A married woman dreams of a ring. Seeing a broken wedding ring in a dream▼

A wedding ring is a symbol of fidelity and love for a married couple. And this point is unlikely to raise doubts in anyone. But it happens that the image of a wedding ring comes in a dream. What does it mean? Why do you dream of a wedding ring on your finger?

It should be borne in mind that such an object is not dreamed of very often. But if you dreamed of a ring, it means something serious will happen, but not necessarily bad. When you dreamed about an engagement party before the wedding, it may be a simple reflection of the subconscious and existing reality.

According to scientists, if a person dreams of such a ring, then he has a sophisticated, vulnerable nature.

Somnologists divide all dreams into two large categories:

  1. Intangible- include various kinds of sensations;
  2. Real– presented in the form of various objects. Moreover, different of them can be combined with other things. The dreamed ring still causes a lot of controversy among interpreters. Therefore, it is important to understand what it means to see him in a dream.

The essence of the dreamed wedding ring is expressed based on the following points.

Who saw him in a dream?

Each dream book interprets differently the dream in which a young lady sees a wedding ring, but interpreters also have common points:

If you put another person's wedding ring on your finger, this is a sign indicating the imminent implementation of your plans. Thus, if you dreamed of an engagement ring, this is a good sign.

The explanation of such a phenomenon should be based not only on the analysis of the moments seen, but also on the transfer of the dream to one’s own existing reality, comparing it with non-fictional reality.

It is important to understand what feelings and sensations were experienced in the dream. Their influence is no less important than the image of the culprit himself.

There are many interpretations of a wedding ring seen in a dream. Different dream books describe this phenomenon differently. So what could a wedding ring mean in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

  • If in a dream you dreamed of a ring that looks clean and intact, this indicates your partner’s fidelity. In addition, it promises unexpected, but at the same time pleasant changes in the near future.
  • If several fingers are “clad” in wedding rings, quick success in business and endeavors is coming.
  • A ring given in a dream from a loved one along with a marriage proposal means love and devotion on the part of the betrothed.
  • Broken ring - failures and disappointments. This may also be a sign of an imminent separation from your spouse and a break in the relationship.
  • Seeing rings on the hands of strangers or strangers is a fulfillment of all your plans.

  • A ring on a finger seen in a dream is an omen of an imminent marriage or the birth of a baby.
  • Putting on a ring is a fulfillment of desires.
  • The loss of an engagement party is a break in a previous relationship.
  • A found ring is an unexpected acquaintance.
  • A ring as a gift is a small and insignificant loss.
  • The inability to remove a product from your finger is a lack of freedom in real life.
  • Purposefully breaking and damaging a ring is a sign of an imminent separation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Several rings put on your fingers mean success in reality and real life, as well as the likely fulfillment of a long-standing dream.
  • Broken jewelry - to illnesses, failures and troubles that may arise in the near future.
  • A beautiful and shiny product - fate will present a pleasant gift.
  • Losing a ring means betrayal of a loved one and possible financial losses.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • If you dreamed about the ring from Monday to Tuesday, this is a good sign that predicts a good relationship with your parents and early meetings with friends.
  • A dream seen from Friday to Saturday speaks of quarrels and troubles in the family, gossip that floats around.
  • A gemstone inserted into a piece of jewelry predicts immediate wealth and financial well-being.
  • Finding someone else's ring promises an unexpected meeting with an influential representative of the stronger half of humanity.
  • If in a dream you are trying to find a ring in your size, then this indicates a heart that is open to love, romance and new relationships.

Do not be upset if the interpretation promises troubles and difficulties. This is another reason to think about the correctness of thoughts and actions and reconsider your views on life.

A wedding ring is a symbolic object; it signifies infinity, unity, depth of soul, and if you saw this accessory in a dream, it is not without reason. It is definitely difficult to interpret a dream; the interpretation depends on the accompanying circumstances and details. Often a person sees a ring on the eve of an important event, and not necessarily a wedding.

To interpret the dream, you need to remember the following points:

  • Who dreamed about the product (man, woman).
  • What substance is it made from?
  • What it looked like (shiny new or cracked rusty).
  • What actions did you perform (just observed, found, removed from your finger, or vice versa, put on).

Why does a man dream about a wedding ring?

  • A dreamed decoration may promise new responsibilities. If you have changed your job or are looking for one, you will be successful.
  • Buying or holding two rings in your hands means marriage.
  • Putting a ring on your finger means serious changes in life. This could be the beginning of a change in a career or personal relationship.
  • The unmarried man who finds the ring will soon find his destiny. For a married man, such an accessory promises unnecessary trouble and jealousy.
  • If you see rings in the hand of an acquaintance or friend, you are a guest at a wedding.
  • If in a dream you are trying to get rid of a product, it is too small for you and it weighs on you, this is a sign that you are not happy with your life, but you are not ready to change it either.
  • A ring on the left hand promises a meeting, on the right - to success.

If a woman dreams of an engagement ring

  • For a married lady, the ring promises trouble in the family. If you see it shiny and bright - this is a sign of pleasant changes, worn out by time - it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards your soul mate.
  • The lady puts on her own ring, but it is small - to troubles and quarrels with her husband.
  • If your husband puts a ring on your finger, this is a sign of beneficial changes in your destiny.
  • A product that falls off your finger and rolls on the floor is a bad sign. It promises a deterioration in family relationships. There may even be a rival.
  • If you lost an accessory and could not find it, financial difficulties await you. Finding jewelry in muddy water is a sign of illness and trouble.
  • Holding two jewelry in your hand at the same time is a good sign of changes in the family.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of an engagement ring?

  • If you see a ring on your left hand, you are still living dreams and are not ready for married life. A new ring on the right hand is a sign of change for the better.
  • If in a dream they put a ring on your finger, this is a fateful meeting. If you put it on yourself, it means you are ready to find the right person.
  • If a piece of jewelry falls off your finger in a dream, a serious test awaits you.
  • A ring that rubs your finger and causes discomfort is a sign that you will soon face serious difficulties.
  • If you touch the ring of a married lady, you will soon get married.
  • Choosing a ring in a store is a sign of a frivolous attitude towards marriage. If you try on one product after another, huge career opportunities will open up for you.
  • If you see jewelry on both hands, such a dream promises good luck and prosperity. You will definitely succeed in everything you set out to do.

Material matters!

  • Gold promises the fulfillment of desires, and not necessarily in the personal sphere.
  • Platinum - gaining new knowledge that is not available to everyone.
  • Silver - you live by your feelings, and trust your heart more than your mind.
  • Copper - promises a meeting with a good person.
  • Tin - promises quarrels and disagreements. If you saw a tin ring on your finger, you should expect help from strangers in the situation.
  • A tree is a sign of frivolity and the need to improve.
  • Stone - you can get what you want only through hard work.
  • Multi-colored stones (including precious ones) - for a pleasant pastime.

A beautiful new product means everything in your life will go well. A broken or cracked ring is a bad sign; it promises troubles in your personal life, betrayal and disappointment. A rusty ring dreams of betrayal. If the accessory looks flashy and tasteless, expect a stab in the back from a new acquaintance. A ring broken into two halves promises difficulties.

  • If you admire the precious stones on a ring, such a dream promises you a meeting with old friends.
  • Putting a ring on your finger yourself means taking on additional obligations.
  • If you take the ring off your finger, this is a subconscious attempt to avoid the conflicts that await you.
  • If the ring is uncomfortable and squeezes your finger, this means trouble in the family or at work.
  • If you put on a piece of jewelry, but it falls apart, this means a serious conflict.
  • Trying on a ring found by chance means changes in life. Fortune will definitely turn to face you!
  • If you put a ring on the finger of your loved one, this is a confirmation of the truth of your feelings.
  • Trying on a ring purchased in a store promises success with the opposite sex.
  • If you try on a ring as a gift, new opportunities will open up for you.

Dream interpretation is an imprecise science, and it is not always possible to unambiguously understand the meaning of a dream. Often this is just a game of our subconscious, and only time will help to figure out whether there is a symbolic meaning in a dream.

More about dreams:

A wedding ring symbolizes such a bright feeling as love. But what such night vision can mean, only a dream book will tell you. To interpret the dream and find out what the wedding ring means in a dream, you need to remember everything, even the smallest details of what you saw. The gender of the dreamer and his marital status in real life are also taken into account.

A wedding ring symbolizes such a bright feeling as love

More than one dream book cannot unambiguously interpret a dream about a wedding ring. To find out the meaning of such dreams, you need to take into account many details:

  • the dreamer is married - renewal of passionate feelings;
  • shines - relationships are protected from betrayal and betrayal;
  • on another person’s finger - loss of authority among close people. Every action should be considered more seriously;
  • silver – the emergence of all kinds of problems, both in personal life and at work;
  • filming - emotional worries about the fact that the family idyll will be destroyed;
  • the size is larger than it should be - to achieve your goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • the size is smaller than it should be - many problems will arise, but the unfavorable period will soon end;
  • broken - possible betrayal from loved ones;
  • break it yourself - the financial situation will deteriorate significantly due to problems in work activity;
  • lose - the dreamer will become a victim of gossip and for this reason his reputation will suffer;
  • flies off the finger - serious conflicts will arise within the family;
  • finding it is a good sign. A fateful acquaintance is expected soon;
  • try it on - you have a difficult choice between several fans;
  • buying rings - a quick wedding;
  • put on your finger - life will soon be happy, filled with many joyful moments.

Wedding ring in the dream book (video)

Seeing a wedding ring on a man's finger in a dream

Such dreams are most often seen by those who will be lucky in the future and will experience a favorable period in life. But in this case, you also need to take into account all the details:

  • a gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand - a new love relationship is coming. They will most likely end in marriage;
  • sits harmoniously on her husband’s finger - strong feelings are connected with her husband, he still experiences ardent passion to this day;
  • falls off the spouse's finger - it is possible that he has a mistress who seriously threatens the marriage. A married woman should be on her guard.

Such dreams are most often seen by those who will have good luck in the future and will experience a favorable period in life.

Why do you dream of a wedding ring on your hand?

What does it mean if there was a ring on my finger in a dream? This question is often asked by those who are lucky enough to see such an unusual night vision.

In order to get an accurate answer, you need to remember the material from which it was made:

  • golden - a secret wish will soon come true. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether it is material benefits or the search for a life partner, it will certainly come true in the shortest possible time;
  • platinum - the dreamer will have access to new, valuable knowledge;
  • silver - the sleeper follows his own feelings;
  • copper - you can soon expect to meet an extraordinary person;
  • tin - you will have to face serious danger. It will change your life beyond recognition. A little-known person or even a complete stranger will come to the rescue;
  • wooden - the sleeper needs to work on himself, improve himself;
  • stone - thanks to a strong character, it will still be possible to achieve your goals.

To get an accurate answer, you need to remember the material from which the ring was made

The ring is studded with many stones of different colors - you will have a fun time with close friends.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of an engagement ring?

Most girls dream of a wedding. A wedding ring is often found in their dreams and means a quick meeting with a young man.

To find out the exact value, you need to remember the following nuances:

  • on the right hand - the girl is ready to choose her life partner;
  • on the left hand - in her actions she is guided by emotions;
  • many rings on her hand - the girl has many fans, but she stubbornly does not notice her real feelings. She should not ignore the feelings of others, otherwise she will not be able to experience them herself;
  • choosing a suitable ring in a store and trying on each one opens up many possibilities. There is every chance to improve your financial situation and gain popularity. It is also worth considering that if a career is a priority, then the girl will be forced to abandon family relationships. Career growth will not provide the opportunity to go in search of true love;
  • miniature - you should not count on the help of your chosen one in a difficult situation, as it will soon become clear that he is a cowardly person.

Most girls dream of a wedding

Rings on both hands at once - the girl is strong in spirit and will achieve in life everything she dreams of with her hard work.

Gold wedding ring in a dream

A gold ring seen in night dreams promises a strong, long and happy family life. This noble metal indicates that the dreamer will have good luck in all his endeavors. The married couple will live in wealth and peace.

If there are stones on a gold ring, then it is worth remembering exactly what they were. Tiny, tear-shaped transparent diamonds indicate that in the very near future you can expect to meet a fairly influential person. He will selflessly help a married couple cope with all pressing problems. But a large diamond promises the dreamer stunning success in the labor sphere. Thanks to hard work, you can get unprecedented profits.

A gold ring seen in night dreams promises a strong, long and happy family life.

Someone else's man's ring made of gold, dreamed of by a girl, indicates that soon her chosen one will propose to her and her most cherished dream will come true.

What does a damaged wedding ring mean in a dream?

The meaning of dreams in which the ring is not whole, but broken, is not so good. Basically, such a dream is interpreted as the emergence of problems in family relationships. Despite all efforts, it is still not possible to solve them. Through compromises, separation is only postponed, but the problem is not solved.

If the ring cracks right on your finger, then imminent betrayal is possible. Rusty foreshadows a serious conversation with your companion. You will have to reveal your deepest secrets to him. Otherwise, nothing good should be expected from this relationship.

Seeing a tasteless, but whole ring comes to those who in real life will have to meet an unpleasant, two-faced person. You should not trust him and end this relationship completely.

A ring seen in a dream, broken into several pieces, also has a negative meaning. This vision indicates that serious problems will soon arise. They will lead to the dreamer becoming depressed and indifferent to everything that happens around him.

Why do you dream about a ring (video)

Dreams in which wedding rings are present most often have a positive meaning. Family life promises to be long and happy. But if this ring turns out to be the wrong size or is completely broken, then you should seriously think about it and look for problems in the relationship in order to avoid a final break.

Attention, TODAY only!

Since ancient times, people have paid great attention to their dreams. And they took a serious approach to the issue of interpreting what they saw in a dream. After all, a dream can promise success in business, wealth and love, or it can predict misfortune. The interpretation depends on all sorts of nuances and situations that occurred in a person’s dream. For example, in a dream a person saw a wedding ring. Everyone gives it the meaning of eternal fidelity and love. Let's try to take a closer look at what this dream conveys.

The meaning of dreams with a wedding ring

If you believe the 21st century dream book, a young girl’s dream of an engagement ring means that pleasant events await her. And if it is worn on the ring finger, the young lady will marry successfully. For a mature woman, this dream means a very warm relationship with her husband and children.

According to the interpretation of the French dream book, this dream means a successful marriage and many children. Moreover, this interpretation is the same for men and women. If a wedding ring is given to you by your lover, then this indicates his tender and serious intentions towards you.

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a ring in a dream means protecting the family hearth from troubles for a married lady. And if the ring is in the possession of a stranger, this serves as a warning about rash actions.
The metal from which the wedding ring is made also matters:

  • gold - to a marriage proposal;
  • silver - promises financial problems and a quarrel with your significant other.

If you dream about losing your wedding ring

If an unmarried girl dreams of losing her wedding ring, she needs to be wary of gossip and envy. You need to be careful when making new acquaintances and not conflict with people. If it slips off your finger onto the floor, this means misunderstanding in the family and the emergence of conflicts. You must be careful in your words and actions, otherwise the interpretation will not come true.

If your ring was stolen in a dream, then the woman needs to be wary of the appearance of a homewrecker. But everything can be fixed by surrounding your husband with warmth and care.

It happens that in a dream you remove a wedding ring from your finger. This is a signal from the subconscious. You are overcome by doubts that understanding and tenderness in the family may disappear, and by such an action you isolate yourself from this. It is necessary to remember under what conditions it was removed and prevent these events from happening. If you don’t have a spouse, this means monetary losses.

If in a dream you are looking for an engagement ring, this indicates that your loved one is not serious about you. Or about your confusion about family life. Just understand yourself and prioritize.

Finding or buying a ring in a dream

Finding a ring in a dream speaks of new feelings or the appearance of a devoted friend. Wearing a wedding ring to your other half means the sincerity of the dreamer’s feelings. If a girl puts a ring on her finger herself, then she will soon expect a lot of attention from men and a meeting with her betrothed.

Buying a ring can be interpreted in different ways:

  • ring with stones - there will be romantic courtship;
  • two rings - for the wedding.

Choosing a ring in a dream indicates the difficulty of choosing a gentleman. This can also be interpreted as readiness for a new relationship. Trying on a ring in a dream promises long-awaited happiness. If it is large, it indicates difficulties on your way. To successfully overcome them, ask your loved ones for help.

Broken wedding ring in a dream

This is a very bad omen. A damaged wedding ring promises betrayal. Or divorce due to the fault of ill-wishers. If you see a ring breaking right on your finger, this means betrayal. Moreover, the deceived himself will see the fact of infidelity. If a ring breaks in half in a dream, this indicates a complete break not only in family ties, but also in any communication.

If the ring breaks due to your fault, this threatens business problems and losses. It also talks about the occurrence of quarrels due to your fault. You need to monitor your behavior and be attentive. For married women, a broken ring promises the husband's illness. You need to carefully monitor your spouse’s health and pay attention to the slightest changes.

Double wedding rings in a dream

Seeing wedding rings combined into one in a dream is a symbol of a wedding between people in love. Two rings on the ring finger indicate an imminent addition to the family. Soon you will learn about pregnancy, which will be a pleasant surprise for you.

This article discusses the main interpretations of a dream about a wedding ring. The meaning of a dream is not an exact statement that this or that situation will happen in your life. Everything can be changed by following the advice and monitoring your behavior. Sometimes we ourselves don’t notice how we do unconscious actions, causing pain to loved ones. Remember, your destiny is in your hands.

Wedding rings are often taken off by unmarried girls who dream of getting married quickly. Many of them don’t even know why they dream of an engagement ring, while it is a symbol of marriage and love. It is necessary to interpret a dream with this decoration taking into account all the nuances of the dream plot.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an engagement ring?

Since ancient times, a wedding ring has been considered a good sign that foretells a happy family life. And yet, this decoration is interpreted in different ways in different dream books.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller's dream book:

  1. If you dreamed of a new, shiny ring, then you can soon expect to enter into a stable and reliable marriage.
  2. If you see a ring on your finger, happiness will visit your home.
  3. When you dream of a broken ring, the dream foreshadows a possible quarrel with your loved one.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the dream promises:

  1. Confirmation of love for your soul mate.
  2. Possible flirting and romantic relationships.

According to Freud's dream book, seeing a wedding ring in a dream means:

  1. Harmony in family life.
  2. Affection for a loved one.

The meaning of sleep depending on the gender of the dreamer

The interpretation of a dream should take into account the person who had the dream.

  • When seen by a man who is already married, this dream foreshadows a small gift from his significant other.
  • For an unmarried man, the dream predicts possible marriage ties.
  • In any case, if a man dreams of such decoration, it means that he subconsciously wants to find his soul mate and then get married.

When the dreamer is a woman, this dream promises her a meeting with her future husband. If the girl is already married, then she should expect a pleasant surprise from her husband.

Seeing a wedding ring on your finger

Seeing a wedding ring on a finger in a dream means for the dreamer that good luck and success in any endeavor will soon come into his life.