Foreign names for girls. Unusual female English names

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European names

European (Western) female names and their meaning

Brief energy-informational characteristics of some names


Leah- this name carries the energy of femininity, tenderness, vulnerability. Under the influence of this name, most of the energy accumulates in the sexual sphere (2nd energy center).

At the same time, her 1st energy center will always be tense, since the name Leah carries in itself self-doubt as a woman, lack of confidence in business qualities, uncertainty in the future. The name creates many complexes. There is a constant subconscious fear: suddenly they will not understand it, they will not accept it, it will not work out that way. These thoughts gradually attract negative events into a person’s life, and then periods of depression begin. But in general, a person is still gentle, fragile, sensitive, and for some man a woman with this name can become an ideal wife and a good mother for children, because there is little selfishness in this woman.

This name does not give business qualities. Running a business is not for her. This is a woman without ambition. This name slightly reduces intelligence. Leah is a person who needs to be managed. She feels better if there is someone nearby who tells her what to do and takes full responsibility for herself.

But there will always be a lot of men around Leah.

This name gives high energy-informational sensitivity, the qualities of a good psychologist. Such a person feels people who are nearby - who is strong, who weaker character, and unmistakably chooses the strongest, leaders, knows how to attach himself to them.

A woman with this name needs a man with strong character who is able and able to take care of all the family, ready not only to financially provide for Leah, but also to constantly cheer her up, give her an additional source of energy in the form of kind words, gifts.

Usually a woman named Leah does not have a very large supply of vitality, and she is energized through positive experiences - such as a romantic sentimental film, sentimental romance, words of admiration for her as a woman. In general, a woman named Leah is a person of relationships. Sometimes, unconsciously, she will sub-vampire a man who will be next to her, will absorb his energy. For some aggressive men, this is the most suitable option. Through sex, they are able to release a colossal amount of energy, and it is a woman named Leah who will gratefully accept all of them. sexual energy and both will be happy.

The image of this name- a kind of creeper that, clinging to surrounding objects, survives in this world.


marceline- this name gives a lot of joy in life, increased sexuality, humor, playfulness, great delicacy for men. Surrounded by such a woman, men behave like bees who have felt the divine nectar. fabulous flower and will curl around this flower.

At the same time, despite the outward lightness and playfulness, Marceline has a fairly clear mind and good share willpower. She knows what she wants and systematically achieves it.

She is definitely confident in herself. In case of danger, he uses non-standard moves for self-defense. Capable of deceit. She loves children and men, but she loves herself more. ABOUT close person can take care of, but if she becomes completely a burden, then she will find an opportunity for other people to take care of this person, and she will step aside. This is not the kind of person who will drag the cart to the limit of his abilities. She needs a light successful life. and this name aims at this, changes the character of a person in this direction.

This name gives a healthy egoism, prolongs youth.

This name is more suitable for sophisticated and creative natures.


Irena- the vibrations of this name block the 4th center (heart and lungs, the ability to love and be loved), cause unhappy love. A person can be decent, but under the influence of a name, carry a burden of sadness throughout his life.

The name Irina carries absolutely opposite qualities and a different fate.


Wanda- the name activates female sexuality quite well. In sex, she will be irresistible. Men will be crazy about her. She also loves men very much. Children will be born easily.

She will most likely have a penchant for learning foreign languages. She is sociable and smart.

She is unlikely to make a career, but financially she will feel good.

It is best for her to work in a male team, or sell goods for men.

This name promises a woman interesting life. With this name, a woman can be truly happy.

The name is material.

A good choice for woman.


A woman named Yana is haunted by a deep subconscious fear throughout her life. This is a karmic program. This program encourages her to take active steps in making her way in society, career, business.

Yana has a fairly strong will, increased sexual appetite and clever mind. Her energy is masculine.

In childhood she may be shy child, but in most cases, as soon as there is a little strength in the muscles, from 8-9 years old, her willpower, pressure, penetrating character begin to appear more and more more. In order to achieve her goal, she can use cunning, elbowing those who interfere with her. Yana's militancy is quite high.

A woman named Yana is an insidious warrior in a skirt. Where there is a lack of talent, mental abilities, physical strength, Yang will use cunning, deceit, intrigue. In principle, she is even capable of substituting for the sake of profit.

Women named Yana are rarely beautiful. Therefore, in order to attract a partner, they use psychological tricks, official position and even magic. You must clearly understand that if fate brought you to Yana, then she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

Of course, there are exceptions, but they are very rare. Only a person with very high positive spiritual developments can resist the energy of the name Yang and stay decent person in every sense of the word.

Yana, unlike Anna, is picky in her sexual partners. And if someone gets into her bed, it's only because she wanted it.

Yana's lovers are most often men with a pronounced Yin character, or men much younger than her.

The man who is next to Yana should be subordinate to her. Otherwise, she disagrees. Therefore, a strong, self-confident, strong-willed man will not even look at Yana.

Our new book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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European names. European (Western) female names and their meaning


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People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Popular male names

  • Charlie.
  • Daniel.
  • Joseph.
  • Matthew.
  • Ryan.
  • Robert.
  • Richard.
  • Jonathan.
  • Ethan.
  • James.
  • Name Henry- This is an English name, derived from the ancient German name Heinrich. The name Henry means "master of the house, master" or "master of the court."

Henry's name sounds different in different corners peace. For example, in England it is Hank, Harry, in Germany it is Henrik, in France it is Henri, and in Portugal it is Enrique or Enrico.

  • Name Oliver comes from German roots. It was formed due to the differentiation of the ancient Germanic name Albheri, which means "magic army" or "elven army".

Since the word elf has no exact explanation other than "bright" and "one who shines", the name Oliver can also be interpreted as "white army" and "protector" or "protector of the army."

In addition, the name Oliver is often described as “wishing good”, “inclined to good”, “true”, “loyal to the people”, since all these qualities are attributed to the warrior.

  • Adam- This is a Hebrew name that literally means "created from red clay" and "man." Since this name belonged to the very first person, in many Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish countries it is revered and considered sacred. For example, according to Kabbalah, the name Adam is considered the father of all people and the first vice of Achilles.
  • Name Harry takes its roots from the old French name Henry. The name Harry has a pair called Harriet or Harriet, which is often used for girls in England.
  • Name Thomas originates from the Aramaic name Thomas, which means "twin". The name Thomas is a more European name for Thomas, which has undergone changes. The name Thomas has such short forms: Tom, Tommy, Tomo and others.

Thomas tends to be very level-headed and serious, loving to interact with people. Thomas is in no hurry to make important decisions, because he does not welcome haste and fuss. He is emotional and creative, independent and understanding person. In addition, Thomas is prone to introspection and tries to avoid quarrels.

  • Name Jeremiah is the English transformation of the Hebrew name Jeremiah, which can be translated as "God will magnify" or "God will present."

The very name Jeremiah is of biblical origin. In this book, Jeremiah is described as one of those who were prophets.

The name Jeremy has such short forms: Jay, Jeri, Yeri and others.

Jeremy is precise and smart. He can easily persuade and has good intuition. Also, Jeremy is sociable, loves people and presents himself as a level-headed, reliable person.

The name Christian has the following short forms: Christo. Chris, Keith, Christy and others. He also has a paired female name - Kristana (Christina).

Christian is prone to abstract thinking, has an excellent memory and a special sense of tact. It's nice to keep up a conversation with Christian, because he has the makings of a psychologist. Christian is always shy and delicate. In any situation, he maintains majestic calm.

  • Name Tyler- English. It takes its roots from the name of the profession of a tailor, which is spelled as "tailor". In the US, Tyler can also be both the surname and given name of a woman and a man.

Tylor has the following short forms: Tai, Lo, Tei, Tei.

Taylor takes an active position in life, likes to be independent and determined. At the same time, it can combine selfishness and loneliness, secrecy and taciturnity.

  • Name William comes from a combination of the ancient German words "willio" (strong-willed) and "helm" (defender), so Wilhelm can be interpreted as "decisive defender", or "one who protects."
    Wilhelm grows up pretty emotional child who really needs to get the attention of the people around him. He wants to be loved and loved and the best among his peers.

With age, Wilhelm's character becomes more firm and resolute. He becomes bold and can take managerial positions. Wilhelm is a good family man, he loves honesty and understands people well.

  • Name Daniel Hebrew, Biblical origin. This name is translated as “our judge”, “a man of justice”, or “God's judgment”. Also, the prophet Daniel had such a name, which is translated as “my judge God” or “God is a judge”.
  • Name Charlie or Charles is the English version of the German name Karl, which is interpreted as "man", "husband". From the name of Karl came the word king.
    The name Charlie has the following short forms: Ches, Chuck, Chip, Carly.
  • Name Marseilles or Markel arose from the Roman nickname Marcellus, which originated from the name Marcus. The very name Marcus takes its roots from the name of the god Mars, who was revered as the god of war, so this name is interpreted as "warlike", "devoted to Mars."
  • Name Joseph - it is a catholic name. It is a modification of the name Joseph and means "God will repay" or "God will multiply." In European languages, there are female pairs for the name Joseph: Josephine, Josepha, Josepha and others.
  • Name Matthew- This is a completely European name, which is most often used by English-speaking peoples in the UK, Australia and Canada. It is a variant of the name Matthias, meaning "God's gift." Matthew is always curious and has a lot of interest in science and culture. Matthew has a rare intellect, often analyze himself and others, explore everything around.

Matthew is mysterious and secretive, he is able to commit rash acts.

  • Name Ryan- This English word, which takes its roots from the Anglicized form of the Irish word Ó Riain. In translation, Raine means "royal". In Irish, this name is often explained as "little king".
  • Name Robert has ancient Germanic roots and means "one who shines with glory" or "long-lasting glory". The name Robert is very popular in all English-speaking peoples.

There are never any problems in communicating with Robert, as he is optimistic and can support any topic. Robert has a level head and is often drawn to adventurous people.

  • Name Richard comes from the Proto-Germanic language and means: "one who is a leader" or "brave". In different European countries, the name Richard will be pronounced differently. For example, in Germany it will be heard as Richard, in France - Richard, in Spain - Ricardo.
  • Name Jonathan is of Hebrew origin. The Bible describes several characters named Jonathan or Jonathan. In Hebrew, the name Jonathon means "God has given."
  • Name Ethan- Jewish. It comes from the Hebrew name Ethan, which meant "constancy" or "immutability." In addition, Ethan in Hebrew means “mighty”, “strong”, “possessing strength”.
  • Name James- This is the English version of the biblical name Jacob, which in Hebrew means "one who follows on the heels." In various countries, the name Jacob has its own pronunciations. In Spain - Santiago, in France - Iago, Jacob, Jaco, in Italy - Giacomo.
  • August - from the Latin "great".
  • Conon is Latin for "smart".
  • Karl - from the ancient German "dared man".
  • Luke is Latin for "one who brings light."
  • Mark - from the Latin "beating, strong."
  • Oscar means "divine" in ancient Greek.
  • Orestes - from the ancient Greek "one who grew up in the mountains."
  • Plato - from the ancient Greek "broad-shouldered".
  • Rashid - from Arabic "one who walks the right path."
  • Theodore - from Arabic "God's gift."
  • Farhat - from Arabic "one who understands."
  • Fider is Latin for "good student".
  • Edgar - from the German "one who guards the city."
  • Edwin - from the German "bringing victory."
  • Ernest - from the German "strict" or "serious".
  • Eldar - from Arabic "gifted by God."
  • Albert - from the old German "pure blood, noble."
  • Aladin - from Arabic "believer, exalted."
  • Askold - from Scandinavian "possessing a golden voice."
  • Bruno - from the ancient German "swarthy man."
  • Hamlet - from the German "double" or "twin".
  • Gustave - from the old German "one who advises the military."
  • Jamal means "beautiful person" in Arabic.
  • Elisha - from the Hebrew "saving all living things."
  • Kamal means "perfection" in Arabic.
  • Roots - from the Latin "cornel berry".
  • Murad is Arabic for "desired goal".
  • Muslim from Arabic "conqueror".
  • Nathan - from Arabic "the one whom God gave."
  • Otto means "possessor" in German.

When choosing a name, it is necessary not only to rely on its sound, but also to know exactly what it means, because it depends on the name, according to what life way will go Human.

A well-known proverb says: "Whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail." The same thing happens in human life, since the name can not only endow the child with certain character traits, but also affect his fate. Modern parents pay attention to everything foreign, so they prefer to name their children in accordance with foreign trends.

How can a name affect fate?

How to name a child is a question that worries parents from the first days of the mother's pregnancy. It is proved that the name directly affects the fate of a person. When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the translation and consonance with the surname and patronymic. Many modern parents like beautiful foreign ones. If your daughter becomes Angelina, Sandra, Zemfira, Lilian or Teresa, she will always stand out in the crowd and be able to make a career as an actress or singer.

5 beautiful international names for girls

Sarah. This name is found in almost any nation, since in translation it means “lady”, “princess”, “noble”. What parent would not agree to predestinate his daughter happy fate and secure future?

Alina. When named like this, they give a new name "Alla". In translation, it means, according to the first version - “noble”, according to the second - “other”.

Angelina. By naming your daughter this way, you will give her an angelic character, since the word “angel” is the basis. Angelina Jolie - the most famous owner of this name - fully corresponds to it.

Eve. The name of the first woman will positively affect the fate of your daughter, if you want to call her that. In translation, Eve means "giving life."

Rose. There are often beautiful foreign names for girls in the world - modern and outdated, which are somehow connected with flowers. By naming your daughter Rose, you will convey to your daughter the fragility and confidence of this plant.

The most beautiful female foreign names for all letters of the alphabet

Sometimes moms and dads tend to name their child, given the consonance with the surname and patronymic. A certain combination of sounds can affect not only the character, but also the fate of the child. The list contains beautiful names for girls (foreign) and their meaning for all letters of the alphabet.

A. Aelita ("air").

B. Bella ("beautiful").

V. Vivien ("live").

G. Gloria ("glory").

D. Dominica ("belonging to the Lord").

E. Eve ("life").

J. Jasmine ("gift of the gods").

Z. Zemfira ("air").

I. Iren ("peace").

K. Kayla ("fair").

L. Lilian ("lily").

M. Melanie ("dark").

N. Nicole ("winner of the peoples").

O. Olivia ("olive").

P. Penelope ("faithful wife").

R. Regina ("queen").

S. Sandra ("protector of people").

T. Teresa ("protector").

W. Ursula ("bear").

F. Filipina ("loving horses").

H. Chloe ("young shoot").

C. Cecilia ("blind").

Ch. Chulpan ("morning star").

S. Charlotte ("man").

E. Emma ("precious").

Y. Yustina ("fair").

I. Yasmina ("jasmine").

The most beautiful names for foreign girls (list with translation)

Britney. So the Americans call their babies in honor of their favorite pop singer Britney Spears. The name means "Little Britain".

Kimberly. Girls named like that are called to win always and everywhere, because in translation the name means “leader”.

Jessica."Stronger, higher, faster" is the motto of all the girls named after the most beautiful actress in the world. Jessica Alba has not only an exceptional appearance, but also positive personal qualities, such as sincerity, kindness, and reliability.

Pamela."Sweet as honey" - this is the meaning behind this name. You can see this by looking at the magnificent actress and fashion model Pamela Anderson.

Tiffany. Not the most popular, but very beautiful female name, which means "manifestation of God" in translation. After the release of the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in 1961 with Audrey Hepburn in the title role, it became very popular in Europe and America.

Charlotte. This name was named the greatest of women in history, according to statistics, it takes 10th place in the list of "the most beautiful foreign names for American girls."

Marilyn. After the rise of popularity famous blonde in the world, girls began to be called by this name very often. Marilyn Monroe was talented, but closed, so you should think a thousand times whether to pass on these character traits to your daughter.

The most beautiful and for girls Russian (list with translation)

Zhanna. The baby will be a real gift for parents, because in translation the name means "God's grace." This is how fans of Zhanna Friske's creativity can call their daughter.

Angelina. Translated from means "messenger", but the obvious root "angel" will be reflected in the character of the daughter, who will truly be angelic.

Victoria. So they call girls in the West and in Russia. Translated, this royal name means "victory."

Evelina. It is believed that the name is a form of the name Eve. Based on the translation from Hebrew - "life force" - we can conclude that a girl named like that will grow up active and healthy.

Snezhana. Let the root “snow” in this name not scare young parents: despite the translation - “snowy” - a girl named like that will grow up active, but balanced.

Pauline. In translation, the name means "solar" and "sent to Apollo." Usually, girls named like this have been distinguished by activity and determination since childhood.

Names for girls in the language of love

If you are expecting a daughter, imagine for a moment what kind of character and demeanor you want to give her. Considering the most beautiful names for girls (foreign), pay attention to French, since the language itself is beautiful, melodious and romantic. You can name your daughter Aurora, Beatrice, Vivian, Gabriella, Julian, Jacqueline, Ines, Claudine, Lucinda, Melissa, Nicole, Odile, Penelope, Roberta, Susanna, Florence, Chloe, Charlotte or Edith. By the way, according to sociological surveys, french names are considered the most beautiful and melodic.

Star Choice

Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband knew that they would have a girl, so they decided on the choice right away. Parents are familiar with the biblical story, so they named the girl in honor of the fatal fruit - Apple (English - "apple").

Julia Roberts also gave her daughter the tasty name Hazel (English - "nut").

Jessica Alba - the most charming actress and caring mother named her daughter Marie Honor. By the way, the second part in translation from English means "honor".

The director decided to continue the family tradition of naming children with names starting with the letter "R". So, he named his four sons and daughters Rocket, Racer, Rebel and Rogue. As you can see, the choice of Hollywood stars is very original, and ordinary citizens rarely dare to follow their example. However, there are beautiful foreign names for girls and boys that are more popular.

Steven Spielberg's daughter's name is Sasha, Jennifer Lopez's twins are Max and Emma; Sophia named his favorite Lionel Richie, Ella - John Travolta, Alexandra - Dustin Hoffman, Ella Sophia - Jeff Gordon. Zoe - Leni Kravitz, Natalya - Kobe Bryant. All these "western" names are popular in Russia, so many are wondering about their origin.

What can the season say?

The tendency to name a child according to the month in which he was born comes from ancient times. Beautiful foreign names for girls, chosen in honor of the season in which they were born, will allow you to fully reveal your character and influence fate.

"Julius" and "Julia" by etymology have similar features with the second summer month - July. August (Augustin) and Augusta (Augustina) are less common names that children are called mainly in Russia. The revolution in 1917 brought about fundamental changes in people's lives. The fashion to name children October and Oktyabrina appeared almost a hundred years ago and is connected precisely with this event. Noyabrina and Dekabrina name girls born in these months.

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt named her daughter Autumn (English - "autumn") - this is how "autumn" sounds in English. Choice star mom It is no coincidence, because the baby was born on September 28. Beautiful for girls, March and April are very common in Europe and America. Obviously, the name Maya also comes from the month of spring.

A resident of Arkhangelsk distinguished himself with originality, who hardly manages to change his passport. Andrei Valentinovich Khristoforov changes his name 12 times a year and chooses a name in honor of the corresponding month, and a patronymic in honor of the season. So, he was October Osenievich, December Zimnievich. The man admits that he would like to name himself in honor of the day of the week and change his name every day, but the employees of the registry office would hardly have made a concession to him.

Abkhazia has been under the influence of various cultures since ancient times. Representatives of many nationalities lived on its territory. This influenced the formation of Abkhaz names. And yet, the Abkhazians to this day remain faithful to their national names.

In the history of the Albanian people, many controversial issues still remain, even the meaning of a certain part of the ancient names remains unknown. Nevertheless, Albanians remain true to their names, receiving from them a powerful charge of positive energy.

How American names different from other names English speaking countries? Why is it so difficult for a foreigner to understand who, a man or a woman, in question? How to explain such a number of female names associated with flowers? What else do America's names say?

Thanks to the widespread in English all over the world, wealth English LiteratureEnglish names quite familiar to our ears. Moreover, there is some similarity with Russian names - the melody of pronunciation and the formation of diminutive forms. As in many other languages, the history of the origin of English names has become a reflection of the historical processes that took place on the territory of England.

Traditional Arabic names very complex. Each element of this name has a strictly designated purpose. A classic Arabic name can tell a lot of interesting things about its carrier. What is the meaning of modern Arabic names?

National Armenian names, of course, are the symbol that allows the representatives of this ancient people to maintain their national unity.

Ancient Armenian names.

Some ancient Armenian names that have survived to this day appeared in the pre-Christian era. These are the names pagan gods(Hayk, Anahit, Vahagn), the names of Armenian kings and commanders (Tigran, Ashot, Gevorg). Many names, both male and female, were formed from the names various items, abstract concepts, plants and animals. They evoke positive emotions - Arevik (sun), Vard (rose), Goar (diamond), Mkhitar (consolation), Makrui (clean). A special group of names is associated with religion - Arakel (apostle), Harness (saint), Mktich (baptist).

borrowed names.

Among the foreign names in the Armenian name book, most of all are Persian and biblical borrowings - Suren, Gurgen, Movses (Moses), Soghomon (Solomon). In the Soviet period, Armenians willingly called children Russian names, rewriting them in their own way - Valod, Volodik (Vladimir), Serozh, Serzhik (Sergey). This is how they are written in official documents. In the last century, Armenians developed a fashion for Western European names. Henry, Edward, Hamlet and Juliet can still be found among the Armenians.

Tell about African names In short, it's not easy. After all, Africa is a huge continent inhabited by various peoples. In our time, there are more than three thousand tribal and clan groups that have different traditions, religions, languages, customs, customs.

African Americans, descendants of slaves taken out of Africa several centuries ago, for a long time did not have the opportunity to choose the name of the child "at the call of the blood." They were called biblical names from the Old Testament. Now they are returning their native national names.

The Aztec culture lasted only 300 years and was swept away by the Spanish conquerors. But thanks to his bright personality and tragic history She still excites the imagination. Mysterious names The Aztecs contribute to this in no small measure.

The Bible is the most read and most quoted book in the world. Therefore, each of us is familiar with the names that are mentioned in it. But few people thought about the meaning of these ancient names. But all the biblical male and female names have a deep meaning and contain quite complete description about their first carriers. First of all, this concerns the Hebrew names. In classical Hebrew, words have a hidden content and are associated with the essence of objects and phenomena. The similarity of the essence of a person and the name that he bears distinguishes many biblical names.

Perhaps, not a single Slavic people has preserved so many ancient names as in Bulgaria. The history of the origin of most Bulgarian names has Slavic roots - Zhivko (live), Iveylo (wolf), Lyuben (love), Iskra, Rositsa (dew), Snezhana (snow woman). Two-part names are still very popular - Krasimir, Lubomir, Vladimir, Borislav, Desislava. Favorite national names are found in the most different options, many new names are formed from the same root. For example, "zora" (dawn, star) - Zoran, Zorana, Zorina, Zorka, Zoritsa. And how many "joyful" names - Radan, Radana, Radko, Radka, Radoy, Radoil, Radostin and just Joy.

When we talk about Holland, we invariably remember tulips, mills, cheese and, of course, Dutch surnames, which are easily recognizable all over the world by the prefixes -van, -van der, -de. And few people know that names in the Netherlands not only appeared much earlier than surnames, but are still more important for the Dutch.

Irina, Alexey, Tamara, Cyril, Alexander, Polina and many other names have become so familiar, “ours”, that it is hard to believe in their “overseas” origin. Meanwhile, these are names born before our era and imbued with the spirit ancient Hellas. With full confidence we can say that Greek names are the soul of the people. For example, in many men's Greek names the idea of ​​the inevitability of fate was reflected, and their male carriers in our time not only see the “hand of providence” in all events, but are also ready to fight against circumstances and are not afraid of the heat of passion.

What is the popularity of Greek names?

The mystical power and huge popularity of Greek names lies in their history of origin. Some of them originate from ancient mythology- Aphrodite, Odysseus, Pinelopi. Others are associated with Christian values ​​- Georgios, Vasilios. Hebrew and Latin names easily adapted to the Greek pronunciation - Ioannis, Konstantinos. Most male and female ancient Greek names had an analogue of the opposite sex, some forms have survived to this day - Eugene-Eugene, Vasily-Vasilisa.
Greek names are surprisingly melodic and are distinguished by positive energy - Eleni (light), Parthenis (chaste), Chryseis (golden). In the rich nomenclature of the Greeks, there was a place for foreign borrowings, which had to slightly change their sound, for example, Robertos. And each official name has a colloquial form (Ioannis-Yannis, Emmanuel-Manolis).

Meaning large group ancient Georgian names associated with the languages ​​of numerous ethnographic groups Georgians - Khevsurs, Pshavs, Imeretians, Mengrelians, Svans, Gurians. Folk names are derived from different concepts and common nouns.

Dagestan is a country of mountains. This small area is inhabited by Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins, Chechens and other mountain peoples who speak more than thirty languages. But, despite such a number of languages, the naming system of all Dagestan peoples is largely the same.

Jewish names have a special history, and it is connected with difficult fate this ancient people.
Most of the ancient Jewish names have survived to our times thanks to the mention in Old Testament. There are more than two thousand of them in the Bible. Many male names were formed from various names of God - Michael, Tsurishaddai, Yohanan. Sometimes theophoric names mean whole concepts - Israel (God-fighter), Elnatan (God gave).
Not all biblical names have a religious connotation. Like many other peoples, a separate group of Jewish names highlights any sign of a person - Iedida (sweetheart), Barzilai (hard like iron) or correlates with plants and animals - Rachel (sheep), Tamar (palm tree), Deborah (bee ).

How did the Jews "exchange" names with other peoples?

Even in the Old Testament times, the Jews had names borrowed from the languages ​​of neighboring peoples. The Chaldeans "gave" Bebay and Atlay to the Jews, the Babylonians - Mordechai. In Jewish families one could meet Greek and Roman names - Antigonus, Julius. And Alexander, popular in many countries, became Sender among the Jews.
As the Jews became scattered throughout the world, some Hebrew names had to adapt to the language of the indigenous peoples. IN Arab countries Abraham became Abraham, David became Daud. In Georgia, Yosef became Joseph; in Western Europe, Moses became Moises. In Russia, many Jews used Russian names that were close in pronunciation to traditional Jewish names - Boris-Berl, Grigory-Gersh, Lev-Leib. And such ancient Jewish names as Sarah, Dinah, Solomon, Anna, Tamara, Elizabeth, Zakhar have long become international.

Many Indians call their children names or epithets of gods. So they invoke divine mercy on their child. But besides the personal name, there is also a collective name. How to determine the caste of a resident of India by this name?

At the end of the last century spanish names V literally poured into our lives from the TV screens. The craze for Mexican and Brazilian TV series led to the fact that Russia has its own Luis Alberto, Dolores and, of course, “just Maria”. It is not surprising that exotic names, as if filled with a hot sun, were to the liking of some Russian parents. Another question is how such a Luis Alberto lives among Sing and Fedorov.

It remains a mystery - whether the cheerful Italians make their names so attractive, or whether the Italian name endows its carriers with positive energy. One way or another, but Italian names have a special charm and warmth. Perhaps the secret is that almost all Italian names end in a vowel. This gives them melodiousness and melodiousness.

Meaning of Latin names.

Most Italian names are of ancient origin. Latin names were a distinctive sign of a person - Flavio (blond), Luca (who came from Lucania). Commoners received names derived from the titles of the owners - Tessa (countess), Regina (queen). Names such as Elena, Ippolito were borrowed from myths Ancient Greece, and the Western European peoples enriched the Italian name book with their names, altered in the Italian way - Arduino, Teobaldo.

Italian naming traditions.

Christianity not only brought some Hebrew and Arabic names to the Italians, but also forbade calling children "barbarian" names. The name for the newborn could only be chosen from the Catholic calendar, and the same names in the same family were repeated from generation to generation. This was due to the fact that children were traditionally called the names of their ancestors on the maternal and paternal line. This custom has survived to this day. He led to the fact that many derivative names appeared in the Italian nomenclature. For example, Antonio - Antonello, Antonino, Giovanna - Giovanella, Ianella, Janella.

In any Kazakh family, the birth of a child is a big holiday. Therefore, the choice of a name for a newborn has always been treated with responsibility. Traditionally, the name was chosen by the grandfather or a respected person, so that the baby would grow up as a worthy person.

Modern Azerbaijani names varied in origin and meaning. In religious families, children are most often called Muslim names. According to folk tradition, children are given the names of respected people, eminent figures, literary heroes.

Chinese names name the personal characteristics of a person, distinguish him from the numerous members of the collective name. Traditionally, male Chinese names mark courageous character traits, military prowess and intelligence. What do female names emphasize?

Classic male Roman names were a reflection of the lifestyle and traditions of Ancient Rome. All of them consisted of at least two parts - a personal and generic name. Sometimes personal nicknames or names of offshoots of the main genus were added to them.

For Lithuanians, the name has always been the key word for determining the personality of a person. In ancient times, each of the Lithuanian names had its own individual meaning. If the name given at birth did not fit with the character or behavior of its bearer, then a nickname was chosen for him, reflecting the internal and external qualities - Juodgalvis (black-headed), Mazhulis (small), Kuprius (humped), Vilkas (wolf), Jaunutis (young).

Muslim names are a special layer of names that are allowed by Sharia law. Their main part is of Arabic origin, but there are names with Turkic and Persian roots.

Male Muslim names.

In Muslim countries, there are certain rules that are strictly observed when choosing a name for a child. Allah has 99 names, but a person cannot bear the name of God. Therefore, the prefix "abd" (slave) is added to the names - Abdullah (slave of Allah). The names of the prophets and their companions are traditionally popular among Muslims - Mohammed, Isa, Musa. At the same time, the Shiites do not recognize the names of the caliphs who came to power after the Prophet Muhammad (Umar), and the Sunnis do not call their children the names of the Shiite imams (Jawad, Kazim). Naturally, all of the above applies to male Muslim names.

Women's Muslim names.

Female Muslim names conquer with their melodiousness. According to custom, names for girls should delight the ear with a harmonious sound, emphasize the beauty and virtues of the fair sex. Women are compared with flowers (Yasmine-jasmine), the moon (Ayla-moon-like), they highlight their external attractiveness (Alsu-beautiful). But the most popular Muslim female names are the names of the mother of the prophet Isa - Maryam, the wives and daughters of the prophet Muhammad - Aisha, Fatima, Zeynab.

In German families, when choosing a name for a newborn, simple rules are strictly observed. The name must necessarily indicate gender and cannot be fictitious. Indeed, why invent non-existent names when there are already big choice. Moreover, the law does not limit the number of registered names, and some parents give their beloved child up to a dozen of them. Moreover, short forms of the name, for example, Katya, can be considered official.

Ancient German names.

The oldest German names appeared before our era. As in other languages, they described the virtues and characteristics of a person - Adolf (noble wolf), Karl (brave), Ludwig (who gained fame in battle). In modern German, there are few such names left, about two hundred. From the second half of the 8th century, Christian names gradually begin to gain more and more popularity. Children are increasingly called by biblical names of Hebrew, Greek or Roman origin. At the same time, proper German names associated with religion appear - Gotthold (the power of God).


The close ties of Germans with other peoples brought borrowings from languages ​​into German culture. Western Europe and even Russian. German parents name their children famous actors and show business stars. Now in Germany, original foreign names, which do not always comply with the laws of German spelling. So, Gertrude is next to Natasha, and Hans is next to Lucas. But traditional German names have always prevailed over extravagant inclusions.

The history of the origin of Polish names, like that of other Slavic peoples, is rooted in the pre-Christian era. Early Polish names arose from common nouns, which were essentially the nicknames of people - Wilk (wolf), Koval (blacksmith), Goly (naked). The child was often named after a deceased relative, so some names were passed down from generation to generation and became fixed in the folk name book. The division of society into classes singled out the nobility. In this environment, steel popular names, formed from two components (Vladislav, Kazimir), which are also found in our time.

In ancient Rome, the attitude to names was more than serious. There was even a saying: "Names are not subject to disclosure." Therefore, the Roman priests avoided pronouncing the names of the patron gods of Rome - the enemies will recognize these names and lure the gods to themselves. And the slaves did not have the right to call the name of their master to a stranger.

The vast majority of Russian names, so familiar to our ears, do not actually have Slavic roots. They appeared in the Russian nomenology during the period of the establishment of Christianity in Rus'. And, oddly enough, the original Slavic names were almost completely replaced from everyday life. How did our distant ancestors call each other?

Ancient pagan names.

The pagan Slavs lived in harmony with nature, believed in the existence of a soul in plants and animals, endowed mystical power natural phenomena. The name served not only to distinguish people. It was both a personal amulet and a characteristic of a person. To ward off "evil spirits", the child was often given an unsightly name - Kriv, Malice. The affectionate name that the parents called the child was kept secret so that no one could damage the baby through it. A teenager, when some of his personal qualities were already manifested, was given a new name. Children were called names from the plant and animal world (Wolf, Nut). IN large families the name indicated the order of birth - Pervak, Devyatko. Names evaluated the personality and appearance of their carriers - Fool, Krasava, Malusha. Old Slavic names-nicknames have long disappeared from use, but at one time they became the basis for the formation of surnames - Volkov, Fools, Karasin.

Russian names with Slavic roots.

The ancient names, consisting of two bases, which were originally the privilege of princely families, continue to live in modern world- Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Miroslava. Already in Christian Rus', the female names Vera, Hope and Love, popular at all times, were born. This is a direct translation Greek words"pistis, elpis and agape" (faith, hope, love). The Slavic names Olga, Oleg, Igor were included in the calendar, their use was legalized by the church.

Serbs are a South Slavic people who, despite centuries of domination Ottoman Empire, was able to save national culture and language. This is evidenced Serbian names. The history of the origin of most Serbian names has Slavic roots.

The warlike nature of the numerous tribes that inhabited the lands of Scandinavia in ancient times left an imprint on the origin and meaning of most Scandinavian names. Even the custom of naming itself was rather harsh - the father had every right to recognize the newborn as a member of the family and give him a name in honor of his ancestors or abandon the baby.
Many ancient Scandinavian names are derived from common nouns calling features person, names of animals, objects or abstract concepts. Such nicknames could change as a new individual trait appeared.

Scandinavian fidelity to national names.

The rich mythology of the Scandinavians also could not stay away from a kind of “fashion” for names - children were willingly called names. mythical heroes. Even female names often had a formidable connotation - Hilda (battle), Ragnhilda (battle of the defenders). Most of these names have two bases, which makes them related to the ancient Slavic names - Wigmarr (glorious war), Alfhild (battle of the alves).
The commitment of the Scandinavian peoples to their national names, which came from the depths of centuries, is worthy of respect. Even the spread of Christianity and the power of the church could not supplant patriarchal names. In the Middle Ages, a child could generally be baptized under any pagan name. And even later, the baptismal name remained secret, and in everyday life people used the usual old names. And representatives of the military elite even called Christian names only for illegitimate children.

Soviet names, the fashion for which swept the inhabitants Soviet Union in the first half of the twentieth century, amaze with their "originality". It is impossible to imagine that now anyone would want to name their son Uryuvkos or Jarek. What do these names mean?

It so happened that the Tatar people “responded” to almost every historical event by forming or borrowing new names.
Pagan names had in common with everyone Turkic peoples roots. Usually they indicated belonging to a particular genus and social status human - Ilbuga (homeland of the bull), Arslan (lion), Altynbike (golden princess).

Arabic and Persian roots of Tatar names.

In the 10th century, Islam, Arab and Persian names strengthened in the Tatar nomenclature. Some of them are undergoing changes, adapting to the Tatar language - Gabdulla, Gali. Especially popular and now enjoy women's Tatar names Arabic origin. They are filled with positive energy and have a melodic sound - Latifa (beautiful), Valiya (holy).
In Soviet times, there was no need to call children only Muslim names, ancient names of Turkic-Bulgarian origin reappeared in everyday life - Aidar, Chulpan, Bulat. And the old names (Chanysh, Bikmulla) were replaced by new ones - Leysan, Azat. In many Tatar families, children began to be called European and Slavic names - Svetlana, Marat, Roza, Eduard.

Variety of Tatar names.

Tatar names great amount. Their diversity is associated not only with extensive borrowings, but with the creative imagination of the Tatar people. This was manifested in the formation of new names with components from different languages ​​- Zhantimer (Persian-Turkic-Tatar), Shakhnazar (Arabic-Persian). There were female analogues of male names - Ilhamia, Farida. Despite the fact that the meanings of many Tatar names are difficult to determine, they are remembered for their beauty and originality.

In the Turkish nomenology, a worthy place is occupied by the most diverse names in origin and meaning. In Muslim families, they try to call their children by the names that are mentioned in the Koran. Folk names have a beautiful sound and an interesting meaning.

Turkic names are an ancient mirror, which reflects the Turkic ideas about the world, their way of life, relations in society. The names tell about the militant nature of their bearers, about who the Turks worshiped, what character traits they valued.

Uzbek names amaze with their diversity, bizarre pattern of construction and multifaceted meaning. To some, these names may seem exotic and unusual. Their true meaning becomes clear if we consider the history of the origin of Uzbek names as a reflection of the way of life, traditions and customs of the people.

Ukrainian names differ little from Russian and Belarusian names, they have a similar history of origin with them. This is due to the historical commonality of the East Slavic peoples, close traditions and a single faith.

The history of the origin of ancient Finnish names is closely connected with the subtle perception of nature by the Finns. In the old days, names were formed from the names of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world - Ilma (air), Kuura (hoarfrost), Villa (grain), Suvi (summer). Until the 16th century, the Finns did not have their own written language, and the Finnish language was considered the language of the common people until the middle of the 19th century. Folk names were passed from mouth to mouth, forgotten over time, they were replaced by new names borrowed from other peoples.

Ah, those sumptuous French names! How they bewitched Russian society in the 19th century. It was enough to change the name a little and put the emphasis on the last syllable, and the rustic Masha turned into a sophisticated Marie, and the bumpkin Vasya into the aristocrat Basil. At the same time, few people knew that French names proper, in fact, are “foreigners” in their homeland. Their origin is associated with historical events, which led to numerous borrowings from the names of various ancient tribes and peoples.

Historical borrowings of French names.

On the territory of France, the population has long used Celtic (Bridget, Alan-Alen), Greek and Hebrew names (Dion, Eve). The Romans left their "legacy" to the French generic names(Mark, Valerie). And after the German invasion, German names appeared in the name book (Alphonse, Gilbert). In the 18th century Catholic Church forbade naming children by names not included in the Catholic naming calendar. The choice of a name for French newborns became limited, borrowings ceased.
IN modern France these restrictions have been lifted, and parents are free to choose any name they like for their child. Became popular again foreign names Tom, Lucas, Sarah. The French are quite warm about Russian names, using them in a short form. Calling a little Frenchwoman Tanya or Sonya is a special chic. How to pronounce a Russian name with a "French pronunciation" in Russia.

Gypsies living in different countries, not only preserve their traditions, but also have to adapt to different cultures and languages. This is the reason for the complex system of gypsy names and the history of their origin. In today's world, every gypsy has an official name and surname, registered in the passport in full accordance with the laws and customs of the country of residence. But along with the official name, it is customary for gypsies to have their own, gypsy, "internal" or "secular" name. "Secular" names can be divided into proper gypsy names, foreign names adapted to gypsy culture, and directly borrowed names from other languages.

Today, the vast majority of Chechens in choosing a name for a child try to adhere to established traditions. 90% of modern Chechen names have Arabic origin. At the same time, borrowed Russian and Western names, mostly female ones, sometimes “penetrate” the Chechen name book. Some of them are even short form names - Lisa, Sasha, Zhenya, Raisa, Tamara, Rosa, Louise, Jeanne.

The history of the origin of Scottish names is like a mosaic. Each period of the difficult, eventful life of the Scottish people has left its mark on the names. Most ancient population Scotland, the legendary Picts, representatives of the Celtic tribes (Scots and Gaels), Roman conquerors - they all influenced the composition and meaning of Scottish names.

The Yakuts have always been very responsible in choosing a name for a child. Their names became the wishes of parents to see their children strong, healthy and happy. If the name did not match the character or appearance, the person received a new name.

The choice of names for newborns is unlimited. Parents can make any name for their child. The main thing is that you can use only permitted hieroglyphs, of which there are about two thousand. How did the ancient samurai clan influence the formation of new names?

Person's name - an integral part of his personality, so many parents are very responsible in choosing a name for their child. Each name has a unique sound and eigenvalue, and English names are no exception. Names, like the language itself, can change over time and adapt to the norms of the language into which they are transferred or translated. English female names are beautiful in their own way. In this article, you can get acquainted with the meanings of some of them.

English name

Russian pronunciation Translation
Agatha kind, good
Innocent, blameless
Adelaida Adelaide


Ayda Hardworking
iris iris

rainbow goddess

Alice noble
Amanda Pleasant
Amelia Hardworking
Anastasia Anastasia


Angelina Angelina


Ann Anna
Ariel Ariel

God's might

Arya noble
Barbara foreigner


Bridget Bridget

Worthy of respect

Britney Britney

Little Britain

Batty Betty

Oath to the gods

Valerie Strong, brave
Wendy Wendy

The one that brings victory

Victoria Victoria


Viola violet flower
Gabriella god man
Gwen Fair
Gwinnett Gwyneth
Gloria Gloria
grace Grace


Debra honey bee
Juliet Girl with soft hair
Jane Jane

God's Mercy

Janice Janice


Jenny Jenny


jennifer Enchantress

God's grace

Jessica Jessica


Jill Curly
Gina Gina


Joan Merciful God's Gift


Joyce Joyce

ruler, leader

Jocelyn Cheerful
Judy Judy


Julia soft-haired
June June


Diana Divine
Dorothy Dorothy

divine gift

Eve Life
Jacqueline Jacqueline

May god protect

Jeannette Young woman
Josephine Josephine

fertile woman

Zara Dawn
Zoe Zoe
Evie goddess of food
Isabella Isabel

Goddess of Oath

Irma Noble
Irene Irene
Worthy to serve the gods
Caroline Caroline
Karen Purity
Cassandra Cassandra
Catherine Purity
Kimberly kimberley

Born in the royal meadow

Constance Constant
Christine Christina


Cayley Warrior
Candy candy


Laura laurel
Leila Leila

night beauty

Leona Lioness
Lesley Leslie

oak garden

Lydia rich
Lillian Lillian

immaculate lily

Linda Beautiful girl
Louise lois

famous warrior

Lucy Bringing light and good luck
Madeline Madeleine
Margaret Pearl
Maria Maria
Marsha Goddess of War
Melissa Melissa
Marian Grace
Miranda Miranda


Mia Stubborn, rebellious
Molly Molly

mistress of the sea

Mona Hermit
Monica Monica


Maggie Pearl
Madison Madison


May Young woman
Mandy Mandy

worthy of love

Mary mistress of the seas
Muriel Muriel
Naomi Delight
Nataly Natalie

Born on Christmas

Nicole Victory
Nora Nora

Ninth daughter

Norm Approximate
Nancy Nancy


Audrey noble
Olivia Olivia
Pamela playful
Patricia Patricia


Paula Small
Peggy Pegi


Page Child
Penny penalties

Weaving in silence

Poly Bitterness of rebellion
Priscilla Priscila
Rebecca Trap
Regina Regina


Rachel Lamb
Rosemary Rosemary

sea ​​dew

Rose rose flower
Ruth Ruth
Sabrina Noble
Sally Sally


Samantha God listened
Sandra Sandra

Protector of men

Sarah Princess
Selena Selena
Sandy Defender of Humanity
Cecil Cecilia
scarlet Fabric Saleswoman
Sophia Sophie


Stacey Rising again
Stella Stele
Susan Lily
Susan Suzanne

little lily

Theresa Reaper
Tina Tina


Tiffany Manifestation of a god
Tracy Tracey

market road

Florence blooming
Heather Heather

blooming heather

Chloe blooming
Charlotte Charlotte
Sheila blind
Cheryl Cheryl
Sharon Princess
Sherry Sherry
Shirley beautiful settlement
Abigayle Abileil

Father's Joy

Evelyn Small bird
Edison Edison

Edward's son

Edith Welfare, struggle
Avery Avery
Eleanor Outlander, other
Elizabeth Elizabeth

My oath is god

Ella Torch
Emily Emily


Emma Comprehensive
Esther Esther
Ashley Ashley

Ash Grove

Today, there are few native English names left: many names were borrowed from Celtic, Norman, Hebrew, Ancient Greek and other cultures. Names praising the power of the gods, the forces of nature, the individual qualities of a person's character were common in the past. And as a result, the meaning of ancient names may be unusual for a modern person.

After the arrival of Christianity in Europe, the names of biblical characters became common: Sarah, Agnes, Mary. A certain kind of human activity was also reflected in the names: Abella is a shepherdess, Bailey is a sheriff's assistant.

Sometimes the shortened version of the name becomes an independent name, for example, Victoria - Wiki; Rebecca - Becky; Angelina - Angie.

Popular English female names

Fashion is a passing and recurring phenomenon. The fashion for names is no exception. Olivia, Emma and Sophie are the most popular female names according to UK National Statistics.

Top 10 English female names are presented below:

  1. Olivia
  2. Emma.
  3. Sofia
  4. Isabel
  5. Charlotte
  6. Emily
  7. Harper
  8. Abigail

The entertainment industry, and specifically cinema, also has an impact on the popularity of names. Thanks to the TV series Game of Thrones, the following names have become popular among the British: Arya (24th place in the ranking of popular female names in the UK in 2014), Sansa, Brienne, Catelyn and Daenerys.

The heroine of the Twilight saga, Bella Swan, gave a new life to the name Isabella.

At first glance, the name Hermione seems outdated, but thanks to the adaptation of the Harry Potter series of books, this name seems to have gained a “second life”.

The status of the bearer of the name also affects the prestige of the name itself. According to the results of a survey conducted in the UK, among the inhabitants of foggy Albion, the most and least "successful" female names were revealed.

The most successful female names

  1. Elizabeth
  2. Caroline
  3. Olivia
  4. Amanda

Less successful female names

  1. Julia
  2. Emily

As we can see from the above results, the full forms of the name sound more aristocratic and sublime, which gives weight to their bearers, while more simple names associated with girls "easier". Despite the fact that Lisa is a shortened form of the name Elizabeth, however, the full form of the name took the top position in the rankings, while the shortened form is not popular.

Rare English female names

The names below are not even temporarily popular in the ratings. Named outsiders include:

Russian pronunciation

Name translation

utility, grace


Bringer of victory



my oath
Power from God

Lord's property


peasant woman




sea ​​circle


black snake


sly weaver


tender mare

Young woman

tree crown


Wealthy girlfriend

It is likely that it is the unusual sound of the name, its meaning and dissonance that are the reasons for the rare use of the name. However, the combination of euphony and meaning in no way guarantees the popularity of the name in the modern world. For example, the original English name Mildred, in different sources means "noble" or "gentle strength", despite the euphony and meaning is not popular today.

Beautiful English female names

The beauty of a woman can be compared to a flower, and her name to its fragrance. Therefore, the harmony and beauty of a name for a woman is very great importance. Despite the fact that everyone has different tastes, there are still names that sound beautiful to most people:

  • Agatha
  • Agnes
  • Adelaide
  • Alice
  • Amanda
  • Amelia
  • Anastasia
  • Angelina
  • Ariel
  • Barbara
  • Beatrice
  • Bridget
  • Britney
  • Gloria
  • Diana
  • Deborah
  • Dorothy
  • Caroline
  • Cassandra
  • Constance
  • Christina
  • Catherine
  • Olivia
  • Cecilia
  • Charlotte
  • Cheryl
  • Evelina
  • Eleanor
  • Elizabeth
  • Emily
  • Esther

Unusual celebrity baby names

Unusual names among ordinary people are quite rare, because when choosing a name for a child, parents try to choose an attractive name, in their opinion, without risk to the unborn child.

To draw attention to their person, celebrities act the other way around, because the name of the child is another way to stand out. But can the exclusivity of the name compensate for its meaninglessness?

These thinkers include:

1. Bruce Willis. name younger daughters after horses? No problem, because the horses won at the races! This is exactly what Bruce Willis did, naming his youngest daughters after his favorite horses who won at the races - Scout Larue and Tallupa Bell.

2. Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple (Russian - "apple"). Favorite fruit of the actress? It is not that simple! The name of the girl is associated with the biblical legend of the forbidden fruit of paradise.

3. 50 Cent."Give" a child a title by means of a name? Why not... yes! Rapper 50 Cent named his child Marquis. But the Marquise is a boy. A good way to educate self-respect, indifference to other people's opinions and the strength of the child's spirit.

4. Singer David Bowie picked up the baton and named his son the name Zoe (female name). Only because he thought Zoe Bowie's combination was funny.

5. Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Blue Ivy, or Blue Ivy, is the daughter of Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Name choice celebrity couple argued with excerpts from the novel by Rebecca Solnit, where the blue color (Blue - blue) gives "beauty to the whole world." And the word Ivy (Ivy) is similar to the Roman numeral IV, which is associated with many events in the life of the singer.

6. Actress Milla Jovovich named her daughter Ever Gabo. The second part of the name consists of the first syllables of Mila's parents - Galina and Bogdan. Perhaps the combination of parts of the names of relatives guarantees the happiness of the child?

7. Frank Zappa. American rock musician Frank Zappa named his daughter Moon Unit. (Lunar Satellite). Isn't the musician's desire a good reason for choosing a baby's name?

8. Christina Aguilera. Summer rain music... Let it sound in the daughter's name too! Singer Christina Aguilera, not wanting to give her daughter a banal name, called her simply “Summer Rain” (Summer Rain).

IN modern cinema you can really find masterpieces that you want to perpetuate in names. Why limit yourself to a flight of fantasy that does not go beyond the names of your favorite characters? Let's expand the boundaries by using ordinary words that are not proper names. Khaleesi, a new female name, a tribute to the "Game of Thrones": (khaleesi is the title of one of the heroines of the series, a synonym for a queen or queen). Today at real world there are already 53 girls with that name.

There are no limits to human imagination, so she will not bypass the names either. Over time, we will definitely find out which of the new names will take root and become loved, and which will soon be forgotten.