Dance games for a fun group of adults. Happy people train

Incendiary dance competitions at corporate events are a must. Just dancing gets boring, but when there is excitement and the opportunity to win a prize, dancing becomes much more fun. Therefore, we bring to your attention a selection of dance

Competition "Exact Copies"

Contestants must line up at arm's length from each other. If there is not enough space, we stand in two or three rows. The host of the party selects a "main dancer" who stands in front of the others and begins to dance. Participants must copy all his movements exactly.

It will be more interesting if " main dancer"changes with each new melody - this is how all guests will be able to show themselves!

Let's play musical chair!

A completely child's game, but even more fun for adults! We arrange chairs in a circle - their number should be one less than the number of participants. Everyone dances, and when the music stops, they immediately sit down on chairs. Anyone who does not have time to sit on a chair either drops out of the game or takes off some of his clothes and jewelry (shoes, neck scarf, bracelet). If the player refuses to continue, another chair is removed.

The only condition for such entertainment is that all participants must have a sense of humor! Then the game will be very fun - after all, you can take off only one shoe or sacrifice a shirt, remaining in a vest...

Dancing with balloons

Let's educate dancing couples and inflate the balloons - one per couple. Partners do not necessarily have to be of different sexes; close contact between them is not envisaged.
Each couple receives balloon and places it between their bodies. Turn on the music and start dancing. The essence of the competition is to hold a balloon while dancing. A couple will be eliminated from the competition if:-

  • the dancers could not hold the ball and it fell;
  • - the dancers tried too hard and the balloon burst;
  • - the dancers tried to hold the ball with their hands.

Naturally, the winner is the last couple left.

Competition "Cinderella"

Guests are divided into two teams and divided into pairs “man + woman”. One participant in the competition portrays “Cinderella” - instead of a partner, he is given a mop, with which he must dance. As soon as the host turns off the music, the couples break up and quickly form again with other partners. “Cinderella” at the same time throws away the mop and grabs the first one who comes to hand to dance, but always a man - a woman and a woman - a man.
The one left without a partner becomes “Cinderella” and dances with the mop until the next tune!

Game of "Round Dance of Nations"

Guests need to be prepared for this entertainment: talk about the traditions and welcoming rituals of the selected countries (or better yet, show them). The essence of the game: demonstrate these movements to each other, and perhaps choose some kind of ritual for a corporate corporate greeting.

Participants stand in two circles: inner circle They move, dancing, clockwise, in the external - counterclockwise. When the melody ends, the host names a country out loud, suggests movements, and the dancers standing opposite each other perform the appropriate greeting: -

  • French people hug;
  • -Chinese – fold their hands in front of their chest in a prayer gesture;
  • -Norwegians – exchange a strong handshake;
  • -Yakuts – rub noses;
  • -Russians – kiss three times;
  • -Japanese – bow low;
  • - New Guineans - playfully move their eyebrows;
  • -Africans - clap their hands on their thighs and grimace joyfully.

You can come up with other funny gestures, for example, introduce a Martian ritual into the game - turn your back to each other and press your hands between your legs. In general, there are no winners in this game, but everyone has fun!

After everyone has danced enough, you can invite the guests to organize table competitions for the corporate party.

Don't forget that the winners of any dance competition At a corporate party, you should receive prizes - albeit inexpensive, but always memorable or funny. Have a great corporate party!

Dance without music

All participants stand in a circle, one person is nominated to the center. The players will without musical accompaniment spontaneously invent and create a dance atmosphere. For example, a gust of wind, fire or rain. (To do this, participants can click, clap, stomp, hum, blow, howl, jump, spin, etc. in a certain rhythm.) The task of the person who finds himself in the circle is to feel as much as possible and in the dance convey the spatial state that he trying to describe.

Dance on the newspaper

This is very popular competition , used at any parties, weddings, anniversaries. His distinctive feature- simplicity of execution and absolutely no costs, except for a few sheets of old newspapers. Moreover, the participants perceive it with great delight. Each couple who wishes to take part in this competition receives one piece of newspaper. Now this small leaf will be a kind of dance floor for each pair of dancers. After a certain period of time, the presenter announces: “Let’s fold the newspapers in half,” after which the dance continues on a smaller piece of newspaper. This happens until out of all the couples there is only one left standing on the smallest piece of land... The winners can be awarded with symbolic prizes.


Only girls take part in this competition - men act as grateful spectators. Each participant is given a certain number of elastic bands of different sizes, which must be worn as improvised underwear, stockings, gloves and other similar things. In this form, every girl should perform a dance to the music, while pulling off these same elastic bands as erotically as possible. It is worth noting that the spectacle is simply breathtaking! As a result of the competition, viewers choose “The most erotic stripper.” And so that the rest of the participants don’t feel offended, come up with no less for them attractive titles .

Snake dance

The host announces the snake dance as mysteriously as possible. After this, he begins to perform all sorts of mystical manipulations with the scarf and the vase. But nothing happens. The snake doesn't even appear from the vase. Then the presenter asks the audience to help a little - dance, twitch, squeak, yell and scream. Then, upset, he concludes: “I must upset you, but today there will be no snake dance. But we had the opportunity to enjoy the amazing dance of wild monkeys!”


This wonderful competition is ideal for any youth party. From all those present, several couples are selected who want to take part. The same number of trays is prepared according to their number. A couple consisting of a girl and a guy becomes to each other face. It is necessary to sandwich the tray between them so that no participant touches it with their hands. The well-known melody called “lambada” is turned on, and the participants dance, swaying their hips to the beat of the music.
A couple whose tray falls out during a dance leaves the competition. The rest continue to fight for the title of winner.

Dance winter

As a rule, this competition is held during winter holidays. To organize it, you need to prepare small cards describing winter phenomena or things. For example: snowflake, blizzard, snowman, sled, wind, skis, ice, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. The essence of this game is that each participant must take out one note and use dance movements to display what is described in it. The performer of the most original dance receives a small surprise, for example, a postcard, beautiful snowflake etc.

Entertainment program children's day birth, which is planned to be held at home, parents first of all think about two questions: “What competitions will be appropriate?” and “Which of them can become the highlight gala event"We can confidently assure you that there will be dance and music games excellent option. Concerns regarding the cramped space are somewhat exaggerated. If the total area of ​​your apartment exceeds 30 square meters- organizing and holding lively dance and other competitions at home for your birthday will not cause you any difficulties.

Birthday dance competitions

"Lambada with tray": Prepare chairs and trays for the competition. Divide the children into pairs. The participating guys sit on chairs, and you place a tray between them, which they must press with their stomachs. You cannot support it with your hands; touching each other is also prohibited. As soon as you start the musical composition "Lambada", the contestants must begin their dance, rhythmically swaying their hips to the beat of the music. If during these movements the tray falls to the floor, the couple is eliminated from the competition. The winners are the participants who completed the task.

"Dance with a mop": Divide the children into two teams: a boys team and a girls team. Line them up opposite each other. One participant is given a regular mop for washing floors. You turn on the music for the players to dance to. When it stops, the guys need to change partners as quickly as possible. The player with the mop at this time throws it and grabs the first partner that catches his eye. A participant who fails to find a partner when the music stops picks up a mop and begins to dance with it.

“Take on…”: you can divide the children into two teams, or you can simply invite the children to participate all together. Turn on the music, the children dance. From time to time, the dances must be interrupted by the leader’s command: “Take hold of ....” Participants in the competition must have time to grab onto what was offered to them: green, lilac, black, paper, a chair, their own nose, someone else’s hand, the presenter’s knee, and the like. Players who do not manage to grab the specified items and objects in time are eliminated from the game.

"Dance Sport": Divide the children into several teams, preferably three or four. Give each team a task: to come up with and perform a dance to certain music. Fifteen minutes are allotted for preparation. After this time, each team shows its number, and you determine the winners.

"Robot Dance": Tell the children that they are now about to be transported to the disco of the future. In the future, as we know, there live a wide variety of robots who love to dance. In order not to differ from the general population, children need to learn to dance just like them. Turn on the techno music and the dancing begins! The hero of the occasion must determine the winner.

"Reliefs of Music": for ten to twenty minutes you turn on any music, during which time children can perform a wide variety of physically active actions: jumping, running, squatting, dancing, push-ups, spinning, and the like. When you turn off the music, the participants in the game must immediately lie down on the floor. The child who does this last is out of the game. The game continues until only one winner remains.

“Dancing in a circle”: children stand in a circle at a distance of one meter from each other. You choose a driver whose task is to convey the rhythm and character sounding music. All other children must repeat his movements. As soon as the music changes, the next player standing to the left behind the driver takes the initiative into his own hands. The competition continues until all participants in the game take on the role of a dance master.

“Oh, apple, where are you going?”: Invite the boys to perform the sailor dance "Apple". Performance will be assessed special jury, consisting only of guests - girls. The participant who dances his dance to the music more gracefully and masterfully than others becomes the winner of this competition. As a reward, you can give the boy a large red ripe apple.

Musical birthday competitions

"Musical Hat": Children stand in a circle, and a hat is placed on one of the participants in the game. You turn on the music, while it is playing, the child in the hat takes it off his head and passes it to the neighbor on the right. The task of each player is to prevent the hat from remaining on him when the music stops. A participant who makes such a mistake is eliminated from the game. This continues until there is only one winner left. Instead of a hat, you can use any other item of clothing in this competition.

"Choral singing": participants need to choose a well-known funny song to perform and sing it all together, in chorus. At your command: “Quiet,” the children become silent, but continue to sing to themselves. Then, at the command “Loud,” the guys begin to sing again, but this time out loud. The highlight of the game: usually during “silent” singing, the guys change the rhythm and after the command to sing out loud, they do it at random. It turns out very funny.

“You can’t erase words from a song”: Divide the children into two teams. The task of the first group of participants is to perform a short excerpt from any popular song. The task of the second group: taking one word from this passage, remember the musical composition in which this word is mentioned, and perform an excerpt from it. A team that fails to complete its task during the competition is considered a loser. The second one is awarded the title of winner.

“Small choir”: the participants of the game sit on chairs. At this time, you draw some funny and amusing faces on their bare knees; the knees themselves must be decorated with scarves, bows, panama hats, and the like. Put long multi-colored striped knitted socks on children's shins; their feet should remain bare. Pull the sheet in front of the children so that only the legs are visible to the audience. At your command: “A small choir has come to us, a small choir has come to us from behind the forest, from behind the mountains,” the children begin to sing funny songs and ditties, dancing to the beat of their singing.

“Sound engineer”: prepare the props in advance: cans of dry cereals and pasta, plastic bags, baking sheet, saucepans with lids, wooden and metal spoons, boots, whistle, etc. Any items that can be used to produce voice acting will be suitable. In addition, you will need any audio tale. Divide the children into teams, first the first takes part in the competition, then the second. The essence of the game: you turn on a fairy tale, which, for example, begins with the words: “Once upon a frosty winter night we walked through the forest" and press pause. At this time, the competitors must, using their special devices, reproduce the crunch of the snow under their feet. When they do this, you must press the play button, the fairy tale continues. So each team should be able to show their imagination, ingenuity and not to get confused during the competition.The group of children who produced the most interesting and high-quality voice-over of the audio tale wins the game.

“A song about...”: think up in advance and write down on small pieces of paper the names of any objects, plants, animals, etc. Divide the children into two teams. One participant from each group is called up for the competition. They pull pieces of paper from your hands, read the word written on them, and sing a song in which it is mentioned at least once. The winner is the team in which, according to the results of the competition, it turns out greatest number guys who managed to cope with this task.

"Music records": Divide the children into teams. Give the first name "Maxi", the second - "Mini". The task of the first team: to remember and perform as many songs as possible about everything great, large, numerous, wide, tall, and the like. Task two: come up with and perform songs about everything that is small, low, few, insignificant, and so on. For the convenience and speed of the competition, you can think in advance and write a list of topics for performing songs. The winner is the team that managed to sing more songs compared to the opposing team.

"Guess the melody": Prepare a chair or table, sweets and music without words (melodies) for the competition. Place candy on a chair, divide the children into teams, each of which will have one pair of players participating at a time. The guys stand on both sides of the chair, you turn on the melody. As soon as one of the competitors remembers the name of the song, he must grab the candy and give the answer. If it turns out to be correct, the player gets the candy; if not, he puts it in its place. The winning team is the group of children with the most candies at the end of the competition.

Other home birthday contests

"Paper shredders": This competition is very difficult, so it is better to invite only boys to participate in it. Prepare five or six sheets of newspaper in advance. Invite the children to stand in a row and give each one a sheet of newspaper. The contestants' task is to tear the newspaper using only one palm, the second one should be pressed tightly to the body. The winner is the participant who managed not only to tear the newspaper in the least amount of time, but also into the largest number of pieces.

"Balloon Blowers": Prepare nine balloons and nine strings for them in advance. Give three participants props and give them a task: in a certain amount of time, for example, in one minute, you need to be able to inflate all the balloons and tie them with strings. The winner is the child who completes this task faster than others.

"Pass the parcel": Prepare a box in advance, pour candy into it and put a few small soft toys in it. Wrap the box in many layers of paper. Sit the children in a circle and tell them that the postman just delivered a package to your address, but did not say who it was intended for. Invite the children to learn about this in a very interesting way - the parcel must be passed from hand to hand, tearing off one small piece from its packaging. The child who tears off the last piece can take the parcel for himself.

“Put on your nose”: children draw together on a piece of paper funny face a little man with no nose. At this time you are making it from plasticine. When children have finished drawing, attach the sheet to the wall or door using push pins or tape. You blindfold each participant one by one, give them a plasticine nose and ask them to come up to the drawing and try to stick a nose on the drawn man. Children who not only managed to attach a nose to the drawing, but also did it correctly (in the right place) receive prizes.

"Kind words to the birthday boy": Invite the children to form a circle, in the center of which the hero of the occasion will stand. The guys' task: passing a balloon or a rubber ball to each other, name one kind word characterizing the birthday boy. Children who think about options for too long or cannot come up with “epithets” at all are eliminated from the game.

"Pass the coin": Prepare one, preferably a very small coin in advance. Invite the children to sit in a circle. The essence of the game: one participant puts a coin on the index finger of his right hand and passes it to the player sitting next to him already in his right hand. The receiver must cover the coin with his index finger, then both players turn it over and the passer can remove his finger. Children who drop a coin are out of the game. The winner is the last, most dexterous player, who is awarded a prize for his efforts.

It would seem that what could be easier than organizing dances? Turned on the music and the fun began! Not so. People are all different: some will start dancing in half a turn, while others can sit at the table almost the whole evening.

Ready-made quest scenarios for children and adults. For detailed information, click on the image of interest.

So that what remains of the dance part of the program good impressions In order for the dancing to be fun and lively, so that everyone feels free and at ease, you need to take care of the following things:

  • how to attract more guests to dance
  • how to help shy people
  • how to give everyone the opportunity to show their best side

Therefore, we propose to diversify dance program games while dancing and dance competitions, which are given below. Choose, play and make your holidays brighter and more fun!

N New Year's Macarena

This fun dance is great for New Year's holiday as a warm-up for the audience.

The presenter reminds those who have forgotten the dance movements:

  • “One” - extend your right hand forward
  • "Two" - left hand pull forward
  • "Three" - right hand on the left shoulder
  • "Four" - left hand on right shoulder
  • "Five" - ​​right hand behind the head
  • “Six” - left hand behind the head
  • "Seven" - right hand on the right thigh
  • "Eight" - left hand on left thigh
  • “Nine” - they wiggled their butts

Dance Quiz

This competition is also great for warming up the crowd. For each correct answer, the viewer is awarded a small souvenir. At the end of the quiz, those who have prizes in their hands are invited to participate in the next stage competition. This way, you will recruit the required number of participants for holding competitions, and also defuse the situation at the beginning of the holiday, creating the right mood.


  1. "Fruit" dance of sailors (Apple)
  2. The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba)
  3. Letka's half (Enka)
  4. Dance, characteristic feature which is rhythmic percussive footwork (step, or tap dance)
  5. Cuban dance, which has also become widespread in countries Latin America(Cha-cha-cha)
  6. Dance after vodka (Gopak)
  7. Caucasian dance (Lezginka)
  8. Popular Greek dance (Sirtaki)
  9. Famous spanish dance(Flamenco)
  10. Natasha Rostova's first dance (Waltz)
  11. Dance with high leg kicks (Cancan)
  12. Argentinian couples dance characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm (Tango)
  13. Russian belt with stomp (Trepak)
  14. What dance can you do to polish the floor? (Twist)
  15. What dance is he learning? main character the movie "Hipsters"? (Boogie Woogie)

Alternatively, you can complicate the task: players need to not only name the dance correctly, but also try to demonstrate it to the audience using a short appropriate composition. It will be much more fun this way. In this case, it is better to purchase more significant prizes.

An expanding dance, or everyone is dancing!

A chair is placed in the middle of the room and a guy sits on it. Two girls stand behind him, and each puts her hand on his shoulder. The guy, without looking, takes one of the girls by the hand and they go dancing. The remaining girl sits on a chair and the guys walk around, stand behind the girl, and she takes the hand of one of the guys and they also go to dance. Everything continues until all the guests are on the dance floor.

Sirtaki in Russian

All guests must be lined up in two lines: male and female, facing each other. It is advisable that there are at least 10 people in each line. Everyone holds each other's hands, bent at the elbow. To the music greek dance Sirtaki (at first she is not very fast) at the command of the leader, the male line takes three steps forward and bows, then takes three steps back. And then the line of women also takes three steps forward, makes the same bow and returns to their place three steps back.

Thus, two ranks, having completed the simplest dance movement, return to their places.

  1. bow
  2. turn 180 degrees
  3. right foot stomp
  4. left foot stomp
  5. jump (bouncing)
  6. friendly male “Eh!” and in response a mischievous female “Uh-uh!”

The chain of movements, which are done by men and women in turn, should result in the following: 3 steps forward - bow - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - turn around - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your right foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your left foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - jump - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - “Eh!”, “Uh-uh” - 3 steps back.

Having performed the movements, they must be repeated in the same sequence, first, but only at an accelerated pace, and then at an even more accelerated pace. The leader needs to help the dancers and suggest movement commands, then the result will be a well-coordinated, fast and lively dance.

Dance with tasks

Everyone dances, the music stops every now and then and the leader gives some commands, for example:

  • We greet each other, shout “Hello”!
  • Let's jump up to see who's higher!
  • Let's clap our hands!
  • Let's wave our arms!
  • We're spinning like snowflakes!
  • sway your hips!
  • We shout: “Happy New Year!” and etc.

Dance medley

Any number of people can participate in this dance competition, but only in pairs (M+F). It is necessary to write down about 8-10 different musical compositions(this could be: lambada, waltz, polka, tango, dance of little ducklings, rock and roll, boogie-woogie and more) and turn them on one by one. The contestants' task is to quickly switch from one music to another. At the end of the competition, audience applause determines best couple. You can choose the best dancers in each individual dance type.

Musical dialogue

Two teams play (it’s more interesting when men play against women). The first team begins to sing, performing a line, verse or chorus of a song where there is some question, for example: “Well, where are you, girls, girls, girls, short skirts, skirts, skirts?” The second team must perform an answer to this song, for example: “Where the maple rustles over the river wave...” and ask their question. You cannot repeat previously played songs. The game continues at the discretion of the host - as long as the players are excited. The process of coming up with questions and answers is very interesting!

If there are a lot of dancers at your party, hold the next competition. Prepare recordings of music of various genres, such as lambada and hip-hop, in advance. Divide the participants into two teams. Let each team listen to their music, then explain the task: team members need to put original dance in five minutes to the music you heard. The team that got the lambada dances the tango, and those who got the hip-hop dance the waltz. The main condition: all team members must be involved in the dance. The winner is chosen by the audience.

Dance with numbers

All participants gather in the center to the music. At the moment when the music stops and the presenter calls the number, the participants should split into groups (for example, if the presenter calls the number “three,” then the participants should gather in groups of three), holding hands or hugging. Guests who are not included in any group are excluded from participation in the competition. Prizes are awarded to the last two or three participants who reach the end.


Who doesn’t know these famous couplets “Oh, apple, where are you going? You’ll get into my mouth, won’t you come back!”? Many people know famous dance Sailors "Yablochko" Invite the stronger sex to perform this dance to the music. Their performance will be assessed by a special jury, represented exclusively by women. The participant who performs the dance more cheerfully and gracefully than others becomes the winner of this dance competition. As a prize, you can give the winner a red apple.

African dances

Let this competition become a little journey for you hot Africa. To hold it, you will have to work a little and create the right atmosphere: place a symbolic fire in the middle of the room, distribute beads to the participants. Then divide all participants into pairs. All other guests will become members of the jury, who will have to evaluate the dances of the participants. Put African folk music, to which your couples must perform impromptu African dances. The participants of the pair selected by the jury members become the winners of the competition.

French passions

Argentina is undoubtedly the birthplace of tango, but in France this dance was transformed, absorbing the spirit of French fiery love. For the French, not only the expression of the dance is important, but also the graceful performance. This competition will require several couples, but let the women choose their own partners. Then, to the music, the selected couples dance tango, and the audience (preferably a male audience) evaluates which of the women is more graceful in the dance. It is she who becomes the winner of the competition.

Bag with a surprise

To play, you will need a bag in which you need to put various funny things, for example, adult diapers, underwear, colored scarves, funny hats. All players go to the dance floor. When the music starts, everyone should dance and pass each other a bag with things. At the moment when the music stops, the person who has the bag must take one thing out of the bag without looking and put it on. Then the music starts again and the game continues. The game is on until all items are worn by the participants

Tango threesome

For the “Tango for Three” competition, the presenter invites 3-4 couples.
The presenter gives each pair one balloon.
So he will be the third.
The ball must be between the bodies of the dancing couple.
Touching the ball with your hands is prohibited.
The host of the program starts by playing slow music.
The participants are dancing.
The pair whose ball bursts or flies away leaves the game.
The presenter turns on more energetic music without warning.
Dancing couples must quickly adapt to the tempo of the music and continue dancing.

Waltz exactly

Dance in the newspaper is a fun, active game to the music. Participates in this game even number players, but not less than 4 people. The game develops dexterity and coordination of movements. Can be used during adult parties to liberate players. To play you need to take several large newspapers. Carefully cut a hole in each newspaper for two heads.
Players divide into pairs and carefully place newspapers on their heads.
Let's turn on the music. Couples begin to dance without touching each other.
The winner is the couple whose newspaper does not tear.