What is the real name of the Russian singer Jasmine. Difficult trials in Jasmine’s life: beatings and arrest of her second husband

Jasmine (nee Sara Lvovna Manakhimova, Semendueva in her first marriage, Shor in her second). Born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent (Dagestan). Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, model and designer. Honored Artist of Russia (2014). Honored Artist of Dagestan (2009).

Sarah Manakhimova, the future Jasmine, was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent into a family of Mountain Jews.

Father - choreographer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan Lev Yakovlevich Manakhimov (born 1950).

Mother - Margarita Semyonovna Manakhimova (1956-1996) - was a conductor.

Brother - Anatoly Lvovich Manakhimov, two years older than her.

Nephews - Lev Anatolyevich Manakhimov and Sergey Anatolyevich Manakhimov.

As a child, Sarah did not think of becoming an artist. She wanted to study in English and therefore intended to enter the philology department. But in Derbent there was no need educational institution, but her parents did not let her go to the capital.

Sarah's mother persuaded her to enter medical college, which Sarah graduated with honors (during her studies she was a head girl). While studying in college, the future singer appeared on stage for the first time. The KVN team of doctors challenged students to a competition music school. The future nurse managed to outsing her rivals.

First, Sarah tried herself as a model.

“In Paris, together with a friend, we went into the boutique of the famous French fashion designer Jean-Claude Jitrois. I tried on leather trousers and a vest, twirled in front of the mirrors and didn’t even notice how the couturier himself appeared in the room. He noticed how perfectly his things, and offered to do a photo shoot. At first, I didn’t even understand what this important gentleman was talking about, because I didn’t know French. When we switched to English, I just laughed, taking his offer as a sweet compliment. After all, such stories only happen in fairy tales!” she said.

She became the face of the Jean-Claude Jitrois Fashion House in Russia.

Sarah's first teacher was Natalya Andrianova, a teacher at the Gnessin School. In three years, the diligent student covered everything: classics, jazz, pop music.

“At first, I didn’t even think about concerts and performances. Singing seemed like a sweet hobby to me. Confidence in my own abilities appeared only when the strict Natalya Zinovievna said that it was time for me to study vocals professionally,” Jasmine recalled.

With the financial support of her first husband, Sarah, who took the pseudonym, began her career with the song “It Happens” and its video of the same name at the end of 1999. Producer Oleg Chelyshev took part in the singer’s initial production.

The song brought wide fame to the singer. "Long Days", published in September 2000 and for fast time which became a real hit. At the end of 2000, singer Jasmine with this song for the first time became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival, and also received the Golden Gramophone award.

Jasmine - Long Days

In January-February 2005, Jasmine gave a series of concerts in Russian cities with the “Yes!” program.

She was the host of the “Wider Circle” program on the TVC channel.

She starred in the musical “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”, where she played one of the main roles (Ali Baba’s wife, Zeinab).

She starred in the Ukrainian musical “The Three Musketeers” (2005), playing a circus performer.

Since the end of 2007, she has participated in the “Two Stars” project on Channel One. The pair Yuri Galtsev - Jasmine took third place.

In 2008 she starred in the musical “Beauty Demands...”

On December 8, 2009, the presentation of Jasmine’s seventh album “Dream” took place on the 21st floor of the Lotte Plaza center, in KalinaBar. The album includes 12 compositions, all of them are already famous hits+ 3 video clips for the songs “Night”, “Guilty” and “Drink Love”.

In the spring of 2010, Jasmine released the first single “I Don’t Regret” for the eighth studio album"From love to love." Then he takes off music video for this composition, directed by Pavel Khudyakov. For this composition, Jasmine received the “Song of the Year - 2010” award.

Alsou, Tatyana Bulanova and Lera Kudryavtseva teamed up to record a children's lullaby “Sleep, my sunshine” in support of the Pampers and UNICEF charity project “1 pack = 1 vaccine” to prevent tetanus in newborns and their mothers. The music and lyrics for the song were written by Dubtsova. As a result, the composition became a kind of anthem for mothers.

In the fall of 2010, Jasmine released her second single, “Hello, new love"for the album "From Love to Love". At the beginning of 2011, a video for this song was released, directed by Irina Mironova. On stage Jasmine presented her new song at the Armenia Music Awards. The award ceremony took place in Moscow at the State Kremlin Palace.

On April 2, 2011, Jasmine again appeared on the catwalk at Mercedes-Benz Russian Fashion Week, where she presented the new collection “For Her” of wedding and evening dresses Fashion House "Eleanor". According to observers, Jasmine was the muse of this collection.

At the end of May 2011, a new song “Labu-Dabu” was released, and soon it entered the country’s charts. The composition became the third single for the album “From Love to Love”. For this song, Jasmine received two awards: “20 Best Songs 2011” (according to the First Channel project “Red Star”) and “Song of the Year - 2011”.

Jasmine - Labu-Dabu

Since May 2011, Jasmine began participating in programs on the Russian Music Box channel. At first she appeared on air as the presenter of the month in the TOP-10 program, and then began hosting the Junior Box program.

On June 28, 2011, Jasmine received the “Mom of the Year 2011” award, where she was recognized as “The Most Refined Mom.”

On September 10, 2011, at Crimea Music Fest 2011, which took place in Crimea, Jasmine presented a remake of the song “Drink Love,” the original of which was included in the singer’s seventh album “Dream.”

On December 20, 2011, the singer, together with Zara, and Slava, released the New Year’s composition “Like in Childhood”, the premiere of the composition took place on the singer’s official website. Jasmine announced the release of the song on her Facebook and Twitter profiles. Later, the solo version of the composition premiered. The single premiered on December 22, 2011.

In the spring of 2012, Jasmine presented a new song, “The Road of Life,” which she sang with her daughter Margarita under her heart even before she was born.

In April 2012, the artist became the host of the “I am Mom” column in the “Health” program on Channel One, and also kept her blog on the website of the “Health” program.

At the end of May, Jasmine releases her fourth single, “From Love to Love.” The song eventually becomes the title track for the album of the same name. At the end of the year, Jasmine won the Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year 2012 awards for this composition.

In November 2012, the performer released the song “Hands in Sleeves”, and then at the end of December she presented a music video for this composition. The clip is notable for the fact that it is presented in fashion video format. The video premiered on Jasmine’s YouTube channel, and in January 2013 on music TV channels.

In the spring of 2013, Jasmine released the fifth and final single "Twice" for the album "From Love to Love", and then a music video for this composition. It is noteworthy that the concept of the video formed the basis for the design of the album “From Love to Love.” In the fall of 2013, the singer released the dance single “No, Don’t” together with DJ Leonid Rudenko, and in December 2013 a video for this composition was released, filmed in Israel.

In the summer of 2014, Jasmine released the single “ Wedding stories"- this song is a Russian-language remake of a famous Moldavian composition, and then a video is released for this composition, which was filmed in Moldova.

In the fall of 2014, the album “Eastern Love” was released, which included new compositions, as well as completely re-recorded songs different years with elements of oriental music.

She performed several times at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall with solo concerts (“I’ll rewrite love,” March 2002; “100% love,” October 2003; “Yes!”, March 2005) and once at the State Kremlin Palace with a solo concert “The Other Me”, October 2014 (organized by Swedish director Mike Adelica). Solo concert"100% Love" was organized by .

Jasmine: from love to love. Let them talk.

Singer Jasmine's height: 172 centimeters.

Personal life singer Jasmine:

From 1996 to 2006, she was married to the owner of the Moscow restaurant Eldorado, Vyacheslav Semenduev. He invested significant efforts and funds into the entry of the aspiring singer into the world of Russian show business.

From this marriage, a son, Mikhail, was born in 1997.

The marriage to Semenduev broke up in 2006 with a scandal that was widely covered in the press; Jasmine filed for divorce due to beatings.

In 2011, she married Moldovan businessman and millionaire Ilan Shor (born in 1987 in Tel Aviv). He has Israeli citizenship, is the president of the Moldovan-Israeli center for foreign economic relations, medicine and training, and the general director of the Dufremol company, which owns a chain of duty-free stores in Moldova. The businessman also has shares in the equity capital of the Chisinau airport and three banks. On June 14, 2015, Ilan Shor was elected mayor of the city of Orhei.

The Moldovan authorities charged Ilan Shor with fraud and abuse of office as chairman of the administrative council of Banca de Economii.

Discography of Jasmine:

2000 - “Long Days”
2001 - “I’ll rewrite love”
2002 - “Puzzle”
2003 - “100% love”
2004 - “Yes!”
2005 - “You will like it”
2009 - “Dream”
2013 - “From love to love”
2014 - “Eastern Love”

Singles by Jasmine:

1999 - “It happens”
2000 - “Snow was falling”
2000 - “Summer Day”
2000 - “Long Days”
2001 - “Leli-lyoli”
2001 - “I’ll rewrite love”
2001 - “You’re in too much of a hurry”
2001 - “Don’t Tell Me”
2002 - “You're Far Away”
2002 - “Don’t Let Me Go”
2002 - “Puzzle”
2002 - “Mom’s Heart”
2003 - “Cold”
2003 - “Dolce Vita”
2003 - “Yes!”
2004 - “The Most Favorite”
2004 - “A Drop of Summer”
2004 - “Unravel Love”
2005 - “How I Need You”
2005 - “Indian disco”
2005 - “You will like it”
2005 - “Let's declare peace between us”
2006 - “History”
2006 - “Make a Wish”
2006 - “First Close”
2007 - “Pain”
2007 - “Deja Vu”
2008 - “Drink Love”
2008 - “Eyelash”
2009 - “Night”
2009 - “Guilty”
2010 - “I don’t regret”
2010 - “Hello, new love”
2011 - “Labu-Dabu”
2011 - “It’s possible”
2011 - “Like in childhood”
2012 - “From love to love”
2012 - “Hands in Sleeves”
2013 - “Twice”
2013 - “No, don’t”
2014 - “Wedding Stories”
2014 - “Rains”
2015 - “Addiction”
2015 - “Heart”
2016 - “Three dot dashes”

Video clips of Jasmine:

2000 - It happens
2000 - Snow was falling
2000 - Summer Day
2000 - Long days
2001 - Lyoli-lyoli
2001 - I’ll rewrite love
2001 - You're in too much of a hurry
2001 - Don't tell me
2002 - You're Far Away
2002 - Don't Let Me Go
2002 - Puzzle
2003 - Cold
2003 - Dolce Vita
2003 - Yes!
2004 - Most Favorite
2004 - Drop of Summer
2004 - Unravel Love
2005 - How I Need You
2005 - Indian disco
2005 - You'll like it
2006 - First close
2007 - Pain
2007 - Deja vu
2008 - Drink Love
2008 - Eyelash
2009 - Night
2009 - Guilty
2010 - Sleep, my sunshine
2010 - I have no regrets
2011 - Hello, new love
2011 - Hello, new love (remix)
2011 - Labu-Dabu
2012 - Hands in sleeves
2013 - Twice
2013 - No, don't
2014 - Wedding stories
2014 - Rains
2015 - Addiction

Bibliography Jasmine:

In 1977, a family from the Dagestan city of Derbent welcomed a girl, whom they decided to name Sarah. Sarah's mother was a conductor by profession, and her father was a choreographer. The girl was not only child— two years earlier, her brother was born, who did not follow in the footsteps of his parents and connected his life with jewelry.

Sarah herself also initially did not plan to engage in creativity - in graduating class She firmly decided to become a linguist and go to study in the capital for this, but in the end she spent one year at a medical college and mastered the profession of a nurse there. She took her medical education seriously, but it was while receiving it that her life changed even more. Thanks to a meeting between the KVN teams of her college and the music school, she performed a musical number and for the first time realized that her voice was a real gift that many could appreciate.

Star Trek singer

Even before the start musical career she experienced unexpected success. As she herself says, during a trip to France, she accidentally ended up in the boutique of a French couturier, who, ironically, happened to be there and offered her a photo shoot.

The photographs turned out to be so successful that Sara later became the face of this Parisian fashion brand in Russia - since then, Sara received offers every now and then, she felt her independence and realized that she could do what she loved.

That's why she decided to go to the Gnessin School, where she mastered singing professionally. In 1999, at the suggestion of producer Vladimir Matetsky, Sarah took the pseudonym Jasmine and released her first composition called “It Happens.”

A year later, she experienced dizzying success - the song “Long Days” received recognition music critics and was awarded the “Golden Gramophone”, “Ovation”, “Stopudovy Hit” awards and the title “Song of the Year”. Listeners received each new song with increasing enthusiasm, and already in 2005 her work as a whole received very high praise - Jasmine received the MTV Russia Music Awards as the best performer.

Soon musical success Jasmine was recognized on a completely different scale - in 2009 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan. Jasmine’s popularity as a singer also led to her other endeavors: she was invited to play in the television musical “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” main role- Zeinab, Ali Baba's wife.

Among television projects with the participation of Jasmine the musical “Beauty Demands...” and the Channel One show “Two Stars” are also listed.

She was also offered to become a TV presenter: for two years she hosted the “Wider Circle” program on the TVC channel, and in 2011 she began appearing on the Music Box music channel. It turned out that she was very successful in this capacity. Therefore, in 2012, she was offered to host the “I am Mom” section in the “Health” program, hosted by Elena Malysheva.

Personal life of Jasmin

Even before Sarah became Jasmine, the girl married restaurateur Vyacheslav Semenduev, this happened in 1996. Very soon, a year later, the happy couple had a son, Mikhail. They lived in harmony for exactly 10 years and divorced in 2006.

Jasmine managed to regain family happiness in 2011 - she married businessman Ilan Shor. In February 2012, she and her husband had a daughter, who was named Margarita.

Earlier this week, singer Jasmine became a mother for the third time. The star and her husband Ilan Shor had a son. The boy was born in one of the capital’s clinics. The child was named Miron in honor of his grandfather paternal line. Jasmine was bombarded with congratulations from friends, acquaintances and subscribers of her microblog. The star thanked her for the kind words and showed the first photo of the newborn.

“Thank you, my dears, for my sincere congratulations, touching wishes and incredibly warm words! I reciprocate to all of you! My son and I are doing well, we are slowly mastering this new and interesting world", Jasmine wrote on her Instagram.

In the picture you can see how the star mom is holding the cute little heels of her newborn son in her hands. Fans of the pop singer wish health to the baby and happiness to the family.

“Family warmth, prosperity, good health and universal happiness!”, “Health to you, and more delicious milk for the baby,” “Congratulations on the birth of your son! May happiness and good luck be his faithful companions in life!” - such pleasant comments were left by the star’s fans on her page.

During pregnancy, Jasmine hid the sex of the child from the general public. She wanted it to be pleasant surprise, in particular, for her husband.

After the birth of the heir, Jasmine immediately shared the good news with the media.

“So what I’ve been waiting for for nine long months has happened! Today a wonderful baby named Miron was born! It’s such a joy to hold him in your arms and admire this small, but such great happiness! There are so many discoveries ahead of us, so many new and interesting things! Thanks to everyone who supported me all this time! Everything is good, wonderful and wonderful with us!” - Jasmine told StarHit.

The star's pregnancy was a little more difficult than the previous two. The singer encountered severe toxicosis in the early stages. Jasmine felt weak, had a headache, and was very hungry sauerkraut and cucumbers.

Let us remember that Jasmine and her husband are raising a four-year-old daughter, Margarita, and a nineteen-year-old son, Mikhail, born to the singer in her first marriage. The star's older children happily welcomed the new addition to the family. Even during her mother’s pregnancy, the singer’s daughter demanded that the baby be born as quickly as possible.

Biography of Jasmine singer

Jasmine (real name Sara Lvovna Manakhimova) is a talented Dagestan singer who has been one of the most popular bright stars on the Russian pop scene. She is beautiful, sweet and, of course, very talented. That is why her songs are regular participants in all kinds of charts, and her concerts always attract hundreds of people. But what else do we know about this extraordinary Caucasian performer? Understand the intricacies star biography Jasmine we will try today.

Early years, childhood and Jasmine's family

Russian singer, actress, model, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan, multiple winner of the “Stopudovy Hit”, “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year” awards.

Sara Lvovna Manakhimova, known as stage name Jasmine, born in the fall of 1977 in the city of Derbent, Dagestan. Her father is an Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan, choreographer Lev Manakhimov, and mother Margarita was a conductor. The girl’s parents were distinguished by strict morals and excellent musical taste - in their house one could find guitars, drums, an accordion and a saxophone.

Jasmine's older brother Anatoly spent only three years studying at music school, after which the parents decided that their daughter Sarah did not have abilities. However, her grandmother encouraged the girl’s desire to sing at all family holidays.

Raising three children now falls entirely on women's shoulders: it is quite possible that the two sons and daughter will not see their father any time soon. But Jasmine says that this is not the worst thing - she was already raising children herself. Her husband could not spend much time with his family, so he preferred to pamper his heirs.

“He is the dad who will never refuse anything, who will say yes more often than no. He says: “At least let me behave with the children the way my soul wants.” That's why I raise children. And if he suddenly doesn’t like something, then he says it to me, and not to the children,” Jasmine is quoted as saying by TV Program magazine.

The singer habitually plays the role of a strict policeman: “I’m bad, and he’s good. But I don’t mind, to be honest, because Ilan really sees them very rarely, he wants to pamper them as often as possible, and always smile at them. I understand this very well and support it.” According to Jasmine, in her family roles were divided in exactly the same way.

A woman is much more concerned about her husband’s health: he has heart problems. And Jasmine fears that protracted litigation will completely undermine Ilan’s health.

The singer’s youngest son, Miron, turned one year old. As Jasmine admitted, the boy turned out to be a mama’s boy: he cries when they have to part. But unfortunately there is no way without this: tours, trials... But in August, the mother promised not to part with the children.

Jasmine carefully protected the baby from prying eyes, but she entrusted Antenna with his first photo shoot in her country house.

When I thought about mothers of many children, I imagined that first of all it would be great, and secondly it would be difficult. It would seem that the eldest son and the younger ones have a huge age difference - it should be simpler, but in fact it is even more difficult. It’s troublesome with Margarita and Miron, but understandable and predictable: doctors, vaccinations, kindergarten, school... But Misha has a completely different world.

I want to be a part of it, to give as much as possible, to guide. And it’s not always possible to get through. My son respects, listens, understands my desires, but he is already an adult and independent in many matters. A nanny is helping with Miron; through an agency she has found a person with medical education. Boys are more capricious: sometimes their tummy hurts, sometimes something else - you need a professional on hand. And I, as a mother with a medical education, personally take my children to the clinic and give them all the necessary vaccinations.

About characters

– All children are different in character. Miron is very different from his daughter, he looks more like Misha, just as open and cheerful. Margarita was always very serious, you practically couldn’t make her laugh. It’s better now, but in the family we still sometimes call her “director.” And Mironchik smiles constantly, his teeth stick out funny. A daughter at his age did not go into anyone's arms. If someone took her, she started crying. And the son is happy with everyone, loves to be squeezed, looks at everyone, studies. When I was pregnant, Margarita was waiting for him so much. She talked to her tummy, hugged her, and was happy when the baby pushed, as if he was sending her greetings. And when she was born, she had dual feelings. It is clear that his daughter loves him and cares for him, but she doesn’t like to play with her brother, sometimes it even comes to a fight. She gets angry - they say, mom, he’s small, he’s constantly naughty, all his toys are covered in drool. She sat the dolls at the table, gave them a picnic, and my brother came and broke everything. I can’t explain it to him yet – he immediately starts screaming and demands to do it his way. I tell my daughter: my brother is so in love with you that everything you pick up is cool. So give him a toy for a second and he will give it back. Myron is a kind guy, he always feeds everyone; if he sees something on the table - nuts, bread, he immediately treats it.

About talents

– Myron went a year and a week. Now he clearly says “mom”, “give”, “uncle”. “Dad” he says very quietly – somehow reverently, that’s his thing. And as soon as he sees me, he immediately screams, rejoices, runs towards me, asks to turn on the radio, starts twirling his butt - dancing. Our Margarita loves to draw, sing, and take photographs. We went with her to see how the classes were going on. rhythmic gymnastics. My daughter liked it, and she has the skills - she can do the cross splits from birth, she is flexible, artistic. Works at Todes modern direction. Now they have suspended their studies due to frequent moves - either to Chisinau, then to Moscow, or on vacation. But we will resume by the fall. I was thinking about trying her out in ballet, but I’m still small. They say you need to start at the age of eight.

About family

– We have an international family. Unfortunately, we don’t speak my native Farsi. It so happened that as a child I heard it all the time, but I was not specifically taught. Although now dad sometimes talks to me in Farsi, and I understand a lot. If he lived with us, then I would want Miron to pass on something from his grandfather, including the language - complex, unique. But dad and grandma Sarah live in Derbent and come only on holidays. He has a job there, a school where he teaches children. I could persuade him, tell him that we really need him, but I understand: I’ll tear him away from what he loves. And he won’t leave his grandmother. She categorically does not want to live in Moscow, her favorite sofa, friends, and neighbors are there. Grandma adores my brother Anatoly and my children; we now have six of them between us. Makes sure the jam doesn’t run out, swirls. Once every six months he sends a box of jars - on each one there is an explanation of what it is and what it is eaten with. The package reads: “From Grandma Sarah to my grandchildren.”

Druzhinin: In the family, I make wishes come true. But first I'll bargain

  • More details

About love

– When I met Ilan, I didn’t immediately realize that he was my man. Something seemed wrong. But time passed, he fought, conquered me, like a true man. Now I can say: this is a wonderful dad, husband, and person. I'm happy.

Shortly after the wedding, on December 31, we held a chuppah ceremony, it’s like a Christian wedding. Was at the ceremony narrow circle loved ones. The rabbi said: “Everything she asks now, you must do. Your wife for life." I say: “How I like these words!”

About jealousy

- Of course, I have fans. But all are normal, sane people. There were cases when they crossed the line of what was permitted, but I did not react, and everything fell into place. It all depends on the woman. On stage I am playful - this is normal, we must convey to the audience all sorts of feelings, including joy and coquetry. If someone misunderstands, it is beyond my power to correct. They gave us all sorts of things – crystal vases, flowers, paintings. I don't accept too expensive gifts. They even brought yoghurts and chocolate. So we'll get to pizza.

Previously, Ilan, of course, was jealous, and for me it was a disaster - immediately a scandal! I always checked, called and, if I heard male voice, arranged a brain dump: “Who is this? You are deceiving me?" It was cruel. I couldn’t hold back either, I hung up and said that this couldn’t be done. A spark of jealousy still sometimes slips through. If I understand that I’m dissatisfied with something, I find myself nearby: I’m bored, that’s just it. If someone gave me flowers, he asks from whom. And the next day I see: there is a bouquet three times larger on the table!

About the past

– We have established relations with our first husband Vyacheslav. There was a period when we exchanged text messages regarding only Misha. He was a teenager, 15–17 years old. I realized that we couldn't cope separately. Misha simply began to use the fact that we did not communicate: there his mother allowed him, there his father allowed him. I told my son one fine day: now dad and I will check his words. I closed my eyes to all our past mistakes and grievances for the sake of my son. It happens that Vyacheslav asks: “Misha asks me to go with the guys for a week’s rest. Did you let him go? Do you think this is right? Slowly everything settled down. My son is grateful to me for this step, and I think his dad is too. Misha loves his father very much, they meet constantly. I always remind him to call and ask how dad is feeling. I was shocked by the recent story (Vyacheslav was accused of fraud. – Antenna’s note). I called my son. He didn’t believe it, thought it was some kind of story. Then they met, Misha was so unhappy afterwards. He said he didn’t even know how to help. I advised: just be there. She conveyed words of support through her son. Unpleasant story. I hope this all ends soon.