Biography of Nelli Ermolaeva. Nelly Ermolaeva gave birth to a child: photos, latest news Who is Nelly Ermolaeva’s future husband

Nelly Ermolaeva is a TV presenter, singer, actress, former participant in the popular television project “Dom-2”. Before joining the reality show, the girl graduated from SGAKI (Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts) with a specialization in tourism and excursion activities. Nelly also managed to gain experience as a model.

The sizzling brunette and beauty from Samara first announced herself throughout the country on the TNT channel. On June 5, 2009, when the 1852nd day of the existence of the show “Dom-2” arrived, Nelly Ermolaeva crossed the threshold of the scandalous television project. The girl came to Rustam Solntsev, however, despite Nelly’s confidence that he would be with her, the guys never formed a couple. The beauty tried to build her first relationship within the project with Lev Ankov. But they turned out to be a stormy and quickly passing passion, so the couple soon broke up, and Nel

Lee became free for new romantic adventures. On the day of her arrival on the show, the participant stated that she showed antipathy towards Vlad Kadoni and called him a “schemer” and a “gray rat.” But, to everyone’s surprise, after breaking up with Ankov, Nelly and Vlad created a couple and even moved to city apartments. The girl did not spend a long time in a relationship with a black magician, since constant quarrels and conflicts led to their breakup.

Soon fate decreed that another participant in the project, the handsome Nikita Ku, became the chosen one of the fatal brunette

netsov. Their relationship has undergone many trials: ardent and all-consuming passion, outbursts of jealousy, the charm of romance and banal everyday quarrels. Nelly and Nikita went through a lot together. And, despite regular conflicts, this relationship turned out to be the longest for the participant during her stay on the show compared to previous love stories. As a result, the guys got married.

Nelly received a marriage proposal from Nikita during the “Person of the Year” competition. This came as a real surprise to her. In February 2011 in Romant

The wedding of lovers took place in the Italian city of Verona. Nellie herself compares her wedding to a fairy tale and says that this is exactly how she imagined this event in her childhood girlish dreams. After the wedding, the newlyweds remained on the project, but after a certain time they left it. Nelly and Nikita celebrated their wedding anniversary with a trip to Sri Lanka. The lovers decided to travel to this truly heavenly place as savages. The guys traveled around the entire island on a motorcycle. Tanned and happy, the couple returned to Russia.

In the project, Nelly Ermolaeva demonstrated the creative sides of her personality. She sang in a duet with Natalya Varvina and performed solo. After the show, the girl did not immediately launch her singing career. On the contrary, she took this issue very seriously - Nelly is recording songs and planning to release an album. With a great creative spirit, the singer is working on creating tracks and rehearsing. Nelly also organizes tours. Singer Shami invited the girl to work on a joint track. Nellie herself took on the implementation of this idea with great enthusiasm.

into reality. The end result is a beautiful love song. And, despite the fact that Shami is a singer-rapper, their joint track is a romantic, melodic and tender composition. Nelly is very pleased with her collaboration with Shami. While working on this project, the brunette, being in a state of inspiration, simultaneously managed to record another track. Many of Nelly's songs can be heard on the radio. By the way, her composition “Dust” is dedicated to her relationship with Nikita, which is clearly shown in the song’s video.

Six months after saying goodbye to the project, the couple Nelly and Nikita

Yes, the couple divorced. The girl plunged headlong into creativity and building a career. She not only records songs and hosts various events, but also continues her modeling activities, working with many popular photographers. An ambitious beauty attends acting classes and wants to act in films. By the way, she has already received an offer to star in the film, so far in a cameo role.

A former participant in the Dom-2 project is involved in charity work, helping sick children. Nelly organized the first charity concert for girls

10 year old Masha. She herself offered her help to the girl’s parents. The proceeds from the concert became a tangible help in the treatment of a sick child.

What else is Nelly Ermolaeva doing today? She is developing her business - her beauty salon is very popular. In addition, the girl is successfully building a career as a TV presenter, working in the “Two with Greetings” program on the channel. Nellie loves to sing. She often meets with friends at karaoke and spends a lot of time there. The singer and presenter also likes to walk along the embankment and streets of the city.

people, thinking about life and far-reaching plans.

Now a loved one has appeared in Nellie’s life again. Her chosen one's name is Kirill Andreev. Interesting work, personal life, business, filming - this is the life of the fatal brunette today, eventful, creative and active. "Move forward, dare and achieve your goals!" – Nelly Ermolaeva’s life credo.

The fatal brunette has no regrets about participating in the show “Dom-2”. She is grateful to the project and believes that she has gained a lot within its walls. Friends, fans, fame, experience of building relationships.

Nelly became friends with many of the project participants and still maintains relationships to this day. Among them are Vlad Kadoni, Inna Volovicheva, Nadezhda Ermakova, Rustam Solntsev, Stepan Menshikov and many others. Nelly Ermolaeva loves and appreciates her fans and admirers very much. The TV presenter also believes that participation in a reality show is a kind of obstacle to the implementation of more serious creative projects. But Nellie knows without a shadow of a doubt that faith in one’s strengths and an irresistible desire to make dreams come true are the main conditions for success.

Nelly Ermolaeva is a participant in the TV show House 2, a very interesting and beautiful girl. Her life is of interest to many fans, and the question of who Nelly Ermolaeva’s husband is, who he works and what he does is especially interesting.

Nellie's biography begins in 1986. In her younger years, she tried herself as a model and also worked in a beauty salon. But at twenty-three years old, Nelly got into the House 2 project. She established herself as an open, bright and charismatic girl. In this project, the girl had many fans, but she settled on one of the participants, whose name is Nikita Kuznetsov. The young people developed a very warm relationship, and they even left the project to continue it. But her personal life did not work out and Nelly and her husband separated.

Ermolaeva’s ex-husband and she herself do not talk much about the divorce, so little is known about it, but relatives say that Nelly handled the divorce well and threw herself into work. Fans were worried that after the breakup the celebrity would become more hidden, but to their joy this did not happen and Ermolaeva continued to live at the same pace.

Nelly Ermolaeva's husband Kirill Andreev

After some time, at one of the parties, participant house 2 meets a young man. He turned out to be Nelly Ermolaeva’s future husband, Kirill Andreev.

Kirill was born in the city of Tomsk, his parents are very good and sincere people. Not much is known about his mother, but Kirill’s father is a famous poet who wrote the words to many popular songs. Kirill was a very talented boy from childhood; he also followed in his father’s footsteps. In his youth, he began to engage in the restaurant business. Now Kirill is also involved in this activity, it is very developed for him, and he has several of his own restaurants.

But recently I began to get interested in writing songs and even shot my own video for one of them. Nellie is very pleased with her husband’s activities and regularly posts photos of the results of his work.

Relationship history

After meeting, the young people began dating; they remained in dating status for four years. There were no problems in the relationship, and the couple was not embarrassed by the fact that they were of different ages (Nelly is older than her husband). According to Ermolaeva’s stories, her future husband regularly spoiled her with expensive gifts, and before the wedding he even gave her a car. He also always arranged surprises, for example, one of them was that Kirill secretly sneaked onto the plane to sit next to Nellie.

Such wonderful behavior of the husband aroused the envy of many of the star’s friends, so they tried in every possible way to quarrel the couple. But it was not possible to separate the loving hearts, and Nellie began to treat some of her friends with caution. After a certain time, when the relationship was sufficiently tested, Nelly married Kirill Andreev.

Quite a lot is known about the events that took place in the lives of young people, as Nelly actively posts photos on social networks. Based on them, it is also known that the wedding of Nelly Ermolanva and Kirill Andreev cost the newlyweds a tidy sum. From the photos and videos it is clear that the celebration was simply royal. Everything was decorated in pink and black. The groom wore a turquoise suit, and the bride wore a luxurious white dress decorated with birch flowers. One of the wedding guests was Stas Kostyushkin, with whom Nelly sang a song together. In the photo, Nelly Ermolaeva and her husband at a wedding celebration.

After the wedding, the young people went to Bali. After this, their honeymoon did not end, and the young family continued to travel. Then Nellie and her husband began to think about having a child. In 2017, at one of the events, Nelly Ermolaeva appeared in an excellent position. She did not hide the fact that she was pregnant and was actively photographed in a beautiful dress. The celebrity also said that she even arranged a candid photo shoot for herself because she really liked her body during pregnancy. Pregnant Nelly Ermolaeva also continued to travel and advised other girls to do so.

In February 2018, Nellie gave birth to a boy. The family welcomed its first child – a beautiful son, Miron. The latest news suggests that now happy parents are completely devoting themselves to their son and cannot get enough of him. Despite the fact that the boy is still very young, the couple say that he will be very talented. Nelly Ermolaeva and her husband think that children are wonderful, but they are not yet thinking about a second child, since Miron is very small now.

The biography of Nelly Ermolaeva is a magical story of finding personal happiness. Despite the setbacks, the girl confidently achieves her goals. She never suffered from a lack of male attention, but before meeting her true love she had to endure many disappointments.

Nelly Ermolaeva: biography

The girl was born in Novokuibyshevsk (Samara region). Date of birth: May 13, 1986. Wealthy parents did not deny their girls anything (Nellie has a younger sister, Elizabeth).

Little Nellie did not show any special talents, but she showed everyone her persistent character and ability to achieve what she wanted at any cost. After school she graduated from the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts. By education, Nelly is a specialist in tourism and excursion activities.

In parallel with her studies, the purposeful student was engaged in modeling and took manicure courses. After receiving her diploma, the girl worked in the service sector, and then decided to take part in a television project.

Reality show

Nelly Ermolaeva appeared on the screens in “House-2” as a participant in the project on June 5, 2009. She attracted a lot of guys. The girl gave her first sympathy to one of the brightest participants, Rustam Solntsev. But he could not reciprocate her feelings, as he gave in under the pressure of Victoria Abashina.

The beautiful Nelly did not go unnoticed. An affair with Lev Ankov immediately broke out. But the passion quickly faded and the fleeting relationship came to naught. The girl was also fascinated by the mysterious nature of the mysterious Vlad Kadoni. Thus his reputation as a man of unconventional views on love was destroyed. This novel created a serious impression: the couple moved into a house and built a full-fledged relationship. But at “House-2” Nelly Ermolaeva took the position of an unapproachable, untouchable person, so she constantly showed character and created scandals for Vlad. He did not endure it for long and initiated a break.

Relationship with Nikita Kuznetsov

After a high-profile breakup, the girl moved to a city apartment and sought solace from other men. We didn't have to wait long. The main womanizer of the project, Nikita Kuznetsov, joyfully met Nelly, who had recently freed herself from a relationship, and considered her candidacy as his girlfriend.

A connection has been established between the young people. Nelly Ermolaeva’s personal life sparkled with new colors: the lovers spent all their time together, attended fashionable parties and became one of the brightest couples in the entire history of Dom-2.

Everyone watched the development of their love affair with interest. Emotional people swore loudly, and then violently reconciled. At some point, she stated that the relationship had outlived its usefulness and there was a need to separate. Presenter Ksenia Sobchak invited Nelly to dinner with wealthy gentlemen, and Vlad Kadoni brought huge bouquets with requests to renew the relationship.

First marriage

In 2010, the project hosted the traditional “Person of the Year” competition. One of the stages of the presentation was the presentation. During his speech, Nikita proposed to Nelly.

Despite the scandals and quarrels, the couple Nelly and Nikita transformed into a family. The gorgeous wedding took place on February 14, 2011 in Verona. Anyone could watch the broadcast of the wedding celebration - the project contributed to this process. At that time it was the most grandiose and memorable event.

Life after the project

The continuation of the biography of Nelly Ermolaeva had an interesting twist. The newlyweds left the television set with the goal of arranging family life and self-realization. Nelly took up entrepreneurial activity: she opened a karaoke club and developed a clothing collection.

The girl was also a member of the Istra Witches group. Together with her friend Natalya Varvina she recorded tracks. Nikita Kuznetsov could not find his calling outside the project. For this reason, the family idyll was destroyed, scandals became endless, and problems only increased. A year later, an application for divorce was filed due to domestic difficulties. The heroine's first marriage lasted two years. She continued to develop in business, opened a beauty salon Yes with Nelly Ermolaeva, and her ex-husband returned to the Dom-2 project.

Nellie became the host. He hosts the program “Two with Greetings” on RU TV together with Ivan Chuikov. Continues to engage in modeling. Opened a chain of clothing stores MOLLIS.

Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

After the divorce, the girl met the owner of a restaurant chain, Kirill Andreev. The meeting took place at a party. The new chosen one is the son of songwriter Mikhail Andreev. The young man captivated Nelly with his attitude towards her, as well as his determination. The wealthy groom owns a successful business and plays music, so he was able to provide the demanding girl with a decent life.

Second marriage

The marriage proposal was made in 2014. But the official decision to go to the registry office came only two years later. Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev got married on June 7, 2016. The luxurious celebration took place in Moscow at the Royal Bar restaurant. Many celebrity guests were invited to the event. With one of them, Stas Kostyushkin, Nelly performed a song.

Exactly a year later, a joyful event occurred - the couple announced an imminent addition to the family.

Season 4 of the show "Pregnant" on the Domashny channel

The girl did not hide her situation and actively shared touching photos with social network subscribers. Everyone was wondering what Nelly Ermolaeva was doing in anticipation of important life changes. The expectant mother was active and took part in the filming of the 4th season of the “Pregnant” project on Domashny. Nelly’s colleagues were singer Sasha Zvereva, blogger Aiza Anokhina and finalist of the “Bachelor” project on TNT channel Galina Rzhaksenskaya.

There were twins in the parents' family, which prompted the newlyweds to think about the possible appearance of twins. They said that they were quite prepared for such a development of events.

Nellie and Kirill did not hide the sex of the baby. They were expecting a boy, Miron, who was born on February 9, 2018 in one of the best clinics in Miami. The girl carefully prepared for the upcoming event, communicated with established mothers and competent specialists, and weighed possible options for the development of events. Initially, she wanted to go for a caesarean section and independently choose the date of birth of the child. But in the end everything resolved naturally without complications. Nelly's birth was broadcast as part of the filming of "Pregnant". The husband tenderly cared for his beloved throughout the nine months and was present at the birth. His tremendous support helped me pass all the tests.

Nelly's pregnancy was easy. She led an active lifestyle and periodically took part in photo shoots. One of the most striking was a thematic shoot for Kids Style Magazine.

Motherhood is a lifetime

The biography of Nelly Ermolaeva is interesting and full of events. At the moment, the young mother is making plans for the future, dreams of giving her son a decent upbringing and teaching him how to act correctly in certain situations. When she shares her new photos, she signs them with phrases full of tenderness and love. The young father takes an active part in caring for the baby and, if possible, is close to his beloved and his son.

Nellie is sure that with the appearance of a child in a family, life changes, but does not end. He advises all girls to try to devote time not only to the baby, but also to their husband. It is after the birth of a child that most divorces occur, but a woman can prevent such a situation. Family is the most valuable thing in this world.

    Nelly Ermolaeva, while still participating in the show House - 2, dreamed of a wealthy husband, of wealth, but unfortunately, her first husband, Nikita Kuznetsov, was not like that. Nelly’s second husband was the young, promising Kirill Andreev. Although Kirill is 6 years younger than Nelly, they are happy together. Kirill is a successful businessman and aspiring musician.

    The second husband of one of the long-time participants in the television project House 2 - Nelly Ermolaeva - is called Kirill Andreev. As far as we have been able to find out, he is somewhat younger than the girl - about six years - from the November note (source):

    The following is known about the young man’s work activity:

    On June 7th of this year, the guys got married (you can find out the details here).

    On June 7, 2016, Nelly Ermolaeva got married for the second time. Nelly Ermolaeva’s first marriage to Niikta Kuznetsov failed, because Nelly always wanted a more successful man, she herself constantly works and strives to develop herself, conquering new heights, and Kuznetsov wanted to sit on House 2 all the time with everything ready, and he had nothing else to do need to.

    Nellim Ermolaeva’s second husband is billionaire Kirill Andreev, she has been with him for five years and now the couple had a wedding celebration, which turned out to be simply gorgeous.

    Well done Nelly Ermolaeva, she achieved what she wanted, Kirill Andreev is a worthy man, a restaurateur.

    Nelly Ermolaeva’s new husband’s name is Kirill Andreev. He is a young successful musician, and the son of a millionaire. Andreev is also the owner of a chain of restaurants in Moscow. The former star of the scandalous TV show House - 2 is trying in every possible way to support her beloved man.

    Nelly Ermolaeva’s second husband, Kirill Andreev, is a versatile personality. Now in the media he is called an aspiring artist. Previously, he was presented as a restaurateur and businessman. It is also reported that he is a musician) In any article about Kirill Andreev they write that he has very rich parents. And he realizes all his many talents at their expense.

    Nelly Ermolaeva’s second husband is Kirill Andreev, owner of a restaurant business, musician. Nellie is 6 years older than her husband. And if Nelly is now 30 years old, as reported here, then Kirill is 24 years old. Kirill is a versatile person, runs a business, and released his own video.

    Nelly Ermolaeva’s second husband is a Muscovite, businessman-restaurateur, 24-year-old Kirill Andreev. He became a businessman at the expense of his wealthy parents. He writes songs on his own, and wrote a video where his parents financed it. And Nelly Ermolaeva herself tries to promote her lover, sparing no effort and finances.

    Ex-participant of the famous project Dom 2, as well as Ru.TV presenter Nelly Ermolaeva, got married on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. Her chosen one is Kirill Andreev. According to this website, he is a businessman, owner of a restaurant chain.

    Nelly Ermolaeva’s second husband’s name is Kirill. His last name is Andreev. He is a young guy, his age is 24 years old. He is six years younger than his new wife.

    Everyone is interested, of course, What does Nelly Ermolaeva’s second husband do?

    Kirill is a musician and also a businessman. He is engaged in the restaurant business and has a decent fortune (he is from a very wealthy family).

    The couple has already bought their apartment in Moscow. There the guys are going to start their happy family life.

    It is interesting that, as many have noted, Nelly Ermolaeva’s second husband is very similar to Nikita Kuznetsov, her first husband. Well, apparently this is her type.

    Kirill Andreev is a capital businessman, owner of a restaurant chain. Nelly has had a serious relationship with her chosen one for many years; Kirill proposed to Nelly two years ago.

    Nelly Ermolaeva (ex-participant of the television project Dom - 2), on June 7 got married for the second time. Her chosen one's name is Kirill Andreev. They met at a party and a whirlwind romance immediately broke out between them. The couple lived together for quite a long time before getting married, about five years. Kirill is the son of a millionaire and a very successful businessman. He owns a chain of expensive restaurants in Moscow. He is also an aspiring musician; he already has his own video for the song At the End of the World. Nelly supports him in every possible way in all his creative manifestations. Andreev is six years younger than his wife, but this does not prevent them from being incredibly happy (Ermolaeva’s words).

Good afternoon, my beloved reader. Today I accidentally came across the news that Nelly Ermolaeva married Kirill Andreev back on June 7, 2016. I admit, for several years in a row I followed with interest the lives of the participants of DOMA-2, but then my son was born, and I abandoned this activity. The last thing I watched was the development of Nelly’s relationship with Nikita Kuznetsov. As it turned out, the couple even registered their marriage, but it lasted just over a year. What is the second husband of the sexy TV presenter like? Do you want to know the details of their lives? Then go ahead...

Brief biography of Nelly Ermolaeva

I'll start my story with a charming bride. Nelly was born on May 13, 1986. According to the zodiac sign - Taurus, according to the eastern horoscope - tiger. It is clear that with such a date of birth, a girl is simply obliged to be purposeful and successful in life. After school, she entered the Academy of Arts in her hometown of Samara. After finishing her studies, Nellie tried to build a modeling career. She also worked in a beauty salon. When she turned 23, she decided to become a participant in the youth project DOM-2. This show took up two years of her life. On the project, the “bright brunette with bangs” (as her fans called her) began relationships with different guys, but it was Nikita Kuznetsov who became her husband in real life. The couple left the show to continue building a family, but, as it turned out, this marriage was a mistake.

Curious fans claim that Nellie was not sad at all after the divorce. She plunged headlong into work and building her career.

Soon, at one of the parties, she met her future husband, Kirill Andreev. Who is he?

What did I manage to find out about Kirill Andreev

Second husband of Nelly Ermolaeva Kirill Andreev born in the city of Tomsk. His father is the popular poet Mikhail Andreev, who wrote the words to such famous hits as “Tram Pyaterochka”, “Poplar Fluff”, “Why are the birches making so much noise in Russia”, “Samovolochka”, “Because you can’t be beautiful like that” and many others. many others.

It’s clear that with such a dad, Kirill is simply obliged to be a creative person. But the smart young man is trying to prove himself not only in this field. Kirill's interests are quite varied. The main range of his activities is the restaurant business.

Kirill Andreev, husband of Nelly Ermolaeva

At the same time, Kirill writes songs, and even managed to shoot a video for one of them. The young man has already received three higher educations. His young wife never tires of boasting about this, posting photos on her Instagram...

How the relationship between Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev developed

The young people dated for about four years. During this time, they got to know each other very well and realized that it was time for them to move to a new stage. All this time, Kirill pleased and spoiled his beloved in every possible way. Nelly enthusiastically tells how her future husband secretly checked into the plane in order to be in the next seats with her and fly together. One day he surprised her with a gorgeous bouquet of roses when she had just gotten out of her morning shower. On the eve of the wedding, Kirill gave the bride a black SUV tied with a pink bow. Well, Nelly stopped keeping track of small surprise gifts from her beloved))

Nelly Ermolaeva’s husband Kirill Andreev never tires of pleasing her with gifts

This behavior of Kirill aroused the envy of some of Nelly’s friends, who tried in every possible way to cause a rift between the couple. Fortunately, the girl realized in time who was right and who was wrong.

Wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

TV presenter Nelly Ermolaeva is used to living openly and sharing all her secrets and news with the public. Probably, the “school” of HOUSE-2 is taking its toll)) After the wedding, the girl wrote on social networks that about twenty million rubles were spent on the celebration! This is not surprising. Judging by the photos and videos posted for everyone to see, this wedding was truly luxurious.

The formal hall was decorated in pink and black tones. The bride's dress was powder-colored with an amazingly long train. Among the guests were many stars of Russian show business and other influential people. After looking at the photos, I would like to sincerely wish: “May these guys never lose their feelings for each other! Let their love grow stronger! And let Nellie become the mother of the desired twins, as she wants!”

Wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

Did you like the wedding? Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreeva? What can you say about this beautiful couple?