Eva Uvarova is a young star of rhythmic gymnastics and dance.

Almost every young gymnast or a dancer dreams that someday grueling training will bring them top places in competitions or popularity on television. This is what happened to Eva Uvarova, and she already has tournament medals and fame in the media.

A star is born

Residents of Kaliningrad can now be proud of their fellow countrywoman Eva Uvarova, who at the age of 13, through perseverance and hard work, achieved success in sports and dancing. The girl was born on September 23, 2004 in the very ordinary family. Her abilities were seen by rhythmic gymnastics coaches, which Eva joined at the age of three.

The eight years that rhythmic gymnast Eva Uvarova devoted to sports brought her her first adult rank. The girl trained at the Moscow Olympic Reserve School, thanks to which she qualified for the city championship and took second place. A tough schedule, studying alternated with training in the gym, was exhausting and filled almost all of my time. However, the girl found time and additionally learned the basics of dancing. A visit to the master class of the winner of the “Dancing” project, Ilshat Shabaev, finally made the girl fall in love with the world of dance, free and unrestricted by the boundaries of technique and standards. Contempo, vogue, hip-hop are Eva’s favorite styles, which, according to her, perfectly train and hone invaluable dance skills.

Television projects

By the age of thirteen, the biography of Eva Uvarova was replenished with participation in many major projects on TV. The highlight was participation in the show "Dancing" on Russian channel"TNT". The producers and presenters of the project decided to add child dancers to the performances of the adult participants and looked at many applications from talents aged 9-14 years. Eva Uvarova, being known in narrow dance circles, possessing plasticity, childlike spontaneity and at the same time adult dance performance, was accepted into the show and performed a duet with Dayan Akhmedgaliev.

After participating in Russian show Eva took part in the Ukrainian analogue - the “Everybody Dance” project. The girl recently told Maxim Galkin about her victories, hobbies and life in children's show"The best". As I told you young star, she has everything scheduled down to the minute, and she absolutely loves this pace of life. Having become seriously interested in dancing, Eva has no plans to give up gymnastics, at least until she receives a master of sports. Also in her life there was an opportunity to develop in hip-hop and be a member of the famous RED groups HAZE CREW.

Eva Uvarova's schedule and training

Eva’s daily routine is unlikely to be envied by a young person who likes to walk outside and watch cartoons, because active training takes place 6 days a week. In the morning the girl studies, in the afternoon she attends rhythmic gymnastics, where she does her best for 3-4 hours. In the evening from 22.00 she has dance rehearsals with a hip-hop team. It should be noted that parents support their daughter in her aspirations, try to relieve her work whenever possible, and arrange a break from the school day if there were exhausting training sessions the day before.

The teachers are quite supportive of the athlete, although she herself loves to study and definitely sees herself as a student good university with the opportunity to study foreign languages. The girl has pages on in social networks, which mother Olga helps to lead. Videos from Eva Uvarova’s training, performances and rare moments of rest are posted there.

Eva Uvarova is an athlete who achieved success in rhythmic gymnastics. The girl uses the plasticity, stretching and strength that she gained in sports in her dancing skills - she dances in different styles and has success on Ukrainian and Russian dance television shows.


Eva Uvarova’s homeland is Kaliningrad, where the girl was born in 2004, on September 24. Kaliningrad has strong traditions rhythmic gymnastics. Here she studied at a sports school from the age of four, who later became a multiple world champion and now works as a Moscow coach.

Now Eva Uvarova is a rhythmic gymnast training in Sports school Olympic reserve No. 74 in Moscow, where, thanks to hard training, she achieved significant results. In 2016, at the Moscow championship as a member of the SSHOR 74 team, she took second place, winning a silver medal in the first adult category.


In addition to rhythmic gymnastics (which she has been doing for eight years), Eva Uvarova enjoys dancing in a variety of styles - vogue, contemporary, hip-hop, ballroom dancing. Eva Uvarova danced in the ninth season of the show Everybody Dance with Dayan Akhmedgaliev (has a VKontakte page), artistic director which is Sergey Shestoperov, known under the pseudonym Miguel. Dayan is the leader of the dance project, perhaps he will win this TV show.

Eva Uvarova’s choreographer is Alexander Mogilev, who is the choreographer of the Dancing project on the TNT channel. After success on the Russian TV channel, the girl decided to participate in the Ukrainian TV show Everyone Dances, where she is the leader.

The girl’s personal life probably consists of hard training. Eva Uvarova has a fan group on VKontakte, an Instagram page with many photos from training, recreation and performances, and there is a page on Odnoklassniki. Her mother Natalya Uvarova, who is a friend of Eva’s on VKontakte, also writes about Eva’s life.

Eva Uvarova loves to travel, draw, and her favorite subjects at school are mathematics and drawing. The girl has many awards - cups, medals in gymnastics and dancing. According to her, she doesn’t like cigarette smoke and the smell of tobacco, like many girls. Since the Everyone Dance project is international, Eva has friends from many countries in Europe, as well as America, and, of course, from Ukraine, where this TV show is filmed.

The poet Nikolai Tikhonov once wrote about the military: “If you made nails out of these people, there would be no stronger nails in the world.”

Sometimes it seems that these lines can be applied not only to the military - they are also worthy of quite ordinary or not so ordinary, but strong in spirit people, even if they are still small in stature and age.

Eva Uvarova - the birth of talent

In 2004, on September 23, a girl was born into an ordinary Kaliningrad family. And no one would have predicted then that some 10-12 years would pass, and no, not the whole world, but a fifth of the world would know about it. She will recognize and admire how strong her character will be and how confidently her steely willpower and faith in the future will lead her through life.

Already at the age of 4, her parents sent the girl to a rhythmic gymnastics school, and by the age of 12, Eva already had the first adult category. Eight of the most difficult years in sports - through sweat, pain, tears and joy, the gymnast stubbornly walked to the top of the sport. But Eva also had a hobby. her with early years I was attracted by dancing, its freedom and plasticity, the absence of gymnastic frameworks and strict restrictions.

Eva Uvarova: dancing is not just a hobby, dancing is life

Eva danced at home and during breaks between workouts, despite the tough gymnastics load. She unconsciously repeated the movements seen on the big screen and came up with her own. This could not go unnoticed, and grace young talent choreographers appreciated it.

Now in Eva’s “arsenal” there are master classes from the choreographer of the project Alexander Mogilev and the leading choreographer of this NIKO NINJA project, Nikolai Marunov, from the recognized master of hip-hop Dmitry Cherkozyanov and the no less eminent Ilshat Shabaev.

Dancing on TNT

Eva Uvarova, despite the tough sports schedule, he is now training at the Moscow Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 74 and takes part in top-class sports competitions, trying his hand at dancing different directions. Vogue and contemporary, ballroom dancing and hip-hop are easy for her, although the word “easy” in in this case not entirely applicable: plasticity, grace, freedom and speed are achieved only through intense training and strict adherence to the regime.

Season nine popular show“Everybody Dance” brought Eva Uvarova great fame, but the girl didn’t stop there. She decided to take part in the Red Haze Crew casting, where they were recruiting for the top hip-hop team in Russia. The audience, the jury, and simply members of the team liked Eva so much that the issue of her selection was resolved instantly.

Eva Uvarova and hip-hop

With the hip-hop team as part of RED HAZE CREW, the young dancer, the youngest in the group, has already taken part in the Project818 Russian Dance Championship, in television dance shows and other events. Her daily schedule is still very dense and even overloaded, because sometimes the working day of the young athlete-dancer begins at 9 am with school classes and ends at 12 am with the final of team hip-hop training.