Spouses Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov became the most beautiful couple at the opening of the Moscow Film Festival. Biography and personal life of singer Sasha Savelyeva Savelyeva's husband Sasha surname

Alexandra Savelyeva is a popular Russian singer, model and very beautiful girl - a native Muscovite, born on December 25, 1983.


Sasha was born into a family far from the world of art. Her parents are scientists; her father defended his Ph.D. thesis and has an academic degree in physical and mathematical disciplines. Soon after the girl’s birth, the mother left her job in order to devote herself entirely to raising her daughter, who, from the first years of her life, showed herself to be a bright and extraordinary personality.

When Sasha was barely three years old, her mother took her to a figure skating studio, which was run by the famous figure skater Irina Moiseeva in the past. And at the age of five, the little girl already went to music school, where she learned to play two musical instruments at once: the flute and the piano.

Surprisingly, the baby managed to make excellent progress in both directions. Literally after a few years of classes, Irina Moiseeva included her in the Olympic reserve school. At the same time, the girl began to actively perform at numerous concerts with children's musical groups. Little Sasha even visited the huge stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

At the age of seven, in addition to music and sports classes, general education school was added. It became more difficult to keep up with everything every day, and sports taught the girl to give her best in everything she does. And at one point she had to make a choice that influenced her future fate.

I had to decide whether to continue my sports career and then devote all my strength to it, or go completely into music.

For a long time Sasha hesitated, not knowing what to do right. The parents did not put pressure on their daughter, giving her the right to make independent choices. As a result, Sasha decided to part with the sport. But years of training have taught her a lot. And it is to sport that she owes her courage, perseverance and excellent physical shape.

Supporting their daughter’s choice, her parents transferred her to a music and choreography school, from which she graduated with excellent grades.

Star Factory

In 2002, well-known producers launched a completely new television project at that time, “Star Factory,” in which absolutely anyone who was confident in their own talent and had sufficient ambition to make it through the difficult preliminary rounds could take part. Sasha decided to test her strength and quite easily got into the main team.

According to the results of the competition, she took second place, but this did not upset the young artist at all. Not only did she go through an excellent school of pop survival there, but as a reward she received a contract with Igor Matvienko, who, from the former participants of the show, created a girl group with the original name “Factory”.

The repertoire of factory girls was light. The motives of the songs are simple and memorable. The funds invested by the producer quickly returned - the band toured a lot and drew full houses almost everywhere. But just a few months after the start of active concert activity, one of the soloists, with whom Sasha was very close, Maria Alalykina, left the group.

Maria did not reveal the true reason for her departure even to her friend, which greatly offended her. Only the official version was announced to everyone - touring life interferes with studies, and the girl wants to get a diploma of higher education. After consulting with the producer, the girls decided not to expand the group and instead of a quartet, a trio remained on stage.

After just 2 years, the girls not only win the universal love of the audience, but even surpass the popular “Brilliant” in popularity and receive their first prestigious music award, “Golden Gramophone.”

There are four such awards for factory owners in total - one for each subsequent year of creativity. This is not surprising - videos for the girls’ songs were shot by such talented directors as Sergei Bondarchuk and Alan Badoev.

In 2010, another soloist, Sati Kazanova, who had matured into independent creativity, left “Factory”, and Sasha Popova, a participant in another musical television project “I want to go to Via Gro”, took her place. With this composition, the girls still continue their creative activities, and the popularity of the group has not decreased for more than 10 years.

Personal life

She prefers to remain silent about who Sasha Savelyeva spent time with in her early youth. Her first official companion, with whom she began to appear at social events and immediately came under the camera's guns, was figure skater Alexey Yagudin.

With Alexey Yagudin

He was her partner in a popular ice show and there they began a romantic relationship that lasted about two years. But in the end, the young man decided to break up with Sasha and soon got married.

Sasha met her current husband, Kirill Safonov, by chance in one of the Moscow clubs. At first, an easy relationship gradually began to develop into something more, and in 2010 the couple had a very romantic wedding. Sasha considers her family ideal, despite the fact (or maybe because) that the spouses have not yet been able to spend much time together.

With Kirill Safonov

Kirill is constantly on set, as he is one of the most popular and sought-after Russian actors. Sasha continues to tour with Factory, record new songs and take part in advertising shoots and various television shows. Nevertheless, the couple dream of children and even plan to have them in the foreseeable future.

Name: Sasha Savelieva

Age: 33 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Activity: singer, model

Marital status: married to Kirill Safonov

Sasha Savelyeva - biography

Muscovite Sasha Savelyeva is well known to fans of the “Factory” project and connoisseurs of good modern music. A person with a purposeful and balanced character, who knew exactly what she needed, burst into show business and onto the scene. Many will be interested to learn about the girl who captivates hearts with her beautiful voice, about her biography and personal life.

Sasha Savelyeva - childhood

Sasha Savelyeva was born into a family of not entirely creative people: her father was a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. The singer spent her childhood and adolescence in Moscow. Nobody thought that Sasha would connect her life and music. From the age of three, the girl goes to the section of young figure skaters and attends classes with the famous figure skater Irina Moiseeva. This should definitely lead to achievements in big sports.

These lessons in the figure skating section were successful, and they were very soon followed by enrollment in the Olympic reserve group. At the age of five, he began to become acquainted with music and enrolled in a class to learn to play the piano and flute. Sasha was so talented that she showed her best side in this field as well. Her performances were heard from the venues of Moscow conservatories, the Palace of Congresses and the Kremlin.

The choice had to be made between music and sports. The girl chose a career as a musician. The family supported Sasha in every possible way. Simultaneously with the performances of the Kuvichki ensemble, classes were held at the theater and music school. The girl believed in her strength and abilities, and after receiving a certificate at school, she did not think long about the question of where to enroll.

Sasha Savelyeva's music won

The girl gave documents to Gnesinka and the Schnittke School. Both schools were happily preparing to accept Sasha as a student. Gnesinka became a musical inspiration for Sasha Savelyeva, and the first musical group was organized within its walls. Music and poetry already at that time belonged to the pen of Alexandra, her group performed at competitions and festivals. Folklore took an important place in the life of the future star.

In 2002, the “Star Factory” project was launched on television, in which producer Igor Matvienko created a female pop group. As a result of the project, this group won second place, an interesting women's group was formed with a unique modern style of performance. All listeners and spectators were captivated by the ease of performance, beautiful simple costumes, elegance of form and content.

The four finalists of the project decided to call their team “Factory”. Irina Toneva, Sati Casanova and Maria Alalykina were originally part of the group along with Sasha Savelyeva. Subsequently, the composition of “Factory” changed, but this did not diminish the popularity of the group. Their most famous hit, “About Love,” made the group incredibly popular and brought the performers an award in the form of the “Golden Gramophone.”

Savelyeva's most prestigious prizes

There are three “Golden Gramophones” in the collection of the “Factory” group; there is even an award for one composition with the funny name “Stopudovy Hit”. The girl group was recognized as the best pop group. And Alexandra herself was different and was part of the “One Hundred Most Beautiful People of Moscow.” Sasha is a participant in photo shoots, her photographs are published in many well-known and widely read publications: “Playboy”, “Maxim”, “Penguin”, “XXL”, “7 Days” and other publications. Until now, Sasha Savelyeva is the author and initiator of many of her group’s musical compositions, and there is talk of a solo concert for the singer.

Sasha Savelyeva - biography of personal life

For a long time, Sasha’s object of adoration was figure skater Alexei Yagudin. The singer was a participant in the “Ice Age” project, in which show business and film stars who could not skate, with the assistance of figure skating masters, created pairs and performed ice dances. Sasha's partner was Yagudin. Surrounded by young people, they were waiting for news of the wedding, but it did not take place. The couple broke up six months later.

And in 2010, the press was blown up by a message about the marriage of Sasha Savelyeva. The singer made her choice completely unexpected for everyone. She married actor Kirill Safonov. Fans of television series remember the sensational film “Tatiana’s Day” and Kirill in the main male role. An unusual, unobtrusive acquaintance turned the lives of two accomplished young people upside down.

Both already had experience in couples. And Safonov was already married, but got divorced. Kirill and Sasha hid their relationship; the actor is ten years older than the singer. But before and after the modest wedding ceremony, which took place in the beautiful place of the Tsaritsyno estate, there was no disagreement between the spouses.

Two creative personalities have found each other, they accept themselves as they are, without trying to infringe on their own dignity even in small things. That’s probably why it’s very easy for them to be together. Perhaps Safonov’s wife Sasha Savelyeva will soon give him a son or daughter. I would like to wish this beautiful couple goodness, mutual understanding and happiness in their personal lives.

Alexandra Vladimirovna Savelyeva is a talented Russian singer who shone for many years as part of the musical group “Fabrika”. The girl was always drawn to beauty, tried to conquer everyone with grace, a smile and often changed her hobbies.

Perhaps there might not have been a singer Sasha Savelyeva in the world if she had tried to realize herself in other areas. Savelyeva could become a famous athlete and Olympic champion in figure skating. Sasha wanted to become a choir conductor, so she might not have gotten into the “Factory” music group.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sasha Savelyeva

Currently, numerous fans want to know what Sashenka Savelyeva’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Sasha Savelyeva is also a popular query on the Internet.

Alexandra Savelyeva was born in 1983, so she recently turned 33 years old. According to her zodiac sign, Savelyeva is a persistent, purposeful, stubborn, businesslike, hardy Capricorn.

The eastern horoscope gave Sasha the Pig sign, endowing her with such character traits as truthfulness, straightforwardness, luck, and thriftiness.

Savelyeva’s height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters, and her weight is around fifty kilograms.

Biography of Sasha Savelyeva

The biography of Sasha Savelyeva began in 1983, when she was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. The girl was very restless, so her parents decided to take her to some kind of sports section. So three-year-old Sashenka began to take up figure skating, and was even enrolled in an Olympic reserve school.

At the age of five, the little girl discovered musical talent, so she entered a music school. The girl mastered the flute and piano and began performing on stages in the capital. At this time, I had to choose between sports and music, Sashenka chose the latter.

The girl ended up in a theater studio, where she sang as part of the Kuvichki choir. She even thought about becoming a children's choir conductor.

After graduating from school, Sasha entered two higher educational institutions at once - the Gnessin School and the Schnittke School. Her choice fell on the “Gnesinka” and the choir department; already at this time the girl organized her own musical group.

Savelyeva became famous after she appeared on the television show “Star Factory”. In 2002, the girl became a member of the VIA “Fabrika”, in which she constantly received the prestigious “Golden Gramophone” and “Stopudovy Hit” awards.

Savelyeva starred in videos directed for the group by Fyodor Bondarchuk and Alan Badoev. Sasha starred for the covers of fashionable men's magazines, including candid photo shoots. Periodically appears in commercials.

Alexandra Savelyeva tried herself as a TV presenter of the show “Duel”. Now the girl is pursuing a solo career and is even going to release an album.

Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov, the latest news from 2017, talk about how the couple is happy together. Although information about divorce constantly appears in the press, the guys just laugh at it and claim that they will always be together.

Personal life of Sasha Savelyeva

The personal life of Sasha Savelyeva is stormy and interesting, since the girl has always been the object of desire for numerous fans. Fragile and beautiful Sashenka has been the center of attention from a young age.

When Savelyeva became famous, she constantly appeared on the pages of glossy magazines with some famous and not so young man, who was immediately attributed to her potential suitors.

In 2007, Sasha began a whirlwind romance with figure skater Alexei Yagudin. The young people met on the set of the Ice Age project, and then social networks were full of stories about their relationship.

Much has been said about their upcoming marriage, but the relationship between Lesha and Sasha was never legalized. Moreover, Yagudin soon married Totmyanina and became the father of a beautiful boy.

Family of Sasha Savelyeva

Sasha Savelyeva’s family was absolutely non-musical, however, her parents did everything to ensure that the baby developed and grew up healthy.

Alexandra's father - Vladimir Savelyev- a scientist, he even became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and my mother also had a candidate’s degree. She gave up everything as soon as little Sasha was born.

The Savelyev family lived very poorly in the nineties, however, the little girl was carefully protected from all the horrors of the nineties. Parents-scientists did everything possible to ensure that Sashenka had food and clothing, classes in sections and a music school.

Children of Sasha Savelyeva

Sasha Savelyeva’s children are still in the project because the girl is too busy with her career. Although after Sasha began to live with Kirill Safonov, she began to think about her little son.

Young people, of course, are thinking about having a baby, but they are very busy filming and performing. This makes pregnancy almost impossible.

Articles that Sasha Savelyeva gave birth to a son are just rumors. Most likely, this beautiful couple will soon have a long-awaited baby.

Sasha Savelyeva’s husband – Kirill Safonov

Sasha Savelyeva’s husband, Kirill Safonov, appeared in her life in 2008. The young people met at a party in a nightclub, and a romantic relationship began between them.

The couple hid their romance from everyone because Kirill was afraid of how his daughter from his first marriage would take this news. Nastya soon learned about her dad’s new family and even became close to Sasha.

In 2010, Kirill and Sasha entered into a legal marriage; their wedding was truly luxurious and bright. This event took place in the Tsaritsyno estate, which is located in the Moscow region.

After this, Savelyeva began to claim that her family had changed her a lot, although the girl could not imagine her life without career growth and work. Quite often the guys go on tour and don’t see each other for a long time, so they try to bring romance, tenderness and beauty into everyday life. Kirill can turn even an ordinary trip to the store into a dizzying date.

Alexandra is not jealous of her husband’s numerous fans, believing that only love and trust can save any marriage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sasha Savelyeva

Sasha Savelyeva’s Instagram and Wikipedia, as well as her pages on social networks, are available and quite official. On the page dedicated to the singer Sasha Savelyeva on Wikipedia, you can find very little information regarding her life.

Quite a lot of facts can be found about the videos in which she starred, as well as about the awards she won. The story of Sasha’s childhood and youth is very vague, but practically nothing is known about who her husband is. The Wikipedia article is not very informative, so it needs to be improved and supplemented with new facts.

On her Instagram page, Sasha Savelyeva constantly posts new posts that will be of interest to each of her 585,000 subscribers. Photos and videos constantly appear on her page that relate to her touring activities and the filming of new videos.

Alexandra Savelyeva is a famous singer, soloist of the popular female trio “Factory”. Unlike most stars, she keeps her personal life a secret, thereby fueling journalists' interest in her person. So who is this blonde beauty? Are you married? The biography of Sasha Savelyeva will help answer these and many other questions.

Childhood of a “manufacturer”

Alexandra is a native Muscovite. She was born on December 25, 1983 into an intelligent family. The singer’s father, Vladimir, is a candidate of mathematical sciences, and her mother, Nadezhda, is an economist. When Alexandra was 3 years old, her parents sent her to figure skating. The girl's coach was the famous Soviet athlete Irina Moiseeva. Under her leadership, little Alexandra achieved great success in figure skating and was even included in the Olympic reserve group.

In addition to sports, the girl began to show increased interest in songs from early childhood. At the age of five, her parents sent her to a music school, where she learned to play the flute and piano. During her studies, she had to repeatedly participate in concerts held in the Kremlin, the Palace of Congresses and other equally prestigious concert venues. In addition, the future celebrity attended the folklore department of the theater and music school and performed as part of the children's ensemble "Kuvichki".

Studying in Gnesinka

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Alexandra firmly decided to devote her life to music. After graduating from school, she entered the school. Gnessins, to the department for training leaders of folk ensembles and folk choirs. The creative biography of Sasha Savelyeva, a singer whom all fans of domestic show business know today, began in Gnesinka. As a first-year student, the girl, together with her friends, founded her own group, for which she composed songs independently.

Participation in the “Star Factory”

Real fame came to Alexandra in 2002, after she took part in the reality show “Star Factory”. Together with other contestants (Ira Toneva, Sati Kazanova and Maria Alalykina), 18-year-old Savelyeva became part of the new women's group "Factory", which managed to take second place in the finals of the program. According to the singer, participation in the television project was a difficult test for her. But the girl endured all the difficulties with dignity. Participation in a reality show allowed her to fulfill her biggest dream - to perform on the big stage.

Singing career

In 2003, Masha Alalykina left the Factory, after which the girl group turned from a quartet into a trio. With the updated lineup (Savelieva, Casanova and Toneva), the team achieved its highest popularity. For Alexandra, a period of active touring, filming and recording singles began. The songs performed by the young singer and her stage colleagues repeatedly became hits and were awarded prestigious music awards. Unlike Sati Casanova, who left the group in 2010 to start a solo career, Alexandra remains a constant member of the Factory throughout its existence. In addition to her career as a singer, she also managed to try herself as a presenter: in 2014, together with Konstantin Kryukov, the girl began hosting the “Duel” program, dedicated to fencing.

Biography of Sasha Savelyeva: personal life, relationship with Yagudin

Alexandra, unlike many celebrities, has never been involved in high-profile scandals, so her name is difficult to find on the pages of the tabloid press. Leading a modest lifestyle and not exposing her personal life to the public, the girl, nevertheless, arouses increased interest in herself from the media and fans. And it’s not surprising, because she is a real beauty, and she should have no end of fans. So who are these men who were able to win the heart of the blond “manufacturer”?

While participating in the popular show “Ice Age” in 2007, Savelyeva met the famous figure skater Alexei Yagudin. A romance broke out between the young people, but at first they denied their connection and said that they were just good comrades. However, the lovers were unable to hide the truth for long, since 3 months after they met, Alexey moved his things to the girl’s apartment. Friends of the lovers began to rub their hands in anticipation of the wedding, but the couple did not live up to their expectations and broke up. According to Alexandra, the reason for the breakup was the lack of understanding between her and Yagudin.


In 2009, Sasha met Kirill Safonov, an actor known for his leading role in the television series “Tatiana’s Day.” The man liked the beautiful blonde, and he began to court her. Alexandra spent a long time looking closely at her new admirer, who turned out to be 10 years older than her, and was in no hurry to reciprocate his feelings. But love prevailed, and Savelyeva and Safonov began dating. In the spring of 2010, they secretly got married, inviting only their closest people to the celebration.

How did the biography of Sasha Savelyeva develop further? Photos of her wedding appeared in the media only six months after the wedding. All this time, the newlyweds managed to hide their marital status, and journalists, seeing the ring on the girl’s ring finger, thought that she was just getting ready to marry Kirill. Now Alexandra continues to perform as part of “Factory” and, according to her friends from the group, dreams of going on maternity leave and giving her husband a child.

The couple of Alexandra Savevyeva from the Factory group and actor Kirill Safonov can be called one of the most harmonious and attractive in the domestic show business, but they themselves do not hide the fact that they are still missing something, or rather someone.

According to singer Sasha Savelyeva, she and her husband have long been thinking about giving the world a new life, because the couple has been together for more than five years, during which time they have gotten to know each other well and are ready for a serious step. And during the entire period of their marriage, reports appeared in the press with enviable regularity that Sasha Savelyeva had given birth, it is quite possible that this fact also began to think about pregnancy. The couple now lives together in their luxurious apartment, which they purchased a few months before the wedding. As Savelyeva recalls, after Kirill’s marriage proposal, she really didn’t want to start family life in the apartment where she once spent time with her ex-boyfriend Alexei Yagudin. Kirill Safonov was also not alone, he managed to marry Elena Safonova and he has a daughter from this marriage. Now his ex-wife and daughter live in Israel, but once upon a time their life together began in Kirill’s apartment.

The superstitious Alexandra Savelyeva decided to start her family life in a completely new place, where both she and her famous husband would be comfortable. They chose apartments for a long time and carefully, looked through dozens of options, but in the end they settled on the very first one, which the couple liked not only for its location, but also for the complete lack of furniture and decoration. A few months before the wedding, Sasha Savelyeva successfully combined concerts and filming videos with monitoring renovation work in new apartments, choosing furniture and decor.

The wedding itself, according to the singer, was simply fantastic - a beautiful white dress, walks in the Tsaritsyn Garden and a luxurious dinner in an expensive restaurant. The singer especially remembered the moment when she and her husband cut a huge snow-white cake; they decided to repeat this exciting moment on every wedding anniversary. But all the delights of the expensive wedding were hidden from prying eyes, especially from the paparazzi, because the ceremony itself was secret, only the parents and a few friends of the newlyweds were present.

But what is important, both for Savelyeva and Safonov, is not only the fact that they are in an official relationship; much more valuable for the couple are trusting relationships, joint recreation and, of course, the birth of a child.

A couple of years ago, rumors began to appear that Alexandra Savelyeva probably had serious problems with her health and emotional state. The reason for the gossip was the appearance on the Internet of a photograph in which the lead singer of the “Factory” group, with her hands folded on her large belly, stands in a picturesque field. She was clearly pregnant, and the period was already very long; fans were perplexed how they could have missed such colossal changes in the singer’s life, because all this time Savelyeva actively appeared in public, including in revealing outfits. Then similar photographs began to appear from other members of the vocal group; the fans, who were at a loss in conjecture, were completely discouraged, but soon the truth was revealed. It turned out that the pregnancy of the Fabrika trio members was part of the filming of their new music video “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” According to the plot of the video, three city girls come to a remote village and attract the attention of local boys; the meetings end with a wedding, and then the pregnancy of all three beauties.

There were only a few photos on the World Wide Web from the filming of the video, but they generated a wave of gossip about the pregnancy of the “Factory” participants. In fact, at that time the girls’ plans did not include such an interesting situation, but over the course of several years the plans of many of them changed noticeably. For example, at the official celebration of the fifth wedding anniversary of Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov, which took place on April 17, almost all those invited in their congratulatory speeches wished the couple to have children, and the heroes of the occasion accepted the wishes with enthusiasm and cheerful humor. By the way, the party itself cannot be called boring either, because Nikolai Baskov, known for his lively character, was among the guests. During the entertainment program, he went on stage, took the microphone from the presenter and began to host the evening himself, interrupting congratulations with numerous jokes.

Gifts to the couple were no less interesting, including a retro car, which became a hit of the evening, donated by the group “Friends”, and family friend Alexei Vorobyov, who was in Los Angeles at the time, even presented a song that he composed on the spot.

Alexandra Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov have been married for a long time, as for show business, for 5 years, now they are thinking about having a child, but at the same time they continue to actively pursue their careers, due to the inability to see each other often, the couple tries to turn even an ordinary trip to the supermarket into date.