Lyrics (words) of Albina. Albina: “I can only perform my own songs

Albina Dzhanabaeva – charming Russian singer and TV presenter, ex-participant of the popular Ukrainian group"VIA Gra". After leaving the group, Albina continues to delight fans with solo songs.


Albina Borisovna Dzhanabaeva is a native of Volgograd, born on April 9, 1979. The actress Kazakh roots– her father Boris Khabdishevich was Kazakh by nationality.

Boris Khabdishevich worked as a geologist and often took his daughter with him on trips; later he got a job as a driver at a Volgograd poultry farm. Irina Petrovna, Albina’s mother, worked at the Volgograd radio measuring plant.

Albina in childhood

In addition to Albina, the family had two more children - younger sister Katya and younger brother Denis. Soon the Dzhanabaevs moved to the small village of Gorodishche. After the move, young Albina firmly decided to achieve fame and move to the big city.

More from school years Dzhanabaeva stood out among her peers for her talent. The girl was an active member of the school choir, and at the same time studied piano at a music school.

The girl also often took part in beauty contests, often the beautiful Albina received the audience award.

Moving to Moscow

After graduating from school, the girl decided to try her hand at the entrance exams in the famous music school named after the Gnessins. 17-year-old Albina successfully passed the entrance exams and settled in Moscow.

Soon the girl’s parents divorced. Since the young singer did not have money for a rented apartment and dear life in the capital, Albina lived in a hostel and tried in every possible way to earn extra money.

She took part in theater performances, thanks to her attractive appearance, Albina was often invited to appear in commercials. Despite acting and filming in advertising, music came first for the girl.

After graduating from college, Dzhanabaeva signed a contract with the Korean theater and went to Korea for 4 months. There Dzhanabaeva received the role of Snow White in musical production"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Albina had to perform in Korean.

Dzhanabaeva was drawn back to her homeland, and when the opportunity arose to return to the capital of Russia, the girl broke the contract, having worked in the theater for 3 months instead of the required four.

Participation in VIA GRA

And the reason for returning to Moscow was an offer to work in his team. Albina accepted the musician’s offer and began working as backing vocals.

In 2004, the young singer briefly stopped singing career in connection with pregnancy. Having worked on stage until the sixth month of pregnancy, the singer went on maternity leave.

A couple of months after the birth of her son in 2004, Dzhanabaeva received an offer from the producers of Via GRA and Dmitry Kostyuk to become a member of their group instead of Anna Sedokova. The young mother had to refuse - her newborn son Kostya was more important to her than her career.

Then singer Svetlana Loboda took Sedokova’s place, but a few months later the newly-minted member was fired from the team.

Then Albina received a second offer, this time the singer agreed. Fans of the team first saw Albina in the video “The World I Didn’t Know About Before You.”

At the same time, an English-language version of the video called “Take your back” was released, but by decision of Sony Music Entertainment, the video was never put into rotation abroad.

The next step was the release of the English-language album “L.M.L.” Despite the success of the album in the CIS countries, foreign listeners did not like the album.

During Dzhanabaeva’s participation in the VIA Gra team, she released the clips “There is nothing worse”, its English version of “I don’t want a man”, as well as the famous clip “Diamonds” in 2005.

The following year, the videos “Deceive, but Stay,” “Flower and Knife” and “L.M.L.” were released, in 2007 — “Kisses,” and the following year the list was replenished with the works “I’m Not Afraid,” “American Wife.” " and "Emancipation".

The videos “Antigeisha” and “Crazy” in 2009, as well as “A Day Without You” and “Get Out!”, released in 2010, received no less success.

Dzhanabaeva’s last work in the group was the song “Hello, Mom!”, the video for which was released in 2012.

In the fall of 2012, Konstantin Meladze announced that he was disbanding the team.

And already at the beginning of 2013 the group really broke up. After 8 years of work at VIA Gre, Albina began performing solo.

Participation in other projects

In 2009, Dzhanabaeva and her son Kostya participated in the “Children’s New Wave”. Then the singer decided to get higher education and entered the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University.

The following year, Albina was the face of the Love Republic brand. In 2010, the singer could be seen in the show “Dancing with the Stars 6.” Albina and actor Andrei Fomin reached the finals of the program and took third place.

In the spring of 2013, together with Fyodor Bondarchuk and Natalya Stefanenko, the singer hosted the “Big Dance” show. In the summer of the same year, the performer led the “ClipYou” chart on the MUZ-TV channel for some time.

Also in 2013, Dzhanabaeva first appeared on theater stage, playing in the enterprise play “Bad Habits”.

At the same time, Albina appeared on the jury in the new show “I Want V VIA Gro", which was created to recruit new members to the group.

Albina is engaged in volunteer activities. In May 2011, she was a participant in the Red Ribbon social campaign organized by the UN.

Solo career

Dzhanabaeva’s debut solo song was the composition “Drops,” released on April 27, 2013. In September, the singer delighted fans with the video “Tired.”

Then in 2015 the single “One on One” was released, and a video for this song was shot in the fall of the same year. The following year, the singer released 3 compositions and 2 singles at once: the singles “For Love”, “ New land" and "For good luck." Videos were shot for the last two compositions.

On this moment Dzhanabaeva is actively working on recording her first solo album.


Besides musical career Albina acts in films. In 1998, the singer showed her acting in the film “Forest Swamps”, the following year the film “The Thief” was released with the participation of Dzhanabaeva.

In 2000, the film “DMB-002” was added to the filmography; in the following years, the films “The Lion’s Share”, “Hold Me Tight”, “Operation Righteous” and “Betrayal” followed.

In 2013, Albina starred in documentary film Channel One “Valery Meladze. It's nobody's fault".

Albina also voiced cartoons several times. In 2012, Shira from the cartoon “Speaking in her voice” glacial period 4”, in 2016 Dzhanabaeva voiced the same heroine of the fifth part of “Ice Age”.

Personal life

Rumors about the relationship between Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva began to spread back in 2003, when the young singer had just started working in Meladze’s team.

In 2004, the singer gave birth to her first child, Konstantin, singer for a long time hid information from journalists about who the father of the child was.

With son Konstantin

Albina in the video for the song "Not with me"

Albina: “I can only perform my own songs”

– Albina, you are not only a performer, but also a songwriter. Was the composition “Not with Me” also written by you?

– Yes, I am the author of all my songs. I bought one single composition from my friend Nikolai Ors, but even then I decided to adjust the arrangement. But in general, I don’t buy songs on principle - I have a lot of material myself, I’m a prolific author. In addition, as experience has shown, the compositions of other authors do not suit me, I absolutely do not feel them and can only perform my own. I not only write the lyrics and music of the songs, but also produce them on the musical side. Because I believe that an artist should make his product independently from start to finish. And “Not with me” is also my song, and I wrote it a long time ago, and people who follow my work know that this composition has existed for about a year on the Internet, it was posted on my website and was available for download . Initially, I did not plan to shoot a video for it, but time has shown that people really like the composition and that interest in it has only increased over the year. Therefore, I reconsidered my attitude towards it: I am giving this song a second wind and visualizing it, since it definitely deserves in order to create a picture for her.

-What is she talking about?

– In fact, “Not with me” is a humorous, light song. There is no pain, suffering, torment here, it is rather some irony over ex-lover. This song encourages people who, for some reason, can no longer be together, to part easily, not to be sad, and to perceive the breakup as the first step towards some new and, of course, better stage in their life.

– A video was recently released for this song. I heard that he was filming on the legendary Venice Beach in Los Angeles...

- Yes. “Not with me” is a very light song, in the lambada style, so I wanted to choose an appropriate location - summer, positive. Venice Beach is a very popular place in Los Angeles, a very colorful beach, extraordinary people gather there. It was perfect for this song because the mood of this beach is a little ironic - it is not serious, not classic, very creative and romantic.

And the resulting video fully reflected the song - it is light, very bright and supports the meaning of the text in an ironic form.

By the way, this video is also unique in that it was shot in one shot: there is absolutely no editing. That is, from the moment filming began - the “Motor!” team. - and until the last seconds, and this song lasts a little longer than 3 minutes, there was not a single stop. Of course, when you shoot in one frame, the cost of error is very high. If at least one participant in the process (dancer, cameraman, lighting designer and others) makes an inaccuracy, everything will have to start from the very beginning. Such filming requires a long preparatory period, and the team rehearses for weeks for one shooting day, since each participant must clearly fulfill the assigned task. But this is perhaps the most interesting and positive filming of a video clip that I have ever had. And I will certainly repeat this experience of filming in one shot. I am all the more pleased that this is the first in Russia dance clip, shot in one shot.

Albina Dzhanabaeva famous singer, TV presenter and ex-member of the Viagra group, attracts attention with her bright appearance and vocal abilities, and sometimes with the scandalous stories that happen to her. They are mainly related to Albina Dzhanabaeva’s personal life and family.

Albina Dzhanabaeva was born in Volgograd on April 9, 1979. She is a mixed race by nationality, she has Kazakh blood flowing in her, which she inherited from her father.

Boris Khabdishevich, that was his name, instilled in his daughter a love of nature and took her on various expeditions.

Mom was a simple woman who worked two jobs, a saleswoman in a store and an employee of the Volgograd radio measuring plant "Akhtuba".

Albina is the first child, but she also has a brother and sister.

The parents' marriage broke up when all the children were already firmly on their feet.


Before coming of age, Albina left Father's house and left for the capital. In Moscow, she entered the world-famous Gnesinka. But this was not easy for her.

She won over the examiners with Krylov's fables, but did not make the proper impression. She was not going to leave without a positive answer about enrollment and with her pressure she got another chance, she used it, first showed a room called “Animal Farm”.

At first, the depicted cow was not a success, she smiled, but taking all her strength into her fist and becoming very angry, Albina gave it her all. The commission's approval was in her hands.


For Albina Dzhanabaeva, her career has always been an important aspect of her entire biography; at that time, she was little worried about her personal life and lack of family.

Even when she was studying, she was already trying to earn a living on her own, since there was nowhere to wait for help. The future star lived in a dormitory and participated in theater performances.

But all this work was not what she wanted to do with real soul. the main objective Dzhanabaeva was singing on stage. What she achieved with her perseverance and hard work.

Unfulfilled obligations

Immediately after Albina became a graduate of Gnesinka and received her long-awaited diploma, the Korean theater became interested in her.

According to the contract, Albina Dzhanabaeva was supposed to live in Korea for four months and sing in a musical called “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”

But this was not the most difficult thing for Albina, but the fact that, according to the conditions, it was necessary to sing in Korean.

After 3 months of working on this project, Albina was offered new job, but already in Moscow, and without hesitation she broke the contract and returned to her homeland. As she herself admitted, she was very drawn back home.

Collaboration with Valery Meladze

The chance to return to Moscow was used, and all thanks to the proposal received from Valery Meladze. It was he who considered Dzhanabaeva as his backing vocalist.

But they did not work together for long, only two years, and Albina announced her interesting position. She had to take maternity leave.


Dzhanabaeva was unable to enjoy her maternity leave; she very quickly decided that she was returning to the stage.

But then in Albina’s biography it happened new turn. Meladze Sr. invited the singer to become a full-fledged participant women's group"VIA Gra".

She agreed and took the place, who was on maternity leave.

It is Dzhanabaeva who is considered a permanent member of the popular trio. She devoted 9 years to this project.

The composition changed more than once, there were rumors that most of the girls who left did not get along very well with Dzhanabaeva and the main reason for their departure was precisely the tense situation in the team.

While the group existed, more than once there were publications in the media in the style of “washing dirty linen in public.”

The girls complained about each other and often accused each other of being quarrelsome, lying, and much more. All this had a very negative impact on the popularity of the team.

Actress career

Albina Dzhanabaeva succeeded not only as a singer, her cinematic biography occupies a considerable part of her life.

She first appeared as an actress in 1998, starring in the film “Forest Swamps.” In 2000, Albina Dzhanabaeva was very busy filming.

After his first work, the films “DMB-002”, “The Lion’s Share”, “Star Holidays”, “Hold Me Tight”, “Operation Righteous” and “Betrayal” were released.

The artist and singer Albina Dzhanabaeva became a frequent guest on various programs and shows. She did not refuse to participate in “Smak”, in the project “Dancing with the Stars”, in which she, together with her partner Andrei Fomin, took bronze.

Dzhanabaeva does not stand still and strives to do everything at once, and she does it well. Albina is constantly traveling for performances or with her family, but this did not stop her from getting another higher education.

She also became the face of the Love Republic company, which produces collections women's clothing, linen and accessories.

Solo career

At the beginning of 2013, it was decided to disband the former composition of the Via Gra group. Then Albina Dzhanabaeva began solo career and already in the spring she presented her first song in a solo performance.

It was named “Drops”. About six months later the single “Tired” was released. IN given time Albina performed about 7 songs, a video was shot and aired on music TV channels for one of them.

Personal life

Around personal life Albina Dzhanabaeva there are a lot of rumors and scandalous stories. No matter what anyone says, her union is considered strong.

Albina met her future husband when she came to cast him as a backing vocalist.

It is impossible to reliably at what point a romantic relationship broke out between them. But according to rumors, which she confirmed herself ex-wife, it was the affair with Albina that caused the man to leave the family.

The couple never flaunted their relationship; there are only a few interviews where they reveal the veil of secrecy about their personal lives and biography in general.

Albina and Valery have been married since 2014, during which time they gave birth to two sons, Kostya and Luka.

At the moment, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Konstantin Meladze began to appear together in public more often, no longer embarrassed or afraid of condemnation.

Valery tells about his wife that as soon as he saw her, something skipped a beat inside.

The couple’s eldest son took artistic interest from his parents and even in 2009 took part with his mother in the “Children’s New Wave” festival.

Valeria’s ex-wife gave an interview to one of the channels, where she accused Albina of destroying the family, and even warned that inevitable retribution awaited her; what exactly she meant by this phrase is not known.

Nominations and awards

As part of the Via Gra group, when Albina Dzhanabaeva was in the lineup, the girls were nominated in the categories “ Best Pop Group", at the Muz-TV awards 2005 and 2007, "Best pop project" at the MTV Russia Music Awards in 2006.

During her solo career, she won the HELLO magazine award in the “Classics” category in 2013.

First person

Albina, this is my real name. That’s what my parents named me on August 5 in the city of Baku in the Republic of Azerbaijan, where I was actually born. But fate turned out that I lived in this beautiful city not for long. I already went to first grade in Russia, in a small provincial town in the Vladimir region. My parents moved there, fearing that due to the political events taking place in Baku at that time, they would not be able to ensure the safety of my sister and me. The move was very difficult for my family. I had to leave everything and come to Russia almost empty-handed. I had to live in part of the old wooden house with another family. So here we were, nine people in two rooms, without even running water or basic amenities.

My parents believed that, despite the difficulties, children need to develop as creatively as possible. Therefore, since childhood, my sister and I have been involved in choreography, sports, drawing and music. Now I understand that this is what helped me not to get lost in the difficult provincial environment and from childhood to clearly understand what I want from life.

Probably, realizing that I don’t have much, and therefore I am very different from others, I always tried to become the best in everything I did. I have always succeeded in this. I remember there was a time when I came running from choreography classes in tears and told my mother that I had left the circle. Mom, not understanding what was going on, since I could not explain it to her clearly, was unable to do so, and she went to the teacher. My teacher was Honored Artist of Russia Lidiya Ivanovna Pestova, who explained everything to her. It turned out that when the new one was installed dance number, she put not me in front, but another girl, after which I categorically did not want to dance in the background. Then the teacher explained to me for a long time that even if you are the best and strongest in the group and constantly confirm this. You still need to give others the opportunity to try their hand at it, otherwise other children simply won’t be interested in going to classes.

I was eight years old then.

By the age of 16, I was tired of living in my city, and I decided to go to Moscow. My parents, realizing that I would not deviate from my goal, did not interfere with my desire to leave. After school, I went to go to university in Moscow, but Moscow did not give in to me on the first try. I had to return to my city and study with tutors for a year in order to enroll. A year later, I tried again and entered. But she did not give up hope of conquering the stage.

I always knew that the path to the stage would be difficult. That nothing comes easy, that you have to work very hard. Then I did not yet understand how difficult it would be to survive in this large and strong city.

Quite quickly I had to taste all the delights of visitors to the capital. The relationship in the university dormitory did not work out, and I had to rent a room in the Moscow region. Plus, my wallet was stolen almost immediately. There wasn’t enough money, so I transferred to the correspondence department and went to work. I worked in a fast food restaurant 11 hours a day, I was very tired, but the desire to stay in Moscow outweighed the desire to give up everything and leave. I think that it was the desire to work on stage that gave me the strength not to give up and move on. I grew up on stage, I devoted ten years to choreography and theater arts and it’s hard for me to imagine my life without applause. It was destined for me to become a star, I’ve known this all my life. And my whole life is developing in such a way that even in the most hopeless situations I never doubted the correctness of my choice.

This continued until one day, standing and polishing my forks in a restaurant, I heard that the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev was recruiting models. Of course, oh modeling career I didn’t even think then, although by nature I have good plasticity and God did not deprive me of appearance. And standing in a cafe, digesting what I heard, I finally decided to go and test my strength. I quickly wrote down the address of the fashion house on a napkin and ran to ask the restaurant administrator for time off from work. I had to weave something about my grandmother urgently arriving and something else in that spirit, but I decided for myself that they wouldn’t let me go, I’d leave anyway. They let me go, and I ran, full of anticipation, to the casting. It didn't take long to rejoice. As soon as I crossed the threshold of the fashion house, it immediately became clear that I did not fit into general atmosphere. Beautiful, long-legged models came from all cities of Russia. Their height compared favorably with mine. At best, I reached up to their chins, and besides, I saw the differences from them, the podium for the first time in my life. When the casting began, I stood in the toilet, scolding myself for a long time for being a naive fool. I understood that most likely they wouldn’t take me, and I didn’t really want to embarrass myself in front of others. But as usual, my inner voice told me, “Better a minute of shame than to regret for the rest of your life that you didn’t take the chance.” At that time, I had nothing but a work uniform and smelly slippers, but I decided that such an experience would be useful for me. And then it was my turn, I had to walk along the catwalk at the same time with two tall and beautiful models. When the music started playing and these models started walking, I burst into laughter. I had never smiled so much in my life, I really wanted to laugh for the whole room, I just had to smile. I suddenly saw myself from the outside, and I felt funny how stupid I looked in a T-shirt, black tights with frayed heels and a mouth from ear to ear. I had nothing to lose, and I walked as best I could, sincerely believing that I was standing on the podium for the first and last time in life. It's hard to describe the faces of the people around me. I can only say that Vyacheslav Mikhailovich took me right away. I worked at a fashion house for about a year. Then there were others modeling agencies, shooting in magazines, working on shows.

This continued until I met a man who changed my whole life. A person who believed in me, helped me create a project, and gave me the opportunity to create. As a result, within a year I wrote the first album and many words and music for new songs.

I have many friends and like-minded people. I write all my songs myself. It was in creativity that I found an outlet for my energy.


Albina is a new phenomenon on Russian stage. A versatile artist, she is not only the author of the words and music of her songs, but also a professional dancer.

Albina's music style - Unlimited Style is freedom, creativity without restrictions. Her creative baggage includes both modern dance compositions, lyrical songs, songs in the style of R"n"B, and club remixes. Her video for the song “I’m Quitting Smoking” has already been broadcast on the country’s television channels such as Muz.TV., Music Box, etc. In addition, Albina has extraordinary appearance and with charm capable of winning over any viewer. A video was shot for Albina’s song “I’m Quitting Smoking” and aired on the Music Box and MuzTV channels, writes The director of the video is Pavel Khudyakov, known for Dima Bilan’s victorious video at Eurovision 2008, the video for Angel A and other artists. In August, a video for the song “Pain” was shot by the same director.

The concept of her first album, “One Life,” is creativity without restrictions, without the notorious format. The variety of compositions emphasizes the singer’s multifaceted talent. The songs presented in this album help to overcome difficulties and carry a charge of positive emotions.

Official (updated) biography on
Albina's official VKontakte page: no.
Facebook: no.
Twitter: no. blog: no.
Official website:
Video YouTube channel:
Livejournal: no.
MySpace: no.
Albina in Odnoklassniki (official group): no.
Photo on FLICKR: none.
Community on LIVEJOURNAL: none.

Materials used to create the biography:
1. Albina's official website.
2. Wikipedia.
3. Media.
4. Photos from open sources.

Actress singer, wonderful mother and just beautiful woman, Albina Dzhanabaeva became famous thanks to her participation in the pop group “VIA Gra”. But there are many other interesting points in her biography, for example, a contract to work with a theater in Korea.


Albina Dzhanabaeva was born on April 9, 1979 in simple Soviet family from Volgograd (later they moved to the working-class village of Gorodishche). The celebrity's father, Boris Khabdishevich, a Kazakh by nationality, was a geologist and constantly took his daughter on expeditions. Later he began working as a KamAZ driver at a Volgograd poultry farm. Mom, Irina Petrovna, was an employee of the Volgograd radio measuring plant “Akhtuba”, and worked part-time as a salesman. Albina is the eldest child in the family: she has a sister Katya, who became a hairdresser, and a brother Boris, a cook by profession.

Albina's parents divorced as soon as they got all three of them back on their feet. At the same time, even in childhood, Albina, as the eldest, was often given the responsibility of raising her brother and sister, so the future singer did not have a childhood as such. Despite the hellish workload at home, the girl studied “excellently”, went to music school, where she played the piano and sang in the choir. At first she dreamed of being like her dad - a geologist, but by graduating class firmly determined to storm the creative universities of the capital. The head of the family was against such a decision, since he did not believe in the success of such an undertaking, but Albina insisted on her own. Because of this, the relationship between father and daughter was cool for a long time, but they later reconciled.

At the age of 17, Dzhanabaeva went to Moscow to study at the famous Gnesinka. During the entrance exams, she recited Krylov's fable. The bored examiners interrupted her: “Show me something more interesting, for example... a barnyard.” The girl began to moo, and was again abruptly interrupted: “Why is your cow smiling?” Angry, Albina demonstrated everything she was capable of, and was nevertheless enrolled as a student - the jury discerned a lively temperament in her. Without funds to rent housing, the girl settled in a hostel. In order to somehow make ends meet, she took on any job: she starred in commercials, participated in extras.

After receiving her diploma, Albina Dzhanabaeva signed a 4-month contract to work in Korea. The girl took part in the musical “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and performed the part of the “foreign” Snow White in Korean. Three months later, she broke the contract and returned to Russia.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and the group "VIA Gra"

Upon returning from Russia, luck smiled on her: Valery Meladze was looking for a backing vocalist for his band. In an active search for an artistic singer, he himself called Dzhanabaeva with an offer. Meladze gave the singer a cassette with backing parts for rehearsals and went on tour. After his return, Albina immediately got to work.

However, she did not work for Meladze for long: two years later the singer gave birth to a son, Kostya (as it turned out much later, Valery Meladze, who was married to another woman, became the happy father). By the way, the girl appeared on stage until the sixth month of pregnancy. A small belly did not at all prevent the singer from feeling free at concerts.

After childbirth and small maternity leave Albina accepted an invitation from VIA Gra producers Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk to become the lead singer of the group to replace the previous vocalist Anna Sedokova, who went on maternity leave. However, Svetlana Loboda stayed in this post for some time, but due to her obstinate character, she was fired and Albina Dzhanabaeva was hired to fill the vacant position.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, debut in the group “Via Gra” - A world that I didn’t know about before you

Albina’s debut in the group was the video for the song “The World I Didn’t Know About Before You.” She worked in the group for 9 years from 2004 to 2013. As part of the VIA Gra group, Albina Dzhanabaeva recorded 4 albums. The first official album with her participation, “Diamonds,” was released in 2005. This was followed by studio album"L.M.L.", then "Kisses" and "Emancipation".

At the beginning of 2010, lead singer Tatyana Kotova left the VIA Gra team. And after a while she gave a compromising interview about her time in the group. In particular, Tatyana spoke about the scandals that Albina Dzhanabaeva constantly created behind the scenes for her colleagues: Meseda Bagaudinova and Tatyana. For example, the singers’ incorrect intonation in the lead-up to the song could serve as a pretext for raising their voices.

The girl said that Albina was constantly on edge and could lose her temper over any little thing. In addition, it turned out that Dzhanabaeva is a rather unrestrained and harsh person, to such an extent that at times it became unbearable. Tatyana added that Albina occupied “ special position"in the group thanks to an intimate relationship with Valery Meladze. And Kotova left, in her own words, because Albina was jealous of Meladze.

At the end of 2012, the producer of the VIA Gra group, Konstantin Meladze, announced the end of the group’s activities. But it soon became clear that this was just an advertisement for the new reality show “I Want V VIA Gro” main meaning which was to search for new vocalists. On January 1, 2013, the previous composition of the group was disbanded. Albina stayed in the group for 8 years and 3 months.

Albina outside of music

There are more roles in the singer’s filmography than there are musical records in her discography. In 1998, Albina made her debut in the film “Forest Swamps”. In 2000, work on “DMB-002” followed, and a year later the film “The Lion’s Share” was released. And after that there were the films “Star Holidays”, “Hold Me Tight”, “Operation Righteous” and “Betrayal” by Kirill Serebrennikov.

In 2009, Albina Dzhanabaeva with her son Konstantin, as well as with Nadezhda Granovskaya and her son took part in the Children's Festival new wave" At the same time, the singer decided to get a higher education at MGPPU (Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University), which she graduated in 2014, becoming a certified specialist in the field of psychology. A year later she became the face of the women’s clothing brand “Love Republic” as a member of the group “VIA Gra”.

Albina Dzhanabaeva devoted the first months of 2011 to participating in the 11th season of the project “Dancing with the Stars,” where she took third place. Afterwards it became known that Albina would participate in the Red Ribbon social campaign, which was created by the UN. The purpose of the action is to fight AIDS and HIV.

“Dancing with the Stars”: Albina Dzhanabaeva and Andrey Fomin

In the spring of 2013, Albina took part in the “Big Dances” project on the Russia-1 channel as a co-host of the program. In the summer of the same year, she was called to the role of host of the “ClipYou Chart” program on the music channel Muz-TV.

Solo career

After leaving VIA Gra, Albina Dzhanabaeva is confidently building a solo career. In the spring of 2013, she presented her first solo song“Drops”, and on September 26 the Internet premiere of the single “Tired” took place.

Albina Dzhanabaeva - Tired

Among Albina’s other memorable works: the songs “For Happiness”, “New Land”, “Razor Sharp”, which will certainly be included in her upcoming solo album.

Albina Dzhanabaeva – “New Earth” (2016)

In June 2017, MODA topical magazine awarded Dzhanabaeva the “Mother of the Year” award.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze: a love story

At the end of 2009, news appeared in the press about the divorce of Valery Meladze and his wife Irina. The couple lived only in an official marriage for 18 years and raised three daughters. According to information in the press, the reason for the separation was the affair between Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze.

Albina Dzhanabaeva denied the rumors: she said that she was dating a young man who was far from show business, and was raising a child from him - son Kostya (born 2004). However, in 2009, the singer finally admitted: yes, Albina gave birth to a son from him. At that time the boy was already 5 years old.

After such a confession, the singer’s wife, Irina Meladze, gave an interview and confirmed the fact of the affair between Valery and Dzhanabaeva. She said that she was surprised how Albina managed to hide the truth for so many years. Irina admitted that she had known Dzhanabaeva for a long time, and after their relationship became public, she invited the singer to meet, but she refused. By the way, Irina Meladze noted that Kostya is completely different from his father.

Valery and Irina divorced in 2014, and at the beginning of July 2014, Albina and Valery gave birth to the singer’s second child and Meladze’s fifth child, a boy named Luka. The name means “bright” in Greek.

In June 2017, the media trumpeted the breakup star couple. The reason for this was a video in which Dzhanabaeva appeared without wedding ring. Some fans added fuel to the fire by noticing that the singer looked tearful. But the majority agreed that something else was the reason for removing the ring.

Albina Dzhanabaeva now

Albina successfully combines creative career with motherhood. In the fall of 2017, she began performing with a new concert program“One on One”, and at the end of the year she presented a video for the song “The Most Important Thing”.

Albina Dzhanabaeva – The most important thing