Quotes pigeons birds. Quotes from the Soviet film Love and Pigeons

A sparrow in the hand is better than a dove on the roof.

All breeds of pigeons are gentle and faithful spouses. - Sergey Aksakov "Notes of a rifle hunter of the Orenburg province"

Where there are grains of rice, there are pigeons.

Pigeons coo - good weather.

Pigeons will not grow hawk claws.

The happy little darling is not the one who is happy with her father, but the one who is with her husband.

The dove and swallow are God's favorite birds.

Since time immemorial, the dove has served as an emblem of purity, meekness and love - and not in vain: all these three qualities belong to it primarily. - Sergey Aksakov

A dove with a dove, and a raven with a raven.

Since time immemorial, the dove has served as an emblem of purity, meekness and love - and not in vain: all these three qualities belong to it primarily. Its purity is proven by holy, Old and New Testament words. The love of a dove for a dove and their general tenderness for children are recognized by the entire Russian people and are attested to by their songs and sayings: the authority is convincing and irrefutable. Words of affection and regret, darling and darling, are constantly heard in speeches common people. Do they want to say how well a husband and wife live, how brother and sister agree, how friendly friends and girlfriends are with each other, and they will certainly say: “They live like a dove with a dove, they can’t stop looking at each other.” Wanting to express someone’s innocence or kindness, they say: “He has a dove’s soul.” Compassionate for someone else's misfortune, every peasant woman will say: “Oh, my dear, she has suffered grief.” The very appearance of the pigeon expresses its qualities: how clean and tidy it is always, how proportionate all the parts of its body are! What roundness and softness in the outlines of his figure! There is nothing impetuous or sharp in all movements: everything is so meek, calm, graceful. People deeply feel the moral qualities of pigeons and have a special love for them. Many householders feed Russian pigeons, no doubt reborn from wild pigeons, with bread grains, provide them with shelves for their nests, and every owner considers it a favorable sign if the pigeons behave well in his yard. Peasants never eat pigeons and in many villages they are not allowed to shoot them. - Sergey Aksakov "Notes of a rifle hunter of the Orenburg province"

A dove cannot dry up the sea, nor can it torture a heart.

Money is like pigeons: where it settles in, it will behave there.

If you make a dove angry, even she will peck.

If you want peace in your house, do not allow a woman, a priest, or a dove into it.

If white dove thrown into a fire, the fire will subside or go out.

If a dove crosses your path, then where you are going, good luck awaits you.

A roasted pigeon will not fly into your mouth.

Their bellies are like pigeons: they sit wherever they want.

They live like pigeons and fight like cats.

And the dove sits three branches below its parents.

And the blind dove finds the grain.

A Cossack is like a dove: wherever it flies, it will land there.

When they fly away wild geese, (there) pigeons also fly away.

Peasants never eat pigeons and in many villages they are not allowed to shoot them. - Sergey Aksakov "Notes of a rifle hunter of the Orenburg province"

Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them what you have new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.
When you tell adults: “I saw beautiful house made of pink brick, there are geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they just can’t imagine this house. They must be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”

Because to the one who left once,
There can never be more faith
Say goodbye and don't regret everyone,
Who, like a driven dove - back and forth
Who is neither fish nor meat, but a strange vegetable,
Who comes suddenly to say I love you
But dynamite when you call for help.
For this, all chances are zero.
The embodiment of the most ridiculous phobias
From birth to thick wrinkles.
I have also met adult male counterparts,
And the boys are already men at fifteen.
Because there can be no excuses
Because there is not an ounce of trust.
I respect the strongest of creatures,
If he knows the value of his words.

She smells like a man's Kenzo and adrenaline, she has learned in life to weigh every gram. She has boots - 3 pairs - she walks on her back with only sneakers - she runs in them in the morning. She is someone's find, a secret, a wife and mother, she can - cognac, off-road, thorns and mud. But when she approaches the temple on Sunday, from the bell tower a dove waves its wing at her, laughing. She knows so little, but she knows quite accurately, and poetry will not tell her main secret. By the way, the habit of going to bed at 12 at night - this is just a side, forced, effect. You write to her in a personal message - and how, they say, and what did you have, dissecting the texts, delving into her soul. She has the Kama Sutra embroidered on her bed, a Harley will certainly be registered in the garage. She remembers the waltz in the palace with golden chandeliers, and as she howled in pain, she was saved by chance. This girl knows too, too much how to feel And what she pays for it - she alone knows.

The noisy courtyard woke up.
Business echo
Interfered with the conversation
And peals of laughter.
Into the vastness of the sky, up
A swirl of bluish spots
A flock of pigeons flew
Taking off from the dovecotes.
As if they were following the wedding,
Having woken up from sleep,
Wishing you many years to come
They sent in pursuit.
Life is also only a moment,
Only dissolution
Ourselves in all others
As if as a gift to them.
Only a wedding, deep into the windows
Tearing from below,
Only a song, only a dream,
Only a gray dove.

Wet seal of confessions,
The promise of secret negations -
Kiss, early snowdrop,
Fresh, clean, like snow.
A silent concession
Passion is a child's game,
Friendship between a dove and a dove,
The first time of happiness.
Joy in sad parting
And the question is: when again?
Where are the words for the name
Find these feelings?

“The most clever thing is to start a new beginning...” Just yesterday I was as tall as a tree.
To give up a little more - the distance is at its zenith.
I raptom, yak vibukh, - the collapse burned.
A broken stone is no longer granite.
Ruinovishte viri, i rozpach, i rozpach!
I sang the confusion of the paths.
The zhureni friends became angry.
The spoken word will not go to the fields.
For those hillocks, we’ll have a hut.
Above the hut is the sky. And I know the dove.
Nayvische uminnya - start now
life, rozuminnya, way, yourself

The lion does not take on the habits of the dove, he loudly declares his ferocity. The snake, no matter how secretive its movements, shows its intentions by hissing. The howl of a hungry wolf can be heard from afar, frightening a hurrying traveler in the snowy desert. But a man is more malicious than a lion, more treacherous than a snake, more greedy than a wolf - he shakes the hand of his neighbor under the guise of friendship, and behind his back stirs him up with dirt. Under his smiling face he hides a false and selfish heart, throwing his insignificant mockery at the riddle of the world, he murmurs against God. Oh Heaven! What will Eternity do with such an ignoble blind worm as man?

Fairy tale
If I became invisible and winged, -
I would not seek profit by taking advantage of this.
I already consider myself rich
Because I live in this wide world.
On the sixth floor in a narrow alley
I would fly up to your window at dawn;
If you're not fully dressed yet,
I would honestly turn away from you.
I wouldn't drive the pigeons off the ledge,
And, like air, I would be invisible, -
I would read poems about you,
And it would seem to you that the wind sang them.
I wish I were an invisible faithful friend.
If you were on a plane flying south,
Then with the cabin level, through the thunder and clouds,
I would fly nearby, just in case.
And when you walk along the boulevard with a light step
You would walk to the trolleybus stop,
I would give you finds,
So that you consider yourself happy.
I would give you gifts...
Blue nylon scarves,
Necklaces and earrings of bright plastic
And live poppies in the night dew.

This film was repeatedly returned for revision; they scolded it a lot, saying that Vladimir Menshov’s sense of taste suddenly changed. The State Cinematography Committee refused to accept the film, believing that it was based on a huge number scenes of drunkenness. But Menshov insisted that he would not change anything. After controversy and minor amendments, the film “Love and Doves” was finally released. And this is exactly how viewers of several generations fell in love with him! Today we will remember the touching and funny quotes from the film "Love and Doves".

A little about the film

This masterpiece of Soviet cinema appeared in 1984. It is based on the play of the same name. By the way, this play was written according to real story. In the homeland of the scriptwriter, Vladimir Gurkin, the family of Vasily and Nadezhda Kuzyakin lived. It was these people who became the heroes of the film. The author copied the characters of Baba Shura and Uncle Mitya from his grandfather and grandmother’s sister.

Quotes about love

“Love and Doves” is just a treasure trove folk wisdom. Some of the quotes are devoted to relationships between men and women. Probably everyone is familiar with the words from the dialogue between Nadezhda and Raisa Zakharovna:

What kind of love?!

Such love!

In the same conversation, Nina Doroshina’s heroine admits to her rival that she can’t breathe, she doesn’t have enough air. At the same time, she adds, there is a burning sensation in her chest as if she had swallowed heat from a stove.

Baba Shura knows well how to get rid of mental pain. It is she who advises the main character to “turn her thoughts on the household.”

Quotes with humor (“Love and Doves”)

It is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the words “Why dyed, this is my natural color!” In general, this film is distinguished by a large number of funny sayings, which have long become catchphrases!

Another funny conversation takes place between Raisa Zakharovna and Vasily. The woman asks if this is the gorgon he is going to. To which the man replies: “No, I’m going to see my wife!” Probably everyone has heard this quote from “Love and Doves”: Lyudmila Gurchenko’s heroine begs her daughters main character- “Keep your mother away!”

The opening shots of the film. A waltz sounds, Vasily kisses the pigeons. Suddenly - like thunder among clear skies- the voice of Nadezhda is heard:

Lyudk, oh Lyudk! You took the money, huh?

It turns out that “the old man took the money.” It turns out truly terrible truth- all the family’s finances were spent on ugly pigeons. Nadezhda generously shows her “figs”, saying that this is for ice cream and dresses, lipsticks, boots. And in general, now the family will have to starve. The head of the family has a completely reasonable question:

Why, you blew twenty-five rubles, Nadyukha, huh?

Consider the quote from “Love and Doves” about the terrible news that Uncle Mitya brought to the Kuzyakins’ house:

- That's it, that's it. Now it will stay that way...

- What's left?

- Strabismus.

- So he's alive?

- Why are you croaking, fool? Of course alive! And the eye is like this... one here, one here. What did you think?!!

A quote from “Love and Doves” deserves special attention, more precisely, the scene when it turned out that Nadezhda, out of a desire to please her husband, untied and stroked him. Vasily says in horror: “That’s it! I went to the resort!”, and adds: “I need to unpack my suitcase.”

Every viewer of this film knows well what “pys-pys” is - an afterword, a postscript. After a letter from Raisa Zakharovna, everyone in the house gets it. First, Olya gets a scolding from her mother, then that same Lyudka. Well, and, of course, it’s the men’s turn. In the person of Uncle Mitya. In response to his quiet (but fair) remark that there will now be a flood in the house, four representatives of the fair sex attack him at once. Baba Shura declares: “I can count the calm days on my fingers!”

At the same time, Vasily sorts things out with Raisa Zakharovna:

- Well, really, I’m hungry!

- Not “eat”, but “eat”!

- Yes, not “what”, but “what”!

Of course, this relationship cannot continue. Kuzyakin decides to return home. He is not greeted very friendly. Probably everyone knows this quote from “Love and Doves”:

Where did this handsome guy come to us from? Or did you forget what you came to say? Oh, look, he’s not looking him in the eyes - he probably got a bad mark!

Conversation with a friend: It’s spring, am I the only one wondering how doves choose their mates? “This one is ugly, this one is fat, this one has a wheeled leg, and this one is just... a rook.”

I can’t understand women who write 100 years in the age column. After all, as the heroine of “Love and Doves” said, “so it’s clear that they are not sixteen...” You know, pigeons, they are special birds... Why do they sit on the asphalt, on houses, on monuments? But they don’t sit on trees!..

Pigeons, when they see Nikolai Valuev, are patient.

Pigeons on Lubyanka Square demand that the Dzerzhinsky monument be returned to its old location!

A drug addict(N) walks a goose. Then a cop (M) approaches him. M: your goose shits on the asphalt! Stop it! N: That’s how pigeons shit too... M: Pigeons are a message of peace! N: Damn I will, my goose doesn’t want war! :D

Either I’ve gotten older... or the pigeons are smaller...

People are like pigeons - they just fly a little higher and don’t give a shit about you...

Oh, what cute hedgehogs! - These are not hedgehogs, these are pigeons. - Dolubi? - No, pigeons! - Bolubi? - No, Dimochka, pigeons. - Pigeons? - Yes, that's right, pigeons!!! - I see... Oh, what cute hedgehogs!

There will undoubtedly be white doves at our wedding =) - the guy told me =) The happiest)

Every Saturday pigeons fly to my window... I feed them bread. I love watching them eat) Such paws)

He spent that day in the park. Silently, sitting on a bench, he watched the pigeons fly overhead. He remembered her...

As a child, I was tormented by the question: Big birds are pigeons, and their chicks are fools?

I beg you, for God's sake, be quiet! Pigeons kiss on the roof... Here it is, love itself rejoices - The dove coos with the dove.

The pigeons are hiding, I don’t want to go into the sky. He’s not on the list, and that means he’s not praying. You are running over my abyss. Afterwards you will repent, and turn your wings into blades.

Why do you SHIT on the roofs, pigeons! Better SHIT into his soul!

Have you ever noticed that there are very arrogant pigeons and sparrows near the McDuck tables on the street? =)

You will understand how beautiful pigeons are only by wiping off the mark!

Pigeons are like people - you feed them, but they still shit on you...

Pigeons that ate grain near a chemical plant melted a monument to Lenin.

Folk sign: if pigeons fly low overhead, it means washing.

This is all bullshit, you have to let go, they release pigeons into the sky last call, and they achieve their loved ones.

The shy pigeon has been circling over the monument for the second week now.

Crime. An aggressive pigeon attacked Gopnik and took the seeds.

Are you an owl, a lark or a dove? -Pigeon. -And why? -I don't give a damn.

Don't miss it - and pigeons will shit happy poop on your street)


Aphorisms from the film “Love and Doves”

You'll break the ladder. - I'll break all your ribs! The dovecote is lousy, he regretted the stairs! - It’s up to me to fix the stairs. - I'll fix it for you now!

I'm tying another knot.

Girls, stop your mother! Quiet. Quiet. Infection! “Lyudk, oh Lyudk!” Ugh! Village!

If I find out which of you sees your father, I’ll curse you.

Sorry, Nadezhda.

Go Lyudka, bring the savings book..! - Where? - Tama! - Aaah! - Yeah...

Walking around the canteens is not much fun.

Where did he want everything, you say? - Well, to the bar! - Where can I get him this bar?.. - He indulges a little and stomps away.

Tellingly, Lyonka did not approve of your action.

Then the doctor came out and said: your grandfather, your grandmother, has died.

Run, Uncle Mitya!

How much blood did you drink from me?! I can count the calm days on my fingers!

Why isn't the pig ashamed of the pit!? Male! That's what a male your dad is! Oh, I don’t know what to do! Oh, what a woe! Lenk, gave it to the piglets!?

Log! It jumped off the carriage and hit Vaska in the head with one end. Your father was screwed, Lyudka! All!

She keeps asking: “Where is the business money, where is the business money?” -Where does the money go?

Well, tell her!.. - What can I say, son? - So as not to cry... - Nadyukha! Do not Cry!

-...Yes, I’m going to the restroom! - And I'm with you!

Ah, you don’t care about beautiful sea life.

I brought terrible news to your house, Nadezhda! Call the children!

tags: aphorisms love and doves film


Dove of Peace - Winged expressions, aphorisms - Otrezal.RU

Home / Idioms, aphorisms / Dove of peace

Now it is no longer so easy to establish why and how exactly doves became symbols of peace among most peoples. It is known that from very ancient times in the countries of the East they were considered sacred birds, good messengers of the gods. They say that our distant ancestors thought that this bird did not have a gall bladder; and since they considered bile to be the cause of a bad, quarrelsome disposition, it seemed to them that among the pigeons there should reign eternal peace and friendship. However, maybe this is not the point, but the complete harmlessness of granivorous pigeons, their beautiful appearance and in the habit of caressing each other with their beaks, as if kissing tenderly. One way or another, already in biblical legend it is the dove that brings Noah (see “Noah’s Ark”) the happy news that God has changed his anger to mercy and that the flood is over.

Nowadays, the expression “dove of peace” has gained particular popularity after French artist Pablo Picasso created a wonderful emblem for the First World Peace Congress - an image of a white dove carrying in its beak olive branch. Since then on international festivals The custom arose among young people of releasing thousands of flocks of pigeons into the sky.

Dove of PeaceDownload.

Said it suddenly and bluntly:

  • Not appropriate

Love and pigeons


Salt is white poison.
- How to live, Uncle Mitya?

Kurly-kurly...Well, Olka, let’s tell your mother as best you can - did Dad buy the pigeons or not? Do you hear who I’m talking to?

Lyudk, oh Lyudk! You took the money, huh?

Oh, Nadyukha missed it. And the old man took the money.

Well /* in the sense of figs */ for you to buy dresses and ice cream,
and for you Lyudka, here are /* two whole figs */ - for boots and lipsticks...
Oh... we'll now... starve!

Damn, you swung twenty-five rubles, Nadyukha, huh?
- Oh! Go! Kiss your pigeons there. Rip us off, rip us off like we're sticky.

- Well?
- Wildebeest! What are we going to do? It was the last money.

And you're off the books.
- Right now I’ll shoot like those! Did you put in a lot? Take off the shroud.

Well, Lyudk, go and bring the savings book.
- Where?
- Tama!
- A...
- A!

Why are you standing there with your ears spread out? Father's intercessor.

ABOUT! They're already snacking. Well, of course. I say, are they having a snack already?!
- ABOUT! Sanya has arrived.

Yes, I didn’t drink, I didn’t drink! Although there is a reason. Bastille Day was wasted.

Eighty years since her birth... Wow, she’s already eighty?!

Ah, you don’t care about beautiful sea life.

Cut me - I don’t understand. I’m fighting with my kikimora, partisan, you go and blame yourself. Why is she rocking the boat with you?
- It’s all because of the pigeons. She's not angry anymore, yeah.
- If you hit me once, everything will become like silk. What is typical is that they became insolent.

This is how the horsemen pose this question. When they talk, she will not enter the room. Because - miners! That is, these are people from the mountains.

Haven't you seen mine?

Of course, where should he be if not here?
- Yes, Nadyukh, I’ll just have a couple of mugs, I won’t forget the taste, yeah.

If you hit me once, everything will become like silk. What’s typical is that they became insolent. Well, Nadyukh, I’ll just have a couple of mugs, I won’t forget the taste, yeah.

- Where have you been running, you little devil?

I brought terrible news to your house, Nadezhda. Call the children.

I don’t understand Kikimor... Take her away, Nadezhda!

He was standing by the carriage...
- Well, who was standing there? Who was standing? Basil?!

Log! It slid off the carriage, somersaulting onto the ground, hitting Vaska on the head with one end. Your father was screwed, Lyudka! All!

That's it, that's it. Now it will stay that way...
- What's left?
- Strabismus.
- So he's alive?
- Why are you croaking, fool? Of course alive! And the eye is like this... one here, one here. What did you think?!!

I brought terrible news to your house, Nadezhda. Call the children. What's wrong?

Figure two. Sad.

Sorry, Nadezhda.
- You'll get wet!

Then the doctor came out and said: your grandfather, your grandmother, has died.

I’ll take a step, but my legs won’t hold up. Like cotton wool, legs. My hands are still shaking.

Have a drink!
- No need! Sanechka didn't like this...

Micard's heart attack! What a scar! The autopsy showed.

Laziness! Baba Shura is dead!
- Fine...

How typical - they loved each other!..
- Do you know what she called me? No one knows! I tell her - Sanyushka! And she is Mityunyushka to me!..
- What a voice! Tell me, Nagy! How he will sing!

Have you dug it out yet?
- What are you doing?
- I’m telling you a dream. I'll dream about such an infection.

Then the doctor came out and said: your grandfather, your grandmother, has died. Run, Uncle Mitya!

Run, Uncle Mitya!

They are smart, you cat.

Sorry... What prevented you from hiding the money.
- Well, well, come on, call all over the village! Yap!

Got it, here... you can put it here and fasten it with a pin.
- Will it unfasten?

Oh! What have you done?
- I stroked it.
- Who’s going to tie him up now? All! I went to the resort!

I have the right to say goodbye to my friend!
- Well, Vasily, have a smooth flight.

What is this place called?
- Resort organs of movement.

All! Come on, unpack your suitcase.

Just like that, you unfasten the button and it’s good.
- A button? There... south!
- Culture!

Well, Ludk! Well beautiful.
- I'm tying another knot.

Bring me some shells... And a palm tree.
- Oh, daughter, should I chop a palm tree on myself?
- A twig.

Just like that, you unfasten the button and it’s good. - A button? There... south! - Culture! Bring me shells... And a palm tree. - Oh, daughter, should I chop a palm tree on myself?
- A twig.

Comrade Kuzkin?
- Yeah, Kuzyakin.
- Vladimir Valentinovich?
- Yeah, Vasily Yegorych.
- Oh, that’s right, I have a professional memory.
- I'm sorry, are you also going to the movement organs resort after an injury?
- God forbid. This climate was recommended to me by my psychic.
- “Extra” - who?
- Sens! She sees the future.

Otherwise, when a psychic is identified, he is immediately registered.
He then works on a national scale.
Sees what is happening abroad.

The psychic makes a request into space: “So, they say, and so, they say! How?"

Sixteen humanoids were found at the scene of the accident. He is small in height, on average about twenty meters. Green, asexual (!). You know, such wise sad eyes.
- Did you see them, Raisa Zakharovna?
- I saw? Nobody saw them.

Hurry! And everything that hurt went into the trash bin.

Raisa Zakharovna, is this woman alive?
- Oh, she’s still alive! Feels great. True, he doesn’t recognize anyone. For some reason my memory was lost. But it is not the result that is important, but the process.

Do you know what question occupies me more and more?

Nadyukha is my earthly compass.

My dad really wanted a boy, but a girl was born.
- What was your name?
- Whom?
- A girl??
- Raisa Zakharovna!
- Didn't understand...
- Well, my dad wanted a boy, but a girl was born - ME!
- Ahhh...
- But something else always surprised me. How are these stupid birds capable of tenderness? Why are things different for people? Huh?... Why?
- Exactly! Exactly. She says to me: “Where is the business money, where is the business money?”
-Where does the money go?

That's why it's like this, huh?
- Probably the reproductive instinct.
- Love. Probably...

So she pointed her finger - “here’s the hot spot. He’s here now.” That’s why this is happening, huh? - Probably the reproductive instinct. - Love. Probably...

Someone's, Lyudk? Pys pys, what?
- Postscript. Afterword.

What a shame, little pig!?.. Male!.. That’s what a male your dad is!
- Why cry?
- Oh, I don’t know what to do! Oh, what a woe! Lyoshk, gave it to the piglets!?..
- Gave.

Shake him by the scruff of the neck and he'll be done. Come on, sit down! Sit down! Where are you going?
- Yes, I’m going to the restroom!
- And I'm with you!

Why are you looking so bad behind the scenes? They run wherever they want your cadres

Actually, you know, we have no turnover.
- And we have a turnover. Oh, what a terrible turnover we have.

Do you love him?
- What?
- Do you love this person?
- Oh... what a man. If it were a man, would he have acted like that?

God is not Timoshka, he sees a little.

What if this is love, Nadya?
- What kind of love?!
- Such love! This is what you should have thought about first, Nadenka!

What's love like here? When I get out, I don't have enough air. I can’t breathe... And there’s a burning sensation in my chest! It really burns, as if I had swallowed the heat from the stove!..

What's happened? Why are you looking at me like that?

Lyudk, oh Lyudk! Look what's going on. It's her.

Oh, you're a beautiful bitch!
- Why is it painted? This is my natural color!

Oh, you're a beautiful bitch! - Why is it painted? This is my natural color! Girls, stop your mother!

Girls, stop your mother! Quiet. Quiet. Infection! "Lyudk, oh Lyudk!" Ugh! Village!

If I find out which of you sees your father, I’ll curse you.

Salt is white poison.
- So sugar is white poison!
- Sugar is sweet poison.
- Raisa Zakharovna, maybe with some bread, huh?
- Bread is actually poison!
- No, I would have been poisoned by pink salmon right now! Well, really, I'm hungry!
- Not “eat”, but “eat”!
- What?
- Yes, not “what”, but “what”!

- Massenet?

Why are people so cruel?

I don’t know how to wash socks or shirts.
- But, but you already learned!
- I swear.
- I like it, it’s spicy. I'm used to it. Do you want me to come too, YOSHKIN CAT?

Are you going to this gorgon?
- No, I'm going to see my wife.

Salt is white poison. - So sugar is white poison! - Sugar is a sweet poison. But what is fate? You've gotten into a spiral of drunkenness and you can't get out.

Let me go, Raisa Zakharovna.
- Don't kill me, Vasily. I know that you and I come from different social strata. But fate brought us together.
- What's the fate? You've gotten into a spiral of drunkenness and you can't get out.

Turn your thoughts to the household.

Where did he want everything, you say?
- Oh my God. Well, to the bar, to the bar!
- Where can I get him this bar?..
- Here he indulges a little and stomps away.

Your bad mother is at home, and your good father is over there, he got a friend a mother for himself!

And how in the city your tail was pressed against you, where did you run, my dear?! To Mom!

However, there will be a flood now.
- How much blood did you drink from me? I can count the calm days on my fingers!

You're all nervous for some reason, I'll take a look.

How much blood did you drink from me? I can count the calm days on my fingers! Why are you all nervous, I’ll take a look.

Where did this handsome guy come to us from? Or did you forget what you came to say? Oh, look, he’s not looking him in the eyes - he probably got a bad mark!

My mistress doesn’t give me money for matches.

Tellingly, Lyonka did not approve of your action.

When Lenka picked up the ax, I didn’t give birth.

Will not go!
- Well, sit down. Just know: I'm with today I'm at odds with you too!

If I die, I’ll invite Vaska to the funeral, but I won’t send you, you idiot!

My mistress won’t give me money for matches. I won’t go! - Well, sit down. Just know: from today I am also in opposition with you!

Look, they treated the organ of movement, the organ of movement! I ought to chop off these organs to hell!
- I’m leaving the market, going home to the store, shaking all over.
- Vasenka, what are you doing right now? They will see...

Walking around the canteens is not much fun.

That's enough, you and I have become partisans here. We need to come out of this, what’s-his-name, underground.

Look, they treated the organ of movement, the organ of movement! I ought to chop off these organs to hell! Vasenka... Nadenka... Vasenka, what are you doing right now, or what? They will see...

She said: Get dressed! Get dressed! - It's getting warmer! It's getting warmer!

And what troops, son?
- To the border.
- Oh!!!
- It's quiet there right now.

Well, tell her!
- What can I say, son?
- So as not to cry...
- Nadyuh! Do not Cry!

Look, son, when I was serving, the sergeant-major would pull the rope if he touched it with his butt - so the outfit was out of turn.
- And when I served, they pulled barbed wire. Germans. And there are mines attached to it... The outfit is out of order.

Listen, son, make sure that not a single cholera comes to our land...
- Come on, come on, Vasily, no one will rush at us. Do not panic.

San, maybe we can go with you too - we’ll make ourselves a Snow Maiden, for real...