Sogdiana - biography, personal life, height, weight. Sogdiana: personal life Origin of the stage name

By her age, the singer not only managed to shine on stage, but also got married twice, although she only had unpleasant memories of her first marriage. First husband of Sogdiana Indian businessman Ram Govinda promised her a wonderful future, but in reality everything turned out completely different. At first, the singer’s family life was simply fabulous, and she, for the sake of her husband and born son Arjun, was even ready to leave her career, but over time, Ram increasingly began to show his domineering and very cruel character. It got to the point that Sogdiana began to be afraid to come home, and her husband considered her work unworthy.

In the photo - the singer with her first husband

The singer found herself under conditions of total surveillance - she was constantly watched by people who worked for Ram and reported to him about her every step. Sogdiana’s husband did not allow her to communicate with friends, colleagues, and even took away her phone with all the contacts she needed. At first she agreed with everything and obeyed Ram, therefore she loved her husband very much, but gradually such a life became unbearable for her. She invited him to break up, but her husband responded to this request in his own way.

In the photo - Sogdiana with her second husband

At this time, the singer’s son was already growing up, and Sogdiana’s husband, having given her a divorce, secretly took the child out of Russia. For a long time, the singer was forced to live away from her son. For the first time after separation, she met her son when he was already three years old. She and her ex-husband agreed that they would take turns raising Arjun. During the separation from her son, the singer managed to arrange her personal life and get married for the second time.

Sogliana's second husband, Dagestani businessman Bashir Kushtov, is the president of the Lynx hockey club. He is seventeen years older than his young wife and his life experience helped Sogdiana survive in difficult times. The singer met her second husband during a conflict with Ram. The singer immediately appreciated the kindness and attention with which Bashir surrounded her. Sogdiana's second husband was married twice before her, and his first wives bore him nine children. However, this circumstance does not frighten or embarrass the singer; she hopes that in this marriage everything will work out much better for her than in the previous one. In her second marriage, Sogdiana gave birth to another son, whom her parents named Mikhail. For now, the singer is happy, but she is worried that, according to Muslim customs, her husband can have several wives, and if he decides to do this, it will be a real tragedy for the singer. But she hopes that Bashir will love only her, so she makes only happy plans for the future.
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Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

singer, actress

50 kg

175 cm

Biography of Sogdiana

Oksana Nechitailo, better known under the pseudonym Sogdiana, is a singer who has become a breath of fresh air on the Russian stage. Viewers remembered her as one of Viktor Drobysh’s “manufacturers,” but just a year after the completion of the project, she sang on the main stage of the country along with her favorite singer Sofia Rotaru.

Sogdiana brought a charming oriental flavor to the Russian stage

Sogdiana's childhood

Sogdiana was born in Tashkent, although there are no eastern roots in her family tree. The Nechitailo family settled in the capital of Uzbekistan thanks to their military grandfather. The singer’s father, Vladimir Nechitailo, first worked as an engineer, then climbed the career ladder and became deputy director of the Compressor plant. The vocation of her mother, Larisa Fedorinskaya, was medicine.

Children's photos of Sogdiana

Oksana was the youngest child in the family; she was looked after by her brother Sergei, who was 12 years older than the girl. While his father was fulfilling his plan to produce compressor equipment and filters for general purposes, and his mother was saving lives, Sergei took his talented sister to an art studio and a dance club.

Little Oksana Nechitailo loved to sing and dance

The grandmother, who once sang in a church choir, instilled in her granddaughter a love of music, so Oksana organized real concerts at all family holidays. The girl sang her first song at the age of 4 - it was a sad poem about a puppy from the magazine “Funny Pictures”, sung to the accompaniment of her brother’s guitar.

Sogdiana with brother Sergei

In 1991, parents, who noted the creative abilities of their youngest daughter, decided to send Oksana to the Glier Music School for piano class. At the same time, the girl studied at a special school at the conservatory. Sogdiana remembers these years with a smile: she “bathed” in music, as if in an endless ocean.

Sogdiana fell in love with music since childhood

The schoolgirl always looked forward to the moment when she could run away to classes at music school - she was bored in general education. In addition, her classmates constantly teased her because of her height; for them she was either a “giraffe” or a “tower.”

As a child, Sogdiana had a complex because of her height

Parents believed that their daughter would become a famous pianist, but in 2001 Oksana announced that she would enter the National Uzbek Conservatory in the pop department. For relatives, this news came as a real shock, but the family supported Oksana’s choice: the father began to master the role of producer of a rising star, and the mother created stage costumes for her singer daughter.

Sogdiana with his father, Vladimir Nechitailo

Vladimir Nechitailo left his business and got a job at a production center for a modest fee to help his daughter’s career. As Sogdiana recalled, at first it was very difficult; she had to perform for free to earn a name. Soon she began to receive her first fees - 10 dollars, 50.

The birth of the singer Sogdiana

The young singer's debut took place in 1999 at the SADO music competition. Then there were the festivals AzizOna Yurtim Navolari (Uzbekistan), “Path to the Stars” (Russia), “Discovery” (Bulgaria), Canconi Daimondo (Italy). Oksana Nechitailo has always been on the list of laureates.

Sogdiana’s first video – “Assol”, 2000

In 2001, the first album of the aspiring singer Oksana, “Mening Kunglim” (translated into Russian as “My Soul”), was released, which included songs in Uzbek, Russian and English. Among them were the popular compositions “Assol” and “Night and Sun”.

After the release of the album, the whole of Uzbekistan started talking about Sogdiana

In 2003, the star was awarded the State Prize of Uzbekistan “Nihol”. The next step in Oksana Nechitailo’s career was the release of her second album “Mening Shahzodam... Baribir Kelar!” and a video clip for the title song “Mening Shahzodam”.

In 2005, the singer tried herself in cinema, playing in the film “Khoja Nasreddin”. The film was sold out in cinemas in Uzbekistan. It was a real triumph! But Oksana felt that she had reached a dead end and had reached the ceiling. Something needed to change, and the singer decided to start with her name.

Sogdiana on the set of the film “Khoja Nasreddin - the game begins”

She searched for a suitable pseudonym for a long time until she read about the ancient country of Sogdiana, located between the Zarafshan and Kashkadarya rivers. Oksana liked the name so much that when filling out an application for the New Wave competition, she indicated Sogdiana in the “Stage name” column.

The pseudonym “Sogdiana” was born in 2005

“And although I didn’t go to Jurmala then, since then “things have progressed” - at the next competition in Italy I took two first prizes at once... Fans already knew me well under this name, so I had to start my career almost all over again,” shared singer.

Sogdiana (left) with other participants of “Star Factory-6”

In 2006, the Central Asian star set off to conquer Russia, becoming a participant in the show “Star Factory-6” produced by Viktor Drobysh. Here the singer had to defend the right to her new name: the producer thought it was too unusual, he was sure that fans simply would not remember it. The creators of the show insisted that the girl become Oksana again, but the singer did not succumb to their persuasion and demands. Then Drobysh suggested adding his mother’s maiden name – Fedorinskaya – to the pseudonym. And after a couple of weeks, the need for a surname disappeared - the pseudonym turned out to be very successful.

After “Star Factory-6” Sogdiana became famous in Russia

Although the girl did not make it into the top three winners along with Dima Koldun and another oriental beauty, Zara, the project gave her invaluable experience and opportunities. It was on the project that Sogdiana sang in the final with Larisa Dolina, and also recorded the hit “Heart Magnet” - the Russian version of the song “Yurak Mahzun”. Already in November, this composition brought Sogdiana the Golden Gramophone figurine.

Sogdiana and Larisa Dolina – “Burnt Soul”

In the same year, the star appeared on the big screen again - her new name was sung in the Uzbek film of the same name: “I was offered the main role, and besides, the script was written “for me” - the scriptwriters even changed the name of the heroine from Zumrat to Sogdiana.”

Sogdiana in the film "Sogdiana"

After the project, the life of the former “manufacturer” changed dramatically: first, Sogdiana and her colleagues on the show went on a long-term tour of Russia and the CIS countries, then there was work on the first Russian-language album, the second “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Blue Sky” and the Moscow City Hall Award “ Pilar" for his contribution to the development of Russian popular music.

Sogdiana is a multiple winner of the Golden Gramophone

In 2011, having in her treasury of achievements 3 albums (2 in Uzbek and one in Russian), dozens of awards and prizes, 12 video clips and the title of People’s Artist of the Chechen Republic, Sogdiana released her fourth studio album “Eden”.

Personal life of Sogdiana

In February 2007, Sogdiana met Indian businessman Ram Govind: “I sang at his birthday in Tashkent. He is simply wonderful, the best!” Soon the couple tied the knot, and in October the singer gave birth to her first child, Arjun. The public compared their couple with Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, but Ram turned out to be a real tyrant: he made scandals for his young wife every day, forbade her to perform and communicate with colleagues: “How will my wife sing for money? What will they say about me? Why can’t I provide for her?”

Sogdiana and Ram Govinda could not share their son

Sogdiana was the first to propose separation, her husband agreed, but during the divorce proceedings he managed to take Arjun to India. The singer saw her son only three years later, when Ram returned to Tashkent.

Sogdiana and her eldest son Arjun

During that difficult period, the star met Bashir Kushtov, the president of the Lynx hockey club.

Sogdiana and Bashir Kushtov

He became her support, and seven months after they met, in September 2009, the singer again put on her wedding dress. In 2010, the couple had a son, Mikhail, who became Bashir’s tenth child.

Sogdiana and her second husband with children from a previous marriage

But already in the spring of 2014, Sogdiana and Kushtov divorced. The reason was again the pathological jealousy of the spouse. Since then, Sogdiana has repeatedly stated that she will not marry again. Although the singer lived in the East for a long time, she does not intend to tolerate the antics of crazy tyrants.

Sogdiana with her youngest son and ex-husband

Sogdiana now

In 2014, after a three-year break, Sogdiana returned to the stage with a new video for the song “Lightning”. She was surprised that she was still remembered and loved: upon returning to Moscow, the first thing she did was turn on the radio to keep up with new musical releases, and within 15 minutes she heard her song on the air. On another wave, she heard another hit of her own. And when the singer went online, it turned out that Sogdiana still has a huge number of fans in the Russian-language segment.

Sogdiana – “Lightning”, 2014

2015 spun Sogdiana into a whirlpool of musical events. Fans heard the new song “Epidemic”, which turned out to be a Russian-language version of the song “Mening Shahzodam”. Then there was a video for the song “Bird Without a Wing” and a performance at the 20th Golden Gramophone Award ceremony with the mega-hit “Heart Magnet”.

New image of Sogdiana

At the beginning of 2016, the singer performed in a duet with Abraham Russo, and in February a video for their joint song “No Impossible” was released.

Sogdiana and Abraham Russo - “Nothing is impossible”, 2016

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Back on New Year’s Eve 2010, the singer said in an interview with “7D”: “I’m waiting for a miracle. I have only one cherished desire - to see my son Arjun as quickly as possible.” And finally, the long-awaited meeting with the child, whom his father Ram took to his homeland in Delhi a year and eight months ago, took place.

The singer broke up with her first husband two years ago. And then a truly terrible event happened - Ram separated Sogdiana from her one-year-old son. “For me, separation from Arjun was a tragedy. I had terrible depression. I cried all the time, my heart was breaking from unbearable pain, from powerlessness. For three months the pain did not go away at all, I could not find a place for myself,” Sogdiana recalled in an interview with “7D”. - Many women ask me: “How did you survive all this? If I were you, I would probably die." I won’t lie, I had moments of complete despair when I didn’t want to live. And yet, I think I was able to get through this test because I didn’t give in. I have never let my son go from me for a single day. I constantly thought about him, remembered and believed: sooner or later we will be together. I didn’t even think that we had parted forever…” says the singer.

At first, Arjun lived in his father’s homeland of India, and then they moved to Tashkent, where Ram has been doing business for the last 15 years.

Photo: Photo from family album

There, by the way, the ex-spouses met - the singer was born and raised in Uzbekistan... In the summer of this year, Sogdiana finally convinced her ex-husband to sign a settlement agreement. They agreed that the boy’s permanent place of residence would be with his father, in Tashkent. And regarding the child’s upbringing, the parents decided that they would do it together, in turns: for some time he would live with his father, for some time with his mother. “Thank God, now we are both ready to do anything for the good of our son. Previously, Ram, apparently, was afraid: since he forcibly took the child from me, then I, too, would try to act in a similar way.

But over time, I became convinced that I was not my son’s enemy, and in no case did I want to create a stressful situation for him or expose him to new experiences. Fortunately, time smooths things out. Our grievances, misunderstandings - everything has passed, everything has been forgotten. And now we have come to the same conclusion that Arjun is my child, and we will communicate with him as much as we want. Most importantly, Ram realized that our son really needs his own mother, no one can replace her,” says the singer.

After the necessary papers were signed, Sogdiana began to think about how best to meet with Arjun, so as not to traumatize his psyche too much. Since she was told that the boy (he will soon be three years old) is very impressionable and vulnerable by nature, the singer decided that their meeting should take place at his home, on his territory, in an environment familiar to the child.

Sogdiana could not suddenly leave Moscow for Tashkent - her youngest son from her second marriage, Mikail, is still very small, she feeds him breast milk. And then my husband Bashir (they got married a year ago) said: “Go calmly, don’t worry. And we will wait for your return. Just don’t worry too much so that Arjun doesn’t feel your inner jitters.” “Of course, I tried very hard to cope with my anxiety, but I couldn’t do anything. While I was flying on the plane to Tashkent, everyone imagined our meeting, and I couldn’t believe that very soon I would see my son. I was shaking from the inside, I was tense, compressed like a spring. I was terribly afraid that Arjunya wouldn’t recognize me, would be scared, would cry, and wouldn’t come to me.

I thought how I could survive this, what would happen to my heart, which was already fluttering wildly in my chest... When the nanny opened the door for me, and Arjun stood next to her on the threshold, I could not utter a word. She just looked at him without stopping. And the nanny asked: “Oh, Arjun, who came to you?” “Mom,” he answered calmly. And I was relieved a little...

I didn’t immediately attack my son with kisses, I was afraid to scare him. I was waiting for him to get used to me a little and come up on his own. He took me to his room, began to sort out the gifts that I had brought him, and showed me his toys. He walked nearby and looked carefully. And when I asked him to take me for a ride in his big car, he said: “No, I won’t take me for a ride.” Trying to start a conversation, I said: “Oh, what a pity. Mom will be upset and cry.” And then Arjunya suddenly made frightened eyes, ran up to me, hugged me, and began to feel sorry for me - apparently so that I wouldn’t be upset.

Singer Sogdiana is one of the brightest graduates of the popular musical television project “Star Factory”. A native of Uzbekistan skillfully dances and performs compositions in oriental style. Few people know that the singer’s real name is Oksana Nechitailo. The artist managed to be married twice and give birth to two sons. At one time, the press was stirred up by the story of the secret abduction of one of her boys - the first husband then took the child to India.

Where is Sogdiana's son from his first marriage now? Who forced the artist to change her faith? Did she manage to improve relationships with her ex-husbands? And does the singer want to get married again? The singer answered these and other questions to the host of the “Oh Mommy” program, Angelica Raj.

Sogdiana, I know that you are from Tashkent, and many people think that you are Uzbek by nationality. Your fans are starting heated discussions on the Internet about your origin. Let's satisfy the public's curiosity, so who are you really?

I have never hidden this. Indeed, I was born in Uzbekistan, in the city of Tashkent. My parents are Ukrainians. My grandfather was a military man, a colonel in the Soviet Army. And for his great merits, he was given the opportunity to purchase an apartment in any city of the Soviet Union. My grandmother asked it to be Tashkent: it’s warm, delicious...

But at the same time you perform music in an oriental style. Your stage image is that of an oriental beauty. Why did you rely on the East in your work?

Since childhood, I have absorbed this musical culture and this mentality. So I know how to do it.

Sogdiana, your personal life is simply an action-packed drama worthy of film adaptation. You said that you perceived your divorces as a huge tragedy. Why is this so?

Then yes. But now I take it as a lesson. Well, why should I continue to grieve and shed tears now? Of course, I didn't want this to happen. My mom and dad lived together for 45 years, and there were no other options for me.

Your first husband is Indian, your second is Ingush. This is the East and the Caucasus. And you call the reason for your divorces the pathological jealousy of your husbands. But you cannot help but know that the East and the Caucasus have their own idea of ​​family values. Why couldn't you fit into their framework?

I always wanted to be married. And yet there are always two people to blame. That's all I can say.

The press calls your first husband an Indian millionaire, your second - a Dagestan oligarch. Where did your paths cross?

I met the father of my first child when I performed at his birthday party. He saw me on stage. Then it was very difficult for me to hide from him. He overtook me everywhere, acted assertively, and didn’t even ask me. That's what he decided and that's it.

And with the second one - Bashir - there was a whole detective story. He helped me a lot during the divorce process. That's how it all started.

- Was he as persistent as his first husband? It turns out that you are chosen, and not you choose?

Yes, I probably agree here.

- I know that when your first husband secretly took away your son, you did not see each other for several years. Is your son Arjun with you now?

Now it’s like this: when dad comes, he’s with dad. When dad leaves, he is with us. Now he doesn’t even remember the time when he lived separately, and I really don’t want to remind him of this. Of course, it was very difficult, there were very long negotiations.

- What persuaded his father to allow you to meet his son and communicate with him?

I think that first of all, the child himself. Because when the emotions subsided, the baby came to the fore, who, of course, needed a mother, and not a nanny. For him, dad is an unconditional authority, but he soon realized that the child was missing something. No matter how many different toys he has, everything he wants, his mother is his mother. Now we are communicating with his father. For me, a bad peace is better than a good war. The fact that I even told this story about the kidnapping was a step of desperation, I thought that I would somehow protect myself with this. But in the end, no, she didn’t protect her, and even made her angry.

Your first husband Ram is a Buddhist, your second husband Bashir is a Muslim, and you are Orthodox. Have there been times when your husbands persuaded you to accept their faith?

Yes it was, but it is very important for me to be accepted for who I am. Part of my life is creativity. How I dress or how I address God are personal issues, and the person next to me needs to initially accept them.

I have an international family. I grew up in Uzbekistan, and I myself am Ukrainian. And in general, I don’t divide people by nationality and faith. Yes, there are different faiths, but it’s all about the same thing, albeit in different languages. We talk to our sons before going to bed, and the youngest, Mikail, says: “I’ll say a prayer now.” And reads a Muslim prayer. I say: “Well done, son!” And the second one - Arjun - lies and does not know what to do. I say: “And you pray, as dad teaches you.” And he read his very beautiful prayer. And I read mine, the Orthodox one. And I say: “You see, we are a family, we are one whole, you just expressed your gratitude to God in your own way, and you said the same thing in another language. But the meaning is the same.”

- The eldest son is a Buddhist, the youngest is a Muslim, doesn’t this create difficulties in communication?

No, there are absolutely no difficulties. The only thing our dads asked me was that the children should not eat beef, since Hindus do not eat it, and pork, since Muslims do not eat it. That's why we eat turkey, rabbit, chicken, and fish.

- Do you admit that you will marry again a person of a different faith and different views?

Another faith - yes, it doesn’t matter. But other views are unlikely. I have absolutely normal values. I just want a family, and I have it. I have wonderful children and a mother. I work and go home. There is no such thing that I dance somewhere until the morning, forgetting about home or my responsibilities. I just want my loved ones to understand my work. Some people work from 9:00 to 18:00, while others have a different schedule. It is necessary that close people treat this with understanding. If I stand on stage and people look at me, this does not mean that I am an approachable person.

- Work was probably the main reason for your divorces? Jealousy for work, for the stage, for fans...

Someday I'll tell you about it. Why don’t I say something?.. A lot happens in any family life, and it’s better not to tell anyone about it at all. I am so grateful to my husbands that my children are with me now. Yes, there were difficulties, but I am glad that now we are friends with my ex-husbands. We agree on everything normally and see each other. These are the people I can always count on. It is important.

- Do you want to get married again?

In general, yes! The main thing is that this time everything works out.

You can find out amazing stories from the lives of stars every Saturday at 9:00 on the MIR TV channel on the air of the program “Oh, Mommies!”

“I don’t consider myself a nun”

Photo: DR

The singer SOGDIANA was born in the East, but she is Slavic by blood. Fragile on the outside, she is incredibly strong on the inside. She cannot imagine life without the stage, but she can leave it for the sake of her children. Leaving her career for a while, the singer disappeared from view. Now Sogdiana has returned and is storming the musical Olympus again.

N I can't help but ask you about something unusual andbeautiful name - Sogdiana. Is this a stage name?

My real name is Oksana. I like it, but it is for family and close people. I couldn’t imagine myself on stage with him, so I started looking for a stage name. However, everything that came to mind or anyone suggested was funny and absurd. Once I was preparing for a competition in Italy, where I was traveling as a singer from Uzbekistan. I collected documents and filled out various forms. And one person who helped me with this said: “Take yourself the pseudonym Sogdiana. Sounds so good! I liked it too: straight to the point! Moreover, Sogdiana is a historical region located on the territory of modern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. That is, this name indicated where I was from. This is how my image of an oriental girl, a singer, developed. But my parents are not Uzbeks. During Soviet times, they came to Tashkent to work.

If you are in character now, I will call you Sogdiana. You have already conquered Moscow once - when you got to the Star Factory. Was it more difficult then or now when you return to the stage after a break?

Then, in 2006, Russian show business was absolutely incomprehensible to me, I didn’t understand it at all. Although by that time I was a fairly successful singer in Uzbekistan, I already had experience of participating and winning various competitions in many countries. Many singers from Tashkent went to the New Wave competition, and I really wanted to go there too. I was in Moscow twice to audition, but I was terribly worried and did not pass the selection. Although I already had a song “Heart Magnet”, which later became a hit. I really believed in this song, I knew, I felt that it would play an important role in my life. But when I got ready to go to the “Star Factory”, I didn’t even think that I would be able to go there - it seemed to me that this was from the realm of fantasy. However, I am a desperate person, I borrowed money and went to the casting. It was morally difficult to see huge queues of people wanting to get into the project. All day long, some kind of roulades sounded everywhere. You come and they sing there, they sing here, in whole groups, individually. This singing makes you terribly tired. But we still need to get together and perform ourselves. And you know, it came as a complete surprise to me that I completed all the rounds. Then, I remember, my adrenaline was going through the roof! Besides, at that moment I had no plans to move. But that's how it happened. After “Factory” I already recorded songs and stayed in Moscow. All was good. But I had to take a break. It’s easier to come back now because the audience already knows me. We shot a video for the new song “Lightning” - this is a very touching composition with Arabic instruments. And I’m also recording songs for my new album, which I hope will be released soon.

I remember the whole public was alarmed when you said that your ex-husband Ram took and took away his little son Arjun.

It was a very painful period. Then emotions overwhelmed both me and my ex-husband. As a result, I didn’t see my eldest son for two and a half years. Then, when the grievances between Ram and I passed, we stopped quarreling and decided that we needed to improve our relationship for the sake of our child. We talked a lot about how to live so that the boy could feel good. This is how life turned out that we got divorced and nothing can be returned back, but why should a child suffer?! And then, when we agreed on everything, I went to see my son in Tashkent, where he lived with his dad. I felt that my baby needed me. I was going to stay there for a month, but it so happened that I lived in Tashkent for two and a half years. During this time I left my job. I don't regret it in any way. You see, these are incomparable things - career and children. Arjun was four years old at the time. Naturally, he needed his mother. I wanted to give him that maternal warmth and care that he lacked when he was without me.

And now Arjun lives with you?

The son lives with his father in Tashkent. He goes to school there. But he often comes to Moscow. I was here just recently. Yes, and I go there with my youngest son. Now Ram and I have no enmity and we can see Arjun whenever we want. I left Tashkent when Arjun started going to school. At first, I took him to classes, picked him up in the evening after school from different sections - there was not much time for communication. The child was busy. And that’s when I realized that I could return to the stage again.

What actually started the rift with your first husband?

We are very different people. No, he's not a bad person. But he is not creative at all. He doesn't like music or painting. He can say “Yes, it’s beautiful,” but for him art can never become the meaning of life. And he didn't want me to perform.

But after this painful divorce, another man appeared in your life and you became a mother for the second time.

My second husband, Bashir, is a wonderful person who was very supportive of me during that difficult period. But in 2011 we separated, divorced in a civilized manner. Mick's son lives with me.

What happened this time?

I am such a person: I cannot live when there are some restrictions and prohibitions. And my second husband was very jealous of me - he was afraid of losing me. He assigned two guards to me. It's very hard. It seems, what's wrong with that? Just think, two guards. But it really bothered me, I didn’t like being watched. At some point, I realized that it was easier for me not to go anywhere, I stopped meeting with friends. I remember reading a lot of different horoscopes as a child. My zodiac sign is Aquarius, so they wrote everywhere that Aquarians value their freedom very much. Then I did not understand the meaning of these words. I thought: “What does it mean to feel not free?” And when I found myself under the protection of two bodyguards, I fully felt how much freedom I lacked. I'm not talking about the fact that I should be single or flirt left and right. No! I need such freedom that I can easily move around the city - for example, sit and talk with you and without anyone watching me.

The main thing is that now you have managed to improve your relationships with your ex-husbands.

I am grateful to both of them for being and still being in my life. It doesn't matter that we're not together now. It’s even good, because we are great friends at a distance. For some reason, when a man lives with me, he inevitably begins to isolate me from everyone, I become only his property. And at the same time it’s hard for me to breathe. To be honest, I’m not very pleased that I already have two marriages behind me. Because before my eyes I had another example - my parents. They met each other at the age of 20 and still live together to this day: 45 years of marriage. And I was very worried at first, I was ashamed, embarrassed, and worried about the question: “What will people say?” Then I realized that I was eating myself with these thoughts. If it happened this way, then it had to be so. This is my life. And I just accepted her for who she is. And I began to feel happy. I have wonderful children, a wonderful job.

What do you think an ideal man should be like?

After two marriages, I realized that I don’t need my man to help me with anything. I mean work. Usually this kind of unprofessional help only gets in the way. I can handle it myself, even if not right away, even if it won’t be easy. But it’s okay, but I will work, I will feel free, no one will infringe on me either in my interests or in my creativity. And I also realized that you cannot change an adult. Therefore, if you accept him this way, it means you are making this choice, and that’s all. Then all that remains is to endure, but it is impossible to do this for a long time. I believe that I will meet my man, I don’t consider myself a nun, I’m only 30 years old. But I need a man with whom I will be comfortable.

Sogdiana, how do your main men, your sons, react to the fact that their mother is a singer?

They like it when I sing. Sometimes they watch some programs and say: “Why aren’t you there? Why don’t you perform?” I'm pleased that they want to see me on stage. The eldest, Arjun, is so serious at seven years old. He said he would be a doctor. And the youngest, Mika, he is five, behaves like a young star. ( Laughs.) I directly remember myself as a child, when I dreamed of a stage, of spectators. We recently went to the equestrian center, and there are many, many interesting things there, including an open stage in the shape of a semicircle. And he climbed onto it and began to dance to the music. We were with relatives who began to applaud him, and he bowed like an artist.

And you behaved this way as a child, right?

I had a big dream - to become a ballerina. Tall height got in the way. Mom said: “Your partner won’t lift you up.” But I was drawn to the stage. I sang and danced a lot. From the age of seven she performed at home concerts. Then I went to a music school in Tashkent, where there was a very strict selection process. I was accepted, and I took piano classes. I started going to competitions, but I always had some kind of internal uncertainty about whether I was doing what I was doing. And having moved to a new music school, where there was pop art, I began to sing with pleasure. By the 11th grade, when the time came to choose where to enroll, there were no questions: of course, to the conservatory. However, I was thinking: vocals or piano. I remember that my piano teacher was very jealous of my singing because she wanted me to become a pianist. And my mother was shocked when I said that I decided to study vocals. She probably didn't think it was that serious. But I made my choice. And I will always give my children the opportunity to decide for themselves and do as they see fit.

So you are a very loyal mother?

I think I'm not strict. Although anything can happen. You can’t follow children’s lead when they are capricious. I try to be fair. I am affectionate, gentle, kind. I love my children. Now I’m thinking: everything that I had to go through - and it was not an easy path - I’m ready to repeat, knowing that I will have such wonderful children.