Tatar names. Beautiful female Tatar names: list of New Tatar names for boys

Names of Tatar origin, are distinguished by their peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names with an ancient history, and for both boys and girls, they are closely connected with events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, look at the list of Tatar names for boys and their meanings, and also learn the history of the origin of this or that Tatar name. The modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages ​​and some names in it are borrowed from related languages ​​that also belong to this group; in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are traced. Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in the life of every young man of this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the little man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, you need to take into account the child’s character and inclinations, which can be very difficult at an early age. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

Widespread male Tatar names are often have roots in old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for euphony (for example: Ramil, Ravil or Rem). The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason to ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents for the rest of their lives, accordingly, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar names have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of controlled aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy. Male Tatar names rarely have a single meaning; their meaning can have several connotations and shades. When choosing and understanding a future name, you should, if possible, take them all into account.

Tatar names are often classified as Muslim, but, despite the relationship, these are the names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim male names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as well as Arabic ones, date back to an earlier, pre-Muslim era.

Let's look at the most common and popular Tatar names - in the presented list you can find the semantic meaning of each Tatar name, which will help you name your baby most successfully.

Choosing a name for a child has always been and remains a difficult task for future parents. It is generally accepted that the name plays an important role in the fate of the child. It has its own meaning, endows the owner with certain abilities, character traits, in general, a person’s name gives him its magic. The meaning of the name is the subject of study of such sciences as numerology, astrology, psychology, which use the most unusual theories. This article contains information for parents on how to interpret Tatar names for girls, as well as their origin.

By origin, all Tatar names can be divided into ancient Turkic, Latin, Persian and Arabic. A separate group is worth highlighting a few names of Spanish, French, Indian, Hebrew, Old Russian and Greek origin.

1. Ancient Turkic Tatar names for girls are a reflection of historical events, traditions and cultural canons of the nation. They colorfully illustrate the ancient peoples' perception of the forces of nature, their beliefs and fears. The Turks are a vast ethno-linguistic family, which includes Tatars, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Mongols, Turks, Kyrgyz and other peoples. Therefore, this group is considered the most numerous and diverse.
This includes names symbolizing heavenly bodies. Eg,

  • Ralina - Sun;
  • Chulpan - star of dawn;
  • Venus is a planet;
  • Yulduz is a bright star.

The prefix “ai” indicates the connection of the name with the Moon:

  • Ayla is beautiful and bright like the Moon;
  • Aisylu - embodying the mystery of the Moon;
  • Eileen - the light of the moon;
  • Aibik is the ruler of Luna.

Formation of the name from the names of products and jewelry:

  • Trades - silk;
  • Raffia - date;
  • Enger is a pearl;
  • Phakia - fruit;
  • Margarita - pearls;
  • Farida is a priceless pearl;
  • Zemfira is a sapphire.

Nature is one of the sources of the appearance of ancient Turkic names. For example,

  • Rauza - a floral oasis;
  • Rabia - snowdrop;
  • Nadia - morning dew;
  • Gulfia is like a delicate flower;
  • Arslanbika - like a lioness;
  • Violetta is a beautiful flower;
  • Gulchechek - fragrant rose;
  • Milyausha - violet;
  • Gulya is a flower;
  • Azalea - similar to the azalea flower;
  • Yasmina - jasmine flower;
  • Gulnara - pomegranate flower.

2. Tatar names for girls of Arabic origin. Some of the names that came from Arabic are considered Muslim. They can often be found in the holy book of Muslims - the Koran. Muslim names are popular among admirers of the prophet. Although, it is worth noting that girls with a Muslim name can be found in the West. Their philosophical origins and melodic sound attract special attention. In the modern world, the main requirements for a name of Arabic origin are beauty and melodic sound. It should symbolize charm and feminine tenderness. The meaning of the name must correspond to its sound. For example,

  • Aziza - sweetheart, dear;
  • Alsou - beautiful, magical;
  • Asma - majestic;
  • Ashana - incomparable;
  • Denmark is nice;
  • Dinara - gold;
  • Zilya - pure in thoughts;
  • Kadriya - valuable, respected;
  • Kamila - incomparable;
  • Karima is precious.

3. Latin origins of the origin of names.
This group of names is not as numerous as the previous two. Considering the universal nature of the Latin language and the fact that Latin is considered the foremother of all languages, there are many borrowings in Tatar. For example,

  • Regina - queen;
  • Lily - flower;
  • Bella is a beauty;
  • Albina is white, white-faced.

4. Tatar names for girls of European origin
This group is the smallest. Among these names:

  • Almira (Spanish) - comes from the name of the area in Spain;
  • Larisa (Greek) - pleasant, sweet;
  • Liana (French) - from the name of the plant.

5. Persian roots in Tatar names
Persian names for girls can be given by the names of planets, months, valuable materials, birds, representatives of flora and fauna, etc.

  • Uranus - planet Uranus;
  • Almas - precious stone, diamond;
  • Akhtar is a star;
  • Gauhar - pearls;
  • Gulgun - rose;
  • Tootie - bird, parrot;
  • Daria is a deep river;
  • Gulshat is a flower of fun.

As already mentioned, names of Turkic origin provide an opportunity to become familiar with the traditions and cultural foundations of society. As an example, we can mention one funny tradition of giving children of different sexes the same names. Altyn can be called both a girl and a boy. This custom emphasizes the equal status of men and women in society.

Tatar names of girls are beautiful and modern in 2017: Aisha, Aliya, Amina, Dana, Jamilya, Leila, Karima, Yasmin, etc. They are distinguished by their significance, beauty and philosophical overtones, therefore, before awarding your child such a valuable gift as name, parents should explore all possible options and choose the one that, in their opinion, will best suit their treasure.

Beautiful rare modern names for girls from different nations of the world.

The name influences a woman’s fate, her habits, health, success, harmony in relationships with the outside world.

Often young parents argue about choosing a name for their baby either before she is born or immediately after birth. Each of them associates the concept of the beauty of the sound of a female name in their own way.

Other parents plunge into the study of the interpretation of names in order to choose a beautiful and sonorous combination of letters.

Let's get acquainted with the different options for female names in this article, and their brief characteristics will be discussed in the future.

Top 10 most beautiful names for girls

In the vastness of the Runet, various sites offer their ratings of female names with reference to previously conducted opinion polls among men or young parents.

However, a person's opinion is subjective. Some people associate a specific name with:

  • relative
  • teacher
  • event in life
  • book or film heroine
  • famous historical figure
  • show business star

The list can be endless, but it’s better to focus on the average selection of female names. Let's highlight them in the top ten without reference to the percentage of popularity and frequency of meetings per thousand ladies:

  • Maria
  • Victoria
  • Anastasia
  • Milena
  • Vladislav
  • Karina
  • Emilia
  • Sofia

The most beautiful Russian name for a girl

History says that we do not have original Russian names. There are several reasons for this:

  • traditions of our ancestors. They preferred to give names based on character traits, order of children, birth characteristics
  • the arrival of Christianity. Then the names of other countries came into use, for example, Roman, Greek, Byzantine, German. And with the rite of baptism the person was given a new name. Gradually, women's names were replenished with words from other states, where they had a specific meaning. But in Russia they were used simply as a proper name
  • revolution of the beginning of the last century. The communist system made its own adjustments to the preferred lists of female names. This is how abbreviated names or derivatives from the name of the leader of the revolution appeared

From folk art and historical data you can glean more information about the most common Russian female names. We offer you the following options:

  • Alyona
  • Alexandra
  • Darina
  • Daria
  • Catherine

Rare and beautiful Orthodox names for girls

There are various approaches to determining a name for a girl in order to attract a good destiny for her:

  • church calendar
  • letter code
  • by time of year
  • Zodiac sign
  • by date of birth
  • after consultation with a professional astrologer
  • family tradition

Since Christianity has been living among Russians for a long time, church names are closer to us in sound and perception.

Among the rare beautiful female names, pay attention to the following:

  • Olympics
  • Augusta
  • Varvara
  • Ariadne
  • Pelagia
  • Kaleria

Beautiful church names for girls

If you are in favor of naming a beautiful girl a church name, carefully look through the calendar of the calendar. And also pay attention to names not only by date of birth, but also on the eighth and fortieth days after it.

Among the beautiful church names there are many worthy examples, namely:

  • Ksenia
  • Angelina
  • Olga
  • Marina
  • Ulyana

Slavic names for girls are rare and beautiful

The Slavs valued beauty and harmony in everything that made up their lives.

By giving the girl a specific name, they emphasized the dignity that Mother Nature had awarded her.

That’s why even today the sound of female Slavic names inspires the ear and fascinates. An example of this is the following names:

  • Bella
  • Milan
  • Radmila
  • Svetozara
  • Glory

Beautiful old names for girls

Above we examined aspects of the lack of native Russian examples of female names. And yet, looking back at the history of even one century ago, preferences in naming girls were radically different from modern ones.

The following names confirm this:

  • Arina
  • Gloria
  • Daria
  • Elena
  • Elizabeth
  • Margarita
  • Pavlina

Beautiful Old Russian names for girls

Slavic girl Slava in national costume

Continuing the theme of Slavic names, let us recall their Old Russian examples.

Each female name carried a positive meaning, and parents and everyone around them protected the girls until marriage.

Therefore, the girls harmoniously connected with their name and it was a talisman for them in life.

Take a closer look at the list below. Perhaps one of the names will make you decide to give it to your daughter.

  • Zlata
  • Bazhena
  • Vidana
  • Vlada
  • Golub
  • Dobrava
  • Lyubava
  • Mlawa

Beautiful names for girls, modern Tatar

The Tatars left a big imprint on the history of the Russian people. They, like other nationalities, with particular trepidation choose beautiful names for their daughters, emphasizing their external uniqueness and enhancing feminine character traits.

Beautiful names for Tatar babies, taking into account modern trends, can be as follows:

  • Zemfira
  • Madina
  • Adilya
  • Chulpan
  • Indira
  • Dinara
  • Karima
  • Malika
  • Rubina
  • Shakira
  • Yazgul

Kabardian beautiful names for girls

Female names among Kabardians are of foreign origin - Arabic, Turkic. However, they still sound bright and memorable.

Below are some examples:

  • Aminate
  • Anusya
  • Asiyat
  • Zhanzilya
  • 3eynab
  • Karalzhan
  • Marginet
  • Maryan
  • Nafilya
  • Salimat
  • Tauzhan
  • Fatimat
  • Hidez
  • Charizet

Beautiful Tuvan names for girls

Changes occurred in the Tuvan tradition of naming children four centuries ago. Before them, young parents avoided giving names to their newborn baby until he reached the age of ten.

The origins of Tuvan female names are very different - they are Turkic, Russian, Mongolian, and Tibetan proper names.

The most beautiful female Tuvan names in our opinion are:

  • Anzat
  • Kalchanay
  • Ortunay
  • Oktuy
  • Sanna
  • Seville
  • Sulapai
  • Shonchalai

Bashkir names for girls are rare and beautiful

photo of a little Bashkir girl Amina

The prevailing number of Bashkir names are of Turkic origin, but in some you can find both Latin and English roots.

Female names for Bashkir girls, which are rare and sound beautiful, are:

  • Amina
  • Banat
  • Gulchechek
  • Dilbar
  • Zalika
  • Kamalia
  • Milyausha
  • Firuza

Beautiful Kalmyk names for girls

The Kalmyk people have retained their originality in choosing names for girls from their language. However, with the advent of Buddhism, the lists of names for children expanded.

Beautiful Kalmyk names for girls are:

  • Alvina
  • Ingilina
  • Zayana
  • Enkira
  • Ijila
  • Amul

Beautiful Buryat names for girls

The Buryats had close relationships with many peoples of Central Asia. However, they managed to preserve the tradition of naming children by their national names.

Below are examples of beautiful female names of Buryat girls:

  • Aryuna
  • Palma
  • Altana
  • Saryuna
  • Narana
  • Aryana
  • Dayana
  • Cimita
  • Rajana

Modern beautiful Muslim names for girls

Muslims still honor the tradition of choosing a name for a child. So for a girl it is selected based on the value of female character traits:

  • tenderness
  • fidelity
  • spiritual purity
  • thoughtfulness

You will influence the spiritual progress of a girl if you give her a name:

  • Amina
  • Adilya
  • Latiffa
  • Salma
  • Elmira
  • Yasir
  • Fatima

Names that can highlight a girl’s external beauty are:

  • Galia
  • Leila
  • Zulfiya
  • Rimma
  • Faathin

Beautiful Caucasian names for girls

Caucasian peoples have always tried to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, notice its beauty and celebrate it in the names of children.

When choosing a name for a girl in the Caucasus, young parents tried to highlight her feminine qualities and/or indicate her resemblance to a beautiful animal, plant, or natural phenomenon.

A few examples of melodious and beautiful Caucasian names for girls:

  • Akmaral
  • Zumrat
  • Muslimat
  • Susanna
  • Zalina
  • Gulnaz
  • Chulpan

The most beautiful Islamic names for girls

Several centuries ago, in Islamic families, there was hostility between the father and his daughter when he was born. Boys remained in honor and priority.

Then names for babies were chosen that were sonorous, reflecting dislike and even contempt for the girl.

Nowadays, the situation has changed and fathers have become more supportive of their daughters. They are given beautiful names that please the ears in order to please the future husband and strengthen the female role in the family.

Very beautiful Islamic names for girls are:

  • Khadija
  • Maryam
  • Salsabil
  • Samira
  • Habib
  • Munira
  • Sultana

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls

The religiosity of the people in Dagestan also influenced the preservation of traditions in naming children. In this country, Islam and holy people are revered sacredly. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, girls' names are chosen from a religious list to this day.

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls include the following:

  • Almagul
  • Zaira
  • Aimesey
  • Gulnara
  • Gezel
  • Jamila

Beautiful Chechen names for girls

Women's names among the Chechen people reflect the connection with nature and the valuable qualities of the fair half of humanity. They are quite simple to pronounce, mostly consisting of 1-2 syllables.

At the same time, modern European trends in this country have brought a change in traditions in naming girls. Therefore, if you sit down with Chechen girls, you can meet both Lisa and Sasha.

A few examples of beautiful Chechen names for girls:

  • Sumaya
  • Aishat
  • Selima
  • Yasmina
  • Maryam
  • Ryan

Beautiful Ossetian names for girls

The choice of names among Ossetians is influenced by a number of factors:

  • original traditions when a girl was given a name, emphasizing her beauty, value and character qualities
  • the advent of Christianity, when Russians and Georgians added their own words and traditions in choosing names for children
  • the influence of the Muslim religion, which also left its mark on the way of life of the Ossetians

However, foreign words that came to Ossetia underwent changes in pronunciation and writing. The same goes for names.

Among the beautiful female names, the following occupy a worthy place:

  • Zarina
  • Alana
  • Zarema
  • Madinat
  • Irido
  • Marine

Beautiful names for girls Ukrainian

The Ukrainian language originates from the ancient Slavs. And yet, today there are different approaches to naming girls:

  • emphasizing the uniqueness of her abilities
  • traditional names
  • derived from the names of deities worshiped before the advent of Christianity

Ukrainian female names are very melodic and bright. For example:

  • Yaryna
  • Solomiya
  • Svetoyar
  • Bogdana
  • Yaroslav
  • Vogneslava
  • Zoremira
  • Omniscient
  • Zivorada
  • Olesya

Beautiful Crimean Tatar names for girls

Crimean Tatars name their girls, adhering to religious traditions. And yet their names sound original and beautiful. Examples of this:

  • Emilia
  • Ruzanna
  • Yasmina
  • Riana
  • Niyara
  • Aigul
  • Elvira
  • Aysel
  • Mawile
  • Asine
  • Adilya

Beautiful gypsy names for girls

Gypsies love nature in a special way. That’s why they give their daughters names:

  • meaning natural phenomena
  • consonant with the names of minerals and colors
  • emphasizing the love of parents

Note that every gypsy name has a beautiful sound and meaning.

Here are some female examples:

  • Shofranca
  • Esmerolda
  • Talaita
  • Nadya
  • Mirela
  • Darling
  • Jaell
  • Violka
  • Bawal
  • Diamond
  • Shukar
  • Slavutna

Beautiful names for twin girls

Although the twins are very similar in appearance, their destinies are different. Like names and characters.

Beautiful combinations of names for twin girls include:

  • Arina and Karina
  • Alice and Vasilisa
  • Anna and Ivanna
  • Veronica and Angelica
  • Maya and Yana
  • Marina and Ekaterina
  • Veronica and Victoria
  • Alina and Arina
  • Dominica and Veronica
  • Alla and Bella
  • Olya and Yulia

Beautiful names for twin girls

If you're expecting twins, you're about to have twice the joy in your home. You just want to choose names that are consonant and beautiful for them, so that their fates are easy.

Pay attention to the following combinations of names for twin girls:

  • Masha and Dasha
  • Anya and Yana
  • Christina and Karina
  • Valeria and Victoria
  • Camilla and Emilia
  • Eva and Zlata
  • Sofia and Varvara
  • Alesya and Taisiya

Beautiful double names for girls

Some young parents believe in the special power of a child's double name. Therefore, they prefer to choose it and write it down on the birth certificate or separate it:

  • one thing for worldly life
  • the second - after baptism for spiritual

Among the beautiful female name combinations, we highlight the following:

  • Ksenia-Evgenia
  • Anna Louise
  • Valeria-Eva
  • Daria-Stepaniya
  • Diana-Anna
  • Eva-Cornelia
  • Elizaveta-Olga
  • Zlata-Slava
  • Yana-Polina
  • Tatiana-Maryana

Beautiful short names for girls

When a baby’s middle name is long, the name is usually chosen shorter to balance the sound of them together.

Pay attention to the following names for girls:

  • Stella

New beautiful names for girls

The saying that the new is simply the forgotten old accurately reflects modern trends in naming girls. Plus, add the openness of borders between states in terms of communication and borrowing beautiful sonorous words, and you get new names for Slavic girls.

For example:

  • Dominica
  • Evangeline
  • Adriana
  • Aelita
  • Zarina
  • Caroline
  • Martha
  • Juno

So, we looked at the most beautiful names for girls of the Slavic and Central Asian peoples, identified similarities in approaches to choosing names for babies and slight differences in traditions.

Every parent wants the best fate for their child. That’s why we try to choose a beautiful and sonorous name in order to attract maximum positive events in the lives of our kids!

Video: beautiful popular and rare names for girls

Usually, when choosing it, parents try to find out the full meaning. It is believed that a name should determine a person's destiny. The choice faces people of different nationalities. It seems to us that Russians, very light, in other countries think the same about their names.

Each name necessarily has its own story, which reveals its meaning. Tatar women take the choice of what to name their child very seriously, since the name should suit him, be similar to his character, and not desecrate the girl.

Another important point when naming a girl at birth is melody so that men like the name. For the future husband, the name of the chosen one should be like music, so that it is in tune with his own.

The most common name among Tatar families is the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad - Aisha.

The list of Tatar names for women is very long.

Aigul– means “like the moon and a flower” or like a lunar flower.
Aizilya– clear as the moon.
Ainura– translated as “moon ray”.
Ayziryak, Ainaz, Aina, Aisylu– names that begin with “Ay” in translation mean a connection with the moon; the woman named by them is considered pure and immaculate like the moon.

The meaning of many names is associated with nature:

  • Abelkhayat– pure living water;
  • Adgamia- garden;
  • Azhariya– all in flowers;
  • Varida- rose;
  • Gakram– compared to a pigeon;
  • Gulimnur– radiant flower;
  • Gulisa, Guli, Gulim, Gulirada, Gulimbika, Gulimzada– in meaning, the prefix “Gul” sounds like a flower.

Female names that indicate their status in the family:

  • Kadbanu- wife, mistress of the house;
  • Cabra– a woman with authority in the family;
  • Kaderbanat- a girl who has respect and respect;
  • Cadernisa- dear girl;
  • Kadernisa, Cadiz, Kadricihan– names with the prefix “Kad” denote reverence and respect for a woman, a girl, her greatness, power in the family and the society around her.

Tatars very often use complex compound names, parts of which have different meanings:

The Tatars have more than a hundred names starting with “Bibi”. They refer to women at an early age, girls, unmarried girls.

Some have an additional suffix “iya”, which softens the pronunciation:

  • Dulkynia- comparison with water.
  • Jihaniya- comparison with the universe.

If they refer to an older lady, then they use the addition of “bika”; if they refer to a young girl, then they add “Bana” (Latifabana, Latifabika).

A large list has names with the prefix “Minle”, which is assigned to girls, women who have a mole, denoting how happy (Minlesalia, Minlejufar, Minlezifa, Minlekausaria).

All complex compound names today are considered ancient and rare. Rarely found among indigenous Tatar women.

Historical meaning

The Tatar nationality is the richest in names. The names of Tatar women and girls are associated with any ecological, natural, religious processes, as well as with the culture and customs of peoples. There are about 25 thousand.

All Tatar names have Turkic roots; the birth of such names occurs in the 9th century. Many names of women indicated their belonging to various goddesses or idols, denoted social significance in society and their status. For example, Urazbike, which meant the happiest princess, or Altynbike - the golden princess.

Names from European and Arabic languages ​​began to appear often: Svetlana, Almaz, Rose.

The fantasy of the Tatars did not stand still; along with the development of history, names also developed. The Tatars began to use complex ones when two or more merged. Women's names began to be distinguished by the beauty of their construction and meanings. Valiya means bright, Latifa means beautiful, Zalika means she can speak beautifully.

Many women's names are derived from men's names. Among them are Farida and Jamila.

It doesn’t matter what language the names of Tatar women are taken from, they still sound very beautiful and melodic today.

They are ancient, still in use today, but are increasingly falling out of use.

Tatar girl names used in the modern world

Each modern name of a Tatar girl carries a story. Often found in historical documents or biographies of ancient people.

Aliya, Amilya, Amani, Jamilya, Anisa, Karima, Farida
- these beautiful names are borrowed from the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula, and are widespread in modern society.

Guzel, Jana– came from the Turkic peoples.

Fairuza, Yasmin- modern, coming from Persia.

Popular and common female names of our time are:

  • Ayla.
  • Aisylu.
  • Guzelia.
  • Irkya.
  • Azalea.
  • Agdalia.
  • Agnia.

When listing Tatar names, the following picture is observed: among Russian women the names of Tatar peoples are used. These are Svetlana, Larisa (seagull), Agnia, Azalea, Venus, Alsou, Clara, Amalia, Roxana, Regina, Rosa, Susanna, Sarah, Elvira, etc.

The names of Tatar women take their roots from Islam. Muslim Tatars named their daughters based on the Holy Quran and the history of the formation of Islam. Taken from the Koran - Fatima, Zeinab, Khadija.

The Tatars have one characteristic characteristic of them: they do not duplicate names, they do not name their daughter after their grandmother or mother, great-grandmother. Even if they cannot choose a suitable name for their daughter, they will come up with one, since their imagination is developed in this area.

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Tatar boy name as a rule, it will be appropriated according to its Tatar traditions.
Male Tatar names, and their meaning. In this list of Tatar names for a boy, there are many beautiful ones male Tatar names, with their brief origin. With the help of such a list of names, it becomes possible to select modern Tatar name for your child.

Which Tatar name should a boy choose? what name will it have? The choice of a Tatar name for a boy should be taken responsibly, since, among other things, the names of boys are continued in the patronymic of future children and should be worthy and not profane. Therefore, when choosing a beautiful Muslim name for a boy, take into account important details and see what the chosen name means.

List of Tatar boy names

Modern Tatar names for boys
Abbas - the origin of the name (Arabic) means - gloomy, strict, stern; steep.
Abel - from (Arabic) meaning - Father.
Agzam - (Arabic) Tall, sublime. Name component.
Aglyam - (Arabic) is interpreted as -Knowing a lot.
Adip - (Arabic) Well-mannered, writer, scientist.
Azat – (pers.) Noble, free.
Azal - origin from (Arabic) meaning. -Eternity.
Azamat - from (Arabic) man - Knight, hero.
Azhar - (Arabic) Very handsome.
Aziz – mighty, dear.
Azim - from (Arabic) means Great.
Aybat – (Arabic) Authoritative, adult.
Ainur – (Tat-Arabic) Moonlight.
Airat - from (Arabic) hairat-amazement, (Mongolian) forest people.
Aitugan - (Turkic-Tat.) Moonrise, a boy was born, handsome as a month.
Akdam - (Arabic) Very ancient.
Akram - from (Arabic) Generous.
Akbars – (Tat.) White leopard.
Alan - (Tat.-Turk.) Good-natured.
Ali - modern name for a boy- Sublime.
Alim - from (Arabic) Knowing.
Diamond - (Arabic) Diamond.
Albert - Nice, famous.
Alfir – (Arabic) Excellent.
Amin - Faithful, honest.
Amir - from (Arabic) commanding boy, prince.
Anas - (Arabic) Joy.
Anwar - (Arabic) Radiant, light (one of the surahs of the Koran).
Anise – Tatar name- Friend, comrade.
Ansar – (Arabic) Helper (plural).
Arman - (pers.) Desire.
Arsen – (Greek) Strong, fearless.
Arslan - (male) (Turkic) Lev.
Arthur - (English) Bear.
Assad - from (Arabic) Lev, July according to Hijri.
Asaf - (Arabic) Caring, thrifty.
Asan is a beautiful Tatar name for a boy - meaning. Healthy.
Asgat - (Arabic) The happiest.
Asfat - (Arabic) Good boy.
Atlas - (Arabic) Satin, fabric.
Ata - from (Turkic-Tatar.) Dear..
Afzal - (Arabic) Worthy.
Ahad – (Arabic) The only one man.
Ahmad - (Arabic) Illustrious.
Ahmar - (Arabic) Red.
Akhbar - (Arabic) Star boy.
Akhund - (Turkic) Master.
Ayaz is a modern Tat. The name for the boy is Clear Day.

Bugman - A benevolent man.
Bakir - (Arabic) Studyer .
Leopard - (old Turkic-Tat.) Strong.
Batullah - (Arabic) Originates from the name of the Kaaba mosque.
Bahadir – modern name for a boy- Bogatyr.
Bahir – (Arabic) Open, beautiful.
Bahram – (Iranian) Winner.
Bakhtiyar – (Persian-Arabic) Happy.
Bayaz - (Arabic) White, white.
Bayan - comes from (Mongolian-Arabic) meaning rich, strong, happy.
Golden eagle - (old Tat-Turk.) Symbol of heroism, courage.
Bika – (Turkic-Tat.) Lady.
Bikbay - (Tat. - Turkic) Very rich.
Bikbulat – (Tat.-Turk.) Iron Bey, sir.
Bikbay – (Turkic) Too rich.
Bilal - (Arabic) Healthy, alive.
Bolgar - (old Tat-Turkic) Tribes living on the Kama and Volga gave this name to male babies.
Bulat - from (Arabic) Iron, steel.
Baranbay - old name- Born during a snowstorm.
Behet - (Arabic) They give this name, wishing the child a happy life.

Male Tatar boy names- IN

Wazih - (Arabic) Clear, open.
Vakil – (Arabic) Authorized.
Vali - the name means - Close to Allah, holy, master.
Vasil - (Arabic) Inseparable friend.
Wasim - meaning - Handsome.
Wafa - (Arabic) means - Faithful.
Wahid (male) One, first.
Vilen – (Russian) From Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Vildan – beautiful male name, meaning - Child, child.

Male Tatar boy names- G

Gabbas - (Arabic) Gloomy, gloomy.
Gabit – (Arabic) Worshiper.
Gadel - (Arabic) Direct, fair.
Gaden - (Arabic - Persian) Paradise.
Ghazi - masculine from (Arabic) Fighter for the faith.
Gali – (Arabic) Dear, tall.
Galim – ( Tatar name) Knowledgeable, scientist.
Gamil - (Arabic) A hardworking person.
Garif - (Arabic) Informed.
Gata – means- A gift of fate.
Gafar - (Arabic) Forgiving .
Gayaz – (Arabic) Assistant.
Gayan - (Arabic) Noble boy.
Guzman - translated - a man chiropractor.
Gerey - from (pers.) Worthy.

Male Tatar boy names- D

Davlet – (Arabic) Happiness, wealth, state.
Davud - (Heb.) Beloved boy, man.
Danis – (pers.) origin, meaning -Knowledge.
Daniyal - (Arabic) A person close to Allah.
Dayan - (Arabic) High court (religious).
Deniz - (Turkic) means Sea.
Dzhigan – (pers.) meaning. Universe.
Dinar - from the word dinar (Arabic) gold coin.

Male Tatar boy names- Z

Zabir - (Arabic) Solid, strong.
Zayd - (Arabic) Gift.
Zainullah - (Arabic) Ornament of Allah.
Zakir - (Arabic) Rememberer.
Zaki - (Arabic) Virtuous.
Zamam - from (Turkic) origin meaning - Time, era.
Zaman – comes from (Arabic) a man of our time.
Zamir - (Arabic) Intelligence, mystery.
Zarif - (Arabic) Affectionate, handsome, amiable man.
Zahid - (Arabic) Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir - (Arabic) Helper, handsome.
Zinnat – has the meaning- Decoration.
Zinnur – (Arabic) Radiant boy.
Zulfat - from (Arabic) curly boy.
Zufar - (Arabic) The winner is a man.
Ziyatdin - (Arabic) Spreader of religion, missionary.

Male Tatar boy names- AND

Idris - (Arabic) Learner, diligent.
Ishmael - origin from (Arabic - Hebrew) see. Ismagil
Ikram – (Arabic) Honor, respect.
Ilgiz – (Tat Pers.) Traveler.
Ildar - (Tat-Persian) Ruler.
Ilnaz – (Turkic-Persian) Il (homeland) + Naz (Tenderness)
Ilnar - (Turkic-Arabic) Nar (Flame) + Il (Homeland).
Ilsur - (Turkic-Arabic) Hero of the Motherland.
Ilfar – from (pers.) Il (Motherland) + Far (lighthouse)
Ilfat – (Turkic-Persian) Friend of the Motherland.
Ilshat – (Turkic) One who brings joy to the homeland, meaning famous.
Ilyas - (Arabic-Hebrew) The power of Allah.
Ilgam – (Arabic) Inspiration.
Iman – (Arabic) Faith.
Insaf - (Arabic) Justice, well-mannered.
Ismail – from (ancient Hebrew) meaning - God heard.
Ismat – (Arabic) Cleanliness, abstinence; protection.
Ihsan - (Arabic) Beneficence, virtue.
Ishbulat – (Turkic-Tat.) Similar to damask steel, strong.
Ishtugan – (Turkic-Tat.) male name, meaning - Native.

Male Tatar boy names- TO

Kadir - (Arabic) Almighty.
Kazbek - (Arabic-Turkic) In honor of Prince Kazbek.
Kazim – (Arabic) Patient boy.
Kamal - from (Arabic) means Perfection.
Karim - (Arabic) Magnanimous, noble, generous man.
Qasim - (Arabic) Distributing.
Kashfulla - translated from (Arabic) meaning. -Revelation to Allah.
Qayum – (Arabic) Existing forever.
Kahir - (Arabic) Winner in the fight, conqueror.
Kiram - (Arabic) Dear.
Kulakhmet – (Arabic-Turkic-Tat.) Slave of the famous.
Kurban - origin. (Arabic name) meaning - Sacrifice.
Kurbat - (Arabic) Kinship.
Kamal - (Arabic) Mature man.

Male Tatar boy names- L

Lenur – (Russian) Lenin founded the revolution.
Lokman - (Arabic) Security guard, breadwinner.
Lutfulla - and Lotfulla –(Arabic) Grace of God.

Male Tatar boy names- M

Maghafur - (Arabic) Forgiven.
Magdan - (Arabic) Spring.
Magsum – (Tatar name) Protected, sinless.
Majit – (Arabic) Powerful.
Mazit - (Arabic) Famous.
Mysore - (Arabic) means - Winner.
Malik - (Arabic) Lord.
Manap – (Arabic) Assistant, deputy.
Mannaf – (Arabic) Sublime.
Manat – den. unit of Tajikistan.
Mansur - (Tatar name) Winner.
Mardan - (pers.) The guy is a hero.
Marlene – (German – Russian) Abbreviation for Marx and Lenin.
Mergen – (Turkic) Skillful hunter.
Minnullah – (Arabic-Turkic) A person with a mole.
Mirgali – (Arabic-Persian) Great king.
Mirgalim - Tatar name - Scientist Tsar.
Mirgayaz – (Arabic-Persian) Helping.
Mirza - (Arabic-Persian) Son of the king. Name component.
Misbah – (Arabic) meaning - Torch.
Mubarak – (Arabic) Happy.
Mugallim – (Arabic) meaning - Teacher.
Muddaris - (Arabic) Teacher, mentor.
Mukkaram - (Arabic) Revered.
Munis – (Arabic) Friend.
Munir – (Arabic) Sparkling, illuminator.
Murat – (Arabic) Desired man.
Murtaza - masculine translated from (Arabic) Favorite.
Musa – (Arabic-Hebrew) Prophet , child.
Muslim – (Arabic) means Muslim.
Mustafa - (Arabic) The chosen one.
Muhammet - (Arabic) Praised.
Muhandis - (Arabic) Measuring the earth.
Mukhlis - (Arabic) A true friend.
Musharif – (Arabic) Famous man.

Male Tatar boy names- N

Naked - (Arabic) Well-being.
Nazim - (Arabic) Builder.
Nazir – (Arabic) Notifier.
Nazif - (Tatar) Pure.
Nail – (Arabic) translated as “Gift”.
Naki - (Arabic) Pure, unspoiled.
Narat - (Mongolian-Turkic-Tat.) An evergreen tree.
Narbek - (pers.) From the fruit of the pomegranate, (Arabic) light.
Nariman – (Iran.) Strong in spirit.
Nasim - (Arabic) Warm wind, gentle.
Nasretdin - (male Tatar name) (Arabic) Helping religion.
Nafis – (Arabic) Beautiful.
Nizam – (Arabic) arrangement, order.
Niyaz – (Arabic) Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nugman - (Arabic) Red, good deed, flower variety.
Nurgali – (Arabic) male name- Majestic.
Nur - (Arabic) means Light.
Nurullah – (Arabic) Nur (light) + Allah.

Male Tatar boy names- R

Radif - (Arabic) The last child of the parents.
Razil – (Arabic) Chosen man.
Rail - (Arabic) masculine. - Founder.
Rayhan - (Arabic) Basil, bliss.
Ramiz – (Arabic) Identification mark.
Ramil - (Arabic) Miraculous, magical.
Ramis - (Arabic) Raftsman.
Rasim - (Tatar) Artist.
Rasikh – (Arabic) Solid, stable.
Raushan- origin(pers.) Bright boy.
Rafik - (Arabic) Good friend.
Rachel - (Heb.) Sheep.
Rahim - (Arabic) Merciful.
Rahman - (Arabic) A friendly person.
Rashid - (Arabic) Walking the right path.
Rafgat – ( Tatar name) Majesty.
Rafis – (Arabic) Noticeable, popular.
Rem - (lat.) From the city of Rome, or Russian. option world revolution.
Renas - (Latin-Russian) Revolution, science, union.
Riza – (Arabic) Chosen One.
Rizvan - (Arabic) Favor, satisfaction.
Reef – (German) From coral reefs.
Rifqat - (Arabic) Friendship.
Ruzal - (pers.) Happy man.
Rushan - (pers.) Light, brilliant.

Male Tatar boy names- WITH

Saban - (Turkish-Tat.) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabah - (Arabic) Morning.
Sabit - (Arabic) Strong, durable, resistant.
Sagadat - (Arabic) Happiness.
Sagira – (male name) Child.
Sagiya – (Arabic) Diligent.
Sadyk is a modern name for a boy - True, friend.
Sairan - (Arabic) Relaxation, fun time, picnic.
Saifi - (Arabic) Sword.
Saifullah - (Arabic) Sword of Allah.
Salavat - (Arabic) Prayers of praise.
Salamat – (Tatar) Healthy.
Salih - (Arabic) A fair, kind person.
Salman – (Tatar) Necessary.
Samad – (Arabic) Eternal.
Samir - (Arabic) Interlocutor; fertile.
Sattar – (Arabic) Forgiving.
Saud – (Arabic) Happy boy.
Safar - (Tatar name) The second name of the Hijra, traveler.
Sibay – (Arabic-Turkic) Love and youth.
Sibgat – (Arabic) Paint, beautiful color.
Sirazi – (Arabic) meaning - Torch.
Sultan - (Arabic) Power, ruler.
Sungat – (Arabic) interpretation - Profession.

Male Tatar boy names- T

Tahir – (Arabic) Birds.
Taif - (Arabic) translated - People.
Taimas - (Tatar name) Will not stray from the right path.
Talib - (Arabic) Seeker, desiring.
Tahir - (Arabic) means - Pure.
Timer - (Turkic-Tat.) This is what the young man was called so that he would be strong as iron.
Timur - (Turkic) Iron tough man.
Tukay - (Mongolian) in the original word - Rainbow.
Tulpar – (Tatar) Pegasus.

Male Tatar boy names- U

Ulmas - (Turkic) meaning - Immortal.
Ulfat - Arabic.) Friendship, love.
Uraz - (Tatar name) Happy.
Urus is the name of the Russian people, which has become a personal name.
Uthman - (Arabic) Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.

Male Tatar boy names- F

Faizullah - (Arabic) The generosity of Allah.
Faiz - (Arabic) Happy, rich.
Fundas - (Arabic) Attached to science.
Fannur – (Arabic) Light of science.
Farhad – origin (Iran.) Invincible.
Fatima - (Arabic) Weaned, daughter of Muhammad.
Fattah - (Arabic) Opening the doors to happiness.
Fayaz - (Arabic) Generous.
Fidai – (Arabic) Ready to sacrifice oneself.
Fuad - (pers.) Heart, mind.

Male Tatar boy names- X

Hadi - (Arabic) Leader.
Haydar - (Arabic) Lev.
Khairat is a beautiful name that means Benefactor.
Khalik – (Arabic) Illuminator.
Hamza - (Arabic) Sharp, burning.
Hammat – (Arabic) Glorifying.
Haris - (Arabic) Plowman.
Hafiz is a man - Protector.
Hashim – (Arabic) Tax collector.
Khisan – (Tatar name) A very handsome boy.
Khoja - (pers.) Master, mentor.

Male Tatar boy names- Sh

Shayhullah - (Arabic) Elder of Allah.
Shakir - (Arabic) Thankful.
Shakirt – (pers.) Student.
Shamsi - (pers.) Sunny.
Shafagat - translated (Arabic) Help.

Male Tatar boy names- Eh

Eldar - (Turkic) Ruler of the country.
Elmir - (English) Handsome boy.
Esther – (Heb.) A clear star.

Male Tatar boy names- YU

Yuldash – (Turkic) Friend, companion.
Yuzim – (Turkic-Tat.) Raisin, two-faced.
Yulgiz - (Turkic - Persian) Long-lived.
Yunus - origin (Hebrew) means - Dove.

Male Tatar boy names- I

Yadgar - (pers.) Memory.
Yakub - (ancient Hebrew) Following, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - (gr.) Ruby, yakhont.
Yamal - – see Jamal, and. Jamila.
Yatim - person Tatar name for a boy, value - Unique.