Who is a racist in brief? Types, types and forms of racism

Who is a racist?

Quite often you can hear that racism is thriving in the world, and racists have begun to behave very provocatively. It’s just not always clear what racism is and who a racist is. In this article, we decided to talk about who racists are, what goals they pursue, and what types of racism there are in general. Let us also consider where such a movement as racism came from in the world and in our country in particular.

Who is a racist and what does he want?

Obviously, the word racism comes from the word race. We have already talked about what exactly it means in the article -.

A racist is a person who is sincerely convinced that his race is the dominant one. He is intolerant of representatives of other races, considering them lower class.

Some racists sincerely believe that belonging to a particular race initially determines the level of intelligence, standard of living and the right to enjoy certain privileges. Therefore, they believe that people who do not belong to the highest, in their opinion, race, if they should exist, then only as the lowest class. That is, racists seek recognition of their race as the superior one, and expect worship from representatives of other races.

Currently, unfortunately, racism, or rather some of its forms, is actively progressing, which frightens not only ordinary residents, but also politicians, economists and representatives of religious associations.

Racism - the history of its emergence

We have already talked about the concept of “racism” in our article -. Now I would like to talk about where it came from in the world and in our country in particular.

So, racism itself appeared quite a long time ago, namely at the beginning of the 16th century. Even then, the race of white people was tacitly recognized as superior, and people with black skin were supposed to be their slaves, that is, in fact, they were the lower class. And this continued for many years.

If we talk about racism in our country, then it existed already in the 19th century, but it became most widespread precisely during the years of perestroika, namely in 1991. Since then and to this day, skinheads have been its brightest representatives. You will learn more about who this is from our article -.

Types of racism

Today there are three main types of racism:

  1. Racism is white. Its representatives are convinced of the superiority of white or, as they themselves call it, Aryan race over everyone else. An example is the Nazis, led by Hitler: it was they who proclaimed the Aryans as a pure nation, believing that such people should dominate the world.
  2. Black racism arose as a result of protest against representatives of white racism. In accordance with it, the dominant nation should be people with black skin, and representatives Caucasian must obey them. This type of racism is actively widespread in America.
  3. Anti-Semitism. Based on open hatred towards representatives of the Semitic language group, however, not to all nations, but only to Jews. We can rightfully say that this type of racial intolerance is one of the most ancient.

Of course, these are not all types of racism that exist today, but these are the ones that are most often found in society.

Who is a racist? Explain it clearly somehow =

  1. Eat different types racism, as you were already answered above!
  2. Racists are people who hate people of other races.
  3. racism is other nations not necessarily from Russia
  4. if you’re so impatient to find out. then go out into the street and say chebureks to a crowd of Dags or Chechens passing by. they will explain it to you.
  5. I'm asking about the racist and not about racism
  6. not necessarily Russian! this can be a person of any nationality, and yes, who does not consider other races (peoples) to be valid
  7. Racism is a set of teachings based on the provisions of physical and mental inequality human races, based on objective anthropological differences, and on the decisive influence of racial differences on history and culture. A racist is a person who shares and preaches this doctrine.

    It is widely stated that “Racism includes ideas about the original division of people into higher and lower races, of which the first are the creators of civilization and are called upon to dominate the second,” but this is not racism itself, it is a consequence of the teachings of racism.

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Lines of conduct

Emancipation · Civil Rights · Desegregation · Integration · Equal Opportunity

Positive discrimination · Racial quota · Reservation (India) · Reparation · Forced busing · Employment equity (Canada)


Discriminatory laws
Anti-Missemination · Anti-Immigration · Alien and Sedition Laws · Jim Crow Laws · Black Codes · Apartheid Laws · Ketuanan Melayu · Nuremberg Laws

Anti-discrimination laws
Anti-Discrimination Action · Anti-Discrimination Act · 14th Amendment · AWC · CERD · CEDAW · ICNALA · ILO Convention No. 111 · ILO Convention No. 100

Portal Discrimination

Racism is the assertion of the superiority of one race over others.

Word "racism" was first recorded by the French dictionary of Larousse in 1932 and was interpreted as “a system asserting the superiority of one racial group over others.”

Big legal dictionary edited by A. Ya. Sukharev and V. E. Krutskikh give two definitions:

Racism is one of the international offences. Racism and racial discrimination include racist ideology, attitudes based on racial prejudice, discriminatory behavior, structural organization and institutionalized practices that lead to racial inequality, as well as the idea that such relations between groups are morally and scientific points vision; manifest themselves in discriminatory legislation and practice. Racism is a theory that attributes superiority or inferiority to certain racial or ethnic groups, which justifies the right of some people to dominate or reject others. The implementation of racist theories in practice is expressed in politics racial discrimination, that is, any difference (exclusion, limitation or preference) based on race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin violating human rights and fundamental freedoms in political, economic, social, cultural and other areas public life. The 1966 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination made racism and racial discrimination a crime

IN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination racial discrimination defined as

any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin, having the purpose or effect of destroying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or enjoyment on an equal basis of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social , cultural or any other areas of public life

IN Western countries racism is regarded as a crime and is prosecuted by law; followers of racist ideas consider it political repression.


Joseph de Gobineau

The founder of the doctrine of racism (and in particular Nordism) is considered to be Joseph de Gobineau, who proposed in his “Essay on the Inequality of Human Races” a thesis about the influence of the racial composition of the societies in question on the characteristics of their cultures, social systems, economic models, and ultimately - on their civilizational success. The Nordic race, according to Gobineau, has throughout history shown superiority over others in the organization of society and cultural progress. He explained the greatness of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations by the assumption that at the time of the rise of civilization, the ruling elites in these countries were Nordics. The book “Racism” made a great contribution to the definition of the modern concept of racism. French philosopher Albert Memmi.


African Americans in the USA

Racist caricature of Kosainids

Significant progress in overcoming racism in the United States began in the 60s, when, as a result of the successes of the movement to fight for civil rights, significant political and socio-economic measures were taken to ensure equality and bridge the centuries-old gap that separated African-Americans, Indian-Americans and other minorities from the mainstream American life. At the same time, racism remains one of the hottest topics in American public life today.

Indians in the USA


Main article: Racial theory

Main article: Nordicism


Third Reich


Persons with racist views East Germany persecuted both criminally and politically. The GDR also pursued an anti-colonial policy and provided all possible assistance to African countries.

United Germany

Russian Federation

South African Republic

Zionism and racism

Combating racism and racial discrimination

The fight against racial discrimination is one of the objectives of the International Day for Tolerance, which was established by UNESCO in 1995.

The UN General Assembly at its 25th session (1970) adopted a resolution proclaiming “the firm determination to achieve the complete elimination of racial discrimination and racism, against which the conscience and sense of justice of all mankind rebel.” Resolution No. 2544 (XXIV) declared 1971 “ International Year to combat racism and racial discrimination."

In 2001, the General Assembly proclaimed “ International Year of Mobilization against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance».

"Positive" discrimination

“Positive discrimination” is the provision of social privileges to certain sections of society, justified by the assertion of their disadvantaged position in a given society. Such practices, which include, among others, ethnic minorities, are not condemned as racist and are not persecuted by states or international organizations.

"Racism" as a reason for persecution

"Scientific Racism"

Exist various points view of the connection between people's abilities different races ov and national groups with cultural or biological factors. However, research that expresses views on the biological inequality of abilities between people of different races has been a de facto taboo since the end of World War II and amounted to racism. However, at the same time, the ideas of German and other anthropologists, based on the different cultural and economic development of society depending on the racial properties of the bearer, should not be confused with discriminatory racism.

Christopher Brand

James Watson's new book, Avoid Boring People, makes similar points. A genetic scientist claims that in the next decade genes that are responsible for differences in the level of human intelligence may be discovered.

British museum science canceled the planned lecture Nobel laureate James Watson in connection with the famous geneticist's statements about the intellectual superiority of the white race over the black race.


  1. Shider L.Enciclopedia of the Third Reich. NY., 1976
  2. Racial segregation in the USA
  3. Message from "RosBusinessConsulting" dated May 21, 2009 "An increase in racism has been noted in Europe"
  4. Aslambek Paskachev“Geography of the conflict: Kondopoga, Stavropol, Moscow. “Caucasian phobia is becoming a formidable destructive force.”
  5. Witnesses do not remember anything about the incident. Newspaper. GZT.ru
  6. Arsons of Ekateringburg cafes are not related to interethnic contradictions: news - Yesterday

0 Today we will talk about a rather serious topic that not everyone will like. They live in peace different peoples, and by and large they are all equal, but some of them are more equal. At least that's what the Anglo-Saxons and Jews think. In general, those people who extol their race and place their people above others are called Racists. Today we will answer the question, what does Racist mean?.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you some more informative news on random topics. For example, what does Stonik mean, who are the Fans, how to understand the word Zig, what does Skinhead mean, etc.
So let's move on, what does Racist mean? This term comes from the word " race", and is quite negative in the culture of most peoples.

Racist- this is the name given to a person who is convinced that his race is dominant, and everyone else is treated as second-class people or even compares them to animals

Racist- a person who believes that his race is mentally and physically superior to others, and that these differences also relate to historical and cultural achievements

Synonyms for racist: fascist, Nazi.

Racists did not appear today, or even yesterday, back in the 16th century, the first sailors who saw blacks were sure that they came from the biblical Ham, who was once cursed by Noah.
However, researchers tend to believe that modern concept racism came from Joseph de Gobineau, a French historian who wrote a rather interesting work called " Experience on the inequality of human races"(1853 - 1855). This scientist believed that it was the Nordic race that throughout showed superiority over other peoples, although why did he not mention the ancient Indian or Arabic culture unclear. Westerners were savages living in huts when the Egyptians built the pyramids. Probably the Frenchman didn’t even know about it.

After this book, in the wake of racism in the West, they began to preach superiority white race. They probably tried to cheer themselves up in this way, seeing all their squalor and poverty, and comparing themselves with the same Aztecs. The Indians were in decline at that time, but retained a magnificent culture and cyclopean buildings.

However, there is probably some grain of truth in the superiority of some races over others. After all, there is no smoke without fire.
For example, white Children in the USA, coming after school, say that blacks are stupid and lazy, to which their parents say that, God forbid, they don’t say that at school.
In addition, according to statistics on the official FBI website, it is blacks who commit most crimes, and their academic performance is very low compared to whites or Asians. And although huge sums of money are spent on training blacks, the gap between the two races is practically not narrowing. But Asians, on the contrary, very quickly catch up and even surpass their white peers in their studies.

There are practically no blacks in Russia, but there are other peoples who mirror their mental development. They are just as lazy, they don’t want to work, but they like to walk in crowds, bully passers-by The most important thing for them is show-off, all sorts of shiny trinkets. Doesn't this remind you of blacks? In fact, in this case there is almost a hundred percent coincidence. These southern people, like the blacks, love to smoke weed, white women, and sit in a restaurant with friends. As they say, find three differences.
On the other hand, several thousand years ago it was the Arabs who represented the concentration of all scientific knowledge on the planet, but now the situation is exactly the opposite.

Probably, at certain periods of time, one race begins to surpass the other, and this happens cyclically.

It's funny that the Russians have great amount jokes about the Chukchi, and no one even thinks that this is, at its core, pure racism.

Take the same Ukrainians, they are a beggar, a people who destroyed their country and live on Western handouts. All they have left is propagate own superiority. Therefore, we now know that we have stolen 300 thousand years, that they flew from Venus, and also built pyramids and taught all nations Ukrainian language. Did I forget to mention something?
Yes, that's right...they dug up the Black Sea! There are rumors that they dug the ground with special teaspoons brought with them from their home planet.

Be that as it may, but now no matter where you throw it, everyone considers themselves better than others. Now the majority nationalities They lead their own separate thousand-year-old culture. Therefore, you shouldn’t laugh so much at the Ukrainians, they will recover over time...or disappear, but that’s another story.