How to make a beautiful poster, collage, wall newspaper for your friend’s or sister’s birthday with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos. How to make a congratulatory, sweet poster with photographs, chocolates, a wall newspaper for the birthday of your best friend, sister with wishes

    February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Good holiday, both for those who served or fought, and for those who in the future are going to experience all the delights of military service.

    Usually, on the day of this holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day, army-themed posters are hung at school, for example, like this one:

    Anyone who knows how to draw beautifully can draw a poster like this:

    I think it's on the poster dedicated to the holiday On February 23, a soldier and, of course, military equipment must be depicted, because February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, so I advise you to depict such a plot,

    and if we take something simpler, then we can depict the poster as follows,

    as we see on the poster there is a tricolor, a soldier with a weapon and a dog, this is very symbolic and most importantly beautiful, the following drawing on the poster would also be appropriate.

    A wall newspaper or poster can be designed in traditional style in the form of a poster on a large sheet of paper, or come up with something unusual, for example: a newspaper in the form of a book, a poster in the shape of a tank, or simply redraw pictures from postcards, insert a photo and decorate everything with balloons.

    Suitable for the office in this style:

    In the center in a red frame - congratulations to all the boys:

    And then we write to each classmate separately, so that everyone can choose a wish for themselves:

    For the smartest:

    To the most musical:

    To the football player:

    For those who like to communicate on the Internet:

    For the car enthusiast:

    To Merry:

    To the guitarist:

    I think that no one will be deprived of attention.

    Happy holiday!

    On February 23, 2015, you don’t have to go to school or to the office, because it’s a day off, even though it’s Monday. This means that the poster must be brought to school on Saturday, so that the boys can see what beauty the girls have depicted and wonder: what should they draw on March 8th?

    IN junior classes It would be appropriate to present cartoon characters as brave warriors - for example, Smeshariki.

    You can, of course, use SpongeBob, but ours are somehow nicer and more patriotic.

    There is also an idea to hang up such a colorful sheet, but there is more work here and adults need to be involved, at least to mark the sheet.

    By the way, such a poster is quite suitable for the office, and if you think it’s a little tacky, then you can do it in a more strict style fulfill.

    For the men's holiday on February 23, be it classroom, or office at work, is usually decorated with a poster. And it will be great if the poster is not purchased, but made with your own hands. Required large leaf Whatman paper, paints or pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, you can use clippings from colored paper or magazines - then you will also need glue and scissors. Well, it is advisable to have drawing skills. If you don’t have those skills, then don’t worry, you can use a template, you can draw and add something of your own, but in general, the main thing in this matter is desire and imagination. A sense of humor is also welcome! I have always liked posters that used photographs, that is, you need photos of the faces of the male team members, which are cut out and pasted onto the poster. For example, this is how you can design a poster for boys at school:

    And here is a poster for colleagues at work:

    In the middle you can draw a larger number 23, adding to this a star and some other military symbol, for example a tank, an airplane and a warship. As if symbols of the unity of the ground forces, navy and aviation.

    Then add something festive to this image, for example flowers. At the same time, modest official flowers will do. Carnations will be just right.

    Leave a place around to congratulate the kids in the class, for example, some kind of poem or just a congratulatory text from the girls.

    Very nice good idea also arrange the figures of soldiers. by gluing instead of their heads photographs of one of the classmates, cut out from general class photographs.

    I suggest doing this original poster, which is suitable for a school or kindergarten, as well as for an office.

    We take whatman paper and draw on the top St. George's ribbon, and on the bottom - a star.

    First print on colored paper and then cut it out. different drawings aircraft, tanks, and other military equipment.

    We glue labels with names, with the name of the city and troops where he served.

    We cut everything out and glue it like this, decorate it with cloves.

    Another option is to make a collage:

    I think that all men will be very pleased with such a sign of attention.

    At school, in my opinion, the process of making a poster is more important. For elementary school students, you can use a black and white blank, which you can then color together. For example, like this:

    There are a lot of them here.

    High school students usually only need to come up with an idea, and several artists will be found.

    You can also use such pictures in the office by pasting photographs of male employees.

    Hand-drawn posters and wall newspapers are still very popular in schools. kindergartens and even corporate offices, and for each holiday they entrust such an important task to a person who is known for being able to draw better than others in the team and who is often called an artist.

    so before every holiday, and February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day is no exception, the artist is faced with the task of drawing an original, bright and expressive poster on the theme of the holiday.

    In the difficult task of drawing a poster and wall newspaper, ready-made poster templates for February 23rd, such as those shown below, will help.

    It won't be difficult for a person who knows how to draw. Having taken an idea, quickly transfer it to a Whatman paper, even from a computer screen.

    You can also print a poster template for February 23, enlarge it using a photocopier, and transfer it to a large sheet of paper and carefully color it with paints or pencils.

    Particularly skilled people can immediately draw by hand beautiful inscription from February 23, flowers or military equipment- and the poster is ready for February 23rd!

It often happens that you need to put a photograph on a large poster. Naturally, the quality of the photo will suffer in this case. But there are certain methods that can minimize the damage from increasing the size of a photo.

You will need

  • - Computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - software for editing;
  • - scanner;
  • - photo preparation;
  • - poster printer.


Find BenVista PhotoZoom Professional v2.3.4 on the Internet. This is the most optimal solution for enlarging photographs taken with a camera or mobile phone with minimal loss of quality. Using this program, you use an interpolation algorithm such as S-Spline XL. It allows you to maintain sharp edges and restore small parts when enlarging the photo.

Study the settings of this program. It has preset parameters, but there are also settings for more advanced tasks. For the first time, the first option will suit you. The program works offline. There is support for 48 and 64 bit images. The scaling technique - S-Spline, which is used in PhotoZoom Professional will help you most accurately preserve the quality of the photo.

Place your photo on the scanner. Select the most in the settings best quality and the most big size. Close the lid.

Start the scanner. Set the scanning resolution to at least 600 DPI. Use the selection tool to narrow down your photo scans. Then click the "scan" button. Save the image as a TIFF file.

Select "file" and click "new" in PhotoZoom. In the dialog box, set the size in inches (23 by 35 or 16 by 20). Set the resolution to 200 pixels.

Click "file" and the "open" button. In the dialog box, navigate to the scanned photo and open it. Select "Image" and "Image Scale". Increase the size by 10 percent. Click OK. Repeat this step until the image is larger in both directions than the one you opened in the previous step.

Select "Edit" and "Copy". Then go to another document, click “edit” and “paste”. Save the file to your computer.


You will need a specially large printer to print the poster. The regular one will not work in this case.

Helpful advice

Initially, try to take the photo in excellent quality. This will make the poster even more attractive.


  • How to make a poster from a photo in 2019


Pay attention to the consistency of perspective and scale in relation to the road. To do this, create a new canvas by pressing Ctrl+O and selecting the poster size. Open the photo with the road. Drag the highway image onto the canvas and resize it using Free Transform in the Edit tab.

Open a photo of the car. Make a copy of the background image using Ctrl+J. Press the Q key to enter Quick Mask editing mode. Select the brush with the And key and give it black color.

Outline the outline of the car. Change the brush size as you paint. Press Q to exit Quick Mask mode. Click on the combination Ctrl+Shift+I. Drag the car onto the road document and place it in the middle.

Delete the extra background elements the car was in by selecting them using the Polygonal Lasso Tool and pressing Delete on the keyboard. This is done to create a more realistic combination of car and road. Pay attention to shadows and reflections on the car.

So, if there is a shadow from a tree on your car, download a photo of the tree from the Internet. Open it in Photoshop. Press Ctrl+U and set the Saturation parameter to -100. Press Ctrl+b and darken the tree - place a dot at the very bottom in the window that opens. Click OK.

Next, open the Select tab, click on Color Range (“ Color range") and change the Fuzziness to 200. After that, click on Layer → Matting → Remove White Matte.

Move the tree image onto the canvas with the road and car. Erase soft brush places that can stand out from the landscape so that the tree blends into the roadside grass. Click on the road layer and then Ctrl+L. Change the first value in the Input field from 0 to a low value. This is done to give the road some contrast and reduce blur. Repeat the same with the car.

Create a windshield if it was removed during the cutting process, and a shadow from the car. To create a shadow, go to the Select → Load Selection menu. Create a new layer with Ctrl+N and fill the selection with black.

Blur by applying Gaussian Blur in the Filter tab in the Blur section. Set the radius to about 12 px. Move the shadow. To create a windshield, press I and take a sample from the inside of the car door. Create a new layer and use a soft brush to paint the windshield. Reduce opacity to 70-80%.

Give your poster a retro effect. Open the Layer tab and in the New Adjustment Layer section, select Gradient Map. In the window, set the blending mode to Overlay and reduce the opacity to the optimal value.

Use purple and yellow colors for the gradient. Create a new layer and brush with a soft brush (optimal color - #FFAE00) along the horizon and edges of the car. Set the layer's blending mode to Soft Light (" Soft light") with opacity 20%. Brush away any excess.

If desired, add text to the poster by choosing the appropriate color for the letters. Install a special bird brush to add flying birds on top of the text. Create a new layer on top of all, select a black brush and, placing it on the poster, click once. The birds will appear. Move the layer with the Move Tool (V) if necessary.

Merge all layers into one by pressing Ctrl+E. Duplicate the layer using Ctrl+J. Click on the top menu Filter tab, select Other and click on High Pass (“ Colour contrast"). Set the radius to 10 px. Click OK and change the layer's blending mode from Normal to Soft Light. Save the result in .png or .jpg format with maximum quality.


  • Brush “Birds of a Feather” - download
  • how to make a poster in photoshop

You will need

  • - plotter;
  • - Printer;
  • - large format roll or sheet paper;
  • - A4 paper;
  • - glue;
  • - computer;
  • - special software.


If the integrity of the sheet of paper on which the poster will be printed is not critical for you, then you can use a regular printer of standard A4 format to make it. In this case, the image will have to be glued together. Of course, you will need special software for this. In well-known graphic and vector editors: Photoshop, CorelDrow, Adobe Illustrator In the print settings, it is possible to set print parameters such that the image will be divided into fragments of the appropriate size and printed. You can even set the size of the gluing margins yourself.

Video on the topic


For those users who download movies from the Internet and burn movies to discs, it is important that the movie has a beautiful cover. On specialized websites there are a lot of offers of ready-made covers for Blu-Ray, which you just need to download and print. Well, if you haven’t found a suitable cover online, you can make it yourself.

Tired of standard greeting cards? Do you want to make an original and inexpensive present? Or maybe you want to add something special to your main gift? Then try making a poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands. This is a very fun and exciting activity. The most important thing is that such a poster will be unique for the recipient.

Types of sweet posters

  • Poster. Usually made from whatman paper. Good because
  • Poster-book. Whatman paper is bent in half in You can decorate not only the “insides” of the poster with sweets, but also the cover itself.
  • Organizer. Looks like a poster book. A thick folder is used as a basis. Decorated according to your taste with cardboard, paper, fabric. This organizer can be beautifully placed on the table.
  • Geometric. or a book made in the shape of something. For example, in the shape of a heart. Such posters with chocolates and inscriptions for your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, that is, your other half, are perfect as a gift.

What should a poster with sweets look like in design?

The poster should be bright and colorful, regardless of the age of the recipient. After all, such a gift is a wonderful opportunity to remember the delights of a carefree childhood. Use all available materials. You don't have to be an artist to draw such a poster. Take photographs, clippings from magazines and newspapers, stickers, glitter, print text and pictures on a printer. A hand-made poster with chocolates and inscriptions must contain the name of the recipient. Large inscriptions such as “Congratulations” or “Happy Birthday” can be laid out with small candies.

Sweets can be accompanied by wishes or jokes. Here it is important to focus on the recipient himself. You need to be especially careful with humorous inscriptions so as not to offend a person. Below you will find lists with the name of the gifts and a phrase that can be used to play with them.

Ideas for inscriptions for sweet gifts

  • "Twix" - " sweet couple"or the desire to find your other half.
  • “Snickers” - don’t slow down in life.
  • “Mars” - “everything will be in chocolate” or a wish to visit this planet.
  • “Bounty” - so that life is a heavenly pleasure. If the poster is made for the other half, then you can write it differently: “Next to you I experience heavenly pleasure.”
  • Kinder egg - let your life be full pleasant surprises. This inscription will fit perfectly into posters with chocolates and inscriptions to a friend or friend. If the recipient is your other half, then with the help of Kinder you can hint at the imminent appearance of children.
  • Sweets with cognac - “let happiness intoxicate.”
  • Chocolates in the form of money - “let life be prosperous.”
  • "Skittles" - pills for happiness (antidepressants).

How to beat other gifts

  • Chewing gum - “let your head be full of fresh solutions.”
  • Pharmaceutical herb succession - from allergies to happiness.
  • Pharmaceutical herb chamomile - to increase stress resistance.
  • Pasta instant cooking- “hunger is not a problem”!
  • Anti-hangover pill - “there is never a good morning.”
  • A bag of weak coffee - “the alarm should be soft, but invigorating.”
  • Juice “My Family” - even words are unnecessary here. Such gifts can simply be glued onto posters with chocolates and inscriptions for mom or dad.

What materials are needed to create a poster?

  • Chocolates, sweets and other goods (waffles in packaging, coffee in bags, dragees in packaging, etc.).
  • Whatman paper (cardboard, thick paper or folder).
  • PVA glue (“Moment”, hot gun or double-sided tape).
  • A simple pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Colored markers (markers, paints). Or the text can be printed on a printer.
  • Scissors.
  • Other decorative elements as desired (magazine clippings, rhinestones, satin ribbons etc.)
  • Fantasy and desire to please.

Where to start creating a poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands

You can go in two ways: write a list of goods in advance, come up with ideas for them interesting phrases and only then go to the store or first buy various goodies, and in the process of work dream up and write a text. Ideas will come to your mind on their own. For inspiration you can look finished works other craftswomen or the examples shown in the photographs in this article.

Having assessed the scale of the work, you can go to the store for whatman paper of a suitable format. It's better to buy a large poster and cut it if necessary than a small one that won't fit much.

Instructions: how to make a poster with chocolates and inscriptions

  • When all the goodies, other goods for the poster and materials have been collected, you can start creative process. For convenience, it is better to lay everything out on the floor or a large table. Now it's time to evaluate your purchases.
  • Place whatman paper in front of you and place goodies and other interesting things on it. Move items as necessary until you are happy with the result. If ideas for writing accompanying phrases come to your mind, be sure to write them down. Don't rely on your memory, as you will forget them later.
  • On another sheet of paper, write down how everything is laid out for you, or just take a photo.
  • Think about the design: what the background will be like, how you can fill in the empty spaces.
  • Assess how much space there is for phrases. The text should not be small, especially if you are making a large poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands, and not a small organizer folder.

  • Color the background if necessary. Let it dry.
  • We glue presents and printed wishes. If you want to write the text by hand, then do it carefully. Otherwise, the recipient, instead of rejoicing, will parse what is written. Observe the height and slope of the letters; a ruler will help with this. If you are not confident in your abilities, draw first with a simple pencil, and only then color it. For expressiveness, large phrases can be outlined with a black marker.
  • Fill the voids with paints or beautiful pictures.

The congratulatory poster is ready!

How to give a “delicious” poster

  • Arrange a surprise. Just leave the poster you made with chocolates and do-it-yourself inscriptions for your loved one in a visible place. The recipient will find the gift himself.
  • If you plan to give a gift during the feast, then present the poster when everyone is assembled. Let the hero of the occasion read out the wishes himself. Such a gift can be made in advance together with all guests.
  • Surprise in delivery. Ask a friend to play the messenger and deliver the gift. Or you can order delivery. This is especially true if the recipient does not live nearby, and you do not have the opportunity to congratulate him personally. Usually packages intrigue people when they are not expecting them.

Before you go for another postcard with a standard and impersonal wish, think that a person will be more pleased not with a purchase on a quick fix, but a gift made with love especially for him.

A DIY New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 is a great opportunity to give good mood to your friends and loved ones this Holy holiday. Today we will conduct master classes and tell you how to make a bright festive wall newspaper (poster) using simple materials at hand. kindergarten or school. What if you decorate with funny New Year's drawings walls of your home office? Colleagues will definitely be delighted! So, let's get to work.

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2016: materials and tools

When designing any wall newspaper, it is important to harmoniously combine the main elements - the headline, texts of congratulations and poems, drawings, notes. It is better to highlight the main words with bright, catchy colors that immediately attract the attention of readers.

Before starting work, we stock up on:

  • Whatman paper - size A1
  • templates-drawings
  • pieces of flat foam plastic - thickness up to 5 mm
  • ceramic tiles - as a work surface
  • black marker
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • colored wax crayons
  • double-sided tape
  • stationery knife
  • satin ribbon
  • candy wrappers

How to draw a New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 Year of the Monkey - step-by-step instructions

  1. First, find and print the templates New Year's items and characters. On thematic sites you can always find a lot of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and Snowmen. Of course, you can choose a color option, but using a black and white blank format gives room to our imagination.

  2. The selected and printed blanks need to be cut out and placed on a sheet of whatman paper. Don't forget to mark the locations of individual parts using a marker.

  3. Remove the details from the sheet and use blue or wax chalk blue color make the background.

  4. We place the figures on pieces of dense foam and trace the outlines with a black marker. Now the parts can be removed and the internal details can be completed by hand.

  5. Pieces of foam plastic with drawn templates of the future wall newspaper should be laid out on the surface ceramic tiles, and then using a stationery knife, carefully cut along the contour. The resulting foam figures New Year's characters. Take a green wax crayon and trace the tree branches along the contour.
  6. Finely chop the colored candy wrappers into many shiny pieces.

  7. Let’s start “decorating” individual parts using glitter from candy wrappers. To decorate the Christmas tree, apply glue to its surface (except for the green outlines), and then “shower” it with shiny pieces. In the same way, only from blue sparkles, we “make” the clothing details for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - hats, collars, mittens.

  8. We decorate the inscription “Happy New Year 2016” and other elements with colored crayons. All that remains is to glue the individual parts to a sheet of Whatman paper with double-sided tape and that’s it - the wall newspaper is ready for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. You can also use satin ribbons as decoration for the Christmas tree.

    But others original photos New Year's wall newspapers for 2016 in kindergarten or school:

    Let's look at another master class on creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. We will need the following materials and tools:

    • A1 sheet of whatman paper
    • gouache or watercolor paints
    • PVA glue
    • tassel
    • colored paper
    • Toothbrush

    How to make a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

    Before starting work, you need to create a layout of the future wall newspaper. For this we take regular sheet paper and mark the title, illustrations, and notes on its surface. Such preliminary preparation will allow you to assess the compliance of all elements in size and location. After all, it will be a shame if the title written in the final version turns out to be too large, and the notes are very small and unnoticeable against the general background.

    1. We apply a tone in the form of stains, waves, snowflakes or small dots. The main thing is that the base does not “harm the eye” and is in calm shades - blue, light blue, yellow. You can leave 2 cm wide margins along the edges of the sheet.
    2. Making the markings main elements New Year's wall newspaper - a place for headlines, inscriptions, drawings. For example, the header position can be done different ways: above the text, on the side, diagonally, obliquely.

    3. Drawings for New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 you can do it yourself using watercolor paints or gouaches. Applications from New Year's coloring pages, cut out and pasted onto a wall newspaper, look original. All that remains is to paint it beautifully in “New Year’s” colors.

    4. Details made from colored paper can easily be made unusual and festive. We take a dry brush, dip it in gouache and “poke” the paint onto the paper. You can use a toothbrush for the same purpose.

    5. In the wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 we place interesting notes about the holiday - the names of Santa Claus in different countries, the history of the origin of the New Year and the Christmas tree, poems. The result is this cute creation:

    How to make a poster for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step master class

    New Year's poster is a great opportunity to lift your spirits with a helping of good humor. What can you put on a poster? Drawings, applications, friendly cartoons, funny notes and photographs. Well, and of course, the symbol of 2016 - a cheerful Monkey!

    Necessary materials for work:

    • Whatman sheet
    • paints - watercolor or gouache
    • colored pencils or markers
    • ruler
    • scissors
    • photos of schoolchildren or work employees
    • New Year themed magazine clippings

    Posters for the New Year 2016 - step-by-step instructions

    1. We place all the elements of the poster on a sheet of whatman paper and then glue it.
    2. We create signatures, comments, notes for each image. New Year's poems own composition will become the highlight of your holiday poster.
    3. Coloring the sheet bright colors. However, do not forget to comply color harmony- catchy “screaming” shades may look too harsh in the overall composition.

    How to make a New Year's poster - 2016 with your own hands, video

    It’s not difficult to create a wall newspaper or poster for the New Year 2016 - just stock up on the most simple materials and tools. Beads, rhinestones, shiny paper, satin ribbons and sparkles will be excellent decorative elements. A little imagination - and New Year's surprise ready!

Canva has over 8,000 templates to help you create posters quickly. The service allows you to customize the background and add text, uploaded images, as well as illustrations and other decorations from the Canva library to your posters. Part of the templates and decorative elements is available for free, the rest can be purchased individually or received as part of a paid subscription.

Canva is available as a web editor and an iOS app. There is no version for Android yet.

This editor is as powerful as Canva. With Desygner, you too can create posters and other graphics by combining images, text, stickers and other decorations on one canvas. offers hundreds free templates, illustrations and photographs as sources. To gain access to the full collection of materials, as well as convenient search through them, you need to subscribe to a paid subscription.

Desygner can be used in the browser and programs for mobile devices on Android and iOS.

3. Fotor

Fotor is a multifunctional service for working with graphics. It allows you to do approximately the same as the poster editors listed above: upload images, overlay text, stickers and other elements on them.

And even more: Fotor has many tools for editing images and creating collages. However, the service does not have as many source materials as Canva and Desygner. By subscribing to a paid subscription, you will receive more sources and functions for editing graphics.

Fotor is available in the browser and as programs for major desktop and mobile platforms.

The Bambinic project deserves special attention. This is not a universal poster editor, but a highly specialized service designed for creating children's metrics. For this purpose, Bambinic has several templates with cartoon illustrations and memorable captions. To create a bright poster for your child, you just need to select a template and fill it out, indicating information about the child (for example, number of teeth, height, weight, first words).

Bambinic exists only as a website; the service has no applications.