome.

The most widespread period was the Middle Ages. the legend about the meeting of Jesus Christ during His journey to Golgotha ​​with V., she handed Him her head covering to wipe the sweat and blood from his face. When the Lord returned it to V., His Face, distorted by suffering, was displayed on the board. This legend arose in the XII-XIII centuries. and recorded in the Bible of Roger of Argenteuil (c. 1300). The Way of the Cross (Via Dolorosa), which pilgrims walk in Jerusalem, includes the VI stop at the place where this event took place. Currently At the time, there is a temple here (architect A. Barluzzi), which belongs to the Greek Catholics. (Uniate) female mon-rue of the “younger sisters of Jesus”, in the lower part of which, according to legend, was the house of V.

The image on the board was stored for a long time in the c. Santa Maria Maggiore, and then - in the Basilica of St. Peter's in Rome. The first reliable information about the veneration of Plata V. in the chapel of the Virgin Mary, located in front of the inner entrance wall of the Basilica of St. Peter, date back to the 9th century.

From zap. medieval One legend identifies V. with Martha, the sister of the rights. Lazarus (Gervasius of Tilbury, c. 1210), others call her the wife of the tax collector Zacchaeus (later, according to legend, the hermit Amadour) and talks about their preaching of the Gospel to the Center. Gaul.

V.’s memory is not in Jerome’s Martyrology and other ancient calendars. She was revered locally: for example, her tomb was venerated in Bordeaux; in Milan, the memory of V. was celebrated with a special service until the 16th century, when Archbishop. Carlo Borromeo († 1584) excluded it from the Ambrosian missal. After the invention of photography, V. was declared by papal decree the patroness of photographers.

The memory of V. Bleeding (Greek ἡ αἱμορροοῦσα) was celebrated on July 12 in the Synaxar of the K-Polish Church. X century (SynCP. Col. 818) and Typikon of the Great Church. X century (Mateos. Typicon. T. 1. P. 338), under July 13 - in a number of Byzantines. calendars (for example, Paris. Coisl. 223, 1301) and Old Russian. Prologues (RGADA. Type. 173. L. 160; Type. 174. L. 116 volumes, XIV century). In Old Russian The literary legend about V. came from fame. translation of the chronicle of John Malala (through the Greek and Roman Chronicler) and was included in certain lists of the Four Mineas under August 16. (Joseph, archimandrite. Table of contents of the VMCH. Stb. 415-417 (2nd page)). In Russian Chronograph edition of 1617 in chap. 53 contains Art. “About the question of the wife who was healed of a bleeding illness from King Herod to create the Image of Christ,” which goes back to the same text of the Chronicle of Malala (Tvorogov, pp. 6-7).

Source: ActaSS. Feb. T. 1. R. 449-457; Mai. T. 7. P. 356; BHL, N 4218-4222, 8549; Νικόδημος. Συναξαριστής. Τ. 6. Σ. 59; Tischendorf C. Evangelia apocrypha. Lpz., 18962. S. 456-458, 478-485; Dobschütz E., von. Christusbilder: Untersuch. z. Christl. Legende. Lpz., 1899. S. 197-202 (1st page), 276-333 (2nd page). (TU; 18); NTApo. Bd. 1. S. 330-358; Apocryphal stories about Jesus, St. family and witnesses of Christ. M., 1999. S. 80, 121-123.

Lit.: Migne J.-B. Dictionnaire des apocryphes. P., 1858. T. 1. P. 1169-1180; T. 2. R. 1065-1068; Lipsius R.-A. Die Pilatus-Akten. Braunschweig, 1876. S. 34-38; idem. Die edessenische Abgar-Sage kritisch untersucht. Braunschweig, 1880. S. 62-67; Porfiryev I. I . Apocryphal tales about New Testament persons and events according to the manuscripts of the Solovetsky Library. St. Petersburg, 1890. pp. 68-72, 279-281; Bourrieres M. Saint Amadour et Sainte Veronique: Disciples de Notre-Seigneur et apôtres des Gaules. P., 1895; Shestakov D. P . Research in the field of Greek adv. tales of saints. Warsaw, 1910. P. 11-12; 202; Darley E. Les "Acta Salvatoris": un Évangile de la Passion et de la Résurrection et une mission apostolique en Aquitanie. P., 1913; idem. Les Actes du Sauveur, la lettre de Pilate, les Missions de Volusien, de Nathan, la Vindicte: Leurs origines et leurs transformations. P., 1919; Tvorogov O. IN . The Legend of the Bleeding Wife Veronica // SKKDR. 1989. Vol. 2. Part 2. pp. 6-7; Belting H. Image and cult: the history of the image before the era of art. M., 2002. S. 237-238, 248-256, 601-604.