The terrible truth about the young guard. Alexander Fadeev

Books enlighten the soul, elevate and strengthen a person, awaken in him the best aspirations, sharpen his mind and soften his heart.

William Thackeray, English satirist

A book is a huge force.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

Without books, we can now neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently move towards that reasonable and beautiful future in which we unshakably believe.

Many thousands of years ago, the book, in the hands of the best representatives of humanity, became one of the main weapons in their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this weapon that gave these people terrible strength.

Nikolai Rubakin, Russian bibliologist, bibliographer.

A book is a working tool. But not only. It introduces people to the lives and struggles of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

Stanislav Strumilin, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

There is no better way to refresh the mind than to read the ancient classics; As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

Anyone who was not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

No failures of history and blind spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.

Konstantin Paustovsky, Russian Soviet writer

The book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

Nikolai Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man beginning to live, an order passed on to a sentry going on vacation to a sentry taking his place.

Without books, human life is empty. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

A book is a powerful tool of communication, labor, and struggle. It equips a person with the experience of life and struggle of humanity, expands his horizon, gives him knowledge with the help of which he can force the forces of nature to serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet teacher-innovator.

Reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and a generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexei Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Do not forget that the most colossal weapon of multifaceted education is reading.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading there is no real education, there is no and there can be no taste, no words, no multifaceted breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to a whole university. By reading a person survives centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Here you will find audiobooks by Russian, Soviet, Russian and foreign writers on various topics! We have collected for you masterpieces of literature from and. Also on the site are audiobooks with poems and poets; lovers of detective stories, action films, and audiobooks will find interesting audiobooks. We can offer women, and for women, we will periodically offer fairy tales and audiobooks from the school curriculum. Children will also be interested in audiobooks about. We also have something to offer to fans: audiobooks from the “Stalker” series, “Metro 2033”..., and much more from . Who wants to tickle their nerves: go to the section

The audiobook “Young Guard” by Alexander Fadeev is based on the true history of the underground youth organization of the same name, which operated in Krasnodon (USSR, Ukraine, Lugansk region) during the days of the temporary fascist occupation, from September 1942 to January 1943.

The Young Guards inflicted significant damage on the enemy: the liberation of a group of captured Red Army soldiers; arson at the labor exchange, where there were lists of Soviet people (about 2,000) scheduled for deportation to Germany; hoisting of USSR flags on the tallest buildings in Krasnodon and nearby villages on the night of November 7, 1942; participation in sabotage; attack on vehicles carrying German soldiers and officers; seizure of weapons, distribution of leaflets (about 30 thousand)…

The enemy managed to get on the trail of the Young Guard in January 1943. The fascists and their accomplices subjected those arrested to inhuman torture, but could not break the will of the young patriots. On the nights of January 15, 16 and 31, the Young Guards were thrown alive into the pit of mine No. 5.

Some members of the Young Guard were executed in the city of Rovenki, where the district gendarmerie was located. Here the Nazis shot Oleg Koshevoy, Lyubov Shevtsova, Dmitry Ogurtsov, Semyon Ostapenko, Viktor Subbotin...

Playing time: 35:04:03
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
The audiobook “Young Guard” by Alexander Fadeev is performed by: Margarita Ivanova

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And director Gerasimov also felt sorry for the audience - the film does not show all the torture that the guys endured. They were almost children, the youngest was barely 16. It’s scary to read these lines.

It’s scary to think about the inhuman suffering they endured. But we must know and remember what fascism is. The worst thing is that among those who mockingly killed the Young Guard, there were mainly policemen from the local population (the city of Krasnodon, where the tragedy occurred, is located in the Lugansk region). It is all the more terrible to watch now the revival of Nazism in Ukraine, the torchlight processions, and the slogans “Bandera is a hero!”

There is no doubt that today's twenty-year-old neo-fascists, the same age as their brutally tortured fellow countrymen, have not read this book or seen these photographs.

“They beat her and hung her by her braids. They lifted Anya out of the pit with one scythe - the other was broken.

Crimea, Feodosia, August 1940. Happy young girls. The most beautiful, with dark braids, is Anya Sopova.
On January 31, 1943, after severe torture, Anya was thrown into the pit of mine No. 5.
She was buried in the mass grave of heroes in the central square of the city of Krasnodon.

Soviet people dreamed of being like the brave Krasnodon residents... They swore to avenge their death.
What can I say, the tragic and beautiful story of the Young Guards shocked the whole world, and not just the fragile minds of children.
The film became the box office leader in 1948, and the leading actors, unknown VGIK students, immediately received the title of Stalin Prize Laureate - an exceptional case. “Woke up famous” is about them.
Ivanov, Mordyukova, Makarova, Gurzo, Shagalova - letters from all over the world came to them in bags.
Gerasimov, of course, felt sorry for the audience. Fadeev - readers.
Neither paper nor film could convey what really happened that winter in Krasnodon.

There is an amazing website, where caring people collected miraculously preserved unique photographs and documents.

Come in and take a look. Read it.

“Ulyana Gromova, 19 years old, a five-pointed star carved on her back, her right arm is broken, her ribs are broken” (KGB Archives of the USSR Council of Ministers).

“Lida Androsova, 18 years old, was taken out without an eye, ear, hand, with a rope around her neck, which cut heavily into her body. You can see baked blood on the neck” (Young Guard Museum, f. 1, no. 16).

Anya Sopova, 18 years old
“They beat her, hung her by her braids... They lifted Anya out of the pit with one braid - the other was broken.”

“Shura Bondareva, 20 years old, was taken out without her head and right breast, her whole body was beaten, bruised, and black in color.”

Lyuba Shevtsova, 18 years old (pictured first on the left in the second row)

On February 9, 1943, after a month of torture, she was shot in the Thunderous Forest near the city along with Oleg Koshev, S. Ostapenko, D. Ogurtsov and V. Subbotin.

Angelina Samoshina, 18 years old.

“Traces of torture were found on Angelina’s body: her arms were twisted, her ears were cut off, a star was carved on her cheek” (RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 53. D. 331)

Shura Dubrovina, 23 years old

“Two images appear before my eyes: the cheerful young Komsomol member Shura Dubrovina and the mutilated body raised from the mine. I saw her corpse only with the lower jaw. Her friend, Maya Peglivanova, lay in a coffin without eyes, without lips, with her arms twisted...“

Maya Peglivanova, 17 years old

“Maya’s corpse was disfigured: her breasts were cut off, her legs were broken. All outer clothing has been removed." (RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 53. D. 331) She was lying in the coffin without lips, with her arms twisted.”

“Tonya Ivanikhina, 19 years old, was taken out without eyes, her head was bandaged with a scarf and wire, her breasts were cut out.”

Seryozha Tyulenin, 17 years old (in the photo - in a hat)
“On January 27, 1943, Sergei was arrested. Soon they took my father and mother and confiscated all my things. The police severely tortured Sergei in the presence of his mother, they staged a confrontation with a member of the Young Guard, Viktor Lukyancheiko, but they did not recognize each other.
On January 31, Sergei was tortured for the last time, and then, half-dead, he and other comrades were taken to the pit of mine No. 5...”

Funeral of Sergei Tyulenin

Nina Minaeva, 18 years old

“...My sister was recognized by her woolen gaiters - the only clothing that remained on her. Nina’s arms were broken, one eye was knocked out, there were shapeless wounds on her chest, her whole body was covered in black stripes...”

Tosya Eliseenko, 22 years old
“Tosia’s corpse was disfigured, tortured, and she was put on a hot stove.”

Victor Tretyaknvich, 18 years old

“...Viktor Tretyakevich was among the last to be raised. His father, Joseph Kuzmich, in a thin patched coat, stood day after day, clutching the post, and did not take his eyes off the pit. And when they recognized his son - without a face, with a black and blue back, with crushed hands - he fell to the ground, as if knocked down. No traces of bullets were found on Victor’s body, which means they dumped him alive...”

Oleg Koshevoy, 16 years old

When arrests began in January 1943, he attempted to cross the front line. However, he is forced to return to the city. Near -d. Kortushino station was captured by the Nazis and sent first to the police and then to the district Gestapo office in Rovenki. After terrible torture, together with L.G. Shevtsova, S.M. Ostapenko, D.U. Ogurtsov and V.F. Subbotin, on February 9, 1943, he was shot in the Thunderous Forest near the city.

Oleg Koshevoy

Elena Nikolaevna Koshevaya, Oleg’s mother

Boris Glavan, 22 years old

“He was pulled out of the pit, tied up with Evgeniy Shepelev with barbed wire face to face, his hands were cut off. The face is disfigured, the stomach is ripped open.”

Evgeny Shepelev, 19 years old
“...Evgeniy’s hands were cut off, his stomach was torn out, his head was broken...” (RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 53. D. 331)

“Volodya Zhdanov, 17 years old, was taken out with a laceration in the left temporal region, his fingers were broken and twisted, there were bruises under his nails, two strips three centimeters wide, twenty-five centimeters long were cut out on his back, his eyes were gouged out and his ears were cut off” (Young Guard Museum) , f. 1, d. 36)

“Klava Kovaleva, 17 years old, was taken out swollen, her right breast was cut off, her feet were burned, her left arm was cut off, her head was tied with a scarf, traces of beatings were visible on her body. Found ten meters from the trunk, between the trolleys, she was probably dumped alive” (Young Guard Museum, f. 1, no. 10)

Evgeniy Moshkov, 22 years old (pictured left)

“...Young Guard communist Yevgeny Moshkov, choosing a good moment during interrogation, hit a policeman. Then the fascist beasts hung Moshkov by his legs and kept him in this position until blood gushed from his nose and throat. They removed him and began interrogating him again. But Moshkov only spat in the executioner’s face. The enraged investigator who was torturing Moshkov hit him with a backhand blow. Exhausted by torture, the communist hero fell, hitting the back of his head on the door frame and died.”

Volodya Osmukhin, 18 years old
“When I saw Vovochka, mutilated, almost without a head, without his left arm up to the elbow, I thought I would go crazy. I didn't believe it was him. He was wearing only one sock, and his other foot was completely bare. Instead of a belt, wear a warm scarf. No outerwear. The hungry animals took off. The head is broken. The back of the head had completely fallen out, only the face remained, on which only Volodin’s teeth remained. Everything else is mutilated. The lips are distorted, the nose is almost completely gone. My grandmother and I washed Vovochka, dressed her, and decorated her with flowers. A wreath was nailed to the coffin. Let the road lie peacefully."

Parents of Ulyana Gromova

Europe has recognized the crimes of Ukrainian punitive forces in southeastern Ukraine

Europe admitted that fighters of the Azov and Donbass battalions raped 12-year-old girls in the Donbass. European experts from the international monitoring commission, which works in the conflict zone in Ukraine, officially recognized the crimes of the security forces. Earlier, OSCE observers announced the discovery of about 400 bodies of executed civilians near Donetsk. Now girls who told the Europeans how they were raped by fighters of the Azov and Donbass battalions have spoken about the atrocities of the security forces. “A group of women approached us. They said that mercenaries from the Azov and Donbass battalions frequently gang-raped all the women in the village. The victims of abuse were teenage girls over 12 years old and elderly women,” said OSCE representative Einars Graudins.