Tatar men are the most beautiful in appearance. The most beautiful Tatar women (40 photos)

Of course, all people are different, but there are still certain features that unite a separate race, a group of peoples, a nation. Tatars belong to Altai family, Turkic group. The ancestors of the Tatars were farmers. Tatars, unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, do not have pronounced common features in appearance. The appearance of the Tatar has undergone changes due to infusions of Slavic blood. Indeed, Tatars can be not only dark-haired, but also fair-haired and even red-haired, unlike Mongols, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, and Tajiks. Also, Tatars do not necessarily have narrow eyes and very dark skin. However, they still highlight common features Tatar appearance. Anthropologists have found that modern Tatars had ancestors of both Mongoloid and Europioid races.

It is in this regard that the representatives of this people are so different. In addition, there are several types of Tatars: Ural, South Kama, Crimean, Volga-Siberian. Last type closest to the Mongoloid race. They have a wide nose, pronounced cheekbones, dark hair, brown eyes, and a fold above the upper eyelid. But this type is very rare. Volga Tatars have an oblong face without pronounced cheekbones, large gray or brown eyes, and a nose oriental type, with a hump. The physique is correct, tall, hardy, the skin is not dark. More often, however, there are Tatars of European appearance, with brown hair and light eyes. Almost all Tatars have a narrow nose, sometimes with a hump or an aquiline nose. Tatars are often short; the average height of women is 164 cm.

The character of a Tatar also has its own characteristics. Representatives of this people are hardworking, hospitable, stubborn, clean, but proud, indifferent, and unshakable. Their traditions are to respect elders, be guided by reason, be law-abiding, adapt to the situation, and be able to adapt. They are also deeply religious, patient, love order and power. Thanks to their hard work, perseverance, and straightforwardness, they achieve success in their careers; a commercial spirit is certainly inherent in these people. They are disciplined and persistent, carry out work to the end, and achieve their goals.

Tatars strive to gain knowledge, they show perseverance and responsibility. The main distinctive feature of the Crimean Tatars is their extraordinary indifference and calmness, even in the most difficult situation. Tatars are very talkative and curious, although they are silent and concentrated during work. In addition, these people have a bright expressed feeling self-esteem, consider themselves special, sometimes arrogant, arrogant. Everything is done with a certain innate dignity. Tatars are also incredibly clean; their homes are always orderly and clean, regardless of whether they live rich or poor. They look after their appearance, neat and clean. The Tatars are incredibly respectful of their fellow believers, very honest, and thefts are rare among their own people.

The Tatar people are very hospitable, despite belonging to one faith or another, social status etc. they accept everyone as equals. Even if they are not rich, they will always invite a guest to the table and share their modest lunch or dinner. Women are incredibly curious. Tatar women, being tied to home, busy raising children, are surprised by literally different little things, trying in every way to look behind the veil public life, their eyes are attracted by beautiful outfits, interesting trinkets, they love to watch people, especially Christians, Europeans, who have different traditions and foundations. How to identify a Tatar, if certain character traits may be quite inherent in other nationalities. You just need to connect external features and character traits. Since the Tatar people are Muslim people, they are still similar to other peoples who profess Islam. But they also learned a lot from the Europeans, because many Tatars live in the same territory with them.

There is a mixture of both Mongoloid and Caucasoid ancestors, so the representatives of this group are very different. There are several types of Tatars, for example, Ural, South Kama, Volga-Siberian. The last of them is distinguished by the appearance of the Mongoloid type - a wide face, dark hair, brown and the so-called Mongolian fold on the upper eyelid. But there are few such Tatars; this type is the smallest. Most often they are of Caucasian appearance with fair hair and blond hair. Almost all types of Tatars have a thin nose, sometimes with a slight hump or drooping tip.

Distinctive features The Tatar character is considered to be cleanliness, willingness to help, and patience. It is believed that this nation is characterized by self-confidence, pride and narcissism. Tatars live not by feelings, but by reason, so they are law-abiding, respectful, love order and stability. The Tatar will not swim against the tide - if he finds himself in an unfavorable situation, he will show flexibility and adapt to new conditions. Tatars are characterized by tolerance, religiosity and the deepest respect for elders.

Tatars are distinguished by the presence commercial vein. They have earned a reputation as the best workers for their hard work, conscientious fulfillment of their obligations, discipline and perseverance in carrying out their work. Representatives of the Tatar nation strive for knowledge. They are smart and responsible. Respect for elders is also reflected in professional activity- will never fire an employee of pre-retirement age. A negative quality of a Tatar is considered to be excessively harsh directness of judgment.

Our names are associated with nationality. When a child receives the name of his nationality, he involuntarily begins to identify himself with the history, character and customs of his people. And if you decide to name your baby a beautiful Tatar name, he will undoubtedly grow up to be a decent, kind and cheerful person. So let's choose a name!

You will need

  • Head and list of male Tatar names and their meanings.


Pay attention to how the ones you like will combine with. If the child’s father has a Tatar name, everything is simple here, since Tatar names and Tatar ones form beautiful combinations. It’s another matter if the father is endowed, for example, with the simple Russian name Ivan. The choice, of course, will be difficult. It may happen that the name that catches your eye and resonates most with you may not suit you at all. In this case, sacrifice , not name. Don’t forget about your family and friends who are always ready to help you and give advice.

Today, Tatars are treated differently. On the one hand, they are admired, because it was they, together with their brothers the Mongols, who managed to conquer a good half (if not more) of the Old World. On the other hand, they are not treated very friendly, because there is an opinion that the character of the Tatars is far from ideal. warlike, brave, cunning and to a certain extent cruel. But the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

The character of the Tatars was largely determined by the conditions in which they lived. Nomads, as you know, were hardy people, strong and brave. They could easily adapt not only to any weather conditions, but also to any life situations. But the Tatars always remained faithful to their national traditions, they led the life of the community smart people in accordance with ancient traditions.

What kind of character do the Tatars really have? People who are closely acquainted with these people note that their main qualities are perseverance and hard work. Tatar families always have many children. An interesting fact is that they believe that a sick woman can recover when she gives birth to another baby. Family is the most important thing for a Tatar; he treats his half with reverence. There are quite few divorces among people of this nationality. They also live very friendly, always support each other, which is a rarity for Western peoples today.

Despite the fact that the character of the Tatars as a whole includes such qualities as honesty and kindness, there are traitors, scoundrels, and cowards among them. As they say, there are black sheep everywhere. The struggle for survival in the conditions nomadic life gave rise to a certain envy, ambition, and cunning in the hearts of the representatives of this people. Tatars are quite prudent, have a bright and quick mind, but also hot heads. However, they always think carefully before saying anything out of anger. Since ancient times, the Tatars have been engaged in trade affairs, so they are still doing well in this business today. And trade itself requires chastity, resourcefulness and cunning from a person. The interesting thing is that they were not serfs. They lived according to their own rules and laws, and the landowners did not exist at the expense of the labor of ordinary peasants.

The character of the Tatars is special, as is their worldview, philosophy, culture and language. But there is one more distinctive feature of the people - National cuisine, about which there are legends. Simple, nutritious, healthy food represents hospitality Tatar people. The traveler was always offered hot dishes - meat, dairy and lean. As a rule, hot food with flour dressing is always present on the table. There are festive and ritual dishes, for example, dumplings and broth, chicken stuffed with eggs. Pilaf with boiled meat and amazing and varied pastries are considered almost classics. Bread is considered sacred.

Despite the fact that the people profess Islam, male Tatars have a rather friendly character. In principle, a Tatar has almost the same qualities that are characteristic of a Russian person, so girls should not be afraid if their chosen one belongs to this ethnic group.

The history of the scientific study of the physical appearance of the Tatars goes back more than a hundred years and its beginning dates back to the 70-80s of the 19th century, when in 1869 the Society of Natural Scientists was formed at Kazan University. The initiator of these studies was the famous scientist and teacher P.F. Lesgaft, who determined the importance of studying the anthropological composition of the peoples of the Middle Volga and Urals to clarify questions of their origin. The real embodiment of the ideas of P.F. Lesgaft was put into practice by the teacher of Kazan and then Tomsk University N.M. Maliev and his student S.M. Chugunov. The anthropological study of the population was accompanied by the collection of craniological (cranial) and paleoanthropological material with its subsequent use as a historical source on the problems of the ethnogenesis of local peoples. The works of these researchers laid the foundation and determined the main directions for future research in the field of ethnic anthropology of the Tatars (Alekseev, 1963).

The first work on the somatology of the Tatars was published in 1879, it describes the physical appearance of the Kasimov Tatars (Bezenger, 1879). In 1886, I. Blagovidov published materials on the anthropology of the Simbirsk Tatars, and in 1891, Yu. Talko-Grintsevich presented data on the Tatars of the Ufa province (Blagovidov, 1886 (); Talko-Grintsevich, 1891). In 1904, A.A.’s doctoral dissertation was published. Sukharev on the study of the Tatars of the Kazan district (Sukharev, 1904). An article by M. Nikolsky (Nikolsky, 1912) is devoted to a more specific problem - about the pigmentation of the Tatars of Laishevsky district. The results of the study of the anthropology of the Volga-Ural Tatars in the pre-revolutionary period are summed up in the review article by M.M. Khomyakova (Khomyakov, 1915).

Research on the anthropology of the Siberian Tatars is connected with the activities of the Kazan anthropologists N.M., famous by that time. Malieva and S.M. Chugunov, transferred to Tomsk University. If N.M. Maliev was mainly engaged in anthropological examination of the local indigenous population, then S.M. Chugunov paid more attention to the study and collection of paleoanthropological and craniological material. The results of these works were reflected in 15 issues of “Materials on the Anthropology of Siberia,” published from 1893 to 1905 (Rozov, 1959). With the cessation of their scientific and pedagogical activity Research on the anthropology of the Siberian Tatars practically disappears and is random in nature (Debetz, 1948).

Anthropologically, the Astrakhan Tatars turned out to be poorly studied. From the works of the pre-revolutionary period in the travel notes of P.I. Nebolsin provides visual descriptions of the anthropological appearance of karagash, belonging to the Mongoloid type, and in the medical-statistical work of A. Dalinger, the height and chest circumference of the Tatars of Astrakhan were studied (Nebolsin, 1852; Dalinger, 1887).

The main conclusion of anthropological surveys of the late XIX - early XX centuries. a provision was made regarding the racial mix of the Tatars.

The next stage in the study of the anthropology of the Tatars is mainly associated with the many years of scientific activity of T.A. Trofimova. For the first time, she managed to conduct somatological studies of the main groups of the Tatar people using a unified methodology. So, in 1929-1936. within the framework of an anthropological expedition of the Institute of Anthropology of Moscow State University, a study of the physical appearance of the Volga-Ural Tatars was carried out (Trofimova, 1949).

In 1937, as part of the West Siberian expedition, she studied groups of Tobolsk and Baraba Tatars (Trofimova, 1947). The results of these expeditions were reflected in a number of articles and summarized in the monograph “Ethnogenesis of the Volga Tatars in the light of anthropological data”, where for the first time not only a comprehensive description of the physical appearance of the Tatars was given and the main anthropological types were identified, but also an attempt was made on the basis of the paleoanthropological materials available at that time trace the stages of racial genesis of the Tatars in close connection with ethnopolitical history (Trofimova, 1949). Unfortunately, in post-war years Research on the somatology of the Tatars practically ceased, not counting the incidental study of some groups of Mishars and Siberian Tatars (Alekseeva, 1963; Magb, 1970; Rozov, 1961). In connection with the expansion of archaeological work in these years, the emphasis of anthropological research shifted to the study of paleoanthropological material, which made it possible to outline in general terms the stages of the formation of the physical appearance of the Tatar people and identify its ethnogenetic origins (Trofimova, 1956; Akimova, 1964, 1968, 1973 ; Alekseev, 1969, 1971; Postnikova, 1987; Yablonsky, 1987; Efimova, 1991; Bagashev, 1993; etc.).

IN last decades along with traditional methods of anthropological research (somatology, craniology and paleoanthropology), research in dermatoglyphics, odontology, serology, genetics, etc. began to become part of the widespread practice. These methods, to one degree or another, were tested in the study of all groups of Tatars with the exception of Astrakhan ( Rynkov, 1965; Hit, 1983, 1990; Efimova, Tomilov, 1990; Rafikova et al., 1990; Schneider et al., 1995).

Summarizing the results of more than a century of studying the anthropological appearance of the Tatars, we note their racial heterogeneity both within the main ethnic groups and between them, which probably reflects the specifics of their racial genesis and ethnogenetic connections. Thus, among the Volga-Ural Tatars there are four main anthropological types.

* Pontian type - characterized by mesocephaly, dark or mixed pigmentation of hair and eyes, high bridge of the nose, convex bridge of the nose, with a drooping tip and base, significant beard growth. Growth is average with an upward trend.

* Light Caucasoid type - characterized by subbrachycephaly, light pigmentation of hair and eyes, medium or high bridge of the nose with a straight bridge of the nose, a moderately developed beard, and average height. A number of morphological features - the structure of the nose, the size of the face, pigmentation and a number of others - bring this type closer to the Pontic.

* Sublaponoid type (Volga-Kama) - characterized by meso-subbrachycephaly, mixed pigmentation of hair and eyes, wide and low nose bridge, weak beard growth and a low, medium-wide face with a tendency to flattening. Quite often there is a fold of the eyelid with weak development of the epicanthus.

* Mongoloid type (South Siberian) - characterized by brachycephaly, dark shades of hair and eyes, a wide and flattened face and a low bridge of the nose, frequent epicanthus and poor beard development. Height, on a Caucasian scale, is average.

Each of these types is not expressed in any of the groups pure form, but their reality within the Tatars is confirmed by the accumulation of signs of the corresponding types in individual territorial groups. Only the Caucasoid type with relatively light pigmentation does not have a distinct geographical localization within the Tatars and can only be assumed to be an admixture. According to T.A. Trofimova, among all studied Tatars, the dark Caucasoid (Pontic) type predominates (33.5%), then the light Caucasoid (27.5%), sublaponoid 24.5%) and, finally, the Mongoloid (14.5%) (Trofimova, 1949. P. 231).

When comparing data on the somatology of the Volga Tatars with those of neighboring peoples, a general typological similarity is revealed, differing in the degree of expression of individual types. Thus, the light Caucasoid type of Tatars is associated with the Mordovians-Erzeya, partly Mari, Udmurts, Chuvash and Russians. The sublaponoid type unites the Tatars with the Udmurts, Maris and some groups of Russians. The dark Caucasoid type of Pontic appearance can be traced among some groups of Mordovians-Moksha and partly among the southern Chuvash. The Mongoloid component of the South Siberian type, most pronounced among the Tatars of the Arsky region of Tatarstan, is observed only in Turkic peoples of this region - Chuvash and Bashkirs. Materials on dermatoglyphics, odontology, serology and genetics of the peoples of the Middle Volga and Urals also reveal common features in the racial genesis of the population of this region.

Thus, the formation of the anthropological appearance of the Volga-Ural Tatars and neighboring peoples took place in close ethnogenetic interaction, which had different directions and intensity depending on the specific historical situation in this region.

The Middle Volga and Urals regions, occupying a geographically advantageous position between Europe and Asia, between the forest and the steppe and possessing rich biological resources, have since ancient times been a zone of contacts between peoples differing not only in origin, language and culture, but also in anthropological appearance. Thus, judging by the materials of paleoanthropology, the first contacts at the genetic level between the forest population (representatives of the Western variants of the Ural race) and the inhabitants of the steppe zone, generally characterized by a Caucasoid appearance, were recorded already in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic eras (Yablonsky, 1992). In the Bronze and Early Iron Ages, the region under study becomes the arena of migration flows moving both in the latitudinal and meridional directions. As a result of these migrations and extensive marriage ties between the local and newcomer populations, the formation of that anthropological type, which stands out among the Volga Tatars as sublaponoid, took place. This type in its various variants is the main one for the local Finnish-speaking population (Akimova, 1973; Efimova, 1991).

With the beginning of the Turkic era and the arrival of the Bulgarians in the Middle Volga, active ethnocultural and ethnogenetic relationships were observed between the Turkic-speaking tribes and the Finno-Ugric population within the framework of the newly formed state association - Volga Bulgaria. These assimilation processes, which lasted more than 300 years, led to the formation of a new ethnic community- Volga Bulgars.

Analyzing the craniological series of the Volga Bulgars of the pre-Mongol period, we can identify those morphological complexes that can subsequently be traced in the anthropological appearance of modern Volga Tatars. It should be said that identifying direct analogies between the anthropological type of the living population and the type determined from bone remains is not always correct (due to the incomparability of characteristics) and requires certain assumptions and special reservations. Thus, the mesocephalic dark Caucasian (Pontic) type, predominant among the Tatars, and especially among the Mishar Tatars, may be associated with the long-headed Caucasoid type, which was characteristic of the population of the Khazar Kaganate, living in the territory of the so-called Saltovo-Mayak culture. With the decline of the Khazar Kaganate, part of this settled Turkic-speaking population, mainly of Alan-Sarmatian origin, moved to the Middle Volga, where it became one of the main components of the Volga Bulgars and determined the craft and agricultural nature of the economy of Volga Bulgaria. The Bulgarians themselves, connected by their origin with the Turkic-speaking tribes of Central Asia, Altai and Southern Siberia, who played a decisive military-political role in the formation of a number of state associations, including Volga Bulgaria, had a slightly different anthropological appearance. It was generally characterized by mixed Caucasoid types with the inclusion of Mongoloid elements of the South Siberian morphocomplex This type can also be traced in later materials on the anthropology of the Volga Bulgars, being one of the main ones in its anthropological structure. Perhaps the minor Mongoloid component distinguished among the Volga Tatars comes from the early Bulgarians and later groups of the steppe population, mainly of Kipchak origin, which became part of the pre-Mongol Bulgars.

The sublaponoid and light Caucasoid components in the Volga Bulgars and Tatars are most likely associated with the local Finno-Ugric population. If the sublaponoid (subural) type is characteristic primarily of the population of the Kama-Ural origins, then the light Caucasoid type was most likely common among the western and northwestern groups of the ancient Finnish population, who were actively in contact with the ancient Baltic and Slavic tribes. It is possible that the Caucasian population with light pigmentation penetrated into the territory of Volga Bulgaria from the northern regions of Ancient Rus' and from the Old Russian principalities as part of military squads, traders and artisans, who subsequently dissolved in the local Turkic-speaking environment.

The conquest of the Volga Bulgaria by the Mongols and its entry into the Golden Horde did not make fundamental changes in the physical appearance of the Volga Bulgars and neighboring peoples. At the same time, the influence of the Golden Horde on the course of ethnogenetic processes in the Middle Volga region and the Urals was expressed in the purposeful policy of the Khan’s administration to regulate migration flows, which could not but affect the relationship between different anthropological components. In particular, there was a slight increase in the Mongoloid admixture of the South Siberian appearance during the Golden Horde period and among the Turkic-speaking population of the Middle Volga and Urals regions.

The few anthropological materials on the era of the Kazan Khanate and subsequent periods also indicate the Caucasoid basis of the Kazan Tatars and their genetic proximity to the previous, Bulgar population (Efimova, 1991, p. 72; Alekseeva, 1971, p. 254).

Thus, the anthropological structure of the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Urals took shape in its main features back in pre-Mongol times, within the framework of Volga Bulgaria. The main factor in racial formation was the miscegenation between the newcomer, Turkic-speaking and local, Finno-Ugric-speaking population. The political, economic, cultural and especially linguistic changes that occurred in the Middle Volga during the Golden Horde period and in subsequent historical eras did not make significant changes to the racial appearance of the local peoples. At the same time, the ratio of anthropological types distinguished among the Volga-Ural Tatars was not always the same and varied depending on the specific historical situation in a given region over the last millennium.

Among the Tatars Western Siberia There are several racial types. Thus, the Ural type (Mongoloid, with Caucasoid features) is the main one for all groups of Siberian Tatars occupying the northern area of ​​their residence, and as a component can be traced among the more southern Tatars. The Mongoloid type of South Siberian appearance is characteristic primarily of the Tatars of the Barabinsk steppe and is observed as an admixture in almost all Siberian Tatars, tending to increase in the southern, steppe groups and to decrease in the northern, forest groups. The Mongoloid component of the Central Asian type was recorded only among the Baraba Tatars, and the peculiar, so-called Chulym type was noted only among some groups of the Tobolsk and Tomsk Tatars. And finally, the Caucasoid type (according to T.A. Trofimova, the Pontic appearance) is more manifested among urban residents and to a lesser extent among rural residents.

According to the main racial diagnostic characteristics, the Siberian Tatars occupy an intermediate position between the population of the forest zone of Western Siberia (representatives of the Ural anthropological type) and the Turkic-speaking population of Southern Siberia and Altai-Sayan (representatives of the South Siberian morphotype). The different ratio of anthropological types in the racial composition of individual groups of Siberian Tatars may indicate both their different genetic origins and character genetic connections with the surrounding peoples.

Judging by linguistic data and materials from archeology, ethnography and written sources, the closest historical ancestors of the Siberian Tatars were the Kipchak Turkic-speaking tribes, some of which at the end of the 1st millennium AD. mastered the modern habitats of the main groups of Siberian Tatars, entering into various relationships with the local aboriginal population. The penetration of Turkic-speaking elements into the local environment continued at a later time (Valeev F.T., 1993; Konikov, 1982). However, paleoanthropological and craniological materials from the territory of settlement of the Siberian Tatars paint a slightly different picture of the formation of their anthropological type (Bagashev, 1993).

Identified among the Siberian Tatars as the main Ural anthropological type, the so-called Chulym type may be associated with the local Ugric and Samoyed aboriginal population. The South Siberian Mongoloid component was apparently introduced by the steppe tribes of the Kipchak circle and late groups Turkic-speaking population from Southern Siberia and Altai. Mongoloid features of Central Asian origin, traced among the Baraba Tatars, are probably a consequence of close contacts between this group of Tatars and Kalmyks during the 17th century. (Trofimova, 1947. P. 209). The strengthening of Caucasoid features among the Siberian Tatars is the result of mixing with the Volga-Ural Tatars and people from Central Asia, the so-called Bukharians.

Thus, the formation of the anthropological appearance of the Siberian Tatars was based on the local substrate, on which throughout the 2nd millennium AD. an alien component of various ethnogenetic origins was layered. The participation of this component in the raceogenesis of the Siberian Tatars was not always and everywhere the same, but in general there was a tendency towards its decrease from south to north. The Turkization of the local region, which took place within the framework of the Kimak Khaganate, the Golden Horde and the Siberian Khanate, was not necessarily accompanied by a massive resettlement of Turkic tribes and was probably limited to the political, economic and cultural-ideological impact on the local population.

Among the Astrakhan Tatars, T.A. Trofimova identified three anthropological types - Mongoloid South Siberian, Mongoloid Central Asian and Caucasian. If the South Siberian type can be traced among the Volga-Ural Tatars as an admixture, and among the Siberian Tatars as an independent component, then among the Karagash it is the main one. The remaining types are almost absent in their pure form and are noted only as admixtures (Trofimova, 1949).

Judging by linguistic data and historical sources, Karagash before moving to the Lower Volga steppes at the end of the 18th century. were part of a conglomerate of Nogai tribes, the origin of which is closely connected with the Kipchak population of the era of the development of the southern Russian steppes, the Golden Horde, and then the Nogai Horde (Ars-lanov, Victorin, 1995). Anthropological and paleoanthropological materials do not contradict this. Thus, among all groups of Nogais, the same anthropological types were identified as among the Karagash (Trofimova, 1949). The slight difference is explained by the concentration of Caucasian characteristics. Compared to the Nogais, the Karagash are more Caucasian, which is probably due to their late contacts with the surrounding Caucasian population, Tatar migrants from the Volga and Urals regions and immigrants from Central Asia. It is possible that the Caucasoid admixture of the Nogai and Karagash genetically goes back to the local to the Caucasian population, which was included in the Turkic-speaking tribes as they moved from east to west. Mongoloid features of Central Asian origin, traced among the Karagash and, to a greater extent, among the Nogais, may be the result of the raceogenesis of the South Siberian type (a mixture of Caucasoid and Mongoloid types, with the latter prevailing), the influence of the Mongoloid population within the Golden Horde and later connections with the Kalmyks (Trofimova, 1949). Thus, the formation of the anthropological appearance of one of the groups of Astrakhan Tatars is based on the South Siberian Mongoloid type, characteristic of the Turkic-speaking population of the Eurasian steppes.

Summarizing the above, we note that the territorial location of individual anthropological types within the Volga-Ural and Siberian Tatars reflects the nature of the ethnogenetic connections between the newcomer Turkic-speaking and the local, basically Finno-Ugric, population. The most active genetic interaction between these components occurs within the framework of early feudal state entities- Volga Bulgaria and Kimak Kaganate. The formation of the anthropological type of the Astrakhan Tatars is directly related to the formation of the South Siberian Mongoloid type, which took place in the era of the first Turkic Khaganates east of their modern habitat. The subsequent course of historical events did not introduce significant changes in the anthropological structure of the population. Thus, the formation of the physical appearance of the Tatar people was completed basically long before their current ethnic formation.

What unites the Tatars of Russia racially? Firstly, the South Siberian and Caucasoid anthropological types, distinguished among all ethnographic groups Tatars If the first type is largely related to early history Turks, then the second - with the later stages of the ethnogenesis of the Tatar people. Secondly, interregional and interethnic marriage ties of the Tatars lead to the leveling of their physical identity among the surrounding peoples, primarily the Russians, which is real story our and future days.

I quote I:

By N the Tatars you have old information. The sample is small, in fact, Tatars have a much larger N, this can be seen from the tests.
Someone lied to you about the Z93 too. The Polish-Lithuanian "Tatars" have this snip. This is a small nation of several tens of thousands of people, sent at one time from the Western Horde to help the Mongol troops. You understand that these are not Tatars, it is incorrect to refer to them.
The Kazan Tatars do not have Z93, but Baltic snips. You can check this on FTDNA. There is one single Z93 from Mishar in Bashkiria, but this does not mean anything. Your neighbors are Bashkirs and all Z93.
The table above does not even include J, E, although the Tatars have a lot of them according to the latest data.
But J, E, N were not found in the Scythian-Sarmatian bones.
Forget about phenotypes, it's irrelevant.

1. If there are Baltic snips, it is most likely from the Balts of the Imenkovo ​​culture.

2. Anthropology is relevant. She first of all says that the Tatars are racially different from the Finno-Ugric peoples and Russians. The predominance of Pontids already speaks for itself.

3. Among the Tatars, non-European SNPs R1a predominate:

Z93+ and L342.2+ If there is other information, post the link. I'll take a look.

4. There is a DNA project on the tatforum. According to it, it turns out that R1a Tatars by haplotypes have nothing in common with Finno-Ugrians and Russians:

There is official anthropology. After all, there are eyes. Although crack - the Tatars are basically not Finno-Ugrians, not Balts and not Russians, but Pontids (Northern Iranians).

What are you trying to prove to me?

As for the Mishars - the Finno-Ugrians are generally funny.))) They have completely pronounced Pontids + the nomadic tradition has not been lost. At the same time, they differ sharply from Russians and those around them Finnish peoples. If anything, the ancient Finnish Meshchera had an Upper Oka type. Steppe Mishar is from the Scythians:

*News of the Society of Archaeology, History and Ethnography at the Imperial Kazan University. - Kazan, 1903
//. Legends and historical data about the Mishars. Gainetdin Akhmerov.

The Mishars call themselves Tatars, and consider the name “Mishar” to be an offensive expression towards themselves. To the question “Mishar”? often respond with swear words with the addition of the consonant verb “tishar” (will pierce, pierce), while other foreigners, for example, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, speaking about their nationality “without Bashkort” (we are Bashkirs), “without Cossacks” (we are Kyrgyz), They hit their chest with their hands as a sign of pride. The Kazan Tatars, calling themselves Muslims by faith or Bulgars by origin, do not respect the name “Tatar” for themselves.
Mishari, although everyone is engaged in agriculture, everywhere they show a penchant for cattle breeding; they raise a lot of livestock, especially sheep. The Tatars living in the neighborhood of the Mishars do not have such a penchant for cattle breeding.
In the provinces of Simbirsk and Samara, the Mishars trade in sheep, each horse dealer has his own herd grazing.
In the fall, Mishar traders rent winter fields from neighboring landowners, where they graze their sheep until winter; They don’t have enough fields of their own for this. The Mishars are not particularly inclined towards poultry farming; they have few domestic birds at all. They don’t even have their own names for some domestic birds, kuchat (Russian kochet) - rooster, silazane - drake, and among the Tatars, the rooster has been used since ancient times to tell the time and is often discussed in children’s fairy tales. Among the Tatars, Chuvash and other foreigners of the Volga region, poultry farming is an economic aid, especially chicken farming; for example, from the provinces of Kazan and Vyatka they send a lot of eggs to St. Petersburg, Riga and from there abroad.
Beekeeping and hunting are also not familiar crafts for the Mishars, however, in Bashkiria the Mishars and their Murzas are partly engaged in falconry and riding wolves. They have special horses for this purpose, which are considered praiseworthy.
In the past, the Mishars of the Nizhny Novgorod and Simbirsk provinces kept tame bears, which is why the Tatars often call them “ayuchy” (leader bear).
The Mishars began to engage in trade, mainly peddling, only recently, and then not everywhere, but only in some provinces, for example, Nizhny Novgorod, Simbirsk, Penza and Saratov and in the cities of Kasimov and Chistopol. There are many of them living in the capitals. In St. Petersburg they are known as robes, as they mostly sell old clothes. In Moscow they sell “knots” (that is, they carry their goods in a knot), lace and old clothes. In Nizhny Novgorod they serve in coarse mills and in various factories. In Kostroma, some of them are cab drivers, some of them serve on various ships, and there are also shipowners. In Astrakhan, the majority are cab drivers (immigrants from the provinces of Nizhny Novgorod and Penza).
There are a lot of Mishars who are farriers. In some villages of the Simbirsk province, Mishars are completely engaged in this trade. There are no farriers at all from the Kazan Tatars. Mishar farriers can be seen throughout Russia, except for the Kyrgyz steppes. In the summer of 1898, three Mishar teachers from the Karsun district of the Simbirsk province came to Kazan for teaching courses, one of whom brought a piece of Japanese fabric to sew a robe in Kazan. This material was purchased from farriers visiting Japan and China.
It turns out that Mishar farriers, going deep into Asia, end up in China and Japan, from where they bring various kinds of Asian fabrics and carpets, which are sold here as a rarity at high prices.
In the summer of 1899, the Mishars of the Karsun district of the Simbirsk province, visiting the Amur region, asked the government for access to Sakhalin Island, but this was not allowed to them.
In the provinces of Simbirsk, Samara and Kazan, the Mishars are also involved in horse stealing, and display remarkable courage, resourcefulness and patience. These are supposed to be the remnants of the former equestrian prowess. We see the same passion for horse stealing among the Kyrgyz and Kalmyks. In the west of Tsivilsky and Buinsky districts there are Mishar villages, the inhabitants of which are completely engaged in this shameful trade. Gangs of horse thieves are always well organized, if not from one village, then from several villages - two or three people each; They usually meet at bazaars and fairs. In the neighborhood of the Mishars, or simply due to a misunderstanding, this vice is attributed to the Kazan Tatars, while among them horse stealing is very a rare event. In the Vyatka province, where herds walk without a shepherd in fenced fields and forests, horse theft is also a rare occurrence.
Mishari have a special predilection for animal foods rather than plant foods. My favorite meats are lamb and horse meat sausage. Only old and emaciated horses are slaughtered; the foal is never slaughtered. But the Tatars, on the contrary, slaughter fat horses and often fatten them with stillage, where there are distilleries; A lot of small foals are cut to free the uterus during field work.

The Mishars do not have national Tatar holidays, such as Sabantuy (the holiday of the plow), Zein - summer entertainment holidays in May and June. However, in some places, due to Tatar influence, Sabantuy and the Mishars celebrate.
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VII. About the suit.

The costume of the Mishars, both men and women, is the same Tatar, but they wear clothes of a more ancient form.
From the information delivered to E. A. Malov by Tatar S. A. regarding the uniform, the following is clear: “the clothes of the Mishars are like the clothes of old times, new fashion They dont have". Among the Kazan Tatars, the form often changes, as among a trading people who have constant relations with different peoples. E. A. Malov says that the clothes of the Mishars are simple, of an ancient cut, and not the exquisite clothes of the Mohammedan form. E. A. noticed that the Mishars, like the Russians, have red or variegated shirts, that is, red and blue checkered patterns.
In some places (provinces of Penza, Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod and Simbirsk) men's suit Mishars show a Russian-village influence, for example, sometimes Mishars wear a Russian sheepskin coat, Russian hats, boots with wide tops or Russian bast shoes."
The Tatars have both male and female women's suit V Lately Russian urban influence began to be noticed.
The misharka's headband has a special shape, completely similar to the Kyrgyz one. First, they wrap the head in a veil (tastar), and tie a scarf over it, opening the ends at the back, like a turban. This feature of the headband of misharkas was also pointed out by E. A. Malov and Cheremshansky. I. N. Smirnov noticed that, due to the influence of the Mishars, Moksha women wear the same form of headdress.
Misharkas do not wear caps or hats; Tatar women often wear white felt hats during field work, and on holidays and when visiting they wear hats with a beaver band, sometimes decorated with braiding on top. However, the gaudy decoration of hats is already going out of fashion among the Tatars. The hat is given as a bride price from the groom, and is recorded in the metric number among other outfits.
The Misharkas have their own national camisole - a kind of outer dress with short skirts, sleeves up to the elbows, an open collar, and a pleated waist. The camisole is fastened with only one clasp, more of a silver one, the front edges only touching and not covering each other. We see exactly the same camisole among the Kirghiz and Nogai Tatars (in the provinces of Orenburg and Astrakhan). Tatar women also wear a camisole, but not like this, without folds and without sleeves, the collar is slightly open, the front edges cover each other. The Tatar camisole is usually warm (lined with fur), and is also given as a bridesmaid.
The Mishars wear knitted stockings, while the Tatars and Chuvashs wear cloth white stockings.
The Kostroma Mishars have nothing national left except the headband of women, who can only be distinguished from Russian women by this outfit.
The costume of the Mishars in the provinces of Orenburg and Ufa, judging by the descriptions of Cheremshansky, does not differ at all from the costume of the Bashkirs and Tatars of that region.


Among Russian scientists, there is an opinion that the current Mishars or Meshcheryaks, as they are called in Russian literature, come from the Finnish Meshchera tribe, who lived on the Oka and its tributaries.
This assumption, based solely on the name "Mishar" and the disappearance of Meshchera, needs scientific verification. The literature about the Mishars is extremely poor; no one has studied the language and life of this people, which is why they meet common mistakes and inaccuracies in the few available sources.
The bare name "Mishar", of course, is not enough to determine the nationality of this tribe, since neighboring peoples often give each other erroneous names, for example, the Kirghiz call the Bashkirs Ostyaks (istak), the Meadow Cheremis call the Tatars Chuvash (Suas), Votyaks they call them bigers (biger), the Chuvash call the Kirghiz nogai (nogai), and the Kirghiz themselves generally call the Volga Tatars by this name, the Altai Kalmyks call the Russians Cossacks (Cossack). The disappeared Meshchera tribe was of the same origin as the Mordovians, and in Russian chronicles it is constantly mentioned together with the Mordovians and Cheremis.
Mordovians, like other Volga Finns, have led a sedentary life since ancient times and from time immemorial have been engaged in arable farming, beekeeping, animal hunting and fishing.
The Mishars not only have no inclination towards these branches of the economy (except for agriculture), but there are absolutely no words in the language related to these industries. And their agriculture is much more advanced worse condition than among the Mordovians and other foreigners of the Volga region. The Mordovians, like other Finns, have no nomadic character at all, which is preserved quite fresh among the Mishars.
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If the assumption about the origin of the current Mishars from the Meshchera is considered reliable, then by the influence of what people could this Tatarism be so quickly and finally Finnish tribe? In the language of the Kazan Tatars, as the closest Turkic neighbors of Meshchera, we do not notice some phonetic features of the Mishar dialect and a lot of its words and Turkic archaisms, found only in the dialects of the Siberian Tatars, who never came into contact with Meshchera.
The question arises: due to what favorable circumstances were other neighbors and fellow tribesmen of the Meshchers (Mordovians and Cheremis) not subjected to the same fate and remaining, as it were, isolated from the Tatars? Meanwhile, the Mordvins (Moksha), still occupying their historical places (and in the region of Meshchera, as the name of the river - Moksha) shows, is a permanent neighbor of the Mishars in the provinces of Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Tambov, Simbirsk, etc. How can we explain, finally? the very type of Turkic among the current Mishars and where could they have so many Murzas and princes?
The Mishars consider themselves Tatars, the Kirghiz call them Nogai (Nogai), the Kazan Tatars claim that they are of Turkish origin; other foreigners and the Russian people call them Tatars indifferently.
The language and the names of populated places derived from it prove that this nomadic people Turkic race, which emerged from Central Asia at a relatively late time. Their own legends and some historical data say that these are fragments of the Golden Horde.
Personal names and surnames derived from them also serve to some extent as indicators of their Tatar origin.
By type, the Mishars belong to the Turkic race and have more similarities, for example, with Crimean Tatars and even remote Yakuts.
Their occupations, morals and customs are nomadic in nature and are similar to those of the Kyrgyz.
The women's costume is of purely Asian origin and is completely similar to the Kyrgyz and Nogai.
The totality of all this data excludes the possibility of a Finnish origin of the current Mishars and serves as irrefutable evidence of their Turkic origin. I came to the deep conviction that these were representatives of a more numerous and once powerful tribe, precisely the descendants of those nomads of Asia who in the 13th century poured into Europe across the Ural River and established themselves on Akhtuba under the name of the Golden Horde. After the collapse of the last part of this tribe, led by Tsarevich Kasim, in the middle of the 15th century established itself on the Oka River and began to be called after the main city of Meshchera, where their leader Kasim settled. Another significant part, which wandered for a long time and was known under the general name Nogaits, after the conquest of the kingdoms of Kazan and Astrakhan, gradually established itself in the current provinces of Samara, Saratov, Simbirsk, Penza and the southern part of Kazan, when the region began to be populated by Russians. When the complete dominance of the Russians on the Volga was established, various circumstances forced Muslim foreigners (Tatars and Mishars) to move to Bashkiria, where they live to this day. And also many Tatar princes and Murzas with their squads came out of the Horde into Russian service at various times. This entire element is currently called mishar.

VII. About the name Mishar.

Turkic tribes have a custom of calling themselves and their neighbors by the names of leaders (Uzbek, Nogai, Chagatai, etc.), or by the names of populated places. For example, the Turks generally call Russians by the name “Moskov”; the Volga Bulgars were also known by their main city. The Mishari of the Nizhny Novgorod province call the Tatars by the name “Kazan”, the Astrakhan Nogai call them “Kazan”. The Mishar Murzas in the Ufa province are known in Bashkiria under the name “Toman” as they came from Temnikov in the Tambov province. The Mishari of the Ryazan province generally call themselves “KaciM”, and the city of Kasimov is called “Kirman”.
In the cities of Moscow and Astrakhan there live many Mishars from the Nizhny Novgorod province, who are generally known under the name “Nizhny Novgorod,” as they call themselves. The city of Kasimov, before its occupation by the Tatars, was called “Meshchera”, as well as “Meshchera town”. The name of the founder of the new settlers (Kasim) gradually replaced ancient name, which later passed on to the people who lived in it (and in its region). The Kazan Tatars imposed this name without distinction on all the Volga Tatars, who spoke one common dialect.


Tell me what are you trying to prove to me and why?

That the Tatars are brothers to the Russians and Finno-Ugric peoples?