Winged expression with the number 5. Proverbs, sayings, winged words in which numbers occur


(about numbers)

Proverbs- short folk sayings with edifying content, folk aphorisms.

Sayings- brief set expressions, predominantly figurative, do not, unlike proverbs, constitute complete statements.

Winged words- figurative, apt expressions, sayings that have come into general use.

The Russian people, like any other, have countless proverbs and sayings. It is difficult to say from what time proverbs and sayings began to circulate among the people. These little ones wise sayings were created and accumulated by the people over centuries of history. They reflect his life, working conditions, culture. A proverb is always instructive. It always has a conclusion that is useful for everyone to remember.

Proverbs and sayings stick firmly in the memory, their memorization is facilitated by various consonances and rhymes. They are short, they don't contain unnecessary words, every word is weighty, meaningful and precise:

The proverb is not said in vain.

A stupid speech is not a proverb.

Proverb - a helper to all matters.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, compiler Explanatory dictionary alive Great Russian language, wrote that the proverb “is the flower of the people’s mind, it is the people’s everyday truth.” Mikhail Sholokhov called the proverb “clumps of reason”, “winged wisdom”.

In our speech we use not only proverbs and sayings, but also popular expressions very similar to them: those included in our speech from literary sources short quotes, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures.

Winged expressions are, as it were, halfway to proverbs: like proverbs, they are widely used in speech, but, in contrast to proverbs, they usually belong to a well-known author.

How many proverbs and sayings do you know? catchphrases? There are countless of them, so let’s remember only those that contain numbers.

Zero without a stick(simple). A worthless, insignificant person.

Zero attention (simple). Complete indifference, indifference on the part of someone to someone or something.

Absolute zero, round zero. An insignificant person, completely useless in any matter.

Reduce to zero, reduce to zero. Deprive of all meaning and significance. (compare "to nullify").

Nothing comes from nothing. This expression belongs to the Greek philosopher Melissa and was often quoted by ancient philosophers and writers.

There's nothing new under the sun. This expression, which has become popular, is taken from a poem by the Russian writer N.M. Karamzin (inspired by biblical scripture).

Nothing comes for free. Quote from a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "In the hospital".

One is a bully, the other is unyielding.
One spring in your homeland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.
One bee will make a little honey.
If you cut down one tree, you plant ten.
You can't clap your hands with one hand.
Only truth lives in the world.
Once doesn't count.
There is safety in numbers.
Alone at sea is not a fisherman.
One hand does not knit a knot.
One is plowing, and seven are waving their arms.
One head on his shoulders.
One leg here, the other there.
One wise head worth a hundred heads.
One bee is better than a swarm of flies.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
In one place the stone is overgrown with moss.
One today is better than two tomorrow.
You can't tie a knot with one hand.
One word can lead to a quarrel forever.
The hedgehog has one strength - its spines.
To go alone - and the road is long.
Once you lie, you become a liar forever.
Hands can overcome one, knowledge can overcome a thousand.
A coward dies a hundred times, but a hero only once.

Break one pancake in half.
One is in the harrow, and everyone is to the side.
One is in sin, and everyone is responsible.
One in action - one in turn.
Alone at sea is not a fisherman, and without a crew he is not a sailor.
One is in Moscow, the other is in Vologda, and both are hungry.
Alone in the field is not a warrior (...not a warrior).
One warrior leads a thousand.
One wolf chases a regiment of sheep.
One wolf, and even that one is hungry and howling in the bush.
One thief - ruin for the whole world.
One eye is on us, and the other is on Arzamas.
One talks about peas, and the other talks about pods.
One says about Taras, and the other: one and a half hundred devils.
One is grieving, and the artel is fighting.
One goose will not trample the grass.
One is not a decree for the other.
One is a fool, and the other is not intelligent.

One fool spoke, another one listened (...repeated).
One brush is a fish soup pot.
One for all and all for one.
One is a bully, the other is unyielding.
Alone and you'll die at the porridge.
Alone, like a month in the sky.
One is like a stump, and the other is like a deck.
You can't go to the wall alone.

One finger is not a fist.

You can’t eat pie alone, and you can’t eat porridge alone.
One about Thomas, the other about Yerema.

Once a candle, another time a candle, perhaps a fur coat off the shoulder.
If you lie once, they won’t believe you the next time.
One mouth and he fights.
One chops, and the other blows a trumpet.

One boot is stolen, the other is a thief's.
One collects, the other yawns.
One goes blind from hunger, the other from gold.
One died of fear, the other came to life.

Miron has one son, and that one is Mironovich.

Bread alone is boring.
One wears cloth and silk, and the other has teeth on a shelf.
The flour is the same, but the hands are not the same.
The lonely one lay down - curled up, stood up - perked up.
Everywhere is home for the lonely.
For the lonely, where there is bread, there is a corner.
One misfortune comes, another leads.
One misfortune is rolling in, another is looming.
One misfortune is not a misfortune, as long as no more come.
One problem has not gone away, another has flared up.
One misfortune does not go away: misfortune will give birth to misfortune.
One head is not poor, but only one head is poor.

One firebrand does not burn in the stove, but two firebrands flare up in the field.
One brand goes out in the stove, but two go out in the field and smoke.
One door is locked and the other is wide open.

One kopeck - and it's edge-on.
One swallow does not make spring.

One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.
May dew alone is better than oats for horses.
One fly can't even eat your belly.
One flour, but not only hands baked.
One foot is in a bast shoe, the other is in a boot.

One clothing - both in the world, and at the feast, and in the backyard.
One piece of clothing - and in need, and in moth, and in a good feast.
One black sheep the whole herd will be ruined.
One bee doesn't make much honey.
One shirt - and that's a wash.
One hand in honey, the other in molasses.
One side is always wrong.
The crane has only one road - to warm waters.
One luck goes, another leads.
One gate: both into the yard and out of the yard.
Some eyes cry and laugh.
Some are crying, while others are jumping.

Sleep with one eye and watch with the other.
You can break many pots with one stone.
You can't cover the whole field with one horse.
You can’t skip the entire path in one fell swoop.
You can’t go around the field in one fell swoop.
In one fell swoop, a hundred beatings, and not counting the rest.
One evening, but different speeches.

Do one thing and don’t spoil another.
One grain yields a handful.
One grain of puda brings.
One today is better than two tomorrow.
One eye can see far.
One word breaks the bone, the other heals it.
One ear is deaf.
One is beaten, and the other is given slander.
One sparrow cannot be divided into twelve dishes.
Birds of a feather.
Death is beautiful for cancer alone.
One brave man and a thousand cowards cannot replace.
Don't be happy about one swallow.
Reap with one hand, and this with the other.
You can't tie a knot with one hand.
Blink one eye, push the other with a baton.
To go alone is a long road.
It is not possible for one to travel alone: ​​the road is long.
To live alone is to make your heart cold, but in public even death is red.
It's boring to walk alone and drown yourself.
One can't argue with porridge.
He nodded to one, blinked at another, and the third guessed himself.
One beginning does not have two ends.
It's not scary for one, but it's more fun for two.
Submit to one, give up to another.
It's fun for some, it's not funny for others.

One is joyful with his wife, the other is sorrow.
One succeeded, but the other failed.

Business before pleasure. A handwritten note from Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676) to a collection of rules for falconry, a favorite pastime of that time. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, while having fun, forgets about the matter.

The first damn thing is lumpy. It often happens that the housewife doesn’t succeed in the first pancake (it doesn’t come out of the frying pan well, it burns), but the housewife uses it to determine whether the dough is well kneaded, whether the pan is warmed up, or whether it needs to add oil. It is said to justify the unsuccessful start of a new, difficult business.

Sorrow for two is half grief, joy for two is two joys.
Two of a Kind.
It took two hours to get ready, two hours to wash, an hour to dry, and a day to get dressed.
As two drops of water.
He who helped quickly helped twice.
The lazy man works twice.
Between two fires.
Two words.
On two fronts.
Can't put two words together.
Not two, not one and a half.
One head it's good, but two better.
Two inches from the pot.
It's a double-edged sword.
Sit between two chairs.
Miser pays twice.
Kill two birds with one stone.
To devour both cheeks.
Limp on both legs.
Give the fool free rein, and he will take two.
Two brothers - for a bear, and two brothers-in-law - for jelly.
You can’t live for two centuries, but you can’t grieve for a century.
You can’t live through two centuries, you can’t go beyond two youth.

Two pennies is a lot of money.
Two Demids, but both cannot see.
Two friends - frost and blizzard.
Two fools, each with two fists.
Two fools with one mind.
Two cats can't fit in one bag.
Two bears do not live in the same den.
Two to one is an army.
Don't die twice.
Two of a Kind.
Two boots - a pair, and both on the left foot.
Two lanterns on an empty tower ( beautiful eyes, but an empty head).
Two devils don't live in a swamp.
Two little teals - the same duckling.
Summer doesn't happen twice a year.
You can never be young twice.
Two sheep's heads don't fit into one pot.
Two brands are smoking in the field, but one is going out in the stove.
Two small dogs eat a big one.
Two shirts are getting wet in the tub, and two trousers are drying on the handle.

Two little spots are the same sheep.
Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home.

Two are plowing, and seven are waving their arms.
Two bald men are fighting over a comb.

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Chasing two birds with one stone will not catch either one.
One and his wife are sad, the other is doubly so.
One beginning does not have two ends.
One grief is not a grief, no matter how two.
Kill two birds with one stone.
One woman is a woman, two women are a market, and three are a fair.
One head it's good, but two better.
One mind is good, but two are better.
One is a secret, two is half a secret, three is no secret.
One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
One ruble - one mind, two rubles - two minds.
One beaten one is worth two unbeaten ones.

Grandma said in two. In two ( simple) - vague, with the possibility of understanding one way or another. It is unknown whether what is expected will come true; It is still unknown how it will be: one way or another. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they propose.

Second wind. Sometimes, over long distances, an athlete becomes unbearably tired: his legs refuse to run, he is short of breath. The inexperienced one stops, but the master continues running through strength, and - lo and behold! - after a few seconds, fatigue passes, strength is restored, and the chest breathes easily again. The second wind came.

Two-Faced Janus. In Roman mythology, the god of time, depicted with two faces facing opposite sides: into the past and future. This is where this expression comes from, meaning “two-faced person.”

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. The inevitable will still happen, whether you take risks or not. It speaks of the determination to do something associated with risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the danger can still be avoided.

(Wed: Where ours did not disappear.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Which have not be avoided.)

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either. It is said when someone takes on several (usually beneficial for himself) tasks at once and therefore cannot do any of them well or complete them.

For one beaten they give two unbeaten. For one scientist they give two non-scientists. They say when they understand that punishment for mistakes made is good for a person, because this is how he gains experience.

Of two evils (choose) the lesser. This expression, which has become popular, belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Found in Cicero, many famous philosophers, writers of ancient and modern times.

an old friend is better than two new ones. It is said when they want to emphasize the loyalty, devotion and irreplaceability of an old friend.

A mind is good, but two is better. It is said when, when solving a problem, they turn to someone for advice, when they solve a matter together


The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

Don't recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.

It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.

Three money a day - wherever you want, go there for the day.
I ground it for three days, and ate it in a day and a half.
He had three wives, but suffered from them all.

Three sons, and he himself is strong.
The priest sings three times, and on the fourth he gives Amen.
Two are welcome, the third one doesn’t bother.
Two fight - the third one doesn't interfere.
Two dogs are fighting - don't bother the third one.
Two sorrows together, the third in half.
One foot is shod, the other is unshod, and if there had been a third, I don’t know how I would have walked.
One woman is a woman, two women are a market, and three are a fair.
One is a secret, two is half a secret, three is no secret.
One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
One wears, another asks, the third waits in turn.

Get lost in three pines. Not being able to understand something simple, uncomplicated, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

From third mouth, from third hands. Through intermediaries, not from eyewitnesses, not directly (to find out, receive, hear).

Three inches from the pot. Very short, short, small.

With three boxes. A lot (to say, promise, lie, etc.).

Day three. Day before yesterday.

The promised one has been waiting for three years. They say it jokingly when they do not believe that someone will soon fulfill their promises or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed indefinitely.

Cry in three streams. That is, it is very bitter to cry.

Three Graces. The ancient Romans had three goddesses, personifying youth, beauty, and fun. Depicted as three beautiful women. Sometimes used ironically.

Three whales. Previously, the ancients believed that the Earth stood on three pillars. The expression is used in the meaning of the basis of the basics.

Jump for three years and you won’t reach any state.. These words, which have become popular, belong to the mayor from the comedy N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General". It speaks of a remote, forgotten, abandoned place.

Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut.

The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.

Forgive me three times, and the fourth time I'm sick.
For the forehead - four, and for the fifth - God help.
Four floors, and the sides are bare.

On all four sides. Anywhere you want (to go, to clean, to drive away, to let go).

Live within four walls. Without communicating with anyone, being alone. Without leaving home.

Like the back of your hand. Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

The fifth wheel in the cart. A superfluous, unnecessary person in any matter.
A mad dog can't even walk five kilometers.
Look forward once, look back five times.
Have at one's fingertips. (popular expression)
Like a dog's fifth leg. (popular expression)
For three altyns there is a trade, and for five there is a debt.

One hive is a beehive, and five are an apiary.
Five wolves are not as scary as a smarmy villain.
Brow - four, and the fifth - God help!
Two people walked - they found five rubles, seven would go - how many will they find?
God is not a fool, he loves a nickel.

Sixth Sense.


A living house, but a dead one - six boards.
They lost the bast shoes, searched around the yards: there were six, they found seven.
The spoon is narrow, it carries three pieces at a time: you need to spread it out so that it carries six pieces at a time.
What a smart person needs six days, a cunning person will do in five.
Rather than being a gelding for six days, it is better to be a stallion for one day.
Six boards and a canvas scarf.

Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

Onion from seven ailments.

Beyond the seven seas.

Killed seven in one fell swoop.

I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.

Seven corporals and one private.
Seven are not one, we won’t give offense.
Seven do not wait for one.
Seven people pick up one straw.
Seven birds with one stone, but no skin.
Seven with a spoon, and one with a bipod.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven miles to heaven, all through forest.
Seven miles of jelly to slurp.
Seven miles is not a detour (...not an outskirts).
Seven things cannot be handled by one person.
Seven villages, but one horse.
For seven years the poppy did not bear fruit, and there was no famine.

We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but we got together - and there’s nothing to say.
Seven changes, and all radishes: tricha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with kvass, radish with butter, radish in pieces, radish in cubes, and whole radish.
Measure seven times and cut once.
Seven times in your opinion, but at least once in my opinion.
She dried up seven rivers and did not wet the canvas.
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels lie apart.
Seven Thursdays and all on Friday.
One fox will lead seven wolves.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
One drinks, seven vomit their purses.
One is plowing, and seven are waving their arms.

Up to the seventh generation. To the most distant generations.

On the seventh sky. An expression that came to us from Greek philosopher Aristotle. It means currently highest degree joy, happiness.

Seven deadly sins. Biblical expression. Over time, it acquired the meaning of any bad, unforgivable offenses.

Seven don't wait for one. This is what they say when they start something without someone who is late, or with a reproach to someone who makes many (not necessarily seven) wait.

Seven troubles - one answer. Let’s take the risk again, and if we have to answer, then for everything at once, at the same time. It speaks of the determination to do something else risky, dangerous in addition to what has already been done.

Try on (measure) seven times, cut once. Before you do anything serious, think it over carefully, foresee everything. It is said as advice to think about everything possible options actions before starting any business.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. Without an eye(obsolete) - unattended, without supervision. Things are done poorly and unsatisfactorily when several people are responsible for it at once. It is said that when several people (or even organizations) responsible for a matter rely on each other and each individual treats their responsibilities in bad faith.

Seven wonders of the world. In ancient times, seven structures that amazed with their grandeur were called the seven wonders of the world. In figurative (colloquial) speech, one of the seven wonders of the world is called something wonderful, magnificent.

Eight hryvnia is not enough to reach a ruble.
He was silent for seven years, and cried out on the eighth.

Seven for everyone, master eight, the hostess is nine, which divides exactly.
Spring and autumn - depending on the weather eight.
Two friends, two enemies eight.
Without counting, don't say" eight".


A bull is worth ninety rubles, but an arrogant man is not worth nine kopecks.
Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the hostess is nine, which divides evenly.
Nine mice pulled together and pulled the lid off the tub.
Nine people is the same as ten.
Out of ten nuns, nine are harlots, and one is out of her mind.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.
If you lose once, you will win nine times.

Nine circles of hell (pass) - “ The Divine Comedy» Dante Alighieri.
9 kingdoms - according to the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato, about Atlantis.
Nine-candlestick candlestick for Hanukkah celebrations
Nine ranks of angels- Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions (angelic rank), Forces, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit- “To one is given by the Spirit a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge...; faith to others...; to others gifts of healing...; to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different languages, to interpret tongues to another" (1 Cor. 12:8-10).
Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit- “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control” (Gal. 5:22-23).
Nine Gospel Beatitudes- sermon on the mount
Nine Promises to the One Who Overcomes from the Revelation of John the Theologian (Rev. 2-3).
The Roman numeral IX meant the Templars Jesus (I) King (X).
The number 9 corresponds to the Sephira Yesod on the Tree of Life - Kabbalah


Tenth water on jelly.
Measure ten times, cut once.
A fool will throw a stone into the water, but ten smart people will not remove it.
If you cut down one tree, you plant ten.
One smart man drives ten crazy people.
One fool throws a stone into the water, but ten smart people won't get it.

A fool will throw a stone into the water, but ten smart people will not remove it.
If you get rid of one vice, ten virtues will grow.
One speaks - ten listen.
One smart man drives ten crazy people.
By the time you get to the boss, you will stumble ten times.
Nine people is the same as ten.
Ten knowledgeable people are not worth one who does the work.
Dear - five, but just ten.
There are ten beaters per shooter.
I've been stuck for ten years for one year.
There were seven villagers, one ox, and even that one was naked, and ten police officers.
A smart person will hear it once and guess ten times.
What you can't do alone, ten will do.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.
Out of ten nuns, nine are harlots, and one is out of her mind.
friends - few, one enemy - many (Turkish).
And a thousand rumors are not yet true (Mongolian).
A thousand talents, but no heart (Japanese).
The pacer has a thousand ways, the cunning has a thousand words (Russian).
And a thousand painted lamps cannot replace one real one (Japanese).
And after a thousand barriers, the water still flows into the sea (Chinese).
He who is learned is protected from a thousand troubles (Tatar).
A thousand vanities are of no use to the cause (Turkmen).
It's better to see once than to hear 1000 times (Chinese).
One stupid person will throw a diamond into the sea, but a thousand smart ones will not get it (Georgian).
And a journey to a thousand countries begins with the first step (Mongolian).
If not just one is taken, but a thousand, then even the heaviest log will become light (Ethiopian).
One action can be used to judge 1000 others (Vietnamese).

Presentation and photos are necessary for children to facilitate the process of learning to count. Ask them to count the objects in the photo or themes that the presentation shows. Visual aids have always been interesting to children. Let the presentation and photo help start the lesson of the teacher who came to the children in 1st grade.

Ancient form of oral folk art. They convey people’s attitude towards the world around them and express the wisdom accumulated over centuries. Numbers played a significant role in the formation of these folklore genres.

If proverbs and sayings teach and instruct, then riddles develop ingenuity and intelligence in children. And riddles that involve numbers also help teach counting.

Any riddle is built on a metaphor. This is the remedy artistic expression, which involves describing any qualities of an object or phenomenon through other objects or phenomena. Remember the well-known riddles about the night and the stars, where the sky is a blue canvas, and the stars are small nails with which it is nailed. Indeed, if you look at the sky at night, the stars can be compared to the heads of nails.

Let's look at what comparisons riddles for children about numbers are based on. The most common number in folklore is seven. This is a sacred number, and the idea of ​​harmony and the ideal is associated with it.

Thus, seven is compared to a scythe used to cut hay. Eight is very similar to a tumbler, because the number consists of two circles placed on top of each other. The two are often compared and drawn as a swan arching its neck. Zero is very similar to a donut or a ball, and six and nine always act like twins.

Children have a lot of their own ideas associated with numbers. You can ask the children not only to guess ready-made riddles, but also to compose their own.

This type of work develops:

logical thinking;

- fantasy;

- associative thinking,

Which is very useful for the holistic creative development child.

Proverbs and sayings

These two words are often used together, although the roles of the two genres differ.

The purpose of a proverb is to teach, to instruct. That is why you will always find evaluative words in it, for example: “It’s easy to rake in the heat with someone else’s hands.” The proverb emphasizes that a person seeks to do something at the expense of another, and condemns such behavior. But the saying may sound almost the same, but does not give an assessment, but only states a fact: “Rake in the heat with someone else’s hands.” This is the main difference between a saying and a proverb.

For children, proverbs and sayings are often presented in pictures when it comes to textbooks or children's books. This makes it easier for the children to understand the meaning of the statement. And picture books always looked more interesting.

Children often do not understand hidden meaning proverbs and sayings, so the task of adults is to explain to them this hidden meaning and make it clear that statements carry not only direct, but also figurative meaning.

Riddles, proverbs and sayings- this is deep folk wisdom that children should definitely get acquainted with. These genres teach us harmony, goodness, and the striving for ideals. And even the numbers in them come to life and become symbols.

In our modern life we stopped treating everything around us as a miracle, as something amazing. And in vain, because this is the whole beauty of life. And it is this feeling that we must instill in our children.

Proverb- a short sentence containing folk wisdom. Spelled simple vernacular, often has rhyme and rhythm.

Number 5 in proverbs and sayings:

Dear - five, but just ten.

I lost five and found seven.

Proverbs with the number 5 (five)

Go on the road - five s (five) weave bast shoes.

You need a fifth wheel like a cart.

A nickel can't buy friendship.

Smart and cunning - he wiped the noses of five people.

A cat with its paw, a bear with its fingers.

One is stupid, but the five smart ones quarrel.

Nice godfather - she gave five altyns!

Don't be a godfather and don't drink kvass.

They don't give nickels for a penny.

Pakhom is not worth a penny, but looks like a nickel.

There are five fingers on the hand, but if you don’t bite it, everything hurts.

What is four: lives and about five.

Five young men are sitting in five wells.

Don't bother, Friday, before Thursday.

There are five fingers in the hand.

A mile closer, a nickel cheaper.

I don’t see any of the five fingers, but one of them looks like seven in my eyes.

Without five prosviras there is no mass, but the sixth is in reserve.

Dear five, but just ten.

The mother-in-law thought that five people couldn’t eat; and the son-in-law sat down and ate it in one sitting.

The trade is worth three altyns, and the debt is five.

He threshes rye on five barns.

It’s amazing that a pig has a snout like a nickel.

The pig is not my brother, and five rubles is not money.

There are five kopecks - and grandma is in the bargain.

On an oak tree there is a leaf worth a nickel - so be it in the spring.

Live on five!

Numbers in sayings

Like the back of my hand.
The fifth wheel in the cart.

Number 5 in riddles

Mom looks on impatiently
On the pages of the diary.
Waiting for the coveted assessment
A mischievous son.
But again only fours.
There is no beauty... (fives)

Tricky riddles

I was walking alone and found five rubles; If three go, how many will they find? (five rubles.)

Poems about numbers.

Here is one or one,

Very thin, like a knitting needle.

But this is number two.
Admire what it's like:
The deuce arches his neck,
The tail is dragging behind her.

And behind the deuce - look -
The number three appears.
Troika is the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

After three come four,
Sharp protruding elbow.

And then I went to dance
Number on paper five.
She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.

Number six - door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Here is the seven - a poker.
She has one leg.

Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.

Number nine or nine
Circus acrobat:
If it gets on your head,
The number six will become nine.

A number like the letter O-
This is zero, or nothing.
Round zero, so pretty
But it doesn't mean anything.

If on the left, next to him
We'll accommodate the unit,
He will weigh more
Because it's ten.
S. Ya. Marshak.

Poems about the number 5 (Five)

E. Schwartz

Everyone should know about this

Humans have five senses:

This is the sense of smell

Taste and touch.

Don't forget the main two:

These are vision and hearing.

Irina Gurina

Poems about the number 5 (Five)

What is Five so busy with?

She's cleaning up!

Five beavers carry water,

Five cows wash the windows.

Five mice carry a broom

Five geese are repairing her shelf,

Five kittens wash clothes

Dust is wiped everywhere

Five funny mosquitoes

Knock the dust out of the carpets

Five green frogs

They rush to their rescue.

Five hedgehogs wash dishes.

It became clean - just a miracle!

Then they sat at the table,

We drank tea and ate buns!

The palm has five children,

Five cheerful naughty girls.

They grab everything in a row

They only rest at night.

Guess what their names are?

Count the kids.

Fingers are easy to recognize -

There are exactly five of them on the hand.

I'll get it at school

I'm an A in all subjects

I'm always with Five

I won't spill water.

The star has five children

Five sparkling rays

They don't sleep at night

They want to shine for everyone.

Tomorrow Misha will be five,

The number Five knows this.

She gave five gifts

I should give it to him.

Poems with the number 5 (five)

Who's knocking on my door
With a thick shoulder bag,
With number five on a copper plaque,
In a blue uniform cap,
It is he,
It is he,
Leningrad postman.

And then I went to dance
Number on paper five.
She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.

On an old linden tree in the yard
Great excitement.
Someone hung it at dawn
This ad:

“The school for chicks is open!
Classes - from five hours.
Here you can even in summer
Study all subjects!”

And exactly at five o'clock in the morning
Bird babies flocked:
Sparrows, jackdaws,
Magpies, crows,
Tits and starlings.

What does the number look like? 5 ?
To the sickle, of course
How can you not know?

It was lazy rain five hours.
The little bunnies were trembling under the bush,
And in the clearing there are a hundred mushrooms
They threw their hats in the air in delight!
Write a number five,
What hook to draw.
But at the number, at the hook,
The line is painfully short.

Alexey came from school.
Now he came up with this:
- If I learn the verbs,
I give it to myself nickel.
If I learn the prefixes,
I'll ask for a raise.

I sent eccentrics to the market,
Gave it to the weirdos nickels:
One nickel- on the sash,
Another nickel- on the cap,
And the third nickel- So.
On the way to the market eccentrics
Everything got mixed up nickels:
Which nickel- on the sash,
Which nickel- on the cap,
Which one nickel- So.
Only at night the weirdos came,
They brought it back to me nickels.
- Sorry, but we're in trouble:
We forgot - which - where:
Which nickel- on the sash,
Which nickel- on the cap,
Which one nickel- So.

Bottle with potion
It's on the shelf.
Henry sadly
He looks at the bottle.

Oh, how disgusting!
But days later five
There will be our hero
Healthy again!
One two three four, five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
All of a sudden hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang Bang! Missed,
Gray bunny ran away.
"Planet of Balls"

The balls were walking - friends,
And there were friends five.

This song is very sad
Very sad - even sad,
This song is so sad
What a disaster - even desperate.

One got caught on a nail -
All that's left is the tail of the ball.

This song is very scary
Very scary - even terrible,
This song is so terrible
Even the author becomes scared.

The second one was pecked by jackdaws -
And he became like a washcloth.

I don’t want to know this song,
I don’t want to know, I don’t like to listen,
I don't like listening to this song
It’s completely unthinkable to sing.

The third one slammed - it was a well-aimed pebble.
And the fourth one was hit by a carriage.

This song - who sings it,
Whoever sings it will be in trouble -
He will get sick with mumps, sore throat -
And the mixture is so tasteless!

But fifth, imagine, alive and well,
He flew to the Planet of Balls.

This song is very nice
Very nice - even beautiful,
This song is so beautiful -
Completely unbelievable!

Alexander Savolainen, State Budgetary Educational Institution GYMNASIUM No. 1619

The presentation contains various educational materials about the number “5”: poems, proverbs, riddles.

The material can be used in mathematics lessons in grades 1-2.



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Slide captions:

Mathematics project “Number 5” Work of student 2 “A” class Alexander Savolainen Supervisor: Matrosova L.V.

Introduction. Where do the numbers live? The numbers live on various subjects: In calendars and tram tickets, On clock dials, on houses, Numbers are hidden in book volumes, And in a store, and on a telephone, And on a car, and on a carriage... Numbers are everywhere, numbers are all around. We will look for them and find them right away.

Introduction. Where does the number 5 live? I just can’t understand, What is the secret of the number “5”? Wherever you look, it is everywhere: On the arm and on the leg, On the soldier’s cap, And on the Christmas tree star. If we play hide and seek, Then we count to five, And in the notebook for marking, there is no better number to be found. My dad gives me five minutes to go to bed. In the morning I also need to quickly lace up my shoes. It's a five-minute walk to school, and I go to fifth grade. Five minutes recess, kvass costs five kopecks. Day after day, this puzzle has become easier to solve - If you are friends with this number, Everything goes to five!

Poems about the number 5 And then I went to dance The number five on the paper. She extended her hand to the right and bent her leg sharply. Author: S.Ya. Marshak *** What does the number 5 look like? To the sickle, of course, you never know. Author: G. Vieru *** Write the number five, What to draw a hook. But at the number, at the hook, the line is painfully short. Author: V.B. Bakaldin It’s easy to remember and understand - The number 5 looks like a hook. *** Look at the number 5. Taking the five by the handle, You can scoop up water and loose sand like a ladle. Author: V. Chernyaeva *** The fisherman knows the business! The number five is a hook for him. If you tie this number five with a fishing line to a stick, the stick will become a fishing rod... There will be glorious fishing! Author: V. Chernyaeva Number five - with a large belly, Wears a cap with a visor. At school, children love to receive this number five. *** And this is the number five! It's easy to count to five. Hold each finger, tell the finger the number. *** The number 5 became proud - He wants to become a queen! To become a queen, you need to know a lot.

How to write the number 5? We reached the number five. How should we write it? Place a vertical stroke, draw a circle from it, How beautiful is the number five! We will write it. We will draw a semicircle, a stick, and a tail. Five is the sister of two. There are only A's in the diary. To write a two, we put five upside down. Author: A. Sosina On top there is a small tail. The number five is in front of you! Learn to write it so you can get straight A's!

Poems with the number or number 5 Once again the number five flaunts in the notebook, like in a parade. In a person, the number five You can immediately see: Five fingers on each hand, Five toes on the toes. On a five-pointed star, the Five corners shine forever. We really love the number five. We get it in our notebooks. This means you are an excellent student and behave decently. This figure is simply awesome! It makes us all very happy. Author: T. Lavrova *** One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots straight at the bunny. Bang Bang! Didn't hit, the Gray Bunny ran away. What is Five so busy with? She's cleaning up! Five beavers carry water, five cows wash windows. Five mice are carrying a broom, Five goslings are repairing her shelf, Five kittens are washing clothes, They are wiping dust everywhere, Five cheerful mosquitoes are knocking dust out of the carpets, Five green frogs are rushing to their rescue. Five hedgehogs wash dishes. It became clean - just a miracle! Then they sat at the table, drank tea and ate buns! Author: I. Gurina *** At school I will get “A” in all subjects. Five and I will always be waters inseparable.

Poems with the number 5 I'm sure you know, Five rays starfish. How many fingers are there on a hand? Five. Can you name them for me? Author: V. Chernyaeva *** Who is knocking on my door With a thick bag on a belt, With the number five on a copper plaque, In a blue uniform cap, It’s him, It’s him, the Leningrad postman. Author: S.Ya. Marshak *** The prickly hedgehogs have five little hedgehogs. And the tabby cat has five mouse friends. Author: K. Zelenaya Alexey came from school. Now he came up with this: - If I learn the verbs, I’ll give myself a nickel. If I learn the prefixes, I will demand a raise. Author: Agnia Barto *** Everyone should know about this. A person has five senses: smell, taste and touch. Don't forget about the main two: - These are vision and hearing. Author: E. Schwartz *** The star has five children - Five sparkling rays. They don't sleep at night, they want to shine for everyone.

Composition of the number 5 Fill in the missing numbers so that in each petal the total is the same number as in the middle of the flower

Composition of number 5 Fill in the missing numbers

Composition of the number 5 4+1=5 There were 4 cats in the yard Quietly hiding in a basket, One of them went to look for them. Count the cats. Five! There are 4 ducks by the pond, and another one is in the booth. Began old dog grumble: - That’s right, five! 1+4=5 Little frog under a bush, 4 more under the bridge. They gathered to count the pebbles. There are exactly five frogs in total! The cricket was resting behind the stove, playing a song on the violin. 4 climbed under the bed. There are five crickets in total! 3+2=5 3 mice on a swing They ate with gusto. 2 came to chat with them. How many mice? Exactly five. 3 cheerful bear cubs Spruce sweet Honey aside. 2 came to help them. How many bears? Exactly - five! 2+3=5 2 funny foals neighed loudly in the meadow. 3 came to play with them. There are five of them frolicking in total! 2 pretty chickens are running after the ball. 3 want to catch a cat, And there are only five chickens here!

Riddles with the number 5 How many fingers are there on the hand And pennies in the snout, The rays of the starfish, The beaks of the five rooks, The blades of the maple leaves And the corners of the bastion, The number will help us tell us about all this... (five) *** The essay is with us, And the whole class was getting ready. The excellent students again have only a number in their diaries... (five). *** Mom looks impatiently at the pages of the diary. Waiting for the coveted assessment of his mischievous son. But again only fours. There is no beauty... Author: Svetlana Suvorova If you turn TWO over and look carefully, Look this way and that again, Then we get the number... (five). *** 5 light bulbs were on, 3 light bulbs were turned off. How many light bulbs are left? Answer: five. *** Five steps - a ladder, There is a song on the steps. Answer: Staff. *** Birds sat outside the window, a dove, a blackbird and three titmice. We will ask the students and diligent students: “Who is ready to answer us, How many birds are there outside the window?” Answer: five.

Riddles with the number 5 There is, friends, such a bird, If it lands on the page, I am very happy, And the whole family is with me. Answer: Five. *** What is at the end of the page, decorating the entire notebook? What can you be proud of? Well, of course, in numbers... (five) *** Five brothers - equal in years, different in height. Answer: Fingers. *** List five days in a row, without naming numbers or days of the week Answer: the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. *** How to write the word “mousetrap” in five letters? Answer: cat. Two mothers have five sons - one name for all. Answer: Fingers, hands. *** Bagels are hung on the stepladder. Click and click - five and five. This is how we learn to count. Answer: Abacus *** Where is the fifth? Ira is crying and can’t stop it. Ira is very sad. There were exactly five chairs, and now there are four. Began younger brother count: - One, two, three, four, five. - Do not Cry! - said the kid. - After all, you are on the fifth... (sitting). *** Piglet is having fun, There is a pink hook behind. Answer: Piglet.

Proverbs and tongue twisters with the number 5 Tongue twister with the number 5: A quail and a quail have five quails. To go on the road - weave five (five) bast shoes. You need a fifth wheel like a cart. A nickel can't buy friendship. Smart and cunning - he wiped the noses of five. A cat with its paw, a bear with its fingers. One is stupid, but the five smart ones quarrel. Nice godfather - she gave five altyns! Don't be a godfather and don't drink kvass. They don't give nickels for a penny. Pakhom is not worth a penny, but looks like a nickel. There are five fingers on the hand, but if you don’t bite it, everything hurts. Five young men are sitting in five wells. Don't bother, Friday, before Thursday. A mile closer, a nickel cheaper. I don’t see any of the five fingers, but one of them looks like seven in my eyes. Dear five, but just ten. The mother-in-law thought that five people couldn’t eat; and the son-in-law sat down and ate it in one sitting. The trade is worth three altyns, and the debt is five. He threshes rye on five barns. It's amazing - the pig has a snout like a nickel. The pig is not my brother, and five rubles is not money. There are five kopecks - and grandma is in the bargain. On an oak tree there is a leaf worth a nickel - so be it in the spring.

You and the A will always be hands on deck!

To get kids excited about learning numbers and to teach kids how to write correctly, teachers and parents can use various methods and aids. Among them are puzzles, tongue twisters, rhymes, sayings, proverbs, photos, presentations, etc. Folklore genres and video materials will not only help to attract children’s attention to the subject, but will also contribute to the development of intelligence, perseverance, and ingenuity.

An interesting question to start the lesson will be: what does the number 5 look like? Most likely, the answer will be that the number 5 looks like an important gentleman with a belly, a convex hook, etc. To force the children to look for more original answers to what the number “five” looks like, you can offer them proverbs, sayings, puzzles, riddles, mathematics in pictures, etc. Let them have as many as possible creative ideas. Can you offer some unique beautiful story about the number.

Be sure to show the kids what a Roman numeral looks like. It also has something to compare with. For example, the Roman numeral V is very similar to a bird or a tick in a notebook. Let children show their imagination!

How to study the number 5?

To study the number 5 with your child, it is not necessary to immediately take up mathematics or copybooks. It’s better to start getting acquainted with numbers in an original, unusual way.

Puzzles are tasks in which the number 5 is encrypted. To solve the puzzles, the child will have to make every effort and intelligence. The meaning of the rebus is encrypted in other words. Puzzles make you think, use logic and imagination. It is the puzzles from all the tasks in the textbook that are most often remembered by children who attend 1st grade.

Proverbs and sayings can be an interesting solution for a math lesson. Offer the kids proverbs and sayings if they need to take a break, get distracted, but at the same time not lose the kids’ attention. For teachers who go to class in 1st grade, proverbs and sayings will be an excellent addition to a fact-filled lesson. Use proverbs and sayings more often to develop your child’s speech. It would be a good idea to include tongue twisters with the number 5 into your practice. They can successfully complement classes with proverbs and sayings where the number 5 is mentioned. Tongue twisters develop diction and speech technique. Imagine how rich your lesson will be if you include tongue twisters in your math practice. Tongue twisters are also a fruit folk wisdom, and they should not be avoided in the development of children.

A genre of folk art close to puzzles is riddles. It is riddles that make it possible to develop children's intelligence, associative and creative thinking. It is worth making a lot of effort to find out their meaning! Riddles contain a description of an object or phenomenon, and from this description you need to guess what we're talking about. In the case of the number 5, riddles describe it using objects similar to the number five: a hook, a number “3” with a curved tail, a spoon, etc. Riddles will help a teacher coming to 1st grade to attract children's attention to the material in the lesson.

Poems will help develop speech and at the same time teach counting. It is best to use S. Marshak’s poems for children, which can be downloaded on the website. However, if this is not possible, take into account the poems of modern children's authors. Poems will be useful for children to develop a sense of rhythm, memory, imaginative thinking. Ask to learn poetry at home as a homework. Even if these are small poems, they develop memory well. This is a very useful exercise for children attending 1st grade. Poems not only teach, but also instill a love for the native language.

There can certainly be a beautiful story or fairy tale associated with the number 5. If you don't know one, take a look at our website. A story or tale about the number 5 can be invented by the parent or child himself. If a child goes to school, parents can tell a fairy tale or story about how the most best score there was a five, and then it was supplanted by stronger numbers. Interesting story or a fairy tale always interests a child faster than a dry explanation. The fairy tale is full of magic, which the little one’s soul craves so much.

Coloring will help prepare your child for spelling. Even if the child is already in 1st grade, coloring will be useful for him to practice skills fine motor skills. Coloring will not only teach you how to trace and color pictures correctly, but later coloring will also be a faithful assistant in copywriting. Let the coloring book enter every home where there are children. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to color in the lesson as well. kindergarten, development center.

How many fingers are there on a hand? Count the bears, color them and circle the number 5.

Of course, copybooks will help teach children how to write the number 5 correctly. Writing the number 5 is quite difficult: you will have to draw not only a semicircle, but also additional lines. But even this simple technique can cause difficulties. Writing numbers correctly is a great skill, and the children will still have to learn it using copybooks.

If you have not yet purchased copybooks for your child, you can download them on our website. Such copybooks are perfect for preschoolers and 1st grade children. Copybooks – a true friend a baby who is just starting to write.

Video materials

Video materials will help make the lesson colorful and interesting: photos, presentations, picture books. Presentation and photos are necessary for children to facilitate the process of learning to count. Ask them to count the objects in the photo or themes that the presentation shows. Visual aids have always been interesting to children. Let the presentation and photo help start the lesson of the teacher who came to the children in 1st grade.


  1. Another one ,

A presentation and photo of the number 5 can teach children to write numbers correctly. To do this, include video materials in the process of mastering copybooks and focus on spelling.

As visual aid a picture may appear showing beautiful number 5. This picture can be used in a presentation, it can be hung on the board during the lesson. If you liked the picture and want to hang it at home, all you have to do is print it out. The picture will affect visual perception baby and stimulate memorization.

The importance of video and audio aids when studying numbers cannot be overestimated. Children need emotional outbursts: this is the only way learning will be effective. Our manuals will help you create the right atmosphere!

Developmental tasks

In this lesson I propose to introduce our kids to the number 5.

Here is a small book-brochure with tasks for children about the number 5.

It contains the following tasks:

  1. Count the colorful monsters (there are 5 of them).
  2. Find numbers 5 among large quantity other numbers and circle them.
  3. Count the lion cubs, tiger cubs and giraffes (there will be 5 of them each), write the answer in a circle.
  4. Draw a line and find all the numbers five hidden in the hearts.
  5. Circle the number 5, starting from the arrow, with different colored pencils.
  6. Answer simple questions about the number 5.
  7. Lesson about the number 5 from Aunt Owl from Baby's Arithmetic.

2. I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.

3. Killed seven in one fell swoop.

4. Beyond the seven seas.

5. Onion for seven ailments.

6. Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

7. Sixth sense.

8. The fifth wheel in the cart. A superfluous, unnecessary person in any matter.

9. Like the back of your hand. Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

10. The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.

11. A hut cannot be cut without four corners.

12. To learn hard work, it takes three years, to learn laziness - only three days.

13. Don’t recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.

14. The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

15. Limp on both legs.

16. Eat by both cheeks.

17. Kill two birds with one stone.

18. The miser pays twice.

19. Sit between two chairs.

20. Double-edged sword.

21. Two inches from the pot.

22. One head is good, but two are better. --FortunaIDm2012 060 20:44, October 24, 2012 (MSD) Sign the team by clicking on the “Signature with time stamp” button in the article editing mode (the team name and id number should be displayed!)

  • (Even numbers, if put in the right order, can be sad, happy or romantic.

Counting table:
2 12 46
48 3 06
33 1 102
8 30 32
Cheerful verse:
2 15 42
42 15
37 08 5
20 20 20
--We are from 90.ID 048 19:38, October 25, 2012 (MSD)!))

  • (poems, sayings about numbers

1. Alone in the field is not a warrior. One bee can't make a lot of honey. You can't clap your hands with one hand. One head on his shoulders. One foot here and the other there. One head it's good, but two better. The first damn thing is lumpy. Measure seven times, cut once. Seven do not wait for one. For one beaten, they give two unbeaten. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. 2. Two boots - a pair. As two drops of water. Between the devil and the deep sea. An old friend is better than two new ones. 3. Get lost in three pines. They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years. Cry into three streams. From the pot - three inches. 4. On all four sides. Close yourself within four walls. 7. Seven nannies have a child without an eye. Measure seven times, cut once. Seven do not wait for one. Seven Fridays a week. 9. For three nine lands. --X-Men IDm2012 041 21:21, October 25, 2012 (MSD))

  • Proverbs. 1. Sorrow for two is half grief, Joy for two is two joys. 2. It took two hours to get ready, It took two hours to wash, It took an hour to dry, It took 24 hours to get dressed. 3. He who helped quickly, Helped twice. 4. A lazy person works twice. 5. For two words.6. On two fronts.7.Can’t connect two words.8.Neither two, nor one and a half.9.One is a bully, the other is unyielding.10.One spring in the Motherland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.11.A coward dies a hundred times - and the hero once...12.Once he lied, he became a liar forever.13. If you go alone, the road is long.14. A hedgehog has one strength - thorns. 15. You can’t tie a knot with one hand. 16. One today is better than two tomorrow. Winged words. 1. Grandmother said in two.2. Second wind.3. Two-faced Janus. --Pyaterochka IDm2012 034 22:30, October 25, 2012 (MSD))
  • Say:
  1. Five fingers, no bones, no meat. (Rake)
  2. The five brothers are inseparable.
    They are never bored together.
    They work with a pen
    Saw, spoon, axe. (Fingers)
  3. Five steps - a ladder.
    There is a song on the steps. (Notes)
  4. On a stepladder
    Bagels are hung up.
    Click and click - five and five.
    This is how we learn to count. (Abacus)
  5. Who has a piglet,
    Not clenched in a fist?
    His feet have hooves.
    He eats and drinks from the hoof. (Piglet)--Magnificent Five IDm2012 028 08:14, October 26, 2012 (MSD)

  • Poems about the number Six
Six is ​​sitting at the table.

There is a pile of cookies in front of her.
Six huge chocolates,
Six transparent gummies,
Six boxes of marshmallows,
Six bottles of kefir.
Six ate everything, stood up,
And then she got stuck in the door!
“Ah,” sighs number Six,
- Apparently, we need to eat less!
Six little mice are laughing at her,
Six bumblebees hover over the number!
- Hey, six, your belly
It definitely won't fit through the door!
To get through this door,
You need to go on a diet!

The number six has no angles

There is only an arc with a circle.
You start writing with an arc,
And wrap it in a circle.

The number six is ​​easy to write:
No touches, no corners!
Watch your hand
Draw the line smoothly!

Number nine. This is -
Reversed six.
Draw a circle at the top
Down - an arc diagonally.
Start writing with a circle,
Don't make a corner.
Nine has no corners:
A circle, an arc - and the sign is ready!

Athletes have a strange look.

Guess it quickly for yourself -

Who will win in the ring?

Don't waste time,

Only the first move is difficult.

Add up the numbers for each.

Who is stronger? Whose will he take?