What is a life principle examples. Life principle and values

There is no need to invent principles of life. Made-up principles don't work. The principles must be extracted from oneself. You already have them.

Esquire magazine has a popular column called “Rules of Life.” In it, people of varying degrees of celebrity tell how they live and what rules they follow. In a previous article, I argued that there are no truly effective and generally accepted rules of life (). However, it seems to me that there are what can be called principles of life. Many Esquire magazine celebrities actually talk about their individual principles of life not about the rules.

Let me explain the difference. I am under "rules" understand clear and unambiguous instructions. For example: never lend money to anyone, don’t have sex on the first date, don’t eat pork, donate 10% of your income to charity. These are the rules.

The principles of life are various laws that people have determined primarily empirically.

Principles of life but it is a much more general, broad and flexible thing. They represent various laws that people have determined empirically, mainly.

Laws and principles differ from rules in the main thing: generality. The rules work in specific conditions and situations. They don't explain anything, they just give specific directives. When conditions change, the rules stop working and they don’t even give any hints about what to do next. But laws and principles are broad. They allow you to develop effective strategies of behavior in different situations and conditions, even in those where there are simply no standard rules.

Note: I would like to immediately draw your attention to one important thing. The principles must be “working”. That is, their effectiveness must be confirmed by practice. And YOUR practice! It doesn't matter how convincing the principle looks. It should work in your life situation to your advantage. Otherwise he is worthless.

All the basic principles of life can be divided into two large categories:

  1. Are common
  2. Individual

General principles describe natural and systemic processes that theoretically work always and for everyone.

For example:

  • Creating and maintaining order in life requires effort, while chaos appears by itself and requires only inaction.
  • Decisions made in a state of high emotional arousal are often not the best.
  • The longer any life situation lasts, the more inertia it gains and the more it affects your life.
  • Development is never linear and is always accompanied by crises.

Individual principles you discover for yourself. They are a product of your experience, or rather of its rethinking, processing and verification. And that is why they are most valuable and important.

Individual principles. Why are they needed and how to formulate them?

Following other people's principles leads to sad consequences.

However, other people's principles of life can be not only inspiring, but also dangerous. Following other people's principles leads to sad consequences. They are comparable to the results of an inept transplant of someone else's organ into your body.

The principles that you were able to find and formulate yourself most strongly and positively influence our lives. These principles are the result of your life experiences and a consequence of your “karma”. We truly perceive even general principles only when they are passed through our life experience. Then they acquire special power and meaning.

Can you formulate the principles on which your life is built? If yes, then try writing them down. Very often, surprises happen. We think that we live by one principle, but in fact we exist by another. In addition, do not confuse your outlook on life with your life principles.

Outlook on life- these are your thoughts about life. The principles of life are what you are guided by (and often this happens unconsciously) when making decisions, committing actions, and life choices.

If you cannot immediately formulate your principles of life, then try answering a few questions. I assure you that this is an exciting activity.

Ten questions that will help you understand your inner principles of life.

  • In what situations and circumstances do you like yourself best and act most effectively?
  • Which actions of yours usually lead to success and which ones lead to failure?
  • Are there any preliminary signs for you of whether the business you started will end successfully or not? If yes, what are they?
  • In what emotional state do you most often achieve results, and in what state do you fail?
  • What repeating situations come to your mind when you think about the laws that govern your life?
  • When and under what circumstances do your best thoughts come to your mind?
  • What or who best motivates you to take actions and actions?
  • How quickly do you make the best decisions in your life? And under what conditions?
  • On what basis do you choose your friends? What qualities should they have? What do they actually have?
  • What will you never do? What contradicts your life principles?

If you write down the answers to all these questions and think a little, then you will be able to see a lot in your life from an unexpected side.

As an example of how understanding the principles of your life affects its quality and the possibility of changes for the better, I will give the case of one of my clients.

Anastasia is a top manager of a large company. Here are some of her answers:

  • Question:“In what situations and circumstances do you like yourself best and act most effectively?”
  • Answer:“When I make a decision completely independently, based on my own understanding of the situation, and not external pressure.”
  • Question:“Which actions of yours usually lead to success and which ones lead to failure?”
  • Answer:“Actions that do not cause any conflicts or contradictions within me lead to success. At the moment of making a decision, I must be in a state that I would describe as “being in myself.”
  • Question:“What repeating situations come to your mind when you think about the laws that govern your life?”
  • Answer:“I have achieved the greatest success in cases where I followed my intuition and did not pay attention to generally accepted norms and rules. I can also note that in my life there are recurring situations of disappointment and loss, which are associated with the fact that I tried to bring my life into line with a certain generally accepted “standard”
  • Question:“When and under what circumstances do your best thoughts come to your mind?”
  • Answer:“When I'm not in the office. For example, walking in a beautiful park or along the shore of a pond. It’s also important to me that there aren’t a lot of people around at that moment.”

As a result of this simple exercise, Anastasia formulated several principles of your life. Among them were the following:

  1. I make the best decisions in my life on my own. This means I must organize my life in such a way as to minimize my presence in the system that imposes the “rules of the game” on me.
  2. I make effective decisions only when I am at peace with myself. This means that if I feel an internal conflict or am under pressure, I need to prohibit myself from making any important decisions and first of all put myself in order.
  3. My environment and surroundings have a huge impact on my life, success and productivity. This means that I must surround myself with space that helps me and does not hinder me.

Before completing this exercise, Anastasia clearly envisioned the further development of her life exclusively in the direction of management and, of course, in a large company. And after completing it, she thought a lot about it. After all, being inside a corporation actually contradicted its life principles. And it didn’t just contradict, it caused stress and forced me to make incorrect and unprofitable decisions.

I showed only a part of this exercise. It involves a larger number of questions and, most importantly, periodic return to them over 2-3 months. Each time, the answers to the questions become more bold, and the principles are formulated more clearly and precisely. Their final formulation is most often perceived by people as insight. Usually, my clients say that they see in the principles of their life, which emerged as a result of work, a powerful resource for bringing ideas and changes to life. This happens due to the fact that, based on individual principles, it is possible to concentrate on what comes from within and best suits you.

And finally...

There is no need to invent principles of life. Made-up principles don't work.

The principles must be extracted from oneself. You already have them.

Apr 10, 2017

The abyss is an abyss because it is inexhaustible.

The same goes for the interview with Radislav Gandapas, which I’m analyzing for the third time.

I promise that this time is the last, for God loves the trinity.

And to be honest, I’m running out of decent words and patience. For the thoughts and judgments expressed in the interview are already far beyond the scope of common sense, coming close to psychiatry.

Consider the thesis that to achieve success, the first skill you need to learn is the skill of being liked. What follows is an enchanting passage about how Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov missed the appropriate training, as a result of which he was unsuccessful in society and ended up showing off to the point of a duel.

Let's start with Mikhail Yuryevich...

Apr 3, 2017

“For us, success is an assessment of society,” says success “guru” Radislav Gandapas in one of his last interviews.

The reference to abstract society leads us to prostitution. If our success lies in being approved by some group of people, then we will inevitably adapt to it and not care about our own “subtle impulses” and deep needs.

Salvador Dali was kicked out of the Madrid Academy of Fine Arts, Jack London's first book was rejected by publishers 600 times, teachers called Einstein mentally retarded, Steven Spielberg was not accepted into the university three times in a row, Bill Gates was expelled from Harvard University, and Anna Netrebko was expelled from the Conservatory. This was society’s assessment of the professional suitability and talent of these famous people.

Success is completely subjective and context dependent. You can consider yourself super successful. This will be your subjective opinion of yourself. But for some reason, you move to a different social context. And suddenly you find yourself a complete loser in assessing your new social environment.

Success is a value concept associated with a person’s internal ethics. In one case you will be a successful pickpocket, in another - a banker, in the third - an engineer. Social success in one group may be a crime in another and vice versa.

Mar 22, 2017

Dec 2, 2016

New Year's madness is slowly creeping to the surface of life. The most advanced and progressive part of humanity is summing up the results of the past year, planning its next year and thinking about longer horizons of development. To meet these desires of advanced people, trainings on goal setting, increasing personal effectiveness, seminars on dream collages and other techniques for managing the future with the power of intention are helpfully provided.

Jul 30, 2016

Any talent implies not only outstanding skills, but also recognition. How sad it is. Any talent needs either support or crazy self-confidence that allows you to do without any support. Do you have one, the other, or both?

0 5 505

Based on my professional and life experiences, I have formulated 52 principles for a happy and successful life. Here I offer a general overview so that you have an idea of ​​​​their content.

You can read detailed comments on each of the principles in the relevant sections:

I invite those who wish to master these principles under my personal mentoring to the coaching program: .

Principles of a happy life

  • The principle of Happiness and Desire. There is no direct relationship between the desire to get what you want and happiness.
  • Principle of Attention: The quality of our lives is determined by what we pay attention to inside and outside of ourselves.
  • The Pleasure Principle. Life gives the best to those who enjoy it.
  • The principle of materialization of Beliefs. The reality in which each of us lives is a direct consequence of our beliefs about how to “should”, “should”, “can-not”, “can-cannot”. There are beliefs leading to a happy life, and vice versa ...
  • Principle of Interpretation: Our emotions are determined by how we interpret what is happening.
  • Principle of Expectation and Gratitude. Any expectations weaken the pleasure of life and achievements, but gratitude strengthens it.
  • The principle of Acceptance and Non-Resistance. What you don't accept tends to become a problem. What you fight fights back with you and takes away your strength.
  • Principle of Stability and Uncertainty. Excessive attachment to stability and lack of change leads to stagnation and a swamp. Openness to change is accepting life as it is: that is, constantly changing and unpredictable.
  • Principle of Process and Result. Happiness and everything in life is a process. The result is the outcome of an effective process.
  • Principle of Integrity. Life satisfaction is the result of a balanced sum of internal (body, feelings, thoughts, spirit, self-development) and external (relationships, work, leisure, self-realization) components.
  • The principle of clear intentions. Clear intentions and a clear division into important and unimportant relieve unnecessary stress and create the basis for a sense of integrity in your life.
  • The principle of responsibility for your condition. There is nothing and no one who could influence your condition without your desire.
  • The Principle of Service. We are happy to the extent that we devote our lives to something greater than ourselves; We strive to give more than we take.

You can read detailed comments on the principles of a happy life in this

Principles for successful action

  • The principle of Freedom of Choice. The more conscious choices you make in your life, the more master you are of your life. Conscious choice differs from unconscious choice by knowing the answer to the question “why”, why you are choosing it.
  • Principle of Circumstances. Desires are more important than circumstances. Circumstances are the material for opportunities.
  • Principle of Energy. Life is energy. By managing energy, you control life. Strong energy always defeats weaker energy. Acceleration requires effort.
  • Principle of Interest. Passion, enthusiasm, interest - have the ability not only to preserve, but also to multiply our strength. In contrast, lack of interest leads to inevitable and irreversible losses of energy and strength.
  • Principle of Cause and Effect. What goes around comes around. A good result cannot come from bad actions, and vice versa.
  • The principle of Small and Large. The small is embodied in the big, and the big in the small.
  • Principle of Relaxation. In a relaxed state, we can achieve much more than in a tense state (lethargy and relaxation are different things).
  • Principle of Concentration: Concentration is the key to the success of any action.
  • Principle of Habits. Rhythm and organization are habits that help remove unnecessary stress.
  • Principle of the Image of Result. The presence or absence of motivation is determined by the degree of attractiveness of the image of the result that we imagine at the beginning of the action.
  • The principle of Fear and Experience. Until it begins to act, difficulties may seem insurmountable and even frightening. But this dissipates with learning and experience.
  • Principle of Quantity and Quality of Actions. The richness of life is determined not so much by quality as by the quantity of real actions.
  • The principle of interaction with the outside world. The key principle of interaction with the outside world is the position of selfless giving and grateful receiving.

For detailed comments on the principles of successful action, see this.

Principles of harmonious relationships

  • The principle of the Reference Point in relationships. Happy unions are obtained not when you find that same person, but when you become that same person.
  • Principle of Idealization. An ideal is a projection in the outside world of what you lack inside.
  • Principle of Self-Sufficiency: Truly close relationships are a conscious choice, not an emotional dependence.
  • Principle of Relationship Goals: The only universal goal of relationships is to learn to love.
  • The Principle of Needs. Every person has needs that cannot be satisfied without the presence of a truly loved one. We cannot experience complete satisfaction in life without satisfying these needs.
  • Principle of Dulling of Emotions. Any initially acute emotions, sensations and feelings dull over time.
  • The principle of Giving and Receiving. Truly harmonious intimate relationships are the result of the ability and desire to give unconditionally and receive unconditionally.
  • Principle of Non-Evaluative Thinking: It is impossible to love someone you evaluate, just as it is impossible to evaluate someone you love.
  • Principle of Relying on the Best. To build harmonious relationships, you need to rely on the best in each other.
  • Principle of Mutual Understanding. It is impossible to be understood unless you first show the desire to understand.
  • Principle of Caring. Caring for a loved one means doing what is important to him, and not what seems important to you.
  • Principle of Responsibility. Responsibility is a natural feeling that arises as a result of connecting with what is important and dear to you.
  • Principle of Proximity. We experience the greatest satisfaction in relationships when we step outside of ourselves.

For detailed comments on the principles of harmonious relationships, see this

Principles of Self-Realization

  • The Principle of Fate Programming. Like other animals with a developed nervous system, man is a programmable creature. However, unlike animals, we have the ability to self-reprogram
  • Principle of Personal Development and Cognition. Personal development and learning are the only universal goals in life. Whatever happens is the material for achieving these goals.
  • The principle of the relationship between internal and external. All growth comes from within, from the fertile grain. To comply with the laws of the world order means always starting with yourself. The internal determines the external.
  • Principle of Freedom. Free, “uninhibited” behavior is always determined by the level of a person’s internal freedom. Inner freedom is the ability to be yourself.
  • The principle of Self-realization. We feel the highest satisfaction from life in a state of self-realization.
  • Principle of Self-Esteem. Correct self-esteem is taking into account all your qualities and skills, relying on the best.
  • The principle of self-irony. Self-irony, the ability to laugh at oneself, is one of the key factors of healthy self-esteem.
  • The principle of the unity of Soul and Body. The difference between a person and an animal is that his body serves the interests of the soul.
  • Principle of Learning. Any new skill seems difficult at the beginning, but as it is mastered and repeated many times it becomes familiar and natural.
  • Principle of Use. What you use develops, and vice versa - what you don’t use atrophies and degrades.
  • Principle of Effort. The ability to move towards your goals is determined by the ability to overcome inertia.
  • The Principle of Purpose. Based on the purposeful structure of nature, it is obvious that the presence of our innate abilities and inclinations has its own significance for the universe. On this basis, we can say that our task is to find and follow our destiny.
  • The principle of Co-Unity. You are what and with whom you feel united. It is in connection that the strongest influence occurs.

Lana Korteletsi

  1. Keep moving forward
  2. Do not be like everyone else
  3. Know how to forgive
  4. Achieve your goals
  5. Forget the word "LATER"
  6. Become a mentor
  7. Always be yourself
  8. Know how to manage yourself
  9. Live in the real world
  10. Don't envy anyone!

1 . Keep moving forward

I was born in the city of Samarkand, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, my family was not rich, and birthdays and toys were not very familiar to me as a child. Therefore, I tried to stretch out New Year's gifts, which included fruits and sweets, for as long as possible so as not to lose the joyful feeling of the holiday. Life, of course, has not been particularly easy for me. At the age of 13, I already began to think about my own savings. During the summer school holidays I worked part-time in a kindergarten to achieve my little goals. From an early age, I tried to prove to others that they were wrong, thinking of me as a weak and defenseless person! Read in detail about my life at that time.

2. Don't be like everyone else

After graduating from college, having received an education (I was 20 years old at the time), I decided to change my life and moved to Russia (Omsk). After working in my specialty for 5 years, I realized that this was not for me, I don't want to be like everyone else ! I can’t work for someone anymore, wait at bus stops for half an hour in the cold and then “cram” into a full minibus and stand, waiting for a seat to suddenly open up...

And after that I told myself – ENOUGH!

I want to work for myself and live by my own rules!

And I created a successful business - Marriage Agency!

At first it was very difficult, I could barely pay for the rent of the premises, I had about only 15 clients... And only after a year I was able to get promoted. In my life, like everyone else, I had black and white stripes. But I achieved what I wanted because I always had positive thoughts , faith that I can be successful in my business! People in my city still remember me and my agency with warmth, despite the fact that 7 years have passed since I moved to live in another country. At the agency, we found solutions to the problems of almost all of my clients. It's like coaching: a person comes, fills out a form, pays for the services, and I start working with him. After successfully working with him, I receive gratitude. But it so happened that circumstances took me to another country, and I left my agency in good hands, because I had a large client base, and I was very sorry to leave everything to fate. It was as if my life had started from scratch again. Can you imagine what it’s like to start living from scratch when you’re already quite old, leaving a lot in the past? This is a new language, mentality, habits, nutrition, etc. And I decided to make such a serious change in my life for the sake of love! You can read the continuation of my life story. Remember - successful people are those who decide today!

3. Know how to forgive

It was difficult for me to get used to the new life, but I managed to cope with that too. I didn’t give up and tried to somehow get out... it wasn’t easy. This was probably a new test of the fate of my strength! I did not have personal transport, which was simply necessary for movement in my new living space, it was not easy for me to live without my own means (all my life I was used to being independent from others), but going to wash the floors was out of the question ! Remember, I wrote at the beginning that from the age of 13 I was already trying to be independent, earn my own money? I was so used to having my own earned money that immediately after moving I started looking and thinking about how I could make money using the Russian language and Italian products... Through forums I found businessmen interested in doing business with Italy. It was not easy for me, because... I was without a car, and I had to ask my loved ones to give me a ride, which was also not the best option. There were honest clients who paid for my services, but there were also freeloaders who even tried to frame me. But there is one golden rule for successful people, which I always try to adhere to. « Never hold a grudge against people, learn to forgive, and everything will work out» . In principle, I made money from this business anyway. No matter what business I tried to get involved with, I always received some kind of income, perhaps because I achieve my goals, no matter how unrealistic they may be in the opinion of others. Even, I’ll tell you honestly, on the e-bay service, I sell goods without particularly straining.

But after the birth of children, I no longer had the opportunity to continue working like this, and for 3 years now I have been doing business online. At first I couldn’t believe that you could still earn money without leaving home. Now I prefer this type of activity, because I think that for both me and my family this is an ideal way to earn money. I have several good mentors, due to which I have achieved excellent results in my business. In addition, I began to feel like a fish in water! I really like doing this, and I’m sure that you also dream of having some kind of successful business where you could get excellent results.

4. Achieve your goals

This is what I want to tell you: no matter what condition you have now, good or bad, but if you decide to achieve any goal, then achieve it, get what you want. P mustache It may not be easy and it will cost you an investment, but life is worth it to become successful and get the pleasure you expect from it . Do you want to have a new nice beautiful car? So achieve this goal!

I dreamed of having a house, a car, a beloved family, children. I achieved this ! Of course, not all at once! We understand that there is no magic “ALL AT ONCE” button. We create reality ourselves! So let's realize what we dream of! Each of us has dreams, goals, and, of course, problems that need to be solved quickly.

5. Forget the word “LATER”

Don't put off your life for later! Because the word “later” will cover your dreams with dust, and you will soon no longer remember them. Therefore, you need to make a decision and act immediately, now!

Do you think that successful businessmen always succeed? That they always have money and are never haunted by failure? You are wrong, they are the same as us. Many of them started everything from scratch and they also have defeats, project failures, etc. So what? They don't stop moving halfway! Whatever difficulties there may be, we must fight them and move forward!

I try not to say the word “later” at all, because "Then" means never, or when it's too late! Therefore, try to avoid this word! Word "Then" helps us forget about our desires. You put them on the back burner and forget, then you try to remember, but the time has already passed. I advise you to replace this word with “ NOW" Then this word will worry you more, and thus you will do, or at least try to do something...

It’s not in vain that I’m writing all this to you; these are not empty words for me. They came into my life with tears, sweat and blood, but it was worth it!

6. Become a mentor

Each of us has a mentor, even if we don't even know it! And we try to be like our spiritual leader. But someone is trying to somehow change themselves, and someone dreams of being like him, but does not make any attempts to achieve this. Do you know that 80% of success depends on yourself? And if you have a mentor (and you have one - Leader, Teacher, role model, etc., no matter what you call him), then the remaining 20% ​​depend on him!

How much does it help you develop?

Mentor– this is the one who gives skills and directs you on the right path to achieve results in the required time frame. He teaches you the tools you need to achieve your goal.

I have 3 mentors: I learn from the first one openly, I do what he says, one might say, I copy almost all of his actions. And this mentor knows me personally, moreover, we became friends! The other two mentors don’t know anything about me, they don’t even know that they are my mentors, but I also follow their example! And there are results! One might even say - excellent results! I think you want this too! So go for it! What's holding you back? I will be very glad if you follow my advice, and I am sure that you will answer the question: what to do to become happy, you will begin to demonstrate your abilities and receive satisfaction from it.

Read what my business mentor, Liliya Tsanko, says about me:

I pass on my knowledge, my experience to my students. Moreover, I am proud that my students follow in my footsteps and become happy women. I am very pleased to hear their gratitude and observe the results obtained.

I advise you to have a good mentor because your success depends on yourself and on your teacher. The extent to which he works with you, actively and purposefully, the extent to which you will advance in how to become a happy and loved woman. Even the most professional and successful entrepreneur always has a personal consultant to gain new knowledge, skills, etc., in order to achieve more and better in his business. And to answer the question, how to improve your life And what to do to be happy, you also need a personal coach.

Therefore, I advise you to participate in coaching programs, develop, realize yourself, be yourself!

Perhaps you are already engaged in self-development and something is not going well, something is not working out. Please don't leave it all halfway, don't throw it away, create plan to change your life. I am sure that everything will work out for you, the main thing is that you need someone experienced, who knows what the reason is, to look at your actions from the outside and identify the mistakes that you are making!

For beginners, it is also necessary, before changing your life, to consult with an expert so as not to waste money, time and patience in vain.

7. Always be yourself

When you realize that the moment has come to be yourself, then you are ready to implement your plans.

Answer honestly - why is it difficult for you to be yourself? Because you are trying to please others! You are captive of other people's opinions. Change your life for the better and be natural! There are exercises on how to become yourself and not depend on the opinions of others. One of the most effective is to sometimes intentionally take other people out of their comfort zone. They probably won't like it. Intentionally causing negative feelings towards oneself is so far from “ try to please”, as it can only be, which means it is a powerful exercise on the path to oneself. Are you afraid? You can practice on people you don't care about, and you won't care what they say about you.

8. Know how to manage yourself

Manage yourself to find your happiness, as often as possible, then you will succeed in everything you plan. Write down your plans for the day, week, month and year! You will automatically manage yourself and follow your plans! Planning for the future is already a guarantee of a completed task. Somewhere I read this wonderful phrase: Be proud of your results, not of your plans.

9. Live in the real world

Important rule for me: live in the real world ! Look at life with sober eyes: there are no magic genies that will make your wishes come true! Therefore, all the desires that we have, we fulfill ourselves!

Do you want an expensive, beautiful car? So strive for this desire! Live in the real world, realize your goal in reality, and stop dreaming, you need to act! Strive, move forward in small steps, etc.

10. Don't envy anyone

This is my life principle that I follow all my life! And I advise you to follow this principle too. Don't envy anyone at all! Why? Now I will tell you the secret of success. Most successful people know this secret and use it very often. I use it myself too. What is this secret?

I’ll give you an example: I was given an apartment in the city center, in excellent condition. I share this news with you with such joy that I don’t notice how you envy me, but this energy of envy is transferred to me and gives me even more strength to realize my other goal! Do you understand? You give me your energy, and I use this to develop even more. Therefore, it is better to get your results, and share with others who cannot help but be envious, in order to receive the same surge of energy to implement your other plans. Don’t envy yourself, but, on the contrary, use this secret, and then you will become a successful person and get everything you want!

I wish you daily success in achieving your goals!

Your Lana Korteletsi

Read my other articles:

There comes a time in every person’s life when he thinks about the correctness of his chosen path. Various circumstances can contribute to this, but, as a rule, it is either a constant monotonous lifestyle or sudden negative changes - the loss of a loved one, financial collapse, lack of recognition of performance results. Then we begin to wonder what is wrong with us. We look for role models among successful people and try to understand what actions helped them achieve success.

We begin to imagine that we could do everything the same and achieve success and recognition. But no. This is wrong. In achieving success, actions are not as important as who you are. Your character. First of all, you need to change yourself. Each of us definitely knows people who succeed in everything. They change areas of activity and achieve significant success everywhere, but their main assistant is their character.

How you act in difficult situations depends on your character traits. Will you be able to put in a little more effort than others, be brave and take risks, or just be realistic about the situation and not be conflicted, reaping dividends from such a decision in the future.

Life Strategies

If a small salary is enough for him, the subway as the main means of transportation and a quiet life without any serious problems, then no one will call such a person successful. It's his choice. He deliberately refuses serious achievements so as not to make great efforts.

If a person was raised in the spirit of altruism, then most likely he will not be successful either. The only thing he will get in life is short-term recognition for his noble actions. He will give a lot of time and effort, and ask for almost nothing in return. Altruism is a wonderful character trait, but it has only a mediocre relationship to success.

If a person knows exactly his goal, is ready to make every effort to achieve it and has a strong character, he will achieve success. Such a person is called a leader. Other people are ready to follow him. He is ready to take full responsibility not only for his life, but also for the lives of those who followed him. We would all like to be like that.

How to change strategy - comfort zone

So what prevents us from being successful? The answer is simple - character and, in particular, our behavior patterns - habits. Habits are formed throughout life, all negative experiences accumulate in us. If a person has tried something new several times and made a mistake, then in the future he may refuse any innovations. The habit has been formed. How to deal with bad habits? Constantly step out of your comfort zone. Most likely, your current life is already established, you are used to repeating the same actions day after day and do not want to change anything, for fear of mistakes or discomfort. When was the last time you tried something you hadn't done before?

Basic principles of life

Get started now. Don't wait for ideal conditions and remember: life doesn't give you any guarantees, you won't get a guarantee of success in any business. There are just so many possibilities, whether you use them is up to you.

Keep moving forward. Try, experiment, don't be afraid to make mistakes or take risks. Destroy your comfort zone and an unprecedented horizon of new achievements and opportunities will open before you.

Formulate a clear goal and strive for it. Every action you take should be aimed at achieving your goal. If you want to be a manager in a large company, but instead go to work as a salesperson every day, stop! This way you won't achieve your goal. Make a clear plan and move every day. Search, try, make mistakes, but move! Remember that you lost not when you made a mistake, but when you stopped trying. Make a promise to yourself and someone else. Promise to achieve a goal within a certain time frame and keep your word.

How to make them work

These principles work. Moreover, they are known to everyone and many authors describe them in their books, but there are still successful people and failures. And if both are familiar with the principles, then what is the difference between them? The former apply the principles in life, while the latter do not. Who do you belong to?

I’ll be happy to read the answers and make my contribution, because I once asked myself this question. The starting point is almost always the dichotomy of two positions - adapt to situations or follow your autonomy.

And here, as in many other things, you need to look for a middle path, although the advantage of following the principles is obvious to me. Simply because the principles are the internal core on which the building of your personality rests, and this is wildly important. In this sense, I can almost confidently to say, principles are always artificial and invented by us ourselves or perceived in response to life experience. But (!) at the same time, they are law for us in the sense that if we violate them, sanctions in the form of self-reproach are almost inevitable. And internal control and its sanctions are worse than any physical punishment. Some, however, manage to make a deal with their conscience and abstract themselves from self-flagellation, but another important consequence is inevitable. A person ceases to respect himself, and if he tries to “close his ears” from this, he slides into complete disorder in himself You can see such examples in all collaborators and simply those who adapt. I don’t have any examples of good people of this type.

And it is clearly like this: if you have a principle of not drinking, then it is better for you not to take a glass in your hand. But here is an important point: not because drinking is bad, but because you have antipathy in your head or any other feeling that is opposed to consumption. It turns out that objectively there is nothing bad, but internal motives will make it so that you will not get any high. Just like there is no high from breaking down and eating a cake, when you really want to lose weight and have sworn off a diet. After all, a lot still depends on strength beliefs.

Principles give the important thing - integrity of nature. If a person has the principle of doing what he likes, and he does not struggle at work, which bothers him, or, for example, he respects himself, but is insulted at work, then no exorbitant money should leave him this work. The measure is simple - check every time whether you are acting in a way that you think is correct or drowning out your inner voice with arguments that this is temporary or for the sake of a long-term goal. Remember that you will not reach that goal in this situation, or you will reach it in a wreck, which was constantly hit by the realization that he was doing things against himself. And don’t listen to phrases like “now you will feed your children with your principles.” Yes, it may be hard for a while, but I am convinced that a person with a core, but without position, will always defeat the one someone with position, but without a core.

But in conclusion, an important point - be open to new ideas. The principles should combine firmness, but also flexibility in the sense that if you realize that your principles are interfering with you or they are leading nowhere, try to deform them. After all, the same thing The principle of resistance to alcohol can be established simply by moderate consumption. In complete refusal there is a risk of relapse or torment. If this can be avoided, then why not? After all, our ultimate goal is to make ourselves better. Otherwise, the border between a principled person and a tight sheep who is himself is very ephemeral. doesn’t understand why, but he will do it. It’s not necessary. Think more about yourself and listen. Good luck to us!