Maxim about his daughters. “Waiting for Mom”: MakSim showed a photo of her youngest daughter for the first time Photos of the singer Maksim with her daughters

MakSim rarely shows his eldest daughter Alexandra to fans, and hides his youngest Masha from prying eyes. However, the other day a long-awaited photo of a baby looking out the window in the company of a dog appeared on the singer’s microblog. Of course, many fans immediately assumed that Masha was expecting her mother.

“How cute... Waiting for mommy?”

“When will we see the second princess’s face?”

“The photo is so touching! Waiting for mom..."

MakSim often hears surprised questions from fans about why she publishes photos of her eldest daughter, but stubbornly hides the baby’s face. The singer herself reported that this was a personal request from the girl’s father, whose opinion Marina takes into account.

Let us remind you that MakSim is raising two daughters alone – Alexandra and Maria. The singer’s eldest daughter was born in 2009 from Marina’s first husband Alexei Lugovtsov, with whom the artist divorced at the end of 2010.

The celebrity's youngest daughter Masha will celebrate her third birthday in a couple of weeks. The baby's father, businessman Anton Petrov, broke off relations with Maximova even before the birth of his daughter, in whose upbringing he still takes part.

This week, 34-year-old businessman Anton Petrov will celebrate his wedding. True, he will not lead the singer down the aisle. His chosen one is a 21-year-old student, daughter of a Russian millionaire and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Bryksin - Lisa.

Let's hide our tears from strangers

“How quickly time flies... I’ve been with you for a year now,” Elizabeth shared on one of her social networks on August 14, accompanying the post with a romantic photo. The lovers celebrated an important date abroad - Anton gave the girl a surprise. The entire territory of the mansion where the couple stayed was filled with bouquets of roses and daisies. An even more luxurious holiday will take place on September 26: the businessman, apparently, knows how to pamper and surprise. You can imagine what a shock MakSim (real name is Marina) experienced when she learned that her lover was spending the evenings with someone else. Especially considering that at that moment the singer was expecting a child from Anton - and was already seven months pregnant.

“Marina took the betrayal very hard,” her friend Regina tells StarHit. “She was terribly jealous, didn’t sleep at night, cried into her pillow, but she kept the pain inside - at first she didn’t even show that she knew everything.” Of course she loved him. And I think he still loves me. She never said a single bad word about him. Caring, attentive, with a sense of humor, smart, generous... Marina dreamed of a full-fledged family. But Anton apparently decided otherwise. He is a good father, helps her with little Mashenka - he often comes to visit, babysits, carries her in his arms, and watches her daughter grow up. He buys her toys and gives Marina flowers. But can you imagine what it’s like to share your loved one with another! Until the last moment, she hoped that Anton would return. But this spring he suddenly put an end to it - he signed with Lisa. For Marina, who learned about the event through those around her, this was a terrible blow. But she found the strength to live on. Young, beautiful, successful - I’m sure she will find her happiness.”

Now MakSim, together with her two daughters - 6-year-old Sasha and 11-month-old Masha - is preparing for a housewarming in the spacious apartment that Anton gave her. The singer's children's nanny helps her with housework; parents from Kazan often visit.

After the breakup, MakSim wrote a song, which, according to relatives, she dedicated to her lover. It contains lines that accurately describe the girl’s state at that point in her life: “It’s not easy to be a goldfish. I would like to patch up all the issues with threads. Again into the same river, speechless. You can't heal with gold bars. Diving deeper into the seas, as if into puddles. How many people have you really said, “I love you already?”

“Marina had a hard time with the betrayal. She was terribly jealous, didn’t sleep at night, cried into her pillow, but kept all the pain inside - she didn’t even show that she had known everything for a long time..."

Another reality

Businessman Petrov and MSU art student Bryksina met in the spring of 2014. Then Anton, by the way, had already been dating MakSim for several months - they were often seen in the movies or in fashionable metropolitan restaurants. “I didn’t reciprocate his feelings for six months,” Elizabeth said on social networks. – At first I didn’t like him at all. I don’t even know why... Now I’m absolutely happy. The 12-year age difference between us is not felt at all, and our parents really like our union.” Bryksina always wanted her future husband to be a little older. “My man knows exactly what he wants. “He knows how to appreciate,” Lisa explains the advantages of such a relationship. – Moreover, when a girl is so much younger, feelings and relationships are much warmer and more touching. People the same age have no aspirations in life!”

Anton met the bride's family at the beginning of this year. The parents warmly received the charming young man, agreeing to his union with their eldest daughter. Lisa’s father, Alexander Bryksin, is not only involved in political activities. He is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling and vice-president of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation. Lisa, by the way, practiced this sport for many years, but never reached any particular heights. Alexander Yurievich’s net worth, according to the income statement for 2014, published on the website

State Duma of the Russian Federation, is estimated at 127 million rubles. In addition, he owns a land plot of 6200 square meters. m, houses of 557 sq. m and 262 sq.m., apartments in Spain and several cars. In addition to Lisa, three more children are growing up in the politician’s family. And this spring, the spouses Alexander and Svetlana Bryksin magnificently celebrated 25 years of marriage. Alexey Chumakov, Grigory Leps and many other stars congratulated them on their anniversary from the stage. Petrov’s fortune, by the way, is many times greater than that of his father-in-law.

As of 2014, according to the publication Delovoy Peterburg, it is estimated at 6 billion rubles. Anton became rich in the early 2000s from a construction business, a chain of fitness clubs, and a jewelry factory. He is a co-founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Baltic Monolith construction company, which is building luxury real estate in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, and also owns the FitFashion chain of fitness clubs and the Zolotoy and 585 jewelry stores.

“I dream of having the same happy and friendly family as my parents,” Bryksina shared in an interview with one of the publications earlier this year. “They are my role models.” Anton and Elizabeth began living together after officially registering their marriage in one of the Moscow registry offices. They decided to have a big wedding celebration in the fall. In the spring, the bride had no time to organize an event - the girl was preparing to take state exams and defend her diploma at Moscow State University. In May, the couple celebrated Bryksina’s birthday in the United Arab Emirates, where they flew on Petrov’s private plane. They have many common hobbies - Lisa and Anton play sports and adore pets.

They recently got a common pet - a beagle named Parker. “Lisa, of course, knew about the existence of her rival, that his girlfriend was expecting a child,” Bryksina’s friend Kamilla Lavrova told StarHit. “But Anton insisted that his love for Marina had passed. In October, he took her and her daughter from the maternity hospital. He often goes to visit. They, as far as I know, were able to maintain friendly relations... Lisa fully supports him in his intention to raise a child and says that she is not at all jealous.”

When communicating on the Internet, Bryksina never mentions the name of her lover - supposedly he is against publicity. After the wedding, which is scheduled for September 26, she plans to take her husband's surname.

“Unfortunately, we were not able to become a family, what to hide. Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let him be happy."

“StarHit” contacted MakSim to find out what she thought about Anton’s hasty marriage. The singer was not surprised to hear about the upcoming magnificent celebration... “Unfortunately, we could not become a family, what to hide,” she shared. - Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let him be happy."

Singer Maxim is a young, talented and purposeful girl who, at the age of 32, has already reached certain heights in the musical field. And most importantly, she achieved everything through hard work and incredible perseverance. People say: “The city takes courage.” And this phrase is entirely about our heroine. At a young age, when all the girls are waiting for love, Maxim wanted to not just dream, she decided to shout about her feelings to the whole world through music and poetry of her own composition. She was not afraid of difficulties and rushed at the age of 17 from distant Tatarstan to Moscow, where, in fact, no one was waiting for her.

Our article will tell the reader about the main facts from Maxim’s life. The singer, whose biography, personal life and career are always in sight, will appear, perhaps, in a slightly different light, different from the stereotypical image in which people are often accustomed to seeing her.


Marina Abrosimova - this is actually the name of the heroine of our article - was born in Kazan, into an absolutely ordinary family of an auto mechanic and a kindergarten teacher in the summer of 1983. As a child, she was a playful and extraordinary child, because, on the one hand, she was fond of karate and was a kind of tomboy, on the other hand, she attended classes at a music school - she studied vocals and learned to play the piano. It must be said that the creative pseudonym Maxim is the girl’s childhood nickname, which stuck to her due to the fact that from a young age she was inseparable from her older brother, Maxim Abrosimov.

And although Marina’s education was not related to music, she first graduated from Lyceum No. 83 in Kazan, and later from Kazan State Technical University. Tupolev with a profile as a public relations specialist. Music lived in the girl’s soul constantly. Marina began writing songs while still at school, which later became her debut hits and were included in her first music collection. In general, the girl can be called lucky - she knew from childhood that she wanted to be a singer, and was firmly confident in the choice of her future.

The beginning of Maxim’s creative journey. Photo

The singer, whose biography is of interest to many fans today, began taking her creative steps in her hometown - Kazan. The recording of the first musical material - the songs “Alien”, “Zavedi” and “Passerby” - was carried out with the support of the musical group “Pro-Z”. The group decided to help the young and talented talent. By the way, a very curious situation arose with the song “Zavedi”. Music pirates messed things up for the aspiring singer, and her song was published in one of the music collections, but under the authorship of the popular group “t.A.T.u.” at that time. The true owner of the musical creation remained on the sidelines for a long time. The singer Maxim was at one time even reproached for the fact that the girl imitates “tattoos” in her behavior.

The creative biography of the singer Maxim took shape bit by bit. At that time, Marina was engaged not only in her own promotion, but also wrote songs for others, in particular for the group “Sh-cola”. She tried to try herself in everything - she participated in joint concerts with little-known groups, and promoted her songs on the radio. However, at first Maxim’s efforts did not lead to success. The ice broke only when the song “Centimeters of Breath” appeared on the radio. The listeners liked the composition, and the girl immediately felt inspired for further creativity, even though fame had not yet come to her. Maxim understood that global changes and fertile soil for fruitful work were needed - Kazan had become too small for the plans of the ambitious Marina. She set off to conquer Moscow.

Moscow does not believe in tears

Like many visitors, Maxim experienced the “hospitality” of a big city. At first, the girl, barely making ends meet, performed in the Moscow metro. No one was waiting for her here, and she had to survive by all known means. It was 2005, and by this time the author had accumulated a lot of songs. They needed a way out.

Marina was actively looking for a company that would help her record musical material and become a springboard on the path to success. Soon such a campaign was found - Gala Records, represented by sound producer Anatoly Stelmachenko, became the locomotive that slowly opened the then unknown Maxim project to the Moscow public. “Difficult Age”, “Becoming the Wind”, “Letting Go” - these compositions were the starting point, it was after their birth that the singer got into the rotation of the radio station “Russian Radio”. Soon her musical achievements were awarded the Golden Gramophone Award.

In March 2006, the biography of singer Maxim changed dramatically. The girl released her debut album “Difficult Age”. In a short time, the record sold an incredible amount of copies (200 thousand copies) and received platinum status.

Second album

The first successes were followed by the appearance of everyone’s favorite hits “Letting Go”, “Do You Know”, “Becoming the Wind”. Work swirled the girl in its arms - tours began in Russia, Belarus, Estonia, and Germany. Another record associated with the name Maxim was the fact that a recording of one of her Moscow concerts, released on DVD, became the best-selling recording in the entire history of the recording business in Russia.

Without slowing down, the girl was working on recording her second album. By the way, there have been minor changes in the creative process - Maxim began working together with musicians who play live sound. This brought rock shades to the performer’s work, although the singer herself says that she was, is and will only be a pop diva. On November 13, 2007, Maxim’s second music album, “My Paradise,” was presented to the world. The sales record broke the record success of Marina's first album - within a year it sold 700,000 copies, receiving platinum status. This was followed by a new large-scale tour and a concert at the Olimpiysky sports complex, which was attended by a huge number of people. The singer achieved genuine success and recognition from the audience.

About personal

It should be said that all Maxim’s songs are her own story, her feelings, experiences and dreams. Perhaps she won the love of fans with her sincerity and simplicity, because the lyrics of her songs are about what happens in the life of every teenager. Her audience is just young girls, the same as Maxim’s songs - tender and touching. And over the years, the singer's music remained very autobiographical. To confirm this, there is a story associated with the song “Best Night”.

It was after the release of this composition (2008) that rumors about the singer’s pregnancy spread in the press. And then they were confirmed. The personal life of singer Maxim has become public knowledge. She and Alexey Lugovtsev had a daughter, Alexandra. However, the happiness did not last long. In 2010, information appeared about the singer’s divorce. The family boat did not stand up to the test. Numerous exaggerations of the situation in the press prompted Marina to give the only official interview to Oksana Pushkina’s program. The girl in it admitted that their couple did not have the wisdom to maintain their own happiness, and explained the reasons why the young people decided to separate. In addition, Maxim said that during the period of their life together she had no inspiration to create decent music. And only now, after the divorce, she returns to herself again.

New life

After the divorce, life did not end for Maxim. She continued to do what she loved, trying to create something every day, strive for something. Soon the songs “Fragments”, “Love is Poison”, “I am the Wind” were born. The singer’s new album, “Another Reality,” was not long in coming. The singer managed to work together with other performers. The audience was presented with the composition “Our Summer,” performed in a duet with rapper Basta, and the single “Fill the Sky,” a collaboration with rapper Legalize. Interestingly, when speaking about their collaboration with Maxim, the guys noted the girl’s incredible performance and high professionalism, arguing that the created image of the little girl that the viewer sees is just a mask.

Marina is a very versatile person. And it is important to note that the biography of singer Maxim includes many interesting facts. For example, a victory in the “Best Female Performance” category at the OE Video Music Awards or a victory in the “Music of Spring: Tune in to the Beautiful” category at the Spring Awards; MUSICBOX award in the “Best Album” category. On September 21, 2013, the singer was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.”

Maxim also represented Russia at the vocal competition OGAE Song Contest; in 2014 she entered the top ten performers on the radio since 2004. In 2014, in the film “Only Girls in Sports” the song “I Love You” was performed, authored by singer Maxim.

Biography: children are absolute happiness

On October 29, 2014, Maxim gave birth to another daughter, Maria. The child's father is businessman Anton Petrov. As the singer admits to correspondents, being a mother is absolute happiness. Talking about his girls, Maxim openly says that the birth of his first daughter Alexandra was exciting and led the singer into confusion. The first child is a constant fear and anxiety for any reason. In general, it was not easy. But the birth of my second daughter became a conscious and planned event, because the experience of raising my first child gave me a feeling of peace and self-confidence.

Today, a young mother tries to spend every free minute with her girls, takes care of their development, and pampers them. However, he is wary of the issue of money and the freedom associated with it. Maxim herself grew up in a family with modest incomes, so she knows the value of money. However, today, receiving good fees for his work, he is afraid of too much money, or rather, the impact it has on the psyche of people. She says that she has seen enough of such stories and wants her little ones to understand everything correctly from an early age.

About fans and the future

Speaking about herself as a person and as a performer, Maxim notes that she has probably changed over time, but she doesn’t realize it. Although after the birth of children, of course, she began to look at many things differently and, probably, her music also matured. Observing the situation, how her once young fans have already managed to get married and today come to concerts with their families, together with children, the singer rejoices. If people come, it means there is sincerity in Maxim’s work - and this is the most important thing. After all, the viewer does not forgive deception.

Fans of the performer can always follow her life on Instagram. All the information that appears on the Internet is what singer Maxim lives by. Biography, height, weight, new hobbies - topics that always worry fans and become hotly discussed in the Internet space.

The artist says that her life is scheduled minute by minute. “...Participation in various creative projects, concerts, filming takes a lot of time. And it is also a huge responsibility when you are no longer destined for yourself. After all, you are a public person, you are the singer Maxim. Biography, family, physical fitness - these are all issues on which a lot of effort is spent every day. But first of all, it’s a great happiness to work on what is important and dear to you...”

Speaking about plans for the future, Maxim does not indicate clear guidelines or any specific goals. She intends to go only forward and do only what will be interesting to her. And she loves experimenting on herself. Laughing, he talks about how, for the sake of business, you can easily leave your comfort zone and spend days on end going towards your goal. This was the case during the filming of the video for the song “Golden Fishes”. The singer put on pointe shoes and practically lived in ballroom class, while losing her own weight to incredible limits through hours of daily training. By the way, some time after the second birth, with a height of 160 cm, the girl’s weight was only 45 kg. Isn't this an example?

Therefore, apparently, the biography of the singer Maxim will be filled with interesting events from year to year. Surely the girl still has many large-scale achievements and victories ahead, since she knows how to achieve her goals, and her creative potential and ambitions are as they should be.

Singer and composer Marina Maksimova (MakSim) was born on June 10, 1983 in Kazan. The name familiar to many is just a stage name; at birth the girl was registered as Marina Abrosimova. Her father worked as a car mechanic, and her mother worked as a kindergarten teacher. Marina Maksimova's children appeared in different marriages; the girl was never able to find happiness in her personal life. However, she loves her daughters immensely and is ready to do anything for them.

From early childhood, Marina began to get involved in music. She liked not only vocals, but also playing musical instruments, in particular the piano. The young lady’s interests were not limited to music: she also attended the karate section. In this type of martial arts, she managed to achieve quite impressive results.

While still a schoolgirl, Marina began pursuing her own musical career. The girl took an active part in many music competitions, took first places, and won prestigious prizes. At the same time, she began to write her own songs, which could not go unnoticed. Some of her first works were subsequently included in the singer’s albums.

At the age of fifteen, Marina had already definitely decided on her choice of profession and was moving in the right direction. Together with the musical group “Pro-Z” she recorded several tracks. The song “Zavedi” gained enormous popularity in his native Tatarstan. However, making it to the pinnacle of fame was not so easy. At the same time, the now popular group “TATU” was also trying to ascend to the musical Olympus. It even got to the point where singer Maxim was accused of imitating the group. However, this was wrong.

The first steps on the path to success were very difficult. But Marina did not give up and continued to build her career. In 2003, the girl decides to move to Moscow. This is where the troubles have just begun. The relatives who were supposed to shelter the young star abandoned her. I had to spend the night at the station for several days, and then I met a dancer. It was she who suggested that Marina rent an apartment together, in which Maksimova lived for the next six years. Now she remembers this with a smile in her eyes, but at that time there was no time for laughter. Difficulties helped to significantly strengthen character and achieve success with even greater persistence.

The personal life of Marina Maksimova was not very rosy. She repeatedly tried to create a happy family, but these attempts were unsuccessful. After working on the “Letting Go” video, the star was credited with an affair with actor Denis Nikiforov. Nevertheless, the guys did not give any comments about this. Maxim's first official husband was sound engineer Alexey Lugovtsev. Very soon, a daughter, Alexandra, was born into the young family. A few years later, the couple finally decided to separate. Despite the severe stress after the divorce, Marina did not give up on love and the possibility of a new relationship. After the breakup, she completely immersed herself in work.

Some time after the divorce, Marina began an affair with musician Alexander Krasovitsky. This did not lead to anything serious and the couple decided to separate. In 2014, the singer remarried businessman Anton Petrov. From him was born the second daughter of the artist named Maria. But this time it was not possible to create a strong and happy family.

Recently, rumors have actively begun to spread that Marina has resumed her relationship with her ex-boyfriend Alexander Krasovitsky. The guys give neither refutations nor confirmations about this.


Marina loves her family for everything and despite the lack of time, she constantly visits them.
The MakSim family lives in Kazan. Parents work, and brother Maxim lives with his family and child. But let's talk about everything in order...

Mom: Svetlana Viktorovna

Marina’s mother raises the kids in kindergarten, where Marina and her brother Maxim previously spent their childhood. Marina loves her mother with all her heart and thanks her for teaching her to always be herself. However, as a teenager, Marina, like all other girls her age, had disagreements with her mother, but the mischievous Marina always won, and if she didn’t, she did it out of spite. For example, as Svetlana says, her daughter got her tattoo out of spite. “At first, her brother did the tattoo and we talked with him quite a bit about this topic, scolding him for what he had done. Marina immediately stood up for her brother, and the next day she had a tattoo of this cat on her arm,” says Marina’s mother. Svetlana Viktorovna always worried that Marina did not have a serious relationship or romance. And in general, according to Svetlana, Marina is not an amorous person. By the way, as for MakSim’s career, the singer’s mother always wanted Marina to become a lawyer.

Father: Sergey Orefevich

Marina's father works as a car mechanic and has been happily married for 28 years. If we talk about character, then we can safely say that MakSim is daddy’s daughter, because Marina’s character is very similar to the character of her dad. Sergei says that his wife Svetlana always wanted their daughter Marina to be feminine, but her father did not worry about this and believed that growing up like a boy was not at all bad. His son and Marina’s brother, Maxim, could climb a rope anywhere at the age of three. Marina was the same. “I couldn’t sit still. And her hobbies weren’t girly,” says Sergei. Unlike Svetlana, Marina’s mother, Sergei was never a strict father, so Marina always knew that if dad was at home, then you could have fun. And Father MakSim always protected his daughter and never doubted that Marina would achieve a lot in the future!

Brother: Maxim Sergeevich

As a child, Marina followed her brother Maxim like an attachment, and his friends simply called her Max. Maxim always loved and supported his sister, despite the fact that in childhood they often quarreled and did not get along with each other. When Marina was still very little, Maxim always took her to karate lessons, and then picked her up and walked her home. Marina almost always hung out on the street only with her brother. She talked with his friends and sang songs with them on the street with a guitar. But unlike his always cheerful and active sister, Maxim is calmer in character. At the moment, Maxim lives with his wife and child, but never forgets about his younger sister. For example, when Marina won one of her awards, Maxim called her before anyone else and heartily congratulated his beloved sister on her victory. By the way, Marina says that Maxim hangs posters with his sister’s image around the apartment, and also collects various articles.

First husband: Alexey Lugovtsov

Originally from the Moscow region, the city of Zhukovsky. At one time he lived and studied in St. Petersburg. When MakSim came to perform with them, he decided to go to the concert. I arrived early, met the director and found out that the group needed a sound director. Without hesitation, I offered myself and received a positive response. A little later, Marina and Alexey began dating, but they did not advertise their relationship. The reason to legitimize the relationship was pregnancy, which became known a little later. The wedding process took place in Indonesia on the island of Bali in a very romantic atmosphere. Later the couple got married in church. They decided not to have “magnificent” celebrations - the wedding dress was ordered from a familiar designer Shura Tumashova, and the guests were only relatives, close friends and OK! magazine. The wedding took place in the Church of All Saints on Krasnoselsky Lane on the last fine day of October. From the church, the newlyweds went to Luzhkov Bridge near Bolotnaya Square, where, according to tradition, they hung a lock on the “tree of love” and threw the key to it into the Moscow River. We ended the day at the “Sorry, Babushka” club, where Marina and Alexey sang songs and played the guitar.”

Daughter of Alexandra

On March 8, 2009 at 10:49 p.m., MakSim gave birth to a daughter named Alexandra at the capital’s Family Planning Center. Height - 51 cm, weight - 3 kg 100 g. According to MakSim, she never dreamed of children, but when Sasha was born, Marina simply stuck to her and could not get away. When the singer has to go on tour, her father, Alexey Lugovtsov, looks after her daughter. MakSim’s parents come to them once a month and also help with the baby. “They spoil her terribly!” - says Marina. According to her, the girl is just like her dad. “She doesn’t like to fall asleep to lullabies. On the contrary, it’s starting to party!” - says the young mother.

Daughter Maria

Born October 29, 2014. The birth went well, so the artist did not linger in the medical facility and hurried home. At one of the most popular Moscow maternity hospitals among Russian celebrities, Marina was met by her relatives.