Career growth: how to get a promotion? Why aren't you promoted?

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Career - a completely natural process that is necessary for both the authorities and the subordinate himself. But alas, even a very diligent employee often gets stuck in a career elevator. How to get the promotion you want and empowerment with a corresponding salary increase?

Where to expect a promotion - the secrets of career growth

What can career growth depend on, and why does your colleague, and not you, often get a prize in the form of a promotion? We understand the forms of career advancement:

  • Career "elevator" on merit. An employee's career growth directly depends on the results of fulfilling the assigned tasks, if the company evaluates work according to the scheme "what you've worked for, you've got it." As a rule, in reputable companies, it is prescribed in detail both the time that an employee must work in a certain position before being promoted, and the skills that should appear in his career “arsenal”.
  • Career "elevator" according to preferences. This form of promotion can be divided into secret and public. The first is based on certain hidden preferences, likes and other emotional factors. The second, public one, is based on the professionalism and competence of the employee. The third (rare) form of promotion in preference is based on "similarity" - the similarity of characters, communication "on the same wavelength" or even commonality in the manner of dressing. Options 1 and 3 are rarely observed among competent and far-sighted leaders (it is not customary to interfere with sympathy and work among business people).
  • Career lift as a bonus for diligence. The term “diligence” includes not only the diligence and responsibility of the employee, but also complete obedience to his boss, agreement in everything, the obligatory accompaniment of the boss’s joke with laughter, taking the side of the boss in any conflict, etc.

  • Career lift by "rank" or length of service. This form of promotion is present in those companies where it is practiced to reward an employee with a promotion for "length of service" either under the guidance of one boss or for working at one enterprise. In this case, those who have worked longer will be promoted faster. A kind of "loyalty" to the company or superiors sometimes outweighs all the merits and potential of the employee.
  • Career lift with the participation of the employee himself. If the options described above referred to a promotion without the intervention of an employee, then this case is the opposite. The employee is directly involved in the process of his promotion. Either he is offered this promotion (“can you handle it?”), Or the employee himself declares that he is “ripe” for broader powers.

10 ways to get the job you want - how to get a promotion at work?

Career Elevator Promotion Principles followed by most companies:

  • Quality work. The decisive factor will be the result of your work. Your reputation, return on work, proven effectiveness - the criteria on the basis of which top managers will make decisions - to promote or not to promote.
  • Teamwork. Work in a team. The office is not a solitary cell and not a place to express one's position as a "sociopath". Be with the team: participate in projects, self-nominate in working groups, offer help, form an opinion about yourself as a person who manages everything, finds contact with everyone and develops comprehensively.

  • Never be late for work. It is better to arrive a few minutes earlier in the morning and go home in the evening a few minutes later than others. This will create the appearance of your "zeal" for work. Choose the position itself - the “goal”, based on the capabilities of both the company itself and your real capabilities. “I am an easy learner” will not work here, you should be ready for anything.
  • Use all the opportunities for learning and professional development to the fullest. If there is a need to correct the skills already acquired, ask for help in trainings, use the possibilities of additional courses, etc. Even you yourself, let alone the management, should not doubt your qualifications.

  • Sociability. Try to be on the same wavelength with everyone - do not avoid communication with colleagues, corporate parties and meetings. You must become, if not the soul of the team, then a person whom everyone trusts and whose reliability you are sure of. That is, you must become "one of your own" for everyone.
  • Don't forget to follow the procedure. Of course, you are already known and trusted, but in addition to internal candidates, they also consider external ones. Therefore, it does not hurt to update your resume and write a cover letter. If there are rules for applying for vacancies, these rules should be strictly observed.

  • Discuss your promotion with your superiors. Of course, the leader cannot be unaware of your goals and aspirations. And you can use his advice. "Intimate" conversation can contribute to a promotion. Letters of recommendation from colleagues in leadership positions will also be important.
  • Prepare for the interview. This is a procedure carried out when moving from one position to another, provided in most companies. The interview can be a decisive moment in your promotion, so you should prepare for this stage in advance.

  • Do not strive to become indispensable in your current position. By becoming indispensable, you will show your superiors that no one can do better than you with your position. Accordingly, no one will want to transfer you to another position - why lose such a valuable staff in this place. Therefore, continuing to give yourself one hundred percent to work, take a sponsor and teach him all the wisdom. So that in the event of a promotion prospect, you can be replaced. At the same time, be sure to take on more responsible tasks to show that you are capable of more. Demonstrate your serious approach to work and responsibility at all levels.
  • Seek contact with management. Not by fawning and servile obedience, but by honesty, directness, a principled line of conduct - without participation in intrigues and collective undercover games, responsibility and other irreplaceable qualities. Management should respect you.

And don't sit still. Under a lying stone, as you know ...

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After working in one place for some time, a person begins to think about how to achieve a promotion. Of course, this opportunity does not always exist: sometimes the company simply does not provide for career growth from this position. However, you can always ask for at least a pay rise.

Getting a promotion isn't always easy, but it's possible. The main way is a conversation with the authorities. Most of the workers are afraid of him. Making this conversation effective is the main task of the employee who is eager for a promotion.

Correct position

The main prerequisite for career growth is to work in a company where there is room to grow. And if not by position, then at least where you can expect an increase in salary. If neither one nor the other is expected in this company, then there is only one way out - to change jobs. And change either immediately to a higher paid and more prestigious one, or to work in a similar position with a similar salary, but with growth prospects.

Quality work

Another important prerequisite is the quality of your work. That is, you must analyze your current and previous activities. Were there any mistakes, and how serious? Have you fixed them? In any case, even if there were any, try to concentrate now on the excellent performance of your duties. Be a punctual worker, don't be late. It is better to leave work a little later than the end of the working day. Try to take less time off and sick days. Keep track of the deadlines for completing all tasks and plans, if possible, try to take on some new, interesting and more responsible task (if you are sure that you will do it well). However, those who make the decision to raise should know about your good work, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. How you do it is up to you. Maybe it’s worth talking more about the work done, explaining, sometimes asking about the quality of the completed task.

Diligent performance of duties has a downside. By working too well, by giving more than you have to, you can thereby show superiors that you are indispensable. In this post. Therefore, do not overdo it: do not abruptly start staying late at work and overfulfilling the plan. Just do your job well and on time.

Continuous development

The third prerequisite is the acquisition of new skills. If you're aiming for a specific position, find out what qualifications the person in that position should have. Perhaps knowledge of a foreign language is required there, but you just lack this. If no additional qualifications are required, still do not hesitate to acquire new skills. Take useful seminars, refresher courses, and so on. Additional education has never interfered with career growth.

relationship building

The fourth important component of promotion is good relationships. Unfortunately, no one can appreciate your efforts if people do not like you. Not only to the authorities (although to him - in particular), but also to other employees. If you have never thought much about your place in the team and about building good relationships with other employees, then it's time to do it. The key to success is politeness, good mood, smiling, participation in the life of the team. But remember: no gossip.

Your relationship with superiors can be affected by your suggestions for improving the quality of work. If possible, show your interest in the development of the company, and make some useful suggestions. For example, how to attract customers.

The right attitude

Let's say you are a respected person in the team, you work well, you have improved your skills, and there is room to grow. Looks like it's time to go talk to the boss. But it's still scary. It's a matter of mental attitude. It is important to understand that you are not a slave who goes to beg his owner for an indulgence. You are a worker, and your labor is nothing but a commodity. And now you must discuss with your boss the new conditions under which you are ready to sell this product to the company. If all the prerequisites for career growth are there, why not raise your price? And if you soberly assess the situation, then nothing terrible will happen after talking about the increase. Any company needs valuable personnel, so it is likely that you will at least be promised to consider your request, and not be driven away in disgrace.

Preparing to Talk to Your Boss

It is important - when, where and how to ask for a raise. The right time is the key to success. This means, first of all, an assessment of what times the company has now. If the time is critical, the company is at a loss, it is unlikely that your request will be granted. Maybe it's worth a little patience until the position of the firm is leveled off.

But the specific time of day is also important. A conversation at the very beginning of the working day can turn out to be a failure. The boss may be out of sorts, because he didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t have breakfast, and then urgent matters piled up in the morning. The end of the working day is also not the best option for a conversation about a raise. The boss, perhaps, is already too tired, or in a hurry somewhere, and his thoughts are occupied with something completely different.

Perhaps the ideal time to talk to your boss about a promotion is in the afternoon. As a rule, the most important things are done before lunch. And after dinner, the boss will be more relaxed, full and kind. But it is better to pay attention to the mood of the authorities as a whole in advance. Wait for the day when it will obviously be in a good mood.

When talking about the timing of the call, it's important to keep in mind your previous conversation about a promotion, if any. If such a conversation took place less than six months ago, and you were refused, it may be better to wait.

Where to ask for a raise? The answer to this question is almost obvious. In the boss's office, best of all - face to face. And making sure that the boss is going to be in his office for a long time, and is not going to an important meeting soon.

And now a little about exactly how to ask for a promotion. The worst method is to drive the authorities into a corner and demand something in an ultimatum form, threatening to leave. The most likely outcome of such a conversation is not promotion, but dismissal.

Bad Arguments:

  • fatigue from constant delays at work (for bosses, this can only speak of your choice or inability to complete work on time);
  • pressure on pity (your small children, elderly parents and loans are unlikely to interest the authorities);
  • long time working in the company (this does not mean anything);
  • a manifestation of envy (that is, a comparison with other employees who have been promoted, unlike you).

Even worse than all of the above - the lack of argumentation. The conversation needs to be built logically, explaining why you deserve a raise. And then with a high probability you will achieve what you want. But even if you did everything for a promotion, but you were refused - do not be discouraged. Ask the boss in a mild form about the reasoning for the refusal. Perhaps it’s not you who is a bad employee, but the company has such time that it cannot now promote someone or pay more salaries. And if the matter is still in you, then discuss with your boss what shortcomings in your work you need to eliminate.


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It is possible that you yourself are partly to blame for the fact that the authorities do not appreciate your merits. And it's not that you're doing a bad job. Probably, what you are doing has long become a routine. And if the work is not a joy, then the enthusiasm decreases by itself.

In addition, people who are busy with the same thing for a long time often, as they say, blur their eyes. They do their job like an automaton, without thinking or trying to improve something. But for many managers, one of the main advantages of an employee is the ability to take the initiative and a caring attitude.

If this is your case, the best way out is to change jobs. Change can help you avoid burnout. That is why experts advise looking for a new job every 5-7 years, even if you are completely satisfied with your previous job.

If the dismissal is not included in your plans, try asking your boss for a raise. The most appropriate moment is right after you have completed a difficult task or done a large amount of work. Before you talk to your boss, think through the arguments in your favor. Do not hesitate to remind your superiors of your merits, speak in a firm voice, avoid pleading intonations. In the end, self-confidence is half the battle!

Didn't get along?

Another reason that you are not appreciated is poor relations with the team. If it was not possible to make friends with colleagues, it will be more difficult to get the approval of the boss - the authorities do not really favor the “white crows”. After all, if a person has difficulty interacting with colleagues, this is likely to affect the results of his work. In addition, bosses are also people, and sometimes they have a "herd feeling" that makes them join the unflattering opinion of the team about any employee.

What to do to make friends with colleagues? To begin with, take a closer look at yourself and try to find out the reason for the dislike for you. Perhaps you violate some unspoken rules that have developed in the team, complain to your colleagues too often, or, on the contrary, communicate with them condescendingly.

But often the only reason for the dislike of colleagues is a lack of self-confidence. Sometimes, with the help of attacks, colleagues test the newcomer for strength, and if the test fails, it becomes very difficult to win the favor of colleagues. The only way to deal with this attitude is to remain calm. If the attacks do not evoke emotion in the victim, co-workers quickly leave her alone. Of course, keeping a good face on a bad game is not easy, but try not to give vent to your irritation. Responding with insult for insult is also not worth it. Your anger is an indicator of your weakness, and colleagues will not hesitate to take advantage of this.

The dislike of colleagues is sometimes manifested by complete indifference. For career advancement, this is no better than open conflict, but in this case it is much easier to win the favor of the team. Try to change your behavior a little. Smile more often, a smile is the best way to make friends with an interlocutor.

Do not forget about compliments, and the effect of praise largely depends on who it refers to. It turns out that crude flattery works well for people with high self-esteem. Your praise, as it were, confirms the person’s thoughts about himself, so even exaggerated compliments are taken at face value. If the self-esteem of your interlocutor is low, he will be more suspicious of praise. Therefore, before giving a compliment, try to determine how the interlocutor feels about himself. The more modest your counterpart, the more restrained and subtler the praise should be.


It happens that employees are underestimated due to the fact that they do not quite correctly respond to instructions from their superiors. This is especially true for new ones. The fear in the eyes and the lack of confidence that the task will be completed on time make the boss doubt the competence of the employee.

And if so, in order to win the favor of the boss, you need to learn not to be afraid of new things. If you have some “terrible” task ahead of you, such as mastering a new computer program or making a report according to a new scheme, postpone immersion in work for a while. Start your day with something simpler. By doing less complicated things, you, firstly, cope with the current work, which would have to be distracted later, and secondly, you sort of “accelerate” and set yourself up for work. Just don't take too long! When starting to learn something new, do not try to understand everything at once and do not be nervous if some things do not come to you.

Personal opinion

Mikhail Grushevsky:

First of all, a person must value and respect himself. When he underestimates himself, others feel it. But if in his own eyes he looks wealthy, professional, then both colleagues and management will treat him with respect.

One of the methods of motivating employees, as well as optimizing the workflow, is promotion. But despite the fact that for an employee the decision to promote him in a position is, as a rule, a desirable procedure, in some cases its incorrect implementation can result in negative consequences for the employer, manager, personnel specialist or accountant. Therefore, to know how to promote an employee in a position, and how exactly the promotion should be formalized, should be all parties to the labor relationship associated with the indicated action.

Promotion - laws and regulations

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the key regulatory document that regulates almost all existing aspects of labor relations is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, the issues of promotion are not directly considered by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly. Nevertheless, the existing legal framework is sufficient to carry out the entire procedure without errors and possible unpleasant consequences for each of the parties to the employment contract. To do this, you should pay attention to the following regulatory provisions of the law:

  • Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article regulates the content and the basic principles of its compilation. At the same time, its standards require the obligatory indication of the duties of the employee by position, working hours, remuneration system and may include other nuances. At the same time, in the case of an increase, the official and labor function of the employee in any situation will be subject to, which means that the content of the employment contract should also change.
  • Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The regulations of this article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation enshrines the need to maintain existing labor relations, as well as to make changes to this document, including when changing the position of an employee, for example, when he is promoted. There are also exceptions in which making entries about the increase is not mandatory - the employees themselves decide whether they should enter information about work on the book.
  • Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The principles of the aforementioned article govern the procedure for amending existing and properly formalized labor relations between the parties. In particular, it regulates the mandatory consent of both parties to any changes to the original employment contract - and the increase is no exception to this rule.
  • Art. 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article regulates the procedure for other work. From the point of view of the provisions of the aforementioned article, any change in the labor function, duties or place of work of an employee is considered a transfer, and a transfer that is not temporary should always be carried out only with the consent of the employee himself. Accordingly, an increase is always associated with a change in the employee's labor functions, and is regulated by the provisions of the aforementioned article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The current legislation in relation to certain categories of employees may imply certain restrictions on the employer's ability to promote employees. This may concern both working conditions, for example, if the new conditions are more harmful or suggest the presence of dangerous factors that the employee cannot work with, and the very nature of the work. For example, a special procedure for promotion is expected when working in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the state or municipal service.

As can be understood from the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee cannot be promoted without his direct and informed consent. This is the main requirement that an employer must comply with.

In some cases, employees may not want to be promoted, for example, if new responsibilities seem too difficult for them, if they do not want to take on additional responsibility, or for other reasons. And the employer has no right to force them to change the employment contract, and independent promotion without the consent of the employee can ultimately lead to negative consequences, including litigation.

How to apply for a promotion - procedure

In matters of how to arrange a promotion, the employer should follow the standards established by law - in this case, he will be able to both effectively organize labor activities at the enterprise and not be held accountable for violating labor laws. Despite the fact that the specific features of the aforementioned process can seriously differ depending on the organizational nuances of each particular enterprise, in general, a fairly simple step-by-step instruction can be applied. In particular, the procedure for promotion of an employee may look like this:

If, upon promotion, an employee receives a position that was not previously present at the enterprise, this position must be included in the company’s job schedule and recorded in other local regulations before promotion.

Features of promotion of an employee in a position and responsibility for promotion without consent

If an employee has been promoted without his personal consent, he can always file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. At the same time, if this appeal does not produce results, the employee will have the right to file a lawsuit against the employer in court, and the employer will be held liable under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this case, the employee may be awarded compensation for moral damage and compensation for forced absenteeism in connection with the trial.

However, in addition to the responsibility for promotion without the consent of the employee, this procedure has a number of other nuances that should be paid attention to both sides of the labor relationship. First of all, employees should remember that the law does not oblige the employer to set higher wages when they are promoted - this is just a common practice of effective labor organization, and not legal requirements.

Accordingly, before agreeing to an increase, an employee needs to familiarize himself with the documents regulating the position offered to him and the provisions of the supplementary agreement to the employment contract in order to verify the actual benefits of such a procedure.

Sometimes employees are ready for a promotion without a salary increase, for example, when they want to get a new entry in the work book and increase their actual experience when working in a particular position, which can later help them with a new job.

Any person authorized by the employer for such actions has the right to make a direct decision on the promotion of an employee. That is, in some cases, the entire promotion procedure is carried out, for example, by the immediate supervisor of the employee and the personnel specialists of the organization. This greatly simplifies the organization of labor in large companies and provides effective tools for managing individual structural divisions.

There are no legally established forms of an additional agreement on promotion to an employment contract, an order for promotion or other documents related to this procedure - that is, they are drawn up by the employer in free form. The key requirement is only the consent of the employee with his actual change in labor rights and obligations and, possibly, new job descriptions.

Before signing an additional agreement to the employment contract, the employee has the right to familiarize himself with all his new duties and rights, and the refusal to provide him with such an opportunity is also illegal. That is why it is necessary to have a position officially formalized in the regulations of the enterprise before any employee begins to occupy it, since subsequently making changes to the job schedule may require much more effort on the part of the employer, and the employee will have the right to refuse to accept them.

Having no work experience, at the first stage of a career, we agree to work with almost any salary. Naturally, initially this salary is quite low. After working for a while, we understand that we would like to achieve something more. Indeed, it is not the whole life to remain in the starting position in the company.

It happens that the leader immediately sees and notes the successes of his subordinates and himself offers them a new position and, accordingly, a new salary. But, you understand, this does not always happen and not with everyone. Therefore, if you feel that you have sat too long in your position, it's time to work on improving your position.

If you feel that you have significantly improved your professional skills, become more qualified and competent specialist and have taken on more responsibilities than before, it's time to declare your achievements to your superiors.

Be confident. The most important psychological moment is that you go to the boss not to beg for alms, but to negotiate new conditions on which you agree to provide your services to the company. After all, your work is a commodity, after all. So why, if it's good and of high quality, should you give it away at the lowest cost?

Getting ready to talk to your boss

In order to achieve the intended goal, you will need to carefully consider the tactics of negotiations. You must be persuasive, but at the same time tactful and calm. So that the conversation is not chaotic, think in advance what you want to say. Make a list of your achievements and the reasons why you should be promoted.

In order not to make a mistake with the arguments, you need to know what the boss is looking at when making decisions about whether to promote a person in a position:

Agree, be that as it may, talking about promoting an employee in a position and increasing his salary is not the easiest topic for a boss. Therefore, you should not show up in the boss’s office and immediately startle him with your demands. If you shock your boss and try to corner him, you will most likely be rejected.

But being modest beyond measure is also not recommended. An insecure and mentally unprepared person to talk about a promotion is also most likely to be rejected. It is not necessary to describe each of your merits for a long and tedious time, and even more so, you should not put pressure on pity by talking about your material difficulties. Also, do not complain that someone in the company receives a higher salary than you, although they work much less. Tell your boss only what he wants to hear.

You can analyze vacancies in the labor market. Compare the average market cost of labor of a specialist of your qualification and profile with the salary that you receive. Make sure your actual and potential skills match the higher salary or position. And don't be greedy by making wage demands.

Otherwise, it will be easier for the boss to find a specialist who will agree to work for the same money that they pay you now. If you can give weighty arguments, you can consider that half of the work is done. The main thing is not to be afraid that you will be refused. Even if this happens, life will not end there.

Choosing a meeting time

As you know, the result of a meeting largely depends not only on the arguments put forward by the parties, but also on the time and circumstances of the conversation. Therefore, you can talk with your boss about a promotion only when the conditions are favorable for making a positive decision.

Agree that if the company suffers losses in the current quarter, your requests are unlikely to be answered. On the other hand, if you and your colleagues exceeded the plan, attracted new customers, and helped close a very profitable deal, the boss is more likely to agree to listen to you. As for the specific time of day, here, too, not every time is suitable.

An unfortunate moment can be the beginning of the working day. At this time, the person may not have fully woken up yet and in general are not in the best mood. In addition, the boss may be busy in the morning, and your visit will be untimely.

The end of the working day is also not the right time to talk about a raise. Your boss is most likely tired during the day, and he wants to get distracted from work as soon as possible. And then you throw him another topic for reflection. It is unlikely that the boss will be delighted.

The best option is to meet in the afternoon. First, a fairly significant number of things have been done. Secondly, from lunch the chef will come full, relaxed and good-natured. It is in this state that it is better to bring him to a conversation about your prospects.

And the last moment: remember the last time you asked your boss for a raise. If it was less than six months ago, you should not start a conversation again.


In addition to the time, it is also important to choose a place for the conversation. Ideally, if you manage to talk with the boss one-on-one in his office. So the chef will feel at ease, which means he will be able to think over all your arguments calmly and thoroughly. Never try to start a conversation about a promotion when the boss is very busy with other matters or is going to an important meeting. On the eve of important negotiations with partners, when there are enough reasons for excitement, it is not worth loading a person with your problems. No one will listen to you, and you will expose yourself as an unceremonious and annoying type.

It is also wrong to think that talking about a promotion is appropriate during corporate holidays and banquets. Believe me, the boss does not at all take pleasure in talking to you about business in the midst of everyone's fun. In addition, it will be inconvenient for you to run after the chef, making your way between the tables, and, shouting over the music, broadcast to him about your professional achievements.

Mistakes when talking to the boss

1. Lack of argumentation. If you have not prepared for the meeting, cannot explain exactly why you need a promotion or salary and why you are worthy of such honors, you will be refused. An illogical and chaotic narrative will look extremely unconvincing.

2. Complaints of the "veteran of labor". Never tell your boss that you deserve a promotion because "you've been with the company for years." You are not in the army. Here, no one is encouraged for long service. If an employer sees no real benefit to their business, they don't care how many years you've been working for them. So come up with better arguments.

3. Complaints about fatigue. No need to tell the boss that you plow like a horse without holidays and days off. In fact, no one bothers you to take advantage of the legal time for rest. Therefore, your workaholism is not yet a reason to increase salaries or move to a new position.

4. Comparison with other employees. Do not complain about the fact that Petrov and Sidorov's salary was raised, but you, the poor, unfortunate one, are not. First, by doing this you express doubt about the justice of the boss. Secondly, you will gain the glory of an envious and gossip. Which, instead of performing direct duties, only looks into colleagues' wallets.

5. Tales of distress. The boss is absolutely indifferent that you have three loans hanging on you, and even a mortgage. This is exclusively your personal drama, which does not concern him. Your employer is not the head of a charitable organization, so it is absolutely not profitable for him to subsidize you just like that.

6. Blackmail and ultimatums. So many employees, talking to the boss about a raise, begin to threaten with dismissal or that they will leave to work for competitors. Well, perhaps this will work on an extremely impressionable boss for the first time. But it is much more likely, especially if this is not the first time you have resorted to blackmail, that you will be given a piece of paper and a pen so that you carry out your threat and leave the company. So instead of a new position and a large salary, you will only receive a calculation and a work book. It's good if they fire you of your own free will.

What to do if you are refused?

The main reason why most employees hesitate to talk to their boss is the fear of rejection. And this fear overpowers the expectation of benefits if the issue is resolved positively. But should you be afraid of rejection? Is this really the end of the world? Not at all. So even if you were not given a new position and salary, do not rush to become discouraged.

First, when you hear a refusal, immediately ask what caused it. Maybe it's not about you at all. It may be that the company, for some objective reasons, cannot yet afford to pay employees a large salary, or the desired position is still occupied. It is also possible that the boss is not satisfied with the way you perform your duties.

In this case, tactfully ask what shortcomings you should pay attention to. After correcting the mistakes, after a while you can again go for an audience with the authorities. Perhaps then the issue will be resolved in your favor. The main thing - do not perceive the refusal to increase as a tragedy.

A few more tips on how to get promotions and pay increases:

It is not easy to get a promotion or a pay increase. However, if you choose the right time, place and circumstances, and prepare convincing arguments, you will most likely be able to convince your boss.