How old is Britney now? Britney is getting married

Britney Jean Spears - American singer, pop icon of the 2000s. Rising to fame with the release of "Baby, One More Time" in 1998, she gave the world dozens of hits, including "Oops, I Did It Again," "Gimme More" and "Toxic."

Britney Spears' childhood

American pop singer Britney Spears was born on December 2, 1981 in McComb, Mississippi. However, the artist spent her childhood in Kentwood, Louisiana. The celebrity family is more than ordinary: mother is a teacher in primary school, and dad is a builder and cook. In addition to her, Britney's family includes a sister, Jamie Lynn.

Until the age of 9, Britney Spears worked professionally rhythmic gymnastics and even participated in regional competitions.

Britney has been singing since childhood. IN kindergarten At her graduation, the girl performed a Christian song called “What Child Is This.” Spears began her singing career with church choir at the Baptist Church. At meetings of believers in Kentwood, where the girl’s parents were regular parishioners, Britney sang various religious hymns.

The future star's mother Lynn saw her daughter's talent and decided to help her build a career. Britney Spears constantly went to dance and vocal tutors; her mother encouraged her little daughter to perform at home, and also took the little girl to various young talent competitions.

After little Britney Spears won every local competition possible, Lynn took her daughter to Atlanta to audition for a remake of the famous 50s TV show “The Mickey Mouse Club.”

At the age of 8, Britney got into the Disney Channel's The New Mickey Mouse Club, despite the fact that the producers considered her too young. Over the next three years, Britney studied at New York's Professional Performing Arts School in Manhattan and took part in various productions, including 1991's Ruthless! ("Ruthless").

In 1992, when the singer was 10 years old, Britney Spears took part in and won a competition called “Star Search.” The girl performed the song “Love can build a bridge,” which the jury really liked, but the victory was still given to another contestant.

After this, Britney appeared on “The Mickey Mouse Show” for the second time and the 11-year-old girl became a MOUSEketeer. Spears, by the way, was the youngest participant in the show, where she met future stars Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake.

The beginning of Britney Spears' career is a resounding success

In 1994, the show was canceled and Spears returned to Louisiana, where she entered regular school. high school. While studying, the girl sang in the girl group Innosense. However, I soon decided to start solo career, left the band and recorded a demo CD. Lynn sent her songs to various record labels. The producers from Jive Records liked the disc and signed a contract with the singer.

Debut single Britney Spears' "...Baby One More Time" was released in 1998. It was written for the singer by Max Martin, who at one time ensured the success of the Backstreet Boys. The song instantly became popular and topped the charts. The disc of the same name with the composition went multi-platinum in Canada, France, Sweden, Germany, Japan and Taiwan; global sales of the single exceeded 9 million copies. In the UK, for example, in the history of music, only three artists have sold more records in their first week than Spears (among them " The Beatles"), however, among all the record holders, Britney was the youngest. On the very first day of sales in the country of Foggy Albion, 124,000 cassettes and discs of the singer were sold out.

The first album was followed by an equally successful second album entitled “Oops!... I Did It Again”. In the summer of 2000, the singer went on her first world tour with the album. That same year, Britney Spears won two Billboards Music Awards and received a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Album and Best Live Performance.

New song by Britney Spears and Will I Am - Scream & Shout

Meanwhile, Britney Spears fever is breaking out all over the world. Products with the image of the singer are entering the product market. T-shirts, dolls, calendars, mugs are selling out at lightning speed. At the same time, Britney becomes a participant in the Pepsi advertising campaign.

In 2001, Britney's third album, Britney, was released, immediately topping all sorts of charts and ratings.

Together with her mother, Britney wrote the book “Heart to Heart,” where she described her life before the advent of popularity.

In parallel with writing the book, Britney Spears organized an annual charity event for talented children from low-income families. However, the singer’s charitable activities did not end there – the girl regularly donated huge sums to victims of the 9/11 tragedy and victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Around the same time, a scandalous performance at the MTV Video Music Awards followed. Britney performed on stage with Madonna and Christina Aguilera. Fans still remember the kiss of the three singers.

MTV Music Awards 2013: Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Madonna

Britney Spears reappeared on the scene in the summer of 2003 and released her fourth a few months later. studio album“In The Zone”, where she acted as both the author of the compositions and the producer. The album again reached the top of the charts. After the fourth disc, Britney left the stage, returning only in 2007 with the fifth solo album"Blackout", which was recognized as the worst of the singer's entire career.

The album Circus, released a year later, returned Britney to her former popularity. Since 2010, the girl has been working on recording her seventh studio album, Femme Fatale.

In addition to her career as a singer, the girl also showed herself in cinema. Britney Spears' first serious role was in the film Crossroads, released in 2002. For her, Spears received the Golden Raspberry in the categories “Worst Actress” and “Worst Song from a Film.”

In 2006, the girl played cameo role in the series "Will & Grace". Aired in 2009 documentary about the life of world celebrity Britney Spears. Life behind glass." The singer herself invited journalists to make a film about her.

In 2009, Britney Spears finally began to climb out of her career hole. She starred in joint project with Madonna and even recorded new albums. So, in 2009 her disc Circus was released, in 2010 the album Femme Fatale was recorded, but it was “leaked” onto the Internet two weeks before the start of official sales.

In 2011, the girl received the MTV Video Music Awards from the hands of singer Lady Gaga.

In 2012, the singer became the chairman of the jury of the American remake of the talent show “Factor X”, for which the FOX channel paid her $15 million. Her ward, 12-year-old Carly Rose Sonenkler, became the silver medalist of the show. Despite the success, Britney refused to participate in the third season.

In 2013, the singer recorded the song “Ooh La La” for the cartoon “The Smurfs 2” and released the single “Scream & Shout” together with rapper Will I Am. In November of the same year, Britney Spears' eighth studio album, entitled “Britney Jean,” was released. The first singles from the record, “Work Bitch” and “Perfume,” became instant hits.

Alternative income for Britney Spears

Britney Spears is not only creative, and her income comes not only from concerts and CD sales. The girl turned out to have a great commercial vein: She produced her own reality show and wrote 4 books. But her triumph as a businessman extended to perfumery.

Circus perfume, released in support of the album of the same name, brought the singer $14 million. This fragrance even became the best-selling fragrance in the United States in 2009. In 2013, Britney released another perfume, Island Fantasy. In total, 7 fragrances have already been released under the singer’s brand.

Personal life of Britney Spears

After her second world tour, Britney announced a career break and broke up with her boyfriend Justin Timberlake, whom she had been dating for 4 years.

By the way, Timberlake behaved very unworthily during the breakup. He constantly publicly stated that Britney had somehow betrayed him, and also told the world that he had taken Britney’s virginity (the singer herself at that time exploited the image of “America’s last virgin” and stated that she wanted to “wait until marriage”).

In early 2004, Britney got married for the first time in a small chapel in Las Vegas to her longtime friend Jason Alexander. However, the marriage lasted only 55 hours. Then the star said: “Yes, it was crazy, but I just wanted to know what it means to be married!”

The singer immediately went on her third tour, where she met Kevin Federline. Three months later, the couple announced their wedding and married in the fall of 2004. In the fall of 2005, Spears' first son, Sean Preston Spears Federline, was born. A year later, the girl became a mother for the second time. Britney named her son Jayden James.

Scandals surrounding Britney Spears

By this time, Britney's "mothering abilities" had already been called into question twice. One time she was spotted driving a car with Sean Preston on her lap, and the second time she walked out with her son on one arm and holding a glass of water in the other. The boy almost fell from his mother's arms. Spears' awkward movements were captured by the cameras of the ubiquitous paparazzi.

A few weeks after the birth of her second son, Britney Spears filed for divorce. The difficult, scandalous and painful divorce process began.

After persuasion from her family and friends, Britney went to a rehabilitation clinic. Tests showed that Britney's blood did not contain harmful substances, and it was decided to release her.

At this time, the children of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were under the supervision of their father, who at that time sought to deprive Britney of the right to visit his offspring.

In 2007, Britney Spears returned to the stage with the single "Gimme more" from the album Blackout. Fans received the star with a bang, but critics called new song failed. That same year, a Los Angeles court took away custody of her sons from Spears, after which the singer again indulged in all sorts of serious crimes, including public threats of suicide. The singer's life was taken under control by her father, Jamie Spears. Under his supervision, the girl pulled herself together and began working on new compositions.

Britney Spears and Jason Trawick

They dated for three years, and it was getting closer to the wedding - at the end of 2011, Trawick proposed to Britney, giving the girl a ring with a 3-carat diamond. The ceremony was scheduled for the end of 2012, but the singer’s fans were never able to witness this event - at the beginning of 2013, Britney and Jason broke off their engagement.

Britney took the breakup relatively easily. She told reporters that she is now the main task- to be a mother, and this role does not allow her to give up and adapt to circumstances.

Britney Spears now

In the spring of 2015, Britney Spears recorded a joint composition with Australian singer Iggy Azalea - "Pretty Girls".

Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea - "Pretty Girls", 2015

After the presentation of the single, Spears said that she was working hard on her ninth studio album.

American pop diva Britney Spears became a world star back in at a young age. Fame and popularity came to her after the release hits Baby One More Time and Oops! I Did It Again. The American singer became an idol for thousands of young girls who wanted to be like her and imitated her in absolutely everything.

short biography

The future popular performer was born on December 2, 1981 in McComb. Britney's mother (Lynn Bridges) taught the children junior classes and taught aerobics. Father James Parnell was an architectural engineer and also worked as a chef. Despite such different hobbies, the parents supported their daughter in all her endeavors and tried to develop her talents. Noticing from childhood that Britney could sing well, her parents sent the girl to the choir, which helped develop her vocal talent.

In 1998, Britney's single Baby One More Time was released, which became instantly popular and topped all music charts. From this moment the fever begins. Products with the singer's face on T-shirts, dolls, calendars, and mugs are entering the market, and all of this is selling at lightning speed. At the same time, Britney is participating in a Pepsi advertising campaign, which adds even more popularity to her, and more and more fans are going crazy about her.

Personal life of a popular singer

Even as a child, Britney Spears was the center of attention, so her relationships were closely monitored. The singer dated Justin Timberlake, but she broke up with him after her second world tour. Their relationship lasted about 4 years. Journalists tried to find out what was the reason for the separation, assuming that it would turn to betrayal and intrigue. But despite this, Britney Spears herself stated that they simply did not have enough time to build a relationship, since both he and she were busy with their creative careers.

In the future, Justin often mentioned Britney in his songs, speaking not very pleasantly about her. The singer's fans were outraged by how unworthy Justin behaved. In 2004, Spears married Jason Alexander, a marriage that lasted 55 hours. As the singer herself says, she just wanted to know what it was like to be a wife, and Las Vegas was conducive to such crazy actions.

Britney Spears' children: photos

Taking an active part in the world tour, the singer could not have imagined that she would soon fall head over heels in love and give birth to her first child. And so it happened, the same year brought Britney marriage to the charming hot dancer Kevin. On September 14, 2005, Britney Spears' first child, son Sean Preston, was born at a Santa Monica hospital. The young mother could not get enough of her happiness, because she dreamed of a full-fledged family with many small children. With Kevin Federline young star got married 3 months after they met, maybe for this reason they soon separated. The father of Britney Spears' children was a very caring and sweet young man.

Several months after Sean's birth, news appeared in the media that Britney was expecting a child again. In 2006, the rumors were confirmed, and on September 12, the singer gave birth to her second baby, whom she named Jayden James. But their family well-being was not allowed to happen; soon after the birth of her second child, the singer decided to get a divorce. From that moment on, difficulties began in Spears' life, which brought her deep depression, wild life, endless fines for drunk driving, attempts to take one's own life and loss of custody of children.

Britney was called a terrible mother many times, and the paparazzi continually proved this with corresponding photographs. One day, the singer was driving a car with Sean on her lap. As a result, the father of Britney Spears' children, whose photo is presented in the article, sued for custody of the children on the grounds that the singer uses drugs.

Revocation of child custody

The trial lasted two years, and all this time the children were with their father, and the singer did not even have the right to see them. In 2007, the court deprived Spears of custody of her sons, after which the singer went into all serious troubles. And in 2008, the court declared her temporarily incompetent. James Spears was given custody of Sean and Jayden. Soon Britney underwent rehabilitation twice. Jason Trawick, to whom she became engaged in 2011, helped her get rid of obsessive problems, but they separated two years later.

From 2013 to 2014, the pop star was in a relationship with lawyer David Lucado. But after a while they broke up, as stated by the singer herself. In 2016, information appeared in the American media about the singer’s new boyfriend. Journalists managed to find out that the girl is in love with model and bodybuilder Sam Asgari, who took part in her Slumber Party video.

For a long time, Britney did not discuss her relationship, but sources claimed that the woman was delighted with her new lover. Fans literally bombarded the singer with questions about whether they were in a relationship. The sultry brunette, in turn, also did not comment on numerous user discussions in in social networks. In the winter of 2017, the 35-year-old star showed off her 23-year-old boyfriend at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on star party, hosted by famous producer Clive Davis.

Britney is getting married

Sam and Britney started their relationship less than a year back, and Asghari almost immediately moved into the singer’s house. And, of course, sources report that the man gets along great with Britney Spears' one and two children from her marriage to Kevin Federline. The girl herself has said more than once that she would like to give birth to a girl. Her age allows her, and she can take a break in her career by the end of the year, when her show in Las Vegas ends.

Is Britney Spears pregnant with her third child?

The beloved singer Britney Spears is expecting her third child. Western insiders come forward with this information, claiming that everyone’s favorite performer is in interesting position and is going to marry the child's father, Sam Asgari. There was also news that Britney was in seventh heaven as soon as she found out about her pregnancy.

It is known that the artist will become not only a mother once again, but also a wife. Britney proposed to her young man Sam, which he gladly accepted. It is also reported that due to pregnancy, Britney plans to terminate the current contract and pay a penalty. She wants to calmly and without fuss prepare for childbirth and not burden herself with physical and moral difficulties. Britney and her boyfriend are very happy that they are having a baby. And, of course, Britney really wants to have a girl.


Now the children of Britney Spears, whose photos are in the article, live with their mother and are proud of her. According to the singer herself, she has no time to complain about life and lead an unworthy lifestyle, because she needs to raise her charming sons. And we can only wish Britney family happiness.

Britney Spears (eng. Britney Spears) is one of the most famous pop singers in America. Her career has had its ups and downs, but no one can deny, even those who live outside the states, that they know who she is and have heard one of her hits at least once. Spears' career began at a very young age and continues to this day. It is perhaps difficult to find another star with such a fate. Britney's story is not at all rosy in some places; there were difficult periods in her life that you should not be proud of. Britney's biography in Russian, presented below, will allow you to understand the impact her successes and failures had on the singer.

  • Real name: Britney Jean Spears
  • Date of birth: December 2, 1981
  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Height: 163 centimeters
  • Weight: 56 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 64 and 90 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 39 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, blonde.

Biography of the singer

The girl now looks great, even despite the birth of two children and a prolonged depression that lasted for several years. Looking at her, the question arises: how old is Britney Spears? Needless to say, she is no longer the young girl she was at the beginning of her career and is now 36 years old.

Born in the city of Kentwood in the family of a teacher and a builder. She wasn't only child, in addition to her, the family included a brother, Brian, and a sister, Jamie. Since childhood, Spears has shown herself to be a child not lacking in talent. It manifested itself in several areas: gymnastics and singing. Her family believed that the pop star's career would develop in the sports field and that she would become an outstanding gymnast, but their expectations did not come true.

Spears' career began in her childhood. She practiced singing a lot and participated in various singing competitions. In addition to competitions, the girl demonstrated her musical talent when she sang in the Baptist church.

A more serious achievement was participation in “The Mickey Mouse Show”. Since she was only 8 years old at that time, she was asked to come back after some time, which she did after 3 years. But this time did not pass in fruitless anticipation; she intensively studied singing and attended drama school.

As worldwide success became evident, Britney Spears' autobiography was compiled.

Needless to say, Britney's biography, personal life and the story of her success are quite entertaining. The singer was married twice. Her first marriage ended after 55 hours. Its conclusion is nothing more than a spontaneous outburst of the star, who, in her words, “wanted to find out how it’s like being married.” The second marriage with Kevin Federline also cannot be called successful, despite the fact that he gave the singer her two sons. Her agent helped the girl get out of depression. The affair with Jason Trawick lasted quite a long time and it was already getting close to the wedding, however, it never came to marriage. Now Britney's personal life is completely devoted to her growing sons.

Identity crisis

Children are the most important thing in her present life. However, with their birth, the life of the young mother “went downhill.”

How many children does our heroine have? Two. They were born within two years from the same husband. Soon after the wedding of the singer and Kevin Federline, the girl announced her pregnancy. Age of this talented singer At the time of the birth of his first child, he was 24 years old. After Sean Preston was born, the singer became pregnant again. The parents named their second son Jayden James. At the time of the birth of the second baby, not everything was going smoothly in the family, and only a few weeks after this joyful event the couple filed for divorce.

Spears' biography is not very colorful in this time period. After her husband left, the singer began to abuse alcohol and soon drugs. She led a riotous lifestyle, which led to the court depriving her mother of custody of her children. As a singer, Britney Spears also suffered setbacks. Her work did not create the expected effect, which aggravated the girl’s condition. In this situation, only the girl’s father, who took her and the boys under his wing, could help. He helped his daughter cope with the crisis and return to normal life.

And how many years did our heroine’s children have to do without maternal attention and affection? Now she is a successful singer and an exemplary mother.


Britney Spears throughout her creative path she fought for her fame and she deserved it. The singer was nominated many times for various awards, but was awarded only once prestigious award"Grammy" in 2005 for the song "Toxic".

Despite all the difficulties, our heroine was able to achieve worldwide recognition.

Everyone who is now over 25 years old remembers that in the late 90s, American singer Britney Spears was at the peak of her popularity, her videos were played on all music channels, and girls tried to imitate her innocent schoolgirl style. As the years passed, Britney Spears changed, and at some point in her life there was a crucial moment, when the singer suddenly shaved her head and seemed to go off the rails. She behaved scandalously in public, took drugs and alcohol, which led to her being deprived of parental rights. Now Britney has come to her senses and is continuing her career, and we invite you to take a look at how her image has changed over time.


A charming blonde with a snow-white smile, singing about problems that are understandable to any teenager - of course, millions immediately fell in love with her!


The era of revealing outfits and experiments with hair has begun. Bright blonde and “crimped” strands are something new.


If you don't take care of the blonde, it will definitely turn yellow. That's what happened to Britney. The eyebrows also turned yellow in solidarity with the hair color.


Very stylish Britney: new haircut, highlighting and expressive eyebrows.


Well, well, well... Chubby cheeks and even plumper arms... It seems that someone has stopped watching their figure. And yes, the lipstick color is just awful, sorry Britney.


The legendary bald shave is still 4 years away, but Britney is already trying on wigs. By the way, a blonde wig with colored strands suits the singer very well.


A careless ponytail (even if it’s not your own), side bangs, the right accent in makeup - Britney, you are beautiful!


This year, Britney married her dancer Kevin Federline. And now, instead of the usual blonde sexy girl with abs of steel, we suddenly saw this.


Britney, Britney... Excess weight it should be hidden, not emphasized. In this dress, the singer looks like a “barrel”. Hair and makeup are also “so-so”. There is a feeling that Britney has stopped taking care of herself and goes out in anything, even to social events.


And here is the turning point: Britney freaked out and shaved her head.


The extensions saved the situation: a year later, the singer looks decent again. All that's left is to lose those extra pounds.


Nervous tension recent years did not pass without a trace: the singer’s image became careless, her skin and hair seemed unkempt, and her weight was constantly “jumping”.


Everything changed in 2011: Britney got engaged to her former agent Jason Trawick, began to devote more time to her appearance and conduct healthy image life.


Britney has lost weight, gotten prettier and is back in shape!


Apparently, Britney was tired of the classics: the singer returned to extensions again. This time - all the colors of the rainbow.


It seems that our favorite pop princess has finally found harmony. Britney “pulled herself together” and began to take care of herself.

Britney Spears. I remember those times when this girl was just beginning to conquer the hearts of Russians, it was in 1999 (20 years ago at the time of writing this article!). Then Britney Spears was about twenty years old, she still had everything ahead of her: millions of fans around the world, general euphoria from her songs, endless tours, ups and downs, shocks, weddings, divorces, the birth of children, oblivion and a triumphant return to the stage. But what will I tell you about the global perception of Britney Spears, I’d rather tell you about the love for her on a local scale.

I had a friend, her name was Zhanna, she loved Britney Spears very much, all the walls of her room were covered with posters of the singer. Jeannette lived in a private house with her retired parents, she was the only child, she was born into the world of shock workers in fairly mature age, they could not give their daughter material benefits, and therefore she had to achieve everything in this life herself. Zhanka lived in a hut, her home did not have basic amenities, and therefore there was always a disgusting smell of unwashed bodies, stale linen and who knows what else. This girl studied poorly, or rather not even badly, but disgustingly, but not because she didn’t try, but because she couldn’t due to her natural abilities, and also because her mother and father were practically illiterate people. This friend of mine dreamed of becoming great actress, but her appearance did not contribute to this at all; sparse blond hair, carious teeth, poor skin and lack of intelligible diction did everything to ensure that TV screens would never show us her face. But Zhanka was a kind, naive person who believed in miracles and princes. Many people laughed at this girl, including me, and it couldn’t be otherwise, she constantly gave reasons for fun. But this girl once gave everyone a light, her aunt got her a job as a secretary in a construction company, there was a lot of work, but the money flowed like a river. And then one day Zhanka invited me to visit her, her room, as before, was completely hung with posters of Britney Spears, but this time there were more of them, the room itself was richly decorated with carpets, an amazingly beautiful chandelier hung from the log ceiling, There was a huge tape recorder on the table, from which songs of this beloved singer were playing. Zhanka’s life at that moment was a success, this was confirmed first of all by Britney Spears herself, winking at me from my friend’s T-shirt. Since then, I have associated this singer exclusively with Zhanka. I don’t even know where my old friend is now, she’s not on social networks, I lost her phone number a long time ago, but I know that Britney Spears herself is in chocolate at this moment and is still loved first of all by Zhanka, and then everyone else.

Well, now let’s return to the photographs of Britney Spears, this girl was once a very juicy apple, not only boys, but also girls were attracted to her. This angelic face positioned itself as the last virgin, well, not on Earth, in America. The virgin that everyone wants, but who will only give to her legal spouse.

But Britney Spears dated the playful, loving Justin Timbirlake from an early age. And after they broke up, he trumpeted to the whole world that he was her first and that the pop princess was not at all so chaste. It's interesting to look at photos of Britney Spears. What was she like? She often exposed her belly and wore short shorts that exposed her firm, curvy hips. Sweet Baby. Career takeoff, then marriage, the birth of two sons, divorce, a series of failures, disappointments, shocks, and now Britney Spears is a drug addict, her children are taken away from her, and from now on she is raising them ex-husband– Kevin Federline. Britney Spears had to get out of all these troubles over the years; fans were very unhappy with her appearance. I remember those times - scandal after scandal. For years, people said Britney wasn't the same anymore. Indeed, the singer stopped paying due attention to her appearance, she gained a lot of weight, but still continued to perform in revealing outfits, did not get into the soundtrack, broke down, made scandals and became hysterical. Most fans decided that Britney Spears would never be the same again, her golden times were forever behind her. Just recently, Britney Spears's angelic face became treacherously flabby by the age of thirty, many wrinkles appeared on it, the skin looked tired and dry. But the pop diva eventually proved to everyone that it was too early to write her off, she lost weight, regained her former shape, took care of her health, began regularly visiting a cosmetologist and, as a result, returned to the top of all the charts. Today, Britney Spears is dating handsome jock Sam Asgari, she starred with him in one of the videos, and this is probably how the passionate, stormy romance of these two began. Sam Asghari is 12 years younger than Britney; they have been together since the fall of 2016.

In this photo you see a thinner Kevin Federline, before this guy was much fatter!

Britney Spears' children look a lot like her!