Arthur Gaspard personal life wife. Arthur Gaspar about his solo career, debut album and inspiration

I continue to introduce you to the members of the shocking group "KAZAKY"

Arthur Gaspard (Archibaz)-one of the key members of the Kazaky group, its face and calling card.

Arthur Archibaz is a classically trained professional dancer who has worked in several renowned ballet companies.

Real name - Artur Samvelovich Gasparyan (according to the passport - Gaspar, nicknames - Art Gaspar, Archibaz, Archie Baz).

Arthur's biography is a story of hard work, constant development, gradual professional growth and real, hard-working, well-deserved success...

Biography of Arthur Gaspard

Artur Gasparyan was born on June 22, 1984 in the city of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Arthur remembers his childhood like this: “ Until the age of 6-7, I loved playing backgammon. Loved to climb trees, eat green apricots with salt«.
The era of Arthur's development as a dancer is associated with Russia. It was there that he took place as a performer classical ballet. At the age of 10, in 1994, Arthur entered the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg. This is very authoritative and deserved educational institution, founded in 1738.

Such world dance stars as Anastasia Volochkova, Matilda Kshesinskaya, Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, George Balanchine, Galina Ulanova, Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov and many others studied at the Academy!

The excellent choreographic education received at the renowned Academy of Russian Ballet allowed Artur Gasparyan to begin his professional ballet career in Moscow, at the famous creative team-- State Academic Theater of Classical Ballet.

The theater was founded back in 1966 by the great Igor Moiseev. Since 1977, it has been led by Natalya Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyev. The troupe of the group performed on 5 continents in 30 countries and introduced its work to residents of more than 200 CIS cities. Its soloists have repeatedly become winners and laureates international competitions, including winning the Grand Prix of the Paris Academy of Dance.

Being part of this famous theater, Artur Gasparyan was remembered by the audience, in particular, for his bright and highly professional performance of the role of the mime Metrobius in the play “Spartacus”, where he performed together with famous dancers Sergei Belorybkin and Ion Kuros.

In 2007, Arthur Archibaz-Gasparyan moved to Kyiv and joined the equally famous team - National academic theater Opera and Ballet of Ukraine named after T.G. Shevchenko (abbreviated common name - National Opera of Ukraine). Founded almost 150 years ago, it saw on its stage Fyodor Chaliapin, Matilda Kshesinskaya, Boris Gmyrya, Leonid Sobinov, Anatoly Solovyanenko and many other stars of the first magnitude!

Dancing on the wall of the National Opera, first category ballet dancer (that was the name of his position) Arthur Gasparyan attracted the attention of experienced music lovers with his work in P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake,” where he performed memorable pas de trois.

However, the narrow framework of classical ballet has always been cramped for Arthur Archibaz. Therefore, it is not surprising that in addition to working in classical productions, he eventually began to collaborate with Oleg Zhezhel, the director of the modern dance ballet “Zhezhel’s Ballet” (formerly called “Dels-Art”), and also began to work quite actively with popular musical performers.

One of the most famous works Arthur - filming a video popular group"Lama." In the video, together with his friend Oleg Zhezhel, singer Natalya Dzenkiv and director Alan Badoev, he created an emotional and touching video for the song “Trimay” (“Hold”).

In 2010, for his services in the field of choreography, Arthur was awarded the highest award in Armenia, awarded for outstanding creative achievements in the fields of culture, art, literature, education, humanities - Movses Khorenatsi medal. Arthur received it directly from the hands of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

Naturally, with such an excellent education and extensive experience, Arthur found it easy to modern dance, including waacking, which many music experts believe is the basis of the Kazaky group’s choreography.

And since 2010, when the idea of ​​​​creating the group “Kazaky” was born and matured, creative activity Arthur Archibaza-Gaspar is inextricably linked with this bright team, which has a great future and enormous popularity.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015 22:03 ()

Valery Leontiev congratulated the MK soundtrack on its 40th anniversary

Artur Gasparyan, editor of the music department of MK, spoke with Russian pop star Valery Leontyev. The singer spoke about his shocking performance, and also invited fans to the Kremlin to celebrate the anniversary of “ZD”.

Look full version Interview: Part 1 and Part 2.
Alexander Kulibanov, Artur Gasparyan

Friday, January 23, 2015 15:56 ()

Last year, music TV channels and the Internet were blown up by the video of the young but quickly gaining popularity of the Te100steron group for the song “I Miss You.” Debut video guys, brothers Andrei and Valerie, not only spread across the Internet at the speed of sound, but also conquered TV: becoming the winner of the “Promotion” program of the RUSSIAN MUSICBOX TV channel.
On the wave of success, the young people began recording their first music album, however, found time to shoot a second video for the song “Bed,” the popularity of which was predicted back in 2014 musical critic, author of the “Sound Track” of the MK newspaper - Artur Gasparyan. The video for the Te100steron group will be shot by the famous music video director Alexander Igudin, and the stylist will be Max Gore, who has created the look of many celebrities, including Ksenia Sobchak, Sergey Lazarev and others.
Until the end of work on the video, neither the director nor the team members Andrei and Valerie reveal the plot of the video for reasons of principle. But, seeing the success of the last video, and how much interest the group’s songs enjoy among the audience, we ourselves are convinced that new job musicians will also be popular!
Alexander Igudin is one of the most sought-after Russian directors, with more than 250 videos to his credit, including for Western stars Londonbeat and C.C. Catch, Ricchi e Poveri. He shot videos for Alla Pugacheva, Nikolai Baskov, Laima Vaikule, Kristina Orbakaite, Valery Meladze, the groups “A-Studio”, “Tea for Two”, “ Ivanushki International", "Mirage", "Brilliant" and many others. Alexander, the author of the famous New Year's musicals, which in holidays shown on central TV channels. Among them: “Three Heroes”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The New Adventures of Aladdin”, “Morozko” and many others...

Thursday, December 11, 2014 19:20 ()

In one evening, the Te100steron group managed to perform at several major events at once. First, the musicians congratulated the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper on its 95th anniversary, and then they found themselves at the 20th anniversary of Soviet Sports, during which they presented the annual “Gentleman of the Year” award. I received the coveted statuette, by the way, Hulk!

The charming soloists of the Te100steron group have long fallen in love with not only the army of thousands of fans who are actively interested in the work and personal life of the brothers Andrei and Valerie. The musicians charmed even seasoned journalists. Representatives of the largest newspapers “Moskovsky Komsomolets” and “Komsomolskaya Pravda” were the first to join the ranks of their fans. Even the employees of “Soviet Sport” did not ignore them. That is why Te100steron are welcome guests at all events organized by these publications.

Despite the snowfall that hit Moscow, the musicians managed to come first to the anniversary of the MK, where they performed, perhaps, the longest program. They first performed their hits “I Miss You” and “This Is Not a Woman,” and then, exclusively for Komsomolets, Arthur Gasparyan’s favorite song “Bed” was performed, and at the end the brothers presented “Flowers” ​​to all the ladies. The musicians are almost literally words, they “blowed up” the restaurant where the anniversary celebration was taking place. Before they had time to finish singing the first verse, all the electricity in the establishment went out. “Excess testosterone,” they joked. Andrei and Valerie were not at a loss and began to finish the song a cappella. The hall “exploded” with applause. It took about 10 minutes to resolve the problem, and when the power was restored, the hosts of the evening - Artur Gasparyan and Ilya Legostaev - they announced “Te100steron” for the second time, and this time the musicians finished singing without interruption. “People came up to me in the hall and asked “who are these guys?” - Gasparyan said from the stage - And this is a good sign.”

Having worked through the program, they hurried to the next truly masculine event, where the “Gentleman of the Year” awards were presented according to the magazine “Soviet Sport”. What is a Gentleman without testosterone? - the organizers figured, and, of course, invited the group’s soloists as guests of honor. Among other things, Andrei and Valerie also performed several of their compositions, which, by the way, were also appreciated by real men, led by the main star of the evening - the Hulk!

Tuesday, December 09, 2014 15:01 ()

The famous music critic, journalist and permanent author of the “Sound Track” of the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets Artur Gasparyan is personally acquainted with all the artists, but always closely monitors the emergence of new faces and names. Recently, in his regular column, in the Friday issue of MK, an article appeared on the young group “Te100steron”, for which he predicts a great future. The material was published under the title " A new group“Te100steron is rapidly gaining fans.”
“Two brothers, Andrey and Valery Birbichadze, who created a musical energy drink called “Te100steron” have not yet broken the global charts, but all the prerequisites are there - a “marketable” bow that makes any searching eye stop and start looking with interest, positive energy, hit melodies that stick on the tongue, juicy and dynamic arrangements, soulful male lyrics, without snot, but with a stingy tear, saturated with a fair concentration of the same testosterone that girls smell a mile away and flare up like firewood in the fire of love,” writes Arthur Gasparyan.
But MK not only writes about the group, the musicians perform at all events of the publishing house.
“Their practically first performance in front of a mass audience at the oral release of “MK” in Kurovsky near Moscow ended with enthusiastic cries of excited women and girls: “Bravo! Well done!” It should be noted that MK readers are spoiled not just by artists, but by the most super-duperstars at such “on-site” meetings with our editors. They won’t be surprised not only by “Te100steron”, but also by Alla Pugacheva with Philip Kirkorov, and Oleg Gazmanov with Dima Bilan, etc., etc... So the reaction large hall to a band almost unpromoted anywhere with unknown songs was very revealing. In this sense, “ZD,” of course, heartlessly and cruelly threw the guys into the breach, but it was after the “experimental” result that they became confident in their predictions and observations,” continues Gasparyan.
The team's army of fans is growing day by day. Young people are not only the headliners of all MK events, but also the favorites of the major international music TV channel RUSSIAN MUSICBOX. Yes and in in social networks their songs are extremely popular. The immediate plans of the Te100steron group include recording a debut album and filming a new video. All fans of the band are looking forward to this, and the musicians, brothers Andrei and Valerie, promised to please them with new releases at the beginning of 2015.

I continue to introduce you to the members of the shocking group "KAZAKY"

Arthur Gaspard (Archibaz)-one of the key members of the Kazaky group, its face and calling card.

Arthur Archibaz is a classically trained professional dancer who has worked in several renowned ballet companies.

Real name - Artur Samvelovich Gasparyan (according to the passport - Gaspar, nicknames - Art Gaspar, Archibaz, Archie Baz).

Arthur's biography is a story of hard work, constant development, gradual professional growth and real, hard-working, well-deserved success...

Biography of Arthur Gaspard

Artur Gasparyan was born on June 22, 1984 in the city of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Arthur remembers his childhood like this: “ Until the age of 6-7, I loved playing backgammon. Loved to climb trees, eat green apricots with salt«.
The era of Arthur's development as a dancer is associated with Russia. It was there that he established himself as a classical ballet performer. At the age of 10, in 1994, Arthur entered the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg. This is a very authoritative and honored educational institution, founded in 1738.

Such world dance stars as Anastasia Volochkova, Matilda Kshesinskaya, Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, George Balanchine, Galina Ulanova, Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov and many others studied at the Academy!

The excellent choreographic education received at the renowned Academy of Russian Ballet allowed Artur Gasparyan to begin his professional ballet career in Moscow, in the famous creative team - the State Academic Theater of Classical Ballet.

The theater was founded back in 1966 by the great Igor Moiseev. Since 1977, it has been led by Natalya Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyev. The troupe of the group performed on 5 continents in 30 countries and introduced its work to residents of more than 200 CIS cities. Its soloists have repeatedly become winners and laureates of international competitions, including the Grand Prix of the Paris Academy of Dance.

As a member of this famous theater, Arthur Gasparyan was remembered by the audience, in particular, for his bright and highly professional performance of the role of the mime Metrobius in the play “Spartacus”, where he performed together with famous dancers Sergei Belorybkin and Ion Curosu.

In 2007, Arthur Archibaz-Gasparyan moved to Kyiv and joined the no less famous team - the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine named after T. G. Shevchenko (the abbreviated common name is the National Opera of Ukraine). Founded almost 150 years ago, it saw on its stage Fyodor Chaliapin, Matilda Kshesinskaya, Boris Gmyrya, Leonid Sobinov, Anatoly Solovyanenko and many other stars of the first magnitude!

Dancing on the wall of the National Opera, first category ballet dancer (that was the name of his position) Arthur Gasparyan attracted the attention of experienced music lovers with his work in P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake,” where he performed memorable pas de trois.

However, the narrow framework of classical ballet has always been cramped for Arthur Archibaz. Therefore, it is not surprising that in addition to working in classical productions, he eventually began to collaborate with Oleg Zhezhel, the director of the modern dance ballet “Zhezhel’s Ballet” (formerly called “Dels-art”), and also began to work quite actively with popular musical performers.

One of Arthur’s most famous works is filming in a video for the popular group “Lama”. In the video, together with his friend Oleg Zhezhel, singer Natalya Dzenkiv and director Alan Badoev, he created an emotional and touching video for the song “Trimay” (“Hold”).

In 2010, for his services in the field of choreography, Arthur was awarded the highest award in Armenia, awarded for outstanding creative achievements in the fields of culture, art, literature, education, and humanities - the Movses Khorenatsi Medal. Arthur received it directly from the hands of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

Naturally, with such an excellent education and extensive experience, Arthur easily learned modern dances, including waacking, which, according to many music experts, is the basis of the choreography of the Kazaky group.

And since 2010, when the idea of ​​​​creating the group “Kazaky” was born and matured, the creative activity of Arthur Archibaza-Gaspar has been inextricably linked with this brightest group, which has a great future and enormous popularity.

It’s a paradox: dance styles that have existed in America for decades are only now coming to us. Freestyle styles such as dance hall, voguing, wacking will be in trend. And the now popular twerk is a branch of dance hall. By the way, there is only female twerking, male twerking looks stupid and uncool, because this dance requires a big butt!

Full version of the online conference

…education and first part-time jobs

Arthur: I graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg, worked in the theater for eight years, danced at the National Opera of Ukraine. I am still studying - attending ballet lessons to participate in the play "The Great Gatsby", which will take place in Kyiv in November.

Artem: - I studied at a choreographic college, folk stage dance. He worked in all kinds of ballets and worked as a waiter in many places.

Kirill: - Ballroom dancing I’ve been doing it since I was five years old, I studied at the Kiev Institute of Arts National University culture at the department choreographic art. Before we created a team with the guys, I was hacking in different ways - I even handed out brochures on the streets! It was a pleasant experience and I remember it with a smile.


Kirill: - A girl should be smart, well-mannered and beautiful. And we will never take a girl into the group! We are not "". Besides, no girl can dance like that on high heels, like us! This requires male muscles and male torsos!

Arthur: - A girl with a man’s brain will definitely attract my attention.

...the intricacies of working with Madonna

Arthur: - When we came to the USA to shoot the Girl Gonna Wild video, we were next to Madonna almost all the time. We rehearsed together, rested together, had lunch and dinner together. We had a single company, and at no point in our communication did she put herself above us, saying that she is a superstar Madonna. In fact she is very simple woman, soulful. There was a funny moment: I was walking towards our tent, past the tent in which Madonna was sitting, and noticed that she was spying on those around her - she was looking out of a small crack. I noticed her eye looking straight at me, and when she saw that I had noticed her too, she winked conspiratorially. It's cool! There were many bright moments on the set. For example, when she lay down on the floor and began to spread her legs, doing the splits, and we guys were all standing in a circle (smiles).

Kirill: - And she says: pull me. More, more! We were all worried – now we’ll wait a little longer and... (laughs). She is very diligent, but our choreography was difficult for her to dance, so we simplified it as much as possible. Would we agree to collaborate with Madonna again? She will always be popular singer, but not always relevant. The time has come when there are many artists on stage who perform much better than her. Madonna, it seems to me, has already done her dance.

…apartments, cars and relaxation

Arthur: - I don’t have my own home in Kyiv - I rent an apartment. I drive a simple car - a Nissan Qashqai. To have a good rest and distraction, it’s enough for me to invite friends to visit or go out of town with them to ride bikes, watch cartoons, TV series and funny films. Every year we traditionally try to go to Barcelona - we have our own company there. I also like to visit the Carpathians. Artem and Kirill: - We don’t have a car - Arthur drives us. If you need to get somewhere quickly and without traffic jams, we go down to the metro. But most often we use taxis. After all, we are not Philip Kirkorovs and Abraham Rousseaus! (Laughs.) and dieting

Kirill: - I don’t limit myself in food. I don’t have any fat deposits, about forty minutes in the gym is good. The more I eat, the cooler I look.

Arthur: - I drink, walk and do whatever I want! But once a week I definitely go to the gym and work out for half an hour. Thank God I have everything in place!

Artem: - I eat everything and even went on a “sweet diet” this week - I ate ice cream every day!

...custom stiletto heels

Arthur: Our hall is gradually turning into a shoe store! We have them in several rows. If you count, each person has accumulated 10 pairs of stilettos over the years. On average we wear one pair for a year. Previously, we tried to order shoes from designers, but it was not very convenient. So we developed the current shape of the shoes ourselves and order custom tailoring from such strong guys. A pair costs an average of $450.

KAZAKY - world famous Ukrainian group, which conquered even Madonna herself. Recently, the guys (Artur Gaspar, Stas Pavlov, Kirill Fedorenko and Oleg Zhezhel) presented a new video for the song “MAGIC PIE” and did not refuse to answer several questions from the National LGBT Portal of Ukraine. KAZAKY's next performance will be in Moldova on May 30.

KAZAKY, can we call you a Ukrainian group? Does it matter to you what country you are associated with?

Oleg: Of course, first of all, KAZAKY is a Ukrainian group. From the very beginning, everything is created here in Kyiv. To determine which country we represent, it is not necessary to use national folklore or language. Does it matter? From the point of view of the country's prestige, probably yes. Contrary to different opinions, Ukraine has never been an extremely conservative country. We are just showing it to others. And from the point of view of creativity and art, it doesn’t matter so much where you are from, if you are listened to, watched and loved on five continents.

Kirill: It’s just nice when somewhere in Argentina, Japan or Australia they write “Ukrainian group”. The world accepted with delight and surprise that we were from Ukraine. It can be assumed that this fact added interest.

Former band member Francesco was openly gay. It is said that this may have been the reason why he left the group. Is this true and do fans need to know about the personal lives of their favorites?

Oleg: This was by no means the reason. He made the decision to move on on his own and we respect his choice. There is no intrigue here, everything is very simple. As for personal life, we really don't discuss it or manipulate this topic. Once upon a time personal life There was a whole cult of celebrities and some public people encouraged it for career purposes. But today everything is different. For details about privacy people react with something like “Okay.” Therefore, to surprise TMZ you need to try very hard. And we are very grateful to fans and media representatives that they are only interested in our activities.

What moment in the history of the group is your main and greatest achievement?

Arthur: First of all, our main achievement is our fans. There are many of them, they sincerely love what we do, and are looking forward to us in their cities. But in general, the group is almost 4 years old, 2 full-length albums have been released, we have collaborated with very interesting people, attracted tens of thousands of fans. For a four-year total, this is very good. But we strive for even more.

Tell us about the first time you wore heels and were there any concerns that you might not be accepted?

Arthur: After rehearsal in dance hall one of the girls left her heels and we just decided to put them on as a joke. The choreography looked completely different, different posture, different aesthetics. So the joke became a serious matter. Before the In The Middle video, we trained to walk and dance in heels for a year.

Stas: By the time we put on our heels, dance culture men have long used them as a tool. The only doubt that could be raised is that it was not yet so popular.

Your videos and style in general can evoke homophobic sentiments. How often do you encounter this? And does this bother you?

Oleg: It's not that scary. There have never been any problems in Ukraine at all, just like in the rest of the world. There were several pickets in Russia, but this did not interfere with the performances. As for the Internet, this is a free territory. If someone doesn’t like something, it’s enough not to watch or comment.

May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia. As ifKAZAKYadvised your gay fans to fight this phenomenon?

Oleg: Remain yourself and think optimistically about the future.

One of your most notable performances is your participation in Madonna's Girl Gone Wild video. How did you meet Madonna? What were your impressions of working with her? Why did she decide to invite you to her video?

Arthur: Madonna contacted her management by phone. There was no personal acquaintance before. She saw us somewhere on the Internet. The impressions, of course, were incredible, because we saw a super professional filming process and, of course, worked great directly with Madonna. One can only admire her abilities and endurance, since it was physically not easy to withstand dozens of non-stop takes.

Kirill: We didn't ask why we were invited, but it can be assumed that we made the aesthetics of heel choreography quite relevant and it coincided with the vision of the Girl Gone Wild video. In some places it even looks like our Love video, which is very nice.

There is information on your website that in the first half of this year you performed in several Russian cities. Where exactly did you perform there?

Arthur: These were popular nightclubs in those cities.

Have you performed in gay clubs before? Were there any such proposals? Does this interest you?

Arthur: Of course, we performed and continue to perform. This is natural for all modern artists. Our audience is very diverse and we perform for everyone without exception.

You have been to many countries around the world. WhereKAZAKYfeel at home?

Kirill: First of all, in Kyiv. If we talk about countries that we really liked and felt almost at home, these are Brazil, the USA, Argentina. There is a very special atmosphere there.

Each of the participants is very well-groomed and athletic. Tell us your secrets that help you keep fit?

Arthur: In fact, there are no special secrets. There are just a lot of classes and rehearsals from 4 to 6 hours a day.

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