What the little prince learned about the earth. Will the Little Prince return to Earth? What did meeting the Little Prince change in the pilot?

At re-water supply water after use in any technological process that has retained sufficient quality indicators, without intermediate treatment, is supplied for reuse (Fig. 2, a) in water supply system. For example, after washing with repeated water, containers for branded products (containers, flasks, etc.) are also rinsed with drinking water. This water can be reused for the first rinse, washing floors, external washing of cars, watering the area, etc.

IN circulating water supply systems(Fig. 2, b) water is used repeatedly after appropriate treatment (cleaning, cooling, heating, etc.).

Fig.2. Schemes of repeated and circulating water supply systems

  • a – reuse of water with the installation of a storage tank and pump:
  • 1 – technological equipment for using tap water;
  • 2 – technological equipment for using waste water;
  • 3 – storage;
  • 4 – pump;
  • 5 – water supply; v
  • 6 – pipeline supplying waste water to the storage tank;
  • 7 – pipeline supplying waste water for reuse;
  • 8 – pipeline for discharging excess waste water;
  • 9 – pipeline for discharging used water into the sewer;
  • b – scheme of circulating water supply for washing (rinsing) raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products:
  • 1 – washer using non-recycled water;
  • 2 – flow of the substance to be washed;
  • 3 – washer using tap water;
  • 4 – flow of washed substance;
  • 5 – apparatus for purifying circulating water, for example a sump;
  • 6 – pump;
  • 7 – pipeline supplying purified water;
  • 8 – pipeline supplying contaminated water;
  • 9 – water supply;
  • 10 – sewerage.

If the first time you use water in water supply system becomes contaminated, it is supplied to treatment facilities, after which the purified water is again sent through pumps to participate in the technological cycle. Doesn't go down the drain most of water with contaminants. Losses are restored with fresh water. IN recycling water supply systems You can even use wastewater after its biological treatment.

An example of water recycling is cooling water in refrigeration units. The water heated in the condensers of the units is cooled in cooling towers or spray pools and again supplied to the condensers. Dairy plants reuse water in plate pasteurization and cooling lines.

Recycling water supply allows you to reduce fresh water consumption tens of times. Saving fresh water helps conserve water resources. When repeated and recycling water supply The amount of wastewater is sharply reduced, thereby polluting water bodies less.

Enterprises need to strive to reduce fresh water consumption and drainage. To do this, it is necessary to introduce waste-free technological processes and water supply systems with repeated and recycled use of water in a closed cycle with its complete regeneration.

Sale and installation in a country house or cottage.

Reused water is waste water that has been treated and returned to production. Depending on the degree of contamination and heating of water, as well as on the requirements for the quality of the process water used, its reuse can be represented by three options (Fig. 19) in comparison with a mixed water supply system, including direct-flow and recycling water use (Fig. 20). If in the production cycle the water is only heated, then the waste water is cooled (in a pond, splash pool or cooling tower) and again supplied to production (Fig. 19, a). If during the production process water not only heats up, but also becomes contaminated, then it can be purified and used hot (Fig. 19, b) or, along with purification, cooled and sent to production instead of fresh water (Fig. 19, c). An example is the condensate of an evaporation station, which, after purification, can be used for production purposes, as well as water clarified by removing suspended solids.[...]

Reuse of water should be especially recommended when designing new and renovating existing oil refineries.[...]

In the use and protection of land, these are new techniques and methods for reproducing soil fertility, protecting them from erosion, desertification, and pollution; in the field of use and protection of water bodies - fundamentally new water-saving technologies, methods of water purification and disinfection (re-water supply, closed water cycle), in the protection of atmospheric air - new technologies and equipment for the purification of harmful industrial waste, gases, dust, soot, toxic substances , introduction of new types of fuel; in the use and protection of forests and other flora and fauna - new technologies and means for preserving their genetic fund and diversity, fish stocks, conservation (in particular, biological methods and means instead of chemical ones).[...]

Water consumption can be reduced through the repeated and consistent use of water both in individual technological installations and in complex installations and production (Fig. 2.1-2.6).[...]

The limit for water reuse in different industries, taking into account the existing technical level, is estimated at 92-98%. For some industries this figure reaches 100%, i.e. water is used repeatedly without any release of contaminated wastewater into water bodies, and replenishment with fresh water is associated with natural loss (evaporation, chemical transformation, etc.).[...]

Water recycling system inside industrial complex is a highly effective direction in reducing water consumption and wastewater discharge. Such a typical system is the drainless water supply system of the Pervomaisky industrial complex. The main enterprise of this complex is a chemical plant, which includes a large-scale production of chlorine and caustic soda, plastics, plant protection chemicals, and a number of organic synthesis products.[...]

Wastewater from industrial enterprises may contain substances (oil, fats, chemical products, wood fiber, chromium, etc.) that are of great technical value, and they must be isolated and returned for use in the same (or other) enterprises. Chemical extraction and water reuse have been successfully used in the metallurgical, food and especially chemical industry.[ ...]

The introduction of water reuse requires only minor work to change the piping on the wash baths, but allows you to reduce water consumption along individual coating lines by 2-4 times, depending on the number and type of combined wash baths.[...]

The composition of wastewater, its quantity and conditions of discharge into water bodies are extremely diverse; Methods for purifying these waters are also varied. It is necessary to note the very important importance of such measures as changing production technology in order to reduce the amount of wastewater or improve its composition, introducing water circulation and reuse of water, as well as eliminating unjustified losses of water and reagents. These activities should be carried out as a matter of priority wherever possible.[...]

In the first case, water is only a coolant and only heats up during use. Therefore, before reuse, it is pre-cooled in a pond, splash basin, cooling tower, etc. (Fig. 4.3, a). In the case of direct use of water in the technological process (reaction medium, solvent, etc.), wastewater is treated at treatment facilities before reuse (Fig. 4.3,6). When used in combination, they are cleaned and cooled before reuse.[...]

Water quality control is extremely important when indirectly reusing water, as well as when considering direct reuse. Based on long-term (50-year) regional planning and extensive research, an integrated water supply and sewerage system should be developed. The purpose of planning is to: create a water quality control system; determination of the origin of all wastewater; assessment of the operational properties and capabilities of all water supply and sewerage treatment facilities; conducting special studies to solve some problems specific to the area; checking compliance with modern water quality standards. The latter is fundamental for water quality control. In Fig. Figure 14.1 shows the relationship between various standards and processes for the consumption and treatment of natural water and wastewater. Standards for surface water sources establish the quality that is acceptable for a particular use of water, such as public water supply. Standards for the quality of treated wastewater discharged into water bodies establish the quality indicators of wastewater from industrial enterprises and cities so that they provide quality criteria for water from surface sources. Industrial enterprises located in cities are required to comply with the rules for using the city sewer network. Drinking water standards have been established for the public water supply system.[...]

Particularly worth highlighting is the reuse of water, but this is associated with their deep purification. In the United States, more than 100 million residents consume water that has already been sewered once.[...]

Industrial wastewater is divided into contaminated water, which has been in direct contact with chemicals, and conditionally pure water, used mainly for cooling or heating purposes in heat exchange equipment. The main way to reduce the discharge of polluted and conditionally into water bodies clean waters- their reuse, that is, the organization of recycling water supply.[...]

In order to rationally use water and prevent pollution of water bodies, it is recommended: 1) regeneration of cation exchange filters is carried out with an optimal dose of salt, i.e., for 1 equivalent of removed water hardness, spend 1 equivalent of table salt; 2) purify wastewater from the regeneration of cation exchange filters and reuse them in a closed cycle (Fig. 89).[...]

A water supply scheme with water reuse is used in enterprises where the water, after passing through the workshops, is not at all polluted or slightly polluted. Such water can be used in this workshop after some purification or in other workshops where other requirements for water purity are imposed.[...]

Reducing water consumption and reducing pollution of water bodies is possible by creating technological systems that ensure the repeated use of water without discharging contaminated wastewater into water bodies (the addition of source water is caused only by technological necessity and natural losses). Organization of production with minimal waste involves the development of new technological processes with reduced consumption of source water and the generation of wastewater or with the exclusion of water from technological operations; local wastewater treatment with recycling of valuable components and preparation of water for reuse; creation of a recycling water supply system, including the use of flood waters and precipitation discharged from the territory of the enterprise.[...]

The practice of discharging wastewater into rivers was based on the assumption that dilution and self-purification of moving water was sufficiently effective to ensure human health safety and maintain satisfactory conditions for fish breeding. Sewage treatment plants were built to remove biodegradable organic matter to maintain a certain minimum level of dissolved oxygen in natural bodies of water. Later, chlorination of treated wastewater was introduced to prevent contamination of natural water sources by pathogenic microorganisms. As the ability to exploit the self-purifying properties of water sources was gradually exhausted and water consumption increased, the need arose to expand indirect water reuse, and this required improving the quality of wastewater treatment. In some cases, it has become necessary to introduce post-treatment of wastewater in addition to traditional biological treatment, for example to remove phosphates that stimulate algae growth. Nutrient salts, foam, colored substances and other stubborn stains can only be removed using special cleaning methods.[...]

After settling in the wastewater of coke plants, gas generating stations, as well as in the wastewater of other workshops, for example thermal plants, a suspension (mainly resin) remains in an amount of up to 300 mg/l, which interferes with the reuse of water, as well as its further purification and should be separated from water.[...]

After washing machines and mechanisms, water contains 800 - 3000 g/m3 of suspended particles of dirt and 50 - 900 g/m3 of petroleum products. When using leaded gasoline, toxic tetraethyl lead may enter the water, the content of which in wastewater is unacceptable. According to sanitary standards, wastewater is allowed to contain no more than 0.25 - 0.75 g/m3 of suspended substances and 0.05 - 0.30 g/m3 of petroleum products; when reusing water for car washing, its purification must be even deeper. [...]

According to SNiP, in preliminary calculations of water for the station’s own needs when reusing water after washing the filters, coefficient a is taken equal to 3% of the amount of water supplied to the structures.[...]

As studies have shown, water consumption for washing oil from salts and the amount of wastewater generated at ELOU installations can be reduced by 2-3 times by recycling part of the salt water in stages. Experience in operating ELOU using water reuse shows that the presence of a certain amount of salts in the wash water entering this stage has virtually no effect on the efficiency of the installation. This is explained by the fact that the “salinity” gradient between the supplied wash water and the water contained in the oil is quite large. In Fig. Figure 26 shows the dependence of the residual salt content in oil on the amount of wash water and its “salinity”.[...]

The most dangerous for water bodies is wastewater from chemical and petrochemical industries, despite the fact that their volume is small compared to the volume of wastewater from other types of industry. Wastewater from chemical and petrochemical industry enterprises is characterized by a complex and variable composition, high current density, and a predominant content of dissolved rather than suspended contaminants, therefore biological methods do not always provide purification sufficient for the reuse of water in enterprises. [...]

In the chemical industry, even with water reuse, the consumption of fresh water is high and averages 50-130 m3 per 1 ton of product, and in pulp and paper industry- 150-500 m3. Therefore, one of the main tasks of chemical technology is to further reduce the water intensity of production through the introduction of systems for recycling and subsequent use of water, the transition to water-saving (discharge-free) technologies.[...]

In rice irrigation systems, water and soil pollution is caused by the use of propanide and yalan for chemical weeding of rice. Rapidly decomposing herbicides 2,4-D and 2M-4X are not dangerous in this regard. The propanide metabolite, 3,4-dichloroanyl, is a more persistent pollutant compared to the parent substance. To accelerate the decomposition of propanide and its metabolites, the Research Institute of Agrochemistry and Soil Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the All-Russian Research Institute of Rice recommend maintaining the moisture content of the surface layer of soil at a level close to maximum saturation for several days after applying the herbicide, and avoiding drying out the soil or quickly adding water. It is necessary to reduce or completely stop the discharge of irrigation water after herbicide treatment for one to two weeks; maintain waste water in special collectors, reservoirs and create a network of spillway dams and drops along the path of its movement. Reuse of water is possible only under control.[...]

According to the project of the Gorky branch of the Giproneftez-voda Institute, for the technological needs of the plant, with its full development (almost the volume that is currently available), 41 thousand m3!h of recycled water and 600 m31h of fresh river water should be consumed, which is about 1. 5% circulating water in systems. In addition, 2200 m3/h, or 5.5% of fresh river water, was provided for replenishing losses and purging circulating water supply systems. These costs did not take into account the return of treated industrial wastewater to the recycling water supply system. Due to the improvements made in the I recycling water supply system, which consisted in the use of replenishment of the system with purified industrial wastewater (1000 m3/h), reuse of water in the ELOU, AVT and other technological installations and in the supply instead of fresh water (600 m3/h) water from the second circulation system, fresh water consumption has been significantly reduced. The above measures made it possible to increase water circulation in 1968 to 97.5% and reduce the amount of circulating water in circulating systems to 27-30 thousand m3/h. [...]

The degree of purification from heavy metal salts is 95-99.9 percent. The degree of water reuse is at least 95 percent[...]

An important measure that reduces the amount of wastewater discharged is the repeated use of the latter within the same installation. An example of this is the previously mentioned reuse of water from the second stage of the ELOU installation in the first stage, carried out at the Novo-Gorkovsky Refinery.[...]

The water supply of an industrial enterprise can be direct-flow, with water reuse and recycling. The most simple circuit water supply - direct flow. The pumping station takes water from the water intake and supplies it through the water supply network to various workshops of the enterprise. Waste water enters the reservoir. The direct-flow water supply system may include treatment facilities to purify water at the entrance to and exit from the enterprise.[...]

Do you consume during hydrolysis production? a large number of water, which is then discharged into water bodies as wastewater. A medium-capacity hydrolysis plant operating on wood waste discharges 6-7 thousand m3 of wastewater per day with a total amount of organic substances with a BOD5 value of 18 tons. In the future, with the reconstruction of existing hydrolysis plants and the construction of new hydrolysis plants, their capacity will increase 5-10 times (V.S. Minina, - 1969). It must be assumed that the amount of wastewater at such plants will be 5-10 times greater than at present. At the same time, the reuse of water in factories is too small (10%), so it is now necessary to use water recycling at hydrolysis plants on a larger scale.[...]

In addition, ozonation does not lead to an increase in the salt composition of purified water and does not pollute the water with reaction products and other impurities. This is important when reusing water for technological needs.[...]

It is known, for example, that railway transport is a large consumer of water. It is involved in such production processes as washing and flushing rolling stock, cooling compressors and other equipment, etc. The volume of recycled and reused water at railway transport enterprises is about 30%. The rest is discharged into surface water bodies - seas, rivers, lakes and streams.[...]

Diseases of viral origin are also observed among the population as a result of the use of water contaminated with domestic wastewater. The accumulation of enteric viruses in water is facilitated by repeated use of water, which may be the reason for the increase in waterborne viral diseases. Particular attention is paid to the infectious hepatitis virus; There is no possibility of immunization against it yet. It is believed that even single viruses can have pathogenic significance. Reviews of waterborne viruses include F. Taylor (1974). Factors of water pollution affect humans not only during drinking, but also during recreational use of water bodies, in which the same types of pollution - chemical, physical and biological - can have an adverse effect.[...]

Before addressing purification issues, it is necessary to consider the possibilities of maximizing the use of raw materials and reagents in the technological process, disposal and processing of by-products, reuse and recycling of water in production cycles. The implementation of these measures allows in some cases to significantly reduce wastewater pollution.[...]

Modern electroplating technology is based exclusively on the use of demineralized water for preparing basic solutions and for washing products subjected to galvanic treatment. For this reason, in the water reuse systems used, there are devices that allow achieving such a degree of water purity and which are batteries of ion exchangers loaded with cation exchangers and anion exchangers.[...]

Denver (Colorado). The source of Denver's water supply is the river. South Platte. In addition, water is supplied to Denver through two pipelines laid in the mountainous area. One of them (the Moffat tunnel) takes water from the upper reaches of the lake. This 9.7 km long tunnel was built in 1937. Since 1964, Denver began to receive water collected in the Dillon Reservoir from the drainage basin of the River. Blue. From the reservoir, water is supplied to the city through a 37 km long tunnel. Potential water supply resources include water currently consumed in agriculture(in the future it will be used for domestic and industrial needs), water from the western slopes of the mountains, as well as treated wastewater, which will be reused. Studies have shown that the additional volumes of water supplied through the two tunnels above will meet Denver's water needs through 2010. Water demand is predicted to increase over the next 40 years, which has led to significant interest in water reuse. . Therefore, a ten-year research program was developed, including a review of in various ways and water regeneration processes, determining the areas of application of reclaimed water, studying the requirements for the quality of reclaimed water in various areas of its consumption, studying the changes that must be made to the distribution system, identifying public opinion and analyzing the legal and legal aspects of the problem. First, the issue of reusing water for cooling power plants and other technical purposes, as well as for watering parks, sports fields, etc. will be studied. When determining the areas of use of recovered water, potential consumers and their location within the service area must be identified. This information is very useful in locating water recovery facilities and laying distribution piping. Knowledge of the requirements that the quality of recovered water must satisfy in various areas of its use is necessary to determine the degree of treatment to which waste water should be subjected. Public opinion regarding the consumption of reclaimed wastewater is related to its intended uses. It is planned to conduct surveys every 3-4 years to determine the degree of public awareness of this problem, as well as to determine the attitude of the general public towards the reuse of wastewater for domestic purposes. This assessment of public opinion may be useful in developing an information and outreach program for wastewater reuse.[...]

The method of self-purification in biological ponds, as post-treatment facilities for biologically treated wastewater, is essentially unequal to chemical or physico-chemical methods of wastewater treatment. A complex set of biological self-purification processes ensures a qualitative change in the composition of wastewater, giving it the properties of “living” natural water. During the subsequent reuse of water, if it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the content of suspended solids and WPC, appropriate filtration facilities should be provided after the ponds. When using post-treated wastewater in technical water supply systems, chlorination is used to prevent biological fouling. In this case, liquid chlorine should be introduced behind biological ponds.[...]

One of the main conditions for the initial implementation of low-waste and non-waste technology is the presence of systems for reuse and recycling of water. Improvement of the main technological process, methods of wastewater treatment and stabilization of purified water, and the use of resulting sediments will make it possible to create closed (drainless) water supply systems in the future. When creating circulating and closed water supply systems, it is necessary to consider the main technological process and wastewater treatment as a single whole.[...]

This section provides data on what has been achieved over the year, compared to previous year, reducing the volume of discharged contaminated water, indicating by what factors this was achieved (commissioning of a treatment plant, introduction of new equipment that reduces water consumption, more rational use of water through reuse). If the reduction has not been achieved, but there has been an increase in the volume of discharge, then the data is given with a minus sign (-) and an explanation of the reasons is given in the explanation of the report. [...]

Using ion exchange resins, nickel, chromium, silver, and gold are extracted (Baer method). Main feature schemes with ion exchange technology is the re-extraction of components and the use of water in the cycle. The USSR Ministry of Instrumentation produces ion-exchange installations of the PP-379 type for copper regeneration. Installation capacity 300 l/h. KU-2 cation exchanger and AM-7 anion exchanger are used.[...]

From an economic point of view, the disadvantage of sprinkler irrigation is the need for large plots of land. For example, for a city with a population of 100,000 people. a plot of 520 hectares is required. In addition, it is necessary to have storage basins to store water during the winter months when climatic conditions do not allow irrigation. This method has the following advantages: it allows wastewater to be recycled for reuse; diverting water into the ground can be cheaper than other tertiary treatment methods; pastures intended for irrigation waste water, promote the preservation of open spaces and the creation of green belts around cities; the possibility of using irrigated pastures is expanding; The use of wastewater for irrigation can compete with the use of water from deep wells and, therefore, provide significant cost savings.[...]

Bottom sediments of irrigation systems are also characterized by a high content of OCPs, which is associated both with the removal of the latter by surface runoff and with their deposition in bottom sediments. The consequence of this is the transfer of pesticides from bottom sediments into water, reaching, according to some estimates, 2-18% (441. High levels of OCP concentrations are found in those water bodies that are in to a greater extent are exposed to pollution due to the reuse of water for irrigation. Note that in the overall balance of OCPs, the share of metabolites is significantly higher than the share of pesticides themselves.[...]

One of the most important issues of protection environment is the protection of the water basin from pollution. The “Main Directions of Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the Period until 1990,” approved by the 26th Congress of the CPSU, set the following tasks: “Increase the capacity of water recycling and reuse systems, develop and implement drainless water use systems at enterprises.” Important measures to protect drinking water sources include the post-treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater and their further use for industrial water supply to enterprises. The reuse of treated wastewater for technical water supply will allow in a number of areas of our country to completely eliminate the existing shortage of fresh water resources. [...]

From the point of view under consideration, the streamlining of technological processes is understood as the implementation of a set of measures in order to reduce the amount of discharges at an industrial enterprise to the standards provided for by design developments. These activities may include design, installation, operational and other types of work. Under the streamlining of the nature of water use in modern technological processes understand the primary (and in the limit complete) use of water in circulating systems and its reuse. Moreover, by recycling we mean the reuse of water in the same technological process (for example, cooling water), and by repetition - the use of water used in one technological process for another process.

I recently found information about how a South Korean company developed a cabinet for growing greens in an apartment. This glass cabinet is the size of a double-door refrigerator and looks very stylish. Plants are grown using the hydroponics method, that is, without soil (due to nutrients and moisture). The system uses LED lighting and takes used water from the sink for irrigation, so there are savings in energy and water. For a long time now I have been looking with interest for materials about how “saving systems for the lazy” are designed. And today I will gladly share my findings. It’s not a fact that you should immediately try to implement these solutions in your own apartment - water is not that expensive in our country yet. But perhaps those who live in cottages with cesspools and regularly have to pay for pumping them out will find these thoughts quite interesting.

Idea 1. From the sink and shower to the flush tank

Used in some American homes The system for using partially contaminated water takes water from the sink and shower to flush the toilet. One housewife shared that her system of using partially dirty water from two 95 liter tanks saves at least 416 liters per day (four people live in a house). This water goes down the drain from the sink, shower and bathtub into special vertical tanks, and from there into the four toilets in the house. The system is “scalable”: when new family members appear and water consumption increases, you can simply install additional tanks. By reusing water, owners also save on the wear and tear of the autonomous water disinfection system.

Water from the bathtub and shower passes through a chlorine filter and ends up in a tank, where it can be pumped into the toilet. You can connect a kitchen sink and a washing machine to the system, but the water from them requires additional filtration, and according to experience, water from one bathroom is sufficient for toilets. The biggest headache is monitoring and controlling the chlorine level in the water storage tank. If there is not enough bleach, bacteria will start in the tank; if there is too much, it will kill bacteria that are vital for our immunity. The problem is solved by a carbon filter with control of the chlorine level: by passing water through itself, it prevents chlorine from getting into the tank and toilet, so that there is no pool smell in the bathroom. By the way, similar systems with storage tanks are actively used in office skyscrapers: flushing with the water that has already been used in sinks provides significant savings in operating costs for transporting water inside the building.

Idea 2. Eco-urinal

Exist different schemes water reuse

Designer Yeongwoo Kim combined a toilet with a sink, creating an original and probably quite cheap to manufacture design made of even rectangles and squares of thick glass. More precisely, he combined a urinal with a sink: a man can urinate on an inclined glass surface, and then, after washing his hands, wash away traces of his life from this surface. It is unlikely that such a design will take root in ordinary homes, but it can be used in offices and shopping complexes, saving both space and water.

Idea 3. Sink - toilet lid

The company Sinkpositive produces a plastic attachment for the toilet tank lid, which is a sink with a tap. What is interesting is not so much the fact that used water flows into the tank, but the very principle of operation of the sink, which does not require a separate water supply. They washed it off - and while water is being filled into the tank, it flows from the tap. There is no need to turn off anything, the water will stop itself when the tank is full. Most big problem To promote the new product on the American market, the development company considers the ignorance of ordinary Americans about the operating principle of the toilet and, therefore, the inability to connect this nozzle without the help of professionals. Particularly economical Russians suggest not creating a new plastic nozzle, but using an existing tank lid (for example, turning it over and making an additional hole in it).

Idea 4. Bath water into the washing machine

Standard Japanese new buildings differ from our houses no less radically than modern Japanese cars differ from AvtoVAZ products. According to eyewitnesses, the desired water temperature in the mixers there can be adjusted to the nearest degree. Baths are usually “sitz” and are taken after a shower. The bath timer will call you in a pleasant female voice. Possible

heating the water in the bath while maintaining the ordered temperature for several hours (this is convenient when several family members take turns “warming the bones”), there are even special “bath covers” so that the water does not cool down. Like Americans, the Japanese often install sinks on toilet tank lids and reuse the water that flows from the sinks. But something else is more interesting: the standard connection of the washing machine allows you to fill it both from the water supply and with the water that flows from the bathtub.

Idea 5. From the washing machine to the toilet

The innovative WashUP washing machine works on the same principle as standard appliances. The machine reveals its “water-saving essence” at the final stage of washing. The used water is drained into a special tank and later used to flush the toilet. The design feature allows you to hang the machine directly above the toilet, which, in addition to water, also significantly saves bathroom space.

Is it possible to use wastewater for national economic purposes? The answer to this question may be ambiguous. And yet, at the present stage, it is worthy of careful consideration. Of course, the main component of wastewater is, first of all, water itself.

Its importance in the natural cycle and human use of water for a variety of purposes cannot be overestimated. Thanks to the discharge of treated wastewater into rivers and reservoirs, the loss of water resulting from its intake in other places is replenished, as a result of which the total amount of water in the reservoir is balanced. Thus, it again becomes possible to satisfy all claims for the use of water, which is required in considerable quantities from lakes, rivers or underground sources for the needs of the world's population, its industrial facilities and agriculture. Wastewater, passing through a reservoir, thus turns back into a full-fledged raw water, suitable for further use. But there are many opportunities for direct use of wastewater as a valuable useful raw material.

This does not mean the process of direct regeneration of wastewater that has been processed in sewerage treatment plants at water supply facilities to obtain drinking water from it. Although for this operation there are also necessary developments and technical means However, this direct use of wastewater is unacceptable from both economic and aesthetic points of view. The reuse of wastewater as drinking water is permissible only if it undergoes a complete cycle, including water from lakes and rivers, as well as groundwater.

TO big circle water consumers also include industrial enterprises. As a rule, process water is not subject to the same quality requirements as drinking water. In this case, the aesthetic aspect is not taken into account and there is no doubt about the possibility of direct reuse of wastewater.

Of course, such requirements are not typical for all industrial enterprises. For example, the food industry requires water of drinking quality, and some industries require water with more high degree purification than drinking water.

IN in this case, meaning complete removal from drinking water, small amounts of salts remaining in it give the water some hardness, as well as the removal of dissolved gases, such as oxygen or carbon dioxide. For example, water used to feed boilers should not contain substances that increase its hardness. Often similar requirements are imposed on process water used in chemical plants.

The required degree of purification is ensured using special installations for water softening and desalination. At the same time, very soft, that is, desalted, drinking water becomes tasteless, so complete removal of salts from it is impractical due to deterioration in taste, as well as for economic reasons. Moreover, for some industries, the use of purified wastewater is quite acceptable.

Enterprises such as metallurgical plants, rolling mills, coke and steel mills and other large industrial enterprises, in the technological processes of which river or lake water is used without special treatment, can also use purified wastewater. In addition, adjacent to these enterprises settlements can provide them with biologically treated wastewater in large quantities.

In this case, in order to remove remaining contaminants from the water, it is enough to install sand filters along its path between the exit from the treatment plant and the entrance to its consumer on the territory of an industrial enterprise. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, such direct use of wastewater passing through treatment plants is not possible everywhere, however, in this moment There are several examples of their practical application in industry.

Thus, in the Moscow region there is a large treatment plant that supplies several industrial enterprises with purified wastewater (meaning the Kuryanovskaya aeration station). These enterprises use this water as technical water. We can say with confidence that in the near future many enterprises will use a closed cycle of supplying waste water - process water.

The most important is the direct reuse of wastewater for production purposes in industrial enterprises located in hot, arid areas, due to the fact that natural water resources are insufficient. Currently, the main consumer of wastewater is agriculture, since it uses not only water directly for irrigation, but also, within certain limits, the nutrients contained in wastewater that are absorbed by plants. At the same time, wastewater treatment and disposal are carried out. However, this method has the disadvantage of often having to make a compromise between wastewater treatment requirements and the desire to achieve optimal irrigation conditions.

Ultimately, this leads to the fact that the tasks of wastewater treatment are solved separately from the tasks of their use, and water that can be biologically treated in treatment facilities is used for irrigation only during the growing season of plant growth. Today, when using wastewater for agriculture, the use of a biological treatment plant is a prerequisite. Only when wastewater is so purified that it can be discharged into a reservoir without any danger can it be safely used for agricultural purposes.


The problem of energy and resource conservation in housing and communal services is one of the most discussed today. The engineering infrastructure and, in particular, the city’s water management have a great potential for energy and resource conservation, which is already quite well covered in the literature. In our article we would like to consider a number of areas directly related to the use of wastewater and its energy potential, its purification and reuse.

The real source of energy is wastewater. According to University of California professor George Chobanoglus, almost 42 MJ of thermal energy can be obtained from 1 m 3 of wastewater when its temperature is reduced by 10 ° C, and the processing of organic substances contained in wastewater can be from 3 to 6 MJ per 1 m 3. Besides, in high-rise buildings It is possible to use the potential energy of downward flowing water in sewer risers to partially reimburse the energy costs for its rise, but this is associated with a number of objective difficulties and is not currently being seriously considered.

Thermal energy of waste water

The idea of ​​extracting thermal energy from wastewater arose quite a long time ago, but the technologies are still in the process of development and testing. Depending on climatic conditions and the season of the year, wastewater has a temperature from 6-12 to 20-30 °C, i.e. it is a source of low-grade heat, and additional equipment is required to generate electricity or high-grade heat for thermal power plants, heating systems or hot water supply - as a rule, these are heat pumps. The resulting heat is most rationally used for primary heating of water at thermal stations or in heating and hot water supply systems of buildings.

It is interesting that heat exchange installations installed on domestic sewage systems serve not only for heating buildings in winter period, but also for the effective removal of excess heat from air conditioning systems in the warm seasons of the year (Fig. 1).

In Russia, this technology was tested as an industrial experiment at the district thermal station (RTS) No. 3 of Zelenograd. The heat recovered from domestic wastewater from the main pumping station of the Zelenogradvodokanal plant was used to heat tap water in front of the steam boilers. To transfer heat, two coolants were used sequentially: an intermediate one - water and the main one (in heat pumps) - freon. The need for an intermediate coolant arose due to the fact that the pumping station was located half a kilometer from the RTS-3 territory. The thermal power of recycling was 1100-1400 kW with a wastewater flow rate of 400 m 3 /h with a theoretically possible power of about 2000 kW. The power consumed by the heat pump installation and circulation pumps was 550-680 kW.

An obvious way to increase the efficiency of heat recovery equipment by bringing the heat source and consumer as close as possible has led to the emergence of original solutions for private houses and apartments using local water heaters (Fig. 2). In fact, the device is a heat exchanger of a simple design: a smooth copper pipe insert into a sewer pipeline and a thin copper tube wound onto it, through which cold water, supplied to the water heater. Obviously, the contribution to water heating and energy savings will be no more than 30%, however, the simplicity of the design and low cost may be of interest to consumers.

The greatest success has been achieved in the field of producing biogas from sewage sludge. As noted above, 1 m 3 of waste liquid, depending on the BOD and COD values, contains from 3 to 6 MJ of potential thermal energy. To purify the same amount of wastewater, 1.2 to 2.4 MJ is required (aeration, pumping and dewatering of sludge, heating of digesters, etc.), therefore, the energy contained in the wastewater is 2-4 times more than is necessary for its cleaning. It should be noted that the indicated amount of energy can be extracted through complete anaerobic decomposition of all organic substances contained in domestic wastewater. In reality, in sewerage facilities, a significant proportion of organic matter is mineralized in biological treatment facilities, and sludge from primary and secondary settling tanks is used to “produce” biogas in digesters. In digesters, the sediment also decomposes only partially - no more than 40-50% of the mass of organic matter is mineralized, and a significant increase in the degree of decomposition of ash-free matter requires significant costs. Therefore, it will not be possible to completely convert aeration stations to self-sufficiency.

A striking example of the implementation of this technology in Russia is a thermal power plant with a capacity of 10 MW, operating on biogas from the Kuryanovsky wastewater treatment plant (Fig. 3). As a result of the implementation of this project, 70 million kWh, or 50% of electricity and heat, began to be received by the WWTP through its own production.

Rice. 3. Mini-thermal power plant at the Kuryanovskiy wastewater treatment plant (Moscow)

To directly generate electricity from wastewater in last years Microbial fuel cells are being developed, in which microorganisms are used to convert the energy of chemical bonds of organic substances into electricity. Such elements perform a dual function, since they simultaneously partially purify wastewater from organic contaminants.

Reuse of wastewater

Around the world, the next step in water conservation is the reuse of domestic wastewater. Treated wastewater is used for artificial replenishment of ground and surface water, replenishment of drinking water supply sources, for irrigation and agriculture, for technical water supply to industrial enterprises, fire-fighting and household (non-drinking) water supply, and even for drinking water supply!

Reuse of wastewater can be divided into several categories (according to the degree of water purification and purpose).

1. Technical water supply and irrigation.
Here, municipal (domestic) wastewater is used that has undergone complete biological treatment and simplified post-treatment. The post-treatment scheme usually includes mechanical screens with fine slots, rapid filters and disinfection. However, when membrane bioreactors are used at main treatment facilities, post-treatment is not required at all.
The resulting process water can be used at the enterprise to produce demineralized water. In this case, what follows is a standard scheme, including preliminary purification (deep clarification and disinfection), one or two stages of reverse osmosis.

2. Household water supply (cleaning, watering, washing cars, flushing toilets, etc.).
For these purposes, it is convenient to use the so-called “gray drains” - from bathtubs and washbasins. In this case, they are processed according to a simplified scheme, including mechanical cleaning (removal of debris and clarification) and disinfection.
For general household waste, complete biological treatment is required, supplemented by tertiary treatment described in paragraph 1.

3. Drinking water supply.
It is in turn divided into indirect (replenishment of natural water reserves in drinking water supply sources) and direct. This requires complete biological treatment and deep tertiary treatment, usually including reverse osmosis in the final stages.

We can partly observe the reuse of wastewater for indirect drinking water supply on any large river, where upstream settlements discharge treated wastewater, which is mixed with river water and subsequently, after additional treatment under natural conditions, goes to water intakes located downstream. In our article, we mean by this the targeted replenishment of water reserves in non-flowing water supply sources - reservoirs, lakes and underground horizons.

As for direct drinking water supply, it plays a big role psychological factor, and only serious reasons can induce people to accept the fact that they will drink water that has recently flowed down the drain.

There are few such examples in the history of water supply; most of them remained within the framework of ongoing different years experiments abroad. Here are a few of the most typical ones.

“Classic” example: Windhoek, Namibia. The first municipal wastewater treatment station for drinking water supply with a capacity of 4,800 m 3 /day. was built back in 1968, and in 1997-2002 it was reconstructed with an increase in water supply to 21,000 m 3 / day. The decisive factor was the lack of accessible sources of water supply - all possible resources were either already exploited or their development was not economically viable, including the collection of rainwater in this arid and hot region.

The purification scheme was very complex and included dosing of powdered activated carbon (PAH), primary ozonation, dosing of coagulant and flocculant, flotation, dosing of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and caustic soda (NaOH), filtration on a double-layer granular charge, secondary ozonation , treatment with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), biosorption on granular activated carbon (GAC), sorption on GAC, ultrafiltration and disinfection with liquid chlorine. The cost of water purification was $0.76/m3. The resulting water was mixed with drinking water obtained from traditional water supply sources directly in the city's distribution network.

Example 2. In 1976-1982, the American company Pure Cycle Co. installed systems for complete treatment of domestic wastewater in private homes in Colorado to create a closed cycle and produce drinking water. The installation included a mesh for mechanical cleaning, a bioreactor with immobilized biofilm, a fabric (bag) filter, ultrafiltration membranes, an ion exchange filter, a GAC ​​filter and a bactericidal lamp. Due to financial difficulties, the company soon stopped servicing its installations and their use was discontinued, but residents continued to operate them for some time and demanded permission from the state authorities for their continued use.

Example 3. International Space Station. In 2009, it was delivered to the ISS new system to obtain drinking water from urine and moisture condensed from the atmosphere of the station (steam and sweat emitted by humans). The urine processing scheme includes multi-stage filtration, distillation, catalytic oxidation and ion exchange.

The scale of wastewater reuse is well characterized by the following examples:

  • Vulpin, Belgium. 6850 m 3 /day, post-treatment of municipal wastewater to replenish groundwater reserves used for drinking water supply, the scheme includes microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet treatment;
  • Ipswich, Australia. 230,000 m 3 /day, post-treatment of municipal wastewater for cooling thermal power plant equipment, the scheme includes microfiltration and reverse osmosis;
  • Orange, USA. 265,000 m 3 /day, post-treatment of municipal wastewater for groundwater replenishment, the scheme includes microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide treatment;
  • Singapore, project "NEWater". 5 stations with a total capacity of about 450,000 m 3 /day, post-treatment of municipal wastewater to replenish water sources used for drinking water supply, industrial use and as water for non-potable purposes, the scheme includes microfiltration and reverse osmosis;
  • Sulaybiya, Kuwait. The world's largest wastewater treatment plant 311,250 m 3 /day. (for purified water), the scheme includes mesh filters, ultrafiltration (8704 X-Flow, Norit devices), reverse osmosis (21,000 Toray devices), CO 2 blowing, chlorination. The treated water is used for industrial purposes, and the reverse osmosis concentrate is discharged into the Persian Gulf. Quality of purified water: suspended solids, BOD, ammonium nitrogen, nitrates (by N) - less than 1 mg/l, phosphates (by PO4) - 2 mg/l, petroleum products - less than 0.5 mg/l, total salt content - 100 mg /l.

It can be concluded that currently the key technology for reusing wastewater is membrane technology - in the vast majority of cases, post-treatment schemes include one or more stages of membrane separation: micro- or ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. It can be said differently: without reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration, such a large-scale use of wastewater in the water sector would be impossible.

For more than 10 years, membrane bioreactor technology for wastewater treatment has been successfully developing all over the world. Initially, the use of ultrafiltration instead of secondary sedimentation made it possible to reduce the size of structures and increase the efficiency and stability of treatment. Now we can consider membrane bioreactors as a technological solution that allows us to immediately, in the main technological chain, obtain water of technical quality for irrigation, industry, and household needs.

It is interesting to note that the three largest wastewater treatment plants with membrane bioreactors are located in China.

A good example of systematic wastewater management is Australia, a country with limited freshwater resources. One of major projects implemented in the Sydney area, where a second, non-potable water supply for household needs was laid parallel to the drinking water supply. The system provides water to more than 60 thousand people and its supply is 13,000 m 3 /day.

The technological chain consists of the following structures:

  • main structures: grate, sand trap, primary settling tank, bioreactor (aeration tank), secondary settling tank;
  • tertiary treatment facilities: coagulation with aluminum sulfate, settling tank (tertiary), rapid filter. After rapid filters, part of the water is disinfected and released into marshy areas, while the other part goes to membrane microfiltration (0.2 microns) and, after disinfection, is sent to the distribution network.

The fee for using treated wastewater in Sydney is approximately $2,068/m 3 , while the cost of tap water is only slightly higher at $2,168/m 3 . There is also an annual flat fee of $125 for a city water connection and $34 for a non-potable water connection.

The water pipeline through which treated wastewater flows, pipelines and fittings are marked with lilac paint; water points are equipped with warning signs: “reused water, do not drink”, “not potable water”, etc. (Fig. 4). Similar labeling is used in the USA, where non-potable domestic water supply systems based on post-treated wastewater have become widespread.

Water reuse systems can be of completely different scales - from an entire city to one building and your own apartment. Systems such as the AQUS Gray Water Recycling System (Fig. 5) or the Aqua2use Greywater System (Fig. 6), which represent a small collection tank with a low-power pump and the simplest system mechanical cleaning. Possible water savings when using such installations are up to 30%.

There are also almost curious designs (Fig. 7).