Search for the meaning of life (essay on literary and life impressions). Books about the meaning of life for every taste

From the texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, we have identified the most pressing and frequently encountered problems concerning the meaning of life. For each of them we have selected interesting arguments from the literature. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the article.

Helping people

  1. The problem of the meaning of life is fully revealed in story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor". It is in this work main character, without sparing himself, he helps people. Throughout her life, Matryona always gave everything she had and demanded nothing in return. Despite the fact that many simply took advantage of the heroine’s kindness, she enjoyed every day and was grateful for her life. According to the author himself, it is Matryona who is the real righteous person, on whom absolutely everything rests.
  2. Natasha Rostova, heroine epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", sees his meaning of life in family and love for people. Since childhood, she doted on her parents and brothers and sisters. Being a married woman, Natasha gave all her love to her husband, Pierre Bezukhov, and her children. Rostova also did not forget about help strangers. Let us remember the episode after the Battle of Borodino, when the heroine selflessly helps wounded soldiers and places them at home. Natasha Rostova lives in order to sow kindness, love and affection around herself.

In material values

  1. Famusov society, known by comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", considered its meaning in life only material values. Fame, rank, money, position in society - all this plays for them main role. And to achieve this, they are not afraid to be hypocritical, commit meanness, play dirty tricks and gossip. For example, Molchalin deceives the daughter of his boss, feigning love, just to achieve promotion and patronage. Only Chatsky understands that these are false values, but secular society refuses to believe it and simply does not accept his point of view.
    2. Perhaps story by I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" is a real example in which the meaning of the hero’s life is material wealth. The Nameless Master worked all the time to ensure a happy existence for himself and his family. Precisely existence, since each of their days was similar to the previous one. The hero did not see the meaning of life in love or family, so their only vacation together turns into routine vegetation on deck, when there is nothing to even talk about. No wonder, because for the hero the most important thing is money, but his wife and daughter cannot talk about it. It is through the example of his hero that the author wants to show how insignificant such a set of life values ​​is. It’s not for nothing that all the passengers, fixated on wealth, are sailing on a ship called “Atlantis” - they are doomed to death.

In service to the Motherland

  1. For many heroes of Russian literature, the meaning of life lies in serving the Fatherland. For example, for Andrei Sokolov from the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Having learned about the beginning of the war, he unconditionally went to the front. Yes, it was difficult for him - several wounds, captivity, but Andrei never thought about betraying his homeland. Even the thought of it disgusted him. Sokolov behaved bravely in the camp as well. Let us remember the episode when the hero refused to drink with the German commandant Muller. As we see, the meaning of life for Andrei is his homeland and love for it.
  2. For Vasily Terkin, hero poems by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", Homeland is the meaning of life. He is an ordinary soldier who is not afraid to give his own life to defeat the enemy. Terkin is brave, dexterous, courageous and strong. He is not afraid of difficulties, because with the help of his ingenuity he is able to find a way out of any situation. The hero deserves true respect. Vasily Terkin is an example true patriot of his country, who is ready to do anything for it.

In love

  1. main character dramas A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" Katerina considered love to be the meaning of her life. It was this feeling that was inextricably linked in her with the freedom that she lacked. All her life the heroine wanted to love and be loved. However, her husband, Tikhon, did not pay attention to Katerina. Every day the heroine felt more and more unhappy. Only after Boris appeared did the heroine realize that she was capable of love. This forbidden connection weighed heavily on Katerina, but she could not do anything, because she so wanted to be loved and in this feeling to find the long-awaited freedom. However, the conflict between feelings and duty led her to the fact that she could not live, abandoning one of the conflicting parties. The woman chose death because she had lost the meaning in life.
  2. The hero also saw the meaning of life in love stories by A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". Despite the fact that these feelings were doomed from the very beginning, Zheltkov continued to love Vera with all his heart. He didn't ask for anything in return. For him, the most important thing is her happiness. Zheltkov never allowed himself to cross the line, knowing that Vera was married woman. By his example, the hero proved that love stronger than death. When he was forced to give up his feelings, he left this world, because he lived only for love.

Search for the meaning of life

  1. In the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” The hero has been searching for his destiny all his life. However, any business brought only boredom and disappointment. He was tired of empty chatter in the world, he set about organizing the economy in the inherited village. But this activity soon ceased to interest him. Friendship and love also did not inspire Evgeniy. As a result, he realized too late that it was in them that he could find himself. Pushkin leaves the ending open in order to emphasize that the hero has only monotonous lonely wanderings ahead, which there is no point in describing. He lost his meaning in life due to satiation and laziness of his soul.
  2. In the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin is looking for the meaning of life, but does not find it because of his vices: selfishness, fear of feelings and indifference. Many people come to him with kindness, affection and love, but in return they receive only coldness. Because of this, Grigory Alexandrovich is lonely and powerless to find his destiny. He got lost in the labyrinths of fate and lost hope for a successful outcome. Neither in the service, nor in the family, nor in creativity, the hero was able to satisfy his ambitions. Therefore, critics called him a “superfluous man” who fruitlessly disappeared into oblivion without using his skills and knowledge.
  3. In the epic novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy One of the heroes was looking for himself throughout the entire story. Pierre Bezukhov tried to find his place in high society, but became convinced of his falsehood and hypocrisy. Then he found love, but was disappointed in it, having received deception instead of devotion and affection. He even joined secret society in order to benefit society. However, none of these roles suited him; each of them did not bring complete satisfaction. Only in the bosom of his family, after all his wanderings, did he find himself and the meaning of being. Children, marriage, honest work for the good of the people - this was Pierre’s real destiny.

The false meaning of life and the consequences of error

  1. In the work of N.V. Gogol “The Overcoat” the hero lived without realizing why. His existence was only an insignificant vegetation little man V big city. Therefore, he found its similarity in the recognition of the environment. He wanted to earn it not by merit, but appearance. The new overcoat, it seemed to him, became a reason to respect his person. Because of this, he became unnaturally attached to this thing, and even died of grief after losing it. If a person makes a mistake in choosing life guidelines, they will wait for him tragic consequences errors.
  2. In A. P. Chekhov’s play “Uncle Vanya” the hero worked all his life in the name of false ideals. He and his niece worked for minimal remuneration, and all the remaining money was sent to the girl’s father, the husband of Uncle Vanya’s late sister. He is a professor, and in his face modest people saw science itself, which they willingly served. However, a personal meeting with their idol showed them that they had sacrificed everything for the sake of smug insignificance. The psychological crisis of Ivan Voinitsky after realizing the falsity of ideals led to the fact that a quiet and timid man tried to kill a relative. However, in the finale he resigned himself to fate and his deep misfortune.
  3. In the work of A.P. Chekhov “Ionych” the main character rejects Startsev's proposal in order to go to the capital and enter the conservatory. The girl sees the meaning of her life in music. Everyone praised her piano playing, no one doubted her success. But Mademoiselle Turkina turned out to be a mediocre pianist. She returned to hometown with nothing, but just as diligently she studied music, although this no longer mattered. Catherine was disappointed in herself and did not find the strength to find a new incentive to develop.

Meaning human life– the concept is more philosophical than logical. Every person on earth is unique - he is an individual. And as a person, he has a set of qualities unique to him, which form his character and worldview. Depending on temperament, upbringing and hereditary factors, life values and a person’s views on certain issues.

The meaning of life is laid down in the human mind in the process of life. Throughout life, the understanding of the meaning of life can change. So, for example, if in his youth a person sees the meaning of his life in having fun with friends, then mature age his values ​​may change radically, and he begins to see the meaning of life in family happiness, peace, and comfort.

It also happens that sometimes a person loses the meaning of his life. It's complicated and ordeal, during which he has to rethink his entire life in search of new meaning. After all, a person without the meaning of life is spiritually dead man. A loss life meaning makes a person's life aimless and useless. Living such a life, a person simply cannot be happy. People have certain needs: food, sleep, communication, love. It is the satisfaction of needs that brings joy and satisfaction to human life. The meaning of life is nothing more than an irresistible desire to satisfy some need.

What is the meaning of human life? There is simply no clear answer to this question. Each person sees the meaning of life in something different: for some, the meaning of life lies in wealth and fame, some cannot live without their favorite job or hobby, and some simply live for the sake of their loved ones. Be that as it may, sometimes it is useful to think about the meaning own life. This helps you understand yourself, put specific goals in life and make every effort to achieve them.

Essay The meaning of human life (reasoning)

The meaning of a person’s life lies in the most different things that can be in the world. And it’s not always about money, wealth or love. For all people, all goals and ideas are different. Therefore, you cannot compare such things. The meaning of life - what is it anyway? This is something unknown that is different for everyone.

For me personally, the meaning of life is to love, live and simply enjoy our life, which does not matter how poor or seemingly unhappy it is. The meaning of life is different for everyone, and I always remember this, and therefore I never impose it on anyone. That is why I always want to remember that everyone always has their own meaning in life. And I don’t want to impose my thoughts and opinions on anyone.

The meaning of life is actually not as easy as it seems to find out. Sometimes it seems that love is everything for me, that is, the meaning of my life. But suddenly love disappears somewhere, or a loved one abandons and betrays you. And then - once, there is no meaning to life. But people live, live on and enjoy life, no matter what. This is precisely why people do not always fully understand in their lives why they live, why they live? And yet, they easily say what they think about this.

I believe that you can truly find out why you live, and what is most important to you, only when something is taken away from you, or someone disappears, that is, someone who was important, or something to be important. Only when they lose do people realize that they have lost a very important factor, a moment, in their lives. When you lose something, only then, at that moment, do you realize that you have lost something incredibly important in your life. And, as they say, we are given one life. Therefore, you should not play, as it is useless, and this, perhaps, adrenaline at that moment, will not bring joy in the future. After all, pride and inflated grades will not warm you in old age. Therefore, you should not make hasty conclusions.

Also, in addition to the most important thing, it is very important for me that my family, people close to me, as well as my friends, are always next to me. And the most important thing is that they are alive. And this is certainly true. My family is a part of me, and I am a part of them. And it seems to me that I won’t be able to bear it if something happens to them. That is why, to some extent, the meaning of my life. They appear too. And I don’t want work to become my meaning in life, career, or money. No, I just need ordinary human happiness, where there will be joys, but I can’t do without grief.

Essay on the topic The meaning of human life

What is a sense of life? Many people, many generations, have thought about this philosophical question, but no definite answer has been found. The fact is that each person has his own position, which mainly depends on the perception of life, values ​​and much more.

There are a lot of opinions, for some the meaning of life is fun, for others family. My position is this: the meaning of a person’s life lies in achieving goals, arranging life, which in the future will help bring something good and useful to the world. I will prove my point of view with the help of several arguments.

Firstly, throughout his life a person sets himself various goals that help him develop and get settled in life: finish school, go to college, read big book or skydive. All these goals make up a person’s life, and its meaning becomes the fulfillment of dreams, the achievement of what is desired. It seems to me that from any side it turns out that the meaning of a person’s life is in his goals, he lives for the sake of their fulfillment, even if he himself does not notice it. For example, in order to fulfill one or another goal or dream, a person spends his time, and sometimes long periods of his life. Could this not be evidence?

Secondly, among society there are people called altruists. These are those individuals who are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of others. It is important for such people to help those who need their help. The meaning of life for such “heroes” is to bring as much benefit as possible during their lives. This desire is not accompanied by self-interest. Just to do more good, altruists set goals and achieve them. If you arrange your life, then you will be able to consistently help others. Everything is interconnected.

This question can even be considered using the example of the famous cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Flying into space was his dream, which turned into the meaning of life. After problems with the unmanned ship, it was decided to postpone the launch of the main one. A. Leonov was not going to retreat; he walked towards his dream for a long time. Despite the great risk, A. Leonov, together with P. Belyaev, successfully completed the task and returned as heroes Soviet Union. If a person is not afraid to lose his life for the sake of a dream, then it is the meaning of his life.

Thus, my point of view is correct, the meaning of a person’s life is to fulfill dreams, achieve goals that are not only important in life, but also bring goodness. I would like to add that the meaning of life should lie in something important.

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13 books about the meaning of life + 7 questions to find answers to + 7 names famous philosophers who tried to understand the problem.

Many books have been written about the meaning of life.

The writers did their best. They tried to explain what this very meaning of life for a person is and where to look for it. They described in vivid colors people who existed mediocrely without meaning and those who managed to find their place in this world.

If you have already been interested in this topic, then you know that books about the meaning of life There are both artistic and scientific ones.

Well, that's up to you to decide. My task is to show you the best examples.

The meaning of life: what is it and is it worth looking for in books?

I understand a little about people who are skeptical about those who seek the meaning of life in books, especially fiction.

Of course, find ready-made instructions for performance in artistic, psychological or philosophical works it is forbidden. But you can get some food for thought!

1) How to figure out what the meaning of life is?

The main question, as for me, is not even (they are struggling with this question) the best minds since ancient times and no one has found such a definite answer), but the question is whether it, this very meaning, is worth looking for.

Maybe, instead of delving into yourself, solving some philosophical problems and indulging in reflection, start simply living and enjoying this life?

If you still don’t mind thinking about the meaning of life (and thinking is useful), I suggest you try to find answers to these questions:

  1. Does my life have meaning now?
  2. What am I willing to change to make the meaning appear or become more clear?
  3. Do I have a mission? If so, which one?
  4. What goals do I set for myself and do they all make sense?
  5. Am I afraid of death? If I'm afraid, then for what reason? (Reminder: being afraid of death and wanting it are two different things).
  6. Do I feel happy man? If not, then what am I missing to be happy? How can I achieve this?
  7. Who or what can help me find answers to all these questions?

I’ll leave the first 6 questions for you to analyze, but I’ll help you with the last one. Help in finding the meaning of life can be provided to you by:

  • books;
  • films, for example, “The Giant Mechanical Man”, “ Blank sheet", "Forrest Gump", "Children of Nature", "1+1", "Replacement Teacher", "The Fifth Seal", "The Taste of Cherry" and others;
  • spiritual mentor;
  • personal growth coach.

2) Is it possible to find the meaning of life in books?

That's why I appreciate mine best friends, so this is because you can chat with them at gatherings not only about “women’s” topics, but also talk about more serious problems.

One day we started talking about the meaning of life.

Each spoke out about how she understood it and where to look for it.

We basically agreed that the best way to study the issue is through books.

And only one did not agree, citing the fact that in the books, firstly, the stories are made up, and even if the plot is based on real events, then presented from the author’s point of view. And it’s quite logical that your opinion and the author’s opinion may not coincide

We thought about it, but then Marina said quietly: “And I think that books are the best of all.” existing simulators for the brain. Only the person who does not eat everything in the form in which the author is trying to feed him the product can be considered smart, but the one who processes it and looks for its own meaning.”

Agree, the truthfulness of this thought is undeniable, because books do not just give knowledge, they teach you to think and analyze.

Books about the meaning of life, although they won’t answer all your questions, will definitely activate your thought processes, and a reasonable person cannot do without this.

Books about the meaning of life have existed for a long time

If you think that books about the meaning of life are modern phenomenon(well, maybe, if not modern, then relatively new - 1-2 centuries), then you are very mistaken. Even ancient philosophers wrote works to solve this complex problem.

The most famous philosophical and psychological hypotheses about the meaning of life:

  • Socrates believed that the point is to improve your soul, because this is what will allow you to pass earthly path with dignity and without evil thoughts.
  • Aristotle, without further ado, advised becoming a happy person.
  • Antisthenes agreed with Aristotle, but replaced the word “happiness” with virtue.
  • Epicurus assured that the meaning human existence, - lead the life of the gods: live somewhere in a secluded place, with loved ones, have simple joys and not interfere in political squabbles.
  • Schopenhauer believed that our actions are not the result of our decisions, but the execution of some “world will.”

    If you are a fool, you will chase all imaginable and inconceivable pleasures and, as a result, you will lose. And here smart people– modest and want little.

  • Kierkegaard was probably inspired by ancient philosophers, because in his books he described the absurdity of human existence, which makes sense only when a person creates his own values ​​in opposition to everyone else and finds happiness.
  • Nietzsche had an original view of things, who believed that the meaning of existence of everyone living on Earth is to prepare for the coming of a superman.

We can talk about the works of philosophers that have already become classics for a very long time.

If you have the proper training and feel strong enough, read philosophical books. Almost every one of them is about the meaning of life.

Books about the meaning of life for every taste

Well, it’s true that most of the heroes of the books are just doing what they are looking for, what is the reason for their existence, deciding how to become a happy person, how to overcome obstacles in their path, etc.

But there are still those books that catch you more than others, that leave an unforgettable aftertaste. Maybe because they are deeper and more valuable for the reader.

10 fiction books about the meaning of life

The meaning of life is just such a thing about which not only psychologists and philosophers, but also prose writers write a lot.

Love serious fiction? Then you will definitely like a lot from this collection.

    E.-E. Schmitt "Oscar and the Pink Lady".

    This book will make even the most callous people cry. The story of a boy terminally ill with cancer, to whom a failed actress asks him to live every day as if it were 10 years.

    This advice is relevant for those people who waste their time allotted to them on earth stupidly and without much meaning.

    R. Bach "Illusions".

    Enough famous novel, which you need to read if only to get the opportunity to show off your erudition in society.

    The main idea of ​​the work is extremely simple: anyone who sincerely wants to do something wonderful can do it.

    P. Coelho “Veronica decides to die.”

    A young girl decides to take her own life because she doesn’t see the point in it. The suicide attempt is indicated as unsuccessful and leads her to a Slovenian mental hospital.

    By chance, a young lady who seemed to want to die learns that her existence will indeed be short-lived. Conduct last days in a mental hospital? No way!

    Escape to freedom to have a blast and understand that life is wonderful.

    S. Maugham “The Burden of the Human Soul.”

    Even atheists often believe that a person has not only a mortal body, but also a soul. A certain particle inside us, which sometimes guides our thoughts, desires and actions.

    Each human soul, according to S. Maugham, has both light and dark side. The main thing is to make the right choice.

    W. Golding "Spire".

    What would you say about your friend who, out of the blue, decided to build a tower with a spire more than 120 meters high in your city?

    Would they say he was crazy? Would you try to talk me out of this obsession? Would you send me to a doctor to have your head checked?

    What if your friend is convinced that this is his mission in this world? He believes that he has found the meaning of his life, so do you have the right to judge him?

    D. Keyes “Flowers for Algeron.”

    One of best works American literature, made in the genre of science fiction.

    Does the existence of a mentally retarded person make sense? How does the life of someone who gets the chance to become a genius change from an “idiot”? What if these changes are temporary and everything will soon return to normal?

    Or maybe you just need to understand that every person’s life has its own mission? The book makes you look for answers to these and many other questions.

    F.S. Fitzgerald "Tender is the Night"

    What is behind the phrase " American dream"? Fame, money, success or a great tragedy that can destroy anyone who doesn't play by the rules?

    Thin psychological novel, which the author himself called his favorite among his works. Roman about Great love, victories and defeats.

    EM. Remarque "Spark of Life".

    In fact, every work of Remarque can be called a book about the meaning of life, so if you are a fan of this wonderful German writer, which means we have already moved one step forward in studying the issue.

    What is the reason for the existence of concentration camp prisoners? The answer is simple: survive and understand how great value life.

    A. de Saint-Exupéry “Citadel”.

    Think, " The Little Prince", being an educated person, you have probably read it, but not everyone is familiar with this novel.

    The last work of Saint-Exupery.

    Perhaps it was the experience of the past years that allowed the author to understand that the meaning of every person’s life is to find his homeland, to find his hearth, near which it will be warm, cozy and safe, and also to be close to loved ones and relatives.

    O. de Balzac “Shagreen skin”.

    An eternal classic, which we don’t pay attention to at school, considering it boring and uninteresting.

    Indeed, only an adult who loves books that make you think can appreciate this work. Is it possible to avoid temptation if you receive a magical item as a gift that fulfills any Your wish, but at the same time shortens life?

    Would you use it better than Raphael, the hero of the book?

Of course, it is possible and necessary to search for the meaning of life! Books are one way.

But first, you can try to figure it out for yourself:

Books of a different style about the meaning of life

If you don't want to wade through metaphors, hyperbole and other artistic techniques if you are looking for more serious literature than novels, then here are a few other books for you.

I will not claim that they will answer all your questions or that on one of the pages you will find the essence of your existence.

Even if you look at the reviews on the Internet, you will see that some praise the books I have proposed, others scold them, without choosing their words, claiming that there is no need to read them.

But you'll never know which camp to join if you don't read these works, right?

Title and authorDescription
1 A. Novak “The Book That Isn’t There”
It is perhaps difficult to better explain what this book is about than the publisher did. On the cover of the work it says: “How to throw a squirrel wheel and shake off the dust from your dreams.”

You can actually do both if you are a thoughtful reader and tune in to the same wavelength as the author.

2 Tolle Eckhart "The Power of Now"
This book can be considered a sample of spiritual literature. The author does not rely on other people’s experience or other people’s thoughts, but talks about what helped him change, how he discovered a sense of inner being, how his internal transformation took place.

Using his own example, Eckhart shows others how to find the meaning of life and free themselves from inner slavery.

3 R. Sharma “Who will cry when you die?”
Robin Sharma is a legendary personality for those who care about their personal growth and self-development. His book is a kind of encyclopedia of solutions to simple and complex problems.

That is, you receive not so much theoretical as practical help in finding the meaning of life.

Read these and others books about the meaning of life, and it will be much easier for you to understand yourself.

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Victor Pelevin, a modern postmodernist writer, amazed me with his statement: “The meaning of life is in search of the meaning of life.” Indeed, humanity has been trying to comprehend its existence for more than one millennium, but an answer that suits everyone has not yet been found.

Everyone approaches this issue differently. Some people don’t think about it at all, considering philosophizing an empty and burdensome activity. As a rule, the life of such a person resembles a plant-based, mechanical one, reduced only to satisfying needs. It is not for nothing that the concept of “consumer society” arose. Such a position leads to a gradual loss of spirituality and moral sense, that is, a person ceases to be a person, retaining all the functions of a biological individual.

One can reasonably object: “Does the search for the meaning of life bring happiness? Will a person find peace if this search is crowned with success? But no one promised ease in comprehending the secrets of existence and one’s own “I”. If only it were that simple! Let’s imagine that everyone will find their own answer to the eternal question about the meaning of life. What will happen in the end? Chaos? A robot society with a proven program of action? You will inevitably agree with Pelevin: it is better to believe all your life in the existence of an absolute, immutable truth for everyone and strive for it in order to find harmony.

Trying to find ourselves, we do not stand still, but change, develop, and improve. Let's remember L.N. Tolstoy: he argued that stopping is spiritual death. Perpetual motion and this is, apparently, the mission of Man that the Creator entrusted to us. Yes, this constant search is associated with disappointment, loss, pain. The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself, in the original meaningfulness of what is happening. The solution is to continue searching without fear of making a mistake.

More than a dozen works of world literature are devoted to the “eternal” theme of searching for the meaning of life. In Russia, great attention was paid to this issue by the luminaries of literature - A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev, A.P. Chekhov. And this series can be continued.

The hero of the novel A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" - " extra person", bored by the lack of meaning in the life he is forced to lead as a representative of his time and his class. Having not begun to study properly (“We all learned a little something and somehow”), he tries to engage in mental work, but quickly loses interest in this due to laziness.

Fate presents Onegin with a priceless gift - the love of an inexperienced girl. However, love is not needed by a person who has not found himself. He is indifferent and cold, and therefore easily commits a crime - he kills a friend in a duel, which he himself provoked out of boredom. Then, to escape his melancholy, “he began wandering without a goal.” That's it, the key word is goal! Without it, a person finds himself in a spiritual vacuum, losing not only the meaning, but also the very taste of life. This goal cannot be found in useless wanderings around the world. Did Onegin find what he was looking for? Have you lost what you had?

In any case, he regrets that he passed by love, which he lost irretrievably.

Evgeny Bazarov, hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", sees the goal of his life in destruction, in the denial of everything that was created before. Should I follow his example? Or stay with your (even conservative) convictions, as the Kirsanovs do? Which one is right? Which side is the truth on? In this work, the question of the meaning of life rests on the solution to the problem of “fathers” and “children,” but there are problems of continuity of generations. Later F.M. Dostoevsky will create his own " ideological novels", where the basis of the conflict will be the struggle of ideas, and the heroes will prove the truth of their theories based on the material of their own lives.

Anticipating the unprecedented scope of human ambitions, prophetically predicting the birth of monstrous ideas, Dostoevsky calls on the reader to trust the teachings of Christ in the name of the salvation of the world and humanity. With each of his works, the writer strives to convince us that the only goal, worthy of a person, is service to Good. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy agrees with him on this. For him, as for his favorite heroes (Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Konstantin Levin), the meaning of life lies in the constant search for truth. Peace of mind, according to Tolstoy, is meanness. And, therefore, long live the movement, the endless path of the soul to perfection!

Writers persistently call us not to give up, not to rest on our laurels. It is criminal not to heed this call when you are seventeen years old and life opens its horizons to you. If only I had enough strength!

The problem of finding the meaning of life, life path. The problem of understanding (loss, gain) of the purpose of life. The problem of a false goal in life. (What is the meaning of human life?)


The meaning of human life lies in self-realization.

A high goal, service to ideals allows a person to reveal the powers inherent in him.

To serve the cause of life - that’s the main objective person.

The meaning of human life is in the knowledge of truth, faith, happiness...

Man learns the world for self-knowledge, for the knowledge of eternal truths.


Need to live! At the last line! On the last line... (R. Rozhdestvensky).

“To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, struggle, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again, and always struggle and lose. And calmness - spiritual meanness"(L. Tolstoy).

- “The meaning of life is not to satisfy your desires, but to have them” (M. Zoshchenko).

- “You must love life more than the meaning of life” (F.M. Dostoevsky).

- “Life, why were you given to me?” (A. Pushkin).

- “Without passions and contradictions there is no life” (V.G. Belinsky).

- “Life is boring without a moral goal” (F.M. Dostoevsky).

Literary arguments

In the novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" reveals the theme of the search for the meaning of life. In order to understand its interpretation, it is necessary to analyze the search paths of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. Let's remember the happy moments in the life of Prince Andrei: Austerlitz, Prince Andrei's meeting with Pierre in Bogucharovo, the first meeting with Natasha... The goal of this path is to find the meaning of life, to understand oneself, one's true calling and place on earth. Prince Andrei and Pierre Bezukhov are happy when they come to the idea that their lives should not be for them alone, that they must live in such a way that all people do not live independently of their lives, so that their lives are reflected on everyone and so that they all live together .

And A. Goncharov. "Oblomov." Good, kind, talented person Ilya Oblomov was unable to overcome himself, did not reveal his best features. The absence of a high goal in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov.

M. Gorky in the play “At the Lower Depths” showed the drama “ former people”, who have lost the strength to fight for their own sake. They hope for something good, understand that they need to live better, but do nothing to change their fate. It is no coincidence that the play begins in a rooming house and ends there.

“A person needs not three arshins of land, not an estate, but the whole Earth. All of nature, where in the open space he could demonstrate all the properties of a free spirit,” wrote A.P. Chekhov. Life without a goal is a meaningless existence. But the goals are different, such as, for example, in the story “Gooseberry”. Its hero, Nikolai Ivanovich Chimsha-Himalayan, dreams of purchasing his own estate and planting gooseberries there. This goal consumes him entirely. In the end, he reaches her, but at the same time almost loses his human appearance (“he’s put on weight, he’s flabby... - just behold, he’ll grunt into the blanket”). False target, fixation on the material, narrow, limited disfigures a person. He needs it to live constant movement, development, excitement, improvement...

I. Bunin in the story “Mr. from San Francisco” showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed the man by: he died without ever knowing what life was.

Many heroes of Russian literature are looking for an answer to the question about the meaning of human life, about the role of man in history, about their place in life, they constantly doubt and reflect. Similar thoughts worry Pushkin's Onegin, and the main character of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?..” The tragedy of their fate is clearly understood “between the depth of nature and the pitifulness of actions” (V.G. Belinsky).

Evgeny Bazarov (I.S. Turgenev. “Fathers and Sons”) goes further than his literary predecessors: he defends his beliefs. Raskolnikov even commits a crime to prove the correctness of his theory.

There is something similar in the hero of M. Sholokhov’s novel “ Quiet Don" Grigory Melekhov, in search of truth, is capable of internal changes. He is not satisfied with “simple answers” ​​to difficult questions» time. All these heroes, of course, are different, but they are close in their restlessness, desire to understand life and determine their place in it.

A. Platonov’s story “The Pit” touches on the problem of finding the meaning of life. The writer created a grotesque that testifies to the mass psychosis of universal obedience that has taken over the country! Main character Voshchev is an exponent of the author's position. Among the communist leaders and the dead masses, he doubted the human correctness of what was happening around him. Voshchev did not find the truth. Looking at the dying Nastya, he thinks: “Why now do we need the meaning of life and the truth of universal origin, if there is no small faithful person, in which truth would be joy and movement? Platonov wants to find out what exactly motivated the people who continued to dig the hole with such diligence!

A.P. Chekhov. The story “Ionych” (Dmitry Ionych Startsev)

M. Gorky. Stories “The Old Woman Izergil” (The Legend of Danko).

I. Bunin “Mr. from San Francisco.”

Possible introduction/conclusion

At a certain point in life, a person certainly thinks about who he is and why he came into this world. And everyone answers these questions differently. For some, life is a carefree movement with the flow, but there are also those who, making mistakes, doubting, suffering, rise to the heights of truth in search of the meaning of life.

Life is a movement along an endless road. Some travel along it “on official business”, asking questions: why did I live, for what purpose was I born? ("Hero of our time"). Others are frightened by this road, running to their wide sofa, because “life touches you everywhere, it gets you” (“Oblomov”). But there are also those who, making mistakes, doubting, suffering, rise to the heights of truth, finding their spiritual self. One of them is Pierre Bezukhov, the hero of the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

The problem of freedom moral choice. The problem of choosing a life path. The problem of moral self-improvement. Problem inner freedom(unfreedom). The problem of individual freedom and human responsibility to society.


It depends on each person what the world will be like: light or dark, good or evil.

Everything in the world is connected by invisible threads, and a careless act or an unexpected word can result in the most unpredictable consequences.

Remember your High human responsibility!

A person cannot be deprived of his freedom.

You can't force someone to be happy.

Freedom is a conscious necessity.

We are responsible for other people's lives.

Save while you can, and shine while you live!

A person comes into this world not to say what it is like, but to make it better.


Everyone chooses a Woman, a religion, a path for themselves. To serve the devil or the prophet

Everyone chooses for themselves. (Yu. Levitansky)

Above this dark crowd of the Unawakened people, Will you ever rise, O Freedom, Will your golden ray shine?.. (F.I. Tyutchev)

- “There are efforts necessary condition moral improvement" (L.N. Tolstoy).

- “You can’t even fall freely, because we are not falling in emptiness” (V.S. Vysotsky).

- “Freedom is that everyone can increase their share of love, and therefore good” (L.N. Tolstoy).

- “Freedom is not in not restraining oneself, but in being in control of oneself” (F. M. Dostoevsky).

- “Freedom of choice does not guarantee freedom of acquisition” (J. Wolfram).

- “Freedom is when no one and nothing prevents you from living honestly” (S. Yankovsky).

- “To live honestly, you have to rush, get confused, fight, make mistakes...” (L.N. Tolstoy).